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Will Rogers III May 2014
Alarms begin to ring,
Birds are not yet awake to sing.
The room begins to wake,
So that showers they can take.

Back to the deer I remember
Back when I was a member
Of that church I thought I’d never leave,
That church which I couldn't think to leave.

The lights turn on now.
People walk around with their towels.
One light can’t decide to be on or off,
As if to deliberately destroy this morning so soft.

The girls laugh as they get up to ***.
I think I’ll now turn to Isaiah to read.
[composed on March 10, 2012]
Will Rogers III May 2014
I sit outside in the cold, feeling the air wake up my skin.
I see three deer and think of Corky. I hope to see her again,

Although I am in nature, away from the city’s cars,
I can still hear one from afar.

I also hear several bird calls. One says “wee weee!”
While another answers with “cheep cheep” and another “tweet!”

I pray I will be spiritually ready to hear the messages,
Hmmm, I hope at breakfast there’ll be sausages.
My first poem [composed on January 21, 2012]
This poem was written the morning of the day that would change my life forever; the day in which God asked me to leave the church I had been a part of for almost two years, a church that I was truly devoted to. That day was the beginning of the most anxious times in my life. It was the pain from leaving that church that drove my desire to express myself through poetry.
Will Rogers III May 2014
Have been in
The most pain,
The most strain.
It’s a good thing
I love His Name.

After leaving I feel lost.
To my life it’s a huge cost.
I find that I have been changed
That my whole life was rearranged.

After leaving my mind tries its best to cope.
It’s almost as if I’ve let go of a rope
And without it I feel so alone.
So I search for a new home.

After leaving I look for new friends.
So that a new chapter I can begin.
But in them I search for what is “wrong.”
For it’s the warmth of welcome my mind longs.

After leaving I see how I’ve been separated
From my sisters whom I am indebted.
I see how I’ve been embedded.
I see where I was headed.

After leaving I see
I was on the path to believe
That if I was to stay in the church
I must see them as the only place to search.

That I must only be with the “brothers” it seems,
That I have to wait ‘till I graduate to search for love.
You must not think you can throw out our God’s dreams
For it’s listening to Him that we find true peace from above.

Our wonderful God wants us to be in love with Him,
Not necessarily to fall in love with his bride.
Yes we should trust and listen to them,
But not if we feel Him from aside,
Whispering in our small ears
Something different,
Something clear.

He told me to leave.
He knew it would be hard.
He knew I would not go at first,
But our Lord, to me, did not bombard.
He did not give up until I was relieved.
It’s all just a balance that is off.
I feel sorry for them.
I wish that this
could come
to an


I feel sorry
For them? Does
It even make sense
To have these feelings?
For without them I was lost.
Without them I was not soft.
They helped me become
Like the tree.

Water from
A tap, dripping
On my head

To mess
With my mind.
It drips slowly, It isn’t kind.
For it wants me to go on my own,
Instead of keeping God on the phone.
The drops fall on my head one by one,
Little by little my mind comes undone
Perhaps it will never stop dripping,
Perhaps it will not stop ripping
Perhaps it won't stop.

Will it stop?
Please stop.

[composed on April 3-4, 2012]
Will Rogers III Jun 2014
I have work in 4 hours...
I can't fall asleep...
I spend too much money on myself...
I am oblivious to myself…
I am myself!
I am myself…
[composed on October 3, 2013]
Will Rogers III Jun 2014
I count the honks of a car..
A lamp post out the window.
I stare at out into the dark.
Seventeen times.

The students walk by making sound.
The sound crescendos,
As if they are playing music with the ground.
And then it stops.

College students walk outside
And laugh with each other.
By the lamp post's guide
They walk into the dark.

I feel empty without a close friend,
That one guy to be close too.
It's as if I am suspended,
Waiting for him to come.

People drain me in large numbers.
I need more time by myself than with them,
But what I wonder
Is if I've already met him.

A sound in the ceiling.
This library is old.
It sounds like it needs healing.
And then it stops.

How long will I live
Without a close friend?
My feet rest on the chair
And I breathe in the still air.

A girl walks near by
And asks me, a lonely guy,
If I'd seen her ID.
"No, sorry. I haven't."

