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Axel Mar 2021
I'll take the pain and paint the night away.
paint every inch of my body
Axel Jun 2019
I don't know
if the lightning is giving me a power
but I do feel the thunder
everytime we see each other.
this fire is building up
Axel Jun 2019
Bought somethings that you want
Hated the things that you need
It's all pretty and fun
Puckering up your small *** lips
But once the sun hit
You can't refund it.

You felt uncomfortable in your own skin
And your body is too ******* thin
But just so you know
That women and men
Aren't supposed to be treated like this.

God made us perfect in every inch
Of our face, of our legs, of our hands
But beauty is all that people dreams
Perfect is all that people think.

If you aspire to renovate every inch of your body,
Then where's the girl that she used to be?
Where's the guy that I used to see?
Where's the heart that used to be free?
"you spent the whole night trying to be someone else, so who's gonna be you?!!"

-handome devil (movie)
Axel May 2019
Close your eyes and there'll be a beautiful magnificent garden of roses
waiting to be explored by the right person
who will hold you tight in this whole new world
of true and trust me that late nights won't be so blue.

Wild and nasty words can be dangerous
but wild yet truthful love can be colourless
if your whole new world isn't shared with me.

Everytime you wake up, I promise you
that today and tomorrow will be
just fine if you let me be a part of you.
Axel Jun 2019
Golden love in a secret barrier,
Missing nights and I wish it'd be forever;
Ruby heart wants to be loved
But an emerald soul is locking his bold.
missing him but the words aren't coming out.
Axel Jul 2019
i can say 'i am okay' easily
but no one would understand me,
no one would want to
hold these weak body tightly.
heartbreak is the most important moment in your life, bcs of that heartbreak, u can learn what did u do wrong and u can try to learn and grow from the mistakes you made or even your significant others made.
Axel Jul 2019
Our eyes met
when he was wearing red
and this cheeks went fire burning that it's colour is red.
Axel Oct 2019
Our hands intertwined,
eyes locked up,
lips were sore from kissing;
I'd say we were the best that have ever happened in each other's life.

But time was ancient,
so you left me with your name inside
and married her instead; left our memories behind, put her body in your bed.
Axel Mar 2019
my mom taught me how to read
my sister bought me a gift
my aunties made me feel loved
my girlfriend brought tears to my eyes
my nanny sew me a clothe of joy
all women unite as the time flies
all people stood up for you, so does the sky;
a star
and you're the best part in the movie
you're the best star in the sky
you're the blanket that I need while I dream
thank you, love you,
thank you women around the world. luv u always. <3
Axel May 2019
Careful when you're walking at night
You think you're walking straight to the light
But you might be walking with a devil dressed up as a shining knight.

My sons, careful when you're walking at night
There might be something watching beside;
Don't forget to set your eyes straight
And I'll be waiting here at the gate.

My sons, pack your knives
Just in case there's a wolf pack
Waiting for the right time to come and attack
Though you're strong,
Never forget that the night is very long
Never forget that eyes are built to see
Never forget that her heart is free
And never forget that you might not be walking to me.

She is anxious
But never forget that she can be dangerous
She is precious
But never forget that she can be impatient
Never forget that she might be a nightmare
Never forget that she might be right there
In every steps you take
And every time you're late, you might want to run away
Cause she's gonna make you scream
She might poison you untill you dream.

