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2.1k · Dec 2014
Satan`s Moment of Clarity
Poetic T Dec 2014
The acrid smell of darkness
"Permeates me"
I am surrounded by the skies
Of hell fire,
Breathed as if air
Burning with each inhale,
This is a place of eternal penance
Why do I sit on a thrown of spines
Those around grovel
Hungry as if to ******* milk,
I look down, hot coals are under foot
My thrown room blacker than sin,
I am jested towards the window,
Bound to instruments, some scream in
Redemption, why'll others ask for more,
Broken, crazy lost souls that once
Screamed as the souls now bound to
"Smouldering coals"
I glance as heavy doors open,
Entwined with black stitch
No words permitted,
As stich tightly woven
Upon blooded lips
I felt enticed at her vulgerness
She approached as if to touch my Hand, I
Her advances, I cut in to her muscle
she moaned as if ecstasy,
As black droplets burnt upon the floor
"She again ushered towards my hand"
I let her grip as she cut the
From her bleeding lips,
"I smelt her breath"
A thousand souls decaying within her,
Odour that was irresistible,
Lips meet, flesh burnt and the
Mists of what was clarity was ushered away,
My reaper of souls beauty of the underworld
I tasted with that kiss corruption, hatred
"He who shall never be named"
"At his tricks once again"
"I sit o my throne of spines"
My horns ignite once more
The light that shined briefly now
Feelings from a place one stood upon,
"I am that which others need to fear"
As all will pay for this
"Moment of Clarity"  
As I engulf souls, redemption
Is for above, below there is just **hatred and misery
2.0k · Sep 2014
Generation Friendless
Poetic T Sep 2014
We are the generation
Of a million friends,
At the click of a
We have so many friends
But no one to talk,
To our face,
What happened to contact,
Is the world too
That people fear to go out,
Explore there
Where did you meet?
Where did you date
We dated on
Swapped pictures,
This is the first time
We meet
You look shorter?
You have diffrent eyes?
"What you have Five kids"
"From six dads"
"What you were in prison"
"On bail"
You still live with your
Mum & Dad,
But thats what happens,
When you only have friends
Within a screen, not real life,
Go out
Are born with the connection
Of real life, not behind a
HD screen,
We are becoming
Generation Friendless,
Lets change that,
Turn off your
"Go on you can do it"
Go out in the real word
Make real friends
Not the two hundred behind a screen.
2.0k · Jan 2016
I Weave Them Upon My Being
Poetic T Jan 2016
I stitched each of them on to me, knitted
It tight on my flesh. I bleed for a moment
But it was just another etched on my flesh.

Each perforation was another that joined my flesh,
Entwined on my soul I made their hair in to fine
Cotton and each was given a place upon my being.


A honour of their offering was felt as I seeped on
Their twine. Pain was a lust that was sort but
Never harvested and my culling was full.

Flesh was just moment of time aging ever moment
Decaying since birth. Their hair lived longer than
What was but food for thought now no more.

My limbs like a puppet on stings, but I am their keeper
Of life on me, in me they live on. I stich their memory
So many colours do  I weave on to myself.


But the ones that are lucky that never grace my being,
They are those of least crowns on their scalp.
I am one of such no hair on myself. But weaves I
Sculpt upon myself, they live on even though bodies rest.

I have many stitches on my flesh of weavings not my own,
But their essence will always be here as long as I live on.
Seeing those moments which will be etched on myself,
I will weave all into the picture etched on my skin.

*"A stitch in time ebbs your existence your soul to mine,
2.0k · Apr 2014
Poetic T Apr 2014
Lazy is
As lazy does
You were speaking, did I nod off...
Poetic T Mar 2020
Your rhymes were a bin bag thrown
in the trash, couldn't even write a
         sentence, dyslexia of meaning

and ****** up sentences that
    weren't even spelt write.

Couldn't even spin a line,
   as it was meant to be straight

but your words were more wavy than
                a bad perm.

  There isn't room for a failed wanna be,

                    alone in your room *******

But your more empty than the raisin
                   ***** your trying to spit out of...

Non consequential wording that doesn't flow
down stream,
                   more like your floating bloated
breath  releasing putrid gas

that stinks more than what they were belching out.

I never insult the cadavers of dead lines,

but your words were buried even before
          you opened that hurse of dead beats.

a handful of rhymes that were more powerful than
           your buried career,

sorry you were a foot in the grave even before you
                                                   opened your mouth.

Song I wrote after I used your girl..

I wasn't the one she wanted it was you,
                but I gave her what she wanted

and that never included you..

