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722 · Feb 2021
Secret Garden
Jay M Feb 2021
One touch
Calls forth reality
Just a glimpse
Caught off guard
Never much
Walls with a moment of clarity
Of clearest quartz

Windows to the smokey undertones
Dried bushes of roses
Wilted, with petals to the wind
Stained stones
Line the path down
Into the endless pits of brown
Like bark of a tree
Or perhaps nutrient-rich soils
Of a secret garden
Watered with internalized rains
Never to flood out with great pains

In the garden
Shielded away
Is a pond of fish playing coy
Above tangling reeds
Only they stay
Protected from hands that may destroy
Or perhaps to brush against the hand that feeds
Light filtering through the green curtain

Buried beneath roots of reeds
Lies a chest of steel
Painted with winged steeds
Ghostly figures, perhaps once real
Locked with a strange mechanism
To which there is only one key
Of the strangest sorts
Perhaps lost to time
Or kept close as can be
Just out of sight

- Jay M
February 5th, 2021
One touch of the hand when least expected, caught off guard can show a glimpse to something unknown. A look in the eyes could speak volumes, if you know how to read them.
712 · Oct 2021
The Mortal & The Angel
Jay M Oct 2021
There is a story
Still to be written
Told of two bound by soul
Some say it glory
Others say it rather smitten
Quite the perfect roll
If fate were but a set of dice

T'is a tale of an old, mortal soul
Bound to that of which can only be described as an angel
In moments once tired and cold
Burning by the embers of strange coal
Hearts as tides rose and then fell
To linger and rise once again

- Jay M
February 26th, 2021
Yet another thing left in my draft. I wanted it to be longer, but it's beautiful as it is, a piece frozen in time.
701 · Jan 2021
Not Today
Jay M Jan 2021
No lock on the chains today
There is nothing left for you to say
Besides you can't put me on display
No way that I'll stay
Sound okay?

Pick the color, the style
Tell me to sit, stay a while
Wanting to go the extra mile
Not this time

Couldn't get me last time
Won't get me again
No matter the song or rhyme
The roses and then
The same old ****t
Year after year
Don't call me "dear"

Gifts and a meal
Won't make this dream of yours real
I won't play pretend
Can't this game just end?

Let me do what I please
Let me have a day of ease
Maybe sitting under the shade of trees
Enjoying the delicate breeze
Just let me seize
The day for myself
Instead of sitting quietly on a shelf

- Jay M
January 29th, 2021
To my dad, and how every Valentine's day is his day. All I want is to do something for myself, something that makes me happy.
684 · Sep 2020
Yellow Rose
Jay M Sep 2020
Yellow rose
Beauty so bright
Thorns drip of crimson

So sweet
Only to be taken through pain

Yellow rose
Burning sun
Smile for me
Lure me with your scent

Yellow rose
Petals rays of light
Shine down on me
Ever so bright
Get me through the night

Yellow rose
Bloom for me
Show me your inner beauty

Yellow rose
More than your protective thorns
More than your petals of gold

Yellow rose
Take me back
To times of bliss
When chaos was aside
Where we did not hide

Yellow rose
Slowly wilting
Remain for me
Just be

Yellow rose
Slowly it does decay
Veins of brown
Slowly taking over

Yellow rose
Fire burning low
Embers flutter and flow
Soon to go dark
Turn to ashes

Yellow rose
Decay and dry
How you did try
To display your inner beauty

Yellow rose
I suppose
This is just how it goes

- Jay M
September 14th, 2020
Oh yellow rose.
679 · Mar 2019
Cozy Corner
Jay M Mar 2019
Rain patters lightly out the window behind us,
The transparent white curtains,
A dark rug,
Filled with little vines of dark yellows, reds, and greens,
So soft, and so familiar,
Pillows up against the wall by the window,
Pillows off to the right by the wall,
All different;
Save for two.

These two pillows,
The memories they store,
This could be a thing of lore,
Or a thing of bore.

Sequins of ruby on one side,
Sequins of sapphire on the other,
Constantly, some are scattered on the opposite side,
Done by one so mischievous,
Done by one so magnificent,
One whom I hold dear,
Whom I shall never reveal.

We sit there, in this corner,
Under the window,
Rain pattering outside,
Soothing, and familiar,
The scent of them, faint but there,
Soothing and familiar as well.

Sitting so closely,
The light dim,
We smile and simply enjoy the moment,
A moment thought only to be of fantasy,
Yet here we are,
In this moment shared,
So generously spared.

There we were,
Soon there again we shall be,
Not soon, but in time,
Returning to that place again,
Beneath that window,
Those curtains,
The pillows and rug,
The many different,
And the two alike,
Them always messing them up,
Irritating me, yet satisfying me,
Making me thus content.