So, my sons, did you brought your knives?
Cause now you have to fight for you life
And never back off from the fight,
Don't you ever stop it
Don't you ever let her be your prime
Don't you ever let her win this time.
Axel Dec 2020
I'm not saying dreams are a medicine
but I do feel better
when I'm somewhere else
running with my bare feet
on the hills chasing feelings
rather than awake but stay still
on the bed with soul in my eyes
going down to my cheek
as I think about how death is just a penalty.
Axel Aug 2021
the feelings were an adversary
when I saw what the world spoke,
but emotions caved in
once everything's been told
by your eyes and those painting kiss.
right there and then is when I knew
why I was so intricate in what I said—
I didn't want them to know me
the way I know you. still.
Axel Jul 2019
his white milk-like face,
makes me crave for his sweetness
while I'm swallowing plain water
that I got from the waitress.
As White As Sheet
Axel Aug 2019
i see heaven in your eyes
and you see sincere in mine.
and we fall right into the night.
Axel Mar 2019
As the thunder strikes,
the world shakes
my blood boils
and the moon falls.
As the lightning strikes,
my bed shakes
my heart stops
and my mind have lost.
As the thunder strikes,
my tears fall
my words are gone
my eyes are closed
and my love has been tossed.
As the lightning strikes,
I blame me
I blame you
and I blame the universe
can I reverse?
can I reverse?
back to when I was standing
back to when I was smiling
and back to when I was breathing.
As the thunder strikes,
my mouth is shut
my lips are sealed
and my fingers are filled with blood.
And at last, as the memory strikes,
everything changes
from black to red
from red to blue
and it's all because of you.
Axel Jun 2019
I thought the ocean was waving
but it's only me
dancing around the sand
creating imagination
and end up red in embarrassment.
Axel Jul 2020
Honey if you are mad, take it out on me
We can make the bed like it's our destiny.
Axel Dec 2018
a cold night
with hundreds of stars
there we were
trying to count the stars
trying to find what's inside
trying to understand
what is this feeling in our heart.

the acoustic guitar that you always play
the sound of the piano that lingers in my heart
the warmth of our hugs
the memories in our heart
we were clueless
we were dumb
but the love felt so real
felt so calm.

we were too young
too innocent
and too serious until everything messed up
the glass in our hand shattered
it dropped hard to the ground
it left us with scars in our hand
the story that we made didn't end with happiness
neither it ended with angriness
but it ended with laughter
because we were just a child
just a kid trying to find what is love.
Axel Aug 2019
You unfold my pages softly,
carefully not to tear them up
to pieces that can never be combine.

So if my name suddenly disappear,
if the lights suddenly fade,
if I'm no longer useable,
if my demons suddenly reappear,
would you still take my hands?
would you still hold it tight?
would you still give me your time?
would you still consider to be mine?
Axel Nov 2021
I try to find art in a picture of the future—
but my fingers keep on tracing
each one of my past paintings,
thinking about how beautiful it was
when I colored them wild and free.
it was hard to leave you
Axel May 2019
pull up the curtain,
spotlights in front,
don't mess it up
put on your big boy face
and smile; just be brave
let them see what's the cover
never let them see what happens backstage
and smile brightly for your lover
though your neck is breaking
though blood is on the rise
right above your snowy white arms.
put on your fake smiles while you still can.
giving up now.
Axel Jan 2019
stories have been told
they said "be strong"
I've tried
I did it
but it's so hard to keep it cool
it's so hard to let go
but how can I do that when it's going to be you?
i really wrote this while crying,**** some of my friends aren't gonna be beside me next year,so i let my feeling out in this poetry. i'm really sorry if this poetry is kinda bad. <3
Axel Nov 2019
It was hard facing rocks and not the sky,
it was tough meeting snow in July,
it was good knowing you and your smile.
I needed you like a fish needs the water,
needed you like a tree needs the sunlight;
you didn't need me and that's alright.

I gave you my best
and it's time for me to get a rest;
this is where our story ends.
I'm sorry it's not a kissing scene under the rain
but instead it's me loving myself and recovering from the pain and that's where I found what the meaning of true love is..

