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3.1k · Apr 2019
sunshine Apr 2019
baby girl,
that beautiful soul looking back at your in the mirror
she is an inspiration
an angel with soft golden hair
and a fiery touch to send any man to his knees
you tell em
that you've spoken your mind
tell em
you're here to stay
(I'm back with my series)

2.6k · Apr 2019
from 9 to 5
sunshine Apr 2019
and Gucci
he's got his legs around mine
and kissing
I have my fingers in his hair
and sunshine
we didn't tell anyone about it
and Fendi
he's never loved someone like me
and that drip
I told myself I wouldn't get attached
and friends
we're more complicated than we admit
a rap?
but everything is Gucci lies  

1.2k · May 2019
sunshine May 2019
he's off somewhere now

ran away with my heart

but I stole his t-shirt, so guess we're even
starting some new short poems
hope you like

1.1k · Sep 2019
you say i'm falling
sunshine Sep 2019
i've never had anyone kiss me the way you did

i've never fallen in love and fallen asleep

but you're one in a million and i wanna stay a while
but you just
had to look at me
and i'm falling

1.1k · Apr 2019
sunday memories
sunshine Apr 2019
a Sunday morning
waking up with a pain in my chest
wondering what the hell I did last night
trying to piece together my life
I remember crawling the mirror after you dropped me off
I saw that dead reflection looking back at me
the girl I once knew was no longer there
her eyes had become hungry and wild
her skin peeling away to reveal the gold
twisted thorn branches around her neck and spine
a mess of a human
she had given up her love
for a man dressed in satin trying to hide is dying heart
his smile was ever deceiving and clever and wise
I knew not what I had started or when it would end
I had started down a bad path
Saturday night I was wrapped in his arms
come Sunday morning his love was gone
I had let him see my worth
I had let him touch the most delicate parts of my soul
given them up for a prize not equal to the pain
a game no one can win
a game I surely couldn't ever leave now
i really wish i hadn't done what i did
but when i think about it
you've never loved anyone
not even yourself

1.1k · Oct 2017
No. 32
sunshine Oct 2017
      y - o - u

      the person who i loved
      the person who is mine
      the one i dont forget

goes by other names such as:
lover, him, dear, boy, friend, heartbreaker

not to be confused with:
1.0k · Jul 2018
l o v e . a d v i c e .
sunshine Jul 2018
some advice, to those who'd die for love:
d o n ' t
love is a foolish game made for those who are insane
don't give yourself up for that
let it unexpectedly hit you in the face
find your zing
because if you throw yourself at people
if you try so hard to make someone love you
they won't end up loving you but walking away
then you'll be sitting there
trying to fake it that you're totally fine
when you know you should have taken it slow
you should have been yourself

for those who were looking for some real advice
I don't have any expertise in love
I've been f*ing up love since '99
and I don't even know how to repair the damage of me
cause love ******* me over
and I lost the one person I loved
never said you were the one
but it sure seemed like it

997 · Mar 2019
i am here & you are there
sunshine Mar 2019

come here

be there

fit inside this box of beauty

i am not an animal you throw into the ring
i do not fight petty drama
i do not see my heart as caged

you want me to be there

i want to be here

he just wanted to use me
as if i was a light you could turn off
as if i was a river you could divert

i never wanted to be anywhere than with you

but i wanted to be anywhere but here

and you took my face in your hands

i might have caught a glimmer of the universe
in your eyes just that once
but it all went dark when you kissed me close

i think i am having a conflict of interest
because of you
because of him

982 · Nov 2019
acrylic & ink
sunshine Nov 2019
if feeling could write,

if emotions could paint,

we'd all be drowning

in acrylic and ink
not that you'd
ever read this but
I hope you do

935 · Nov 2019
the ending(s)
sunshine Nov 2019
didn't think I'd
find myself running
out of words to say to you

but every sentence
doesn't even flow it just ends
so when I try to think I'm crying more

wasn't your fault
it's simply because I am so
vastly in love that nothing feels the same
might take a break
sit back and cross my fingers
you don't make me write another poem

831 · Mar 2019
a lover's dance
sunshine Mar 2019
mandarin orange
she tastes like lilacs
her fingers around his wrist
he can feel their heartbeats
honey golden lips
her hair
like cinnamon sugar
blue skies rolled between
a universe and half
but love only kept them sane
so when he's gone
she's lonelier than the dark
he practices shadows
she teaches them to dance
buttercups and daisies
she wishes her life
was perfect without him
but he still craves the need
to have her beside him
rosy red thorns
the taste of coffee
her lover never kissed like this
his distance was never missed
they just wanted real
and the universe gave them
I think I miss you
like the water misses the shore
like the sun misses the moon
like my lips miss yours

