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Jan 2021 · 982
For Angie
Nikkie Jan 2021
We never have the essential answers, to the questions in our daily lives.
God takes the lead and remains in control.
God touches our hearts beyond wishes untold.
I know you’re hurting so very much; I want to help but I don’t know how.
This storm of yours is barreling toward you; sweeping you up and spinning you within.
You hide behind your strength for others;
but you my friend need someone too!
I can’t imagine, in my wildest dream the intensity
of your pain; the complexity of your damaged will!
To lose so many whom you love so dearly, has got to be
robbing your emotion.
When your insides feel like a drowning sorrow,
When your days and nights regret tomorrow,
When your eyes tear up behind their sockets,
(because you refuse to let your feelings show).
When you just don’t want to be the “old” you,
When you can’t see yourself making it through.
When you just can’t seem to gain any control.
When you feel like giving it all up for good,
When your pain and hurt is misunderstood.
Always remember what I am saying.
Dearest friend in “my whole wide world”,
Our Heavenly father is right by your side.
We have our pain and rock hard endings.
We have our trials and tribulations.
We have our moments of dis-repair.

We have our moments when we just don’t care.
But you serve a God who is all around you.
Holding you close in your raging storm.
You may not see it; you may not feel it.
But God is standing faithfully behind you;
waiting for you to Trust him and fall.
Jan 2021 · 1.2k
Your Spirit Alive
Nikkie Jan 2021
So what will take the place of you?
Shall I drink of your lustful stare,
are shall I hold in my hand the key
to your heart in which you gave to me
on bended knee?
Do I have to wait to see your face?
Or take your photo and sleep next to it.

On your pillow your scent is alive.
I sleep on what you left;

I woke up this morning, a song reminded
me of just how much I’m missing you.
On cold days, I turn up the heat, and
cover myself with your spirit alive.

When I finally get to sleep at night, I dream
you up and you come to me.
Everything you offer is stored in a special
bottle that can only be opened when I
dream about you.

I feel complete when you’re in my presence.
When you leave, a brief disappointment clouds
my everlasting state of mind.
In your heart, I see the most beautiful day that
was ever made; the sun is shining, the temperature
is perfect, and most of all, I see you.
The mot beautiful person (in heart) that I’ve ever
For the rest of my life, my entire being, is required
by nature to keep your spirit alive.
Nikkie Jan 2021
I feel it in the tenderness in your expression,
when you call me baby over the phone.
I feel the  charm of your masculinity.
Something deep inside of you transfers esoterically
inside my soul.
I want you to get deeper into our merger.
I want to be your dream come true.
I want to cradle myself next to you;
a blanket on the floor, a pillow on the bed,
a tent in a back field in the middle of the night.
it doesn’t matter where we are, as long as I lay next
to my man.

I will be happy, I will be whole.
I like it when you call me baby, I am fully aware that
I am yours.
I am dedicated to my African King, and I know that you are
devoted to me.
When you call me baby, I know you mean it.
You arouse a fireside of warmth inside my wet harbor,
and when you call me baby, you make me feel like Black Beauty!
I feel the sensations of your heartbeat, jiving to music that
only we can hear..

You make me melt like heat to ice, when you touch my lips,
and kiss me goodnight.
I feel exclusively special when you call me your Lady!
I can’t help but hold a torch for you.
I like it when you call me baby, it makes me feel rather
profound for you.
When you call me baby over the phone,
I want to add your sentiment as my preferred ringtone.
Jan 2021 · 643
When Love Is Involved
Nikkie Jan 2021
A watched *** never boils.
But when the heat is too high, the *** boils over.
Then again, when the *** is empty and sitting on
a burner, cold to the touch, it serves little to no
purpose. Why don’t you add something to the ***?
Why is it just sitting there? What are you planning to
do with it? Are you planning on adding your own
special recipe to the ***? Are you adding a unique
sauce to it? Are you going to add water to the *** and
allow it to simmer? Or you going to add a secret ingredient
to the *** that you don’t want anybody to know about?
Is the *** going to yield a hearty meal? Is it going to be food
for my soul? Only you know what you want in this empty
***. I can’t add to, or take away from your *** Because it
doesn’t belong to me. I feel like you want to add a piece of
me to your ***. but a part of you is afraid of how the finished
recipe will turn out. How can you be afraid of an empty ***?
Why aren’t you adding your favorite foods to it?
The *** can’t produce empty contents.
Jan 2021 · 1.5k
Nikkie Jan 2021
I have made my transition to another place, a place where beauty needs no explination.
God’s great timing is everything;
it may not be what we expect but God is always in control.
Sands will flow through the hourglass, slow and steady, throughout our lives.

Time will end and the sand will stop flowing, but God’s love for us is forever growing.
I have worked all my life for this to happen, to see my Lord face to face.

I’ve been accepted in this majestic place, where pain no longer has a hold on me.
My eyes have adjusted t my new reality, I can see bright skies and butterflies.
Don’t worry about not seeing my face, don’t worry abut not feeling my embrace.

Hold our memories inside your heart, and know that our live will never depart.
Cry for me, just for a while, but not too long, ‘cause I’m don’t just fine.
My bags are unpacked and I am settling in, taking my place next to the Master.

