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Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Lost Love

There was a girl whose heart felt so cold;
Her true story has never been told.
With her head full of dreams, she walked the streets;
She dreamed of having the world at her feet.

She was trying to live on the razors edge;
She appeared from nowhere and left me for dead.
Screaming from a wonderland inside my head,
Came the sound of a frightened animal so easily lead.

I am an animal lost in loves wilderness,
Begging for another chance to be blessed.
She may be gone, but she is always inside me.
She cleared away the bad memories the bleach couldn’t reach.

This isn’t a day for suicide,
This is a day to rejoice and say “I’m alive!”.
Love echoes inside each and every one of us;
Even angels cry tears of love into dust.

Now I’ve got you under my skin in the summertime;
Nailed perfectly inside my heart and mind.
Love is born to die with no time on our side,
We rush along so blind in search of loves light.

Free love is my drug and love is endless;
Now love will be reborn and I have found a long forgotten happiness.

(C)2012 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
Lost soul.

Time is screaming; wish I was dreaming.
I am fading and you will only forget about me.
No more singing, no more playing;
No more laughing…I never took the time to live.
We fade away if we live as ghosts;
Our empty souls leave us without hope.

A hollow knight’s armour; a book without contents;
Counting years; too soon to reach the end.
The sky no longer has a sun and I am without love;
I have seen the full stop and I have been left emotionally stunned.

Until this point, there was no point.
Only now do I wish I could always make the right choice.
All my choices used up; all cures do not exist.
My voice has been lost;
Words upon the wind…
No exit strategy.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Dec 2018
Lost warrior

There is a grave where my heart was once in peace.
It has been used and consumed, taken piece by piece.
Now the hands that want to take my only happiness,
Reach into the black hole inside my chest.
They are searching for what remains of my soul.
They want every part of me, for then I will have to go.
They want to see me gone.
They want the last remnants; they want to silence my song.
To be a fading memory that people knew him once.
I am trapped in misery, for I have become undone.
This life I now live,
Oh this life and all it is;
This life, has been, no good for me.

All I have to give is that I give you my all,
But sometimes please I could just give it all up and fall.
I say I can no longer try to impress.
I have taken too much already I confess.
I can never be happy again, for I have no love to my name.
I only know of the same heart ache, the scars that flower my grave.

This stain remains where once there stood a mighty guardian.
The last believer in true love now stands alone in this garden.
Now all I see are dead wreathes and winter-bitten trees.
The weeds have destroyed everything that I ever held dear to me.
Life costs too much to ever pay for your mistakes.
My redemption fire is a taxation day.

There is no way to change for my train only goes forward,
Into blackness, life with no foreword.
I missed the stop, excuse my tardy arrival,
In this vastness of sea and sand, I am fighting for survival,
And the many dunes I have already crossed,
Show the gravedigger has already chosen my plot.

Devil on one shoulder, mute angel his reflection.
Cannot hear either of them reflecting on genuflection.
They give no good advice, a route to joy I cannot device.
So I crawl on my hands and knees throughout this life.
Screaming at the world, give me peace, love and empathy!
Nobody listens; listen to me!
The sound of the wind reads my fears in audible quotes.
A hopeful cry will be a silent sound, this lost warrior knows.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Lost without you

We cried a thousand tears in love;
I had never cried these tears before.
In my youth, everything seemed to be such fun,
But since the end of love, no feeling seems so sure.

So confident of paying the rent;
So sure to get that job we want.
So sure to lose all the money in the end;
The debt to love took us down to one.

Free from love, I can find no way to smile;
Inside I am a bullet train going off the rails.
I am heading into the darkness and mile after mile,
There is no hope left but to fail.

The shattered memories are never fixed;
The thoughts we lost along the way.
The stepping stones of life that lead to this;
The pattern of a fate, where I decided to stay.

I left half a heart with you;
I left my last kiss there too.
I left and walked out of that door
And all I have left is not being sure.

A step into the unknown room;
A place I have never seen inside my head.
No hand to hold, to keep me safe;
Lost without you…a lifetime of regrets.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

Love; the possibilities.
Love; and all that could have been.
Love; it’s all you need it to be.
Love; it has a hold of me.

If love could become all I wish it had been,
Would love still have the same meaning?
If love is really all you need,
Then why will love not last for me?

Love; the thing dreams are made of.
Love; you must give it all you have got.
Love; a memory that can never be forgotten.
Love; the two of us have already been chosen.

This love is still the same to me;
Your love is my everything and you are my perfect melody.
This love will last for eternity.
This love for you has been born inside of me.

Love; the cherished beauty and the unforgiving beast.
Love; a starving hearts lifelong feast.
Love; alone no more in this place of peace.
Love; the greatest love stories are tragedies.

Love at first sight can last for a lifetime.
Our love can grow deep within our hearts and minds.
Love can be lost, but still love we are trying to find.
No-one truly gives up on love, so why would I?

Love; the Holy Grail and the saving grace.
Love; a beautiful mind and a beautiful face.
Love; the end of the search and the happiest day.
Love; it is all we require, so love me truly and I shall feel the same way.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

Love; the possibilities.
Love; and all that could have been.
Love; it’s all you need it to be.
Love; it has a hold of me.

If love could become all I wish it had been,
Would love still have the same meaning?
If love is really all you need,
Then why will love not last for me?

Love; the thing dreams are made of.
Love; you must give it all you have got.
Love; a memory that can never be forgotten.
Love; the two of us have already been chosen.

This love is still the same to me;
Your love is my everything and you are my perfect melody.
This love will last for eternity.
This love for you has been born inside of me.

Love; the cherished beauty and the unforgiving beast.
Love; a starving hearts lifelong feast.
Love; alone no more in this place of peace.
Love; the greatest love stories are tragedies.

Love at first sight can last for a lifetime.
Our love can grow deep within our hearts and minds.
Love can be lost, but still love we are trying to find.
No-one truly gives up on love, so why would I?

Love; the Holy Grail and the saving grace.
Love; a beautiful mind and a beautiful face.
Love; the end of the search and the happiest day.
Love; it is all we require, so love me truly and I shall feel the same way.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Love, actually.

