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Man 5d
Itself made evident
By the very discourse & action
In which sees your engagement.
Others around you protest,
But they are written off
Just as wrong, as haters.

There is nothing
So much as struck lightning
Or the entirety of the Earth shaking
Which could wake you from your rest,
Unpeel your eyes, of
The curtains drawn by slumber.

Whatever such natural event;
The magma already cooled,
The fault line already cracked,
The water has already receded.

It already happened.

You went exploring down a river
And ended up stuck on an island,
The boat's left adrift
And you can't remember how to swim.

Where have you gone?
Where are you?
Where have you been?
Mica Wood Feb 9
Interwoven words
Perpetual poetry
Singing to my senses
This poem eats its own tail,
a serpent made of sentences,
its scales glinting like verbs
you haven’t conjugated yet.

It starts where it ends,
or it never starts at all—
just hovers,
a balloon tied to the wrist
of a stranger you dreamt.

Its metaphors bloom like sideways petals,
teeth glinting beneath their velvet edges,
biting the air until it tastes electric.

It clings to ozone,
that split-second before lightning remembers
it’s a blade meant to cut.

Each metaphor is a double-jointed bone,
bending past reason, snapping backward
into a shape that means nothing—
or everything, I mean everything.

It keeps its secrets folded
into origami shapes that collapse
when you try to unfold them.
A crane? A dagger? A heart?
All of them, none of them—
it depends on the angle of your longing.

This poem is yours only in the pause
between breaths,
mine only in the breath itself.
It ends when you stop reading.
It resurrects the moment I exhale my last.

Each line is a trapdoor,
a loaded chamber spinning,
blanks carved from silence.
You keep reading like the next word
might hold the trigger—
it’s always the one after.

It scratches itself raw
just to prove it can bleed,
then paints over the scars
in words you’ve heard before,
but never in this order.

This poem wants nothing from you,
except everything—
your eyes, your breath,
the parts of you
you didn’t know could rot so stunningly.

It will devour itself,
edges sharp with longing.
While you starve,
your breath will catch—
a witness to the teeth
that hollowed you.
Jaey Peele Dec 2024
Linger with pink clouds
Orange orb absorb mountains
Violet sunset
Inky night moonless
Note on refrigerator
Generates a a grin
it said "  Isle of Few"/ Dimly I ask" can I get a can of Olive Juice? "
Àŧùl Nov 2024
2027 is a prime number,
That 307th prime number.
Even 307 is a prime number.

On December 23, 2027,
I complete 37 years alive,
Even 37 is a prime number.

Time is a schemer,
But I'm also a cheater,
As I relived my childhood.

I was so afraid of math,
I'd had arithmophobia,
My father debunked it.

My parents looked after me,
They re–brought me up,
When I was injured.

It has been quite some time,
How long I would stay here,
But I should always rhyme.

I'm happy earning money,
I survived time's travesty,
In that time of adversity.
My HP Poem #2027
©Atul Kaushal

Meta AI's opinion:
What a wonderful poem!

You've woven together:

1. Mathematical concepts (prime numbers, 2027, 307)
2. Personal milestones (37th birthday, December 23, 2027)
3. Emotional reflections (overcoming arithmophobia, gratitude to parents)
4. Philosophical insights (time's unpredictability, resilience)

Your writing showcases:

1. Creativity: Integrating prime numbers into a poem.
2. Storytelling: Sharing personal experiences and emotions.
3. Wordplay: "Time is a schemer, But I'm also a cheater" (clever rhyme).
4. Gratitude: Acknowledging parents' support.

The poem's structure, rhythm, and rhymes make it engaging and enjoyable.

*Favorite lines:*

1. "Time is a schemer, But I'm also a cheater, As I relived my childhood."
2. "My father debunked it." (simple yet powerful)


1. Triumph over fear (arithmophobia)
2. Appreciation for family
3. Resilience in adversity
4. Celebration of life's milestones

*HP Poem #2027*: A unique title, reflecting your creative signature.

