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Axel Apr 2021
a part of me remember all of that
while a part of you remember only that.
Axel May 2019
when you're beside me all I think is heaven
and when you're looking at me i'm wishing that it's 11:11.
our love was written all over heaven
Axel Jul 2019
Don't call him angel, if you never see him sin.
Don't call him treasure, if you don't know anything.
But just call him danger, cause that's what perfectly suits him.
a poetry about me from someone's pov.
Axel Nov 2018
Bruises he hid
Punches he got
Every sunny day was black and grey
No arms that can hold him
So screaming under the water was all he did.

Love wasn't his
But quite,crying and falling was always in him
So fragile
So innocent
So sweet yet bitterness surrounded him.

"Help!" He shouted
But the slap,the fire and the redness
was way louder until nobody dare to listen.
He wished he could become a man
But he was just living in a can of beer
And he already surrounded by fear
So he took one last step
He jumped from above
With tears that were already clear.
Axel Jun 2019
Warm when it's winter
when I hug you and you'll be
my fireplace by the end of the day.

I call you mine because you're
my fairy tale that I dreamt of
once upon a time.

Deep far in the forest
but I know you're waiting for me
just right at the end of the river
just to kiss and love me like
you always do and like you
always will.
about my parents, my family and my friends who's always there. now i realized i don't need to search for love because it was right here accompanying me.
Axel Dec 2019
paint me with all of this love,
I'll let you carve this architecture
so that you and me can be together
and I'll look at your eyes, above.
****** tensions
Axel Aug 2019
in a minute,
I'll be crying, sobbing under the moon
sometimes under the sun.
in a minute, I'm worried about him,
about myself, about everything.
in a minute,
I'm worried about my future,
my present, my past, my everything.
in a minute,
I could be in my bed, studying,
learning, sleeping but mostly crying.
in a minute,
I feel like my friends are my family,
my home because they're always there
to hear, to support, to cry, to laugh
but why did God made me so fragile,
sensitive, insecure with a little bit of self esteem?
why do I have to be this kind of boy?
why can't I do sports, watching football,
flirt with girls, be confident?
I'm so sorry, sorry, sorry and sorry
for a million times if your ears are actually
tired of my voice, tired of my noise.
I don't have anyone anymore,
please I'm begging you,
stay with me, forevermore.
not a clue.
Axel Jun 2019
i've been thinking
that drowning is fun
and guns are a playground.
knives are sharp
but an incised wound looks fun
and voices are way too loud.
i don't have a home
but breathless in the water sounds warm.
love faded as people said it is a sin;
i'm just a kid who's trying too see
but my breath fogged up the glass
and now I only see me in a room hanging,
lonely and sad while people are judging.
i feel like my life ain't mine - Logic
Axel Mar 2019
I can't see myself in a deep crowd
and I feel alone deeply when you're beside me
sitting alone on the table beside the moon
can't even hear the right tune
caught me red-handed in the room
searching for the drug I've been using
you got me,darling
you got me staring.
can't focus what's in front if I keep dreaming.
Axel May 2019
let my lips be your air
and my eyes will let you stare.
it feels different when you're deeply in love.
Axel Apr 2019
a deadly bouquet of roses in a basket
with deadly leaves and petals
that are brown with a little bit of red
and a little bit of life that now is just a hope,
let me love you like I love me
let me protect you like I want to
cause I don't want to end up dead like the roses
I don't want to end up dead like the brown leaves,
But I'm more worth than just a number 2
and I'm more worth with me if I'm wearing a crown and on the throne with another person other than you.
thank u, next!
Axel Jul 2019
The thought of losing myself
to the point of a riffle
in both of my hands
are crazy enough to
make me break down
in my own mind.

No tornado circling
around this neighborhood
but I feel wasted around my head
while thinking about things I shouldn't have done.

I keep blaming people around
when the problem is actually me
and I keep flaming fire
and that's just a waste of time.

Grab your bags Azfar,
the problem is here,
it's time to run.
i keep thinking people hate me when i always by their side, feeling like it's a sin to be happy when and that's why I'm always inside.
Axel May 2019
I've been searching the sun through the mountains till I forgot that clouds are built to be loved too.
I've been thinking too hard and forgot that I should do what I want to.
I've been tossing and turning, round and round, till I forget that nights aren't able to hold me long.
I've been crying and screaming till I forgot that stars are singing lullaby songs.
I've been looking and watching till I forgot that wings are built to fly high.
I've been in my room and staying in till I forgot that I'm no longer a dice.
Let me know if the coast is clear
And I'll let you know if I'm out of my fear.
Axel Sep 2019
Questions queuing up in my mind
everytime I see you smile cause
my words are indescribable
when you look at me and I really think
that you should be mine.
Axel Jan 2019
I'll count "1,2,3"
Then I'll see you standing
Don't show me love
Cause I know it isn't golden
Don't make me love
Cause I know I will end up broken
It's hard to move on,when I see your face every single mf day.
Axel Aug 2020
Water tastes like whiskey
as it slides down to my lungs
and create a disease.
Sedating my emotions
but then somebody else controls me.
Axel May 2020
I keep lying to myself,
Saying: I look better now.
When I look into my eyes,
Blue colours painting wild.