Every thing you wanted I stole,
  and gave her fake wishes that were
tarnished but she never looked beyond
                 the moment seeing the stitching
of us was more fake than the smiles I gave her.

I knew she wanted to be with you,
   but I was the salesman of woman..

While you were the boy next door, I was the salesmen
                     showing her fake dreams..

Don't worry you can have her after I've used her enough,
          I'll even trade her in for a good price..

Ye, she'll be broken..

           But everything is always defective
after I've rode it enough...

Her crown maybe cracked,
  but she'll be yours even though she'll be thinking
of me even though your in her, I'm the length
        she'll remember but she'll be your crack queen.

Now this is enough of wording.

                   and I'm moving on to the next one.
2.0k · Sep 2014
Seeing Beyond The Veil
Poetic T Sep 2014
You wished to look
Wanting to peek,
Beyond the veil
You were never meant to see,
Now those not seen, seek
None should peer
None should see afterlife,
But curiosity
Killed a cat,
Now it comes to finish
What you saw.
Never were you meant to look
Beyond a veil,
It was closed for a reason
Now it must cleanse
What was seen
Must be still like those seen,
Your curtain is closing
What was is now what becomes
For you are a prisoner of the veil
You are now what was never meant to be seen..
2.0k · Jun 2015
Storm Of a Tourmented Soul
Poetic T Jun 2015
Thunder collapsed upon me, lightening did
Strike upon my flesh, scaring the tissue black
Scorched pain as like a pool of fear quivering
At each strike upon ones self.

The rain fell, unlike a monsoon of emotion
Did these tear burn from pools once pure
But now tainted with vines of red, feeding
One the vision seen now blood red.

Tears were cupped so neither evidence of
Fallen emotion was seen, I drank upon my
Sorrow what had fallen evaporated towards
The mind of hate, like a storm building strength.

So the voice did break forth like a dam of emotion,
Courage, hesitant moments before the whispers
Of wind were heard then like a tornado of truth
Breaking your torment, then like the breeze you
Were scattered far and wide, never to hurt me again.
Free but scared, echoes never fade they only get harder to hear
2.0k · Dec 2014
Selfie (Senryu)
Poetic T Dec 2014
Hidden behind **vanity,

Fake self wannabe.
Poetic T Dec 2014
Seeking those lonely ones,
Every step watched, *dark shadows hidden,
Ritual of the **** *planned,
prepared, precision,  
Is the key to the departing of life,
All will fear that moment,
Looking behind as well as in front,
Kill or be killed,
Is the reaction to that moment of a death,
Life is in their control,
Let the blood seep,
Every moment is a last lingering  breath,
Right now you realise your **time is up.
2.0k · Aug 2018
A Single Raindrop
Poetic T Aug 2018
Woven patches of grey,
hues slow in momentum.
Tattered gaps letting through
              gleams of radiance.

But in motion do the faults
get sewn in silver linings.
And this blanket  
             mesmerising below.

Then the lonely flower opens
       its petals, reaching towards
the patch work of loving greys
                 yearning for a touch.

A singular drop falls, taking its
                   time to meet below.
So far has it descended to gently
              caress her wilting petals.

Replenished dew drops hang from
                         now pristine colours.
It waves in the subtle breeze,
      swaying in a dance of gratitude.
its amazing what a little kindness can give to others.
2.0k · Aug 2014
The Twelve Signs
Poetic T Aug 2014
Signs were seen upon the sky
Constellations faded before the eye,
As each one disappeared from view
So those born were doomed to die,
And as the cosmos blinked
Became dim, then the stars did die,
And with the demise
Those born of that time,
Passed beyond,
For with the signs gone
Where ever they were
Was at hand, with each erased
So were their lives,
As if stars exhaled, they breathed one last time,
As the stars did extinguish
Millions of tiny lights died,
Only the twelve signs were fading
Others stars still shone bright,
They diminished till nothing
The constellations did die,
A world of many, became the few
But those born on the days of,
They still stood
Never to die, as others had past,
And the Zodiac's died,
The serpent Bearer
He kept them apart,
But his struggle was eternal
For each was of just strength
For if one did for but a moment squeeze,
A balance lost, then each pulled apart
For a moment went dark,
It would take Centuries
For light,
To struggle from
The dark,
And so it was from time past
For that time to come,
Births did only happen
Between the days
November 30th,
December 17th,
No new births out of this time
Many were lost,
Many lights shone on
Till that time,
When the constellations
Were once bright in the sky,
The thirteenth sign
Serpent bearer,
Would look over us all, the same and one.
2.0k · May 2014
Wank Bank
Poetic T May 2014
I have them in my mind, a place for me to use and abuse,
when alone and where no one can see.
I visualise what I need, those lovely ladies recorded
in thoughts used by me.

