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Mar 2017 · 431
Zero Nine Mar 2017
I thought you were my friend
we shared herb and spirits
with an addict in recovery
I've never really left this town like you
I broke my new tablet
while watching ducks from rocks
This ***** river bank
This ***** city may
Be the only ocean for me
Mar 2017 · 984
Moonshine in Blue Time
Zero Nine Mar 2017
"You will not defeat me,"
from the summit of your lungs
arterial winter
is all over and all done
I want the rain to smother us,
one nose to another
sharing the air
at the corner of Fifth and Couch
I want the silence between us
sinking heavily
while enjoying
the rare absence of spoken word
I want you filling my chest
with the bumps that were
lost to view some time ago,
like we share phantom sensations
from before we knew love
"Return my youth to me,"
acid dripping from your tongue
We can sing in song
Is this the end or the beginning?
Probably both.
Zero Nine Mar 2017
Have I yet impressed
upon you the urgency
of reform?
What's the real story here?
I reply
into a melting mirror
at a face deformed
lit by dollar store
finger lights
I reply
at night I'm dying to change
at daybreak's pallor
it's easier to
just resign
Unhealthy and sedentary unlike
two years ago, arteries hardening
lungs constricted and teeth missing
all due to smoke
I'm a joke,
chain-smoking although
there's a reason to stop
I don't want
to invite death,
then die so slow

But I do want to die lazily
My love, apathy
It's over
It's over
For now,
at least
Mar 2017 · 483
Given in Offer Will Return
Zero Nine Mar 2017
Taking medication may be fastening together the seams that could split. Between SSRI, HRT, and caffeine the moments speed, fleeting before I secure my grip. What's the point of living as a zombie losing opportunity through barely there fingers? I can be **** for you, I'm fond of pleading on my knees, tongue over my teeth, waiting patiently for my mouthful -- but what's point? What would it solve to introduce a controlled study meltdown? Well, I see the seasons coming at first light. Spring and Fall pull balance apart. So pull apart, because these meds don't help when my mind conspires without me, but with the world. Leave me alone. I'm caught gazing at the canvas in the white on walls. If it appears I'm choking, I am. I choke myself to gasping near to death as a means to depart from my leaden regret. Do I grow wings? No. Do I ascend? No. Do I myself then deify? No. It takes endlessly repeated little deaths to prevent permanent disintegration in passion's cruel flame.
Son and daughter both will self destruct
Mar 2017 · 724
One Sweet Word
Zero Nine Mar 2017
I promise
I won't ever break your heart again
Take advantage of your devotion
Razors up through my throat
the verses I sweetly lie through
secret smiles, my seething teeth vibrate
The weight of words in pixel and ink
May keep the cold truth freezing
The virulence hiding behind
what once were naive eyes
fed and sleeping in chains
One sweet word,
Is all I have left
If it's even that
Mar 2017 · 399
What Little Said
Zero Nine Mar 2017
Green smoke
I swear that there's green in the air

The color of my lenses
as such of my life

Once broken,
always broken

Who's not broken here?

I fall down where I sleep
come unbound by night
or day
I fall down exhausted
but rest will not come
within reach

I fall down
There's one explanation true
That the easy is done,
best pages are turned
Mar 2017 · 2.0k
Shards Broken From Lobes
Zero Nine Mar 2017
I bought a cow
Purchased her with but words
She works for me now
Grab her by the teats I need
Her drink to live
I swallow milk, keeps me strong
Despite this relationship
all wrong, that she provides
green needs
It's all I want
I used to have a cat, cute
andro-trans boy alien
He ****** my ****
Swallowed *** and ****** me raw
Walls fall apart
Every new best thing sinks and stinks
Under the barn,
I bought a barn
Under which the missing bodies compost
Brain stem. Bzz bzzt.
Cereal and milk.
Mar 2017 · 2.2k
Songs About the Aching Ocean
Zero Nine Mar 2017
In the orange cream dying sun's half light
swaddled by blankets wrapped in ***** clothes
I open my lips wanting your taste
eye to eye, mons *****, warm fragrance
To offer myself and soul over completely
When we were young did you ever think
we'd drown in the ocean of flesh between legs?
She smiled brightly, made noises
overjoyed much more than confused,
though that's not the story now, is it?
In an instant passion rises up with steam
gone again before I wipe the mirror and
brush my teeth, and once again I see
blackened debris, they're rotting out
from misspoke verbs
All that's sweet now is the imagining
of diabetic what once was
Two closed eyes reach back with a breathy sigh
withheld truths and well meant half lies,
cannot inspire lift again that left me,
but that doesn't stop the faithful
Has the tide this whole time been sending
waves of false hope, on which I'm floating?
Daydreaming, heating oil, she wants dinner,
and I hunger for satisfaction in new pictures
A hand for a finger, a tongue from both mouths
comforting by grabbing hungrily
until heads get thrown back, abs tighten
when pressed to relax, on the rack
stretched but both floating
Why does she want to drink my blood?
I don't ask just imbibe in return
Those days are long gone
Times when the worst thoughts could not undo
whatever flicker remains in the waning brazier's ember
I can't stop slinging filth
Peddling chrome plated items of refuse
Mar 2017 · 882
Evening Light Come In
Zero Nine Mar 2017
Too worn in heart
for how dare you
To in response anger
at anger aimed
towards you
How can we express ourselves,
when you steal our emotion?
Tired and missing
my connection
Too tired to love myself
and though I speak
it plainly
the lake of muck within you
was once crystalline ocean
Your first response to effort
is What's wrong here?
Mar 2017 · 836
Far as we Know
Zero Nine Mar 2017
It's when the morning gray
bleeds into my eyes through blinds
that the night concedes
to day, officially
Under the bare cover
through dead trees, slice power lines,
growing, connecting
meats virtually
It's with the rising steam
from porcelain go all dreams
Coffee will run through you
fast as the day
When the light is on,
we're finally done
Words will not come
Words will not come
Mar 2017 · 536
Zero Nine Mar 2017
Every season gets worse
Years behind me, years stretch still in front
Now accepting madness
part and parcel
for who's ****** me and I've ******