He said that he’d never leave nor forsake me, He kept his promise, I am with him now.
He has taken my hand and opened up the doors; to a Paradise of beauty and love divine.
I know you’ll miss me, I’ll miss you too!
Just know dear hearts, we will be together again someday.
Live your life to the fullest, and remember our love
each and every day.
Just remember your hourglass is still flowing strong.
Do what you can so you can see, my hourglass is full again, this time my sand will never end!
Jan 2021 · 1.8k
Melted Brown Sugar
Nikkie Jan 2021
“Don’t you give up on me,” was the comment you made when
you looked in my weary brown eyes. I felt you on a whole other
level, that came to fruition because of your truth. I feel something
for you that I’ve never felt before, it’s foreign to me and I want to
learn your native language. I am grooving to the vibes you send
only to me, and my ultimate desire is learning to move, privately to
your passionate embrace.

Melting like dark brown sugar every time I see your face, I find it
quite amazing how you are able to read me, just by feeling my
inward thoughts and my frazzled emotions. I can feel the softness
in your spirit, it drives your intent to make Me your woman and
sealed my fate to bond our heart.  You are the King of my heart;
mind, body and soul. My special magician and the only man, who
can pull my heart strings and summon me into your lair.

After we talked about our feelings, I closed my eyes and felt what
you felt. Ripples of emotions flooded through me, raining; spring,
summer, fall and winter.  These seasons of change have a rippling
effect, of passionate thoughts and compassionate dreams. I feel
you everywhere inside of me, these vibes we share are pure
electricity. When you told me don’t give up on you, you made me
feel like melted brown sugar. A sweet dark potion that was only for
you, that only you my King, will sample from. We share this intensity
that can be felt across oceans, an intensity that radiates and fills the
gaps, that unlucky fools have thrown away. You make me melt like
honey in tea, that soothes my heart and eases my mind.
Jan 2021 · 666
Nikkie Jan 2021
So long since I had you, you used to ease into me,
slowly, up my legs you crept. Slashing into my
native origins, you made me moan, you made me wait.
I used to rush you, then again, slow you down. I haven’t
felt you in a very long time. I miss you; I need
you to ease into my loneliness. I need you to thrill me.
I want to feel you again, over and over and over.  

It used to take a long time for me to feel you. Since I
haven’t had you, the wait is nerve racking. The wait is
increasing my desire for you. I don’t want to be insistent
but come to me. In the middle of the night, in the light
of day, when the sun is shining, when the storm is

I want you in me, I want you now. I want you to know
that it’s hard to live without you, it’s not easy having
to do without.

I dream about you sometimes, I miss you ‘cause I can’t
catch you like I used to.  I get a taste of you only when
my memories return. Last but not least, I want to feel
you again. I want and need you.  I want you to smash
my body with an explosion that I will never forget.

I want you to assume the position and hit me with your
best shot.  Knock on my doors, I will let you in without
a doubt.

Come to me, will you please hurry!  I’m waiting for you to
re-enter my world. I can’t wait any longer, I have to
have you. I need you inside my world. Here I am, let’s
get it on. I need you, I want you, and I’m ready….

Dear ******!
Jan 2021 · 769
Just You And Me
Nikkie Jan 2021
I’ve never been on a beach at midnight,
while watching the waves caress the shoreline.
I’ve never slept in penthouse splendor,
next to a man who didn’t hurt my heart.
I’ve never once danced to an old school classic.,
with my arms wrapped around the man I love.
I’ve yet to sail  the Amazon Basin,
and watched in wonderment as God’s  beautiful
creatures ran wild and free through the
I’ve never been on a beach at midnight,
while watching the waves caress the shoreline.
I’ve never slept in penthouse splendor,
next to a man who didn’t hurt my heart.
I’ve never once danced to an old school classic.,
with my arms wrapped around the man I love.
I’ve yet to sail  the Amazon Basin,
and watched in wonderment as God’s  beautiful
creatures ran wild and free through the
Jan 2021 · 1.3k
Nikkie Jan 2021
I feel your strong masculine energy every time you cross my path. You systematically shut down all my
defenses, and hide the key esoterically inside your heart.
I’ve felt a new elevation ever since I said that special prayer.
I began to notice this brand-new hue; the color
wasn’t clear to me at first. This feeling is different than
I’m used to, one that I didn’t understand when we first met.

One day I saw an attractive light, which leads to a
mountaintop high above me. Step by step, I climbed your mountain, with deep ravines and steeper valleys.
Some peaks have tried to block my travels, but I am
making my way beyond your hills.
I want to be born all over again, with you my King,
taking my rightful place upon your regal thorn.

Our souls will intertwine, to complete our sacred mission
from God. We have no choice but to take our place, a place of love that feels just like home.

This trigger “affect” is what’s taking place. You’re the truest essence of my answered prayers. This is not of my time, not
of your time, but in God’s very own perfect balance of power.
Jan 2021 · 1.1k
Shades Of You
Nikkie Jan 2021
Shades of you blend into me like our spirits blending in
the bottom of the sea. We pass through each other like northern lights and touch the very essence of love.
I want the sun to shine in your honor; I want the moon
to copy your brightness. I see my future when I look into your eyes; you are everything I’d hope you’d be.
My beating heart, each breath I take, the twinkle in my eyes,
my pillow at night. Our spirits were born to unite together,
to dance in the beauty of inseparableness.