You are beautiful;
What more do you need?
Anything else I can say, would be so cliché,
So I will just tell you what would make me happy and hope you believe.

I want you tonight, in bed by my side;
Then I want you to stay in bed with me, the following night.
I want to hold your hand when we walk down the street;
I want to look forward to the next time we meet.

I want honesty, but only if it is positive.
I want to become happy with you;
Maybe you could help me to achieve it.
I want to remember our time together when I die;
I don’t want to have to try and forget you,
When I find out that you have told me another lie.

I want to be in love and I think I could be with you.
I want the total agony of being in love!
I want a lover that can actually stay true.

I want you to be passionate and to have me on your mind.
I would be happy if I heard you say, that I am yours and you are mine.
I can be with you if you want and if not, then I never cared anyway;
I will not try to remain cool, when you are bored and walk away.

Let love be real and not a fiction of what it should be;
If love is all we need, then let your eyes gaze upon me.
Picture us together and if you like what you see,
Then say those words we all long to hear;
Yes I will, if you want to, I guess, what do you foresee?

I’m bored of being bored and need the excitement of your touch;
I’m sick of being lovesick and I am awaiting your kiss.
I’m a lover of love, who needs a lover to love;
It sure would be nice to be loved by somebody,
So what do you think?

The language of love is too often miss-understood;
Let the fools also gain insight into the secrets of winning a heart.
Silence is not golden to two people in search of love;
If you can see past the idiot that I portray,
Maybe you could find underneath that I could be smart.

Smart of thought and smart of dress;
I will try my best to never buy you a dress.
My taste in fashion is clear for all to see;
So here’s the cash, buy what you want, I will simply smile and agree.

If only I could, I would fall headlong into your arms.
Your beauty is blinding me; your words are guiding me
And you are my sun and my stars.
If we are forever only looking through the looking glass,
Then what exactly will we have done?
If nothing is all I can do, when thinking about you;
Then what will become of our love?

Forever apart and only drifting further;
If it is not possible to love me, then what hope for our future?
Go find a lesser love and be almost-happy together
And just forget you ever met me;
I was only meant to be your destined suitor.

In sadness let’s leave this whole love notion behind;
Let all others find their lovers and I will find happiness inside myself.
When I see you with each other, I will not even cry;
I will not even whisper bitter words under my breath;
I will only wish you well.

You can have all the regrets; I will easily forget.
I will move on and let go of your love and walk off into the sun.
In our golden years, you can be the one, who thinks,
Maybe he could have been the best.
You can be the one with the love at last sight;
You have already become my gun.

A bullet through my heart, now inside me love is dead;
The lost image of you is gone forever, always, until the end.
I will just be eternally grateful for all the time we had to spend,
With each other moving along this ill-fated journey of let’s pretend.

If this love is not meant to be, then que sera, sera;
We all have many loves in our life time
And I never said you were the one.
Maybe my next love will find me,
Maybe I could build myself a new heart;
As I wave goodbye to your memory and all your faults,
You will turn your back upon our love and I will simply be gone.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Love Bullet

Neither love, nor death,
Nor weakness or strength,
Could stop these words of love,
From leaving with my breath.

These words I must speak,
For you have inspired me,
To speak of love and lust.
To once more argue the case for your trust.

Your love is the bullet I shoot into my veins.
I take your heart inside of me, to ease our pains.
You **** me slowly from within,
It feels like Heaven; let this never end.

My scandalous siren of mischief and naughtiness,
You crash into me and spin the world backwards;
Clockwise, Anti Christ, Upside Down;
My senses go sideways and my head stands on the ground.

You pick me up with a word like love,
So once more I can stand before you
And beg for your touch.
Love me and I am yours until the end;
All I ask, is you tell me when I am not enough.

Or kiss me and I shall rejoice in your presence;
From morning through to daybreak
And until we are each taken to Heaven.

I can only feel warmth,
When you are there to be seen,
Before I must perform.
Distracting them from my dark heart,
With your pure love, light hearted, shine of a star.
You allow me to do this;
For without your love,
This would have soon all just have been forgotten.

So I shall move the Earth for you
And bring the Sun a little closer to your view,
Because sometimes you look grumpy, without my love;
There is no need for you to be lonely or sad…
Come here and receive your free hug.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Love cloud

There you lie in a cloud of love forever;
Live your life and live it well.
I hope you find somebody else inside your heart one day;
But it will never be me, because I am hiding in my shell.

Live the day you loved the most;
Smoke away a life and embrace the fall, as you do the rise.
They can try their best to make you want to give up and go;
But you can only be stopped from falling in love, if you decide.

I have already decided to give up on finding love;
I have tried and I have tried and still it does not exist.
It has become my white whale, my loch ness monster;
My long wait for the sight of a white dove.
How can I go on searching, when life has taught me to give it a miss?

She says hold onto me tightly; I’ve been waiting a while,
For you to change your mind and to raise a smile.
To find love is our reason for existence.
Who would have thought we could ever have made it?
Allow me to accept that love is as good as they tell me it is.
She is a different kind of high; she is made of pure bliss.

It is because of you, that I grow angel wings;
So I can carry you up into our love cloud in the sky.
Inside my heart, a little love drum beats,
To the sound of your heart; we are so in sync,
That I think with you I will always be able to fly.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Love connection

I feel there is a connection between us
And it needs to be explored as soon as possible.
I need a symbiotic relationship with someone I can truly trust;
So will you tell me please, if my desire for you is feasible?

I met you once upon a time, a long time ago,
In a faraway place where the good times flowed.
I have travelled for miles to be with here with you
And I will continue to wonder, until you tell me, what I need to know.

If there is someone out there that you already love,
The please tell me now, so I can move on without you.
If you think, maybe, I could be the one you want to hug,
Then tell me and I will bring your chocolates to a rendezvous.

I cannot be backwards in coming forwards,
Because the reward could be love and that would be stupendous!
All I want to hear are those important three words;
I love you!  Not now, later; maybe we should just date first.

