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1.8k · May 2016
I Lay Breadcrumbs Down
Poetic T May 2016
I lay breadcrumbs of my emotions
for you to follow. Each was nourished
with essence that enticed your heart onward.

I lay breadcrumbs of my thoughts
for you to listen too. Each sustained
with true meaning of delicate spoken words.

I lay breadcrumbs so many times,
some got lost along the way, others
never interested stale crumbs then faded away.

I lay breadcrumbs, but I started to follow
yours, and with each morsel grazed upon
I found the door to your heart & love had won.

"A breadcrumb trail to a hearts beating path,
*"Who's trail will you follow today,
1.8k · Sep 2020
Little Pricks Need Love...
Poetic T Sep 2020
If you masturbated a hedgehog,
which ***** would you
                make stiff first..

And how many schlongs
                      could you handle at once..

Wow thats deep....
1.8k · Feb 2016
Mardi-gras Masks Of Secrets
Poetic T Feb 2016
She faded into the oblivious shadows of night,
The mardi-gras converted from dawn to daylight.
Where she danced elegantly in ballroom raves
She etched her body to the rhythm flowing in waves.

Her hunger was lustful in her eternally gazing eyes,
She kept her secrets beneath beauty's seductive gaze,
But when heart beats drowned out the soulful harmony
Penetrating eyes hummed on gullible  minds uncertainty.

Her burgundy lips etched on life's needing of lustful kisses,
Eager thoughts on this chardonnay on lips it glistened.
Drained off needing, she rested them peacefully in death
Never noticing until departed that they are exempt of breath.

Invigorated she released the energy of life on the dancefloor
Day descended into nights embrace, so she left out the backdoor,
Upon the streets she smiled at the masks hiding her secrets
When an invite did fall in to her hands, her next feed on a leaflet.
1.8k · Apr 2020
Hanging On Your Chanderlier
Poetic T Apr 2020
I'm no trailer park trash,
you may live
                      forty three stories more than me..

But I'll reach higher than you any day of the week.

I only have to take one step,
                             to tell what is
                        curb crawling around me.

Trying to sell me false hopes,
            selling me bath salt dreams.

But there more like bubble bath,
          popping before I even enjoyed it.

Your hopes and dreams are sky high,
illusions of
           your first steps.
A worthless dime falling from  a great height.

              No one even heard you

Cos there only interested what's
                                      happening on the street..

Your just a stain that no one really looked at,

                                                        cares about.

    As there's plenty more chalk outlines
                            that children hopscotch over..

Can you count to ten..

Then there's another gunshot..
          like a storm, they hitting in the distance..

Just another cold breath that falls from ground zero...
                                                  burn stains on the
                    that play pause.

                                        No breath... no care.

I'm here at ground zero,
            your up there in your fairy-tale

hanging from your chandelier,

But I'm swinging lower but still breathing.
1.8k · Mar 2015
The Gate To.....
Poetic T Mar 2015
It just hung there, rusted shut
Black as coal
That was not meant to be. I seized
My limbs frozen as if blocked upon
There reach.
Inscriptions placed in tongue
Of old.
"signati inter stratis universi"
I took my camera
Photos where as if nothing seen
Visions of a black that cant be disguised around
Blossom of pink delectably spread around.
But beauty often hides the thorns,
That which is perpetual
That which seeps unto this world
Darkness that is like a whisper
Permeating into this world.
It is a gate,
A portal to a place that light does
Not enter or exit from this place.
The gate to......
I walk away as if hurried from this moment,
Ushered with a momentary....
"Where the hell am I"
"I cant ****** remember the last few days"
"I sense a smell of blossom"
I fell heavy as they tell me
"It's temporary"
I had hit my head some place,
I'll get my memories back.
I open my back gate and my hand retreats
As if knowing of danger,
But I once again reach,
My head aches,
As I sleep I dream of pink blossom
I see the gate...
They find me three days later
Fear distorted upon my features,
Scared to death, died in my sleep, finger frozen
Out of reach,Scratched into my headboard
"The gate is open"
"The blossom has fallen"
**"The gate, the gate the ga............"
Poetic T May 2015
Dead thoughts feed this Lilly, ever drinking
As she picked them free to wear upon herself.