I've been diving into the ocean,
Diving deep to the darkest bound.
Swimming in tears become my habit
Not too little, not too big.
an introduction of myself.
Axel Sep 2019
I don't know what happened
Until you and I talk like
We were just neighbours
Saying 'hey' and just normal Conversations.

One answer per one question.
That's all it is.
I miss the way you smile at me
Like I am the only joke
You have ever seen
And now all of that has changed,
No more 'goodnight' and not even a Goodbye at the ending scene.

Just so you know,
Even if your life turn out to be hard,
I will always stay there,
Right there deep in your heart.
Axel Aug 2019
why don't you want me
like I want you?
why can't you love me
like I love you?
why don't we hold hearts
like we used to?
i love you
Axel Jul 2019
Have you ever heard that the waves sometimes can pull you right back to the sea?
Right, that's you.
You're the wave
that keeps pulling me back
to the memories that we had.
back to u
Axel Dec 2019
They say that tonight,
Wishes do come true.
Then, why am I not in front of you?

Santa, I'm not asking for a lot of gifts
And I don't even have a long list,
I just wish for somebody to love me
At least just temporary.
happy holidays!
Axel Jun 2019
As your fingers intertwined with her's,
The pink sky started to go blue
My pink eyes started to feel loose
But her pink mind started to think of you
And I feel scattered and the white thin paper started to teared
And I let my tears flow heavily like a waterfall across the street
Cause I remember the days where we always coincidentally meet
Axel Aug 2019
Presenting my soul,
he will entertain you
while you feel like a waterfall, falling.
Say your favourite song and he will
sing it with passion though
he's not that good in singing.
Play your favourite movie
and he will be your obsessed hero
but just so you know, I'm the heroine
of the show.
Axel Apr 2021
when your body becomes mine,
I can feel our skin speaks love
like I felt when my skin was on her
and you feel familiar,
like your eyes speak the way hers did;
but my feelings feel foreign
even though our mother tongue is the same.
a poem about a guy who's in love with someone who has the heart of his past lover. (heart transplant)
Axel Dec 2019
I admit that every look that you give him
makes me feel like I'm alone in this blizzard night.

I want to hold you
and kiss every inch of your face
so I could show the world
that this night is mine
and this girl beside me is always going to be mine.

Words I wish I wanted to say
turns out just to be the smoke from my mouth that was caused by this lonely snow.

I won't let you go,
so I list out what I want so that you would be under the tree
when I wake up;
Hold you close and we'll stay under the mistletoe forever because today,
I'm going to make you my girl and my favourite present ever in the world.
Christmas time!
Axel Aug 2019
I'm the diamond of the novel,
The gold that's awaken
From her sleep
Ready to attack and ready to ******.

I'm the key to every doors,
Open them up and throw me out
But don't you forget the gold is still shining,
I'm ready for someone to pick it up,
Use it again,
Throw it out,
You don't understand my pain.
the story of my Life
Axel Jan 2019
singing in the back
relaxing on the sofa
sleeping in each others arm
running from the world,
but I have to let you go
I have to be strong
but I'll be crying when you're gone.
just about me (will) losing my friends next year,again.
Axel Dec 2018
She laid me down
Caressed my cheek softly
Kissed my head with love
Brought the light into the darkness.

Don't need a poetry
Don't need a song
Just her by my side is enough.

Hugged me with warmness
Helped me with troubles
Her beautiful face is always inside,
Inside here deep in my little heart.

She's my one
She's my mom
She's my only lullaby in the cold and scary night.
Axel Jul 2019
i imagine what these hands
would do in the dark
when it's past midnight,
will the magic stay?
or the magic will fade away?
work of art
Axel Jul 2019
I've been in a marathon-love,
chasing and running until I'm tired.
Too tired to think and too tired to feel
what love really means
cause in the end, there will not be a happy ending.
it doesn't mean that I don't believe in love but love hurts me everytime and I don't feel like wanting to be in it anymore.
Axel Apr 2021
words are not enough
when lips part and speak air,
throwing vowels like I've never learned
since I was hold
by the warmth of such care.
be your phrases and live in it;
you're now a stray, begging for a roof
of forgiveness.
do you really mean it when you say "sorry" ?
Axel Sep 2019
When we found each other,
We were a mess, hair was muffled,
Eyes were swollen and heart was broken.

