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370 · Mar 2016
The Wholey Ones
Isn’t it utterly excruciating when you don’t want to be alone, but you have no choice?
No choice because no one will ever keep you company
And even those who try cannot suffice that whole in your heart

And that whole just keeps getting wider and wider the older you get
Until this heart hangs by one thread
Tearing, two parts
falling to the ground and shattering apart
Yea, we already past that point aren’t we?
368 · Jul 2016
Have You Seen My Mind?
I am afraid that I have lost my mind
Have you seen it?
A couple years ago it decided to find my kind
So I would not be alone, but it's been some time and heart is not lit

My mind, it should only be gone a short while
Do you suppose it found my people?
The ones who are to be with me, or is that a foolish dream of a child
My brain might've fled from my life, which, is nothing more than a deep hole

Has it rushed past here? My mind
Surely it is not gone forever
Am I to be insane, completely mad, and of this kind?
Right, it found no soul who would want to be with me, not one, not ever
362 · Mar 2017
empty essence
its that feeling of lightening
crackling through your veins

a sense of urgency and restlessness
gritting teeth, jaw clamped shut

trying to stifle a scream, deep within
muscles flex, knuckles turn white

head in hands and hair in fingers
verging a threat to the roots clung tight

"you can't change or progress"
"locked away in the corners of your mind"
"no happiness or sadness"

stagnate and still
while rotting away
360 · Jan 2016
I Write To...
I write to keep myself afloat with insanity so near
To let my anger out and with it, my fear
To keep my words from becoming actions
And to add to my list of distractions
Sadness and loneliness accompany all
To comprise a deep, thoughtful poem that speaks of my fall
As my heart spills out on this paper
I sit up to find my ideas turning to vapor
Yet, inevitably, they will become the present
Therefore my soul will no longer be in constant torment
360 · Oct 2016
Wandering #2
climbing to mountain high
the world around transforms
where secrets of beauty lie
and spirits of trouble cast storms
souls who see by the eye
the truth, which evil deforms
the ones too young to die
they escape the blinded world's swarms
from which they were always alone and too shy
for the thought of the mountain warms:

Tonight twill be thy battle-cry
for this ghost's heart never conforms
away to the mountain we fly
the world below having no form
and the sufferer breathes thy last breath with a sigh
the world above then transforms
359 · Oct 2016
Wandering #3
running through oceans of green
above the heavens are blue and clean
below the water sprints fast
the giants around, what shadows they cast!

over the edge of the world you lean
to behold such a breath-taking scene
all darkness and pain will pass
though all of this will not last
for the hearts of humans are glassed
You have no idea how you look when your eyes light up with passion
Or when you come to me, confused about life
While you nervously laugh and squirm as if your skin wasn't yours
I have seen you when you were sad
I have seen you when you were angry
I have seen you with a mask
And I have seen you as you

Seeing you in whole I finally accept
That I love you more than I thought
All of it: The good, the bad, and the fear
359 · Jul 2016
This House
My heart is wide-open to everyone but no one ever walks in
No one ever wants to walk into such a broken and depressing place
No light shines in
The dust, it collects
The roof has caved in
And living things have come in only to die the ugliest death

There are no inhabitants,
Of course,
Were there ever?

There is nothing important in this ice cold house
Everything dead, dark, and dying
No light will ever shine through
No hope will ever enter

And some day the wind of the world and its people will blow
And with it a spark sets the house aflame
They laugh and dance as they watch
This dilapidated, ugly house be eaten
From the inside, out
Just as it had rot
Something was let inside
By accident
But the house payed the price
Its a feeling of loss? But what did I  lose
A mere thought?
Because theres nothing wrong
but something should be?