She smelt the aroma of a dead mans thoughts,
Intoxicating was death to her every self.

Gazing upon this jar of silent looks eyes forever
Closed, to open nevermore life is restrained.

This wasn't the only flower she was to grow,
All would have the scent of deathly thoughts.

Each will drink upon a suspended moment of
Muteness, only the flowers would speak with scent.

Come to this place of the silent reflection, entice
Oneself with the scent of a dead ones thoughts.
1.8k · May 2014
My Trumpet
Poetic T May 2014
Blow It hard, and watch me smile....
ill be making the notes of pleasure...
1.8k · May 2014
Air Guitar
Poetic T May 2014
My fingers move, my arms in the air.
I cant play an instrument, but I am the
Best in the world with my air guitar.

Here me play with music loud, hands
Swinging in the air, I look like a mad
Man to friends, watching my fingers
Do the motions of different cords.

I'm the best at this instrument, I think
Crowds would go wild, paying to see
My awesomeness. I play with fingers
Swinging my arms slowly and fast
Playing what I do best the air guitar.
1.8k · Nov 2014
Writers Blocks
Poetic T Nov 2014
I------------K C O
H@@@@@@@@ L
A@@@@@@@@ B
V@@@@@@@@ |

Y############ O
| ############ S
W ########### |



       ­                                        Steps
                                                       ­ Must
                                                         ­       Be
                                                   ­         Climbed  B4  I   WR1TE  1NCE  **AGAIN
1.8k · Jun 2015
How Deep Do You Want It In
Poetic T Jun 2015
"Slip it in, go on I can take it,*
"Slowly eager ******,

"She groans as a mixture of euphoria and pain,

"Do you want it to the hilt?
"Can you take that much in one go,

"Just push it in slow,
"I can take it I think,

"I ****** it in her, she bleeds a little,
"Who is more excited?
"I pull it out slowly,

"Arrr baby that feels good,
"That was deeper then before,

"When can I stick in you,

"We never said we would do that,

"Are you scared,


"I'll only do it once,


"She gets ready,
"I can see the excitement on her face,

"Now don't be a chicken,
"Bgirrk bruk bruk bruk,

"Just get it over,
"But not to the hilt,
"I mean it,
"I think your enjoying this a little to much,


"Don't be a baby that was barely the tip,
"God is the buzz you felt,

"It hurts, I think I'm going to be sick,
"O' my god,
"What are you doing,
Only once....
Only onc

She smiles as he turns silent,
Cherry red seeped out, and he lay slumped
On the ground, lifeless stained,
What had started as curiosity, as twisted trusting fun.
She had done her first, the one she loved.
Now the next would be just a lunge in the ,
Draining upon different floors. she had put
It in once and was addicted at the felling
Of putting it in,
Deeper the better not just the tip but to the hilt.
Poetic T Nov 2014
We are all matches, we all wait
For that moment where
Brings forth thought, so many
Sparks, which one will
Bring forth the chemical reaction to
Is this thought, will it be but
A fleeting moment, burned then
Before It reached its
"We are matches waiting to be struck"
With a moment of
We could burn for a life time
Or become just a blacked stick
Our minds burnt out,
"We are all matches waiting"
"For that one moment"
**"To be struck and our minds then lit up."
Bright sparks of thought
1.8k · Jun 2016
On A Rope Of Thorns
Poetic T Jun 2016
On a swing of deadened wood she would
Swing, holding upon these slender ropes of thorn.

Piercing onto flesh, but always held on as
Though to fall, but tears bleed from this motion.

Back and forth, white became red as a head
Slumped forward and motions carried on as hand frim.

This dead wood sat upon a rope of thorns
Motioning the seeping tide  that with each gesture flowed.

