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Nov 2016 · 964
Uneven Playing Field
E Copeland Nov 2016
He would never know
that when he crosses his arms
and arches his back,
his shirt rides up
and those two inches of skin
between the bottom of his shirt
and the top of his jeans
is the place where my heart races
and my voices leaves me
and I become breathless.
Oct 2016 · 628
Rise Again
E Copeland Oct 2016
He called me his little stained glass window.
Said you needed light to truly see my beauty.
Said I was created from broken pieces of glass.
Said I was crafted, carefully placed to create a miraculous image.

He didn't tell me someday someone would come along with a light.
They would shine so brightly for the whole world to see my beauty.
But they would shine too brightly,
their light a flame.
It would burn my frame and melt my edges.
My body, the church, would be a pile of ash and melted glass.

He should have called me his little phoenix.
He should have told me of my magnificent feathers of gold and scarlet.
He should have warned the flame that burning me would do no good,
that from the ashes I would rise up again.
Oct 2016 · 1.2k
E Copeland Oct 2016
“I would compare falling out of love more to coming home from war. It is a slow process, but then suddenly it is gone. You prepare for months and weeks to return from war. The days seem to drag. And then you’re home and you have no idea what to do with yourself. You can spend forever fighting with the one you love, trying to make them stay, trying to remind them who they were, but then suddenly it’s over and they’re gone. And akin to loud noises seeming like gunshots, people’s voices sound too much like theirs and certain songs sound like them coming home. It is hell. And I’m not sure it ever goes away. Maybe you drown out the similar voices and you learn new songs, but one day you hear a gunshot ring out, and you’re back where you started.”
Excerpt from a book I hope I finish #1
E Copeland Sep 2016
1.      My mother’s mirror makes me look way better than any other mirror. I’m half convinced she put a spell on it or had it blessed to make me feel more beautiful. The way it reflects the light puts green specks in my eyes and a rosy sheen on my cheeks. It makes my hair look softer, my edges smoother. It takes away those fifteen stubborn pounds. I think, maybe, it just reflects my mother’s love.

2.      Red headed boys have it out for me. I have had my heart broken five times and four of those were by red headed boys. **** you, Ronald Weasley for igniting such an infatuation-no, obsession-at such a young age.  It seems that no matter how badly the fire burns, I always seek out another flame.

3.      The people who pass on before us are allowed to paint the sky when they feel like it is needed. Part of your welcome to heaven package is a paint brush. My papaw frequently sends me glorious sunsets and starry nights when he knows I’m feeling sad.

4.      The first time a rough boy put his hands on me, he didn’t do so in a mean way. We were young and he pretended to know what he was doing/pretended that it wasn’t wrong. The second time, he realized he now had control over me.  Though I was never forced, I was manipulated. I do not cry ****, but I still cry.

5.      Growing up Catholic taught me that *** before marriage is wrong. What if part of me thinks *** in general is wrong? What if I can’t take the *** without imaging the unwanted hands all over me? What if my mistakes have made me into an unlovable monster? What if I am too weak to say no to *** and too weak to say yes to love? What if I can fall in love or fall in ***, but never both? 

6.      My mother’s mirror makes me look way better than any other mirror. I know it is because I see my reflection the way my mother sees me: beautiful, strong, unbroken.
Jan 2016 · 851
to you
E Copeland Jan 2016
and pressing your lips to someone does not state your claim on them.
it just makes you another sea sick, journey torn pilgrim
happy to have something steady to hold on to for the first time
in forever.
Dec 2015 · 558
wrong mouth
E Copeland Dec 2015
I used to feel so sad when you kissed me...