You are Heaven sent; I am trying to be benevolent.
Heart ache is violent and I can no longer remain silent.
I must tell you how I feel because I can’t get no satisfaction.
If this attraction is just a distraction,
Then I shall leave you in peace
And find someone else who wants to make a love connection.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Love does not know my name

No memories.
I have forgotten all those things that we said.
No time machine,
To bring back those times;
Those good times we shared inside my head.

I never did grow up or find a love worth all the trying.
I never did get better with time; I hate always crying.
I never did change;
I’m still the same.
I’m still the same as I ever was
And I have no face.
I’m just another unknown;
I am unknown to love.
Love does not know my name,
But my need to find love has never gone away.

Please give me a name;
Let me become a somebody to someone.
Please give me a change.
A chance to show that I could be something somebody really wants.

If I am without a name,
Then what will become of all the poetry that I wrote?
If I live in vain;
Why is there no way to overload?
This love burden I have,
It weighs me down…
And I am just a man.

Fix me with her.
Fix me up or knock me to my knees.
Give me a shot;
Just one more chance to find a way to breathe.

If I have no name,
Then how will I ever find my way back home?
If I have no name,
Then tell me what do you think they will write upon my resting stone?

No time machine…
Time never heals an empty head.
No memories…
Only love can ever help me to find myself again.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Love drug

There is a wonder drug.

Its name is love;

But there is no God,

Up above.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
Loved Up

I need no eyes to see your beauty.
I need no nose to smell your scent.
For I already know your body,
As it is pictured inside my head.

You smelt so good the first time we met
To look at you is to view a Goddess.
I willingly worship your body for it is Heaven sent.
I shall never forget your loving caress.

Your face is branded on my heart
And my soul is in your hands.
My woman I may not be there with you now,
But you are with me, always on my mind.

You quench my thirst for lust, I fill you up
And I shall always remember your touch.
Your kiss is bliss, your ******* are the best
And my thoughts towards you I could never confess.
For blue they would be
And green with envy would be the priest,
If I told him what I thought and what you let me feel.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Dec 2018
Love gives

Love evokes memories long since forgotten.
Love lifts us up when life leaves us rock bottom.
Love gives us strength when we feel we have none.
Love shows us how we feel in a new or old song.

Love is just a word, but it means so much to all.
Love is my reason to rise when I fall.
Love gives so much and asks so little of us.
Love survives when two people truly trust.

Love can be gone in a second or a word.
Love cannot be lost without regret.
Love is the greatest thing on this world.
Love is lying next to you in our bed.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Love is a calling

Let me be the Romeo you need in this hour;
Let me be the one to bring you flowers.
Let me stand hand in hand with you beneath the shower;
With you in my sight, I could never be dour.

If love is the game, then by all means play on!
In film, in poetry, in life and in song!
Let hatred be scorched and banished from loves eyes;
Be joyous!  Be happy!  Don’t worry or despise.

For u2 shall find love, if you wait a while;
If all else fails, love will help you raise a smile.
I bring good tidings to the empty of empathy
And I spread love all around.
Love can never become a bullet, a paintball maybe;
The laws of nature leave love and happiness, eternally bound.

We are all seekers of love and love forever evolves;
Loves existence cannot be denied, even in the coldest of souls.
Every foot on the planet is hoping to move forwards towards love;
So who are you to give up?
Love is waiting out there for you to give it a hug.

Love loves to hug;
Love loves to be loved.
Love is waiting;
Love is a calling.
Lovers love to love.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Love is a lie

Love is a creation used to excuse a person’s mistakes.
Words of love are falsely used in a deceitful way.
You allow them to lie to you because of love again.
Love is a way out of a dead end broken truth.
Love has us all under its spell…today’s love is just like yesterday.

We are all entrapped by a word without meaning.
We are all the same and we are all blind to rational thinking.
We are all condemned to keep on believing.
Love is our punishment and love stops us leaving.

Love is a drug that can never keep us fully satisfied.
It feeds on us, it drains us and it makes us cry.
It leaves us in pieces every time we see love walking away
And the very next page of this book of love, life and lies,
We are back on our knee’s begging to be loved again.

Love can ruin the happiest of days.
Love cannot be trusted; love is a cage around our brain.
Love is a sentence, a memory; it comes and it goes.
Love is misery, love is sadness.
Love is all that I want and still not one part of it do I know.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Love is a lightning bolt

This lightning bolt of love struck my heart in a flash;
Immediately I knew that you were the one.
From the first time is saw you, I would never give that image back;
There you were, hiding behind your smile, with your make up on.

I feel you every time we are apart;
I feel there is a place for you inside my heart.
I feel I have always been drifting alone in the dark;
I have loved you from the very start.

Can you feel the rain fall down all around us?
Can you hear the pain in my voice?
I am calling out for you in the thunder storms;
Come back into my arms, so I can rejoice.

Everybody needs somebody to love,
So never give up on love.
Love bursts from your heart from babe until dust;
Lay with me under linen sheets and I will be all yours.

It is always tough to be in love,
But it is always worth the fight.
The flowers at your feet could never be good enough.
They could never match your beauty or the aroma of your scent;
They could never be as beautiful as your eyes.

I think, I know, I want to lose myself with you my darling.
You swept into my heart like a knife through butter
And the shield I used to wear has now been disregarded.

Your love is sent from up above,
So I will cherish your heart like I cherish your love.
In a café in Paris we could have fallen in love,
If only we had taken our chances when we did.
We could have been in love before…
Do you remember that time in Spain?  It began all this.

I have travelled the world just out of reach of your footsteps;
You were always one step ahead.
But you are the one I will never forget;
Our love is just the morning…let this day never end.

Love is the best thing that we can do,
So I will continue to love you.
In your beautiful soul, I find myself lost for words

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Love is all I want.

There is no time to be without love.
Throughout space there is only dust.
It is the remains of what once was;
But now it is only lost to us.

No reason for the loss.
Oh, this love was lost at such a cost.
The end of love is a super nova explosion of two diamonds in the sky.
Love is all I want…
Eternally we must search,
Throughout our lives and in every universe.