Grasping fingers ridged as these swings, each
With heads slumped, bleed a little and swung always evermore .
1.8k · Nov 2014
When A Pig Isn`t A Pig
Poetic T Nov 2014
I saw  pig wearing white fronts
I looked
Then came out,
"Never wear white, with an **** like that"
Trotters to small to wipe,
"Skids bigger than the grand canyon"
Brown with white, I
Like crap, I just looked as it went
Past, I started to follow as it
Trotted along, It stopped turned
"Growling at me"
Woof Woof GGrrrrr...
"Ok its not just me? don't pigs OINK"
I stared open mouthed, fingers in ears
Making sure no wax had altered the sound,
"Did you just bark and growl at me"
"Ok I'm now talking to a barking pig"
It stared for a moment
Me at it , it at me
Then it clucked
Front trotters flapping wildly in the air,
And then quiet
From the white which turned more brown
Now fell an egg not white
You can guess what dropped upon the floor,
Shaped like an egg, but smelt rotten to the core,
Then it walked off on all fours,
"I was puzzled"
"A dog"
"A chicken"
"What more"
"I am forever off eggs"
Never seeing them the way I saw before,
It trotted to a farm,
A farmer I saw before my eyes
Opened mouthed, hands jested towards
The pig, dog, chicken thing,
O you meet harry, he's special you've seen
That's nothing wait and see,
"Harry what do you wish to tell the gentlemen"
"Dear sir"
"Would you mind paying up"
For what I confusingly said??
"I'm the worlds only ventriloquist"
"Now you have experienced the show"
"Now pay up"
"I may be a porker, but I not stupid"
"The talking is extra"
Is all that spilled from my mouth
I handed over notes,
Mouth still open, as I walked
Before I knew it at the hotel I strolled
In to my room, friends standing around
"What you get up too"
"You'd think I was telling porkers"
"Want a bacon sandwich"
I look at them opened mouthed
They say I was as white as a ghost
I replied,
"I'm a vegan"
Since when they asked??
**"Since about thirty six minutes ago"
Never looking at bacon the same or white fronts Gag :)
1.8k · Sep 2017
Eyes Speak More Than Words
Poetic T Sep 2017
A hundred words
        and more I could

But that look in your eyes
             says it all
   with out words.
1.7k · Aug 2015
Mrs Withering
Poetic T Aug 2015
Like a Venus flytrap she enticed beauty
Captivated upon its purity it feed the
Mind malnourished of thoughts inside.

Absorbed its essence upon her own Decaying
Moments now nourished, withered moment
Now replenished, but still It dies.

Mrs withering was deaths other hand
Now all purified with her gaze. She was
The hand where beauty came to die.
1.7k · Jun 2016
[streams of consciousness]
Poetic T Jun 2016
streams of consciousness

her deliberation sways

gentle breeze of thought
1.7k · Oct 2014
Voice Of Many Whispers
Poetic T Oct 2014
The voice burnt upon my brain
I wanted to speak, to be alone
But it was like a
That grew to
Scorching my mind
It was the darkness that
Encroached upon my
Every thought, desires
By this voice that's  not mine
In the depths of my mind it
My ears permanently ringing
You have imprinted on thoughts
"I don't want"
"I do want"  
"I don't know what I want"
Stop this trickery upon my mind
I am possessed by a
That spoke untruths that  
Is my voice now
"This voice is mine"
"The voice you knew is no more"
I'm screaming through my iris,
The window to my soul
Will any one hear my silent voice
This voice that speaks is not know my own
1.7k · Mar 2015
Totem (haiku)
Poetic T Mar 2015
Wolf yearns for the moon,
Raven omen of ill wind,
Eagle soars heaven.
I`ve wrote this as if there nature totems
1.7k · Apr 2014
To Be A Pirate
Poetic T Apr 2014
To be a pirate the things I,d see,
the high waves as the ship goes
up and down, down and up on
the sea. Arrr I feel sick over the
side I will mostly be.

Swab the decks so they be as
clean asthey can be, **** this
boat of wood the splinters I be
getting, I  be needing tweezers
and me mummy.

I want treasure, I want to bury
it where no one can see, I,ve done
this many times but I keep forgetting
as I have a poor memory.

I want to be a pirate, the things
I would see, but I want to put my
flag on themast a smiling skull it
would be.