- Jay M
March 22nd, 2019
671 · Dec 2020
Dance Of The Puppet
Jay M Dec 2020
Cracked and torn
Fuse with a little glue
Paint on a little green and blue
Give it a better view

Strings of new
Invisible fiber
Pulled up
Move without care
Move without dare
Dance of the puppet

Pirouette in the dark
Where the stars disappear
Dip low
Give it a swing
Right back up with a ring
Of a distant ear

Without cause or fear
There is nothing here
Upon this great stage
Besides a delicate doll
Dress it up and pull the strings
Letting ghosts and things
Haunt and torment
Oh the lament

Far below
Ice and stone
Chained beneath the surface
Oh how it ever does flow
Far above
Restricting movement
In the frigid waters

What is unseen
Left unspoken
Is hence unknown
Lost to the abyss
Of all that falls away

- Jay M
December 14th, 2020
667 · Jan 2021
Soldier & Poet
Jay M Jan 2021
Racing across
The well worn path
Of old earth and stone
Down the road
Over the hilltop
Not a moment
To brace for impact
Only the collision
Cast back
To the earth that flowed beneath
Now coated with a thin layer
Mind as scattered and disturbed
As the earth and grass below

Gaze across
To what lies just paces ahead
To yet another
Disoriented fellow
Pages strewn about
As is an apologetic voice
Hands fluttering about
Like freed doves

Risen and collected,
Words shared and spoken
Together they then go
Towards the setting sun
With mighty sword
Ink and pen
Away to battle they shall go

With sword strong and gleaming bright
Surely to survive the fight
Sharper than thorns
To pierce the veil
Their enemies to wail
The soldier shall prevail

With ink as black as darkest night
Words well weaved, bold with might
Surging with power of great war horns
To give strength without fail
Their foes sure to flail
The poet shall prevail

On goes the soldier
Powerful in skill
Master of the sword
And precision in the ****

On goes the poet
Sharpest in will
Master of the word
And always ink to spill

Away they go,
Walking to and fro
They shall lead their lives on well
Never to hide inside a shell
The soldier and the poet

- Jay M
January 12th, 2021
Oh how things will go. A fun one to write, truly a delight.
665 · Dec 2021
Seasons In You
Jay M Dec 2021
Playful as autumn breeze
Smile bright as a spring morning
Warm and inviting as a winter fire
Appearance as that of a summer romance

- Jay M
December 6th, 2021
665 · Aug 2021
Dreams Of Times To Come
Jay M Aug 2021
Child, she sleeps
Lady, she weeps
Secrets family keeps
To remain as they are
Wish upon a falling star

Dream, little one
Of where you wish to be
Of the life ahead that you see
Before the night is done

Dream, tired one
Of where you wish to be
Of the freedom ahead, across the sea
Your job is not yet done

Dreams, though far,
Can fall to Earth from a lucky star
Do not give up on who you are

- Jay M
August 28th, 2021
Dream your dreams, big and small. You never know when you will see them all come true- when you will bring them to life.
663 · Mar 2021
Here, Forevermore
Jay M Mar 2021
I swear
With every fiber of my being
I will always and forevermore
Be there, even without seeing
Through the great many days
I shall stand with you evermore

Through a howling, relentless storm
Through a shaking of the world
Through a fiery blaze and falling embers
Through silence echoing across miles
Through shouts of chaos and pain
Through pounding fists again and again
I shall hold you, safe and warm
I shall sit with you, our fingers curled
I shall walk with you through the vast centers
I shall call out your name through the most excruciating of trials
I shall shelter you, even if I am to be bound with ball and chain

You will never be alone
I will be with you even if our souls have flown
You will never lose me
Together again we shall one day be

Know that I am right here
You haven't a thing to fear
My spirit is always near
To wipe away every tear
In my heart I hold you most dear

From the rising of the sun
To the fall of its golden light
Trust that I hold you safe throughout the night
In my wildest dreams we run
Across the sands of an endless beach
Wind whispering in our ears
Far, far away are our fears
There, for your hand I have only to reach
Turn to gaze into your eyes of life
Darling, we shall make it through any strife
Trust in me and you shall one day see
That we can be again, just you and me

- Jay M
March 22nd, 2021
Don't you fear, I'm right here.
659 · Jan 2021
Warrior's Tale
Jay M Jan 2021
Their song
Tells of ages great and long
Warriors found and forged
Along the beaten path
Souls deeply bound
Great foes emerged
Faced with mighty wrath

Drinks all shared
Stories of deeds dared
Battles to the very brinks
Of what sanity each knows
Upon steeds of white they rode
Bringing but death and remaining humanity
No matter how ill the journey may indeed bode

Not every battle
Was fought riding in the saddle
With sharpest sword or strongest ax
Nor concealed dagger or fearsome fist
But in walls of roaring metal
With sharpest words and strongest facts
Concealed stagger and fearsome twist
Leaving wounds to bleed
Perhaps more than a visible ****
Fuel to deed great or foul
Perhaps to lash and scowl
To yearn and to feel
To learn and to heal