that's not right, is it?
Dec 2015 · 2.2k
relationship goals
E Copeland Dec 2015
I woke up this morning and I was sad.
I’m not asking you to fix that,
I’m just asking that you love me until I’m happy again.
Then stay and love me until I’m sad again.
And over.
And over again.
E Copeland Dec 2015
Sometimes I wonder if the messages you typed to me saying, “never leave me babe!” and “you’re my whole world” and “i’ll love you forever” have found their way into her phone.
E Copeland Dec 2015
I was nothing more than the flower you plucked from the ground and tore apart petal by petal.
I was nothing more than a car wreck, a heaping mass of metal and broken glass; You couldn’t help but stare as you drove by, but a couple miles down the road I was forgotten.
I was nothing more than a body to fill the blank space in your bed.
I was nothing more than another number on your list, another one of your conquests.
I was nothing more than the ****** up girl who fell hard and fell through your fingers.
I was nothing.
Dec 2015 · 474
Unintentional emotions
E Copeland Dec 2015
I fell in love with your groggy voice saying,
"Don't fall asleep on me."
I fell in love with the theory of something
"more than us" and your alternate universe.
I fell in love with you singing under your breath,
passing the hours up late on the phone.
I fell in love.
I didn't mean to.
I didn't realize it.
But now I'm too far gone.
Dec 2015 · 401
E Copeland Dec 2015
There is an exhaustion in my bones;
one which sleep doesn't help,
coffee doesn't perk.
It comes from missing you,
from waking alone.
It settles in my heart like dust.
My chest feels heavy; my limbs feel weak.

There is a bitter taste upon my tongue;
the sickly sweet taste of a last kiss,
the kiss goodbye.
It makes me nauseous,
it makes me sad.
Tears stream down my cheeks,
lingering on the corners of my lips.
The sweet becomes salty,
I wish I didn't miss you so much
Nov 2015 · 1.1k
heroes and villians
E Copeland Nov 2015
Your heart was a princess,
locked in the highest tower.
And your ribs were razor wire,
keeping me out.

You clawed at my fingers
tracing your poisoned skin
and stole my breath
with your toxic air.

I tried to be your knight in shining armor,
fighting the dragon that was your biting tongue,
but you quickly melted my sword
and broke my heart.
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
Untitled #2
E Copeland Oct 2015
we said
we were both better off
but that didn't wash the
metallic taste of blood
from biting my tongue
and begging you to stay.

they say
a watched *** never boils
and that is why I turned my back on the door,
still hoping you would come through it
and say I'm home.

you said
we were forever
but you're the boy
who never could fully love
and I'm the girl
who loved too much
and together we were
chaos and destruction,
a shattered glass in a child's hands.
Sep 2015 · 487
Untitled #1
E Copeland Sep 2015
I'm getting better at deleting messages.
I'm getting better at ignoring calls.
I'm getting better at not saying "I miss you."
and not paying attention to the "I never loved you at all"s.

I'm getting better at guarding my heart.
I'm getting better at not falling.
I'm getting better at saying no
and ignoring boys who are good at stalling.

I'm getting better at loving myself.
I'm getting better at forgiving you.
I'm getting better at moving on
and recognizing that our love wasn't true.
Sep 2015 · 870
land of lost things
E Copeland Sep 2015
I drifted off to sleep last night
and awoke so far away
in a place where things are right
and lost things go to stay.

I found my book from second grade
that I swore was left on the bus.
And I found the diamond earrings
Granddad gave to me with trust.

I saw the second button from
a jumper made of plaid.
And the glass eye
I believe Blue Bear once had.

I walked around for hours,
but then the deepest sorrow sank through
For the in the far left corner
Sep 2015 · 514
fourteen states or so
E Copeland Sep 2015
I know you're approximately
thirteen hundred miles away
but I can't keep quiet anymore

there is something about the way
your hair curls at your neck
when you're two weeks past needing it cut

I know your hands are ***** and rough
but they would feel so perfect
wrapped with mine

your laugh can change my darkest days
into little rays of sun and
the way you make me feel
is second to none

there are many ways to say it
and many way for you to see
I guess the easiest way is
stop wasting your time not loving me.
Sep 2015 · 569
truth or dare
E Copeland Sep 2015
I can't stop thinking about the fact that you lied. (You lied. You lied. YOU LIED.)

Forget me and never look back. (You don't deserve my love)

I kissed him the night you told me you were in love with her. (His arms were more comforting than your lies)

Show me you care. (Come back for me)

***** reminds me of your kiss. ( I am constantly drunk)

drink a whole bottle. (I'll pick up the phone, I promise)
Sep 2015 · 1.1k
E Copeland Sep 2015
I am allowed to hate you.
I am allowed to spit your name out of my mouth.
I am allowed to cry acid tears.
I am allowed to guard my heart.
I am allowed to not speak to you for years.
I am allowed to drink more than I should.
I am allowed to miss you, still.
But what I am not allowed to do,
what I will never be allowed to do is
think that I am not allowed to find love again.
E Copeland Sep 2015
she will tell you that
rejection tastes of
saltwater and stale smoke

it looks like mascara rivers
running towards her throat

it sounds just like deafening silence
of a phone that doesn't ring

it feels just like a stab wound,
a never ending sting.