I've ******
****** my share of life

Souls in proximity
souls wrapped in snare
souls drained for empathy,
Need it. Can't find it. Rend flesh. Gnash teeth.
Why else would I have consigned?
Mar 2017 · 1.2k
Zero Nine Mar 2017
One. Two.

Is this thing turned on?

One. Two.

I can't see even a few feet in front of me.



There's nothing said back from the void.
Disapproval. Deification.

What difference does it make,
Whether withheld or spoken?

Shadows show well on the walls
Before Netflix in my home at night,

The futon

Eyes overflowing with lust
They're waiting for ****** on tongue.
Mar 2017 · 899
Zero Nine Mar 2017
Long ago love looked like romance
it held a subtle sheen of madness
Chaos and passion left in pair
Our beds lie oceans apart
My heart can't swim the carpet
In the night we camped the platform
I hadn't yet bought matches
as the smoke was yet to lick me
inside my virginal lungs
My heart grows tumescent, we
never sat close to view forever
in the dusk of violet July
To fulfill happiness fully
suppose we just kiss goodbye forever
and bare the carpet to cement
May some poor soul once more find
their face between too hairy legs
and with my chin I'd trace constellations
Sail our beds both furthest apart
Sail our beds into the dark
In the violet July
Mar 2017 · 973
For One Summer
Zero Nine Mar 2017
Too surprised to find
pictures of you fallen
long faded and broke
I believe the fractured memories
hide better tastes underneath
abuse, and neglect
for one moment,
the two lives split open,
the two eating entrails,
stitched eyes, pretending
they were not human beings
Now my tongue pretends that
the juices have turned bitter,
when I long for love
I'd drink you all day,
suppressing hate that
imperfect ink fade
has left a burning stain.
It's nearing its approach again.
Mar 2017 · 452
Worth Waking
Zero Nine Mar 2017
Leaving God behind,
whatever brought upon this thought,
I thought,
should be worth waking
What if it pleases me to be wrong,
What when long gone becomes too far
There mustn't be measure, if I can swing wildly
but the cost shines high under title lights
and at my best guess, it looks signed
deep red with bartered blood
Believe in pain tomorrow, clearly see loss and gain
Mar 2017 · 795
Trash Fire
Zero Nine Mar 2017
Back *****
Glass won't shatter
Lens can't demonize
Soft serve
Flesh form
I won't crumble
Just age
Gaze can't shatter gaze can't shatter
Gaze can't shatter
And I recite, face looking back in fear
Mar 2017 · 622
Shitlord Invited
Zero Nine Mar 2017
He says Gay in its colloquial
A language broke - n
By its or - igin creates
A world where only words describe
The gap between where lives lie
Why would I call you friend if it kills me?
-- too ******* scared of loneliness.
In return, my vocabulary
-- guess identity isn't too much to lose.
What I'm selling for the price of presumed loyalty.
Mar 2017 · 599
No I in Team
Zero Nine Mar 2017
I do pray for something but
in the end, nothing comes
I fight the urge while waking
through the tepid days,
that I deserve the specific
happiness of feeling hand
and mouth to skin
The wish,
ceaseless, I crave nothing more
And I
do pray for nothing so
in the end, all is dust

In the end, I
Means altogether nothing
Baptize me with water, then
Waste washing downward from heaven in rain
Ascetic by accident, boiling over
Up from down below
Mar 2017 · 1.1k
Right at the Overpass
Zero Nine Mar 2017
Doing recreationals under winter under your dim lights
Within the house leaning sideways, deep in the basement
Drinking twice our size in sweet white,
whatever cheap wine
With my humming lips, bless your pale hips in a headspin
You say, "Choke me out."
And when I squeeze, you scream
I'm no top. Better learn it early, right?
Mar 2017 · 371
Pull Apart
Zero Nine Mar 2017
She pulled me in with my brother
In a scene from sweet sixteens
Or I went willing, at the first
Sight of a sneaky sideways wink
Bad romance, it became us
Bitter confusion filled us three
My brother, he pleaded on his knees
Will you do nothing with my woman?
I fell under luck's frail favor
When my brother's she became a he
This he pulled me,
Or I went willing?
We became one on his couch
L-shaped leather wet with purpose
Aristophanes spoke of this
Yet now we drift