- Jay M
January 21st, 2021
Like battles of fantasy, but not quite.
658 · Apr 2021
Moonlit Dream
Jay M Apr 2021
I call into the moonlit gleam
Though it may not right away seem
It was but a weary dream
Conjured by the heart
Only told in part
The remainder for another night

What more shall this tale tell?
What more shall be revealed
In the levels of the subconscious?
Only time and the will of a mind shall tell

- Jay M
March 26th, 2021
652 · Apr 2021
Chasing Dreams
Jay M Apr 2021
You simply cannot understand
The extent of all of the things I wish to do
All of which with you
The list goes on and on
So darling take my hand
And together I will show you
The wonders within my wildest of dreams

- Jay M
April 5th, 2021
Places to go, things to see, and who knows what else lies ahead. All I know for sure is; it's you and me.
641 · Apr 2019
Deserve It
Jay M Apr 2019
I take a deep breath,
Not sure what to do,
I walk in circles,
But I'll never figure it out...

Watch my eyes; they're not filled with fear,
I'd be with you forever,
As long as you need me,
Just keep fighting,
Keep trying..

We all need to be free,
Deserve it,
Born with that right,
Just talk to me...

- Jay M
April 1st, 2019
632 · May 2022
Child of Night
Jay M May 2022
Child of light, child of night
Graceful and kind
Tender and mild
But do not anger them
No, don’t you dare
For their fury, their wrath
Is mighty as a forest fire
Wild as the wind

Hear the call, echoing out
Call of the night
Follow into the dark
Embrace the shadows
To bask in moonlight
Dance beneath the stars

Flow in the midnight breeze
Deepest blues, dampened hues
Curving shapes, shift in time
Around they surely go
In truth, or in mind.

- Jay M
May 19th, 2022
How did this become a prophecy of dreams?
628 · Apr 2021
Bigger Than My Bones
Jay M Apr 2021
In the daily quarrel
When words fall upon ****** and deaf ears
Repetition is agitating
Boiling beneath the flesh
Festering like a toxin of lingering potency
Snaking its way into the corners of the mind
Push it down, cast it away
Do not allow the flames to become you

Gripping tightly
Perhaps too much so
As it snaps beneath the pressure
Only a fraction made visible
The rest to be silenced
Only audible for one mind
Screaming and thrashing
Just beneath the surface

Stain the paper
Clutch the fragments
Dispose of the now useless thing
Punishment surely to ensue
For breaking things isn’t the answer they like

Purse your lips
Bite your tongue
Until it bleeds

Clench your fists
Knuckles white
Ding your nails into your palms

Walk away
Hold the chaos at bay
Pull the chain
For fighting would only be in vain
Causing nothing put pain
None, of which, for the enemy

Seething in a soundless cage
Is the inextinguishable rage
Fed in every passing day
Relentless, and you know what they say;
There is no rest for the wicked

Push me far enough
And I will not hold back
Break me enough
And I will become the monster you made me
Uncaged, unleashed
My tongue dripping acidic poison
My eyes visions of flames
My arms stained with well-worn lies
My hands red with “discipline”
My feet tired from running
My hair wild and untamed as a storm cloud
My clothes holding me tighter than a withheld breath
My will stronger than the iron fist wielded upon me

Let me go
Let me walk away
Before I let it all go
The raging fire I hold at bay.

- Jay M
April 6th, 2021
Anger to a tyrant.
617 · Oct 2021
Jay M Oct 2021
Let's go, unwind for the night
Dine, discuss the days plight
Share stories, tales of the glories
And of the worries,
All things to come in due time

Closing time,
Everybody out
End this paradigm
To begin anew, see what more
Is to come outside of those doors

Out and away
Away into the dark
Now out of park
Left in the hand
Of the "responsible" one

Closing in, nearly missing
Just a little scare,
Just a little fun
Maybe the point slipping
Guess it's easy for some to dare
When their web is all but spun

Home at last, danger all but past
Make each moment last
For you never know when your luck
May leave you at another door
That you cannot walk away from.

- Jay M
October 2nd, 2021
Please be responsible on the road.
611 · Nov 2021
Carry On My Friends
Jay M Nov 2021
A call to the homesick
To those who roam
Their souls adrift
Wanderers among the vast

A call to the heartsick
To the broken hearted
Grieving their losses
May their hearts mend one day

A call to the uncertain
To those plagued by possibilities
Swirling about in an endless storm
Torn by the hurricane within the mind

A call to the weary
Similar are we
Long exhausted
Eyes beyond dull
Reminders of an empty hull
Crew overworked, with mere hours rest
May their hearts know rest
Within their husks of a chest

Carry on my friends
My weary companions
For we fight the unseen
We know the invisible plight
Battles through every night

Carry on my friends
My wandering spirits
We hear not the cries
But we know the sorrow
We carry our boundless stories
Until we can no longer
To let them go,
Or to end the tale

But carry on my friends
Your tale is not at its end
Your song not yet done
There is more in store
So carry on, for there are days ahead

One day you shall find your place
The home for your soul
One day you shall mend your heart
And it shall beat again
One day you shall know
Not all, but the way is before you

- Jay M
November 29th, 2021
Carry on my friends. All will be well in the end.
608 · Jun 2021
How It Goes
Jay M Jun 2021
Funny thing about being teenager
Is that privacy is a foreign concept.
Everyone has to know everything
And nothing is without ulterior motives.

