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2.9k · Oct 2016
press restart
maxime Oct 2016
press restart
simple enough
a new beginning
a brand new experience
but really, it's not all that different

press restart
for the nth time
again and again
another attempt
how many will there be?

press restart
and wonder now
how long it will be
until restart is pressed again
and it doesn't work

press restart
everything i write is **** so i've decided to just give up and publish whatever the hell i want. better than doing something else that's stupid
maxime Mar 2017
With the ivy on my house, I had to reconsider what flowers I wanted to add to my garden. I never expected to be gifted a hydrangea sapling that I planted beneath the wall of ivy. I was much more beautiful than I had originally thought, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that the hydrangeas were able to grow and flourish on their own alongside the ivy. The scent of hydrangeas became comforting to me.
2.4k · Feb 2017
maxime Feb 2017
He called me a chameleon once.
The words fell like sweet thick honey that matched his sandy blonde hair.
It fell just over his eyes. I had to duck and search to meet his gaze.
He told me that I acted like a mother to one, and a daughter to another.
He told me that he had yet to figure out my true colours.

I only smiled.

He studied me carefully everyday afterwards.
Peering, leering, examining every last breath that left my lips.
I chuckled, and allowed it, knowing he could spend his life dedicated to studying me yet never find the answer he was looking for.
A chameleon can only blend in with what surrounds them,
fire, blue skies, dark blizzards, animated companions.

A chameleon can never see the colour of its own skin, because it's too busy trying to match everyone else.
2.2k · Sep 2016
self-deprecation in three
maxime Sep 2016
dependent, dependent, dependent.
i hate to be dependent.
it's something that shows weakness.
it shows i can't defeat this.

sorry, sorry, sorry.
you tell me not to be sorry.
even though i try my best.
i never succeed, so i cannot rest.

stupid, stupid, stupid.
i feel like i am stupid.
obviously i'm the least of all.
no one cares when i take a fall.

weakling, weakling, weakling.
i am truly just a weakling.
melting from your sweetest words.
hoping my promises have been heard.
a small little snippet. not my best honestly.
1.9k · Dec 2016
Deer and Hunter
maxime Dec 2016
Deer leap clear across the field
Elegant and graceful,
Beautiful and limber.
The beauty of the open grass,
the feeling of freedom,
outweighs the threat of danger.

The hunter stalks his prey,
hidden by the the grasses.
The very grass that lures the deer to freedom,
also leads the deer to it's death.
The hunter is filled with power,
arrogance filling the hole virtues left.

He takes his aim.
He shoots.

The once limber deer is dead.
1.6k · Dec 2016
Bermuda Triangle Pt. 1
maxime Dec 2016
Don't Test Us*

Turn around and run,
Your too far out of your league.
Why you insist on fighting us,
Is a matter of intrigue.

Do you believe you're brave?
Or are you ignoring your own timidity?
Do you believe you're courageous?
Or are you convinced by your stupidity?
I'm going to be taking lines from Bermuda Triangle by ZICO (feat. DEAN and Crush) and writing whatever the line inspires. Their content won't be related but they're all from the same song so that makes them connected...right?
1.5k · Nov 2016
Most Precious Possession
maxime Nov 2016
How dare you push aside your most precious possession?
Do you not understand its value?
Its rarity? Its unique and original gifts to you?

It's perfectly clear that you don't understant.
What you hold in your hands is a treasure,
A treasure that is not commonly found,
And once lost, a it's impossible to find again.

Yet you treat this treasure like an afterthought to fools gold.
You treat this treasure as a stepping stone to something better,
When I think you know that there truly isn't anything more valuable than what you already have.

Take time, heed these words.
Youve come close to losing this precious possession once before,
And there is no way you'll regain it should you come close once more.
So tread carefully.

Best not lose the best blessing that you have ever received.
Some people don't know how lucky they are.
maxime Mar 2017
I started my garden with a little patch of marigolds I got from the market down the street. They were pretty, I guess. I really only chose them because there was the easiest option, since they were already grown and all I had to do was stick them in the dirt and look at them. I walked passed them most days without a second glance.
1.4k · Nov 2016
Golden Boy
maxime Nov 2016
Golden Boy, dear Golden Boy
You don't know how lucky you are
Everybody loves you
Here, near, and Far.

