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Oct 2023 · 3.6k
i deserve to be loved
kier Oct 2023
every night before i sleep,
without fail, romance fills my mind
how hopeless, how naive,
however you wish to call me

but i think it's time
to finally pick the red glass shards
off the dark wooden shelf
that is so full of dust, i hardly recognize it

i cradle the glass in my hands
withstanding the sharp red
melting her into sweet honey
and knowing the broken glass, is nothing but temporary

i am not left without impurities
with sharp edges and deformities
but i am whole again
and i will not let anyone drop it again

because i will wait for an eternity
to find someone who puts the glass
up against the sunlight
and admires its beauty

i will find a love like mine
someone who indulges in flowers
and dream like christmas dates
and holding my small hands

there is no doubt about it
i am a realistic romantic
and i like you deserve to be loved,
endlessly so
Jan 2023 · 5.5k
fuck the flowers
kier Jan 2023
pressed against a gentle river of bedsheets
falling loose from the mattress with every wave
to finally intertwine in the rythym of our heartbeats
i cannot help being depraved, as each motion makes me crave

"adore me, adore me, all that much, and more"
i plead, i cry, and his hands overwhelm mine
"a pretty little thing, obedient and kind, perfect for a *****"
as long as he gives me attention, all will be fine

all he's ever shown is the blushing red of kisses and bites
and all he's ever known is a cruel kind of rational
but even with all the flowers he gives, he never seems to fight
and it all seems to decay into something entirely foul

im done with the suffocating scent of amaryllis that i let fill my arteries
the sweet sticky pollen that tightens my throat so i can no longer breathe
May 2021 · 1.1k
angel of death
kier May 2021
would you like to dance, my dear?
let us waltz above the fiery pits of hell,
oh my, it would so be very tragic if you fell.. !
I'm only teasing, what have you to fear?

you must wonder who I am
I'm the one with a heart caged behind feathers
a holy being made from perfection and pressure
time is surely ticking until I let go of your hand

you wished for me to come, did you not?
I do as you ask and dangle you above death
yet here you are, clinging to me with all your strength
do not worry, your body will have use when I leave it to rot
May 2021 · 639
death's visits
kier May 2021
in the month of may
spring has come forth
with promises of new beginnings
but death still knocks at my door
waiting for the end of day

he comes with innocent eyes
pleading for some company
there are times i almost fall for his charms
as he hides his trap with sweet honey
but i dare not fall for his lies

though i see him as a threat
i still lend out my hand
and smile cheerfully in the face of death
as if he were an old friend
though i won't let him take me just yet
Apr 2021 · 1.2k
kier Apr 2021
she looked at me with interest
inevitable, i suppose
she had lavender kisses
and honey filled whispers
that stuck to my neck
she told me that i was lovely
and that the lovely get crushed
but i surely felt nothing
and smiled all the while
it was not my innocence
ill play the game she asks of me
a liar's entanglement
i do not know the meaning of this one ****
Mar 2021 · 930
kier Mar 2021
the lines and curves of the sentences fall apart
the facade pleads to be rescued from this madness
the entity shakes, and the world trembles along with it

if you disappeared not a single person would make a remark
an unlovable friend, for who wants someone burdened by sadness
a stubborn fool, such that even death asks you to submit
Mar 2021 · 628
kier Mar 2021
gun in hand
trigger in mind
let's **** things up, alright?

"help me, help me!"
im stubborn as all hell
so forget my inner pleas or i'll say farewell

you wish to love me with such sweet words
but **** it's too ******* late
so let's just indulge in self-hate
this started out different but then i decided, **** it lets make it energetic.
Mar 2021 · 925
kier Mar 2021
one day ill lay beneath the flowers
my soul blossoming outwards,
only to be compressed by the soil.
once more rejected, failing to love...
poor little me, won't know what else to do..!
but tear into themselves,
crying for all of eternity...
but they say that tragedy is a beauty,
which is why the flowers blossom
over my pitiful grave.
and isn't it funny...?
laughable almost,
to be the source of your own misery
Mar 2021 · 830
death, my lover
kier Mar 2021
death is a lover, asking for your hand in marriage.
run if you please, but escape is temporary
so won't you love, as the white flowers fall...
embrace death and the sweet hums of its call
Mar 2021 · 627
"trust" you say..
kier Mar 2021
mister, mister
would you be so kind
as to tell me what trust is?
you see, you said i'm trusting
incredibly so, that it's refreshing
but i'm unsure of your words

mister, mister
do i trust people...
when I believe all my loved ones hate me
and would rather i disappear?
I'm not trusting, just desperate
a child simply wants to be loved

you reach out your hand
in case i need help
i'm sorry sir
i'm too stubborn for that
i walk two steps back
and fall a little further.
Mar 2021 · 766
Secret Letter
kier Mar 2021
My dear, I wish I could speak my mind.
I would write in an eloquent letter and end the words with hearts
Saying that the distance between us will not tear us apart
But how do I tell you that and make those promises?
When I'm suffocating with such deep misunderstanding..