I hope she has a good night.
[composed on April 18,30, 2012]
Will Rogers III May 2015
needing to touch the world
my hand felt the handrail as I walked through the clean mall.

she carries her new-born in her arms
like I carried flowers back then

I walk to the right or her, away from the rail.
she walked slowly, with peace and confidence.

her eyes looked into mine like the moon
looks upon the grassy plains and rolling hills as dusk

she smiles in slow motion at me,
a smile more beautiful
than anything else in that consumer worship center,
far more pristine than any conversation the worship leaders have with their walking credit cards

it was as if she awoke this morning knowing that she was meant
to deliver someone this smile

I was left awestruck at the moment's simplicity
and I walked on to buy shoes

looking to pass on the smile
that can only be meant for a stranger
[composed on May 21, 2015]
Will Rogers III May 2015
[composed on April 14, 2014]
Will Rogers III Feb 2015
the sun dances on my page
and God's love unseen floods in
if only I felt safe
then I could begin again

why do I wonder why
I wonder
when God's wings I am under?
[composed on January 27, 2014]
Will Rogers III Jun 2014
Stopped at a red light,
Looking down the hill,
We wait to take flight,
We wait for the thrill.

Riding the green light wave,
Riding the small bumps and holes,
My bike and I roll down the way,
My bike and I roll as one soul.

The wheels turn quicker and quicker
While the air flies past like sweet sound.
My bike light continues to flicker,
While together we, in our music, are drowned.

There's a level of trust between us two,
We listen to each other and feel as one.
And yet there's a sense of mystery that we pursue,
That of machine and man having fun.
[composed on April 22, 2013]
Will Rogers III May 2014
I sit by the window as I read,
For nature I need to see.
I stretch my arm to the sun's warm heat, Only for a cloud to make the warmth recede.

I look out to the trees,
Hoping to see some life.
It helps to see the trees,
But it hurts to see the towers which above them rise.

Nature I need to remain sane, For these man-made walls mock me. Without nature I am in pain, Within a building I am ashamed.

If only I made time to reconnect with it, That I might in overwhelming peace pray. Then, then I'd be able to omit,
The voice that says "You have to read today."
[composed on February 28, 2012, revised on March 22, 2012]
Will Rogers III Mar 2015
day by day we look to what lies ahead
night by night we look to what lays in the past
why do we think about what we dread
instead of focusing on having a blast?
[composed on March 4, 2014]
Will Rogers III Mar 2014
You know your sleep is off track
When you say “Good morning”
At 5 pm stretching your back
And wondering if you’re conforming;

Conforming to the idea
That we can do it on our own,
That to be a
Successful man, I should put myself on the throne.

Last night I stayed up studying
For hours alone
Getting much done, but without letting God accompany,
Singing a song off tone.

Yesterday I was dependent on Him
To pass my finals.
And whether or not with those grades win,
I’ll be pleased to know I was in His hands.

Last night however,
I was not the same.
I refused to put Him first all together
And relied on my own name.

Before I knew it I was sleeping through the exam.
composed on 5/10/12
Will Rogers III May 2014
Smile on and joy in his feet
Chin up and shoulders back.
He ignores the thin ice beneath
And does not hear the cracks.

He rides through the air
With the wind in his hair
When his tires plunge into the frozen lake,
And is struck dead by his mistake:

He's too blessed to feel distressed.
But he's too lonely to feel blessed.
And he's too positive to know he's lonely.

Now he's too distressed to feel positive.
But he's too blessed to feel distressed.

Eyes closed and heart beating,
He lays in waiting for that which will not come. And the sky begins to fall.

He rides through the light shower
Ready to just hit a car and fall
To set his mind free from being devoured
But it would not be resolved.

So he rides on ahead in vain.
Looking to the sky, he is caught.
Too delirious to remember his name.
And the rain cries for the one who can not.

"Trust me, William"
[composed on September 16, 2013]
Will Rogers III May 2014
Often in the corner of our screens we look,
For love from others we seek.
Notifications come flooding in on Facebook,
After we post the usual critique or picture of our physique.

"You look so cute!" the girls want to hear us say
While the guys, "**** dude you were so wasted last night!" makes them feel accepted.
"So and so is going to this event. Why aren't you?" Facebook says; "Display!"
We fear if we don't, we'll not feel connected.