Your mother wears a proud smile,
when she looks upon you.
But when she looks upon me,
I see nothing but rue.

A star athlete, a star body,
always healing from injury.
I am left sore in bed,
wallowing in my own misery.

A Golden Boy loves a Golden Girl,
Hand in hand as they breeze through life,
I sit and wish I could be you,
Though you're oblivious to my strife.

Golden Boy, dead Golden Boy,
Won't you come teach me?
Pick me up. Glue me together.
Teach me what I could be.
1.3k · Oct 2016
A Swing
maxime Oct 2016
A girl kicks her legs while sitting on a swing,
unable to coordinate her young body to move forward.
Her small hands are wrapped around the chain links,
holding her high so she can only touch her toes to the ground.
Her stomach hurts and she frowns.
It always hurts when she tries to play, so she stopped trying.

A teen kicks her legs while sitting on a swing,
not having the energy to move herself forward.
Her bitten fingernails pick a the ridges of the chain links,
holding her now that she is far to exhausted to do so on her own.
Her whole body hurts and she can't even frown.
It always hurts when she tries to breathe, so she stopped trying.

A woman walks up to a swing,
allowing her own child to tug her towards it.
Her actions are careful as she pushes her precious cargo,
cradling it yet letting it roam far enough to find happiness.
Her whole body feels light and she can't stop smiling.
It always was a struggle to keep going, but she never stopped trying.
I will be the woman someday.
1.3k · Sep 2016
safe place
maxime Sep 2016
please take me to a safe place
where everything is bright and shining
where it's never raining and dreary
where the water is pure and food is a delicacy
i want a safe place
where i'm never afraid of being myself
where i don't feel guilty for being happy
where i won't be forced to be unhappy
take me to a safe place
where my family isn't falling apart
where no one is a disappointed in me
where i'm not afraid of my best friend
just take me to a safe place
1.1k · Jan 2017
A Shield
maxime Jan 2017
A shield is carefully crafted,
Linking and weaving scars together to protect the bruised heart inside.
A shield is not a painted piece of polished protection.
A shield is the last resort, a desperate attempt to grip onto life,
Which is but a fragile skein of thread,
that quickly unravels and easily snaps in two.
The bruised heart is not hiding behind this armor.
A poor heart that has suffered at the abuse of the outside world,
Is simply trying to preserve itself from decaying.
If the battered heart is not secured behind its shield,
The deterioration of the muscle begins and the heart slowly fades away
In an revolting and repulsive death,
Unless the world is merciful and a spear is plunged through the heart
before it can succumb to a lethargic and dreadful death.
The heart avoids its fate,
Skirting around pain and skipping away from death.  
Through as the shield of scars becomes lame and worn,
The poor heart begins to wonder,
Would death really be so unfavorable,
If death meant it wouldn't have to live like this anymore?
1.1k · Feb 2017
empty bed
maxime Feb 2017
empty beds and wrinkled sheets
are all i remember from that week
a pillow to support me
not much, only barely
and a blanket to keep me warm

with both arms outstretched
i cannot reach the edges
if i roll side to side
i'll never fall to unforgiving ground
i'll only ever be drifting over cotton sheets

the sun shines through linen curtains
casting shadows across a soft gentle face
i impulsively turn towards the light
which a smile tugging at the corner of my silent lips
i spend the day happy, laying in my empty bed
1.1k · Oct 2016
maxime Oct 2016
Left empty, void, hollow.
It's unsettling.
It's nerve wracking, unable to follow.

No matter what you try to make it fit
Nothing is perfect, nothing is right
Nothing is working and it's all simply ****
It's ****, it's ****, it's ****.

I struggle and I fight.
I scream and cry and groan and whine.
People tell it's not a problem;
That it's really absolutely fine.