She's used to the emotions
used to all the lies.

She's used to all the fake smile a
from even faker guys.

rejection gets not easier
as time progresses on,
but boils up from within her
until she's not alone.
Sep 2015 · 970
mental illness is real
E Copeland Sep 2015
I can't help but wonder
if I will always belong to my emotions.

How long will I be
a prisoner of my depression?
and at the mercy of my anxiety?
How many days will my thoughts
scream behind clenched teeth
and ring deep in my ears?

When will freedom come?
Will I ever know peace?

This war raging within my skull
seems to be killing me.
Sep 2015 · 1.4k
tomorrow is a new day
E Copeland Sep 2015
When you eat more than you said you would
Forgive yourself
When you accidentally text the boy who broke you
End the conversation
When you get too drunk and kiss someone
Don’t be ashamed
When the pain becomes too great and you slip up with the blade
clean the blood
bandage the wound
and then call your mom.

We are all human

We all mess up

And we can all be redeemed.
Aug 2015 · 488
E Copeland Aug 2015
forgive me
I knew not that my actions had consequences
forgive me
I knew not the pain I was causing
forgive me
I knew not how much I needed you
forgive me
I know now I took you for granted
forgive me
I know now that you are part of me
forgive me
I know now how much I cannot live without you
forgive me
I know now that I was wrong
for Jon
Aug 2015 · 374
4:43 AM
E Copeland Aug 2015
and it will always surprise me
that the message which broke my heart
came from my phone
E Copeland Aug 2015
there is a difference in getting butterflies
and the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach

you gave me the second

you should smile so much your cheeks hurt
not have stress headaches

i was taking 10 ibuprofen each day

the future should be exciting and full of possibilities

but with you, every coming day terrified me

i'm sorry i didn't realize earlier
how much i was hurting you
or how much you were hurting me

i'm sorry i fell out of love with you
but i'm more sorry
that i couldn't save you from yourself
Aug 2015 · 875
The Giver
E Copeland Aug 2015
you are like an old book
one of my favorites
every once in a while, I need your comfort
I need to feel your creases
smell your smell
hear your words
but it always ends the same
and I know that
Aug 2015 · 742
matches make wildfires
E Copeland Aug 2015
at first,
she was just an old flame
hearing you speak her name burned through me
it burned like hot lava spewing from your lips
it burned hotter than one thousand suns
it burned me up inside.
that's the thing about old flames:
they can either burn out,
or ignite wildfires
and now I'm smoldering
I've burnt up.
the fire is out, suffocated
it cannot be rekindled.
there is no spark
there is no flame
there is only smoke
of a love lost
to a lust found
Aug 2015 · 1.2k
Both sides of the bed
E Copeland Aug 2015
he says, "I want you."
but he means it in a different way.
I can't have the physical without the emotional
getting in the way.

I say, "I want you."
and it doesn't really matter.
He can't do emotions,
physical is his only factor.
Jun 2015 · 593
E Copeland Jun 2015
I think
     if you left
          I would start
               smoking again.

*I did...
E Copeland Jun 2015
You asked me once to write about you.
What would I write, though?
Words cannot capture your devilish grin
or the way your red hair shines.
Words can't tell of how you make me draw a breath
when you press your lips to mine.
Words do not begin to tell the story your eyes can with a simple glance.
Stories of regret and pain.
Stories that kept you from ever being the same.
I cannot find any words that would show the world
just how much you mean to me.
You are the moon and all the stars.
You light up my nights.
You are the sun, brightening my days.
You are every dream I have ever had
and every wish I have desperately whispered at 11:11.
You are more than any messy poem could ever convey.
Here is your poem, my darling.
I'm sorry it's not better, but the only words that even begin to explain how I feel are I love you.
I'm not sure how it happened, but I do.
Jun 2015 · 1.0k
Young Love
E Copeland Jun 2015
Our lives were lit by headlights and perfumed of beer.
You tasted like smoke, intoxicating me deep in my bones.
You were the tattooed boy my mother told me to stay far away from
and my father hid that he related to.
Spending time with you was back pedaling into a hurricane of disappointments and bad decisions.