From galaxies and beyond the stars;
With love we come so far!
As still, without a love, we are going nowhere.
It is here I stand, but here I still am; if you care
And if she only knew the truth about this love,
Then she would still be there….

…No fear of adultery can tear this love apart.
No other love can have my heart,
For she is all I need to be complete;
She is the oxygen that I breathe.

Love will last forever,
But will she forever love me?
No God’s above can rule this love;
We are inseparable.
No whispered thoughts can end our world;
There is no fear of love, for love can change it all.

This world is ready and waiting for love.
No other true love could ruin us,
For we are truly in love!
And we could have it all!
If you believe in me, then you will see,
That you are the only one who can revolve my world.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
Love is all that matters

Love is such a wonderful feeling,
Love is what keeps you day dreaming.
Love is just knowing, how you feel for me.
Love is a blind belief.
Love is what makes us become all we can be.
Love is what makes you come back to me.

Love is something to kiss-chase after.
Love is the thing that brings us laughter.
Love is something that makes us remember.
Love is a wish to be this joyful forever.

Love is someone you can depend upon, sealed with a kiss.
Love is a leap of faith, but it is worth the risk.
Love is better than any high.
Love gets you through all the hard times.
Love is hearing a song that can make you cry,
Because of how happy it makes you feel inside.

Love lets us lead our lives the way we wish to.
Love is what brings me running back to you.
Love is just lying here with you forgetting the world.
Love is what keeps us lying here not wanting to move.

Love is the thing that’s makes us lose our independence.
Love is the thing that enables us to trust.
Love is ignoring their flatulence.
Love is ignoring all their faults.

Love is something to lose.
Love is all the little things.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2018
Love is a *****

Lovers are doomed from the start.
Unrequited love has destroyed my heart.
If you are one of the lucky ones,
You may get to fall in love until they cheat and you are done.
They get to continue being happy while you die;
They start again straight after with another guy.
Yes your heart will completely shatter,
But let’s face it, you never even mattered.

People fall in and out of love depending on who they are with.
Married people are an embarrassment;
Especially those who are raising kids.
The mother doesn’t know who the real father is;
Oh you make me feel so sick!

I want to get married;
Ha, it’s a tragedy in the making,
Because while wedding bells are ringing,
People are texting and later faking.
Another fool who believes in love.
Love ***** because nobody is good enough,
For anybody, anymore.
Everybody is somebodies *****.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Love is eclectic

Love is eclectic;
Fire heart;
Lone star…

Love is a gesture.
Open doors;
Pull back the chair for,
The romance of it all.

Love is a question.
Would you like?
Do you feel alike?
Will you become my bride?

Love is patience.
Try on clothes.
Wait by the phone.
Save up to buy a home.

Love is endless.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Love is gone

All the times that we had, like a star they explode.
Now they are to stay gone and you are no longer all that I know.
What I need; what I had.  It is all gone into the past.
Like a piece of history, she is gone and she is never coming back.

It was us until the end and now we are not even friends;
Just an ex on a life map and there is no turning back.
There is no way to recall all the love that is now on the floor.
Shattered dreams are all gone and now all I can hear is our song.

Now I just keep on playing it on repeat;
I keep a piece of you inside of me and I have lost a piece of me.
We were broken by three and now we will never be.
Just a memory of what we were;
Just the fading traces of our lost love.
Just a painful heartache;
This result feels so unjust.

All the love that we shared
And all those times I thought I would never forget;
All those memories I wanted to keep inside my head.
They are all gone now…

We cannot say what we want to tell each other,
Without sounding mean.
It was meant to be you and me;
Now we have lost out on everything.

All the pictures I will delete;
I do not want a single memory.
Not a thought of you to cross my mind.  
My mind is made; we have had our time
And if I could turn back time,
I would take back some of the words that I said;
But I just cannot forget,
What we have lost…
Now this love is dead.

They say move on with your life,
But I cannot because you were my life
And now I stand here alone,
With your number still on my phone.
If I do press delete, then you are truly gone
And this is truly it.
I wish it didn’t have to be,
But it must, but still…no delete.
My finger waits over your name;
I could remove all my pain,
But still I cannot remove you from me.

Now all love is in the past, afar, just as you are
And as I walk down the street, I see you talking in a bar,
With a smile on your face, with another man in my place.
Oh my God, I hate this day!
Why could I not just find a way,
To give you what you needed from me?  
It was never me that you needed.

It was him or anyone else; I am simply gone.
I am now lost in my own nightmares.
I only wish that you could still care;
But you no longer do, so I say you never did.
This does not heal my love;
It is truly broken,
Because I am so stupid.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Love is gone

All the times that we had, like a star they explode.
Now they are to stay gone and you are no longer all that I know.
What I need; what I had.  It is all gone into the past.
Like a piece of history, she is gone and she is never coming back.

It was us until the end and now we are not even friends;
Just an ex on a life map and there is no turning back.
There is no way to recall all the love that is now on the floor.
Shattered dreams are all gone and now all I can hear is our song.

Now I just keep on playing it on repeat;
I keep a piece of you inside of me and I have lost a piece of me.
We were broken by three and now we will never be.
Just a memory of what we were;
Just the fading traces of our lost love.
Just a painful heartache;
This result feels so unjust.

All the love that we shared
And all those times I thought I would never forget;
All those memories I wanted to keep inside my head.
They are all gone now…

We cannot say what we want to tell each other,
Without sounding mean.
It was meant to be you and me;
Now we have lost out on everything.

All the pictures I will delete;
I do not want a single memory.
Not a thought of you to cross my mind.  
My mind is made; we have had our time
And if I could turn back time,
I would take back some of the words that I said;
But I just cannot forget,
What we have lost…
Now this love is dead.

They say move on with your life,
But I cannot because you were my life
And now I stand here alone,
With your number still on my phone.
If I do press delete, then you are truly gone
And this is truly it.
I wish it didn’t have to be,
But it must, but still…no delete.
My finger waits over your name;
I could remove all my pain,
But still I cannot remove you from me.