Both you and I know that it;s not
and it never will be
because it's not going to be perfect
And I don't think it ever will be.
1.0k · Jan 2017
Bird Set Free
maxime Jan 2017
Today, I have become a bird set free.
My wings have spread and I have flown high.
The sun shines warmly on my feathers,
and I smile. A joyful tear comes to the corner of my eye.

I do not know what I left below me,
and I do not care to look back.
All I know is that I left misery for life.
I left before I could permanently crack.
1.0k · Mar 2017
Fantasy Brambles
maxime Mar 2017
Do you like your world of fantasy?
Where you live in twisted lies?
Your words are woven a shield of art,
behind which, you believe you'll never die.

You cry for help behind your brambles,
where thorns ***** and wolves cry.
Do you realize you tended to them yourself, dear?
You sentenced yourself to die.
1.0k · Oct 2016
A Swing (Revised)
maxime Oct 2016
A girl kicks her legs while sitting on a swing,
unable to coordinate her young body to move forward.
Her small hands are wrapped around the chain links,
holding her high so she can only touch her toes to the ground.
Her stomach hurts and she frowns.
It always hurts when she tries to play, so she stopped trying.

A teen kicks her legs while sitting on a swing,
not having the energy to move herself forward.
Her bitten fingernails pick at the ridges of the chain links,
holding her now that she is far too exhausted to do so on her own.
Her whole body hurts and she can't even frown.
It always hurts when she tries to breathe, so she stopped trying.

A woman kicks her legs while sitting on a swing,
too sleep-deprived to move her body with enthusiasm.
Her hands that have written millions of words wrap loosely around the chain links, gripping on for the sake of formalities and tradition.
Her body doesn’t hurt anymore and she never has any expression.
It always hurts when she felt sympathy, so she stopped trying.

A mother walks up to a swing,
allowing her own child to tug her towards it.
Her actions are careful as she pushes her precious cargo,
cradling it yet letting it roam far enough to find happiness.
Her whole body feels light and she can't stop smiling.
It always was a struggle to keep going, but she never stopped trying.

A old woman is pushed to a swing in her wheelchair,
Her daughter urging her forward as her granddaughter skipped beside them.
Her hands rest lightly and carelessly on the armrests of her chair,
Relaxed and gentle as she teaches the next girl about her battles.
Her whole body feels rewarded and she always wears a small smile.
She never thought she would, but she succeeded.
997 · Oct 2016
maxime Oct 2016
fidget change move
i'm honestly interested, i swear
change move fidget
i'm not trying to interrupt, i'm sorry
move fidget change
i don't understand, i'm trying
fidget move change
i can't sit still, i'm restless
change fidget move
i want to learn, i'm doing my best
move change fidget*
i need to do something, i'm going crazy
960 · Dec 2016
maxime Dec 2016
bricks upon bricks pile up
pinning her down against the cold ground
she's trapped between burdens and hell

once she could make a wall
bricks arranged anxiously in a barrier of protection.
the wall was too heavy. the wall fell.

now the bricks are thrown on a heap
carelessly tossed upon a death bed
weighing to much to ever have hope of life again
Not my best. I'm a bit of a mess. Sorry.
935 · Nov 2016
maxime Nov 2016
my fingertips are numb
filled with feathers that ferry no feeling
i press, i ****, i reach out for more
i know my fingers are there
they're simply just numb

my ear drums are throbbing
silence smothers them in a suffocating stillness
i strain, i scream, i yearn for a sound
i know my ears are viable
they're simply just unsound
I've been feeling scared to publish poems likely. I'm not really sure why.
931 · Dec 2016
My Grandmother's Old Clock
maxime Dec 2016
I watch the pendulum swing on my Grandmother’s old clock.
It’s three hours and twenty minutes off, and she can never fix it.
She keeps it anyways.

When I was little I used to sit in front of it
And sing along when each hour hit
Three hours and twenty minutes off.

The old clock used to wake me up at night
And I’d climb down off the top bunk
To check that it was three hours and twenty minutes off.

Now the clock is shoved in a corner,
Old and forgotten,
But still three hours and twenty minutes off.