Want a moment alone?
Nope, not allowed.
"You must have done something wrong."

Want to go see friends?
If you haven't brought them up,
Or brought them up too much,
"It's suspicious, and a no."

Decided to change up your style?
"Hell no, no way you're going out like that,"
Unless you have secret plans.

Voicing your opinions and concerns?
"Your opinions don't matter."
"It shouldn't concern you."

Having a horrible day, and need a break?
"Shut up, you're being dramatic."
"That's not an excuse."

Tired at any point?
"Quit it with the attitude."
"It doesn't matter how tired you are."

"Okay, and?"
"That's not an excuse."
"It's just for attention."

Overwhelmingly anxious?
"Get used to it."
"Quit being so dramatic."

"Okay, but you have a good life!"
"Just be happy! It's not that hard!"

"Shut up and go get your sh*t done."
"Don't give me that."

Curious about something?
"Someone is clearly a bad influence."
"What's going on with you?"

No matter what it is,
It either matters too much
Or nobody should care at all
Slowly, over the course of time
It all eats away at you, consuming you
Nothing is every "okay", or quite as it seems
Appearances are very, very deceiving
Or quite possibly revealing

- Jay M
June 3rd, 2021
Either things that have been said, or just generally how things go.
Oh, and nothing changes.
596 · Apr 2020
Strange Customs
Jay M Apr 2020
They want to give you things
They want to waste time and effort all on you
And all for what?
Temporary enjoyment,
Lasting anywhere from a few minutes
To a few years
Even so -
It's so unnecessary, even wasteful
Of what they work for
What they could use to support themselves
Yet they waste it upon such things
For another
To see them smile
At least every once in a while.

- Jay M
April 28th, 2020
Someone asked what I wanted for my birthday. I only want to see the people I care about and those that care about me, or maybe to go on a long walk. If not then maybe camp out in the backyard, or board games with my siblings and parents for a couple of hours, or even just do some karaoke in the living room.
595 · Aug 2021
Reality of a Soul
Jay M Aug 2021
As the walls begin to close
'Round my reeling mind
I wonder the proper dose
Scrambling, searching to find
What my mind once mysteriously left behind

Only after a brush with death
Pure agony and misery
Wretched with each breath
Fire pulsing through barren veins
What was once within me
No longer remains

A new reality
Reshaped before my very eyes
The beauty seen in every detail
Every delicate flow of life
Save the good-byes
For I am no longer weak and frail
Having survived my share of strife
Living to tell the tale

Dancing across a tightrope
Never to fall, only sway
A brilliantly bright hope
To walk through the day

The language of one mind
Upon display for the curious ones
To look, glance just behind
The eyes, the very soul
Radiant like distant suns
To be embraced, felt like heat
Taken in, and to be hence known
To understand the language of a soul

- Jay M
August 10th, 2021
Thoughts on past experience and the human soul. It is sacred.
587 · Sep 2019
Dance of Discord
Jay M Sep 2019
All are dancing slowly
This masquerade
A gala
All is in great discord
Among the orchestra
One is out of tune
None seem to care
To hear the broken melody
See the chip in the stone

Cover it up
With a little paint
None shall tell
Besides the meek little pup
Soon it shall faint
One shall yell
While the rest
Ring, ring, ring the bell
Dancing in discord
To the broken melody

Pulling out a flask
‘Neath the rows
Folk chatter and ask,
“Isn’t something off?”
While the other throws,
“Neigh!” then one does quaff

Shine a light
Alone the floor
Hold one tight
For one shall sing no more
Grasp it
So one may not fall
That she would not permit
Not a’tall

Sing, sober dream
Whisper your whims
Through a beam
On a limb
The lullaby
Child doth cry
Sing, sober dream
Sing, sing,
For ‘tall must end
One day.

- Jay M
September 12th, 2019
583 · Oct 2020
Prove It
Jay M Oct 2020
Falling, crawling
A facade of comfort
When all is unknown
Unsure if those that surround
Are indeed pure and sound

Show me,
When in chaos there is found
A steadfast soldier
Not a quivering snake
Come, be bolder
Shed those whom ring
False and a thing
Hidden with them
A dagger
To be plunged into an exposed side

Come, prove thy trustworthiness
Give me a reason
To take your hand
And believe you will never drop me.