I,m not a normal pirate as they
seem to say, I be to nice, and
I,m not very good at sea As I,m
always over the side giving the
fish food that comes out of my tummy.

I,m a pirate all can see, I  dont
have a sword as I always  be cutting
my tummy, I dont think I,m cut out
for this life upon the high sea.

I think ill do kids parties with my
ballon sword, no more cuts for me just
out of breath, as it keeps popping in me.

My choclate coins I must remember
are not to buried or to eat, there for
the children arrr no choclate for pirate me.
hope to write a third one make them a book for the children
1.7k · Mar 2015
My Little Jumping Bean
Poetic T Mar 2015
"Daddy" "Daddy"
"Watch me" "Watch me"
As she jumps hands on the settee
She jumps higher each time,
I want to be a cricket,
I want to

Bounce up and down
But they jump well, but not high enough
"Daddy" "Daddy"
"Watch me" "Watch me"
I'm a bunny,
Bounce, bounce, bounce*
I bounce higher this time,
But the whiskers make me sneeze
And I really don't like carrots,
"Daddy" "Daddy"
"Watch me" "Watch me"
I'm a kangaroo
Look at me go look at me
Fly through the air, and land
Once again on the ground,
"Daddy" "Daddy"
"Watch me" "Watch me"
I loved being a Kangaroo but it was too hot,
I want,
I wish,
I bounce
In to space, the biggest jumper in
The know universe
I want to be an astronaut
I want to jump from
To the
I want to hop along asteroids
Like I was playing hop scotch
"Floating endlessly"
One jump, two jumps
Look at me float, look at me daddy
I jumped on the moon,
"Little lady"
"My little jumping bean"
"You must learn much"
"Do good at school"
Then you can use your amazing bouncing talent.
Use it to jump from here to there,
But my little princess your only five,
So much time to
Upon everything you see, the moon
Can wait till you grow up,
*"My utterly amazing little jumping bean"
Based on how much my little lady loves to Jump :)
1.7k · Jan 2015
Walking Among Stars (Haiku)
Poetic T Jan 2015
Adrift in silence
Floating in the womb of space
Natures lamp posts guide.
1.7k · Oct 2014
The Badge Of Honour
Poetic T Oct 2014
The badge is a symbol of
Do not let the few
That tarnish this code
Earning your disrespect
For there are those that believe
In the code, to protect the
To uphold, for them to do there best,
You may see them as an enemy,
But the few who taint
Do not stand for the rest,
They made an oath to
Give them your trust,
And they will give it right back..
1.7k · Jun 2014
The Water
Poetic T Jun 2014
I stand at the edge,
See the beauty before my eyes,
Further than the eye can see.

Her waters wash over my feet,
Crests break before my waiting eyes,
Enticing me in to her hypnotic depths.

My bare feet in deeper,
Submerged are they now,
As her waters caress my waist line,
Washing my troubles away.

She entices me,
I feel her grip upon my body,
She wishes me to be with her,
And soul.

I take the final step,
Her water wash over my hair,
I feel at peace now,
as her water surround me,
I breath her in.

I panic for a moment,
But then we are one,
As I float away in her gentle waters,
We were separate,
But she washed my troubles away,
And now we are one.
Poetic T Oct 2014
Look at it, your finger isn't an
Trying to rub it out,
What are you doing
on your
If the love furnace isn't
warm, no amount of you
Mingging slobber will
Light this fire that needs a
Of passionate lust to
This I must say, what's been
On your fingers,
"Really spit from your mouth"
I don't want it smelling of
Bad Breath,
Morning Breath
Wash you hands
Fingers too
Its called
"Mouth wash"
Use it too,
Do you know how delicate
This instrument
Your putting your fingers on?
Its the only one I have got
"So don't break it"
!!That my ****!!
That's a *******
Rub it gently
Don't rub it out, or ill bite your nose
That my *****
Did you ever do
"*** Ed at school"
Jesus I use my emergency
Don't feel intimidated
Yes its how you use it,
Now go, a woman needs her
Five speed friend, ill be awhile
So don't bother me,
And don't forget to
Close the door on your way out.
1.7k · Jan 2016
They Dance Upon Whispers
Poetic T Jan 2016
Breezes wonder  playfully over*
Inspired  within their surrounding
All is a playground of nature
*Swaying dandelions dancing  elegantly
1.7k · Feb 2014
Man Flu (Bad cold)
Poetic T Feb 2014
talking rough.