All of the blood that dripped down from our heart created memories and created us,
it made me and you stronger than before and I hope you love her stronger than our metaphors.
moving on
Axel May 2019
i wished that you would be mine forever but who would've thought that a person could create a stormy weather

it's time to face it that i'm no longer a part of a love chapter but just an extra walking in a blockbuster

superheroes where are you, i need you, i'm falling down from the roof, catch me and then i'll say 'thank you' and watch you walk away

hard to say but let me confess that i should be your first but i'm happy that you found the right, it's okay that i'm not with you and i'll be waiting for you in another life; i'll be your angel and will be treating you like a guardian that always guards his guy.
in another life, promise.
Axel Jan 2019
the sun and the moon,
shines through a different time
always tried to chase each other
and never giving up.

the sun and the moon,
a sad love story,
one surrounded by white clouds,
one surrounded by shining stars.

the sun and the moon,
have always been in love,
but they know they couldn't meet
so they put their promise
and said "always remember me".
it's a love story about a black girl and a white guy, everyone couldn't accept their relationship,so they ended their love just because of people's voice.
Axel Sep 2019
Right now, I ran out of words to start my poems because I'm just waiting by the door to see your face or even to hear your name called by anyone.
I lied about loving him and the truth is I've only been in love with you.
You're my skin to my body,
My lashes to my eyes,
My nails to my fingers.
At first I didn't know what the purpose of them being together on each other, but when I fall for you, it seems like my questions are all have been answered. You seem useless to me at first, but actually we were made to complete each other, because without you I wouldn't know what's under and what's above, without you, I wouldn't know what is the meaning of a true love.
Axel Jul 2020
They say that I've fallen
but I didn't know
what I have fallen into or for
until I see him and her
caressing each other
while I'm holding the tune
to my curiosity
and that is how I know I've fallen
for him and not for her
because when he's looking into me,
when he's strumming
my favourite melody,
I know we were made to be together.
Axel Jul 2019
dreamy skin
that used to hold me softly
I don't know what to do
I'm missing you,
so bad I'm missing you
now, fire's gone but
the rain is still there
thunder won't stop sounding inside my head
and I feel like I'm just writing words
without even saying and meaning them.
it's too late for me to say
Axel May 2019
crawl down the street just to see drains getting feed.
bow down to queen just to see a throne getting licks.
slow down the sound just to hear guns screaming out loud.
moved out from town just to see the moon from underground.
Axel Jun 2019
His soothing voice was calling me
like a sound of an early morning
waking me up from a heavy sleep.

The coldness in the room
was starting to fade away
as he brings the warmness with a look
of a charming Christmas.

Love can be anywhere, anytime,
any day and just let your heart open
so that he or she can love you
like him and I did as I found love
in the most unusual place.
love at first sight
Axel Apr 2021
The Moon:
We meet once in a lifetime
and we kissed as much as we could,
so that love lingers around our body
when we parted.

The Sun:
He is the promise they all make,
but only me who gets to hold him
the way they crave to—
too bad we meet once in a blue moon;
but our love forever remains untold
even some people already know the truth.
a story about a love between the sun and the moon.
Axel Dec 2021
I got too attached to seconds
where the sun bathed in the feelings
of a moment one would dream
to catch with bare hands—
not knowing my feet maims my body
every time I spell back
all the words I used to say to you
until I'm paralyzed
by a time I should forget.
want to feel you by my side, standing next to me
Axel Oct 2020
Our space felt cold,
colder in December
while warm has gone along the season
yet we let it snow like we never cared
for each other like the flowers never bloom in spring.
"Why do we let it dry like it's the middle of July?"
you asked, but never try.
So we left searching for the universe
but hoping it would bring us back;
ran asking for a moment to breathe
but never knowing how long is the track.
a poem about a lover that decided to take a break.
Axel Jun 2019
Once an old man asked me,
"What is art?",
Well, as an unthoughtful kid, i said "painting"
But then he laughed and left me thinking.

I traveled down the street trying to find what art really means,
I dived into the tub trying to think what art can be,
I jumped from above to fly to search art in the sky,
I asked my mom "ummi, what is art?"
She said "go Google it",
But still I can't understand;
I won't understand until someone stand up and tell me that the art is in them.

