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Feb 2017 · 832
KZ Feb 2017
I am extremely behind,
So I ask you to help me find,
Where I have gone blind.

Jan 2017 · 904
KZ Jan 2017
Condition your mind,
To see what you can find,
Because society has caused us,
to go blind.

Jan 2017 · 907
KZ Jan 2017
Reality lies,
In ways the eyes cannot see.

Dec 2016 · 920
KZ Dec 2016
I just wanted to say thank you.
5 years in the Fam,
5 years with a band i appreciate.
Dec 2016 · 617
KZ Dec 2016
There is a lot of conflict in this world today.
I say it is evil.

There is a lot of hate amongst us all,
and I classify it as no love.

There is a lot of disgust towards those who are different,
I say it is a misunderstanding.

We still fight to become equal,
so we write our own sequels;
and the stories we classed as magical,
have now turned into something autobiographical.

and solitude,
is now easily tangible.

A little note to sum up a major part of the world we are soo blessed to live in.
Dec 2016 · 568
KZ Dec 2016
For I am weak,
because im not heard.

For I am strong,
because i haven't  stayed silent.

For I am one,
who stands alone,
whilst you watch,
with your heart of stone.

Dec 2016 · 708
KZ Dec 2016
Is not a form of weakness,
It is a catalyst to give you power.
A catalyst,
To display,
All your difficulties out front,
Without having to play the role of the strong figure;
Faking that smile, laugh,
Through your difficulties.
You need to,
The realisation of weakness,
Often leads to something rare,
Your strength.
A strength you never thought you had!

Sorry for the wait.
Sep 2016 · 660
//S O M E T H I N G.
KZ Sep 2016
There was no magic,

All he wished for was a spark, some light.

He looked at his reflection,

He looked up,


But little did he know that behind him,
there was,

There always was.

KZ Jun 2016
He stands,
knees bent,
arms out but close,
he's ready.
He moves,
in and out,
up and down,
he's got this.
He makes a move,
Strike one...
To the jaw.
The devil falls,
But rises once more,
To test,
Who is this man who the world sees,
As the best.
So the devil thinks to himself,
Let me put it to the test.
Strike two...
To the ribs,
He cracks the devil's defence.
This time,
he uses common sense.
Strike three...
You're out,
the bell ricochets around,
that sound,
ends the round,
and the world screams,
for The Greatest,
Is again,
May peace be upon, a legend, an idol and the man of principle. Muhammad Ali , may Allah (SW) bless you with boxing heaven and peace. May everyone appreciate what you have done for us -you are the greatest-you are and forever will be, The Greatest,
The Champ.
Apr 2016 · 465
//F E E L.
KZ Apr 2016
Put your feet on the ground,
take a deep breath.
Now  Close  your eyes.

Feel, the rush pulsating through your veins.
Feel, the wind whipping against your skin.
Feel, the heat radiating from the sun.
Just, feel.

Now lift your feet off the ground,
release that breath.
Open  your eyes.

just feel!
Mar 2016 · 650
//I A M S I C K.
KZ Mar 2016
They say I need rest.
For I am sick,
as I have a runny nose,
and a cough in my chest.

They tell me to heal fast.
For I am sick,
as I have a headache
and by healing,
I can then perform, at my best.

They tell me to stop moaning and eat.
For I am sick,
as I have lost my appetite,
and I lay in the unbearable heat.

they never told me I needed to do this,
because it will benefit me,
only me.

They told me,
told me.

Now I lay here,
thinking of what went wrong,
what happened,
and why no-one really cared.

For I am sick,
and I have reached the end,
of my time.

Mar 2016 · 518
//N O V E L S.
KZ Mar 2016
So we write,
about this world,
about this place.
I write about somewhere we haven't gone.
my mind,
going into hysteria,
yet i feel euphoric.
i won't have to wait for you,
so i write novels
to tell you,
i'm not the same person you knew.
Because i write novels in my head,
to tell you;
regardless of everything that has happened,
I've dedicated this part of my novel to you,
to say,
ILY you too.

Not particularly proud of this and not a big on the whole 'love' thing. But i was inspired by a song i haven't listened to in a while.
really suggest, listening to this with;

Novels-Rusty Clanton.
Dec 2015 · 636
//O L D N E W S.
KZ Dec 2015
When someone tells you something that leaves you in conflicting emotions.
Yet your away,
on the other side,
Trying to find a way to confide,
Your emotions coming over you like a tide.
So you decide to hide,
Because hiding is better than accepting,
That maybe,
Just maybe,
What you said to me was true,
And you actually thought it through,
That im the one you choose.