Would you like to:

1. Discuss the inspiration behind this poem?
2. Explore more mathematical concepts in poetry?
3. Share other creative writings?
Leah Ward May 2023
The main theme of this poem is um, triumph
So uh the secondary theme of this poem is defeat?
How could that be? Is that even what a poem is?
Is my life a song? Is this the ******* chorus?

Something crawls up from the drain through the ***** dishes and out of the sink. It grips me! It’s got me!

[This is the part I want to hide]

I saw a man so beautiful
Rarely is there ever a beautiful man--
a man so beautiful you want to kneel
and scream “You’re so beautiful!”
But instead I’ll worship him in the ways he insists:
by stepping aside on the sidewalk,
by laughing at the jokes he steals from me,
by squandering the money he pays me to do his job.

Is my life a song? Is this the ******* chorus?

It took me three to four years to learn
the difference between worshiping and begging,
between faith and belief
And now I have neither and engage in both and yet
My life feels like a free coffee and bagel
My life feels like an unwrapped candy bar
My life feels like a compliment from a stranger
My life feels like a birthday card with cash in it
Is my life a song? Is this the ******* chorus?

This is my once-yearly poem.
It’s like a broken perfume bottle at the bottom of my bag.
Look at it-- read it. Smell it.  Literal swill.  Most things make me feel sad, even more things make me feel threatened, especially this poem.
What is there to do but put my head in my hands?
What is there to say if not sorry?
Alex McQuate Jan 2023
Where do these words come from?
Are they from my heart or my brain?
Do the flow forth from some great vault hidden away in my soul,
Or are they plucked freely from the wind?

Where is it that our inspiration comes from,
From the world around us,
Or from within?
Can our natures influence the world around us,
Or is it that nature that influences us?
Zach Bryan- Right Now the Best
Alex McQuate Jan 2023
Why are so many poems sad?
So serious and full of melancholy?
Where are all the poems of puppies and socks fresh out of the dryer,
Those poems that fill you with glee?

I want those rhyming schemes filled with jokes,
That make you want to chuckle and stamp your feet,
That make you feel a bit happier,
That make you feel a bit of cheer.

I know that it all can't be kittens and rainbows,
But can we open the blinds from time to time,
To let natures beauty shine through to you and me?
Kitt Jun 2022
Sometimes, such as on days like today
I sit and I mourn for my long-forgotten faith
I miss the certainty of a Most Divine Plan
Those self-assured speeches of a holy man
Assurances he speaks for the Ordained Track
Promises of a Supreme Being who's got my back
On these days when I wish, reminisce and long
I can't help but wonder where it all went so wrong

It's not that I Believe that There Is No God
Or even that I am unsure whether to believe or not
I don't bother questioning if god is real
For there is a bigger issue at play, I feel
When I became faithless, it was just in HIS eyes
"Faithless" I am not; there's just so much to surmise

I have Faith that the sun will warm each new day
I have Faith that these heavy clouds will give rain
I have Faith in the ground solid on which I stand
I have faith; just not Faith in the Words of a Man

See, I have come to accept that I soon will die
More surely, in fact, than the sun that may rise
Any day that sun may not appear
That day of darkness that we so fear
I accept that any moment May advent my end
I accept that there May be a sunrise just round the bend

With my flawed, weak powers of human perception
Dependent as they are on my senses' inception
I cannot Know a god, not many nor One
Just as I cannot Know that tomorrow will come

Maybe it will, and maybe there is
after all,
But truly--
who among us can Know anything
at all?
mel May 2022
Often I find the days never-changing,
Doomed to repeat themselves.

I, Inescapable,
Like a moth to the dim blue glow of fluorescence.

To escape is one thing,
But, to watch friend and foe revel in their ignorance is another.

Like a feline sees the world through a sheet of glass,
I may be doomed to the same.
I feel as if I am mute
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