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Oct 2021 · 2.3k
Blank canvas
Anna Oct 2021
So many thoughts.
So many ideas.
Yet my mind is blank.
Like a painting that hasn’t been started.
I want to be beautiful.
I want to see colours.
I want to bring light to this dark world.
But my mind is blank.
And yet it is racing.
I feel so numb.
But I feel everything.
I see what could be, but I am stuck.
I am happy.
I am sad.
I am angry.
But I am also nothing.
I am blank.

I miss the colours.
I miss the light.
I want it all back.
I want to feel again.
I want to fight.
But I am tired.
So tired.

When will I be painted?
When will I be finished?
will I be filled with light and colours again?
Or will I stay blank, and dull.
Oct 2021 · 716
Anna Oct 2021
Another day.
Another week.
Another month.
Another year.
I fear the speed of time.
I fear that as the days blur into weeks, and the weeks blur into months and the months into years… that I will lose all knowledge of who I am, and why I am here.
Time doesn’t stop.
Time doesn’t slow.
It just continues on.
Time continues on with no care.
Time doesn’t see who it hurts and who it leaves behind.
Time just simply fades from days,
to weeks,
to months,
and to years.
I fear Time, but not because of its power, no, but because of its speed, and it’s carelessness.
Everything that Time touches withers away.
Every movement it makes is reckless.
Time is not graceful.
Time is not kind.
Time is a vengeful, and angry God.
Time does not care or love.
Time continues on.
I fear that before I know it, Time will take me.
Can you here the ticking of the clock?
Can you feel the breeze as Time rushes past you, pushing you further away from what you once knew?
Days turn into weeks.
Weeks into months,
And months into years.
This is everything I fear.
Nov 2019 · 419
The Abyss
Anna Nov 2019
If I close my eyes- my fears are my keep.
If I stay awake-the voices don't sleep.
My dreams and nightmares merge into one.
       Reality seeps into my safe space.
It's as if this world wants me to break.
I don't know what this world will make.
       I really think this time I'm done.
I really think this time- the thoughts I run from.
The thoughts I leave buried deep; will break through, and drown me in the abyss that is my life.
I am all out of fight.
life drags you down it seeps into every part of your life if you ignore it.
Sep 2019 · 433
One word
Anna Sep 2019
It's funny-how one word can change everything.
One word can make the good memories fade away.
One word can hurt more than a physical blow.
One word can overtake your every thought.
One word can consume you.
One word can break you.
It's funny how one word can destroy you, but one word can also set you free.
I would rather be hit with sticks and stones- then ever have to hear that one word.
the saying "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" is a lie. It is something we say to gather strength and dignity after the words have already done their damage.
Jul 2019 · 430
Flaws and Claws
Anna Jul 2019
I have never claimed to be perfect.
I always admit to my flaws,
but somehow they can always force me to show my claws.

So I take a break.
I quickly pause,
because if I stop.
I will shatter from their barbed jaws.
Jul 2019 · 1.0k
Anna Jul 2019
I’m falling to pieces and I feel so alone.
I feel like I have no place to call home.
I’m in shambles
Jul 2019 · 340
A world of people.
Anna Jul 2019
This world is made of people.
People who cheat.
People who lie.
People who deceive.
People who die.
There are many evils in this world.
People are liable to put up veils to disguise what evils they have but;
there are also joys.
People who love whole heartily.
People who are loyal to their core.
People who would never *****.
People who will save this world from the autocracies of this world.
There is evil, but there is good.
remember for every bad person in your life there is 3 good ones at least.
Jul 2019 · 668
Alone but not lonely
Anna Jul 2019
She was alone, but she preferred it that way.
Because when she was alone- she could see herself.
She could be herself.
She could feel.
She could breath.
The crushing feelings of pain and anxiety disappeared.
She was alone, but she was not lonely.
she was alone, and she preferred it that way.
Being alone can clarify ones mind as much as it can destroy one.
Jun 2019 · 343
Anna Jun 2019
As a child-
When the waves knock you down it's a game.
You are so innocent to the true nature of the sea.
You are innocent to its depth.

As an adult-
When a wave knocks you down, you run.
Because you can see the true terror of what lies beneath its beautiful, blue surface.
Apr 2019 · 447
Withstand the Storm
Anna Apr 2019
A storm brews inside of her.
Winds of the past ruffle her hair.
Waves of darkness crash in her eyes.
Thunder echos as her heart beats.
Lighting flashes when she breaths.