818 · Apr 2019
sunshine Apr 2019
I thought I'd be able to comprehend my feelings
but after last night
       after the shots I took
       after the alcohol made me blurry
       after the smoke cleared the basement lights
I knew there's never been anyone but you
I knew I shouldn't be here
Sipping back tequila and thinking about your eyes
Sipping back a beer and thinking about your hair
Smoking another one and thinking about your exes
Smoking several more and thinking I should have called you
And I'm in this party state of mind
Minding your business and not keeping to myself
I think I was a little blunt
I think you were a little tipsy

810 · Nov 2017
No. 40
sunshine Nov 2017
here and now i have your hair tangled in my fingers
that soft warm embrace that keeps pulling me in
i dont bother stopping this feeling because i know you
i know all the emotions we went through before
i know all the mixed drinks we shared in between
long ago when a dishwasher could clean our ***** souls
way back when love was so uncomplicated and gentle
gentle like the way you look at me when its raining
careless like when the fire is burning bright and its cold outside
keep on coming closer
each time i see more of your eyes
each time i wonder how you got me to my knees
but i honestly dont care about that anymore
because words build prisons and i am a captive to you
forever more
sunshine Apr 2019
i wish you didn't look at me like that
i wish my friends understood
i wish you would just text me back first
i wish i could drive far away
i wish the lights could hide my scars
i wish you didn't tell me you loved me
i wish for things to change
but some things will never be the same
I had 3 wishes
and I used them all
on you

743 · Sep 2017
No. 7
sunshine Sep 2017
i know i just met you
but i swear
the way you look at me
it gives me the chills
how did i never know you
till now
and here you are looking at me
like i have a galaxy
painted in my eyes
738 · Oct 2017
No. 19
sunshine Oct 2017
honestly these little late night binges on music
are all i need to keep me going when everything
is spinning out of control and the only thing im
hanging on to is the sound of your voice and the
way you look out of the corner of eyes and all i can
think about is that you don't even know how obsessed
i can get with you and with everyone and with anything
thought id leave this childish behavior behind me but
here we are and here i am staring at your door wondering
how in the hell did i get here and crying because you
didnt deserve me and i didnt deserve you because
she had already stolen your heart a while back and
im just playing games with love now
im just playing games with your heart now
so tell me that this is ok that we keep on beating each other up
even when the blood pours thicker than when it began
tell me that this is ok because i dont know when
it's going to end so ill just binge the rest of my
night away listening to songs that remind me of you
733 · Mar 2019
sad poems
sunshine Mar 2019
and for some reason
i only write sad poems
poems about missing you
writing words that break my heart
and i keep wondering
if you are my secret muse
the pain you caused me
is my spirit of inspiration
pulsing through my veins
making me cry
giving me words
to fill my every move
and without noticing
i manage to become someone new
with stories to tell
mostly about you
and mostly about
love and all the lost time
trying to move on from everything
moving on from you
writing more words
always about you
my knife in the back
the Romeo to my Juliette
some soppy love story
about how you never loved me

722 · May 2019
i'm too busy
sunshine May 2019
he smiles at me and I'm put into a daze
too busy dealing cards to myself
and I know he's gonna break my heart forever
his hands fit so nicely over my wounds
but the other ones wiped my tears away
too busy looking past the facts
I know I wish the other ones did what you do
he's so perfect with his lips on my neck
but what do I even do next when he looks like that
too busy obsessing over tomorrows
he tells me I am like no other
and I know when I wear that color his eyes don't leave me
his body never felt like the others did
too busy feeling lost without you
too busy to ignore these feelings
too busy making mistakes over again
and I know you're not too busy to make plans with me
but I know I'm too busy for you every time
he came and went
he kissed and told
and of course, I took him back

711 · Aug 2019
what I meant to say
sunshine Aug 2019
and to think I actually fell in love

and to think you told me secrets

but I was playing with fire

I burnt what love I could have gave you
he’s long gone
taking photos with another
telling me that’s what he wanted

