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8.3k · Nov 2021
Ram B Nov 2021
ayoko mang sabihin, pero
masakit man isipin, pero
marami akong tanong, pero
di ko maintindihan, pero
bakit ganun
bakit ngayon
bakit di ko man lang
bakit di ka man lang
I am saying goodbye, but why?
3.8k · Feb 2023
One Fine Afternoon
Ram B Feb 2023
It's been an hour
Aboard this car
My hotel is near
Yet the traffic
made it far.
A magnificent sunset
Outside my window
Beautiful hues
Of red, pink, and yellow
The river reflected them
As we passed a bridge
Beauty doubled
As it was received.
3.1k · Jan 2023
Ngayong Pwede Na
Ram B Jan 2023
Ngayong ako’y nakakalabas na
Ngayong ako’y nakakagala na
Ngayong ako’y nakakabalik na
Sa mga gawaing dati’y
Di nagagawa
Bakit may lungkot
Kapag naaalala ka
Sana kasama ka
Sana nandito ka
Nandito ka pa.
#postpandemic #postcovidpandemic #postlockdown #postquarantine #filipino #tagalog #philippines #sad #love #life #death #grief #grieving
3.1k · Jan 2016
Ram B Jan 2016
A tiny pink wildflower
blooms in the field.
Is it you?
2.6k · Nov 2021
Ram B Nov 2021
To be with you
Listen to your stories
Feel your energy
See your face
But are you coming
Or am I dreaming
Whichever it may be
Please allow me
To be
2.0k · Oct 2016
Our Dance
Ram B Oct 2016
The music plays
The piano
The saxophone
You dance
Piano and saxophone
You and motion
This moment
and my emotion
as one.
1.7k · Dec 2015
Ram B Dec 2015
a flame sparks
fuses into lavender
beauty diffuses
smoke, scent,
Freedom, joy, love
earth, wind
but lavender.
1.6k · Feb 2023
Ram B Feb 2023
Nature's vibrant colors
paired with joyful vibes
It is indeed such an honor
To have them in our lives.
The leaves of green
The skies of blue
They are best seen
With a grateful heart of you.
When darkness comes
And colors, we don't see
Know that they're just resting
In the morning, they'll be free.
1.3k · Aug 2023
A Choice
Ram B Aug 2023
Why did I leave late?
Why is the traffic so bad?
How long do I have to wait?
This situation makes me mad.
When I stay calm
And just breathe
When I realized
Being frantic, sad, or mad
Would change nothing, indeed
Knowing that I have a choice
To go through this trip
Peaceful, calm, and composed
Experience change
Although I'm still late for the airport.
1.2k · Jul 2020
Time Spent
Ram B Jul 2020
I am grateful
for the time spent with the family
I am grateful
for the time spent alone
I am grateful
for the time spent with patients
I am grateful
for the time spent with doctors
I am grateful
for the time spent with students
I am grateful
for the time spent with teachers
I am grateful
for the time spent teaching
I am grateful
for the time spent learning
I am grateful
for the time spent
I am grateful
for the time gained.
1.1k · Dec 2015
Not apart
Ram B Dec 2015
Home seems distant
but love is near
you are not here
but your presence I feel
tears fall
but it's not sadness
it's overwhelming love,
and gladness.
939 · Feb 2023
The Flight
Ram B Feb 2023
A flight delayed
Can take a toll
Schedules remade
Like dominoes fall
Yet plan A
Can be overrated
Trust that plan B
Is what we truly needed.
935 · Dec 2015
Ram B Dec 2015
It's open
It's an open heart.
Each one,
each thing,
each moment,
unconditionally accepted.
Pure Love.
927 · Jul 2016
Where is Home
Ram B Jul 2016
I want
to go back
to my comfort zone
I wonder how
when I realize
I am
seven thousand miles
from home.
915 · May 2016
Ram B May 2016
Nobody owns anybody
Nobody owns anything
Yet we are given
Precious moments
to be holders, not owners

So when it's time to let go
When things, people or moments
must flow
Surrender to the Being
For He knows what He's doing

Be free of greed,
just delight
For the beauty
that you held
even for a night.

How much more
for a lifetime
Can't you just see?
The honor of holding it
and the dignity to set it free.
891 · Feb 2023
Ram B Feb 2023
Fasten seat belt while seated.
Life vest under your seat
Put your mask properly fitted
Take off only when you drink or eat

Oxygen masks drop
In case of emergency
Put your vest on
But inflation-free.

Be mindful of the exits
Which could be behind you.
Enjoy the flight.
Just safety reminders for you.
881 · Jun 2016
Come Home
Ram B Jun 2016
We all have that need
to connect with the Divine
We all have that need
to be Home
in time
As to when
is an enigma
To know
is to feel
To feel
be still.
830 · May 2016
A Force
Ram B May 2016
What force
would move you
to wakefulness
at dawn?

What force
would have such power
to keep your consciousness on?

Is it just the mind,
or is it deeper?

You know what
and you know why
So just keep on
and Listen.
824 · Dec 2015
Ram B Dec 2015
But stop!