"I can quit whenever I want to."  we say.
Really? I'd like to see you try just one day.
"But my friends need to know what I'm doing and-"
No. Take your mind off the screen and instead lend a helping hand.

I fear the future;
What my offspring will be exposed to,
That instead of encouragement to have adventure,
They will be even more addicted, their faces to the screen ever more glued.

I grew up playing in the dirt out back,
Now, I am told that it's "friends" I lack.
With my brother I played,
We'd sit and drink lemonade.
Now at night I sit in a dark room,
Wearing an online costume.

I hope that instead I will be myself
And not have to prove myself
To the world that I am unique,
That instead I can make shine what was bleak.

I grew up with Legos. You could say, I was "addicted,"
But now by this computer I have been infected.
Yes Facebook can be a useful tool!
We can use it to get together and "act a fool"
With our friends and have a blast,
Or ask questions to our college class.

But if it takes us away from the outside,
If it takes us away from nature's sky,
Then I'd rather quit;
Then I'd rather benefit
From that which God made
And not to which we have become slaves.

That's my two cents on the matter.
I don't mean this to make a clatter.
I don't even want you to "Like"
Or comment on how our thoughts are alike.

Just read and go about your "Facebooking,"
And maybe as we, in life, keep looking,
We'll find the courage to quit overlooking
What we've spent hours on,
What we've sacrificed our short time upon,
That which will hopefully be forgone.

I heard once that life is but a window
That we as birds fly through.
That we are not in limbo,
But that our lives vanish in a time too few.

I've let Facebook take me away from that which is eternal,
I've let it take me away from writing in my journal
About what I've read in the Bible,
Or from how I've come to see how God is vital.

In "All Is For Your Glory" I sing,
"Catch me up in Your story
All my life, for Your Glory"
Yet I stare blankly at the blue and white
And so easily get distracted from "My Delight."
(written to be read on Facebook)
[composed on  February 26, 2012, revised on 3/22/12 & 3/30/14]
Will Rogers III May 2015
I had one of those dreams
One that you remember,
Like a long hug from a close friend
Or the present you received from your brother.

For the first time, I knew I was dreaming.
And I did not want to see it come to an end.
And so I treated it like a gift from above.

In this dream,
I was falling,
falling down.

I fell in pitch darkness with
Nothing around me but cool,
still air I fell through.

I was not afraid
For I knew there was no bottom;
No end to my descent into the black.

I felt free, comfortable and safe.
I flipped and dove, twirled and turned.

And I think God was saying,
“William, live life to the fullest, You are in my hands.”
[composed on May 21, 2014]
Will Rogers III Nov 2022
give into addiction
like it's a slide
you're afraid to fly down

let your mind go
to that smooth feeling
where silk and skin meet

let your heart beat
increase like
on the day's sole walk

let your fingers swipe
a screen so your eyes
can see the colors and patterns

let your spirit fall
fall down beneath
yesterday's snow
let the memories
be buried
like footprints
hidden under ***** ice

snow is putting distance
between itself and the clouds
like how older people do
when they've put some distance
between themselves
and the pain

snow is here to keep me standing
if only I choose to stand
let it snow
let it burry
let it go
Will Rogers III Mar 2015
God is with me
In my depression
In my heartbreak
In my confession
In my lacking faith

God is with me
In my suicidal thoughts
In my strife
In my sinful spots
In my life

God is with me
In my pain
In my exhaustion
In my shame
In my frustration

God is with me
In my deepest desires
In my sadness
In my black and cold wires
In my numbness

God is with me
When she is around
And when she is not
When my pain abounds
And When I am distraught

God is with me
In my heart
In my mind
In my soul
In my life

God is in me always
When I breath in
And when I breath out
[composed on March 26, 2014]
Will Rogers III Mar 2014
Heaven’s mystery and wonder is sublime.
It lasts forever.
In fact, it’s outside of time.
We last but a blink however.

To even imagine it is impossible.
It’s like a fish imagining dry land.
The mystery of Heaven is phenomenal.
It’s like the entire beach compared to a single grain of sand.

And even these do not portray
The truth that we’ll find on our last day.
The day when we’ll see His face,
The day our minds can’t begin to embrace.

How long do I have to live?
When will my last day come
When I have no more to give
To this world to which I’m from?