Now all love is in the past, afar, just as you are
And as I walk down the street, I see you talking in a bar,
With a smile on your face, with another man in my place.
Oh my God, I hate this day!
Why could I not just find a way,
To give you what you needed from me?  
It was never me that you needed.

It was him or anyone else; I am simply gone.
I am now lost in my own nightmares.
I only wish that you could still care;
But you no longer do, so I say you never did.
This does not heal my love;
It is truly broken,
Because I am so stupid.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Love is in bloom.

You kissed my mind like your lips were a fist.
I want to make you mine, because if love is this,
Then count me in.

I’m locked with you, no pretending.
So punk!  
Attitude has come and gone.
You are my non-blonde and I hear you going for a song
And if you want to get it on, then give me a bell
And I will ring it twice.
Please do not see me as nice,
Because I want you to think, let’s get it on!

Come tell me how I can get with you.
What will it take?  Can you see a way through,
To a way you could fall in love with me?
What do you need me to be?

I can be your true desire if you set alight those eyes of fire,
With words of love; find your way into lifting me up,
With promises never broken.
You and I could be if you trust and allow your heart to be stolen.

Let’s connect the dots, draw a line through our past.
Our future together starts now; no turning back.
A bolt from the blue, stuck me with you.
Together at last, now love is in bloom.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Love is just the start.

My heart has a fracture, but time heals all wounds;
I don’t know what comes after, but the pain shall be soothed.
No bandage can fully repair, but we find comfort in care;
Without a love to share, we suffer from the idea of despair.

Injured feelings come and go, the blood still pumps through the veins;
We have to feel the hurt to truly know what true love means.
Go in search of your King and become my Queen;
In our land of dreams, we are free, with each other to need.

Love shall cure the broken hearts;
Love will tear your heart apart, to begin again without regret.
Love will give life and meaning to your heart.
Love is just the start;
Love will breathe oxygen into your last dying breath.

The beginning of a new life, the ending of loneliness;
The start your heart craves, to once more beat inside your chest.
You are blessed by their love; it is a gift you now possess.
Love is worth all the stress,
Because with love you are able to find true happiness.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Mar 2019
Love is more beautiful than beautiful

Love is the only word more beautiful, than beautiful.
Would you rather have ‘You’re beautiful’ or ‘You are Love’.

Love, loved, falling in love; ****** lovely!
Loving, loves; madly, deeply, truly.

Lover, gloves, Love Bug.
Love drug, love life.  All you need is love.

Love, love, love, love, love is all you shall ever need.
You are lovely; ****** lovely!  
You are loved; Love Bug lover’s amity.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Love is my nicotine

In a world of material girls, I don’t need a thing.
There is no possession I could not live without,
As long as I could still write and hear people sing.
Music is everywhere, so I know that people care,
But as for my things?  Money is not needed there.

Cigarettes, no alcohol.  My addiction is to you.  
Well, well, I am not well.
I need love and the stories that I tell.
I could happily walk in broken shoes if you were at my journey’s end.
If you were there until the end, I would walk until the end.

In a world so shallow and where Sponge Bob is so self-absorbed,
I only need one love, to be adored,
To drive me forward,
To inspire my need to write new words, or clarity thoughts.

Love is my nicotine; love is my sunscreen.
You protect me from me and my apathy.
If you love me always, then I will be happy in all ways.
If you hold me next to you this day,
I will drift away
And when I awake beside your smile,
I will begin again.
One step towards this endless mile.
This adventure together,
United by love forever and ever and ever.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Love is my reason

Love defines a person.
Love finds you when you need it to.
Love is my reason.
I hope you find your reason too.

What is your reason?
What makes you truly feel alive?
Love is in season.
Let the sun shine.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Mar 2019
Love is my religion

Love is my religion;
It asks for no more.
It is what it is;
Nothing is for sure.

It may not exist,
But imagine if it did!
You could be my Queen and I your King
And in a different dimension,
This joke could become serious thinking.

Thinking about love;
Ah the delusions.
Another delirious fool painting illusions.
Surely there is no such a thing as love at first sight?  
That would not be right.
It’s right where you stand, where you are, what you see.
I am here, all yours, if you want me.

Is it love at first sight,
Or love on twelfth night?
Or is it twenty, maybe fifty, or maybe the thousandth time?
Is it a year or more and who are you to tell me how to worship?
Get out of here and go back to your version of it.

It does not exist inside my head… yet.
There is no chance of conversion.
Try your best to convert me, you are preaching to the converted,
But our ideas are very different,
Because I’m worth it and you are a lesser version.

My soul already sold in exchange for hope.
Pandora has awoken; I’m a cloud of smoke,
A conjuror's trick, this love thing stinks!
Until you have it
And then it is magic!

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Love is not unconditional

Love is not unconditional,
Love is not unconditional,
Love is not unconditional.
Even love has laws;
Yeah even love has laws.

And if there’s just one thing to learn today,
If there’s just one thing you should hear.
Then let’s hope you remain faithful,
Then I will remain near.
But if you break loves laws, by breaking my heart,
Then you and I and love itself, will sadly have to part.

No love is made here anymore,
No love is made here anymore,
No love is made here anymore.
It’s just a fading memory, a thing I once thought.

All the things we never did,
All the words we never said.
All the ******* we have to deal with,
All the times we could never forget.

All I wanted to be, was inside your heart,
All I wanted to be, was inside your heart,
All I wanted to be, was inside your heart;
But you smashed us in two and broke our love apart.

Love, love, love, love, love is dead.
Love, love, love, love, love is dead.
Love, love, love, love, love is dead.
Love is dead, inside my bed and my head.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Love is the best…

The best thing we as a species do,
Is that we fall in love.
We can make all the pieces fit together,
But without love there is no complete jigsaw.

You can have all the money in the world,
But money can’t buy my love.
My heart is not for sale, but I will give it away,
The day I realise I have met my lady-love.