You’ve woven a hem inside my heart, that flows
love blood from your tender embrace. This is a
journey that no one takes but you. I’ve discovered a place that I am free; it’s inside of you that I’ve relinquished
my defenses, thus allowing your divinity to resuscitate
my will.

We blend together like an Indian Summer,
fitting perfectly together like hands in a glove.
A shade of you blends into me and colors my
heart, my mind, body, and soul.
With unforgiving nectar thick like honey, your
spirit alive is where I will stay.
Refined like sugar, shimmering like gold,
molding like clay on a hot summer's day.
Jan 2021 · 897
Nikkie Jan 2021
It’s hard to put into words, the amazing feeling,
you’ve instilled deep inside my weary heart.
I look into your penetrating eyes, and
my passion collides with your emotion.
Is there something different about our union?
Does it feel like a dream come true to you?
This connection that came on all of a sudden,
shocked my heart into a new way of beating.

It took a long time for us to unite, it’s like I fell
for you in just one night.
I feel deep warmth inside of me, which makes
me happy and finally complete.
We saw each other every day, and never
once did I feel this connection.
With autumn approaching and the wind
turning cold, I feel you deeply rooted,
and embedded in my soul.
Jan 2021 · 1.7k
Nikkie Jan 2021
What took you so long? I’ve been waiting for you.
Dinner is cooked; our drinks are chilling, and I’ve taken a hot bath. I want to be comfortable so I can
enjoy your company.
Your kiss is tasty, did you just pop a mint?
That’s okay love, it’s all good to me.
Go ahead, make yourself at home, wash your
hands, I’ll fix our plates.
Yep, you have a steak and potatoes,
and I have fish and veggies.
But King my Dear, you’re my main dish.
Can I fix you a drink? Do you need some ice?
So how was dinner, did you get enough?
Thanks for the compliment, I’m glad you liked it.
Sure, I’ll pour you another drink, and top it off with ruby red. Do I want to hear some music?
You know I do. Put on what you think I like?
Kem is fine my **** King, and pump up the volume
cause I am ready!
Jan 2021 · 1.9k
One For The Road
Nikkie Jan 2021
You are some kind of man to me.
You take your problems head-on;
and still have the strength to help me
ease into mine.

You care so much for me;
so much so, that I can feel it in my soul.
I’ve never known a man like you,
I thought I did in the past, but I was wrong.
You bring new experiences into my life,
things that I’ve never seen before.

When I take a deep breath,
I feel you, resting inside of me,
preparing yourself to come through when
I need you.
You are passionate about those you care for;
and I know that you care for me.

You bring joy into my introverted world,
I can’t even describe right now, how
you make me feel.
At times I feel like I am dreaming,
because I’ve never met a man like you.
Your downhome goodness as a human
being first, and a real man second brings
me a contentment that I know is indeed
a blessing from God.

I know you have to take an unexpected road
in our journey.
Have no fears, I am always here.
I will stand beside you, I’ll hold your hand.
I will always be there for my man.
If this journey gets too much for you to bear;
I will wipe your tears in my own loving way
and kiss your face to bring you comfort.

I may not be with you physically, but that’s okay.
I will rest myself inside of your heart,
I will prepare myself to come through to you.
As you’ve come through for me when I’ve
needed you.

I will leave a kiss for you to take with you.
I will wrap my arms around you tight,
and tell you, my King, that everything will be alright.
I will say a prayer and kiss you again, and one
last thing for the road, I’ll tell you  I love you
and see you in your dreams.
Nikkie Jan 2021
I see you, seeing the real me; the woman who hides.
The woman who hides behind the pain of familial hurts
that refuse to fall off and die. I see you, seeing me, looking at me deeply with your heart. I see you looking into my eyes;
who are you really looking at? What are you looking for?
I have pain yes, I have hurts, yes. I have pains that you’ll never
want to know about.

But your eyes, your eyes are the window to my soul.
That night at the table I saw you, looking at the real me.
I saw the deepness inside of you, through your eyes.
I saw your devotion; you reached out to me and gave
me something I’ve never had before, real strength.

You say to me, “life is too short to be unhappy.”  
Because of your strength, I am working on just that,
being happy. Because of the way you look into me, I am clearing out the sadness and clutter that has kept my life
in deep dis-repair.  

I am working on not allowing any person; place or solitary
thing, to steal my joy, and to keep me down.
Because of the way you look into me, I am a work in progress.
Because of the way you look into my soul, I am working
on making changes that you see deep inside of a broken me.

When I look into your eyes, I see feelings; I see strength,
I see the power of what a really good man can actually do.
I see a drop of golden honey, that gets sweeter and
sweeter with each passing day.