I hope I’ll live with Heaven in mind
Instead of living like I’m blind.
Because what is the point
If with God I am disjoint?
composed on April 9, 2012
Will Rogers III May 2014
The four hysterically laugh
As they pile into one fourth of the revolving door.
They seem to be having a blast,
But they stop just before;
When it’s the question he then asks,
That makes them four no more.
[composed on April 3-4, 12]
Will Rogers III Feb 2015
the watch told time skewed
but the truth that he viewed
was not for us to understand
nor for us to watch along the sand.

Seconds ticked by
but as he looked to the sky
minutes dragged on
and hours fell silent upon,

his life
[composed on January 25, 2014]
Will Rogers III May 2014
the watch told time skewed
but the truth that he viewed
was not for us to understand
nor for us to watch along the sand.

Seconds ticked by
but as he looked to the sky
minutes dragged on
and hours fell silent upon,

his life
[composed on January 25, 2014]
Will Rogers III Nov 2022
when you're single
you don't eat Mac n cheese out of a bowl
just eat it from the ***
you don't bring home extra treats from the store
you don't clean the sink as often
or make the bed as often

when you're single
eating is a chore
and eating out is expensive
you pay half as much
and you don't sleep half as well

when you're single
the other person in your house
doesn't want to rate cheese together
or read stories to each other
or dream up new hobbies to try

when you're single
that doctors appointment gets put off
and the socks aren't in haste pulled off
there is no joy in being turned on
or anyone to lay upon

work goes on and money goes in and out
excel spreadsheets track what I think
will help productivity and health
but they're really just distractions
from what I can't measure
from what I can't make a formula for

was it similar enough to a marriage to add on more years to allow for healing?
what is the threshold for peace in which
walking beside someone will feel natural
when hearig them say "I really like you"
doesn't ruin your week
does it matter?
was it good enough to learn from and make the best of?
am I too focused on processing it?
I need more cheese...

when will I forget her.
because it won't come soon enough
I'd rather forget
and later read our letters and see photos and learn about great it must have been

than to know that it was preventable
and be here.

I never cheated
I never hit or yelled
But I didn't love her how she needed
and wasn't constantly learning how to love her better

shell find someone who
will do an even better job
and she'll leave them too

I'll find someone
who I think is an even better match
and they'll leave me too

and we'll both keep expecting abandonment
money will come in and go out
schedules will be made and kept
and I'll keep holding back laughter
and look forward to
the day when remembering won't hurt
Will Rogers III Jun 2014
Lonely in a crowded room.
Happy in a depressed spirit.
Agile in a tense mind.
Tall in a timid personality.

The lonely one moves through the crowded streets. His feet pushing down and down, creating forward movement. The brisk air welcomes him. And a single tear begins to form in his left eye. One tear, which has a life of its own, leaves his eye freely. It runs down his cheek but stays with him as if to comfort him.

And the wind cries for the one who can not.
[composed on November 11,14, 2013]
Will Rogers III Mar 2014
Hour by hour. We forget that time passes.
   These  frail  bodies can  only last  so  long.
   Power to  forever live we  do not possess.
   Disease destroys us while we make song.
         When will his time to leave come?
        ­           How will this man be
                ­         Remembered?
                     -----                   -----
                  When                      will
          ­    -----                                   -----
           He                                       ascend
      -----                          -                    ­     -----
      To                          the                      ­  sun?
     -----             -------------------------              -----
   How  will  they  say  his  life  was  centered?
   How  will he  live for - now  what’s  his name -
  God?  How  will  he live for  Him alone in awe?
composed on April 29, 2012
Will Rogers III Mar 2015
Frustrated and hopeful
Angry and happy
Impatient and patient
Dead and alive
Hopeless and trusting
Terrified and overwhelmed in His love
Depressed and joyful
Tense tense tense tense.......!

I will call upon your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in your embrace

I am yours and you are mine,
But I have become suicidal over time
[composed February 3, 2014]
Will Rogers III Jun 2014
I am
without sleep
without nutrients
without peace
without determination
without joy
without sanity

Yet I am
with bed
with food
with prayers
with truth
with hope
with friends
with family
with God

Yet I am without.
[composed on July 11, 2013]
Will Rogers III Mar 2014
When we listen to what tears us down
In our minds we become drowned.
When we listen to these thoughts
We then become caught.