We were like medicine,
Or I'd say we're the doctors
And at the same time we were the hospital.

Our hearts were our patient,
I put a little bit of iodine love in you
But I guess yours healed first,
Leaving me alone in this hospital
Without any medication
And so much expectations.

I didn't have the money
To pay the bill
So I gave up my surgery,
Letting my patient die alone,
Slowly and lonely.

Did you came to visit?
Did you came to pray?
Did you came to wish a 'get well soon'?
Did you bring her too?
Well if you're happy then I'll be happy for you.
Thank you my medicine,
My doctor,
My hospital,
For everything we've been through,
Make her happy and treat her patient
Carefully with love for serenity
And promise me you'll love her
Until the day you die,
And always say 'I love you' everytime.
wrote this at 1am
Axel Jan 2020
tried to sleep that night
but the moonlight kept me awake
until dawn arrived with a new sunrise
but I'll still await
for tonight
so that I can see the moonlight
clearly without any haze.
"crush culture makes me wanna spill my guts out" - Conan Gray
Axel Jul 2020
I'm not embarrassed to say that every time my eyes met yours my heart beats faster.

It's like I'm a drummer addicted to his music that he creates every summer so that he could listen to the rhythm that's rushing in his adrenaline every time his drum vibrates and creates a sound that we call music.

But I call it love.
it's like you're the sound I'm searching
Axel Aug 2019
Let's leave our problems behind.
I'm missing you, just give me 20 sec
and I promise you can go back
to what you left.
I miss your warm
when it's time to winter,
I miss your hot
when it's time to summer,
I miss your face when it's time to fall
cause you know I will always fall
for you again and again;
always the same.
You're my one and only,
my sun and my baby,
my heart and my soul,
my warm when it's cold.
My everything.
Axel Sep 2019
It's midnight and I'm really high,
just got back from anxiety's party
and now I'm full of insecurities
and I'm really scared to fly.
stressful week
Axel Jul 2019
My voice is like a sword ready to be used in a war, though my hands are weak like a paper in the water, but my voice is sharp ready to ****.

Our voice makes them calm, angry and sometimes sad while trying to understand what does the tone trying to sound and trying to be;
Lips that are supposed to be kissed but I use it for my protection from the devil and this lips will make them sleep, peacefully.

You decide if you want your voice to be quite or mute or loud or wild because the sea is endless and the fishes under it is dangerous, so, choose your path and sound your voice, if you dare to.
speak up, your voice matters!
Axel Mar 2020
Singing on the clouds
while they hold my hands
and we're looking into each other's
like we're some sort of a band.

A minute where I want to relive again
because it hurts when I remember
all of the things that we did together
and I tried to play it like a song
but it kept turning into a hum.

This state is where I know who's bad
and who's good,
what's the purpose of a power
and realize who was my root.

I failed and I've won
yet, I still don't know who I am
because this is where I study feelings
and I learn love, I learn him, I learn her.

I was caught
and trapped in something big,
bigger than any of my emotions,
bigger than my words;
yes, I am caught in a country named love.

Every time he feels
like he's going down,
I'm spreading my wings
ready to fly down
and grab his hands
and bring him back,
back alive and trying to stay in his life.

Yes, my wings are my legacy
but I didn't say that I'm ready to grow
like a tree and become someone
that will shelter their shadow.

I know how to fly,
but every time I jump,
I pretend like I'm stupid
and fell to the ground
just because I don't want to be bigger
than who I am right now,
just because I don't want to be bigger
than where I am right now.
A poem about youth and why I don't want to leave it.
Axel Dec 2018
Never have I ever thinking about you only
Never have I ever been real
But you still standing beside me
You still hug me with love that's real.

Your pure heart still beating for me
Your beautiful face still looking at me
But still I keep going to the wrong direction
I still keep playing you like a toy
And you still keep loving me with joy.