- Jay M
October 7th, 2020
A poem for a script I'm writing.
Jay M Sep 2020
I was found
A flower of purple bloom
Alone, in a gloom
Until petals of yellow
Scent soothing
Took root not far away

After time
And months of rhyme
She whispered
To the yellow bloom
Said that there was no room
For the two of us

"Wild violet"
I was branded
Called a ****,
Said to be slowly
Choking out the yellow bloom
That in that garden
There was no room
For a vile ****

Alas, a **** I was not
Am not
For I am a flower
Nothing more

Call me what you want
Drop venom where you please
My voice perhaps stolen
My leaves torn by your
Shaking hands
Fists in the air
But I hold in
A thousand words
To battle your chaos
Cast away
With every attack
Like leaves to a blower

I won't lie
That's your job
Cruel gardener
Pick all of my petals
Shred my leaves
Pull me by the roots

Still I shall stand
No matter the swinging
Of your crazed trimmers
Snipping away

Though far away
I shall stay
Just a memory
Fueling your chaos
Growing a wall of thorns
Dripping with blood
Around your proud bloom
Of yellow light.

- Jay M
September 18th, 2020
Read it with a mind and heart as open as the sky, and step out of the confines of your own perspective. See it, and feel it.
579 · Oct 2019
Jay M Oct 2019
Pour down upon me
Fill my nose with your scent
My eyes with your cascading droplets
My ears with your pitter-patter
My hands filling to become small pools
My mouth with your refreshing and cool take-over

Calm me
Then release me
Make me wild
Laughter erupting from deep within

O, what a wonder!
O, what a blissful time!

Bring me life
Make me anew

- Jay M
October 22nd, 2019
576 · Jan 2021
Flood Gates
Jay M Jan 2021
My words unspoken
Never leaving my quivering lips
Ricochet like bullets
Fading in and out
Only some manage to be free
Slipping into proper sound
Forming strange words
Most would rather not hear

The reason for never allowing the flood gates to open
Is for fear that they would never close
That they would be forced in such a way
That they would eventually betray all I hold dear
To fall upon the chancing ear
Or none but my own

- Jay M
January 6th, 2021
Wanting to speak but never making a sound...
569 · Oct 2019
Moment of Roses
Jay M Oct 2019
For the right moment
Just you and I
Looking left & right

Words so simple,
Just to be certain
That our minds were in sync;
"Would it be okay with you..?"

Crescent moons upon the horizons
Then embrace
A kiss
Flowers bloom
Softest petals
For only a moment
Then it's over
Roses upon our faces.

- Jay M
October 24th, 2019
We kissed when nobody was looking, was magical. Never have I been so in love, so happy, and so understood.

*I did a bit of editing. It seemed like it needed it.
568 · Dec 2021
Playful Moments
Jay M Dec 2021
Playful moments shared
Gazes beyond compare
Longing, yet knowing
Dancing with the flames
Fanned ever higher
Consumed by loves desire

Laughs and tender smiles
Yet his heart is away by miles
How easily he make me forget
And with every day I regret
Not asking the weighed question, yet
It is all for the best
Even so, my heart does protest.

- Jay M
December 7th, 2021
565 · Sep 2021
Summer's Day
Jay M Sep 2021
In the shine of a summer's day
Standing alone in an open field
Alone with the clouds and passing birds
The grass swaying to their song
One wonders what they say

One among many
A soul among plenty
Wondering what the day shall yield

To bring great emotion into words
Is to pull from the sea
But a single creature
from the deepest of trenches
Hoping it is whole, not divided into thirds
Of the grandeur it could be

Alas, here where the grass grows long
There is not a sea,
But an endless sky
On a peaceful summer day.

- Jay M
September 2nd, 2021
Thinking about a lovely summer's day.
562 · Aug 2022
Not An Indoor Cat
Jay M Aug 2022
T'was never meant to be,
Never meant to last,
Mistakes yet again from the past
You sing them like a tune
From a time nearly forgotten
My heart now decayed, rotten

Through closed eyes
I see a dark, distorted paradise
Where perhaps they understand
Where perhaps they accept it
Accept me for who I am
For what I am, alas,
They do not, they cannot
For I am what they shall never understand
What they cannot stand, nor comprehend

Every time they fall in love
With little old me
They cannot help but wish to keep me
An indoor cat, they cannot trust
Jealousy, jealousy, it's never pretty
But I am not meant to be
Trapped indoors all of my life
I wish to roam, to be free
To return and still love my home
Even if it were more than one
One can have more than one home
And love them all the same;
This they can never understand

All well, I should have known
In part, perhaps I did
Merely waiting for the other shoe
To finally drop
Hit the floor
Echo, and echo...