I pick up the letter and smudge the ink
Tear apart the sentences and cross out the hearts
I love you, I love you, but I'm sure you love me not at all.
How do I feel, what do I do? I'm tired when I endlessly think of you.
And the paper cuts mock me.
I give up before it drives me to insanity.
And I will sleep, perhaps for all of eternity.
Feb 2021 · 943
angel's demise
kier Feb 2021
she stood before the edge of a cliff
as the earth beneath her became undone
a single white flower clung desperately to life
the angel crushed the fragile petals beneath her
with the same feet that once danced on clouds
but she was no longer in the heavens
she was on earth and the gravity of her situation
teased her naivety until she was struck with tears

she fell into the waters, of a gray stormy day
a place that surely no one, not even god, could find her
her worn wings had no intentions of flying
and she smiled, effortlessly, the way she had always done
gracefully falling in the air, even as she plunged into her demise
the small angel drowned at sea, with a heart pulled apart
by all the centuries that she attempted to love humans
and perhaps, she just wasn't meant for this world
Feb 2021 · 710
desperately in love
kier Feb 2021
for god's sake
how could one person
be so enchanting
that i both feel loved
and terribly empty
what state of delusion am i in?
and why won't anybody answer my cries
what am i? some desperate fool.. ?
maybe, maybe, but i can only laugh
i don't know how to feel or what to say
i love you, i love you, but not like that
Feb 2021 · 1.9k
unrequited platonic love
kier Feb 2021
when you grace the garden
i am overfilled with sunlight!
an intense admiration
leaves me with sudden blossoms
of an ever gentle pink...

won't you come closer?
i don't ask of you to be mine
nor for the warmth of your hands
i simply asked to be loved
every now and then...

and when i realize my feelings are one-sided
my appearance falls apart one petal at a time
leaving me to cry among the decay
when the flower is no longer a beauty
what reason do you have to stay?
it can be interpreted as romantic love but i'm not really capable of that
Jan 2021 · 1.2k
death lies in destiny
kier Jan 2021
the flowers decay
and the bird's sweet cries die out
in time for your death
of which was all according to fate

the sun sets on the horizon
and my tears pervert the mood with sorrow
and I wait for the day that fate
will let me lie next to you
Jan 2021 · 743
kier Jan 2021
They may pray to God and his divinity
Of which to me, is nothing more than a false reality
Oh the sinners and saints can burn
For only a holy angel will stir up my concern

Oh dear angel, a six-winged creature
Cover your face, your feet, and oh you fly
Oh, dear angel, I fear you not
Please just enchant me with those eyes
i care not for religion, only angels, seraphims entice me.
Jan 2021 · 1.2k
kier Jan 2021
The pastel sky strikes forward, no longer soft-spoken
And the birds sing enchanting melodies
That almost lull me back to sleep
But with all the strength in this heart of mine
My body arises and dances with the peeking sunlight
For today is a lovely day for the peonies to bloom
Pink fluttering petals, blushing at my touch
I know they love me, they really do
I leave my home, whose color has gone and died
Eaten up by the tragedy of time
Today my sorrows shall dissolve
Tears mixed with tea
And quenches my thirst of loneliness
The peonies bloom and decorate the grave
And even if my heart pulls at me, I will not cry
I shall celebrate all that is of death and life
For no one, not a single person on earth
Can stop the peonies from blooming, oh so beautifully.
Dec 2020 · 268
friendships always end
kier Dec 2020
i love you, i love you not
i pull on the petals till our friendship rots
friendships never seem to last
every good memory lives in the past
and dies in the hopes of my hand
you move forward, but here i stand
the only person who stays is me
till death do I part, I will one day be free
Dec 2020 · 348
art and writing
kier Dec 2020
her loneliness surpassed the vast empty field
and on her journey, the truth began to reveal
no lavender, no roses, nothing lovely of the sort
she would be lonely, forevermore
she wished to cry and drown the lands
and so the gods compromised with her demands
they had left her papers and pens
in which she could draw and write, again and again
if only the flower in which she dreamed of, in which she drew
could blossom as beautifully as real ones do
and amongst her stories and the movement of the pen
she wished she could write a story and paint a scene
of which she had a happy end
i've never been the best artist or writer but i still enjoy it. to me it's always felt like an attempt to escape loneliness
Oct 2020 · 1.7k
snowfall tears
kier Oct 2020
I wanna disappear as if I were
snowfall touching skin
gracefully falling
pushed by the winds