Im missing something Knowledge? Understanding?
the 'why'
it all just feels wrong
the way i feel is wrong but not necessarily bad its just not me
im ashell of a person
my emotions are so limited and when if i shed tears it is...
why do I cry
i havent lost anything or anyone yet I feel hollow
or is it loneliness
in my thoughts, my feelings?
theres no passion

no pain
358 · May 2016
LM's Unknown Love
The eyes that rest upon her face are ice-cold oceans with sparkling night skies
Once contact is made it is hard not to throw your gaze to the floor
But, if you peer long into her eyes, it is impossible to break the contact
It is a hypnosis of the mind, drawing you into her words
The curiosity, the wanting to help, and the desire to fix a broken, hopeless, suffering being
Thats soul has darkened at the hands of this horrible world
The world sees a dead carcass stumbling on its own mistakes
But she sees you and your potential and your worth to this miserable world
352 · Mar 2018
The Cycle
And here i sit again,
in my cluttered, darkening room
clean clothes hang off my bed,
falling rather soon

it hasn't been cleant in months now
as I live out of a bag
that hasnt been set out since
I went back to live at my dad's

and I look at a list that's longer than a symphany
of things I have to do
at an assignment I haven't yet started
that tomorrow it is due

I sit in a chair that's hardly comfy,
and sink down to the floor
in an attempt to get myself going,
to think, which i abhor

but i then drift back to the carpet,
staring at a blank poem document
wanting such valued words to flow
but i just run into hard cement

and just as the days go by
through school, appointments, and houses,
nothing changes with my mood
and clear thoughts become ever clouded

so i stay up until the sun starts to rise
and get ready for school
and less than three hours later
I'm back to the rules

And, i tell myslef each morning,
just as i did at night
that i need to stop doing these things
just need to turn off the light

then my jaw clenches so tightly
that I'm afraid my teeth may split
and my stomach feels so knotted
caused from something deep within
and they tell me to just keep waiting
'til things go from thick to thin,
but, I tell you, they just don't get it,
this is nothing that transmits
351 · Apr 2018
Unsettling Places
i sit and shut my eyes
even for a moment
a blink or flutter
and i think i'm somewhere else
a lapse of time, a micro dream
i'm in a different place
i can't correctly describe it
but the way i feel is clear

its quiet, it isn't calming but its not threatening
its always dark and always a room of some sort
whether it be a bedroom or a classroom or my car
everything is still, dark, there's no temperature or wind
but i'm not numb either
and a door's always open, or a window
but everything is the same, a dark charcoal color with a tinge of blackened blue

it lasts for a micro of a micro second and i only can describe it because of how many times ive seen it

but then i become frightened because of how confused i feel
like there is something not quite right about the things which i see
then my brain wakes up and the light is seeps back in with a foreign sight before me
of a book, the wheel, a screen, a wall, or someone talking
and it all comes flooding back, at least some of it
but i still cant shake what happened and the panic that was felt
that brief moment where you belong nowhere and questionably may exist
because it feels so real in the moment as if ive teleported there

it doesnt help
not one bit
347 · Sep 2017
There's a wall
A tall, thick, high brick wall
It's not in the streets or around the bend
It's in my mind and I can't break in

I try to think of deeper things
But the safety mechanism isn't in my range
It rebounds all thoughts, worries, and dreads
And then, somehow, it expels them from my head

You would think this a gift,
a God-given talent
Instead, it lets in
man's bitter, vengeful malice
"My body tells me no
But I won't quit 'cause I want more
'Cause I want more

Oh, it's my road, it's my road, it's my road
Oh, 'cause I want more, I want more, want more
Her eyes are open
Her eyes are open"
Lyrics from "My Body" by Young the Giant .
I have this mind set that I cannot rid myself of and I know I am doomed  if I don't ask for help, but the truth is, I don't want help, I want the inevitable to happen now because it's better earlier than late.
To find oneself is positive in society
But when I searched myself
I went too deep
And all I saw was darkness

Horrific and hellish
The internal warfare within
Created a hatred for the evil
And the people in this wretched world

To understand a monster
Are you not one yourself?
So I tortured with hate
The creature inside

A wish for its extinction
With no one to know
Until it was too late
The night of its death
344 · Apr 2017
What A Vicious Cycle
And I have never been so depressed
As when my hope is not oppressed
Floating in the sky
Too **** high

The Magician comes packed
As torment sparks at contact
Unaware where my feet are at
I didn't mean to do that
I never mean to do this
341 · Sep 2017
I am from whimpering Willows
From hidden fields and the dark moonlight
I am in the words dripping like the dew of grass
(Glistening, bright in the morning sun)
I am from the veins of the creeks
The haunted shack
Which held foaming dogs
And kindly ghosts from the past.