She is power.
She is a force.
She is uncontrollable.
She is beautiful.
She is unique.

But all of that power,
all of that force.
Is it to much?
Can she bear the burden?

She falls.
The weight of it too much to withstand.
She breaths.
She stands,
and she lets the world know that the worst is yet to come.
Let the world know you are a force to be reckoned with and that you wont back down.
Apr 2019 · 402
Anna Apr 2019
When the days are long and the nights are restless,
we seek for a way to forget.
We bathe in our sorrows.
We rip ourselves to shreds.
We bleed to feel, because not feeling hurts more then the pain of blades.
When life ***** us over we struggle to climb back up,
and when we get up. Life laughs and kicks us down again.

Whats the point.
We feel nothing.
We are in an endless cycle.
Whats the point.
Apr 2019 · 609
This is Life
Anna Apr 2019
This is not a fantasy book.
This is not a story were the girl gets her prince and the boy slays the dragon.
This is not a story with a wicked witch or magic shoes.
This is real life.

The girl paints on a smile and the boy drinks away his fears.
The dragons are our deepest darkest thoughts.
The wicked witch is our crippling depression.
the magic shoes are just shoes we wear to make us seem like we have life handled.
This is real life.

This is not a movie where everyone lives happily ever after.
This is a world were some people don't even live.
This is a place were people are just surviving.
This is real life.
Sometimes our journey seems like a fairy tale but for the majority of the time it is filled with pain,stress, and anxiety.
Mar 2019 · 461
Anna Mar 2019

Think of rain not pain
Think of pages not rages
Think of the calm not the bomb

Find something to ground you,
Then...                                              Breath
Breath, focus, it will be okay
Feb 2019 · 301
Anna Feb 2019
There isn't a day that goes by,
                 where I don't wonder about what could be.

Can't you see?
I am falling for you.
I am changing for you.
It's all for you.
      What will it take?
      What can I do to make you understand?
             I am NOT leaving!
             I am NOT her!
             I will NEVER be her!
*******   H E R

She broke you.
He broke me.
Talk to me.
    Help me help you.
She shattered you, and left me with the pieces.
He broke me, and left you with the shards.
Maybe, we can make NEW pieces.
Maybe, we can mend what they destroyed.
Help me, help you.
Let me in.
Lets build something new.
New begin broken mend shards letmein build help talk falling understand
Feb 2019 · 483
Loyalty and Love
Anna Feb 2019
I can't lose you.
        You mean too much to me.
                   But the tighter I hold on.
        The more my hands begin to burn.

I love you.
I want you.

        But maybe, I need to learn to let go.
                  I don't want to, but as I look down at my raw, red hands.
                  I realize that the tighter I cling.
                  The more damage I cause.
I won't lose you.

But maybe,
you will lose me.
A loyal person knows how hard it is to say goodbye. They want to believe that any relationship can last, that even the people who hurt us the most can change. Unfortunately a lesson that those people ( myself included) need to learn; is that sometimes we cant save everyone.
Feb 2019 · 462
Give Take
Anna Feb 2019
You give and give.
    But you can only give so much.
Because eventually you run out of pieces of yourself.

And after you stop giving.
  They start to take.
They take and take.
Until they have you ,
And you are no longer complete.
Give but only to people who deserve you.
Feb 2019 · 259
Anna Feb 2019
You can’t go back on what you said.

Once you’ve broken something,
It can’t be put back together the same way again.
Jan 2019 · 560
Fire and Water
Anna Jan 2019
Love is like a fire.
It can burn you,
Just as easily as it can warm you.

Love is like an ocean.
It can drown you,
Just as easily as it can embrace you.
Jan 2019 · 665
Beauty in What is Left
Anna Jan 2019
You left me broken.

I only hope that the next person to love me-
is able to push aside my broken pieces,
and see the beauty ,
in what is left.
Recently someone very close to me shattered my heart, but there is someone else now. He is perfect, and I hope to God that he see's through my brokenness.
Jan 2019 · 521
A thought
Anna Jan 2019
It starts small.
A thought.

Then it grows.
It turns into actions.
Not to others but to yourself.

The lines start small,
Almost to faint to notice.