I wanna love as if I were
snowfall with such gentle beauty
I would be cherished
but no one would know me

I wonder if they are tears
from a woman grieving
quietly up top the clouds
I pity her, I do, but I care not for her feelings
i might abandon this account
Oct 2020 · 629
star sparkled feelings
kier Oct 2020
emotions are good little things
pretty like stars in the skies
coloring the dark void
and giving meaning to our life
Oct 2020 · 309
crying child
kier Oct 2020
I saw my former self through a teary vision
As she collapsed against the rough alley floor
knees scraped, burning and bleeding with pain
Why didn’t they pick her up and care for her?
Always telling her to stop crying.
As if she wasn't a child, aching to be loved.
your love to me has always been ***** and unwanted. a part of me hates you, a part of me doesn't.
kier Oct 2020
memories seem fragile and yet one has no control
it's a confusing network of strings
intertwining with one another
I wish I had a pair of scissors
golden and beautiful, able to cut the strings
which have clung to my heart for all of eternity
Oct 2020 · 160
section 04
kier Oct 2020
I wanted to carry your burdens with me
and show you the joy of this world
that you no longer believed in.
how could I forget your sweet words?
and oh my heart ached
the silence filled with dread
"oh god, please don't be dead."
this poem hurts me a lot. I really did care for him and I was truly scared that he had died because he did attempt but now it hurts for a different reason
Oct 2020 · 236
section 03
kier Oct 2020
"maybe this is bound to end in tragedy
but for now
I will give you a hug, a smile,
and a place in my heart"
the rest of the poem this is from isn't the best but I still enjoy the emotion it conveyed and these lines especially I loved
Oct 2020 · 804
tired; worthless
kier Oct 2020
"my body is tired with torn hands
I want to be perfect, more and more
but nothing changes, it only ever hurts"

"when will you be happy?"

"never... I live miserably,
wanting to work myself to exhaustion
waiting for death's release of this worthless vessel
that hates me deeply
perishing underneath dirt and pebble
no one will want me, need me
I will be forgotten and my ideals of perfection soon to be rotten"
kier Sep 2020
You took my hand into your small
Gentle fingers, yet to be tainted by years
Guiding me with rainbows and tireless curiosity in your eyes
Flowers bloomed beneath your feet
And as I followed you, I trampled them
My heart warmed at your sight
Weaving a young and delicate desire into me
And I couldn’t let go of your hand
When you turned your back
An obsession grew, violently
Your kind don’t last in my world
And I’m happy to devour the innocence
I will crush you with wounded hands that you bandaged
I’ll smile like how you taught me to
I’m simply overfilled with joy
As you smell the scent of the lilies you had given me
Your innocence turns to death
my friend said he liked it, i feel happy :)
Sep 2020 · 3.2k
"romance" 02
kier Sep 2020
my heart does not beat
and I only dream of what it'd be
like to touch you and be warmed up
simply because of human desires

your hands can be replaced by anyone
you wander my daydreams
but never my slumber
you enter my thoughts
you leave just as easily
rewritten poem from a long time ago
Sep 2020 · 203
section 02
kier Sep 2020
"nothing can be done
especially not now
she is all that fills your mind
and it is time
that I leave you

what a silly family we were...
she has prolonged your existence
but I cannot smile
it is only a reminder
that your death is very possible"
looking back on these with him back, feels odd. i still feel all the emotions I felt when I wrote these.
Sep 2020 · 127
"romance" 01
kier Sep 2020
i've dreamt enough romance
to know that I want it
and I've lived enough days
to know I can't feel it
short thing before I sleep
Sep 2020 · 595
sorry, always sorry
kier Sep 2020
"sorry, always sorry. what are you sorry for?"

within my grasp
even outside of it
if I didn't say sorry
I would fall apart
like a flower
when pulled all the wrong ways"
Sep 2020 · 114
poem for you
kier Sep 2020
I'd write a poem for you, lovely, so lovely....
and you'd never know that I wrote it
all these feelings
they breathe
so wonderfully blossoming
and they die
having never left my side
It's not about romantic love although it definitely can be seen that way.
Sep 2020 · 104
kier Sep 2020
if I write
could I ever turn the scribbled thoughts
the pitiful teardrops
and stress that festers
into something beautiful
lovable, almost.
kier Sep 2020
it's delightful
the harsh autumn movement
and the angelic snowfall
with wings so beautiful
though my body grows numb
I still open my heart warmly
to these cold seasons