I am from bleached walls and late night visits, the impatient inpatient
From those crème colored walls where Horae’s heart was my only solace
I am from the scream-filled rooms and the silent nights
From six feet under to lost in the clouds
I’m from the Father of None whose heart I knew so little about
And the chimeras that danced in the nighttime to a darkly song

I’m from slashed papers written in crimson
And the soft light of dawn
From the life, my grandfather stole
to the body in her casket, cold
Under my bed lay Eros, daunting, but just, all the same
And I kept my weapon upon my desk
armed with thoughts twirling through my anxious, little head

I am from the locked doors without keys
And from false loves and false visions
The delusions of the mind and of the heart
I am from the green shining jewels of Hope
From a childhood cut too short
And an adulthood which came too fast

Born to name which was not my own
A life I would never live
From the bright white buildings
A dry throat, blackened vision, a blackened eye and a bleeding heart
In this world, I exist
And in The Separate, I used to live
But all these sleep filled nights have made me sleepless
The fuzzy grains of static fill my ears, my mouth, and my eyes
I do not know what to do anymore
I'm just existing in my life, not living it
What will happen to me if I keep doing this?
If I keep on this track, tomorrow will be two years passed

I have no chance
Of redeeming myself
So why even try
Why not just sink into the oblivion I am all too familiar with?

Into the abyss that is my mind
Slowly drifting further away from reality
And with it, hope
Then, once I sail off from this world mentally
I can physically

It is all a matter of time
339 · Nov 2015
Impossible Peace
You see all I am focused on now is destroying that thing in my life that is destroying me

Smash its head in and break its hands
Beat its brain until it can't stand

To burn, to make it break and bleed
To deprive it of food, water, and sleep

Destroy what destroys you

Too bad that thing is me
339 · Jul 2016
Emptiness of Exhaustion
I am just extremely tired
Just tired

So please understand why I don't get out of bed
Why I never leave my room
Or I never smile back
Or if I get lost in my thoughts when you speak
I am just tired

I could sleep a thousand nights
And I would be even more exhausted
Because sleep will never cure this kind of tired
For I have already been lost within the maze which is my mind
And there is never a return from that
Trust me, I've been tiredly searching through my head for years
Which is why I am tired

I have been searching for reasons for humans actions
And their thoughts and feelings
How the world could be such a cruel place
But still house the most beautiful of things
Searching for meanings
To dreams, books, art, and my own ideas
Looking for something
Looking for anything
That might bring me to the truth
Which I do not even know
So that is why I am exhausted
That is why sleep will do nothing for me
Because as long as my heart beats and my brain functions
I will always be thinking, searching, creating
Too many thoughts, facts, dreams, people, and the world's memories

I will always feel fatigued
Just tired
it's anger
a burning wave of fury
spreading like wildfire through my blood
the sheer stupidity and irrationality of people these days
the hypocritical religious
the self-justifiers
decency is no more
and i would never say it aloud
but these people's self-absorbed *******
is justifying my reasons
to see their heads split
333 · Jul 2017
and when the storm is over
retreating back into the recesses of my mind
and though the rain and wind and fog are gone
the loud bursting of the flashing lights

some clouds still loom in the sky
and the sun doesn't look like it use to shine
and I am tired and battered but 'I am fine'
and here, I have stood, for some time