My Grandmother’s new husband fixed the old clock.
He did what my Grandmother could never do.
The old clock is no longer three hours and twenty minutes off.
It will never be again.
884 · Mar 2017
maxime Mar 2017
Children play with puppets,
little rag dolls with yarn hair and felt dresses.
Their voice morph to characters,
yet their giggles remain the same.

Children play with puppets,
living the life they've always dreamed of.
Through cardboard sets and imagination,
the puppets explore the world.

Children play with puppets,
and earn a false sense of freedom.
Their words and actions are not their own,
though little to their knowledge.

Children play with puppets,
until those puppets wear thin.
They're left in dust, have lost the trust,
of their controlling child puppeteer.
868 · Nov 2016
puzzle pieces
maxime Nov 2016
puzzle pieces fit together perfectly
or so they should
sometimes the pieces are laid out perfectly
each delicately handled with care and slid together easily
sometimes the pieces are scattered haphazardly
thrown aside and yanked back and forced to fit together
each method creates a picture
beautiful and original, yet grotesque and obsolete
if beauty is in the eye of the beholder, who is to say which is which?
sometimes the puzzles that are aligned perfectly are disappointing
they are drab, dull, ordinary
and sometimes the puzzles that are forced together are enticing
they are alluring, captivating, enchanting
so next time chose to force a two pieces together
surely you'll find something new that's better than before
860 · Mar 2017
maxime Mar 2017
You always want what you can't have, sweetheart
Greedy hands grabbing at goodies
That are far out of your reach
You lost your ability to receive them
You destroyed your chance long ago
Don't come crying to me, sweetheart
Because I'm sure you already know
That I care nothing of what you become.
838 · Nov 2016
maxime Nov 2016
Toy: a thing or matter of no value or importance
Doll, plaything, trinket
Handled, moved, manipulated;
Exploited, fondled, groped

These words should send a chill down every girl's spine
They should raise the hair on their arms,
Make them look over their shoulder one extra time when they go outside
Replace a few hours of sleep with nightmares of terror.

Because here, you are nothing more than a toy.
You are not human with hope, dreams, and aspirations.
You cannot conduct yourself with dignity, maturity, and respect.
You are nothing but a body, here to be a toy.

Remember that, as a woman, your safety is worth nothing.
Remember that a ******'s fear for his safety is more concerning that a 15 year old girl's.
Remember that your dignity, your self worth, your self respect, your entire identity
Isn't worth more than a couple months in county jail to a man.

A woman’s ability to create life is not even her own.
It is something that is debated between men a thousand miles away.
It is something that is controlled by the hand of a man.
The most basic right and role of a woman is stripped from them.

To a man you an object.
There is no difference between you and the doormat into a man's house.
You are thrown on the ground, covered in pine needles, and walked all over.
No difference.

A woman’s concerns can be dismissed because this is just “locker room banter”
You are used as a ploy to further a man’s political presence.
This is a part of our daily lives now.
Get used to it.

We will no longer teach our children to stay away from drugs and be safe around wild animals
We will teach our daughters to fear a beard instead of the click of a gun.
We will teach them to be afraid of their fathers and their brothers, simply for their own safety.

They will be forced to cover themselves.
Hide their joyful smiles. Cover graceful legs. Mask skillful hands.
Because otherwise, they will be blamed for their maltreatment, told that they asked for it.
They still might be, because, remember, a woman’s word means nothing.

Toy: a thing or matter of no value or importance.
Doll, plaything, trinket.
Handled, moved, manipulated.
Exploited, fondled, groped.