She will be my reason to get in to or out of bed.
She will make me complete.
She will cure me and leave me without breath.
She will be the only one I can see.
If it is true love, she will always be the only one I truly need,
To help me in my hour of need;
To help me build a family.
To help me reach my dreams.

Love is the best thing we as a species do,
So I will wait for you.
Temporary comes and goes,
But I want permanent; that is all that I know.

From now until the very end,
No more time left to pretend.
No fiction, only fact;
I want a love that lasts.

Fear of commitment?
Deal with it, or leave.
Eyes for another?
Goodbye lover.

‘til death do us part,
Or you will never get my heart.
This is just the start
And it could be the start of something beautiful,
If you are truly truthful.

If you want unfaithful,
Then choose another, sit at another table
And we will all be very grateful.
I will only be with one;
Anything less is not true love.
Two or more and all you will see is the door.
One chance,
No chance,
Never more.

Love is the best thing we as a species do,
So what do you need for me to prove that I love you?

Love is the best…

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

What can I say when sorry just doesn't cut it anymore?
What can I say to win back your love?
What do you do if you love too much?
What do you do, if you are not loved enough?

What is life without love?
Why carry on when you’ve had enough?
Why bother to write poems that just aren’t good?
Why bother to live, when I can’t have love?

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2020
Love Love

Maybe I am just in love with love,
But is that such a bad thing?
If I want to find love, why can I not keep on believing?
I may just love love, but surely when I am in love that is good.
Surely to be with someone who loves love should be good enough.

I would love her the way I love to be in love,
And still you say that this is wrong?
Who are you to say that?
What is it that you have you done?
Who have you loved to say my love is not right?
Who are you to tell me anything other than goodbye?

I do love love and I will love her until the end.
I am in love with love; I will love her without pretend,
Because she is love, so I do love love.  On that you can depend.
You can go ahead; you do your own mistakes this night.
I'll create my own and you can keep on believing,
That only you can be right.

What insight do you have to tell me what to do?
Do I care?  I love love so boo-hoo,
I hope I scare you away from telling me what to do;
How to love and what to say.
I do what feels right; I say what I like.
I love the only way I know how, I love love my way.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Love makes me lovesick

I want some self-esteem, but I am lost inside of you.
I’m licking my wounds after another battle with love.
I thought we were living the dream, but now I know that is untrue.
All that you did for me was never enough to earn my trust.

I drag you inside my heart for a feeling,
Because all I can feel is I need to be leaving.
Love me forever!  Or I will turn my back on you.
I am sick to the stomach of your idea of love
And I cannot allow you to keep on stealing.

I give and you take and give nothing in return;
Silence your lies and leave the memories to burn.
Stir your *** and I will let you once more churn;
You lied and I cried and now you have become not even mentioned…
Not even Her.

Left to be forgotten by a love of a life;
A possible true love became my destruction overnight.
A love like this makes me feel sick!
So I am ok with just leaving it.

A pessimist is never disappointed;
With you I have become severely disjointed.
I miss the memories of those days of love or something.
Reality bites, something was never real
And this love you claim to give out is really…nothing.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Love, marriage, birth, death

I want a lover for life, not just a lover for tonight.
I want someone, who takes away my breath.
I want love, marriage, birth and death.

While you’re out there, looking for some excitement;
I’ll have someone, who is committed,
To making this work, whatever comes our way.
Someone who will be at my side, until I am old and grey.

For I now know what makes this work,
For I am no longer a ****.
So go ahead; come over to me and flirt,
But you’re wasting your time,
For I need woman and not a girl.

You’re a solar eclipse, that has covered my heart,
You make all other women, fade into the dark.
For the light you shine, is simply blinding.
You’re the only woman, I need to be seeing.

I have now found what I’ve been looking for.
So if you feel the same way, my love is yours;
But never say I love you, unless you’re speaking from your soul.
For I don’t need any love, that isn’t sacred and pure.

For love is not simply a word, it’s like taking an oath;
A promise to me, that I’m the only one who can have your love.
But if you’re just after, an easy lay,
Then turn around and leave me and don’t come back again.

For I have become a runaway train,
Who is speeding down the railway line,
On a collision course with you.

Angel of mine, come and bring me sunshine,
Or steal Cupid’s bow and help me find love again.
For I don’t wish to live another day,
Until I get a girlfriend and I can show the world my happy face.

I speak from my heart, to share with you my feelings;
I tell you my thoughts, to show you what I’ve been thinking.
As the sun shines down upon you
And the water glistens on your skin,
You’re watching me thinking, as I’m watching you swim
And we both share a smile, for we both think the same thing.
Oh my God, I’m in love…
And each of us knows what the other is thinking.

So you run out of the water and I get to my feet,
Then somewhere in the middle, we share an embrace
And each of us wish, to never let go;
But we will never forget today though.
For today was the day, we both fell in love;
Every loving word spoken, with a simple hug.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

Music is currency, it enriches your life.
It gives you a reason to want to have more free time.
Make time for love, of course, of course,
But put the music on when you close the door.

If there is one thing that I have learned, in all my years,
It is that when you love, you should love-right.
Because after the tears,
You are only left with the memories of those nights.

I will judge myself worse than any other man could ever judge me
And I will not stand here and say that I was a saint,
Because, frankly, my dear, I ain’t;
But I will stand here and say I was faithful
And like it or not I will say I was truthful
And lastly and most importantly I would say I was in love.
I would not have said it if I wasn’t,
On that you can trust.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Love shall reign eternal.

You are a ten, because beneath the skin you are beautiful.
You will always be a ten on the inside and the outside too.
Since back when hearts were so wide open and free,
And love was thought to be so truthful; love reigned down from you.

We laughed so much, it seemed like we would never again cry;
I have dreamed of loving someone like her.
She has a lust for life and I have a lust for her love;
We still dream we will love each other always.
Love will allow you to become who you should be;
So never become blasé.