where the wind is no more and no sound rings about
and though I thought so many times before
that anything was better than that storm
I sometimes long for when I knew myself best
in a rugged, torn state
where I felt with such passion
and thought with such vigor

yet here I still stand
in a limbo of mind
with a cavern in my heart
and the world's ******* rising to my eyes
332 · Nov 2015
Understood You
And all like water flowing from a fountain were the words I spoke to You
Not stately nor eloquent, but blunt and plain,
Why are my 'yous' always a blank space, a random face,
Still I speak to whoever 'You' are because You are my only company
And I would be lost, a lunatic contracted in my own mind if not for You
I am ever so confused on this matter pertaining to You
Because I am you,
And You, I
329 · Jul 2016
Eaten Alive
The anger, it still festers deep within your soul
It helps you from not falling apart
Allows you to feel like you could change something about a situation or a person
That you really have no control over

For awhile fury allows us life
Not a fulfilling one
But enough of a life to function
To be "okay"

In reality, that anger is destroying you from the inside, out
It gnaws away an hope
Tiring your bones everyday for holding it in
Pushing it down
Assuming you will someday get relief from it all

And if you have convinced yourself of this lie
My dear, you'll be eaten alive
328 · Oct 2017
the few stand alone
it was a long 2 hours of the homecoming dance
the sweaty bodies bobbing up and down
the yelling and singing ringing my ears

with the girls showing more and more skin throughout the night
begging for attention wherever they can find it
with whoever will give it to them
losing all dignity, drunk on ecstasy

where the boys sneak hits under the chaos
just to throw it on the concrete as they make their way to the car
to get behind the wheel or on top of a girl

while the rejects go outside
and the couples find a space
with the teachers watching on
with mind of safety, curiosity, or perversity

the pounding of the music sending shocks through my body
all i do is look on
to the things that most disgust me
to what I will not become

and i see this pattern that goes round and round
a dying world, a failing world
filled with the weak and void of the strong
i stare on in silence with the few by my side
watching humanity slip further from this dance
just some observations
326 · Dec 2015
(Night and Day)
Living lives two places wears my soul to thin.
325 · Jan 2018
What happens at 1:11 in the lateness of the night,
in the brew of early dew

All thoughts fall silent, almost peaceful now
And the bitterness of the day has come and passed

You only sit and listen to these whispers of the night,
And dream of dreams without ever turning off the light
For the darkness holds the living, not the dead,
And wouldn't you want to be here instead?
324 · Nov 2016
Fleeing #2
As the world went dark
Cries echo from a lonely heart
321 · Mar 2018
someone please put me down
I want so badly to be put to sleep
just until the end of spring
when school is done with
and decisions are gone
and maybe, just then, i could move along,
for so many worries beat down on my head
and emotions run rampant, to their greatest extent
my body is stressed and nothing comes out
i can't even **** much less calm down...

all i want is peace ...
something quiet and calming...
some comfort
that i fear feels quite embalming

yet every breath I take and every sound i make
somehow burns me at the stake
from anger, yet much more,
a type of bitter vengeance which i abhor
On Life?
Nay, on self.
This frustration damning me to hell
I want to go to sleep
Or somewhere in between

but knowing my luck
it'd follow me to my dreams
... I don't know how to do it...
319 · Dec 2016
Memories of the Happy Souls
I have always been amazed
At the people who turn their heads away from the dead

I feel like its dishonoring
Just as the Father turned His head from His Son

And this is why so many people get broken
By not looking at their loved ones
They don't accept the truth

Holding onto an unreal version of what could've been
Which breaks the heart everytime the veil of fantasy slips away
When the memories are far more happy and true
319 · Jan 2016
No More, No More
I can't go on
It's as simple as that
There's no way I'll make it out this time
The only control I have in my life is my life
And I'm not strong enough or talented enough to do anything special
So I plot my own death and see if I can get away with it
Trying to prove to myself that I'm at least strong enough to put myself out of this misery
314 · Oct 2017
Wisdom of King Solomon
I drown myself in death, horror, gore, and dread
To keep all these noises from inside my head
I watch people die, suffer, and ****
Only to see that others have more ill-will