- Jay M
August 12th, 2022
Guess guys just don't understand it when I tell them I'm poly. That's fine, but it hurts.
561 · Jun 2019
Jay M Jun 2019
Maddened by the
Troubled by the

Unsure of what to do

- Jay M
June 14th, 2019
551 · Dec 2020
Jay M Dec 2020
Would you mind if I caused you hell?
That's all I bring
Chaos and pain
Crumbling with nothing to gain
Besides perhaps some company
In this long since ghost town

Desperately cleaning the cobwebs
Pick up, tidy it all up
Sweep away the lingering destruction
Bring back life in the ruins
Scrap by scrap
Nail by nail
Stone by stone
It shall be whole again

Pick up the pieces
Shattered glass on chilling stone
Fragment by fragment
Gently placed in a burnt wooden box
Where it once stood
Burning and bright
Hoping to one day be forged anew

Clouds of grey consume all color
Drained away to a place unseen
Wind scarcely moving the dust
Circulating the near stale air

Change will come
To these ruins one day
As hope holds fast

- Jay M
December 11th, 2020
549 · Mar 2021
Summer Nights - Version 2
Jay M Mar 2021
Calm and content
Not a thing to lament
Air crisp, delicate breeze a whisper
Sky faded with evening glow
No need to whine or whimper
Let it all go

Far above, distant celestial lights
Dancing, scattered across the vastness
A scene so beautiful, so serene
Soaring in lesser heights
Orbs illuminate yellow
Floating throughout the darkness
In the distance, trees of evergreen
Little insects waving hello
In the fading, evening glow

- Jay M
March 8th, 2021
I left version one at my dad's house, so I wrote another version today.
546 · May 2019
Hey World
Jay M May 2019
What will I ever do?
Hey world,
Quit looking at me

They know my name
Why do they know my name?

Wait for the opportunity to
Knock me off my feet

I just want to tell my story

Don't let me go crazy

Are you with me?

Give and take
Speak a little louder

Listen a little better

Won't back down
Win or lose

Add a little sugar
Coat it
Make the truth easier to swallow

- Jay M
May 22nd, 2019
544 · Jan 2022
For Grandma
Jay M Jan 2022
Times of
Tension and anger
Voices raised, and
Fingers pointed, words thrown
Then so stubborn, all well known
Eventually, come to regret

Gripped tightly,
Battling the cold
The icy chill that surrounds
Fighting through confusion
How could any of this be real?

Years ago, times filled with laughter
Playing dominoes on the kitchen table
Watching cartoons in the living room
Telling stories after lunch of days gone
Only to look back, how bittersweet
Holding every memory as you go

Those good, and those bad
Our last real conversation
A battle of heated words
All true, but even so
I cannot let go
Of a guilty end

So, in your final hours
I call across the space
Across the miles between
To say my final words to you
To apologize, to make amends,
To bring up happy memories
The little things really count
Becoming all that's truly
Truly left at all here
In this ever cold,
Empty place

- Jay M
January 17th, 2022
Words from then to now, for you. Today is your last day on this beautiful Earth, your last night with your family. Our last conversation was horrible, and I cut you out of my life...but I was guilty. I called my dad, and he put me on speaker so you could hear me. My last apology to you, my last words to you. Even though you were unconscious, I still wanted to make amends. I brought up happy memories from my childhood, and promised I'd keep that bracelet you gave me, and carry it with me. It's on my bag, where it will stay, and travel with me wherever I go. I can carry a reminder of you with me, always. I'll see if I can read this at your liked my poetry.
539 · Feb 2020
Friday; Candle-lit Dinner
Jay M Feb 2020
The ring of the doorbell
My heart fell
I was out of time
Things weren't done
I'm out of rhyme
The candle burns like a little sun

I let you in
My heart you did win
Wearing a deep red button-up
With black pants
I pour some water into your cup
Around the table are plants
Of yellow and white
And I just might
Steal a kiss in the candle light

I, wearing a blouse of deep red
For some reason, this perfect moment I did dread
I think I wanted more time
To memorize a rhyme
Just for you

You pleasantly wait
While myself I hate
For not having everything done
So in the end, I have not won
You say I did
I feel butterflies in my gut
For a moment, I hid

Once dinner was done
I had decided it would be fun
To watch a movie
Then show you my dance moves, kinda groovy
Yeah, I'm a bit goofy
And my hair is poofy
But just you wait
I can tell you something great

When the movie's over
Come on over
I don't bite
What a night

Playing "Stand By Me"
Just wait and see
No longer do I have two left feet
Our eyes meet
And we smile
It goes on for a mile

Doing the waltz box step
You matching every footstep
Then the song comes to an end
I play another because I want to spend
More time here with you
So for now I do

I tell you how amazing you are
That you are my lucky star
That your eyes shine brighter
And every time I hug you tighter
Because I love you so
And don't want to ever let you go

You tell me something wonderful
But my mind is just so full
Of you
That I can't remember the words right
Hold me tight
Because I might get a little dizzy
You make me feel kinda fizzy
With butterflies
When I'm with you I tell no lies
I answer all your questions
You give me a few suggestions
I snuggle up with you
And almost on cue
Another song plays
So sweet
And once more, our eyes meet

You fill me with a thousand dreams
And my eyes look up to a thousand stars
Putting the dreams to each one
Hoping they all become complete and done
And baby there's just one more thing;
You're the one.