Feel the warmth
It's there.
It's here.
It's floating.
It's Love.
764 · Jun 2016
Ram B Jun 2016
All the answers
Lie within
All the answers
start within
Just listen
Always listen
Simply listen
757 · May 2016
Ram B May 2016
Express your truth
Express it well
Be free.
Be light.

Your voice
Your very own
Is the voice of God
Untainted by the mind
Just flowing
Never conforming
Trusting and bold
Beauty and free

A voice that people will hear
Unique and one
Yet One.
For that is how we connect
By being one yet One.

The secret to fame and glory
Lies within
Listen, explore, discover
Just there
Always been there
Let it flow
Let it out
Pure and proud.
750 · Nov 2017
Ram B Nov 2017
I grow my hair long
color it brown or green
I am me

I log on, stream
put on my headphones
I am me

I face my phone
with endless YouTubes
I am me

I am happy being alone
I ignore you
I am me

I have a big tummy
I'm lucky
I am me

I have a squint
Doesn't really bother me
I am me

I'm OK
I'm really OK
Trust me

I am me.
I am free.
inspired by my son
738 · Oct 2016
Let It Come
Ram B Oct 2016
You were told many times before
Now they all come as remembering
Thank God for preparing
myself for this feeling
For it is overwhelming

Although I am grateful
That now, there is no suffering

A distinct and separate
yet familiar force
is flowing
And now, it is not consuming
Yet still overwhelming

Thank you for letting me learn
such power in surrendering.
728 · Apr 2016
It is Here
Ram B Apr 2016
Cool breeze gently sway
In the darkness.
Stillness whispers in the spirit of silence.

Love flows.
Rest your eyes.
Calm your mind.

Feel it.
711 · Apr 2016
The Power of the Moment
Ram B Apr 2016
So familiar
and we call it Now
But the energy that's flowing
is strange and overpowering.
Be not afraid
for you are with God.
Come closer and feel the surge
of His Power
So you'll feel comfort
and not fear.
Honor each moment
and truly live it.
I don't even ask for gratitude
but simply experience it

So how is it to be God?
Just be in the Moment
and *just Be.
705 · Jul 2016
Where Do You Hear Me?
Ram B Jul 2016
In silence,
you hear me.
In silence,
walk with me.
Fear not,
to feel.
I am real.
696 · Aug 2016
Ram B Aug 2016
You are a Star.
It is natural.
The Being.
When you see yourself
Then you start from within
The core, the being
ever shining
You used to see the Being
You used to feel the Being
You do things as you know the Being
You are bright even then

Now you are the Being
A Star, ever shining
Brightness piercing
Incredibly unique
Mysteriously unmatched
That even in the Light of other Beings
You are clearly seen
I Am clearly seen.
694 · Apr 2016
Ram B Apr 2016
The misty morning
                           whispers Love.
And my Joyful heart
691 · Dec 2015
Ram B Dec 2015
The power of intent, will, thought.
The minutest beginning
of an idea you conceive
embodies a force
that can debilitate
The Power of Creation
oh, so amazing
Everything completed in a snap,
in a blink, in a flicker
I am a Creator
and I am my creation
We are Creators
and we are our creations.
We are in them
and they are in us.
Diminutive but infinitely vast.
but One.
661 · Dec 2015
It's you
Ram B Dec 2015
You show up as tears
or just a warmth inside
or comfort
but in the end,
I will always find out
it's you.
657 · Jun 2016
Given Wisdom
Ram B Jun 2016
I Am grateful
for the Wisdom
that flows
through me
Thank God
for this honor
that you're
giving me.
648 · Dec 2015
Before Breakfast
Ram B Dec 2015
A lovely sunny day
Out of the window
lined by wood, painted white
Marvelous guest house
filled with mystery, personality
style and history.
I feel good
One quiet morning
A new day begins.
569 · Dec 2015
Ram B Dec 2015
"Let it flow
let it flow
let it flow."

"It is flowing.
It is flowing.
It is flowing."*

A journey.
A language of mystery and splendour.
Two, yet One, but Two.
Realization of Ceation began
but did not end.

Intense Energy surging...
Overwhelming force,

Peaceful but puzzling
Awareness is sustained
yet something greater is overpowering.
Strange yet familiar
Separate but One.
556 · Jan 2017
One with the Light
Ram B Jan 2017
Start from within
Like seeing yourself dancing
Again those words
Be, do, have
It's simply a knowing
When you start from within
Then the brightness of Being
Starts flowing from within
Effortlessly doing
Easily having
Brightly shining

When you start from outside
And do things not in line with the Being
You do things
You simply do things
Yet you aren't shining
They can even block the Light
That Light of Being
For how can it shine through
When they're not one and the same

So see your self dancing
See your self singing
See your self doing
See your self thinking
See your self feeling