702 · Oct 2017
No. 30
sunshine Oct 2017
it was a dark night when they were killed
the world seemed to give up its breath
the world seemed to have emptied the evil from its soul
the death was three that night
a mother
a father
a dark lord
and admist that terror was a boy
he was loved dearly
and with that love remained alive
you see, love knows no boundaries
for it is the strongest of all magic
and that boy who lived, he can tell you truthfully
689 · Jan 2021
should but should not
sunshine Jan 2021
I shouldn't
I don't want to say it
You've already put a ring on her finger
Her delicate soft hair tangled around you
But I still miss you
Despite the arms that hold me close
Your smile always drives me mad
I can't now
I really shouldn't
Part of me did love you once
Yet I'm surrendering my feelings to the clouds
I would be a fool to think you could love me
ripping the deck of cards
but holding the queen of hearts
over my own
661 · Apr 2019
stay in my mind
sunshine Apr 2019

only got a month to make this right

only got a moment to kiss you

only have me and you in the room

but he didn't know how to love
he was used to throwing it all away
every single time
but he told her to never leave

just had a phone call with you

just got into your passenger seat

just held your hand and the world disappeared

she knew exactly how to love
but she was so used to being thrown away
every single time
but she told him she wouldn't leave

and we looked into each other's eyes

and I knew I was never gonna leave

and you told me I was the one

stay in my mind
don't go away
I already miss your smile

660 · Nov 2017
No. 44
sunshine Nov 2017
guess this is the 44th time im writing about you
i must be obsessed
because every time i write, i write for you
even if it sounds like i hate you, i dont
i love you more than you'll ever understand
and even if you walk away
or if you forget my name and my face
you're still my inspiration
my light
my love
659 · Oct 2017
No. 37
sunshine Oct 2017
One of the seas
Why have you run off with my heart?
Does the sea not have enough hearts?
Do you not have enough men chase after you?
Oh, Calypso
Why do you do these things to me?
You torture me with every breath
You are my end
When the storms rise and fall
I am in the midst of your fury
How did you fall out of love with me?
I thought I was the only one
My dear Calypso
The end of my life has been spent
dying in your arms
So wash over me
And let the seas become me once more
For I am only a slave to your beauty
646 · Mar 2019
sunshine Mar 2019

do you want to come with me?
do you trust me?

i'll take your hand and lead you

i promise i won't lead you wrong
i will stay here beside you

i know she hurt you
i know she lead you nowhere
left you abandoned with a broken heart

follow me
i'll take you somewhere
anywhere but here

do you know i am not her?
don't you know i love you more than everyone else?

the pain can't follow where we go

i trust you
i wanna go with you anywhere

sunshine Mar 2019
you make me want to love you
                                   to leave you
                                   and still be with you
all in one night
i dont know why
you keep doing this to me

627 · Oct 2018
sunshine Oct 2018
today i will be ok. tomorrow will be too. whenever i doubt this truth, i will simply look behind at all the todays & tomorrows i made it through. & they were ok.
600 · May 2018
my side of the story
sunshine May 2018
where do I even begin?
we met unexpectedly; like two whirlwinds colliding
I fell hard, I have to admit
you weren't the type I was expecting to meet
you were sweet and easy going
didn't occur to me how fast you made my heart beat
I felt ok around you
but the floodgates of all my past relationships exploded
I'm sure you get the picture of my past now
torn up and broken
that's what happened to my heart so many times
but I wasn't cautious with you
I dove in head first
not looking back or hesitating
you were something of a daydream
but you made my knees shake and my hands go numb
you chilled me to the bone
how did you do this to me?
out of everyone I've ever met I'm still so curious about you
mysterious and interesting
you still haven't shared your darkest secrets
but I can tell you're not the type
please don't be afraid of me
I've crossed the line and I'm waiting
I know we crashed and met in the weirdest way
but I take the chances I get
and you certainly weren't a mistake
back again

your sunshine
580 · Feb 2021
you know who you are
sunshine Feb 2021
when you get the courage to finally dream again and fall in love, it's always the stories and people who've you used to that come crawling back into your mind

let me be

I can't believe I ever attempted to love someone like you and when we parted ways you called me a liar and a cheat as if my memory meant nothing to you

I hope you see me as I am now

Hopeful but still learning how to better my mind

I'm sorry for the distraught state I left you in but it was for the better... you and I would have never won
i write love notes
all day long
but they never make it

575 · Nov 2018
r e q u i e m
sunshine Nov 2018
a white dove.
a simple lie.
sweet regret.
a mother's cry.
death's prayer.
a single lullaby.
a crow's caw.
deepest night.
a snowy mountain.
a lover's duet.
burning fires.
a war cry.
a queen's people.
far away.
a storm comes.
a war begins.
571 · Nov 2017
No. 50
sunshine Nov 2017
SHE is
nothing more than:
an empty box on the shelf
been there since '99
hoping the discount price gives her away
praying that love
might not be so far
from the corner
the dusty cobwebs make her
no one wants the broken down
so she's still waiting for
because that's all she's ever
realized that moments are temporary
you have to save them in paper frames
or watch them burn up in flames
because Hell isn't so far
away from the door
run away from the windows
explosions and gasses
this world is at war
been happening since time went
[this marks the 50th poem i've written since i joined HP. thank you loyal humans. gobble up these words and live in the sun as you were meant to]
sunshine Jul 2018
as if I almost fell in love
and the rain ceased to fall
like when a perfect halo forms around your head

as if you almost said it
and the words drenched your lips
like when the stars light up your dreams in color

as if they almost believed
and the world became heaven
like when all is calm and no fear ever existed

as if
but its only impossible
i meant to say this a while ago
but nevermind
you're too far away