Then , they grow.
They begin to deepen,
In hopes of drowning out the pain.
The pain of everyday life.

They hurt,
But not as much as your heart does.

It starts small,
As a thought.
But as it grows,
As it struggles to keep up with your flooding emotions.
It begins to strangle you.
The thoughts begin to hurt.
They scream;
Hear us
Hear us
, but what if We don’t want to hear them.

The thoughts that start those lines.
The thoughts that starve us.
The thoughts that deprive us of living a fufilled life.

Hear us.
See us.
They scream.
For anyone feeling the same way I am here
Jan 2019 · 228
Made a wish
Anna Jan 2019
The girl opened her eyes.
She looked up.
Then she made a wish.

She wished to feel,
To see,
To breath.
She wished that life would become beautiful again.

From her point of view ,
The world was dead.
Dead or dying.

She wished that ,
People would be kinder.
That little girls would never know the same pain that plagues her at night.
The kind of pain that only occurs, when your heart has been trampled,
And your tears are dry.

She looked up at the stars,
And made a wish.
Anna Jan 2019
As the tears run down my face, I tell myself it's okay.
But as the days go on and the pain increases.
I slowly turn to stone.

People may think I am cold,
but the truth is I'm just a girl who feels too much.
I am a girl who cares too much.

I seal myself off in hopes of saving my heart,
and it is not until I am alone.
Under the cover of darkness, that I let my self feel,
what I have been hiding.
I am just a girl, a girl who feels other peoples pain, a girl who wishes she
could face the world without her heart breaking into a million pieces.
Jan 2019 · 438
Honesty Is A Lie
Anna Jan 2019
The lie that everyone believes.
Yet it is this lie we basically breath.

How can one be honest, when the world tells us not to be?
How can one lie, when the world tells us to be honest?

There is a double standard in this world.
One that tells us too much honesty is evil, but to little is insidious.
How can we adhere to the demands of the world?
The answer is,
We can’t.

We lie to be honest, but to be honest is to lie.
Honestly, we should all just hope that these double standards die.
Jan 2019 · 1.3k
Does She Dare
Anna Jan 2019
They are on the tip of her tongue.
The words she wishes to say.
Internally, her mind is racing.
Her thoughts, jumbled.

How can she tell him what's on her mind without him turning away?
How can she explain that when he is around, the words stick.
That when she thinks about what to say she becomes sick.

She grabs a sheet of paper,
and a pen.

Her thoughts begin to untangle,
the storm in her mind becomes calm.
The words that were stuck like glue begin to flow onto the page.
They flow with ease, and with grace,
right onto that perfect , white, page.

Does she dare show him this page?
Does she dare open herself up?
Does she dare leave herself vulnerable?

Does she dare?
With a pen and that piece of paper in hand,
she asks herself
"Do I dare?"
When I am with people my words seem to get stuck in my mind. It is like I am paralyzed, but not with fear. it is that my thoughts are running at one-hundred miles a minute. The debate between my heart and my head becomes too much. So I revert to what I know. Writing.
Jan 2019 · 3.0k
What I Crave
Anna Jan 2019
It’s happiness I crave.
The strange euphoria from dancing in a rage.
The beauty in a books single page.

     How can one not be enthralled with the simplicity of everyday things?
     How can people glance over the beauty of life’s calmness?

It’s the happiness I crave.
When I see an old couple hold hands,
Or when I drive across the land.

   The peace and serenity of life.
   The happiness from the little things
This is what I crave.
Dec 2018 · 531
Write a book they said
Anna Dec 2018
Write a book.
That’s what everyone tells me to do.
But what if it’s not my story to tell?
What if I don’t want to write a book?
What if the stories I have to tell are much deeper then any of them could ever dream?
Write a book they say.

My thoughts would flow off the page.
The story would never end.
The story I would write would not be the one that they want to hear.
Write a book they said.

What if I write a book?
Will it end the thoughts I have?
Will the finality finally sink in?
Will they be mad it’s not the story they want to hear?

Write a book, they said.
I will not be writing a book. But I have been told to write one.
Dec 2018 · 360
Forever the wind
Anna Dec 2018
Forever changing like the wind
You spin around I can never win
Your cold embraces me
Your cold deceives me
I never know how cold you are
Until the day you freeze me
Until the day I move no more
The day I let him back in is the day I lose

— The End —