I am a woman. I am no more than a toy.
A spoken word poem I had to write for a class. I decided to share.
834 · Feb 2017
little wolf boy
maxime Feb 2017
come, little wolf boy
you do not scare me.
i've seen you before. i've met you before.
i know you're truly weak.

behind a sleek fur coat
you hide your many scars
of fathers you have long since passed
once you found out who you are

you're fur is soft,
a comfort for me
after all, i haven't seen you in so long
it assuages me and thaws your heart

you've been running for so long
through snow, sleet, and hail
you've forgotten that you can rest with me
we always stay together though gust and gale
I'm reminded of someone and I'm not sure if it revives happy feelings or not.
828 · Dec 2016
What I Wish I Could Say
maxime Dec 2016
"You're so annoying."
I love that you stay to bother me.
"You're stupid."
You can do so much better than that.
"You're an *******."
Thank you for always speaking your mind to me.
"Please stop being nice."
I really don't deserve your love.
"Shut up."
I just want to enjoy being with you.
"I didn't even think of you."
I missed you more than I can even say.
"I hate you."
*I love you more than I can put into words.
826 · Mar 2017
note 10
maxime Mar 2017
I've never felt so stupid as when I forced my hand into the fire and was surprised when I got burned.
818 · Oct 2016
little game
maxime Oct 2016
little people with big mouths and shriveled hearts
filled with excuses and pardons beneficial to themselves
pretending that the little game is just that: a game

forgetting about feelings and filled with fallacies
pieces are placed in their perfect position
strung along like stupid, sorrowful simpletons

experience is not something that can be fooled
anger is not something to be played with
apathy is something to fear

love is  patient and kind
love is also obstinate and persistent
it will not be misused or mistreated

true love is not an elementary concept
small minds simply cannot understand
naturally cling to games that only give empty satisfaction
maxime Mar 2017
Remember when you told me you had never seen snow?
Somewhere so far away, so unknown to my own Northern tendencies
Obviously wouldn't know frigid temperatures like this.
While you dreamed of drowning yourself in rushing waves,
I fantasized about being buried under the blanket of a blizzard.

But, darling, I wanted you to know the beauty of snow,
For nothing else can glimmer so beautifully while it suffocates you.
So I wrote you a story about you and I in the snow.
I can't remember where I placed it so long ago.
It must have been taken when you were ripped from my arms.
811 · Oct 2016
Less Than Me
maxime Oct 2016
How dare you?
How do you have the audacity to make me feel like I need to change
How dare you make me feel like I am in the wrong?

I am not the one that needs to change.
I am not the one who is in the wrong.
I am never going to change for the likes of you.

Instead of pretending like you're some little saint
Instead of pretending like you care about me
Instead leave me alone and let me be me.

I am not here to please you.
I am not here to listen to you ramble.
I am not here for you to use at your convenience.

You are selfish.
You are narcissistic.
You are the one who never listens to anything other than the sound of their own voice.

So no, I will not cater to you.
So no, I will not serve your every need.
So no, I will not be your back up toy in reserves.

I am strong on my own.
I am successful on my own.
I am my own person.

And there is no way that I would ever let you make me feel like less than that.
802 · Feb 2017
Bermuda Triangle Pt. 2
maxime Feb 2017
Get Your Casket*

Dig deeper, deeper, deeper.
Dig your own grave and try
To scramble out of the hole again
Insisting this is not goodbye.

My darling, this is your end
I could never tell you a lie.
This was your last chance, last mistake,
and now your time is nigh.
772 · Mar 2017
how could you sleep?
maxime Mar 2017
how could you possibly sleep though the night knowing that the woman at the end of your bed is disappointed because you couldn't help her, because you are healthy and her children are dying, because you may not have a shelter from your own mind but at least you had a shelter from the world and that's more than she ever had? how could you possibly sleep soundly knowing that the woman in tatters at the end of your bed is crying for her lost love and the marriage she was forced to have who a man that saw her as nothing but a ****** for him to play with? how could you possibly sleep peacefully knowing that the woman in tears at the end of your bed is looking at you and wondering why you're alive and smiling while her children were thrown into a mass grave after her town was bombed by your own patriotic country? how could you sleep and not spend every waking moment caring for the poor woman at the end of your bed? how?
a bit of a messy rant based off of a mixture of nightmares and a common sleep paralysis symptom.
743 · Mar 2017
maxime Mar 2017
do you dissociate too?

do you find yourself floating in space?
not on a gentle cloud or on the wings of a soaring eagle,
but on my own, supported by just air as i lose my head.

do you find yourself underwater?
not drowning but not breathing either.
the water rushes in my ears and the voices beside me are muffled
so i am left on my own with only my thoughts to accompany me.

do you find yourself gliding above ground?
i work through motions and play like a puppet on strings.
my feet never touch the ground while my head lolls on my shoulders.

my ears are plugged, my hands are clasped to still them.
the noise of the whole world is attacking me but i cannot decipher a word.
do you dissociate too?
please don't tell me i'm the only one.
736 · Mar 2017
maxime Mar 2017
I was always fascinated by echoes,
Even long before I understood them.
To call out for help, and finally have someone respond,
Now that was a miracle in my naive eyes.