My neighbour she's as hot as could be,
but after to many usesshe has become a bore.
What once went hard with a thought,
now my cheese stick slumps not content,
new **** bank material is needed so on goes the TV

O ye this is good, weather girls low cut tops
in the bank they go for use later for me.
But I need that girl to light the meat, to get me well hard,
so I see one woman in the bank ready for me.

I test drive her not as good as could be,
so I swap parts saved in the file, now perfect for lonely fun.
The thought of her **** and me.

All men and woman are nearly the same,
they have a **** bank for those times when lonely.
Be it butts,legs, ******* or meat hanging or the
slit between the legs.
We all have that special some one that is with
us when are fingers and palms get happy...
Every one has a **** bank..
2.0k · Sep 2014
Unwanted Touch
Poetic T Sep 2014
You felt like a
Upon my naked skin,
Leaving a
Wanting to wash you
Off my
But I cant you seeped within,
The stench of you permeates me,
I ***** uncontrolled,
You are that which I despise
This isn't the way I was meant to
By the sight and touch of me.
2.0k · Oct 2014
Ambient Colours Of Life
Poetic T Oct 2014
Life is ambient colours,
We are shades in the spectrum
The light bends around us,
We are aura upon life
Are we upon the world, we are
But like a prism, moods can change
From one to another, a less bleak
Aura can blend with situations
And once vibrant can
Life can drag you down,
Became a shadow of our
Former self,
Our ambient colours of life
Can brighten up others days,
Or drag others down, We have
Auras of colours that
Can be as illuminated as any day,
Or swallow us in the gloom,
We are easel, a mixture of colours,
Each slightly changing to the moods life plays..
2.0k · Oct 2014
Killer Rhyme No5
Poetic T Oct 2014
Little Bow Peep
Told everyone she had lost her
And didnt know where to
"Find them"
She had slaughtered them
All of them for
Kebab meat
And sold the wool to china,
Told no one of the secret
She so secretly did keep,
To why the  sheep had gone missing
Killing any and all from finding.
She was a
And had a fetish obsession of the sheep,
She was meant to looking after.
Peep Merrily nailed each and
Everyone of them,
More like half a dozen times,
Sometimes cuddled up with
Her **** still inside them.
So when eating
With chips, if tasting a little salty,
Then Little Bow Peep
Had slept with that sheep
And ******* inside them.
Didn't like how they worded or the structure so rewriting them..
2.0k · Mar 2014
Mr Potato Head
Poetic T Mar 2014
I wish I was like Mr potato head,
to change my moods at will if I was
sad turn that frown upside down
now a smile shines through even
when I'm down and full of dread.

I would change my eyes for the
nights when I'm tired and they
look veined and red, I would change
them to green and blue mixed eyes
in my head.