Just be
The Being

Now you know
Now it's clear
Thank you
for this moment.
546 · Dec 2015
Where is home
Ram B Dec 2015
Even as I am all set to leave for Berkeley
I am still not sure of how I feel about going
I am grateful for a comfortable
window seat on the exit row
but feels an intense feeling of
being homesick
I haven't arrived Berkeley
but I can't wait to go home.
541 · Feb 2023
Fly and Let Go
Ram B Feb 2023
To ride a plane
Is to let go.
Entrust and rely
On the pilot’s hands
Pray he be guided
By the Mighty One
Boarding this vessel
With several other humans
Who likewise let go
Of control from their hands
Trust and faith
Are what we need
In moments like this
We relax and yield.
539 · Dec 2015
Ram B Dec 2015
Truth is believed, revealed
and experienced.
Experience. Experience. Experience.
Difficult, arduous
but yield, I must.
I beg you to listen...
for to a mortal, it can be lethal.
But I must oblige
to a Great Majesty's declaration.
Move in trance,
there is no other way
for the energy is extreme,
intense and sharp.
So I implore for your ears,
because this is God!
515 · Apr 2018
Ram B Apr 2018
Why are you judged
To be bad
When you feel
So good?
Whose creation are you
And what are you intended for?

Is it only my perception of you
That makes you bad?
Or my judgment
Of myself
To be unworthy
Of your delight?

Are you too good
for this conditional world?
Am I ready for the answer
That comes from within?
or still scared of the truth
that you're beautiful?

Is it freedom
that gives pleasure?
Is it freedom
that brings joy?
or is it just love
after all?
496 · Aug 2018
Do You, Really?
Ram B Aug 2018
Why are there times when I feel
That you don’t really love me?

Why are there times  when I feel
That you don’t really care?

And why do you say that you do?
And then I believe you

Yet these thoughts, frequently
Come to mind, easily

Are these questions valid
Or just baseless fears?

I’m fine when they aren’t there.
I feel bad when they’re here.

I guess I can just choose
Not to have those thoughts

‘Cause they don’t matter anyway
When you’re near, when you’re here.
488 · May 2016
Feel and Express
Ram B May 2016
Express how you feel
or your body suffers
You struggle, you suffer
not because of the fear
that something Great
is flowing
losing your self
But there's comfort
in knowing
that in time you'll learn
to have faith
and fully surrender
no need to struggle
nor suffer

The same suffering
happens in the darkness
of your self
when you don't let
the emotions flow
consuming your strength
damaging your body
dampening your spirit.
487 · Aug 2016
Who Are You?
Ram B Aug 2016
You see your self here
You see your self feel
You see your self think
You are the Observer.
485 · Dec 2015
A plea
Ram B Dec 2015
There's a space
that's empty

In that space
I'm lonely

Reach out to me.
470 · Jul 2016
One and same
Ram B Jul 2016
Regardless of position
and possession
treat people
with kindness
and compassion
they feel
the same.
463 · May 2016
Ram B May 2016
to the voice of Love
in Silence

have Faith*
in what you hear.
447 · Jun 2018
The Dusk
Ram B Jun 2018
The dusk brings
Some mysterious peace
A stillness
Quite deep

Could it be
It's that time
When people head home

Where each one
Is accepted
And loved

As he is
As is.

And that brings
So much peace
To be
As he is.

Yet the sun sets
And bids farewell
Brings some sadness
As well.
443 · Jun 2018
Ram B Jun 2018
The light of awareness
dissolves the ego.
See it when it awakens.
Spot it once it arises.
Then realize
that it's not who you really are.
It's something that you have.
Something that's created
by you and the others.
You can follow it,
yield to it,
then suffer.
Or choose to just observe it.
See it as a part of you.
Accept that you have it.
And choose to stay connected
to the spirit,
the one that's closest
to who you really are.
Then it dissolves
in peace.
434 · Jun 2016
Ram B Jun 2016
Can't you see
that I suffer as well
when I start thinking
rather than being
Yet I know
to yield
to surrender
I must
For this body
that i am on
just holding
not own.
431 · Dec 2015
Angel Voice
Ram B Dec 2015
Soft heavenly music flows through the night
peaceful and calm
spirit sparks with glorious delight
unspeakable words pierce the heart
opens up joy
intense and pure
beautiful soul evokes holiness
slowly, softly declines
but the warmth remains
and the smile sustains.
427 · Aug 2017
Without A Warning
Ram B Aug 2017
My life was well
Gifts flowed freely
There were ups and downs
But things were easy

Work was good
Though sometimes taxing
Took most of my time
From morn till evening

Yet I went through it
Day in and day out
Resigned to the humdrum
Of everyday life

Exhausted and spent
At the end of the day
Comforted by the pay
That I gained

And then you came
Without a warning
A surprise, unpleasant
Plunged in, not knocking

I said, “How could you come
At this perfect time
When career’s at the peak
Now it’s at stake.”

You vanquished everyone
And everything
A big monster you seemed
Meant to destroy my dreams

Then I chose to face you
With courage and faith
With one I needed action
With the other I found strength

With open arms
of total surrender
I was lead and I obeyed
Then things and events
Slowly fell into place

With this new vision
Now I see clearly
Things happen for me
Never against me.

Now I am healed
Now I am free
Surrender to win
That’s how it should be.
425 · May 2016
Ram B May 2016
I am One with the Night
As the Moon smiles.
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