How easy it is to complain and complain
And how easy it is to forget this puts us in chains.
When we look at what we lack,
We give in to the attack.

We can list and tell others forever
The things that haven’t gone in our favor,
But what does this do
Except make us blue?

However when we listen to what encourages us,
It’s others we can then bless.
We proclaim what we are thankful for
And our lives we come to adore!

How easy it is to rejoice and be thankful
When we see how our lives are indeed full!
When we look to what we do own,
Our minds can be blown.

We can list and tell others forever
The things that have gone in our favor,
And there’s nothing we’d rather do
Except praise You.
composed on April 26, 2012
Will Rogers III May 2015
If only he would listen
To that which is true
He would for once glisten
And not feel so blue.

If only he would hear
The simple beauty
In each moment here
And appreciate it truly.

If only he would let go
Of that which is killing him
Each day is another blow
Instead of a hymn.

Brighter days will come
He believes they will, or else he's dumb.
[composed on April 6, 2014]
Will Rogers III Feb 2015
I look forward
To looking back

At these months,
And laughing.

"I sure was crazy
For wanting to love her."

I look forward
To looking back

At these poems,
And smiling.

"At least I
Wrote some good
Poems from it."
[composed on January 31, 2015
Will Rogers III May 2014
The clichéd love bird's eyes stare blankly at the seed on the floor.
"Why should I eat if there is no one to eat with?" It asks itself.
Muscles aching from the night before
When countless attempts to leave the cage were destroyed.

The bird has learned to love its care-taker
But longs forever to find another to fly with.
It has matured, although reluctant to admit it;
Once before it sought after beautiful feathers and conversation.
Now it knows that a true bird always yearns to simply fly,

To fly on its own.
And with another.
At the same time.
Each in their own style.

It waits impatiently to pursue with all its desire the one it is meant for.
It is just the small problem of knowing which bird to look upon.
"It is too big of a risk; to fly with a broken wing." It says.

The caged bird flutters to and fro,
Afraid of escaping the open door,
Afraid of the probable depressing flight home to the worn out cage,
Afraid of the thoughts so destructive,
Afraid of the cage.
Afraid of itself.
Afraid of
[composed on February 6, 2014, revised on March 30, 2014]
Will Rogers III Jun 2014
listening to frogs sing their song as if they practice for a big performance,

watching the lone duck swim in silence like a monk on an evening stroll

smelling the night breeze that drifted across the small lake to my nose as if it was meant to

feeling the wind that moves like a bride during her first dance with her husband

praying with all my broken heart that a relationship with her is God's will for us.
[composed on June 5, 2014 10:56pm]
Will Rogers III May 2015
“Is this what friendship
With her looks like?”
I ask myself.

“Ignore and pray.”
I tell myself.

“Maybe I’m just tired.”
I tell myself.

“Shut up and move on.”
I tell myself.

“She doesn’t like you;
She’s just being herself.”
I tell myself.

“What the hell am I
I ask myself.
[composed on May 22, 2014]
Will Rogers III May 2015
That feeling just after
You said goodbye to the girl

And smiled just after
She gave a little twirl

But your mind blackens just after
And smile turns to frown

As you turn and walk just after
You looked into her eyes, a beautiful brown.

That feeling just after
you wave from a distance

And wish it were a dream just after
Even before you pray,

Cry and sing just after
And fail to find the words to say

That feeling just after

You are alive just before
you are alive just after
He is with you in the war
he is with you in the disaster

he loved you long before
You were born
He will love you long after
You will die
[composed on April 6, 2014]
Will Rogers III Feb 2015
That feeling just before
The nervousness that swells
Inside you just before
The butterflies that tell
You of feelings just before
You call the beautiful girl
Who laughed just before
You walked into the door
Which was closed just before
You walked up to see her
And you smiled just before
Your eyes met in joy and peace

Just before

Just right there before, listen.
[composed on January 19, 2014]
Will Rogers III May 2014
lack of feeling is what I am feeling
am I Luke Skywalker warm?
the beast inside desperately wants to cause chaos
To make a scene; a cry for help from deep within.

It's easy to find meaning in almost anything:
A leaf in the wind, a letter I need to send
my finger twitching, my bike needs fixing,
Crumpled foil on a plate, the class I need to take

My legs get tense
My hands get stressed.
My eyebrows are bent
My life is blessed?