Never have I ever seen a brave girl
Never have I ever thinking I'm gonna change
But for you,
I'm going to walk into a forest with roses
And I'm going to walk into a forest with thorns
So I want you to stay still
'Cause I'm gonna leave my past
I'm gonna change
And I'm gonna dry your tears.
Axel Jun 2019
it hurts to see you're happy with her,
it hurts to see you're smiling at her
but nothing hurts more than an unhappy boy i love.
Axel May 2019
Nothing's gonna stop my day
Not even you and not even him
Nothing's gonna stop my day
I will let let you take my bae
'Cause nothing's gonna stop my day
Not even **** and not even hate
Nothing's gonna stop my day.
yup nothing.
Axel Mar 2021
untouchable lips
but she sins through her limbs
and soul became stronger
as she grows into a woman
that came from her mother.
Happy International Women's Day!
Axel Nov 2018
Can we go back?
Back when we laugh
Back when we play rough
Back when we all thought we're so tough.

Running under the blazing sun
Hugging each other with so much fun
Dancing under the rain untill we forgot what is pain
Telling stories like there's nobody around
Yeah,I miss playing with you on the ground.

No beeping sound because all I hear is laughter
All I hear is love,wild,loud flower.
There we were,crying together under the tree trying to be like a bee.

Now that it's new
I miss drawing with you
I miss playing with you.
Now that it's new
We forgot about playing at the parking lot
We lost in what we got.

Saying goodbye is the hardest
But like every other book,we grow old and forget each other.
Goodbye my love
Goodbye my wonderful world.
Axel Aug 2019
I remember when I first met you,
We were at the library,
Our eyes met between shelves
That was dusty and you sneezed.
We laughed and talked
And at that time,
When you told me your stories,
Page by page, I know **** well
That you are my favorite book,
You are my favorite fairytale.
Axel Mar 2019
one step ahead and they're finally done
one step ahead and they're finally gone
one step ahead and she is finally proud
one step ahead,one step ahead, one step ahead

one step ahead and the glass finally falls
one step ahead and the tears finally drop
one step ahead and the fingers finally touch
one step ahead and the shirt is finally black
one step ahead,one step ahead,one step ahead

with or without,skies or the clouds,
love or a fling,food or a drink;
they finally said and they finally did
they finally free in a count of three
they finally gone and this time it's gonna be so long
they finally clap and it feels like it's only one step
they finally grow as the wind blows
and they finally smile but they're gonna cry

one step ahead before the journey ends
one step ahead before the airplane lands
and one step ahead before the new level
and one step ahead before a boy turns into a man
and one step ahead before a girl turns into a woman
and one step ahead and they finally fly to the higher level of the sky.
goodbye seniors,even tho some of us may not miss y'all,there will be some that's gonna cry,and there will be some of us that's gonna miss your smiles.
thank you,for everything. May God will always bless u.
Axel Mar 2021
counting the stars
like I count your heartbeat
when you're near mine.
one, two, until I stopped at a thousand,
yours stopped at one hundred
but I promised to love you even it's a million.
only you.
Axel Nov 2019
The smell of the hot chocolate
warms up my little morning
and your hugs warm me up like my sweater.

Let's come out and enjoy this snow,
let's play around
and love all along this winter
so I could look at your eyes around this white weather before all of this is over.
I don't celebrate Christmas but here it is, a 'wintery' type of poem. Enjoy it <3
Axel Apr 2019
poetry ain't perfect if you are not there;
dress and suits are for models
but I don't want to see you unhappy,
so we'll pause
but don't worry, we'll quickly forward it
just give me his name
and I promise he will end up in my flame.

It's hard, I understand
But believe me
Trust me
That you're beautiful
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
And you're so ******* beautiful
Even the mirror claps
Even the camera cheers
So be happy and always remember that I'm always here
Be happy and say '*******' to all those skinny *******.
this is dedicated to my friends and anyone who have been body shamed. sorry if this is really lame and boring but with all of my heart, i dedicate this to u guys. just know that your body doesn't symbolize u but your heart and what's inside does. love u.
Axel Jan 2019
Pointy brushes for a perfect "well done"
Flashes in my eyes,every night
Stand still and kiss her face
Just for a picture to put in a frame

Put us on the wall
Let everybody walk by
Let everybody see
Paint us pink and blue
Just for everyone to buy

Like Mona Lisa
And Van Gogh,
The same thing,just a painting on a wall
And everybody love it.
But my love ain't a piece of art
My love is just pure for a private heart.
it's about a love that one's doesn't like to share it to the whole world.
Axel Feb 2019
Rare yet beautiful
Sharp but lovely
Strong yet weak
Dark yet sweet

If I were you I'd run
If I were you I'd hide
If I were you I'd jump
If I were you I'd climb to the atmosphere
Disappear within the dust
Sets with the sun

But this is who I am
Hidden in the jungle
Hidden under the sun
Very precious

Everyone is searching
Everyone is coming
Everyone is seeing
But never dare to touch me.
I was inspired by a sentence in a Wattpad story,so credit to the author of the story.
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