I think of him fondly
even though he was wrong
I cried for him, cared for him
and he hardly thought of me at all
I was always holding on to something
that was never
really there
Sep 2020 · 153
we aren't friends
kier Sep 2020
maybe I'm cruel
but I deem you selfish
In this obscure, unsure connection
we call friendship
Sep 2020 · 103
section 01
kier Sep 2020
"I cannot
carry your burdens with me
not even in the slightest

I am empty, I am numb, I do not understand
you in
and love."
I wrote this super long poem in a storm of emotions some time ago and I just like how the end lines sounded so I decided to post it.
Sep 2020 · 475
happy little angel
kier Sep 2020
I'm a happy little angel
sentimental and soft
as I dance through the clouds
I think of you sweetly

I'm a happy little angel
saying "I love you" in between sweet smiles
as you wipe your tears away
I will guide you, my dear
challenging myself to write happier poems ^-^
Sep 2020 · 3.0k
holding hands
kier Sep 2020
my fingertips are cold, with slowed movement
and there is a grace to them, dancing in such a sorrowful way
I'd almost think they were longing for someone
to hold them, locking each other, and brushing against

and yet, my mind grows uneasy at that idea of warmth
I draw my frigid hands away, escaping the touch
how unbearable it would be, in all reality
they remain as they are, how i'd prefer, lonely.
take this poem however you want to, for me it is an expression of myself
Sep 2020 · 117
kier Sep 2020
night settles, resting alongside me, hoping to keep me company
but their touches phases through, alone I am, alone I'll stay
its night time, school's starting, and i should sleep
Sep 2020 · 273
quiet, stay quiet
kier Sep 2020
one, two three
don't forget to breathe
count to ten
slowly, slowly, before you can speak

that foul mouth
is better off dead
if you don't heed the warnings
you will carry the burden for all the words you've said

your heart needs to be silenced
crush it up, with hands of violence
Aug 2020 · 238
love him not
kier Aug 2020
petal after petal, I need not decide
I love him not, I love him not
once all the petals are gone
I move on and find another flower
Aug 2020 · 460
kier Aug 2020
the space in this skull is claustrophobic
the words of this mouth are clumsy in movement
with every willingness for a silence of a thousand centuries
my brain is growing exhausted of me
Aug 2020 · 339
no longer do we speak
kier Aug 2020
I prefer to detach
rather than the agonizing
feeling of not being needed

with that sentiment,
kier Aug 2020
I sat in silence
anxiously deciding
certainly overreacting
a sudden desire to change
flooded my heart with courage

their voices startled me
my mind failed to be calm
with each beat after beat coming so quickly
but soon their laughter filled me with ease
and I could find myself finally at peace
I was really scared at first of something so small but my friend was chill and I don't regret doing it at all. I'm still a little anxious but I'll get used to it eventually!
Aug 2020 · 356
ocean of affection
kier Aug 2020
she pushes and pulls like the waves
ultimately I cannot bear to be near it
and have disgust cover me cold
they see beauty, placing charm in her mystery
and I only see the madness
of an ocean that will surely drown me
Aug 2020 · 171
i can't tell you
kier Aug 2020
fear oh fear
with hands so strong
come, won't you?
oh dear, just tear me

what a burden
are my words
i laugh, i laugh!
it won't stop..
**** it hurts
Jul 2020 · 371
insignificant human being
kier Jul 2020
this feeling
it never leaves
I feel lonely
and unneeded
you all smile
with warm words
but I can only stand cold
and pathetic
kier Jul 2020
overcrowd my brain with blossoms
until it bursts out of my head
whose petals tear apart my skin
covered in red
now I can breathe at ease
with my thoughts finally dead
there is no more room for thoughts
just flowers
Jul 2020 · 275
Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.
kier Jul 2020
I climb this hell in the pursuit of perfection
Yet nothing is sufficient to please my lack of self-satisfaction
All senses, all pleasures, my every motivation
Washes away as I push myself further into isolation
i keep feeling empty, worthless, i don't feel like trying
i've just been wanting to cut off people recently
Jul 2020 · 99
thank you for everything
kier Jul 2020
even as I run away
you tell me such kind words

and when I look back
you have said so many kind things
that I cannot forget, that I cannot stop caring

I find it impossible to speak to you
because I know that I can't change anything
I keep wondering if today you'll be alive

why can you say everything right to make me feel better,
but I can't say anything at all to help you
how cruel is this friendship we've entangled ourselves into?
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