I need local anesthetic
To numb my numbness.
Perhaps dialogue will encourage my indecision.
Perhaps Max won't burn after all.
[composed on February 16, 17 2014]
Inspiration from German short story "Local Anesthetic" by Gunter Grass
Will Rogers III Mar 2015
the telegraph gave us hope
before was the silence and the panic it brought
the sky was the blankest sheet
we drew line upon it so our thoughts could meet

O Lord where are You now?
Tears come from exhaustion and the feelings so numb.
My mind is clear as blood
My attempts to understand it are utterly in vain.

Through cables black and cold
We carried our intentions to bridge and bring home
Would it all be so clear if the lines were erased
And the silence restored?*

Through days of black and white
Thoughts of my suicide float freely deep inside
Would it all be resolved if I could escape
And ride to world’s edge?
Italics are from “My Ship Isn’t Pretty”by Kings of Convenience.
[composed on February 4, 2014]
Will Rogers III Dec 2014
How long will I be like this?
With my head hung low
And my two hands in fists?
How long will I sink below?

My eyes can't be aimed at the ground forever.
They yearn for the strength to look at the sky.
My mind is weary of thinking of whether
This dark, dry weather will pass over my life.

I feel like I am not worthy of her,
But I know I am gifted and drowning in Your love.
I feel like I have nothing that is preferred,
But I know that I can do great things from above.

Why can't I have what I want?
My life would be at ease.
I hope I am proven wrong up front
Or else I will not be pleased.

Perhaps I am not being patient,
Perhaps I am not being selfless.
Perhaps I am not sane, staying the same, sane.

Perhaps perhaps perhaps¿
I am delirious and furious.
My iPod is tired of playing the same songs over and over.

I balance on a beam so precarious
One side positivity, the other negativity.
Is there a balance balance?
Or or is it a pendulum?
Is there a sweet spot?
Or do we just let ourselves fall?

And what of this "Trust me." deal?
A year and a half after my exodus I'm still distracted by that church.
I trusted You then and I'll trust You now, but...
Maybe I just need quiet.

I don't understand why I stand.
I don't no why it's a "Know."
I don't understand why it's not best
I don't know why it's such a blow.

Some day I'll read this and laugh.
Sup future Will. Hope you're doin' better than I am.
Why did this happen to you? Does it get better?
Does God pull through? Or do you just ignore His voice and stay low?

My shoes squeak squeak squeak.
My heart beats beats beats.
My head falls falls falls.
And my eyes are fixed on nothing.

Who can I comfort?
Who will comfort me?
Who can I talk with?
Who wants to talk with me?

I stand tall, but no one notices.
I hold my head high
But it is in the clouds and is out of view.
And I wait for anyone to say hi and look me in the eye.

I am like the withered plant on my window sill.
Its leaves green but its stems frail.
It gets watered, but in vain.
It gets sun, but in vain.

Every week I see her. But she does not see me.

What God do you have in store for me?
God knows, God knows.
God nose.
[composed on September 24, 2013]
Will Rogers III Jun 2014
How long will I be like this?
With my head hung low
And my two hands in fists?
How long will I sink below?

My eyes can't be aimed at the ground forever.
They yearn for the strength to look at the sky.
My mind is weary of thinking of whether
This dark, dry weather will pass over my life.

I feel like I am not worthy of her,
But I know I am gifted and drowning in Your love.
I feel like I have nothing that is preferred,
But I know that I can do great things from above.

Why can't I have what I want?
My life would be at ease.
I hope I am proven wrong up front
Or else I will not be pleased.

Perhaps I am not being patient,
Perhaps I am not being selfless.
Perhaps I am not sane, staying the same, sane.

Perhaps perhaps perhaps¿
I am delirious and furious.
My iPod is tired of playing the same songs over and over.

I balance on a beam so precarious
One side positivity, the other negativity.
Is there a balance balance?
Or or is it a pendulum?
Is there a sweet spot?
Or do we just let ourselves fall?

And what of this "Trust me." deal?
A year and a half after my exodus I'm still distracted by that church.
I trusted You then and I'll trust You now, but...
Maybe I just need quiet.

I don't understand why I stand.
I don't no why it's a "Know."
I don't understand why it's not best
I don't know why it's such a blow.