When I look into your eyes, I see my future being put
together with grains of sand, that bind us together to
heal both our pasts.  When you look into my eyes, I feel you inside of me. Your strength is helping me heal,
you are rebuilding my hurts; pains, and all of my

When you sit next to me and stare into my eyes;
my soul is being autographed by your character.
You give me a portion of your strength when your
eyes look through me and see my pain.
Your eyes see something in me that I ever knew
was there, because your eyes are the window  
to my healing soul, I can work on healing myself,
and release my hidden pain and sadness.
Jan 2021 · 1.3k
Wine & You
Nikkie Jan 2021
I'm sipping of my dream of you.
Remembering how deeply we
looked into each other's souls.
I felt your heart inside of mine,
When we were first together that October night.

I had merlot, and you the king of beers;
if we had an audience, they would all stand and cheer.
The heat between us was pure magic, the elements
of the universe sang our love song.
How ***** of you, to slip me your tongue.

My imagination took over me, and
my dream of you came abundantly…clear.
That I would see you again, in another year.
Nikkie Jan 2021
The skies start to darken, wind blows, even more rapidly through century old trees.
Branches sway back and forth; some even break off and hit the ground.
Thunder strikes with God’s great force.  Lightning flashes; briefly turning night into day.
Isn’t that a wonderful sight? To see God’s work, the beauty of God’s love, in the form of a storm?
The rain has started, pounding on rooftops, ripping into a person’s sleep.
I don’t mind one bit, hearing the rain tap my window.
Feeling the breeze as it floats through the air.
Smelling the rain coming before it ever touches ground.
God blinks just one time, and makes the sky cry out loud.
Flooding rivers, taking control, reminding us, that HE is the ONE.
He can’t be copied, he can’t be re-written, he can’t be bought.
He can only be revered, as ALPHA, OMEGA.
the one and only; that I can feel, and love, and can’t get enough of.
I don’t care that there’s a leprechaun at the end of that rainbow holding a *** of gold.
Have you ever wondered what’s at the beginning of that rainbow? I think God is at the beginning. I want to go where the rainbow begins; I want to see God. I would much rather see God at any time; day or night, Sunday or Monday, when the sun is shining or when the rain is pouring. I want to see who created the rainbow; I don’t know about YOU, I don’t know if you even like storms; or the rain, or the hail, or the loud thunder that takes control. All I know is, THE MAGNIFICENCE OF GOD’S GREAT LOVE GENERATES A THUNDERSTORM INSIDE MY HEART AND IS CONSTANTLY RESTING INSIDE MY SOUL!
Jan 2021 · 122
My Beauty
Nikkie Jan 2021
She was built to be beautiful.
But she doesn’t think she is.
Someone told her that she is pretty;
Someone told her that she is ****;
Another person asked if she’d had her eye
brows arched, she said no, they are always like that.

She was carded at a restaurant when she asked for alcohol.
The waitress asked to see her ID, when she saw her birth year
the waitress said “get out!” You don’t look like you were born in that year!

Why can’t I see me, the way others see me? Why can’t I see my beauty!
Why can’t I see the beauty in me?
Jan 2021 · 1.2k
My Dream
Nikkie Jan 2021
I slept pretty well in bed last night.
But something startled me, made my heart beat very fast.
At first I couldn’t figure out what was happening.
Then I realized I was dreaming of you.
Is it at all possible, that you were dreaming me?
Is it possible that you pulled me telepathically into your bed?
I was eased into your comfortable embrace;
laying underneath you in total darkness,
we were both unrobed steeped in passion.
We didn’t look into each other’s eyes,
because the darkness held all control.
Both of us knew that the time had come,
for us to close that mysterious gap.
You caressed my face and kissed my neck,
you kissed my lips and magic happened.
Our bodies were electrified, our souls caught fire,
and your kiss sent chills all over my body.
My heart was beating faster and faster,
my body was yours and nothing else mattered.
I guess I couldn’t take the energy that surged,
from your body Into my soul.
When you kissed me again, I came to my senses.
My body went into some sort of shock,
the moment felt real, but I knew it was not.
So I told myself to wake the **** up!
When I opened my eyes, I was back in my bed,
covered in sweat, and eyes wide open.
Heart still beating incredibly fast,
while my spirit slumbered in widespread shame.
Jan 2021 · 1.1k
Your Glow
Nikkie Jan 2021
I see a part of you deep within, that no other woman ever can.
When you walk into a room, my day gets brighter, and my heart feels deeper, because your very essence pulls me in.
I said a prayer about a year ago, for God to send to me a man like you.
I never looked at you in any way, other than just an ordinary person, I saw every day.
But one day I saw your shine; you began to glow, this masculine light.
You blazed like the sun, beating down from the sky, reflecting your power in my raging sea.
You’ve included me inside your circle, and given me a joy that I never knew existed.
You are the kind of man I can lose control with, yet trust enough to bury myself, inside your cave, inside your heart.
When I saw you today, as you walked across the room, that same light that pours out your soul, was bouncing off your masculine essence.
I hope I am the only one to see it, the brightness you exude, the light you are.
I want to be selfish, and hold you close, so no other woman can’t steal my joy.
I’ve prayed again, and asked God to help me, by asking him, is what  I’m really feeling is actually love.
God abruptly reminded me, that he is too good at who he is.
He gave you life, he gave you breath, he gave you the glow, that only I can see.
Your glow pulls me in, and draws me close, and makes me love you even more.
Jan 2021 · 823
You Left Me Behind
Nikkie Jan 2021
We are tied together by space and time.
The earth stands still whenever we are together.
You have shockingly good vibes, they mesh
with the intensity of your touch.

