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Everything's wrong
I need to talk to someone but no one is around
Its all coming back worse than before
I can't escape it
Not for a second
I try to sleep but when I close my eyes everything is even more vivid
The blood, the thoughts, the memories
No one to talk to for a couple of days
Nothing's right
477 · Nov 2016
Wandering #6
It blows and claps
limbs begin to crack
It smokes and cries
the water can't be held back

It shakes and groans
the hills implode
You cry and scream
the place which was once your serenity
475 · Oct 2016
Aware Of The Paradox
I am both miserable and content
Explosion of anger and breeze of serenity
A sorrowful ghost and a joyful sprite
Self-loathing and prideful
Loss of all hope and pursuit of impossibilities
An impulsive madman and calculating intellect
Utterly confused and omniscient
Close to death and far Paradise
Enveloped by creativity and planted firmly in reality
Weak and invincible
Failing and succeeding
Anxious and composed
Unmeasurable love and unfathomable hate
Optimistic and suicidal
Everything's gone
Nobody's here
I need help but I am so alone
The screams are so loud inside of my head
And nothing seems to stop them, unlike before
It escalates so quickly
I don't even have time to think
Everyone's absent
Nothing is here
466 · Apr 2017
The 66th Book
i can't explain what happened
the air above blackened
where people fell and flattened
the crunch of bones imagined

i can't describe the sound
when the Son of Satan crowned
the cheers and laughter abound
the noise of protest drowned

i can't describe the sight
when Satan's tribe did smite
the Son of God in white
just as John did write

i can't describe the smell
of those in locked up cells
their heads and arms they fell
refusing to go to hell

i can't describe the taste
of all the human waste
bodies all defaced
none of them were traced

i can't describe the feel
to see the weak kneel
the touch of burning steel
the real Achille's Heel
I can’t be here and I can’t be there
All is an illusion, all is fake
Because there isn’t there, so I can’t go there
And here’s not here because here isn’t here
I can’t be here and I can’t be there
Where might I be?
Here’s the present, there’s the mind
Here’s no here and there’s not there
So I float into the oblivion of the world unknown, the world unseen, the world unheard, the world unfelt
This world’s not this world
I become utterly confused of where I am and where I’m not
Who I am and who I’m not
All logic and all reason is lost by now
This conflict leaves me floating in a blank space
In which I cannot leave until the proof:
That here is here and there is there
And I am now
451 · Feb 2018
i should probably be asleep
its 4 o'clock on a thursday morning
i never went to bed
i suppose, maybe, because i was pouring
this tar all out of my head

splashing and splintering that white, stainless floor
that beautiful, cryptic roar
then subsides with the fire
as i wait to expire

for my memories are fleeting
and there never was a cure
that magical fix i've been seeking
was only a dreamy lure

and i think my brain might've followed
that tar's gentle roar
and my heart, it left me there hollowed
as it lept right out the front door
445 · Jun 2017
Preservation of the Pure
Please trust me when I write:
Of the specter who drove my plight
To a land so far away
Where the seas turn grim and gray

You were the only light
My candle in the night
But my black consumed your day
Leading you astray

So at last, my love, it was all for you
That I did leave at morning dew
For now the day will start anew
Where I don't block your holy view
444 · Jun 2017
Phantom Crown
I was suppose to change
But I never did
I was begged to run
But I stood my ground

For never in my most grisly of dreams
Would I think to let you down
Would I think to turn around
And leave you rotting in this town
444 · Jan 2016
Only Thing Left
The only thing I have left is my sadness
The jagged pieces of myself scattered across the floor
I wish there was something else
I wish I could do something other than fall apart
But it seems I have no choice

Could blame it on my brain
Irony gets me once again
For I try to avoid weakness, cowardliness
But in doing so I make myself just that:
Weak and pitiful to think any different
443 · Jul 2017
It was a Wall I must've built
in one of those days I was not free
and they kept me under lock and key