561 · Jul 2019
letting go
sunshine Jul 2019
Just be my baby for one night

Promise I'll let you go in the morning

But kiss me when I run away
im out of words
lost of all sense

546 · Sep 2019
angel eyes
sunshine Sep 2019
and I swear the angels envy you

because your eyes look like

God pulled down galaxies and put them in yours
she cries
stars and diamonds
glisteningly sad

545 · Nov 2018
he was a poet.
sunshine Nov 2018
he was a poet. she was his muse.
they danced like a wind song. carefully through the world.
a rushing storms of love. nothing in between.
except for the secrets. little lies about another.
his poetry turned sour. her anxiety-ridden soul.
they cried tears in the dark. they played slow songs.
he was her poet. she was his muse.
they stood lies and tears.
thinking of tomorrow and tomorrows sweet regret.
nevermind the love. nevermind the others.
he was a caring soul. she was a wild one.
they whispered carelessly. she held his hand.
without the pain. without the hurt.
he would have been better without her.
she would have been better with him.
she was a liar. he was perfection.
for he is a poet & she is a muse.
im sure you know who you are.
xoxo sorry ive been away so long

sunshine Apr 2019
maybe its the way i used to think about you
maybe its the simplicity of things between gravity and earth
but i caught inseparable to the glow in your eyes
caught mesmerized by the fact that you care too much
and for a moment we become lovers to our words
and for a second i think im falling for you again

maybe we had something more when we were young and in love
maybe we kept too many secrets under the mattress
but i fell for your charm and your sweet smile
every little bit of your aura enchanted me when you walked in
and for a moment we became lovers not friends
and for a second i thought i saw you falling for me again

maybe it was all bad timing or someone switched our clocks
maybe it was something i said in different wavelengths
but you were caught inseparable to the sparkle in my eyes
and for a moment we became broken not lovers
and for a second you probably saw me falling for you again
wrote this for my friend
wrote this for my lover
wrote this for my ex

533 · Apr 2019
fall for you
sunshine Apr 2019
because I miss you like crazy
because you make me crazy
I have the volume turned up
drifting through my memories of you
and every night I'm wasting away
reality slipping through my fingers
I guess I should have seen it coming
I guess you should have been here
because you don't miss me at all
because I make you crazy all the time
You turn up the volume louder
drifting through the smoke on the walls
and every night you're wasting away
reality in the palms of our hands
I guess we saw this coming for us
I guess we should have been holding hands
SUPERMARKET (soundtrack),

511 · Jan 2018
maybe I can't relate
sunshine Jan 2018
I guess where I need to start this
Is where other people left off
Saying crap about love
Or crying about some man
This where I need to begin again
Right on the floor next to the box of tissues
Over by the tear-stained dress
She's crying because her man was a lair
He's lying because his girl was too perfect
These things don't make any sense
So I guess this is where I make sense of it all

People are immature and rude
They say things they don't mean to
They do things they shouldn't have done
And I know life is messy
Trust me I have been down that road
But as of right now, life is life
You gotta live it as it comes
When it hurts you, you stand tall
Where love leaves you
This is where you begin

To love yourself
To love others
To just be and feel love
To love is to take the whole world
Put it on your shoulders
And keep on giving till you have nothing left
But maybe you can't relate
508 · Apr 2019
mistakes were made
sunshine Apr 2019
maybe i made the mistake
of thinking you could choose her
and still look at me the same way
but now you spend the twilight hours
leaving me with a ghost of you
i made a mistake of thinking
his heart was decided
but turns out its not