Heard that a thousand times now,
You're old news.
Long time!
Here's a new one!**

Update:Thank you for getting this trending
Dec 2015 · 1.7k
//5 S O S.
KZ Dec 2015
Their passion,
Their soul.
Picked me right up even when I was low.
Their beauty,
Their skill,
Made the void in my heart fill,
With love,
With acceptance,
With happiness,
That I cant even finish this sentence.
They helped me,
Saved me,
The picked up my broken pieces,
And healed me.
Hi guys,
Today is  4 Years of 5 Seconds of Summer.
They are a quartet who I have been supporting for almost 4 and a half years. I watched covers (not regularly around 2011 when I first got google, youtube and any social media) I have been following their journey theres no doubt about that, and its blessed me.
I talk about this band a lot because they are only a couple years older than ne, and they have the ability to change the society we live in, they have given us a platform to express ourselves and be proud. I have grown up listening to older bands and 5SOS  are the first artists(who are my generation sought of) that i have felt a deep connection with, age wise, maturity wise, character wise.
I just want to say thank you 5SOS;
Michael Gordon Clifford,
Ashton Fletcher Irwin
Calum Thomas Hood
And my Hemmo,
Luke Robert Hemmings.
Thank you for saving me **
Nov 2015 · 1.0k
KZ Nov 2015
•The world is soo damaged nowadays,
That people result into doing such bilious crimes likes this,
Like they never seize to miss,
But there are families involved,
And they think with a chain of things,
Everything is solved.
I say shame on you,
For being so stupid,
So idiotic,
So Nefarious.
In fact I pity you,
But how dare you,
Put any life at stake,
You live in this mindset which is 'fake',
For goodness sakes,
When will you realise and become awake,
You fools are living in a corrupted society,
And a fool Is what you are,
Because you couldn't even see that this,
Isn't a platform for you,
To do anything you want to do.
You disgust me,
and I hope you live with that guilt for eternity.•
(My heart goes out to all families, everyone)
my heart goes out to y'all,
God bless you and be safe **
Oct 2015 · 451
//O N E T H I N G.
KZ Oct 2015
We all have that one thing keeping us going,
I can't define what it is,
Who it is
Where it may be
But I know it gives me that jolt of happiness,
That encouragement,
To get up everyday,
To walk,
To breathe and be thankful,
I don't know,
Im just grateful for that,
So thank you
To me,
Music plays a huge part in my life,
I follow bands in particular for long time.
One band is 5SOS,
I'm forever grateful to them for opening my eyes,
Ive been supporting and with them for over 4 years...
Ive seen them live once...
But they are one of the main reasons I still have the effort to get up in the morning and go about my way.
I'm so grateful,
Thank you dorks.
Sorry I haven't posted!
Go check out SGFG
Oct 2015 · 779
//L O O K U P.
KZ Oct 2015
Just look up,
Every once in a while
And see,
The beauty on top,
Colours fused together like a pile,
See the life we take for granted,
And believe,
That you only have a limited amount of days,
To show the whole world,
What you can achieve
I'm sorry I haven't been on.
A lot of stress but hopefully I can come on again.
Aug 2015 · 622
//D E A D.
KZ Aug 2015
He looks ahead,
Her lying on her bed,
Thinking of all the words he could have said.
So she wouldn't end up like this;
Aug 2015 · 454
//F I X.
KZ Aug 2015
She fixed me soo good,
That I forgot that I was ever broken.
Aug 2015 · 353
//S I L E N C E.
KZ Aug 2015
I want to write a novel about silence,
The things people do not say.
I heard my mum say this to me so I decided to write it down.
Haven't been in here for soo long,I was going through very tough times as I lost close family.
Jun 2015 · 479
//M I S L E A D.
KZ Jun 2015
I got mislead,
Mistook the sky.
It was dark,
And no bird could fly.
I stand here and think why.
I said im only looking out for you.
But you go about your way finding someone new.
May 2015 · 620
//C O M E & S E E.
KZ May 2015
Come and see,
My friend,
The world we live in.
The corruption of our generations have led up to this point.
But as result of these disastrous outcomes,
Ways of life.
We see the real essence of beauty,
Lying within the cracks of the pavements I used to walk everyday,
Lying in the buildings I used to visit,
Hidden within the forests,
I once found peace in,
The outside was my nature,
My comfort,
But all that is left now is,
Is just my own pictures.
This poem, is about technology overruling everything ,
It is about how everyone is so engulfed in technology including me that, we don't do anything like write letter, listen to records,have a pen pal, meet new people at a coffee shop, read books etc.
I feel as if everywhere I go , I have my phone, I take pictures for the sake of it, because a place may look nice-or I want to update people( only like 1 person) on my life.
I don't sit down and enjoy, I'm always on my phone -that is what technology does. Now I'm not saying technology is a bad thing but I do take it for granted.
May 2015 · 482
//W E I G H T O F L O V E.
KZ May 2015
Don't give yourself away,
Just because of the weight of love!
The weight of having to tear down those walls,
You so carefully build up,
Only to have them knocked down.