I wouldn't have traded you for the world.
E Copeland Jun 2015
I wanted to call and tell you I missed you.
But your voice was much too distant
and your words were the weakest thread.
I wanted you to cry that you had missed me too.
But the small talk and how you beens just beat around the truth.
I wanted to tell you I missed you,
but instead I'll just tell you,
the cold outside has snuck in
and settled in my head.
Jun 2015 · 2.2k
Chin Up
E Copeland Jun 2015
Chin up, says the blonde haired boy, you shouldn't look so sad.
Your mom and daddy love you, life can't be that bad.
Chin up, says the blonde haired boy, you shouldn't look so blue.
You're pretty as a picture. More girls should look like you.
Chin up, says the blonde haired boy, I like you when you smile.
I know the distance seems so great, but we are worth every mile.
Chin up, says the blonde haired boy, the time is passing fast.
Just a few more weeks and you'll be home, in my arms at last.
Chin up, says the blonde haired boy, you go your way and I'll go mine.
I'm sorry that it didn't work out, these things happen all the time.
Chin up, says the blonde haired boy, you shouldn't look so sad.
Jun 2015 · 449
For You
E Copeland Jun 2015
His eyes are filled with sadness
And his voice resonates hate.
He may try to mask it, but his smile he can never fully elate.
His heart is filled with longing
And feeling he can not understand
Because he missed his childhood and quickly had to become a man.
He wasn't left quickly, but the time and pain drug on.
The man he visited in the bed was a stranger and his father was long gone.
The goodbyes were not easy and time will make them harder.
His eyes still fill with sadness when he thinks about the loss.
He usually hides the hatred behind a joke and laugh,
A pitied young man on a burdensome path.
Jun 2015 · 579
I Do
E Copeland Jun 2015
I think I hear "I love you" way more often than I think, it's when he gets up in the middle of the night and brings me back a drink.
It's, "do not wake her up, yet" and "honey, go back to bed"
It's how he sits in front of me and wipes away every tear I shed.
It's how he kisses me so sweetly every morning before he leaves and returns to do the same thing every single eve. 
He cuddles up to me so neither one of us will get cold and then he starts of sentences with "so when we are old..."
I think I hear "I love you" more often than I know
It's in the little things, like him watching all my shows. 
It's when we go to eat and he picks my favorite place. 
And how he knows my mood just by looking at my face. 
I think I hear "I love you" in fact, I know I do.
I just hope he never has to wonder if I love him too.
Jun 2015 · 579
The Ugly Truth
E Copeland Jun 2015
Because sometimes things don’t work out like they should
and people get hurt and
even when you didn’t mean it,
they walk away and you’re left by yourself
dealing with your demons and wishing they were around to tell you everything was going to be alright.

And sometimes apologies don’t change anything.
You act like things are going to get better between y'all
but the days turn into weeks and then months
and before you know it your birthday passes
without so much as a happy birthday text.

Sometimes they find someone who is more important to them than you were
and it doesn’t matter how many times you swore
you would be friends forever, you aren’t.
Even when you have no where else to turn, they aren’t there.
They say they are, but the advice they give is no longer what you need to hear,
but what they think you want to hear.

Maybe every friendship has an expiration date
or maybe I was just a foolish young girl who didn’t think about her actions
or maybe this is just how it was meant to be,
but that doesn’t make me miss you less,
it doesn’t make not talking to you easier,
time hasn’t helped yet,
I just keep hoping it does.
Jun 2015 · 745
I'm In Treble
E Copeland Jun 2015
I fumbled through the stations 
And clicked on every song
But nothing met the silence 
Where your voice did belong 

I replayed each conversation
Remembered every kiss
Hoping I would one day stop
And you I wouldn't miss

then you picked back up the music
And my heart began to dance
You always had a special way
Of putting me in a trance 

I'm screaming don't stop playing 
And spinning round and round 
I know if I'm met with silence
I'll crash upon the ground.

You have my heart, you know it
So to it, please be true 
Because it only knows one song now 
And that song is you.
Jun 2015 · 748
I shouldn't be thinking
E Copeland Jun 2015
I think it's always been you. 
In the back of my mind.
In the bottom of my heart.
I don't remember making it you.
I'm not sure I ever did. 
It just was. 
It just is.
And I'm afraid, it always will be.

— The End —