I would change many things if I was
Mr potato, I would be different each
day choosing my look and mood
with each passing hour a new me
would you want to be me or would
I rather be you.
four minute crazy write...
2.0k · Sep 2014
Fragrant Love
Poetic T Sep 2014
You were a flower
That was in a crowd
Of colour
But your blossom
Caught my eye,
You stood out
You ask, can a flower smile
It did that day,
I picked you
Took your intoxicating
Fragrance in,
I realized that it was
That were two  
Now we grew together.
And we both did blossom
In each others arms,
We grew,
And entwined
Till the fragrance
That came forth was love,
That burst forth and two were now one..
1.9k · Feb 2015
Feeding My Belly
Poetic T Feb 2015
I was playing, jumping up and
Down, I was cartwheeling
Right side up
Upside down,
I heard a noise, I heard a grumble
Was it thunder
The sky Is blue??
Where did that noise come from
Was it you.
I walked along, and heard it again
I looked under my jumper
There it goes again.
Are you
To me, what do want, speak up
I don't speak belly?
I do feel hungry though,
Is it that what you want,
Is that which you need.
Home we go, moving fast,
Still talking each louder than the last.
"I need you MUMMY"
"I need you DADDY"
My belly has been talking
Its telling me its hungry,
Like thunder a rumbling rolls
Around my empty tum,
"Goodness me"
"Goodness you"
I'll make you both a sandwich
Make both you happy.
"Thanks mummy"
"Tummy said thanks too"
Grumble went my tum
As both of us were filled with
It was good tasting,
And filled my taste buds as
Well as a friend that
Of his need to be filled up too.
"Each chew"
"Each swallow"
"Quieter than the last"
I had eaten my sandwich
Crusts and all. My belly vibrated, I think
It was a sleep, I felt much better now I had something
To eat. Empty plate that's good to see,
How are you both?
"Mummy we are very happy"
With a grin I rubbed my tummy,
My belly just spoke
My belly has a need
"What is that little man"
Grinning ear to ear,
Is that you talking or tummy rumbling again,
My belly just likes to be full for me to eat.
Another of my kids stories series
1.9k · Aug 2014
Death Takes A Holiday
Poetic T Aug 2014
Death needed a break
Any place would do
Just a week off would suffice
As reaping can get tiresome
If its the only thing you do
So many ways
Simple with a touch
Or complex like
A final destination death
Gosh they were fun days,
Ships I cant travel on,
Just between me and you
"The Titanic  was my last holiday"
I had that sinking feeling,
When I walked on board,
And my holiday became a working one
My holiday once again sank short
Of all the things a giant ice cube,
But that wasn't the worst
A Beach I thought a long time ago
Pompeii was a pleasure
till it blow off its top
Pyroclastic flows,
I was getting burnt up inside
Hot rock holes in my clothes,
Again a working holiday
When will my time off
Just be a relaxation
No souls to judge
Your given
An extra week,
Live life,
Seven days,
Too do what you want,
Because when my holiday ends
"I'll be coming to reap you"
**Now don't do stuff stupid things..
1.9k · Apr 2014
Poetic T Apr 2014
As i swim as i,m submerged,
relaxed inthe waters that
surround me.

Not a breath needed relaxed
in the feeling that i,m safe, as
the waters are warm i hear
noises not knowing what
they are or where theycome from.

surrounded in darkness, this
homein the water this place i
call the womb.
1.9k · Mar 2014
Thought Bubbles (edited)
Poetic T Mar 2014
I think of many things
bubbles form all around,
colourful ones form of
love, and smiles and ideas
that bring bright emotions
all around.When they pop
a rainbow formed in my
thoughts, calm relaxed is
my mind.

I have little bubbles tiny
thoughts, many of them do
float around. Big bubbles
some like a rain cloud that
take up much of my mind,
some slightly tinted dark
a thought I wish would just pop
and evaporate and leave my mind .

There are those that pop, a
thought lost couldn't have been
that important to me as now gone
from my mind.

I have many bubbles travelling around
in my mind. My bubble blower of thought
some times quite, other times bubbles
popping all over rainbows that float in
my mind.
Redone as I wrote first one in a few minutes and now have read it didn't like parts and changed it
1.9k · Nov 2014
You Left Me Alone
Poetic T Nov 2014
I looked at the picture of you
I never felt my tears
Collect upon the plain glass
Collecting my emotions in the corner
A puddle of
Of not having you by my side,
"You left me"
"You deserted me"
"You left a broken heart"
After you
There is no life,
There is but loneliness
"I throw the picture"
Its frame shatters upon
But out of destruction
I see a written note,
"Your words"
I franticly
Tread upon broken glass
To read this moment frozen
Never spoken from lips till now,
"Dearest one"
"I treasured our moments"
"With each breath I breathed you in"
"I want you to remember the times"
"That mattered"
"Those times are your treasures"
"In the hard times"
"Read these words"
"I love you without hesitation"
"I will love you from a far"
"My love for you never went out"
"It still burns from a far"
"I will never leave you"
"look towards the heavens"
"Know that I am forever in your heart"
He was always the romantic
"I hold this note to my heart"
My darling, I will never give in
For one day we will meet,
With that day, it will be as if we were *never apart.
Loss of a loved one is not an easy path..
1.9k · Jul 2018
Limitations of normality
Poetic T Jul 2018
Our forward motion is only
        Contradicted by the backward
Thoughts that trip us over on the
Journey of what should be strides.

But we must learn to face the
      Deductions that minus every
Second motion. Limiting us to normality.

                      Where born to be more.

So never let ourselves be
         Testament to others regression.
  We will always step beyond the safety
          of ourselves and fall like petals.
Poetic T Aug 2015
I wallow in submerged thoughts,
Each movement is a drowning moment
Wasted energies of nothing
Under foot or part.
Will I submerge my inner self
In desperation,
Or will I float on hope.
Reliance is a bubble,
One that can easily be pierced
Then we sink beneath the crumbling thoughts
And we submerge slowly into tainted obscurity.
1.9k · May 2016
Dear Mum
Poetic T May 2016
Did you know that the little ones have thoughts of you still,
and that the littlest one even though she missed you
by only a few weeks.......... her smile you'd of loved.
She does ask about you, asking is she bringing sweets...
I still see you smiling on photos, eternal words in your features
never to fade, they are there still as if you weren't gone.