The music stops, time is halted, we lay together,
and just be.
When you go back home and leave me behind,
I turn away so you can't see me cry.

I can feel your energy, though we are miles apart.
You are forever embedded in the chambers of my heart.
heart, love, stand still, time, forever, away,
Jan 2021 · 2.1k
The Gentleness Of My Man
Nikkie Jan 2021
Have I done enough praying in my life,
to have brought to fruition, this caring man
that God sent my way?
He cares for me and how I feel,
he pulls my chair so I can sit.
He holds me close on the dance floor,
and beckons me to follow his masculine lead.
He raises his drink and toasts to my honor,
which makes me feel unbelievably special,
like winning our own private lottery drawing.
He puts me on his pedestal and holds me
in the highest regard.
But yet he still worries; will I always be,
the same me he sees every day.
Am I going to change who I’ve introduced him to?
Is my love for him going to change?
Are the words I pen from my heart, going to
end up hurting our divine connection?
I am here to stay for the long haul,
I am not afraid to share my feelings.
I dig this power that you emit my way.
That slow drag you had in the beginning
is still locked down inside my soul
Jan 2021 · 507
Nikkie Jan 2021
I deserve love, only the best of the best, from the best!
I’ve spent too much time not being happy; too much time,
signing my own song, too much time, being all alone.
I want so much for you to believe, that you and me
are total alchemy.
There is no one else on my radar screen, no one else,
confiscating my dreams.
No other man on this earth has autographed his name inside my heart.
I used to believe in fairy tales, now I believe in dreams coming true.
You have captured my spirit with your strength, and laced it with a dose
of pure perfection.
Jan 2021 · 1.0k
Walking Away
Nikkie Jan 2021
The sun does not rise and set on you.
It took you leaving for me to find that out.
I loved you from sunup to sundown.
But you were not a king, you refused to wear your crown.
What on earth did you have to stand for?
You didn’t see love standing right next to you.
You chose the easy way out, you left me standing alone
you didn’t once hear me out.

How do you think it makes me feel,
to see you walk away for no reason at all.
Man, I had you feeling like you were ten
feet tall, you told that at dinner one night.
Gosh, you held me close and made love to
me all night, you had me thinking that we’d
be alright.
What happened to you, or who happened to you?
Why did you change your mind and walked away?
Two years later, and I’m still feeling some type of way.
Jan 2021 · 573
Nikkie Jan 2021
For some reason, my black love is tainted.
What I mean is; it’s stale and lonely, not reciprocal.
I stand my ground, I speak my truth. Like lightning
and thunder, breaking branches forcing him to look my way.
Yet and still, those same branches, break into pieces forcing him to look away; away from the goodness of my heart, away from the responsibility of being good to me.

He’s afraid of my stance, afraid of me for being who I am.
He is afraid of being good to me, afraid to ease into my being.
He is totally afraid to be only mine, be only my days, nights, weekends and holidays.
He is afraid to own up to being one with me, being my man with no strings included.
He is wrong, wrong on so many adult levels. He is too old to play games.
Too old to play games with emotions like mine; grown up emotions that
deserve the best respect, grown up emotions that hail to my queeness.
I, being the queen that I am, deserves a top notch, down for me king.
Black or white, yellow or green, my tainted black love deserves happiness.
Happiness the explodes inside of me, radiating the glow of my sweet black love, my sweet black touch, my sweet blackness period!

My black love from what I can see is free for the giving, yet not so easily given.
I hold back my heart, I cover my soul, and I lay a dark blanket across my threshold so his feet won’t stump a hole in my heart.
Sometimes I slip and let him through; thinking I finally met my king. I slipped big time, I believed what he said, I believed what he did, I believed……….In him
Enough. Enough to know or should have known that this **** fool was using me.
My black love deserves so much better. My black love kicked his *** to the curb, my black love stands alone. My black love is too good to use up. My blackened love is taking a break, looking forward to the day that my king comes. I deserve to be happy; I am too good at being who I am.
Those who dissed the goodness of this black love will never experience my blackness again.