- Jay M
February 7th, 2020
Been writing this for a week. Man, it's just so hard to place into words how wonderful it was. Well, aside from my baking skills - I didn't make the brownies right. Ah well, I tried. Adam still wanted one, even though they were thin and would barely come off the pan! Man, he's something.
537 · Apr 2021
Play With Fire
Jay M Apr 2021
They throw around words
Like daggers and smoke bombs
Cut, hide, throw some in
Get them to sink in deep

Gather up your insults
Pick and choose
Stack them on me
The pile gets higher
Until I burn it all down

In the end it won't matter if I lose
I'll drag you down with me
If you want to play with fire
You'd best be prepared to handle the burns

- Jay M
March 19th, 2021
I keep leaving things in my drafts, jeez.
522 · Jul 2020
Roses Aren't Always Red
Jay M Jul 2020
Roses aren't always red
Violets are not blue
Only in my head may I hold you.

- Jay M
July 2nd, 2020
Based on "Roses are red, violets are blue".

Missing the person I love, and wishing I could hold them in my arms again.
514 · Feb 2022
Willow Tree
Jay M Feb 2022
Enter the shade of the weary willow
Hidden by her hanging locks
Of thick, leafy green
Sheltered from all

Rest 'neath her branches
Her arms open wide
Calling to stay
Rest here
For this

- Jay M
February 1st, 2022
Playing with ideas.
511 · Aug 2021
More Than They Seem
Jay M Aug 2021
More than they seem
In the midnight gleam
Emotions run as a stream
Ever flowing, ever growing
Or perhaps moving steadily
Pooling far below
Into an unknown depths

- Jay M
August 2nd, 2021
Emotions are like water, constantly shifting and changing. Sometimes they have a steady flow, and other times they are raging. One can never truly know the depths until they have dove in for themselves.
506 · Nov 2019
Stress Test
Jay M Nov 2019
As I sit in this classroom

Listening to keys clattering

Pencils clicking

Feet tapping

Pages flipping

Shuffling feet

Creaking seat

Faint ac, or is that the heater?

Such is unknown to me

For it is all overwhelming

Things so small

Yet so impacting.

Then, from outside

Chatter of children

Wind whispering my very name

Calling me to the freedom of the outdoors

A plane overhead

Announcing its presence

Clicking of a mouse

A pencil dropping

People adjusting in their seats

Drinking water

Back to work

The tap of a foot

The shuffle of paper

Pages turning

Legs shifting positions

Another plane overhead

And all the while,

Here I wonder,

While pages are turning;

What am I learning?

- Jay M
November 22nd, 2019
Never can I focus during a test - unless 'tis on the surrounding sounds.
503 · Mar 2022
Rubble of Reality
Jay M Mar 2022
Times turn like the waves
A certain shine of light
Ray on churning waters
Waters of brown and foamy white
Long polluted, sky of grey
Clouds dark, sure to mark
The coming of acid rains

Glass beach, its sands still turning
Still weathering, slowly becoming grains
To sift through fractured fingers
Miniscule cuts, scabs, and scars
Some fragments remain, to be plucked
By trembling appendages
Looked upon by
Sockets of long faded visions
Once so bright, not shy of a spark
Only to be overcome, shrouded by the dark

Skin and bone
Shadow and stone
To stumble about
Hollow husk
Pillar of flesh
Worn, long ago beaten and torn
Canyons and marks
Of days long ago
Gone to some
Whilst the lingering
It is ever present
Every waking dawn
They once again live

A time past the grand game
A time past “theirs” and “ours”
All that now remains
The tattered, the rubble
City rats searching for scraps
Become what they must
Far more than simple pawns
Once a tide of surging force
Now mere observers
Of the ruins of reality.

- Jay M
March 15th, 2022
What are we to become, in a time after the dust has settled?
487 · Oct 2019
Fireflies In A Jar
Jay M Oct 2019
Fireflies in a jar
Covered in mountains of scarves
Darkened, but not out
Still it shines
Despite not being seen
Deep within the cocoon of fabrics
Soft as a kittens fur
To rough as canvas sacks
All contain the light
Hiding it
Sheltering it from the outside world.