Eyes watering
zombie walking
gurgle sounds as
muffled talk
speak up.

Snoring waking others up
I'm dyeing god when will the,
(Wife or partner)
dam it man,
man the **** up
us men to a tee haha...
Poetic T Aug 2015
You kept me entombed in a coffin of thought
Never free cockroaches of doubt crawled
Around my chained thoughts.

The nails rough on my mind, jaggedly etching
oxidized stagnation of my embalmed understanding.
Why would you keep me in the dark.

I am solitary in this shallow wash of waning moments
Could I just crawl in to this sea of disbelief and
Drown slowly in my entombed darkened thoughts.
Some times my thoughts are deep down locked away
Poetic T Sep 2016
I feel like crying sometimes but
the liquid aroma of alcohol hazes
these emotions,  but then I awaken
to those feeling ponding upon my
cerebral cortex and I grief in anger.

Do you know how much the flames
Ignite upon my form, as I fall I am
consumed within the emotions like
a stove I am taken high and then fall.

I feel like tears but drink them into
submission and once they linger in
a haze I ponder upon them on a
more sombre date and then forget.
1.7k · Apr 2017
Life Is Like A pencil
Poetic T Apr 2017
Life is like a pencil,
            Once you use up all the lead

All your left with is dead wood...
1.7k · Jan 2015
Crimson (Serial Killer Song)
Poetic T Jan 2015
I sit here in misery
"My hands shake"
I scream at a reflection
Me, Me, Me
Will I be that which I need to be.

I need crimson flushed over me
I need crimson within me
I need to see the misery
I need too see cold eyes in front of me.

I cry at the moments of misery
She is the mistress of needed lust
Will she not answer my prayers
I will never wash it away from me.

I need crimson flushed over me
I need crimson within me,
I need to see the misery
I need too see cold eyes in front of me.

Will I ever bleed enough crimson,
There is beauty in the bleeding  
To  feed her greed,
Will she be satisfied as I am in misery.
I have left crimson cold on the ground
Will I ever see her my **crimson queen.
A new twist of the knife...
1.7k · May 2014
Social Media
Poetic T May 2014
Social media, a person with
so many friends a picture seen,
liked by others and even new
friends now seen.

But turn off that phone,
the laptop, and your I Pad too,
and when you look around
there is only you.

With no others to see, a
person alone, no real people
around, untill the log on is
done but are these real friends as
never  really seen.

A person has never been
more alone, when so many
friends are seen, but one must
talk for real connect not over
WI-FI but face to face not
face book or twitter its
not really real...
Poetic T Feb 2019
We are to busy looking at the grandeur
                  of the nirvana above
to realise that even though there is beauty
exhaling  beyond our sights.

                       That there is an inhiation
of stunning metaphors
                              swimming beneath ever wave..

Stories drowned beneath every convulsion that
             swells with every passing rise of
                                 nights eternal watchman.

Immersed luminosity that never sees lambent ashes
                                            hanging silently above.
Only giving the onyx deep a light show
                    of life's perfection to never fade away..

For in every darkness there is a shade of light,
               and within every light
there is a passing glimmer of shading.

For no matter how far we ascend, what is beneath
            still teaches us that we need to look into
the  darkness to realise that we need go deeper
                       before we ascend higher than our gaze wishes..
Poetic T Sep 2020
I wish every day was a Friday,
that seven-day repetition that
        I no your walking through
my door, no looking back...

Were here all night a 2.5 fraction
of a week where theres just me
             and you, just us....

Runing a 4.5 day missing you
    to a weekend of just us
through the minutes to hours
            to the where did this
                                    weekend go.