Drift, sweetly
Pull apart
Pretend we forget each other's names
I keep going back to one place, the same place.
Mar 2017 · 511
Meander Dance
Zero Nine Mar 2017
There are, for sure, a few certain things I miss
We could destroy each other's sense of self
And then be twisting in a broken bed
How did it feel? Do you sometimes remember, too?
Reverse genitals, you ****** me, deliverance
My first *******, you went deep
And I could feel you had an IUD
How did it feel?

Let me try to find the right words to describe
This hole of dissonance

You helped build this empire
Now it is burning, lost to ash

Unending hatred begins with vehemence
And pauses when I'm on my back

I can still feel your mouth on me
And your fingers in my ***
You must hate me like I do. I'll be okay.
Mar 2017 · 545
Out But Not Out
Zero Nine Mar 2017
Tastes like there's something in the water
No word from the wise yet, of recompense
Who put this zombie in me?
I trudge, judge, shamble, stumble
Who put this zombie in me?
I speak in numbers
I see in perfect white blank
Space that makes me thirsty
I like swallowing a multitude of things
Mar 2017 · 380
Last Boy Girl at the Bar
Zero Nine Mar 2017
I find
Myself once again
Caught with a friendly misconception
Creatures of a type cannot be
Let close
Trusted to let go
Given the grace to open
I'd turn if I could but I could only turn to this.
Mar 2017 · 284
Take Two or Three to Turn
Zero Nine Mar 2017
My perspective is skewed
They say home follows the heart
What of the city? It has my blood
Asphalt black bedsheets call
To me, sweetly whispering
"You're beautiful, number without a name."
God, do you know my name?
Always almost flooding
Mar 2017 · 532
Cold Return
Zero Nine Mar 2017
Define normal
Within deviations
Sound limited, what could I say
To truly reach you?
Defended, I pray only
To breach through
What's wrong? You're looking kinda funny.
Jan 2017 · 728
My Heart Goes
Zero Nine Jan 2017
And this Winter, unlike the past deaths through my life,
may offer motion toward a place from here
With my heart broke, as he departs in the night,
carried memories let in tears still travel hard
May my motion, then be truly swift to mirror his,
to futures on the East horizon
Zero Nine Jan 2017
Within a sea of many troubles

My heart goes

Unwilling as the body, too

Last made my bed in sheets of fire

Eager, so faithful of the blue
Jan 2017 · 346
Placement Test Results
Zero Nine Jan 2017
Thanks for giving your last breath, however
Til the end the list of taken things
Saw overgrowth and now at the grave
Eyes cast down
I can't decide
Whether to forgive you

Isn't it just the same as every story?
None to blame, shame myself
None to save, overwhelmed
Jan 2017 · 438
Zero Nine Jan 2017
The doctor asks me why I'm here
That's a little open ended, isn't it?
I wish I were as quick, but I think
Too long and explain my case in full
Without any embellishment, I came
Because my back hurts like a mother
Pushing, can't move my leg and now
Painfully both enter and exit bed He
Nods as if he knows, he wants to know
The extensive list of all my meds, three
One, that gets me to the cold side of balance
One, that redistributes fat, hips and *******
One, that bottlenecks testosterone tighter
Than either full ***. Gender reassignment?
He asks so I say yep. Duck Dynasty is on the
TV, in the corner above the room. The papers
Want to know if I'm claustrophobic, I check no.
That is before my first MRI. Before I'm loaded
Feet first. Now I know myself better, too.
The room is hot as he shares the results, bald
Headed sweat drips down a muscular man
Shy of forty, you've ruptured your disks. Three.
One on top of one on top of another. I guess
That in the end I just got too fat, that any extra
Burden collapsed my spine. I swear I do my best,
Avoid any extra psychological stress, but right
Now everyone is dying
Jan 2017 · 509
Alice Alone as Emi
Zero Nine Jan 2017
All caution
Is gone
Pumped in blood through your heart
Drained from cuts and bruises
To the skin
Patchwork bandages
Divert hurt away from the surface
Back in, too deep, try one more time
Countless times to bleed but it won't leave
Let the toxin escape instead on the exhale
Look over your shoulder
While I can breathe out briefly what of all the years?
Look over your shoulder
Divert or divulge,
No change ever comes to speak
Look over your shoulder
Jan 2017 · 1.1k
Action Words
Zero Nine Jan 2017
The err isn't that I
Bear while they imbibe
Maybe entitled defines
Me and this sovereignty
The err isn't that I
Most often decline
The offer
The wine
It's such a shame that I
Only sleep open eyed
Erroneously minimize you
Passively underrate

— The End —