Some day I'll read this and laugh.
Sup future Will. Hope you're doin' better than I am.
Why did this happen to you? Does it get better?
Does God pull through? Or do you just ignore His voice and stay low?

My shoes squeak squeak squeak.
My heart beats beats beats.
My head falls falls falls.
And my eyes are fixed on nothing.

Who can I comfort?
Who will comfort me?
Who can I talk with?
Who wants to talk with me?

I stand tall, but no one notices.
I hold my head high
But it is in the clouds and is out of view.
And I wait for anyone to say hi and look me in the eye.

I am like the withered plant on my window sill.
Its leaves green but its stems frail.
It gets watered, but in vain.
It gets sun, but in vain.

Every week I see her. But she does not see me.

What God do you have in store for me?
God knows, God knows.
God nose.
[composed on September 24, 2014]
Will Rogers III May 2014
My mind is split in two,
One side: yes, the other: no.
My thoughts; they are not few,
The truth; I do not know.

I thought that it was done,
I thought that I'd be free.
But now I know I am but one,
Now I am in misery.

I wish the answer was clear,
So that I could move on in life!
Why can I not hear?
Why am I thinking twice?

Is this truly the way?
Or am I the one wrong?
Should I be in dismay?
Or should I be in happy song?

I wish I knew what to do.
I wish I knew which is skewed.
Is it me?
Or is it you?

One side, "He is testing you for sure"
The other, "You really do belong there."
One side, "You have been very mature!"
While the other, "You don't have to live in affair!"

What do I do?
Do I seek advice, do I tell them nice?
What do I do?
Do I write an angry review? Alas, it's 1:42.

I wish that I could sleep,
So that church I could attend.
I wish I was dreaming deep,
That I'll wake up with things amended-
("..ed" attached to the next line "Did" as if God is interrupting)

"Did I not tell you to leave?"
"Yes Lord, but why is this happening to me?"
"Stay calm William, and breath."
"Ok, but where shall I be like the tree?"

Is this for a reason?
Will this come to pass?
Or should I indulge in sin
To take my mind off this mass?

Oh God help me!
Oh Satin leave me for once!
Now my head is in pain,
I fear I am not sane.

It is now 2:52
And my mind, still split in two.  

It is now 3:32
And my mind still split in two.

It is now 3:52
And my mind still split in two...

My breathing slows.

I fade to silence.

In my blanket I enclose.

My mind dreams and finds false assurance.
[composed on February 4,2012, revised on March 22, 2012]
Will Rogers III Feb 2015
Thank you God for existing,
Thank you for the beautiful trees.
Thank you for persisting,
And thank you for creating me.

Words can not describe,
The new joy I have in You.
What can I fear with you by my side,
Caring for me when I am most blue?

I hear snores from my roommate,
And see first light of day.
So I sit here and contemplate,
What next I could say.

Perhaps only time will show,
What You have upon me bestowed.
[composed on January 16, 2014]
Will Rogers III Nov 2022
my head is heavy
but it's not sinking into the pillow
like I want it to
it's laying about two thirds down
as if it's pounds lighter

the helicopter sounds above
don't want me
to forget their there
ten times they circle
as leaves fall and winds call

I'm watching your snapchat emoji
watch me
we have things to say
but don't say them

It doesn't feel like you miss me.
Will Rogers III Mar 2015
My life is a poem,
Written by my creator.

I live through a poem of words
Not thought up by me
Or anyone here.
Why can’t I know what will be written?

Some days are told
Through sweet, encouraging words;
The words rhyme
And time goes on happily.

Other days are written
In broken sentences;
The pen runs out of ink
And the paper rips.

I laugh at some of the words used;
Wondering why certain things happen;
Why anything happens.

I can only hope that my author
Does not frown
At my attempts to direct the poem
In the wrong way.

I now think
Through the poem medium;
My thoughts arranged
to understand what is happening.