The alram sounds, then the race
             to the end of the weekned
starts,finishing as we count mistakes
     of days that we catch on to a friday.

Your here now, were sorry I missed you,
              but the weekend is ours..
  no leaving, were just us, me and you.

            I've missed more than just your body,
           missing your breath on me,
                but now were here in this moment,

long live every weekend when your next to me.
1.7k · Sep 2014
Moon Through The Day 10W
Poetic T Sep 2014
Poetic T Apr 2016
I was a pebble skimmed along the
waters of life, but we only brush on
the surface so many times.

Till we eventually sink below and
rest in eternity with all the other pebbles
once thrown in the waters of essence.
1.7k · Jul 2014
Intimate Connection (Senryu)
Poetic T Jul 2014
Once Individuals,
Lustful Gratification,
Nectar infuses...
#senryu #pleasure #*** #juices
1.7k · May 2020
Naughty Angels...
Poetic T May 2020
Never trust an angel,
            as my demons
knew where there angelic
                               spot was.

And all you heard was,
              oh Jesus, oh Jesus
forgive me for I have …………………..
1.7k · Jul 2015
Seed From Above
Poetic T Jul 2015
A flaming grain birthed from heavens rage, did plant
Upon soft soil, and flames flowered upon the land.

Pollen of death did seed the air as all was consumed
In its beauty spreading its birth on new ground.

All who envisioned it where silenced, and ash was
There rebirth as they were as everything nothing.

A seed feel from the darkness and brought its birth
To our land, petals fell and silence rained down.
1.7k · Nov 2014
Pretty Little Evil
Poetic T Nov 2014
Not all evil is dark, or wood
For darkness is
As of truth, all that glitters
is not good, evil prays
On the sins of man
Greed is the downfall of us all
For one would
To hold this blood diamond
It bathed in blood of the past
Soaked up the evil turned
Pure transparency
What one is, now not
For a thing of beauty that is soaked
In purest blood, how many died
How many souls lost for this devil
In rarity,
Consumed by its beauty
Vain jewel of purity that is bathed in **blood.
1.7k · Aug 2016
A Puddle Is An Illusion
Poetic T Aug 2016
My ink isn't dry,
it just heeds the needing of release,  
   and in this moment it is reserved
                  behind a dam of wowful thinking.

Will I unleash the gates, or stem the tide of
Letting it linger in pools of what I feel deeper
                                       than what others think.

A puddle is an illusion,
for it can linger in minimal space,
                 but beneath it
is a lagoon of sadness
                   that swallowed all I now think.
1.7k · Aug 2015
oceans majestic [haiku]
Poetic T Aug 2015
oceans majestic
lullaby waves do caress
gliding upon sea
Whales Song
1.7k · Jun 2014
Ploughing The Field
Poetic T Jun 2014
I ploughed the field
Back and forth,
I was good at it
Till that time,
It hit the stone
I nearly broke it.

Nearly bend it,
The pain It would have caused.

But I carried on,
And  the field was ploughed.

Then I slept
As I had finished the job,
The satisfaction
On my face lasted
The night
As I slept sound
All night.
1.7k · Jul 2014
The Enemy Within
Poetic T Jul 2014
You are there inside, hidden from view,
Not knowing if in my life time
That you will visit me or who.
I have found you,
In me not seen
But your intentions are true,
You are the enemy within,
The enemy I must fight for life
never to give in.
I will never give in to you
Not for a moment,
Not for a second,
I will fight this battle
Not by myself,
As I have something you don't have
Friends and family,
That will help me through.  
You may take some of us,
Good people lost in the battle within.
But know there are others
That will fight the fight, and win to live on,
Knowing you were there
But will never give in.
We will never give up,
Never give in, because the enemy within
Could strike any off us
But we will be strong,
As we are never alone
We never give in.
Against the C
Poetic T May 2015
whispers stay hidden
secrets verified on lips
obscured never told
Poetic T Oct 2016
Humanity is losing its infinite
wisdom of recognition.

The penny were losing is more
precious than any material.

We are defeated in the essence
of our humanity that is dwindling.