They will never experience my goodness, my blackness come alive inside of them.
My black love is mine to keep, mine to share, mine to let go when my king walks in.
My black love is lonely right now, my black love is mine to keep.
My blackness is hard to receive, but too hard to give away to just  any man.
My black love is like fire and lightening. Once you experience my power, you close your eyes and walk away. I dare you to step to my black love.
I dare you to stay and weather my storm.
Jan 2021 · 118
Nikkie Jan 2021
I miss you so much
Your kisses were anointing
A strong bond has died
Jan 2021 · 1.1k
Nikkie Jan 2021
That night was intense
When you kissed me it was on
I felt your love bomb.
Jan 2021 · 456
His Ego
Nikkie Jan 2021
He tried to come back
But his ego was jacked up
So I ended it.
Jan 2021 · 372
Your Kiss
Nikkie Jan 2021
The soft sweetness of your taste is intoxicating to my soul.
You give me shivers, quivers, heart palpations, and lung respirations.
Your kisses are anointing and keep me grounded within your soul.
I melt in your arms as you hold me up on the wall, and ease the tip
of your tongue inside my mouth.
I hear music throughout my body when you kiss me with more than just meaning.
You kiss me and mean it, you kiss me to sustain my presence, in your life…and in your bed.
I get lost in your embrace and cover myself with your spirit alive.
I inhale the exile of your masculine charm and exhale the ten-star rating of your honey roasted kiss.
My deepest breath could never recover from the kiss you ease me into,
every night before we fall asleep.
I have never experienced a kiss like this!
You bob and weave inside of me, but it’s your kiss
that brings me…sweet divinity!
Jan 2021 · 1.1k
Intuitive Empath
Nikkie Jan 2021
I don’t know when it started.
I guess it was always there,
my ability to feel ones energy.
My ability to read tarot cards.
People, even complete strangers, are shocked at my
pinpoint accuracy.
How is it possible that I dream and my dream
becomes a reality?
Through vibrations and voices, I hear statements,
I feel what Spirit wants me to deliver.
A year before my mom went to heaven, I heard
A voice loud and clear, “this will be her last Thanksgiving.”
November 2021, my mom went to be with the Lord,  
a few days before Thanksgiving.
Why was I chosen with this extraordinary gift?
Why was I chosen to deliver messages?
I channel messages and feel spirits near.
But I’m glad I can hear them and not see them.
I’ve dreamed of loved ones coming into my sleep,
Passing on messages for me to deliver.
Honestly, I think it’s pretty cool, my abilities
have gotten stronger through the years.
I am happy that a part of me can do such a
wondrous thing.
People may not agree with me using my gift,
at first I felt the same way, but people are being helped,
their concerns are being put to rest. I am blessed when I
help a person who needs answers.
Like it or not, I am here to stay, or at least my
Intuitive abilities are.
Jan 2021 · 446
Mister Divine
Nikkie Jan 2021
The core of your emotionally charged vibration gives me shivers,
then evens me out, like an illegal drug shocks the system.
You calm me down like a deep ****** after an exhausting ******* primal event!
I can’t say when, why, or the exact moment in time,
when you entered into my solitary world.
I can’t seem to let this go, the feeling of passion, the warmth of unity,
the wholesome finality of not feeling alone.
I don’t want to wake from my fragmented sleep,
because I feel you deeper when my eyes are closed.
I know it takes time and patience to hone in on what you feel.
I’ve waited so long for this slow dance to happen,
and I’m not about to give up now.
You make me feel like a female dragon in ****** heat,
expelling thunder like an old-time flashcube, dancing within my murky emotions.
Brandy filled chocolate covered cherries; melt from the heat inside of me,
Intoxicating the alcoholic burn on my tongue.
You’ve become a distillery of thoughtful contentment, that slowly releases
a flowing continuum of deliberate desires.
I’ve had some ups and I’ve had some downs, when it comes
to relationships and emotional intensities.
The air around you have pierced my reality and rebuilt the broken
chambers of my heart.
Feelings have been set free, with re-deposits of evaporated pain;
changing charged up devotions into kinetic realties.
My Mister Devine you bring out my divinity,
from the safety of your embrace to the finesse of your masculinity.
Jan 2021 · 376
You Left Something Out
Nikkie Jan 2021
You left something out....
I was not mistaken...
You left something out...
How do you think I'm supposed to feel?
You left something out....
I want you to know I am not okay with this...
In essence, you lied to me...
You omitted the truth...
I like this job, but not getting paid for the holiday's **** big time!
You left something out...
How am I supposed to deal with this?
The pay is left something out...
Why didn't you tell me while working this full time job,
that I would not get paid for Christmas, Thanksgiving, and all the other holidays I am accustomed to getting paid for...
Jan 2021 · 117
Life With You
Nikkie Jan 2021
For a long time I was afraid to fall in love.
When you came into my life, my heart spoke and my mind stood still.
With you I can believe that life is sweet, and have faith in the emotions that combines our passion.
You are the time, location, and destination, that enters the closeness of an eternal bond.  
If I had a choice between life and death, I'd prolong death for as long as I could.
Just to spend my life with you.
Jan 2021 · 480
Was I Wrong?
Nikkie Jan 2021
You left me with no explanation after I told you that I loved you. I felt like a jilted bride left standing at the altar.  You once looked into my eyes and told me that you could feel it if it were real. It was real for me. But you changed your mind when it came to your feelings for me. Was I that wrong? Did I misunderstand you when you told me that I was the one? Did I misinterpret it when you told people that I was your lady as you introduced me to their acquaintance?  Did I get it wrong when we went to the jazz concert, when you kissed me for the first time in front of a room full of other jazz enthusiasts? Was I dreaming when you laid next to me at night and held me close while we slept?  You know what, the only thing I was wrong at was, giving you ANY time of day!