A Wall so hard and thick
not even a hammer could puncture it
A Wall so high and deep
where it touched the sea beneath
and rose to Everest's Peak

many times I cannot bring myself to see it
or even just to think it:
that one day it might crumble down
and I can see its protected Crown

yet I still avoid it all the time
for it was where I drew the line
on that day so long ago
where all these thoughts were my Foes
439 · Jan 2016
Need to cut
Can't ignore
I'm a nut
On the floor
Mind racing
Fist to wall
Can't stop pacing
Do not stall
Just do the deed
Never to return
Have to succeed
To whom it may concern
How it seems to be at this moment.
439 · Oct 2016
Carmine Liquid
Running heavy down my arm
Dripping off my finger tips
Onto the ground where it pools
As I stand there, weakly
With another man's splattered with my own
438 · Dec 2015
How can one fully comprehend human emotion?
There is no way to detect whether we experience each affection the same
Or, in reality, if we perceive it in the same notion
Some feel more intensely; so they claim

But you can sight those people out of the crowd
The ones whose emotions are so far rooted, so in depth,
that they are filled with pain and are typically not loud
They sit in the shadows observing, all while trying to conserve their mind's breadth
433 · Dec 2016
Whispers of Love
with heavy lids i open my eyes
your gentle hums bring butterflies
i hold you close, bone to bone
together, we are no longer alone
all memories dance in our brains
fascination and obsession pulse through our veins
drifting to sleep, love in my floating heart

your heart beat whispers to which i wake
i smile and turn to see your face
and once again i start to cry
seeing the empty place where you used to lie
432 · Mar 2016
If only I could speak to you
If we were adults I could see you and tell you everything
But we're 16 and in pain
With no one to hold
With no one to save
431 · Jul 2016
Current State, Current Fate
I am alone
I have no point to my life
I mindlessly exist each day
I give no love
I am given no love
I do not eat
I do not drink
I do not cry
I do not laugh
My body always in pain
I can never sleep enough
I filch at the touch of another
I run from speaking with another
I wonder as my mind travels to the abyss
I only think of what could have been
And of a different life
With a different ending than I am heading for
429 · May 2016
One Last Time
I loved her more than she would have ever known
More than I ever should
She was a friend
One I could trust, one that listened, the only one who could've saved me
She was more than a friend
There isn't a word that could ever come close to explaining who she was to me
I could have given her all she gave me and more
But I never whispered the words I always wanted to say to her
I protected her from afar and cared for her and loved her
But she had no clue, how much she meant to me
And I, I could not live without her
But she would not notice living without me
You could say it was all fake
You could say I tricked myself into believing there was something more
I didn't even get to say goodbye
The words I last spoke to her were a lie
And I would take it back a hundred times again
If it meant I could see her face and hear her words one last time
Just once more and my heart would be settled
428 · Oct 2016
Cease To Exist
When the Earth ceased its motion
The volume muted the commotion
It all was pain and suffering until
The day the earth stood still
427 · Dec 2015
This Goddamn Place
I hate this ******* world
With it's ******* people
And their ******* logic

So much pain and suffering
So much despair and anger

When can I escape it all
Even then it would be too late
421 · Dec 2016
what am i?
Never was I destined to reside in this skin suit
My mind birthed from a distance dwelling
And my heart overgrows it's case
I only wear eyes and ears
But no tongue

My nature is to observe and comfort
For I cannot speak or be seen

What am I, but a tortured being
Far past death
But never past pain
418 · Dec 2015
The Eyes
I can never make eye contact

You see the eyes are a portal to the soul 

And seeing someone’s soul can be freighting 

Especially when they don't want you to see it:

