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Zywa Mar 2023
A trail in the snow:

the fresh footprints of a fox --

along red spatters.
Collection "Bruises"
Brian Turner Nov 2020
Trail running
Running into the sun
Running up n' down grit
Running to stay fit

Salt dripping from my head
All my body stats read
Sand gives in beneath me
Wind n' forest set me free

Taking on a hill
Tearing down a drop
Stones scattering at my feet
Dogs and runners meet

Sweat now a stream
Endorphin rush from a dream
Pace at its best
10k done, now time to stop, time to rest
Notes from trail running this week. I have a target of 50km over five days with new trail running shoes
Jay M Mar 2019
Red trail, red trail,
Crimson rivers run dry,
Staining the ground,
Bugs and their larva follow,
Scouts out to be the Apollo.

Just another empty shell,
Unlike a glass,
Once filled, it may never be refilled,
Once dead, thou may never return,
To thy corpsed shell.

Snakes shed their skin,
But we cannot shed the past,
Possibly in part, never to bid farewell,
While the demon awaits you in hell.

- Jay M
January 23rd, 2019
Erian Rose Oct 2020
Green nights dusted newly fallen leaves
tumbling about aimlessly
in the mid-autumn breeze
creating pathways to the unknown

Deeper woods trailed sea salt skies
Smells linger of
forgotten books, hollowed trees
midnights up past sunrise

Stars twinkled above
A guiding path for all
of adventure that awaits
In the mountains to the coast
Ken Pepiton Jul 2020
Arthur Lee was with me in Vietnam,
Forever Changes is the sound track behind the
******* and Radioman
and the old survivor grandpa guy who wont keep a gun in the house,
but knows where to get one,
if it ever comes to that,
never can say, they say, I don't know, I 'd say if I am as I think
I am able to say hey

Yahweh, could we know this the song Arthur Lee was
singing into a a can can we say
canwe wish we were there and not need

the pain. Cannon to the west of us, big one five fives,

rattle my walls, and I see the chameleons go green to blue

I was there, it was not scary... I survived,
got a dispensation

for being good for nothing.
I could not even give my life, without it coming back,

to help you stop imaging-projecting life could lose, if you ***** up.

Don't lie. Do that one, until it is habit, you have,
be having you as true known to you as true.
not imagined

no believed lie allows a shadow of turning on the moon...
nonsense, or not

accuse me of knowing satan is not a sentient being empowered
to punish me for thinks.
accuse me of being sure i know that.

I am the knower of truth as defined by

whose authority... mine. To thine own self, be true, I judge me,
you judge you, we each judge every message,

each signal, all the signs we give meaning to, as we learn,
everybody knows,

these are those days when everything changed
and we
overlooked our duty to prevent it.

We were sorta thinking peace is a makers thing, it can be made.

So I made some, and I still had some from yesterday,
so, if your world is fractured, you can stick some in the holes so

when wicked peace is out of the question, peace,
just peace,
not servitude, just peace, is possible,

on earth, 2020. There are these ideas, Eumenides... those
are on stage...

they know how revenge works. Mortals have no clue.
As all the literature testifies.
I have this habit i am working on making stronger
Amy Perry Jun 2020
Follow the trail of daisies
That leads to my heart,
Follow like a white rabbit,
Keep your mysticism intact,
Believe, believe, believe,
The beautiful trail you see,
Believe, believe, believe,
It leads straight in to me.
annh Jun 2020
Stick girl embering,
Lollipop meandering,
Molten toffee trail.

'We discovered that one of the strongest links among us was questions about the morality
of what we do: when do
you press the shutter release
and when do you cease
being a photographer?'
- Greg Marinovich, The Bang-Bang Club: Snapshots from a Hidden War
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