Jan 2021 · 1.1k
Nikkie Jan 2021
You can be anything you want to be; a clown, a lover, a serial killer, a tarot card reader, a musician who likes to eat pickles. You can be a prized fighter who falls in love with love itself. When you read you can be anything, and I do mean anything. But when you can see what's happening in front of you, you can be the night sky, in the twinkling eye of the child when she is being read your bedtime story. Put yourself in my place, when I am writing I close my eyes and the story that wants to come out is vividly clear in front of me. It's amazing what words can do when the right ones are put together: time stood still when you looked at me. I felt what you didn't say, I felt what you were gonna say. You smell so good, I can't wait for you to.....You know....It's all good, I know you feel it too, if this is just my imagination, I need to stop drinking so much coffee, the caffeine is starting to get to me.
Jan 2021 · 475
Nikkie Jan 2021
I've got to taste your darkness, it doesn't matter if it's day or night.
Your strength alone is rated ten stars strong.  
You never disappoint, expect when others try to copy my strength.
They fail to comprehend, the darker the brew, the happier I am.
A shot of cream that's thick and rich, takes my coffee drinking experience to new levels.  
Most of all you have to be strong, you have to thwart your dominance towards me. You, strong coffee, is like catnip to me. When I drink of your power, I become your slave...until it's time for my next, cup of darkness.
Jan 2021 · 707
That Night
Nikkie Jan 2021
It was beautiful, that night...That night when we first made love.
Our heartbeats kept matching, our breaths were in tune with one another.....The intimacy was stagnant, but in a good way.
Jan 2021 · 94
Nikkie Jan 2021
Shades of you link to me; like our spirits joining at the conclusion of the sea.
We pass through each other like northern lights, and touch the very essence of love. I beseech the sun to shine in your honor; I summon the moon to copy your brightness.
I see my future when I look into your eyes; you are everything I’d hope you’d be. My beating heart; each breath I take, the twinkle in my eyes, my pillow at night.
Our spirits were born to unite together, to dance in the beauty of God’s good Grace. You’ve weaved a hem inside my heart, that flows love blood to another place; a journey that begins with only you.
I’ve discovered a place that I am free; listening to your heartbeat combine with mine.  It’s inside of you, that I relinquish my defenses, because I know you’ll be my undying defender.
We blend together like an Indian summer, fitting perfectly together like hands in a glove.
A shade of your love blends into me while coloring my heart; my mind, body and soul. With unforgiving nectar thick like honey, your spirit alive is where I will stay.  Refined like sugar, shimmering like gold; a mold like clay on a thousand-year-old masterpiece.
The shades of you flow full speed ahead, like an express train whistling toward adrenaline.  Flowing through my emotion like nirvana, the shades of you, the shades of me, will bind us together beyond infinity
Nikkie Jan 2021
When it’s real you can feel it, like hard raindrops spanking your skin.
You lay back in your comfortable resting spot, and cover yourself with their spirit alive.
You take a deep breath, because it feels so good;
inhaling mutual passion that’s well understood.
They shine bright like northern lights, intensity growing stronger than the highest fahrenheit.
They have your heart buried in their soul; you dig deep within and lose gentle control.
Pure essence exudes from their eyes, you feel their fear of uncertainty,
you sense the pain of their broken past and pray to God this is built to last.
Eyes that see a special connection, two hearts growing stronger in some special direction.
The embrace you shared can still be felt, the look, the stare, the deep embrace,
the heat that impedes your personal space.
No need for kisses (not just yet); but then again,
you both have needs that are destined to be met.
When it’s real you see inside their soul, wanting to hold them close and not let go.
Who are you kidding, the connection is there; when it’s real you can feel it everywhere!
Hands that touch, eyes that see, a heart pumping love blood abundantly.
A sense of completion because this is real,
we both feel the desire of this *** appeal.
Jan 2021 · 95
Can You Imagine?
Nikkie Jan 2021
As I look at the sky; I can see the immense beauty of God’ great love.
Nothing can top what God can do. I want to be a part of God’s family.
I want to sit next to Jesus and shoot the breeze.
I want to bow down to my Savior and give him constant praise for being in my life.
Can you imagine what God will look like; can you imagine the magnitude of how beautiful heaven undoubtedly is?
I think about that all the time, heaven, earth, God, Jesus.  I even think about the devil.  I know that God is good; I know that Jesus is good!  With all the goodness before me, the devil has no place in my life.
I can almost see the beautiful image of Jesus; he reaches down and grabs my hands, takes me into his arms and gives me the most loving embrace that I’ve ever experienced. He is proud of me; he is pleased with the life that I’ve chosen to live.
I bow down to my King, I thank him for his glory, and I praise him for always being my Lord of Lords.
There is no other type of love that can surpass the love I have for God.
Even when I’m at my weakest, God is with me, holding me up and whispering in my ear that everything will be just fine.  
I worry too much, much more than a child of God should.
God holds my battles within his hands and blocks his child from all hurt, harm and danger.
I don’t know what heaven looks like.  But I want to do all I can to find out!  I want to walk through the beautiful valleys, talking to Jesus, laughing and asking him do you remember when?  
I want to be there, breaking bread with my King, I want to be the child of God that I know I can be.