The light

The dark
The anger

The happiness 

The sadness

The life

The death

The longing

The emptiness 

The truth

I don't look into people's eyes 

Because their soul screams at me through those small apertures
As a child, and sometimes still now, I used to have a very difficult time looking someone in the eyes when speaking with them, and this is, I believe, the reason why.
418 · Mar 2016
No Escape
Why do they say ‘suicide is never the answer’?
They never give any other solution, do they?
Just a caution to the wind
A guilt trip to the Internet when you look for methods
If someone put a gun in my hand and told me to defend myself
I’d place the gun to my temple and pull the trigger
If someone told me to stay alive for them
I’d place the gun on the table and do as I was told
418 · Sep 2017
playground fun
what happened to the girl in the park
they found her bound and ripped apart
the town erupted then, in the dark
and ran down the old man pushing his cart
someone to blame, no ****** marked:
smiling, dripping crimson
children stood in the park
413 · Dec 2015
For Better or For Worse
It's actually back
It's that pit in my stomach
Lump in my throat
Weight on shoulders kind of feel
And I know what it leads to
I've been down this road too many times not to
There's never a going back from this point
I must ride it to the end
But this will be the last
I will not do this again
This is the last time
For better, but most likely, for worse
413 · Jul 2017
i want you
i want to write but i can't write
i want to draw but i can't draw
i want to make music but i can't do it
i want to leave but its not my choice
i want to laugh
i want to cry
i want to look up to the sky
but most of all i want you
because you fill all my want-to's
412 · Jul 2016
I don't really know how to explain this
To put it in simple terms:
I believe I was born into the wrong family, place, situation, and character

To be elsewhere would save me from whatever destruction I might inflict on myself
To be with people who make you feel whole, who make you feel understood
To be in a place with no past label, a blank slate
To be through different hardships
To be a different person
A better person

Love and to be loved
There will be hardships
But we would have each other
And I would feel love for the first time
The family, the friends, the people of elsewhere
Would fill this void which is my heart
I feel so empty
I feel so alone
But in elsewhere I'd never feel so alive and free and loved and cared for
410 · Mar 2016
Ever Since
There are officially no motivators
I am gone from this world already
Been gone since my mother found me lying on my bathroom floor
Slowly dying, covered in blood and *****
Never woke up that morning
Been gone ever since
In my head
Only thing that exists is this mind and this heart
The world around is fake
I'm not here, never was
407 · Oct 2016
Vengeance of Morbid Howls
Pull out the tongue and then the eyes
Rip off the ears yet hear the cries
Tear the limbs from branch to branch
Just so you know, this is your last chance

To shake your head up and down
Lest this hammer strikes thy crown
And thee shall flee, hell-bound
406 · Dec 2015
When The Monsters Come
It's getting to be too much; my eyes don't moisten anymore,

as I run from the monsters lurking in the floor
Of my beaten heart 

that's been ripped apart

All these voices inside my head 

Are enough to push me off the edge

And as the fiery sun slips over the curve
and rays of golden sunlight grow dimmer; I observe


The deep ocean of the night
Grow with no light

And the shadows come alive

bringing monsters as they dive

Into the window and through the door

Out of their hiding places returning nevermore

As I tremble, and I shake 

because I know I'm in their wake
Once again I dread this time

But I secretly enjoy their company
And that is my crime
406 · Dec 2015
Cord of Prosperity
I discovered this:
One cannot snap the cord between the heart and the mind
without losing their sanity
Because if the heart tries to correct the brain
Then the human will fail
And if the mind tries to correct the heart
The human will fall apart
406 · Nov 2017
Sunken Tales
A feeling so nothing but everything as well
seeps to your heart
then buries your lungs
making you fickle and pale

An emptiness so bare you can't even describe
of rotten smell
and nature's quell
only dust is left behind

A vacant stare
A man-set snare
A jet black mare
Sending you to slaughter
406 · Jan 2016
The Great Ones
Why are the vast majority of poems about love
What, in this emotion, this feeling is so special, so unique
That whenever it is felt in the slightest a beautiful, elegant piece of work is created
To tell you the truth these types of writings I hate
I hate because I envy the happiness of it and even the sorrow without it
I believe them to be sappy fellows without any problems in the world
I presume that those who are in love think these to be the greatest writers
And I think those who write of pain, sorrow, and struggle to be the greatest
But the ones who feel opposite might suspect them to be miserable fellows rambling on and complaining about their sadness

So I guess it depends on your perception and your mood and situation to distinguish the truly talented
The ones to whom you can relate to and fully comprehend
406 · Jul 2016
To My Greatest Of Friends
I must go away now
Leave this town
My life bundled in a town
For as a child I fell in my head's crown