But Mother, Mum I do miss your laughter original
and unique. You put us all in that well brought up
place. You may have been gone for some time, but
your thoughts and memories are always around
even though I don't hear your voice anymore.
I hear you everyday and know that your love is
still within us all and your memory will always live on.....
4 years and I can still hear her rather unique laugh haha...
1.9k · Mar 2014
Betty Woo
Poetic T Mar 2014
Betty Woo needed a poo but had no
toilet to go on, sheopened her crack to
let the logs splash,
then a croc did swallow thinking it was food,
then bit her **** for ******* in its water.
Poetic T Sep 2016
I walked in my mind and still I wore the features
upon my face standing in this lingering palce
******* the life out of  my life.

As if time was non linear in this place. Could it
have only been momentarily swaying like the
crest of a wave I swear its going backward now.

I had to climb out of my thoughts as my feet had
created a gorge of boredom and I swear in that
time unknown drooling down my face.

Greeting reality I feel the wetness and my eyes now
in focus of my surroundings. I quickly wipe my
face,  this line is an eternity that moves no where.

I walk out as in slow motion ascended to normal
time I hear "Checkout 3 now open, I would have been
the next in place... I walk onwards boredom now rage.
1.9k · Nov 2018
Side Line Referee
Poetic T Nov 2018
Friend zone hardships,
never seeing through the eyes
that gaze with admiration
that you where always there.

                But never in the place

A side line referee, holding hands
             but giving red cards to those
             who foul up her heart with tears.

Lovers will *** and go, but a friendship
                     of mutual feelings that's never going
                                                              to be  strained.

As this is one place they'll stay, for love is endless.
                              When the friendzone is sat upon,
                                           its just a different respect.

Never wavering over time,
                     you'll always have one another's back,  
                     no matter the others pain your always friends.
1.9k · Feb 2015
Apocalyptic Chatter
Poetic T Feb 2015
I was drinking from the skull
Of a long dead bird, I had eaten
It a while back, it tasted like
But not much to the bone.
I wondered if I was like
Brain remember it, any way
Mind did wonder past my
Teeth, tongue it slid like
That jelly mother did make.
I gagged a moment, but then
All settled not a zombie,
But not a bad tasting brain.
Snuck down stairs, DVD on
I remember the noise and
Remember pinkie raised
When drinking from a cup
Its the little things that make me
Smile. How you doing there friend
He doesn't talk much now, smells
Funny too, but even the dead are
Company when you only have you.
Everything, screaming, crying, chill
Its not that bad no tax, no big
Brother looking down on you.
"Ok running for your life"
"Keeps you healthy"
"Eating leftovers mouldy in a bin"
"What doesn't **** you makes you stronger"
As I regurgitate it back to the bin,
It has its pros and cons
But I miss the chatter
The one on one,
"How was your day"
"You look tasty"
"Why you looking at me that way"
Knife to the side of the head.
"O'no you didn't"
Skinny little freak trying biting moves,
This isn't PAC MANtm fool.
You meet interesting people on the road,
All I want to do is have some    
"Apocalyptic Chatter"
"Howdy Mam"
That's a big knife I say!!
As I pull out old faithful,
She screams I cant take that
And runs off screaming the other way
Run ***** Run,
The Apocalypse isn't boring
But I do miss the day to day chatter waking each day.
1.9k · Nov 2016
The Story Of A Peacocks Eyes
Poetic T Nov 2016
For it was but a figurine of blue nothing majestic
in its stance until a fateful day upon its happening
of beleaguered figure with eyes that shone beyond
this vacant etching. Without a yearning it picked at
this still supple flesh and devoured the beauty within.

Coexisting motions interlaced from a form of nothingness
to an existence of beauty that birthed in form and a weave
of colour liberated from its anatomy. Once it has given into
repulsive convulsions of what had perspired it saw with
what new eyes. But where one feather lingered it needed more.

A craving of beauty even though needed through means
that weren't intentional. But elegance is an obscurity of
vain ambitions that once reflected upon is need to be kept
within the grasp of moments now corroding at these delicate
frames whisper in sight and where one fluttered now, more do.