Can You Imagine?
Love, Jesus, Heaven, God, Savior, Christ
Jan 2021 · 738
This Type of Love
Nikkie Jan 2021
My heart overflows with love for you.
I can’t describe what you do to me on the inside.
You are the only being on earth who reaches inside
of me, and touches the tip of my heart with your soul.

How on earth can this type of love feel the way it does?
I can’t breath, I can’t see, I can’t even reason.
But yet, I can breath, I can see, I can even reason.
You make me feel a love so deep, I cannot describe it.

This type of love isn’t possible, yet I know that it is,
because I feel it for you.
Time stands still when you and I are together.
Almost as if distance never set us apart.

When I’m in pain, you know to call, you
seem to know when I need you most.
There must be an invisible bond that
connects us still, just like it did when we were together.

This type of love is scary for me, I never felt anything
like this before.  We don’t even have to say anything,
our love comes out in the air; it comes out of our pores.
The love surrounding us is like tension in the room, you
can’t see it, but you sure as hell can feel it, and it feels good too!
Seeing you, the real you when I look into your eyes,
cements the bond that connects our souls.
I don’t think that I will ever stop loving you.
You are my destiny; I can feel it in my soul…mate
Jan 2021 · 111
Nikkie Jan 2021
This was a complete shock to my system.
I wasn’t ready to leave my family, I wasn’t ready to leave my friends.
It was way too soon for me to leave, and It was way too early for my eyes to close.
I wasn’t tired, I wasn’t sick, I wasn’t ready to give up yet.
I see your faces, I see those tears, I laugh at those stories that you share so dear.
I am the beam of light shining high above you,
I am your reflection when you look in the mirror.
Before you close your eyes to pray, sleep peacefully with my love inside.
Look up to the stars and see me shine.
I am way beyond that better place, I am high above where life continues.
God’s promised will has been officially done,
I have transitioned to a beautiful place!
Don’t be so angry, don’t stay sad, don’t shelter yourself from God’s great love.
Most of all you have to forgive, not for my sake I’ m doing just fine.
Not for your sake because you’ll see me again.
But for the sake of him that took me away, forgiveness will keep you close to
Forgiveness will bring you out of your agony.
It may take some time for you to heal, but rest assured I am always near.
It’s incomprehensible the beauty I see, before me here on this other side of life.
It’s the very thing we’ve all talked about, to go to heaven and meet the Lord.
My life on earth may be over now, but my eternal life has just begun.
What can I say I am with the King, it may be incomprehensible to you right
now as to why I had to leave so soon.
My mission on earth has been fulfilled, I have crossed the mighty
River of Jordan.
I have crossed my path of least resistance.
I have won a battle that you thought I’d lost.
Family of mine I love you deeply, I won all the innings,
but I fumbled this quarter. Yet I’ve tackled the enemy
who thought he was worth, the life he stole in a cowardly way.
I’ve won the ultimate round of life and Glory to God I have taken my place!
It’s incomprehensible that life is so short, but family and friends I’ll see you again.
You’ve seen how bright the sun can shine, you’ve seen how big the moon can be covering the earth abundantly.
It’s incomprehensible how things just happen,
but our God remains in total control. My victory was won
a long time ago, I am just now getting MY crown of gold.
God is truly amazing y’all, just know that my help came from the Lord.
It was just my time to seek my place and embrace the tenderness of his wondrous embrace.
Jan 2021 · 104
Missing Me?
Nikkie Jan 2021
I had to realize you didn’t care.
A part of me thought that you would always be there.
You made me cry I didn’t think that that would be possible, but it was because you did it to me.
You introduce me to your mother, you introduced me to the rest of your family!
How could you tell me that I was the one, then leave me out in the cold like you picked me up on the corner?
That night we took the picture together, people said that we were made for each other. They saw love in both our eyes.
But you were a coward, but you were a liar,  but you were fickle, I thought you were a man, but I found out all to broken heartedly so,  that you were a broken man that took away my dream of you! *******!
Jan 2021 · 931
The Autumn of My Life
Nikkie Jan 2021
I’ve had some springs, I’ve had some summers, I’ve jumped ahead to fall and winter.
But there’s something special about that autumn breeze, that sweeps across my wondering face.
I want to blow in the breeze, feel the wind upon my brow, sway with the branches as they lose their leaves.
I want to be one of those souls that live in autumn leaves, to blow in the breeze and carry me home.
I want to cascade across the sky with my newfound angel wings flapping by. I want the wind to blow in my honor and welcome me, into my heavenly home.
Without a single thought; I’ve seen many a day, many a night, weeks, months and years, pass me by. Now, the elements of the earth are calling me home, I have no choice I have to respond.
I like the sound I am hearing in my ear, the voice of my King calling out me, don’t think of me as being forever gone from your presence, think of me as being forever present with the King.
Like the early mourning rain, you are feeling, be easy with yourself, and stay strong for others.
With the autumnal equinox I’ve fallen asleep with the leaves, in my new spring of life, I will wake up to the beautiful site of Jesus Christ.

Dedicated to the memory my mother
I wrote this poem before my mom passed away. I’m very intuitive and Spirit told me a year before she passed away that it would happen. She passed away on November 21, 2020.

— The End —