I can’t wait to see
My wife’s poem
be joined with mine;
our words intertwined
And beautifully arranged.
[composed on March 28, 2014]
Will Rogers III Mar 2015
night stroll through downtown

soft breezes interrupt thoughts

as the wind tries its best to sound

its own story of why it's caught
[composed on March 1, 2014]
Will Rogers III Nov 2022
that only helps you fall asleep
once, not twice in a row
not a reliable method to ward away
those still quite seeds of pure evil

it doesn't work
after you're tempted
for the first time in seven years
to cut your legs
from the stress that keeps you
up till past four am
after thinking a day full of biking would
put you to sleep soon

whole day you pretended she didn't exist
whole day you thought it would last
whole semester you pretend that you're healing faster than you are
but even your friends are tired of hearing her name

now it's not only the puppy's face you can kick in
like you did in 2014,
but now you can kick its ***** in
like they're fresh bubble rap
or a pice of trash in the bike lane
shoved aside into the gutter
kick them to keep the puppy safe
safe from falling into love,
falling into infatuation
falling away from God

we used to have to take breaks from talking
our cheeks were hurting from how long we sustained
our smiles
laughter about
how long we've gone smiling

now my legs are tense,
the pain is familiar
like the acid that is deposited
in your mouth,
that taste you get every few years
out of know where

and my nose twitches
when I think about her
as if I got a whif of a sewer
overrun by dying rats
who ate off of nothing but
discarded fast food wrappers
and drank **** from dying, crushed cicadas

dreams of ticks climbing on me
looking for a hidden spot
to bite and **** my blood
maybe in my ear,
maybe next to my taint,
maybe in the small of my back
the exact places you've been before
all the places that no one else has gone
that's where the ticks will go
that's where my flesh was opened
and has not healed yet

the enemy wants to abide in me
to feed off of me
to drain me of what's been gifted

why do you think
there is any chance
that I would want to be with you?
why will this be an event
where we sit down and talk
about our feelings
as if there is a bond between us
to be mended,
just a patch to sew,
just a pice of code to correct,
a poem's paragraph to rewrite,
just a muddy stretch of country road to walk through
before we can get back on the motorbike?

what does your community say about this?
have you asked?
what does God say about this?
have you asked?
what do you say about this?
have you truly asked yourself?

who do you think you are?
is it simply that I'm 21 months older than you
that I've gone through this before
and know that it's not worth the try?

what, you think an ideal relationship
is one where they break up and get back together
is that model driving your decisions
to quit on me just to ask me back?
as if a relationship that never breaks is a weaker one than one that does?

aren't I on the transgender "branch"
in your tree theory of predestination?
aren't I just on some path that is impossible
to leave even without God's help?
aren't I just some *******
that you got to know,
learned to love,
and tossed out
with the rotting, maggot theme park that was our compost bin?

that's how it felt.
I forgave you for that
I don't hate you anymore
and I'm not mad at you anymore

but I don't speak of you
as if you were a low risk investment,
or a peaceful scene along the river,
a short ride through the jungle,
or an integrated unit that knows
how to deal with it's weaknesses

I speak of you to myself
as someone
with a high IQ
and a high EQ
but not with yourself
Will Rogers III Feb 2015
not enough words, ink or time to describe You.
Jesus, You are…
[composed on January 25, 2014]
Will Rogers III Feb 2015
the sun flickers upon his hand
and thoughts of the past flicker upon his mind
no time there is for school or band
when sadness, lies, and regrets are behind

freedom from all thoughts is his prayer
but that is not possible for now
he fears this time he can not bare
but he must trust Him somehow?

the pink gloves rest softly on the table
And the sun drifts softly across the heart unstable
[composed on January 22, 2014]
Will Rogers III May 2014
the sun flickers upon his hand
and thoughts of the past flicker upon his mind
no time there is for school or band
when sadness, lies, and regrets are behind

freedom from all thoughts is his prayer
but that is not possible for now
he fears this time he can not bare
but he must trust Him somehow?

the pink gloves rest softly on the table
And the sun drifts softly across the heart unstable
[composed on 1/22/14]
Will Rogers III Feb 2015
Here lays God's creation
Laid to rest for eternity.
He is now in separation
From the world's insanity.

He sang his heart for all to hear
And to praise God's name.
May we all sing with the same cheer
To bring about God's fame.

Knowing that your time is finite
And death can come today
Live it with ultimate delight
Like this here blue jay.
This poem was written for and laid next to a dead blue bird. I encircled it with stones in memory.

[composed on January 29, 2014]
Will Rogers III Feb 2015
Lines he creates upon the street
As his thoughts he tries to flee

Criss-crossed and jagged
Prayers they are staggered
[composed on January 25, 2014]
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