And it has caught up with me
Making me someone I never have dreamt before
Our hearts found each other through these people of the sea
But I have become dark and destructive to the core

You mustn't give time for this wretched soul
Please walk out of my heart's door
For I destroy everything, and I don't wish you to pay this toll
I shan't stay even though I want to , but this mind is as black as coal

I love you, I shall love you past eternity
That is why I mustn't be selfish
I have to escape the pity
Running away from everything everyone shatters my heart like china dish

It's pieces are spread all throughout town and I am left with nothing
Farewell, my friend for I was born elsewhere
I thank you for all the years of laughter and company, all so very touching
I tell you the truth when I say: You are the greatest thing to have entered my life, and in there

You were always the light in all this darkness, and that, my dear, will never change
Your happiness is what is important in this exchange
I love you from a pure and unmeasurable love
This person who cares for you and loves you more than all

Goodbye, Best Friend
403 · Oct 2017
what do you do?
what do you do with a life you don't want
what do you say to the ones you can't have
what do you hear in the wake of the dead,
in the dawn of injustice, to that sunken in head
what do you think when the silence seeps in
when your mind goes awry and mind will not mend
what do you see of the misfortunes given, did you deserve it because of your ungratefulness so long ago
how do you live with the pains of the past, the burdens of blunders, the lies, and the masks
a world full of color but all too blind to see
that this place is dying, and so are you and me
I'd love to know these answers
401 · May 2017
Nothing At All
It was that kind of sadness that made you sick
A disease of disaster developing within
But this was the kind where your stomach feels barren
Choking on everything but the air breathed in

A dry-heaving war between the lungs and the heart
A force of a thousand men tearing you apart
The pressure, within, goes all to your head
Where reason is madness, like the evil man said

But there was no reason, no reason at all
And they ask and you say, "Well, nothing I recall."
There is nothing worse than nothing, nothing at all
For the cure sits beside you but your reach is too small
401 · Feb 2018
these heavy hearts
I know I've said it a hundred times and I know you've heard it even more, but I'm tired. and the funny thing is, i can't even sleep, let alone eat, and i lose all focus despite what all I've seen:

with heavy hearts and heavy minds, we lift our sleepy eyes. towards a sky above all dim and grey festering wounds to our decay. weighted down by the things not seen and thoughts we never spoke. barren land, all sleight of hand damming us to our bones.

but we wish, one day, something will come and cast away these clouds. unshackling to this weight. only then the ground will quake so we may be cast down
Darling, you are an innocent, kind, caring kid
Your soul not tainted with the dark, cruel world
And you have not experienced what horrific things man can do
How long your mind can get lost
I think this is why I cannot bear to leave your side

Because you are my breath of fresh air
My light in the dark
You lead me to hope
And you cause me to have something to live for

But most of all
Being with you when we're laughing and talking
I forget about the pain
Maybe for one second or even an hour
You are the only thing, the only one who shines light in my eyes
Where I can't be in the dark or have any fears
Where my sorrow is burnt up and the world is but the past
My thoughts quiet down and the world is beautiful again
The light warms my face and your laughter sings in the night
As a smile curves on my face and air is almost bursting from my lungs

When I'm with you the pain disappears
Love fills my heart which bursts out to you
As you illuminate my cruel, hating world
I see the world
I see the people
Through those glasses of your's
And I think maybe, just maybe happiness might not be extinct after all
393 · Apr 2017
**** the slaves
Face the master
**** him too
And face disaster

Escape the hounds
But not the pastor
Who hung your mom
Up in the rafters

Safety ahead
Run ever faster
They think they've won
Hear their laughter

But there is a secret
Where the pale trees gather:
For it is the place
Where all humans shatter
392 · Apr 2018
What Happened To You?
what happened to you?
that you were so afraid of messing up
these words mean nothing
and being thrown to the dust
because all these gifts and memories take nothing to the test
hyper visions of misery heightened, the wise are unknown
curses and shadows brew 'round their heads
or stars and spaceships from the planet of the undead