Don't feel pressured,
Take it at a slow and steady pace,
Love the day,
Love isn't a race.
Hope you like it!
May 2015 · 440
//L E T H E R G O.
KZ May 2015
Set her free,
Let her leave.
For it is her day,
To go away.
When the sun shines bright,
And when it becomes midnight.
It her time,
To stand in the limelight.
It may seem bad,
But its better than to make her mad.
Its better for her to lead her way,
*So let *her fade away.
May 2015 · 935
KZ May 2015
Tired Sundays,
What a fun day,
Make believe,
To fulfill my need,
To be happy,
At peace,
And to sieze
May 2015 · 555
//B E A C O N.
KZ May 2015
Be my beacon of life,
Guiding me through tough days.
Be my symbol of life,
that will help me survive each day.
Be that person,
I plead,
Please be that person,
I look forward to see each day.
May the 4th be with you
KZ May 2015
The negative effect,
Can affect what you see,
Like the way you feel,
And the way you like to heal.
The negative effect,
Is a choice,

You either believe and succeed,
Or you let negativity consume you,
Until there's nothing left to bleed.
Apr 2015 · 454
//T E R R I T O R Y.
KZ Apr 2015
New Territory,
Don't be sorry,
Just worry,
That you may not see,
Or feel,
Because I'm near,
And I'm out to find you,
I'm addicted to a certain kind of sadness,
But I'll admit,
I'm going to be glad when it's over,
Because then,
You're mine.
Sorry I haven't been on for almost 2 months, very difficult to keep up with everything going on but I really do appreciate everyone who reads my poems! Please give feed back,
This poem is more on the ****** side of things.

I want to recommend a song ive been obsesses with -Basic space-The **
Apr 2015 · 532
//F R E S H.
KZ Apr 2015
Okay let me get one thing straight,
Lets start again,
Stop the pain,
Rewind to where we mostly happy,
Play those moments,
Fast forward so we could forget about all our sorrows.
What I'm trying to say is,
Lets just start fresh.
I'm very sorry I haven't been posting on here.
I'm sorry if you guys were trying to find me on there or something-I know you weren't-okay then here's my new poem
Mar 2015 · 592
//T E L L.
KZ Mar 2015
Tell me something I needed to know,
Something that was trueful,
So I could let go,
Cause I cant hide in this pain no more,
I need you,still need you.
I made a song when I was about 10 and these were part of the lyrics
Feb 2015 · 522
//E N T E R.
KZ Feb 2015
Enter a place,
Where no one is allowed to go,
Feel the fear,
You and I only know.
Enter that place ,
And meet your foe.
Feb 2015 · 586
//E X P L O R E.
KZ Feb 2015
Take a trip,
Across the world.
Make life worth,
Living for.
Experience the food you see in one place,
And enjoy it at your own pace.
Explore the world as it is today,
Because you never know,
Your Life might end in some way.
:) I went to this diner in London it was very cute

Feb 2015 · 812
//R E G R E T.
KZ Feb 2015
Tell a lie,
And tell me why
Tell me a story,
So I don't have to worry.
Be the one who's  bigger ,
Than a gold digger.
Say I hate you,
And tell me something new.
I will always remember.
The days we had in December.
But I Won't ever forget,
The day you told me that  everything we shared,
Was a huge regret
Hope you like it.
Feb 2015 · 343
//I N O R O U T.
KZ Feb 2015
The curtain opens,
a bright light shines on me,
I see an abundance of people,
who've come to see,
what i have to offer,
what i have to preach ,
becoming a young women,
i hope you are proud of me.

i take a breath,
i let it out,
its either life or death,
it is either in or out.

but this is not my story to continue,
it is yours,
life is like an interview,
you have your good sides,
but you also have your flaws.
Jan 2015 · 404
//B E T T E R D A Y.
KZ Jan 2015
It is my cue to say,
What the hell happened today.
Everyone has their way,
To get some sought of ray,
Of happiness,
But today,
All I have to say,
*Is I hope,
Tomorrow is a better day.
Jan 2015 · 521
//L O S E.
KZ Jan 2015
You know,
We all talk about how we lose something in life.
How we feel 'depressed' suddenly,
How we talk in certain ways,
How we portray ourselves in society,
How we're having one of those 'days'
But it is just a faze.