So I present myself and my humanity
To say it out loud and proud:
Art is my hated hair that the back always stand up,
Art is my dark circles under my eyes begging me to sleep,
Art is my acnes that surround my face and left me annoyed,
Art is the shirt that I bought from the thrift store that has a coffee stain,
Art is when I started to accept of who I truly am.
I tried to see art a little bit clearer
And now I understand that art is
The one that standing crooked in front of the mirror.
at the end of the day, you have to love yourself cuz how are you gonna love somebody else if u hate yourself?
Axel May 2019
While I was away,
Girls have been touching their hair with love
And girls were in love with their body like lust

While I was away,
Water have been so clear it made me teared
And ice met with eyes like a deer with a carrot

While I was away,
Diamonds are still in beauty like she's in love with a beast
And golds are like a moon shining bright when the night covers the earth

But when I am here,
The time is ticking backwards and words are read in reverse;
All I see are pain and misery people
And black rainbow isn't just a metaphor anymore.
indah khabar dari rupa.

Self-love is not selfish
Global warming is real
Woman should not be ashamed of their body
Guys should not be ashamed of their feminine
Speak out, your opinion matters!
Talk out, your feelings matter!
Reach out, love isn't endless.
Axel Jul 2020
I created a world,
but all I can see is words.
Never feelings, never emotions.
Just words.
And it hurts because all I can say is just non meaningful words.
As a poet, I feel like this poem speaks to me the most bcs poetry is where I feel belonged to but sometimes just a place to create MY story that I didn't get to.
Axel May 2021
I was too easy until I forgot how hard
it was to liven up the moment we were in.
two emotions swam in the lake;
then you prickled at the gaze I gave
like I didn't know you were trying to play it safe.
too afraid to let it speak
Axel Jun 2019
If a diamond is in front of me,
Just so you know I'll choose that rather then him
But when he's not looking,
My eyes can't help it.

My heart is confused
But I can promise you there's no more feelings,
No more butterflies flying
But when he's beside me
Something started to twitch
And I call that *******.
Axel May 2019
1+1 equals 2
but I only know you+you ≠ truth
this is totally not a poetry,hahaha sorry
Axel May 2021
if it means for us to fall,
then I'll let go first
because dreams don't make us lose
like where we are now;
we agreed to play it together,
but neither one of us can last
if we both are searching for a win
and waiting for another broken vow.
we both know this relationship is going nowhere.
Axel Nov 2019
Young and restless,
let's sing it out loud,
carry me upstairs,
do our best and make them proud.

Young and restless,
angels are us,
set this world on fire
and spread our wings wider.

No it won't be our last,
no it won't be our goodbyes,
no we won't let go our hands too fast
because we're young and restless;
our youth is our life
and let us cherish it for the rest of our life.
let's enjoy today so tomorrow we can remember.
Axel Jan 2020
I'm asking myself what do I want,
I'm asking myself who do I want,
I'm assuming that everything
will flow slowly
but I'm wrong and I knew it
but I decided to just keep believing
that we're still looking into each other's eyes like my heart still beats the same beat as you.

Our voices are gone,
so did our melodies and our songs
that we used to sing.
I was waiting for love inside the cafe
and I realized that we ran out of things to say.

I thought that I am one with you,
I thought that you loved me too
but when I was down,
when I was drowning,
you were with her inside her room, kissing.

I closed my eyes and as my tears fall, I said "Congratulations, you have won this game"
and left all of it behind
because you never need me again.
hope you'll have a happy ever after
Axel Jul 2019
When the sun rose today,
We didn't know he would go away.
He wasn't my friend but when the sun rose today,
He felt like a family.

When the sun set today,
His name was spoken in our prayers
And our words came out like our tears
Sounded up the moon with his face on our faces.
translation for the title:
"We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return"

my senior passed away today and he had cancer, I cried even though we weren't close at all, but still he felt like a family and I pray that he's in a better place waiting for us up there. <3

Al-fatihah (for the Muslims)

— The End —