So many feathers adorned its foliage, and seen was the beauty
that extended past its virtues that were as corrupted as its on
moral compass that was dipped in blood, you should fear a
Peacock of no foliage for it needs to be hole to see its feathers
grace the air and only the inevitable craving will fulfil this plumage.
For it see with many eyes that aren't its own but fulfil it plumage.

*"So many see nothing, but a world where beauty is constructed
from the eyes of others and even they do not truly see,
Poetic T Jan 2015
I bit upon the shell
It was soft and moist
It bleed candy apple red.

I could feast on it all night,
But I rested for darkness
Conceals deeds not seen
In light.

To long wasted, what was
Full of life now sour,
The core rotting, pungent
Smell of a now hardened shell.

She bleed candy apple red,
Tasted the sweetest I have
Ever had. But now is spoilt,
I threw her away, I took my
Fill and I leave this for another
dinner blind date.
1.9k · Mar 2015
Senryu [Tracks upon flesh]
Poetic T Mar 2015
Tracks upon flesh
Stresses released, valves now eased,
Teardrops of crimson.
1.9k · Aug 2014
Art Consumes Life
Poetic T Aug 2014
Blank canvass,
Then colour brings it to life
Shades and tones scratch in to picture
It bleeds creativity,
Moments become minutes
Which consume the hours of the day,
A picture is formed by
Outlines ,
Life upon the page,
One last brush stoke, shading put there
But what did my brush strokes create
A hand, as if  reaching out the page
Is what covered this canvas of white
To look upon it,
"Did my eyes deserve me"
Moving forward as if to clench
I move, but to slow
As what was inanimate,
Now paint drips off as it has hold
Upon my hand,
The paint seeps up as I am consumed
By the canvas
Holding on to the frame,
My finger scratch upon the wood
As I scream,
The terror frozen within the paint,
I am but brush stokes
My face painted on canvas
The hand upon my shoulder
I am cold now,
I am for eternity now the paints prisoner,
The hand is my guard
Such vivid brushstrokes
As if she painted fear upon the canvass
A master piece of cloth and paint
Not knowing I am trapped now for eternity
Terror painted within this frame.
1.9k · Aug 2017
A Chorus Of Lullabies
Poetic T Aug 2017
Corroded reflections see through
the visage of my life I'm just a shadow
puppet of existence and this is
my gift to those I love.

"I'm a vacant lot of amore,
"Loving others is now a hollow chorus.

"I've loved each of you like death greets
a dying man, I feel nothing anymore.

"Looking beneath me, I'm a collection of
oxidized memories, each if drowning within me.

"Children where my anchor, but that ship sank
beneath the waves of my own hurricane of despair.

My censorship will now collect on others, satisfied that
I have worded this, as it dries my breath fades out.
I was a chorus of lullabies, now I wonder off to the quiet
place where my troubles delicately fade out....
1.9k · Aug 2015
A Dull Blade Silences
Poetic T Aug 2015
Confessions of  a dull blade, it tasted life as it
seeped and sealed death with Its last ******.

It was inanimate but had existence of life seeped
in to its hilt,Voices silent trapped under the hand

Their grip soaking sealing in fallen silence, looking
in to the eyes of so many and then kissed there forehead.

A last rite the au revoir as the dull blade made slow
Work of a mummer, words bleed silence out.

They cherished this moment of intimacy, this personal
Exchange, of life and death, slumped on soiled ground.

Dull blade, tainted handle, of voices silenced this inanimate
Object of desire that crafted by another's macabre thoughts.

Blood congeals as life condenses into nothingness, walking
Away the dull gift takes it now pride of place.
1.9k · Jul 2014
Shimmering Corruption
Poetic T Jul 2014
The moon was full, florescent light
Bathed me, touched my soul
It dripped in to the white,
My soul had claws
It was the time for the beast,
To shed,
To rip,
Shred this weak human husk,
Let the animal out, claws grow
The person is gone.
Only the wolf looking towards the moon
The lust, the hunger is on,
Apart from the bone,
The moon blesses the ****, shining down
Its purity, shines upon the blood
As what once was warm, now pooled cold upon the floor
The hours past since man was gone,
Only the animal, till the night is done,
Sun rises, pain
Till only the man now exists,
Guilt over what was and passed
The deaths, blood tainted,  
Still the taste of death resides in his mouth.
The taste never fades as once again man is wolf
And the cycle of good and bad,
The man of light a doctor saving lives
The wolf animal of night taking away
They are two but one,
Until one passes the other will not fade away.
Poetic T May 2020
Hues glistened above her face,
        prisms of droplets catching
the light as each fell..