491 · Nov 2017
No. 51
sunshine Nov 2017
wistful exhausted eyes
look desperately
at the reflection in the mirror
through cracked lens
and dark circles
tears should be falling
but nothing is coming
only the sore distant pain
of knowing he's never gonna be here
he's always gonna be there
a reminder
in the back of your mind
like a fog you can't shake
but forget him for a moment
because you're stronger than this
you were meant for greatness
destined for beauty
and yet he still hurts you all the more
pulls you down and backward
till you back starting at the reflection
blank stares
sore eyes
wavering faith in the thing called
(inside my mind ... at the moment)
484 · Nov 2017
No. 45
sunshine Nov 2017
listening to the monotone buzz of music
as my mind is trying to comprehend why life is so ****
e v e r y t h i n g
the dips and dives my eyes make as shadows close in
I'm wondering how I even got here
this isn't me
I'm not myself
and even if you kissed me here and now id never fully love you
because you're apart of this illusionist life
you're never going to be who I want you to be
so let's just call it an upside-down kind of love
[listening to the Vol. 1 soundtrack of Stranger Things]
483 · Aug 2019
trust me, it takes a while
sunshine Aug 2019
it takes me a while to admit
you're all i feel when i dream
it takes me a while to realize
you're all i've really wanted all along

and i know i've never been you're favourite
but trust me you've been mine
and i know another's on your mind
but trust me i can't get you off of mine

it takes me a while to focus
when you're standing right there
it takes me a while to breath
when you move in closer than before

and i know i'll never be the one
but trust me you'll be the perfect one
and i know someone else has your heart
but trust me you've had mine forever
i can't admit
but i won't lie
you're just trouble

476 · Sep 2019
drunkenly romantic antics
sunshine Sep 2019
with the way you were sitting there in

the moody lighting of that sunken bar

I could have sworn I felt cupid smack me in the face

and in a moment your lips were on mine
it happened back
then and it will
happen again

470 · Oct 2017
No. 25
sunshine Oct 2017
For Sydney
my darling
i wish i could tell you all the secrets of the world
but unfortunately
you've already helped me solve most of them
and my life has been a little more than amazing
simply because my life is a mess
and together we conquer pretty much anything
i love you
stay beautiful as you always seem to do
this one is for you Sydney, my dear, i love you
sunshine Nov 2019
blocked, deleted, trashed, and gone

these are the things so far I've done

to take you out of my life for good

because God only knows just what you did
never sure
always unsure
but I did it anyways

468 · Feb 2019
pardon my new feelings
sunshine Feb 2019
have me slipping
                falling madly in love
and you made this happen
just had to smile
                    look at me
                    tell me you see me  
but i cant get a grip on reality
i cant figure out what im even feeling
im freaking out
      losing touch
and it was all because of you
                         because all you had to do was look
                         because you wanted me
i knew it was all downhill from here and there
so dont trip
              catch any more feelings
love never came easy for us
                                      for any of us
say goodbye but come back after midnight
maybe ill change my mind
just for you
just for me
just for love
sorry i think i feel in love
and im having
trouble breathing

459 · Sep 2018
sunshine Sep 2018
never felt like this
as if you were something
waiting there at the door
feelings caught up
pain all shoved down
this could have been
the worst time for us
nothing more than roses
tossed at my feet
looking like I conquered
I thought you were
sweeter than magnolias
never wanted to let go
your sister used to call
all of the missed e-mails
I wanted to ask
take all my pain away
far from the rain
you were bitter
lifeless notes on my tongue
a whisper in the closet
close the car door
you were my magnolia
dancing in the spring
dont even think
not to make sense

451 · Oct 2017
No. 28
sunshine Oct 2017
just let the sun dip below your beautiful curves
kiss me on the forehead
tell me all these pretty little whispers
tell me all the things that i wanna hear
i know life hasn't gone the way we planned
but trust me
i know i feel happier in your arms
but hold me
i know you feel warmer when your in my arms
oh dont look at me like that
turn around and let the sunset cover your lies
you loved me
i loved you
oh wait
we still love each
445 · Nov 2017
No. 39
sunshine Nov 2017
I am in a world of glass castles

being built by sculptures who don't know what the sun looks like

I am always wondering to myself,

                                      "how can I escape this reality?"

Yet I already know the answer

I cannot escape and leave this place

These castles have high walls and everyone is building higher

and higher
and taller
and wider
And I ask them,

                                     "why do you build your walls so big?"

But, yet again, I know the answer to this

I have built my walls too just like they have

I am scared of the fire burning rapidly around me

Every time someone whispers to me, I cringe and crawl into my soul

For the glass was made out of sand

And the sand came from my tears

That once filled an ocean and I loved my ocean

Yet, eventually, you build your castle and forget what it's like

You forget what clean air tastes like
444 · Nov 2017
No. 48
sunshine Nov 2017
when i talk to you
i sound crazy
my words don't add up to what i wanna say
so i sit back
i watch you slowly slip away
you fall through my grasp
you drip through the gaps
and now i really miss you more than i did before
maybe because i realize how far away you are
maybe because i realize you'll never hold me
here you feel so close
when i see your face on my screen
and when you type out easy words
and when you leave me helpless in the middle of the night
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