When I got older I traveled more.
I explored new places with hills and valleys.
The echos stayed constant, they always responded.
The echos brought me false comfort, and I thought they would keep me alive.

Now I have led myself into a cave.
The echoes are louder here, yes,
But they do not bring me comfort as the once did,
The echoes leave me as cavernous as the place I stood.

A droplet of water falls from the ceiling as a tear runs down my face.
Boulders fall as I collapse in on myself.
Because as I stood there listening for echoes,
I realized I would rather hear your voice instead.
728 · Dec 2016
A Poet
maxime Dec 2016
Being a poet is writing down words that you're too afraid to ever say aloud.
681 · Jan 2017
maxime Jan 2017
Sand slips through the cracks in my hands
As a struggle to keep it close.
It always finds a way to go,
No matter how tight I hold.
My grip must be weak,
Or maybe it’s betraying me.
Because a better part of me knows
The sand will always slip away.
maxime Mar 2017
Not much later, a patch of ivy crept up the side of my house, right above the garden bed nestled against the outer wall. I didn't worry about it at first, I treated it as an after thought until I noticed that it had eventually covered the whole side of my house. The thick ivy had cast a shadow over my little side garden and my black eyed susans were dying. I tended to them until my knees were bruised and my hands were matted with dirt, but I could not save them. They died. Eventually I grew used to the ivy; I grew to appreciate its unique beauty and held it in fondness, but I would never forget my beloved black eyed susans.
654 · Jan 2017
Playing with Knives
maxime Jan 2017
I watched her play with a knife last night.
It twirled beneath her fingers,
letting the moonlight glint off of the metal devilishly.
It seemed tempting.
Something so elegant couldn't possibly cause such desperate violence.
Something so refined couldn't possibly cause such dreadful wreckage.

I watched her play with a knife last night.
It tapped upon her desk,
creating invisible scars that cut deeper into the wood each week.
It seemed ridiculous.
She could simply put down the knife and she wouldn't be in pain.
She could simply put down the knife and her scars could heal.

I picked up the knife last night.
It darted between my fingers,
daringly darting and narrowly missing the edges of my skin.
If I slipped, I could be just as scarred as she is.
If I slipped, I could finally feel something other than fear.

651 · Oct 2016
Goodbye, Good luck.
maxime Oct 2016
To you I wave goodbye,
not with a heavy heart.
I know you need to be on your own;
To find a brand new start.

Even though we had our laughs,
our smiles and our sorrows.
I will never have any intention
of saying "See you tomorrow!"

Do not think I hate you.
I would never wish you ill.
I am simply not right for you.
It's a role I can't fulfill.

So I wish you the best of luck.
I really truly do.
I really hope you find someone
who truly satisfies you.
641 · Mar 2017
your old poems
maxime Mar 2017
flip a coin
take a chance
of one in a million
to have met you