This was ecstasy,
          A rainbow covering

                             her features...
1.9k · Mar 2015
My Dog Buried A Bone
Poetic T Mar 2015
The dog buried it in the garden, in one of
Its many holes, it was a dog of course
Just not the normal dog,
No skin,
No fluff,
No idea?
Where it buried this which I needed,
Which I owned,
It was like a mole had been playing whacker
And dug up
50 mounds,
50 holes,
50 buried
But which was that which I needed to hold,
My hands waved too and froe,
I would talk but my anger  muffled
Not expressing my contempt but with a finger
Waving as my hands in a naughty silent
Window wiper motion,
"Bad dog"
"Bad boy"
"Bad reception"
A voice unheard,
Right now I have a worm playing
Hide go seek in my cavity's, it tickles
My sockets, curls up in my nose,
Sticks you know what daddy will do,
And the last time this happened,
What did daddy do??
Legs in the bathroom,
Ribs keeping open the kitchen door,
And your skull was left outside in the cold,
"With a grumble"
"With a growl"
"With relief"
I saw the light,* and my body walked over,
My bony fingers rummaging around
Left a little,
Right a little,
Are you blind
And with that like a touch down,
My skull was finally found,
I rubbed the mud off
I took the worm from my nose,
I sat him on my rib, he had found a new home.
"Now boy"
"I know you like to bury"
"But daddies bones are a no go"
I give him a cuddle, stroked his bony head,
"What's skeleton to do"
When his dog likes to bury bones,
Last week he buried his tail, in one of those fifty holes,
And its still waggling, wiggling as we speak buried in a hole.
1.9k · Nov 2014
I Am The Spirit Of The Dead
Poetic T Nov 2014
"I am the spirit of the dead,"
They talk through me
The living must walk the halls
Life* is the wrong
All must
"Sing the song of silent breath"
Essence of warmth is a sacrilege,
All must be cold in
Will not be found, all must release themselves
From the torture of life
"Only death is eternal"
I have taken many,
"I am telling you this,"
There is a
You will sleep in persistent peace
Like the rest,
So many immortal in
The halls, each have a place,
"The missing are never to be found"
Prey with relief, when I release your burden
"I Am The Spirit Of The Dead"
Life is fleeting the only comfort is in death
Invisible like the spirit never known or seen,
You don't even realise I'm out there, culling the herd.
The spirit speaks through me, all life ends cold.
The best serial killers are the ones you never know are even out there
1.9k · May 2015
Two Feathers Fell Earthwards
Poetic T May 2015
Awaiting that moment, was it
Meant to be, as two feathers
Floated upon a last breath.

White as if from heaven, landed
Settled upon the left eye.
Seeing, searching the mind of
All the good that was done.

Dark as night a feather as ominous
As night itself fell upon the right.
Seeing, searching the soul for
All that tainted through life.

Barbs did seed upon the flesh,
and all that was known was now
Learnt, nothing hidden all was
seen from within.

Each rachis did fill, leached from
The body of what was drawn in,
Soul, heart, mind now emptied
in to each feather filled.

The quill did drip, with all that
Was taken, the feathers had fallen
Earthbound each partaken upon the
Gateways of the soul.

What did it find within, as a drop
Fell from each upon the lips, and
A last word spoken from each.

But only you will speak these words
Once the feathers fall and see all
Within. One white, one black which
One will carry you, where will your
Afterlife now begin.
1.9k · Nov 2014
Energy Contained (10W)
Poetic T Nov 2014

Short one for my 1000th poem in a year
1.8k · Jun 2017
Fidget Spinner
Poetic T Jun 2017
I could do tricks with those fingers
balancing acts of precision breath
was controlled for this moment.

One false move, and that moment lost,
sighs were heard, head shamefully hung.
As I would have to start over once again.

"OK fingers don't fail me now, I rotated  
getting a rhyme, I heard the excitement
as she released her ecstasy on fingers.

I was her fidget spinner, fingers fine
tuned to do those tricks to make her
world spin, she fidgeted in ecstasy.
1.8k · Oct 2017
Jam, Sponge, Cream
Poetic T Oct 2017
Tasting the moist interior
                                 with my lips...
my tongue tickling the innermost  
places of delight..

Cream slips down my throat
                     as flavours
entice me
     to consume every part greedily.