Love shall reign eternal and extinguish all your pain.
If you give love all of your heart and soul, then love shall forever reign.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Loves martyr

I am loves martyr.
Never managed to become a father.
Even when I am trying harder,
I fall to my knees.
I am sins plaything;
Always dreaming.
Never acting on my needs;
Cruising along on instinct.
Look where that has got me;
Right where it hurts.
Waited a lifetime and I am still waiting for her;
But she does not exist, so neither do I.
I never did raise a child.
Just endless advice.
I never talk, enough has been said.
I could not be like them, for they are so nice,
And they have family and they have friends,
Whilst I am destined to die alone.
This is why I do not get out of bed.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
Love takes a piece of me

Still so far out of my reach;
Empathy is never free.
All love takes a piece of me,
So take what you must, but never leave.  

All of my heart belongs to love,
So are you the one I can give it to?  
All the strings you pull on are ripping me apart!
So stick with me and become my glue.

Piece me back together,
When I have shattered into a thousand diamonds.
The only thing I ever kept from you,
Were the thoughts that I never mentioned.  

Secrets and lies beneath a truth;
A pain inside that buries my heart too deep beneath the bone.
These are our times to find something new;
A piece of love you hide, I seek to find, so I can take it as my own.

Love takes every part of me.
All I have,
I give.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Love true

When my wife and I were young, we had a thousand dreams;
I remember watching the fish swim as I walked alongside a stream.
I have always dreamed of infinity;
Believing in everything…

Then as we got older we searched for love;
So many times we were out of luck,
But eventually we did grow up.
We found each other in the end
And we each had somebody we could always hug…

They say that we are adults now.
We still feel like we are young and don’t know how,
To act our age.
We have only ever acted like clowns; always messing around.
We used to talk about how we were going to leave this town…

We take a job, it’s no career.
We are speaking loud but nobody can hear.
We are sending thoughts out into the atmosphere;
No discovery made, so I guess we will be staying here…

We were singing in a friend’s café;
Just watching memories of people going about their day.
At the end of the night we would spend our pay,
On a drink or two with friends, before we went to work the next day…

When we fell in love we had no money to spare,
But we got married somehow with all our friends and family there.
No fairytale wedding, but we didn’t care,
Because we had true love, so we were walking on air…

Years later as the aeroplane landed on the ground,
We were back to our old life, with the old familiar sounds;
The same old smells, but with new stories to tell.
We were home at last; the honeymoon was over
And we were back to reality in the here and now…

Through a thousand nights we carried on
And then we knew what it was to be loved by our new son;
Our shining sun
And as the years flew by, he soon grew up…

He’s married now with a child of his own;
He always takes the time to pick up the phone.
He tells me that they are all coming home.
It’s Christmas Eve; he asks me “Where else would we want to go?”

As I sit here with the love of my life
And the son we had and his wonderful wife;
I sit and watch them putting more coal onto the fire.
I close my eyes and I feel warm inside, so I smile…

They’re crying now, but I have lived;
I grew old and grey and had a wonderful son and grand kid.
The love of my life, she never did leave.
Death comes for us all, eventually.
But I had my time
And at least I can say,
That I am grateful for everything, that I experienced on the way.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Mar 2019
Love will win…in the end.

We are meteors on a collision course with love.
We have seen the hard times and we have had enough.
Golden band promises do not seem to mean a thing,
To those who claim to be in love, whilst in secret they cheat.

We fall apart in each other’s arms;
All in the name of love.
We hope and dream and scream and shout!
All because of love.

I wish it could work out for you, I really do,
But I am exercising my right to say nothing.
I would tell you how to, if only I knew,
But I do not know what it takes to hold onto this love thing.

My radiohead is full of love songs.
They all tell their tale of how love will win…in the end.
Every heart I choose to follow always turns out to be wrong,
But I will keep trying to walk hand in hand,
Even if we are only ever going to be friends.

Love has its hooks in my heart and I cannot resist.
I am constantly tripping over plastic charms, but still I persist.
I am (never) going to fall in love,
Until I do…that time sure does look good.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Love with love

Fuse two hearts, create love;
Build yourselves a brighter future by speaking from your soul.
Eloquence is unnecessary; speak from the heart and it will be good.
This is your last chance, the last dance; do not just let them go.

Offer a sacrificial heart to the God’s of Love
And anything could happen.
Risk it all for the thrill of what could be and you could find someone.
We are all searching for happiness
And we all need a little bit of passion;
Take a chance before you don’t have another, soon they will be gone.

You are not alone in your desire to have them love you;
There are a billion possibilities,
So maybe you will not make a connection;
But if you do, then you will forever be linked and in tune.
So show your thoughts, in the only way you can;
Put into practice your desire and create it from your own notion.

Imagine what could become
And not what could go wrong.
You could be left dumb,
Or they could leave you just feeling numb,
But to feel something other than regret,
You have to take a chance and get these words off your chest.
You do not know, until you have a go
And maybe, who knows?  
The two of you can walk off together…

Hand in Hand…
Heart to Heart…
Love with Love…
Forever and ever.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Love you.

You are so beautiful so be seen,
So I needed to say you are inside of me.
Any tears I have lead you to weep,
I’ll collect them like diamonds and they I will keep.

Because I love you, yes I do!
I want to, be with you.
I love you, yes I do!
I want to be with you.

Because you are the one who brings me my true love
And I need you to breathe, because you are my drug
And I can’t get enough of your hugs or your touch.
When I’m without you I’m lost in the dark without love.

All the angels above don’t compare to you flower;
You are here in my arms because you fell from the clouds
And you landed inside me and I don’t know how,
I’ve lived so long without you; but I can’t live without you now.

Because I love you, yes I do!
I want to, be with you.
I love you, yes I do!
I want to be with you.

My darling, my sweetness, my fondest of memories;
You are all that I need to live a life of bliss.
With the softest of kisses, you are top of my list;
Number one, you are the most beautiful princess.

Because I love you, yes I do!
I want to, be with you.
I love you, yes I do!
I want to be with you.

My sunshine of love, you bring warmth to my life;
You are so beautiful, in my darkest of nights.
You shine brightest of all like a blinding white light;
I love you so much you bring tears to my eyes.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Love you to death.