"Our humanity is that which echoes on our being,
*"The substance that makes us more than not,
1.7k · Jan 2018
Trapeze Artist Of Word
Poetic T Jan 2018
I'm a trapeze artist of  word
             flying through sentences,

           then I
                             and my words
didn't balance so well.

We just have to realize,
           that were cant balance
       all the time, sometimes words fail..
1.6k · Mar 2015
Warrior Of The Pen
Poetic T Mar 2015
I am a warrior of the pen, my words
Cutting to into you like butter, beware
Your tongue as my pen is shaper
Than any words that you inflict
Upon me, My ink would
Leave you gasping for breath.

I will write you down, I will say
With words that which can bring
A tear to the eye, to make you
Feel emotions as you  have never
Felt before. A single word is more
Powerful and longer lasting than
Any spoken word.

I have a pen that is mightier than any
Sword, it will out last any of your weapons
While  turning to rust & blunt, my pen
Will still bleed words cutting in to the
Paper, words that have always beaten a sword.

I am a warrior of the pen, there are
Many that use, ink, paper & pen to spread
Words that can bring any emotion out with
But a movement  of the pen and thought.
Poetic T Apr 2017
Little sapling growing between a rock and a hard place.
Weathering what life is surrounding you. No friends of yet
but you are only a sapling give it time. Moments passing
watching scenery elope to shifting seasons beauties.

Sea air invigorating as rain trickled from above dancing on
your now maturing leaves, tickling as each one weaved its
way down, like teardrops they descended on there journey
of life carrying on.

The Cliffside sighs, and teardrops of rocks descend,
woeful of those this motion that swept away, beauty
that clung silently there. The sapling is of branches
and leaves giving needed shelter to tired wings.

Seasons whisper by as the sun and moon dance above
her gaze. Roots delicately weave deeply into the Cliffside
keeping here steady, for if it were to sigh again her fate
steadfast in this place between a rock and a hard place.

Her leaves happened upon a blossom, so delicate in
its serenade of colour against the harsh rock face.
Like a parent when winds were bleak shielding its
frailty with branch and leaves, it only lost a petal this time.

She flowered in the seasons, blossom invigorated the
surroundings of what was bleak, like teardrops of love
for a time they painted vivid etchings on the Cliffside
till they faded nourishing those of lesser stature.

As she yawned on the morning rising above the
horizon, she felt motions upon her leaves.
Never in her time had she felt such gentle touches,
as palms glided over her foliage.

Feeling the breeze from up high, the cliffs edge she
had flourished in growth, now little eyes saw her
in full blossom as the seasons had changed.
Laughter ensued when gusts eloped with blossom.

Pink and light shades of magenta danced between
children, a fence keeping wondering thoughts safe
from the fallen dreams at the bottom of the Cliffside.
Leaves caressed the winds and she was content.
1.6k · Mar 2015
Cockoo A Prisoner Of Time
Poetic T Mar 2015
I was a cuckoo in a lovely little
House, I went around in circles
Again and again
That's what I always said,
Do you know how sad I get,
I want to jump,
I want to fly
But the only thing I do is
How time flies, but I will never know.
I am stuck in the little house,
To time, tempted every hour
To leave this place, my wings do flap
But when the clock ends its
I am ruthlessly dragged in to this prison
To once again be driven around
Every moment of my existence
Is but a moment a hand turning
On a clock, Tick, Tock
I am  cuckoo, I show
You the moments passing of time,
But I will release my call every
Time its needed, I'm a cuckoo after all, a
Singer of moments that pass every hour in time.
The poor little bird eternity's teller and prisoner of time
1.6k · Mar 2014
Waterfall Thoughts
Poetic T Mar 2014
Watered down words cascading
down my mind, flowing to the edge
where the words like a water fall
crash to my mouth.

Many waterfalls do I have for thoughts,
memories, all flow splashing on the
rocks stored in them till I need them
once again to flow out to be thought.

My mind many places pools of thought,
captured till the time they fall down the
waterfall in my mind, becoming words
used by the fingers or voiced as words,
far have they had to fall.
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