- Jay M
October 8th, 2019
487 · Mar 2021
Jay M Mar 2021
One day
I know not when
I yearn for the dawn to arrive
For the sun to bring forth the day
When I may finally bid this prison farewell
Step through the faded door and then
Finally live, rather than just survive
For the day when I can, at last, say
I have escaped this hell

Regrettably far, far away
There will no longer be the fear
Consuming of a poor dear
Rather release, relief
Free, despite all belief

There will come a day
When all will be at ease
Like a cool, summer breeze
After a day of blistering heat
No more burns upon these aching feet

- Jay M
March 24th, 2021
484 · Aug 2020
Jay M Aug 2020
Mumbling a storm
Tumbling like debris
Trembling like a blade of grass
Barely rooted in the ground
Outside it's rather warm
Maybe 90°
While towards the core
Sitting stubbornly on my ***
It's a hurricane
Trying to tear away
Refusing to stay
Yet lightning strikes the sand
Reminding of a hidden glass shore
Lost in a pool of sand
Are the fragments of the soul.

- Jay M
August 10th, 2020
I don't know what's going on with me, but it's strange and I don't feel right. Guess it's about time I wrote some more, got it all out rather than keep it floating in my head like a message in a bottle.
474 · Nov 2019
Bleeding November
Jay M Nov 2019
Bleeding November
Cannot remember
What happened
Hands blackened
By October paint
Then I faint
For it remembers not why

Still, it is shy
A small, weakened cry
Bursting into the night
O what a fright
Taking grand flight

Interesting confusion
A mild intrusion
Seeping into the mind
Creeping up behind


Foul beast!
Let us feast,
In peace!

- Jay M
November 12th, 2019
Just playful word use. Made to be used in class as part of my portfolio.
470 · Mar 2019
Red Trail
Jay M Mar 2019
Red trail, red trail,
Crimson rivers run dry,
Staining the ground,
Bugs and their larva follow,
Scouts out to be the Apollo.

Just another empty shell,
Unlike a glass,
Once filled, it may never be refilled,
Once dead, thou may never return,
To thy corpsed shell.

Snakes shed their skin,
But we cannot shed the past,
Possibly in part, never to bid farewell,
While the demon awaits you in hell.

- Jay M
January 23rd, 2019
466 · Oct 2020
Bound Upon A Cliff
Jay M Oct 2020
It's as though you are out at sea
And I am bound to those cliffs
Staring out, hoping
Waiting for you to return to me

- Jay M
October 22nd, 2020
465 · Nov 2021
Ashes of Love
Jay M Nov 2021
As dawns drew long
As nights had come and gone
A heart lay, broken and unsure
Like an illness without cure
There came and went an ache
A pondering, to become ashes

From flames of passion
To flames of pain, at last turned
To ashes of grief

Learn from the fires of desire
Grow to be stronger,
Lift the weary head higher

Take the time,
It needn't rhyme,
Do what the heart
And mind know is best
Slow it down, and rest

- Jay M
November 26th, 2021
They were a good two years, and I learned much from them. But, our time has come to an end, our romance struck its final hour. Thank you for all that you taught me, and for being such a good partner. May you find love again, and may it all go well.
465 · Mar 2020
Dodging Bullets
Jay M Mar 2020
Walking about campus
Minding my own business,
When suddenly
A person appears in my vision
My thoughts go by rapidly
I am at an internal division;
Hide or run
Pick one

So, since I fear what may come of running,
I hide
My heart is gunning
Friend lets me hide, making comments on the side
As said person passes by
I want to cry
Flashbacks hit like a boulder
My friend touches my shoulder
Tells me said person is gone
And I was seen, hiding like the meek little fawn I am

Then in my last class
I take the restroom pass
Walk out and into the open air
For now without a care
Go around the corner
Instantly put my head down line a mourner
Face white, like a wraith
I have no faith
In myself
I want to run and hide in a shelf
Because there's that person again
That I just can't seem to escape
Almost like they're waiting...
Hopefully not for me
I put my head down
Pass them by

Once inside the safety of the restroom
I feel like there is no room
I corner myself
For a second, I put my heart on the shelf
Back against the wall
I go back to an old habit
Hiding like a rabbit
Eventually coming out
Looking about
Then returning to class

After school
The air is cool
I sit at a bench
Read something in French
Wonder what it means
Then I look to my left
Don't know when they crept
So close to me
But they left me be
4 feet away from me
Chilling me to the bone
I just want to be left alone

Eye contact
Then quickly broken
By me
Hoping they'll leave me be
Nothing is done or said
But still I am filled with dread
Unsure why
But still, I cry

They leave, walk away
Thought they left my day
I go to my sister
To carry her bag
So the walk wouldn't be a drag
Then, 4 feet away
There is that person
Talking to a friend of mine
Great, just fine
I take the bag and go
My sister goes with the flow
And we leave it all behind us
Until the next dawn.

- Jay M
February 29th, 2020
I kept running into the person I've been trying to avoid. It was...not a good day, but it was okay once I got home.
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