These are the dying days;
Nothing remains inside to hide.
These are the dying days;
Nothing remains of our lives.
So trying but worth it all the same.
These are the dying days;
These are the times that remain.

Nothing to stop us now;
Nothing to stop us hurting now.
Nothing to keep us down;
So free to feel and fool around.

I love you, yeah I do!
I love you because you love me too.
I love you, yeah I do!
I love you because you love me too.

I want to be somebody;
I want you to feel me.
I want to sing so freely;
I want to sing, sing, sing.

Sing to you, my sweet honey blue;
Sing to you my favourite tune.
Sing to you because I love you;
I love to sing, because I love you.

I love you, yeah I do;
I love you because you love me too.
I love you, yeah I do;
I love you because you love me too.

So please just sing and sing;
Sing with me because I love you.
Sing with me, sing, sing, sing;
Sing with me my love, I love you.

I love you to the grave;
I love you, please be safe.
I love you in all ways;
My last love of my dying days.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
Loving you is easy

I’ll be there for you, whether skies are grey or blue.
I’ll be there for you, because you are there for me too.
If you are hurting and can’t carry on;
Just give me a call and I’ll pick up the phone.
Because you have my love, it goes on and on;
It’s never ending, because you are the one.

This is my life, but without you in it,
My life would be empty and I would be lost.
As I lay here with you asleep in my arms,
I can’t help but think I love you and I hope I am enough.

You shattered my soul in two,
The day I fell in love with you.
One half was mine, the other yours;
I knew right then we’d make it through.

I see you smiling in the sunshine
And I’m thinking of our future together.
I see us marrying each other sometime soon
And I hope we will last forever.

(C)2015 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jan 2020
Madly, Deeply, Truly

I am writing this poem just for you,
Because madly, deeply, truly,
I love you.

Your love has given a life to me.
All I can give you is simply me.
All the love, you have given to me,
Has improved everything for me.

For you and I have become us.
Love, lust, passion, trust.
You plus me equals love.
One plus one, equals us.

My dream woman, you took my heart with just one look.
You are the muse I need to write a thousand poetic books.
My angel sent from up above.
My heart is yours; it’s full of love.
My heart I have given to you, so I could become us.

I’ll love you long after I turn to dust.
I will be with you in Heaven if there is no end for us.
My beautiful Angel…
You are loved.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

Think of me walking through an empty field…
Staring at the sun, staring into the blue;
Searching for you.
In a sky so empty of anything with such beauty;
This life has no mysteries left to be revealed.

Rain, rain; go away.
Come again another day.
Bring with you her love and I will happily stay;
Come back empty handed and I shall leave you to your happiness
And I will never be seen again.

In a room of broken mirrors, I am happy at last.
Now I can see my mind clearly; it is full of cracks.
There lies my mind; because of the lies, it is shattered.
Chasing madness, chasing memories; chasing pavements.
I have been battered.
Bruised by love again and never truly healed;
I walk amongst the poppies, lost inside this field.

I went out of my mind and found religion;
I guess I needed something I could dive right into.
I wondered if I would ever again be fixed;
Once shy, forever bitten.
A dog barks, a farmer farms and the cow goes moo.

Searching for answers;
Searching for sanity.
Searching for anybody who can help me;
Searching for a remedy.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Magic Stardust Nymphomaniac

This is simply my way of telling you,
My love for drugs has left me lost; but now I see through.
Deep into your soul I see in you,
All of the things I need for a love so true.
Unhappy not to have been here sooner; to aid you.

Give me love and take all of mine;
It belongs only to you, love of time.
Love of now and forever?  This is not my,
Future to know; maybe my destiny to behold.  I pray.

For in your eyes I see only love;
In your words I hear only trust.
Tempting, but scary; paranoia caused by drugs.
Temporary insanity, fades away to say goodbye to us.

If I lose you before I hold you, then I cannot just smile
And say she was just another girl, for I know myself to be a liar.
Set my soul on fire and burn all my hopes and dreams;
Sacrifice my trust to you I shall, if you would only beg it of me.

Complete devotion?  Are you ready?
Showing every possible emotion?  This is not easy.
But in you I see Heaven, so please tell me I belong to you;
Tell me your love belongs only to me and I shall always stay true.

I shall never need to leave, if you give me all I need;
I shall always need only you and a joint of ****.
My need for ****, is a part of me;
Like the funky *** beat,
My heart dances to when you are here to give me release.

It’s happy, it’s ecstatic, it’s jumping back flips in the sea;
Like a dolphin, swimming circles of celebration, or feeling ****.
My heart wants to be with yours, entwined in love and magic;
It has already been bruised and broken, its story is tragic.
But in you I see something, unlike any other;
You shine so bright and blind this brother.
All I see is you, all else fades away;
To be cast away or saved for another day.

Talk to me in a minute, I have found Heaven and I need it within;
To see me through this life of mine, because I can’t live without.
So inside out, I believe, I doubt,
I wish, I lust, I could maybe love;
If she could only ever speak the truth to me and truly love…
Me.  That’s all I ask.
Stay faithful and love me;
Then I shall always love you, my Magic Stardust Nymphomaniac.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Make a stand

What do you choose? Do you wish to make a choice?
And use your voice; nay, make a stand,
With a clenched fist hand and tell them your demands.

Or with a whispered whimper, will you fade away?
And lay in your grave; and finally, you pray.
To a God up above, who you never showed love,
Or devotion, or any emotion, except for resignation.

Help me God in my hour of need.
I promise I'll keep my promise to thee
And then when your life is peachy cream,
Your promises fade and become a part of the scene.

I say stick with your belief,
That their God does not exist.
Then maybe you'll be able to keep your dignity
And have no need to break any promise.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Man flu

So exhausted; wide awake.
Every bone in my body aches.
Do not wake up late,
Or stay up late.
You have to work,
So do not be late.
No time for a date,
That hill needs climbing.
Do not forget the silver lining that needs finding.

What good is good if you are selfish?
You don’t have the option to give it a miss.
You cannot risk this golden chance.
Get up and stop sitting on your hands.
Build the plan.
Give thanks.
Be a man.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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