what happedned to you that you felt so empty yet so mad and angry?
a raging fire of something unseen, something unknown
far from your reach
they say expeirence and memories shape who we are
but i cant recall a gooddamn thing that made us who we are

what happedned that you could take that bullet to the head placing that gun inside of their hand?
a trigger, a flash, a ringing sound about
yet nothing splatters at the wall because we know once and for all
that what happened to you happened to me and no matter how much you think it might be
our names will never be graved in that stone
for one
one can only
a l o n e
Honestly just a ramble of prose...
Her hands are soft, but always cold
They are graceful and have a purpose with every move
When she speaks, her words are blunt and powerful
But every now and then her voice wavers
Filled with empathy, sadness, and fear
As she understands the pain and suffering
She tries to contain these actions to her emotions
But she's human too
388 · Jul 2016
The Glass of Truth
I mean, you look at yourself
What do you see?
I'm studying the carcass in front of me
Who had died last year
It's eyes were black sockets where they used to shine bright
For the light had left them long ago

A shrunken, loose leather hung from the bones
The brain bled
The heart ripped
A permanent smile
The fingers curled at the end
That's what stood across in the mirror, the truth

This room filled with the aroma of death
And anger, sadness, and fear
I can't help but wonder if the reflection was what my future was supposed to be
Or that is how I truly looked on the inside

What about you?
What do you see?
386 · Oct 2016
They All Die In The End
Revenge is such a grueling game
Hatred, darkness, and sorrow, such passionate pain
It will turn you into something you're not
Seeking vengeance is something taught
And once this pursuit is at it's end
The result is death whether you lay or you stand
385 · Jul 2016
What Is This Word?
I wonder if there is a word in the English dictionary that can describe this:
The want, the need for human contact driven by love
But the love is not obligated, as a parent or a sibling that love is dismissive
No, I long for a love that is not required, it's what I write of:

Just a touch, a shoulder to lean on, and arms that welcome the embrace
These people do it in love, because of who you are to them
And how you've touched their hearts, to know that you are no disgrace
For once, to be held by people who love you, to all the rest, I am numb
385 · Jan 2017
Whispers in the Leaves
And I loved you

Not for your hair, face, body, or talent
Nor for the mask you wore for the sinful world's malice
But because you were you and I was me
And the sun it shone so beautifully

Through the trees, on the flowers
We lie together through the hours
Whispering secrets, dreams, thoughts, and sadness
I would stay here if it drove me to madness

I'm sorry I left
But please don't go deaf
For I whisper though those trees:
"I will always be with thee"
382 · Jul 2016
The Mare's Fright
It's the memories that unsettle me
They are the ones who keep me awake at night
And wake me in a cold sweat
I just want them to go away

But everyday I am reminded of how weak I truly am
How little future I really have
And how deep my mind really goes
The things I have thought of
The things I have done
They are seared into my memory
With red hot flames and iron
A permanent abrasion in my timeline

That is why I don't sleep at night
My decisions in the day, my thoughts in the day
Haunt me throughout the night
In forms of nightmares

Because that is all my life is
A nightmare
382 · Nov 2016
I do not know
This monster across from me
It is hateful but suffering
Arrogant yet hopeless
Livid yet cold
Blood-thristy but exhausted
And when it frightened me, even a little
It would laugh hysterically at my fear and sorrow
380 · Dec 2015
Contradictions of Faith
Sometimes I find myself staring up at the sky 

When the sun is crawling behind the curve of the earth

And I wonder how anybody could ever believe there isn't a God

But then when I am huddled in a corner 

Crying until I cannot breath anymore, feeling so alone

I wonder where is my God
379 · Mar 2016
On This Earth
What if you have no point on this earth?
What if you don't belong on this earth?
What if you're not imperative to anyone on this earth?
What if you are just existing on this earth?
What if, for you, there is no happiness on this earth?

You just shouldn't be here
You should be somewhere else

Where you have a purpose
Where you fit
Where you are loved and needed
Where you can live
Where you feel happiness for once in so long
378 · Dec 2016
Wander #7
For the forests that have less brush
The fog around these rush
Giving all dwellers its shadows
So they can come close and not be exposed
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