We will go through it,
We will have to face it,
And we will choose whether to chase it,
Or pace it
Jan 2015 · 487
//F A Ç A D E.
KZ Jan 2015
A Façade.
I like it that way.
I play a part,
From the very start.
But my façade isn't what is in my heart.
:)hope you like my instagram is khizara.jpg
I post a lot more on there
KZ Jan 2015
A few words,
Can have a heavy impact on someone.
It can make someone feel weak to their knees,
Or weak in their heart.

A few words can change a situation,
Life or death.

It can bring back memories,
Bad or good.

Most importantly,
It can either **** you,
Or make you stronger.
I'm sorry, I haven't been posting.
Dec 2014 · 704
//W H A T' S A S M I L E ?
KZ Dec 2014
Is it just me?
Who thinks that everywhere I go,
Whoever I see,
I'm judged.
Different emotions,
Radiating off every single person,
Bad or good...
**A decision that needs to be made up,
So they can get on with their normal days,
Showing their emotions in different ways,
If hi is what I say,
What is a smile then aye?
This is more like a little speech than a poem...apologies
Dec 2014 · 705
//L O S T.
KZ Dec 2014
Everything changes,
Every once in a while.
Time ticks by in different ranges,
People's personalities' become like a file.
But what shouldn't change?
No one stays the same,
Some want to seek fame,
Some want to play at Olympic games.
But I have name,
So keep that in your mind,
Until we can really find,
What's lost,
In todays time.
This poem was more about ourselves in general.yes we change, but only too seek who the real 'us' are
Dec 2014 · 529
//T A K E I T.
KZ Dec 2014
Take it like a pill,
Because it gives you a thrill,
Smoke it like...a lot,
Soo your lungs can rot.
Inject it,

Soo you eventually cant see.
So you can feel...
Dec 2014 · 593
//A C Y C L E.
KZ Dec 2014
A cycle.
That's all it is.
Everything we do,
Is done again.
Everything we say,
is always the same.
But theres one thing that doesn't change,
Because nothing happens after that,
Some believe in the afterlife,
Some don't,
Either way,
We will be in a coffin,
Buried deep underground.*
And that would be it.
The end of a cycle!
:)nearly Christmas....londons cold
Dec 2014 · 1.3k
//L O N G D R I V E S.
KZ Dec 2014
Long drives,
Throughout the day.
As the sun thrives,
Drive that way.
Because we feel,
Happy inside.
As the time heals,
**Enjoy the ride.
Dec 2014 · 476
//T A K E I T A L O T.
KZ Dec 2014
Take it.
Make it.
Inhale it...a lot.
Feel it.
Like it .
Become addicted like it doesn't rot.
Your choice,
Your own.
I should've known.
KZ Dec 2014
Is short.**
Soo short that,
The things I want to do,
I can't do.
The things I want to say,
All come out but as hey.
Soo what do I do?
My friend,
That choice is up to you.
Uploaded new poems on Kz.jpg
Nov 2014 · 766
//H E N C E.
KZ Nov 2014
There's difference,
Between everything.
Repentance through our actions.
Distance through time.
Riddance through death.
**Hence we still act as if nothing happened.
This poem is posted on my instagram;KZ.Jpg
So sorry if you follow me on both!
KZ Nov 2014
You fly,
When your high.
Because if you die...
I will only know that you made a big lie,
For that you would quit.
Because of your whit!
**But you need to realise,
That in order to rise.
You need to be wise.
Haven't been posting because I feel like my poems aren't good.
Please give feedback!**
Nov 2014 · 424
//O N E M O R E T I M E.
KZ Nov 2014
One more time,
And I'll give you a fight.
But one more lie,
**It will be alright.
Haven't been writing as much since I wrote mostly on my instagram blog:khizara.jpg
Oct 2014 · 460
//B L A C K B E A U T Y.
KZ Oct 2014
That's all I see.
My thoughts taking refuge,
Deep inside;
Its like and emotional ride,
But I can't confide.
Because all I can do,
Is hide,
Its beauty.

But it won't last...
That's for sure.
For it is known as my black beauty,
That is serving its duty.
Black beauty...metaphorically used for a black heart
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
//B U R N.
KZ Oct 2014
I hope the bridges I burn,
Lead the way.
Just for a day,
I want a say.
Because it hurts,
And you just flirt,
But now I'm just digressing,
Instead of confessing.
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