wear a mask
hide yourself
from everyone
who wants to know you

stand in rain
burn away
the monsters
that still haunt you

say goodbye
leave me to die
hate me forever
because i knew you

watch from far
never to speak
checking on me
because i scare you

guard me dear
teach me now
stay on the edges
because you can't let me go
ah. i don't know why i miss them. i need to stop reading old messages.
639 · Mar 2017
maxime Mar 2017
This place is numbing. This place is overwhelming.
Rumors say that this is the place dreams o to die.
What happened to the streets paved with gold?
I have to get out. I have to get out!
I can recognize every face I pass on the sidewalk,
And I know that every face recognizes me.
I can't live like that. I can't live like that!
If my face is known, my mistakes are remembered.
But I cannot remember their mistakes because I'm dwelling on my own.
I fear if I remain much longer, I will die if their hatred doesn't **** me first.
617 · Jan 2017
You and I
maxime Jan 2017
Whispered words make the heart beat faster
And hands intertwined with hopes and baited breath
The sweet aura that surrounds a few sure does fade fast
Lord knows the heart will never slow.
And the hopes will never die
But darling I think we'll be better off
As me. And then you.
Instead of you and I.
616 · Dec 2016
maxime Dec 2016
I rise from ashes.
I am not washed away by rain,
or carried away in gusts of wind.
I am renewed. I reform. I rise.
And by God, you should be terrified.

Every time I rise again I am stronger.
Behead me and I'll be born with double the power.
Your fear of me only fuels my fire.
And each time the ability to end you becomes stronger.
Each time I rise, I know more, can be more.
607 · May 2017
maxime May 2017
terror is feeling like you're losing everything: your mind, your friends, your family, your sanity, every single unique characteristic about yourself, and knowing there is nothing you can do to stop it
602 · Oct 2016
maxime Oct 2016
Fear me.
Honest to God, you should fear me.
Because you are the only thing I know how to hate.

Someone once told me that I had a heart of gold,
That someday it would ***** me over,
Despite it being my best quality.

I can empathize with the greatest villains in the world.
I can find our commonality in our humanness.
I can see the small slivers of goodness in them.

I find none in you.

You are the worst type of monster.
I cannot even fathom having that type of evil living inside of me.
I see nothing but darkness in you,

You think I'm scared of you?
I can't even begin to try and contain my laughter.
You cannot hurt someone immune like me.

But, sure, if it makes you feel better,
Believe that you have "hurt" me.
Believe that you have some sort of power or victory.

But remember this.
When you have to turn and run, and I am able to stride on by,
Your illusion will be shattered.
602 · Sep 2016
maxime Sep 2016
"always have hope" they say.
"never lose hope" they tell me.
hope is supposedly a blessing.
it is the feather that is lifted effortlessly
the light of every person's life.
it's the purest form of human ignorance.
a wolf in sheep's clothing.

for that one moment i feel weightless.
i see my ideal world snap into focus.
everyone is smiling there. the sun is bright.
and you and i are standing hand in hand
neither of us with a care in the world.
why would we in such a serene place?
and then that moment ends.

there is nothing quite like a crumbling heart.
you wouldn't expect to physically feel it.
but an empty feeling grows in your chest.
the wind has been knocked out of you
along with any traces of hope.

i'm left with no hope and a broken heart
all because you said a name.
and it wasn't mine.
594 · Feb 2017
maxime Feb 2017
Everyone has a a billowing pillow that's larger than their troubles sitting at the bottom of their cliff.

It's comforting, it's warm, and suffocating as you land on such sweet bliss.

The pillow envelops you, compacting you in a small, tight cocoon.

The pressure forces you to to gulp in air and squeeze your eyes shut tight.

"Everything will be fine," they whisper. "No need to fright."

And suddenly, as you're wrapped up in a pillow, everything seems to be all right.
Thanks for being my pillow, Addison.
590 · Mar 2017
Cover Your Eyes
maxime Mar 2017
Cover your eyes. Cover your eyes.
You there.* You're better off here.

The world is spinning far faster than you can comprehend.
Coloured streaks race past you.
Keep your hands to yourself, don't reach for them.
They're dangerous.

Surely you'll be better off where you are,
With your eyes covered by scarred hands.
Surely you'll be better off where you are,
where you can't see how out of place you are.
Inspired by You There by Aquilo
553 · Feb 2017
candle flames
maxime Feb 2017
tiny flames leap high
for only a few seconds before they die,
blown out by gust of your superiority.

the room may have been alight for only seconds, yes
but that short time illuminated your surroundings
and nothing was left hidden

in a year the flames will have another chance
to fight against your supremacy
and try to one day give colour to your dark room
happy 18th birthday.
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