I lick my sticky lips, fulfilled I fall to sleep..
Poetic T Nov 2014
I'm running on the playground of life,
There are so many ways
This can go, to what end,
People hop scotching
The lines never told you that the squares
Are fate never moving off one
Or landing on Ten, its a game of
Chance, will you jump
Or stay safely on the footing
The square your on now,
Then there they are those
You know you see them playing
With the rope, around it goes
Jumping over life's troubles,
The more you jump the
You get caught in the troubles,
"Life isn't now skipping along"
It takes your feet from underneath
Now your just hanging
Feet off the ground
The rope ends the troubles
The noose tightened
And the troubles
Were last moments
Now you are still,
We will play many games
"Running On The Playground Of Life"
Just don't fall, don't get out of your depth,
Life is for living some games are **better left.
Some games in life aren't meant to be played, life is luck don't test it as it never lasts
1.8k · Oct 2014
I Want To Ride My Bicycle
Poetic T Oct 2014
The wheel spun, as the creaking
Of old rusted joints moved Upon
Its was with in the spinning
The voices sang
The wheel shall spin"
"Fates hand shall tell"
"For will the wheel move"
"Sights bell"
I awoke startled, hearing the
Wheels turn, old spokes
Sounding with each rotation,
I looked upon the old bike
A ringing in my ears,
No wheels to move,
"Just an empty shell"
What made the noises
"I touch my head"
I feel blood, like tears falls to the ground
I am conscious and the spokes
Upon a crumpled wheel,
"Each spoke still spinning"
By the movement of the car wheel,
Each one takes
My mind trying to shield me
From my fate, but the bell on the
Awoke me to my fate, a broken
Reflector shows what closed eyes
Did cloak, from me to see,
I scream,
As I lie crumpled a broken shell,
And this mirror
A front row image
Of my death in slow motion,
The wheel turns I hear the bell,
And with the final chime
The wheel turns but there is no one home,
To hear the bells ring and the wheel carries on..
Don't even ask where this came from??
Poetic T Apr 2021
God was the homicide
               that killed a whole world
over his jealousy of man's will not to

bow to his corrupt virtues..

He had planned every life and every sin
                  was his masterful collusion with the devil.

For both were one and all, two sides of a coin
                that always landed on its edge

and no one was the winner.

Definitely, a man or woman who thought they
             were a creation of purity.

But if they were a creation of the beginner,

The end was always a plan to fail like an image,
          it was never perfect but a delusion
of a copy that like its original
            corrupted by ego.

As it knew every breath, but still sent every baby
to the hell of inescapable torment.
                   As it was its plan all along.

That no souls reached its peace,
but the torture that it watched on its throne
           above and sighed,,,

That this was its creation, an image of self...

And it knew it was the master of every moment,
                       and they all  leads to hell.
1.8k · Nov 2014
Forest Of Crimson & Bone
Poetic T Nov 2014
Wood of crimson & bone where the dead
lie still, leaves are their burial
Rites they fall from life to
The flesh, for the fallen are the
Food of the wood, new life
Reaches up, Roots entangle
Around every bone,
Lifelessness now scattered
Among the roots of this linage
Of old, new saplings
Now sprung forth from the
Leaved burials that litter the floor,
They call this forest, leaves of blood
As all leaves that grow forth are
Forth, as if each leaf has life of its own,
Each of the branches growing
Resemblance of ***** fingers reaching
Out to a world, wisps
Of white mist greet all trees,
As if the souls of the departed
Sleep silently around this gravestone
Of wood, And leaves one again
Fall, not all just one, and this tree with
No leaves, now resting upon the floor
Like the features of bones grow out and forth
As some where in this
Forest of crimson and bone,
A body now rests in its tome of red
This is the home of the dead, where the trees grow.
1.8k · Jan 2015
She Is The Thorn
Poetic T Jan 2015
She Is the thorn within beauty
Ever silent, static elegance
Her rage burns near by.

The purity of the petals
Waiting in the darkness
To feed, pollen succumbs
those exposed, drawn, enticed
By her fragrance.

She is the picture of beauty
A contradiction of a place
Enveloped in darkness, but
All is not what it seems, for
She is the thorn that will
Bleed you dry.

For all that fall, a new flower
blossoms, and she becomes
Sharper. As she has a rage burning
That must be fed, for the petals will
Fall and the thorn will be no more.
1.8k · Sep 2014
Stripped Bare
Poetic T Sep 2014
I felt degraded
You stripped me,
Back what made me feel whole
You were removing
Taking away
What gave me confidence,
Before I had a feeling of being
But everyday I became
You didn't realise how this
To have so much
Then bit by bit removed,
Till I was an  empty room stripped bare.
I wanted to change the aspect of being laid bare, as if I was a room being stripped as the people were moving out.
1.8k · Mar 2016
Up the creek [5w]
Poetic T Mar 2016
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