I fear only silence for my head starts anew
With theories and scandals to change my views
I fear this power, so I must try to run
Avoidance is survival, all meaningless under the sun
313 · Dec 2016
The moment a child loses its innocence
Is the day the spirit starts to die
The day we entered this world
Was that not when we started to cry?
For the spirit knows when it is cast to this earth
The place between heaven and hell
Life is an experience and time is dependent
For once a child loses its innocence
Is the day before they cry
313 · Nov 2015
I can see what's coming
For God sakes I planned it all:

No more purging
No more cutting
No more burning
No more inhaling
No more smoking
No more starving
No more head-banging
Or wall-punching
No more sleepless nights
No more
No more
No more

Yet that is all there is
Is more
And more
And more

More scars
More bruises
More burns
More blood
More tears
More anger
More pain

That's all there is is pain
From sunrise to sunset
From sunset to sunrise
All is not the same
Yet in and of the same

That's all I am
Is lost

To God
To the world
And to myself
312 · Dec 2015
Everyone else lays unconsciously in there bed
Peaceful or fearful all the same
While you sit in the floor staring at the walls and the ceiling
Wondering about everything and everyone and every every
3 o'clock in the morning is for those of us who need more time
Time to think
Time to take a break from reality
We live more life this way, intending to or not
And maybe that is why we die young
Maybe that is why we seem so much wiser than our age
But somehow it makes us the most alone people in the human race
Nobody to speak with but yourself
Nobody to console in but yourself
So we sit
And we sit
And we sit
And dreaming a life away while you exist in your own at sunrise
312 · Dec 2016
Fear All Good
As I held out my hand to the glimmering blue
The light absorbed my skin, with a glowing hue
Drifting, where once, darkness was all I knew
Peace of mind, which I could never look to

But the light cast me down, away I flew
Once again I was the Shadow's to subdue
No flicker in my eyes, mind withdrew
I am their's again, for the light was untrue
Then all hell's demons begin to ensue
Remember that Satan is beautiful too
What if our dreams are memories
That we wanted to forget

What if we forgot
So that everyone could forget

We forget not suffer,
But in suffering we forget

The wretched scenes, these morbid means
Are just, but what, these darkly dreams?

But those who see the cryptic key
Unlock the oblique, sadistic spree

Do you remember the first time your heart did freeze?
The first time your body and mind at ease?
Darkness comes before the Beast of Hell
It floats in the blackened crimson cell
From its presence, began tortured, chilling screams
from each and every child beams
Their innocence and their joy
The beast now begins to destroy
Murderous affliction
Without any restriction
Their lack of guidance
Allowed manipulation by the tyrant
307 · Mar 2016
We Are One
The demons in my head never seem to rest
All I do is feed them because it’s the only way I know how to keep breathing
They became me there is no doubt in my mind that I am them
And they are me
Why I cast myself into torture for such ignorant reasons, I do not know
Maybe it is to feel something, anything other than the numb effect of a sedating medicine

Why I am my own worst enemy, I do not know
Maybe because I see the truth when I look in the mirror everyday

Why I fail at everything I try to accomplish, I do not know
Maybe because I am weak just as I was told

Why I constantly yearn to be alone, I do not know
Maybe it is because it is a predestination for all years ahead
299 · Nov 2016
Wandering #5
I stand in this field
with tall waves of grass
And I breathe in nature's aroma
peace at last
298 · Jan 2016
The Last Night
I feel calm
I know the plan
And I know I can’t stop myself
And neither could anybody else
I am content with what I am about to do
Today was the last sunset I will see
And, my did God make it a brilliant one
I am at ease
Just ready to go home
The welcome of taking in the one that accidently went on this earth
I will go home
I will finally be home
Rid of all the pain, the sorrow, the loneliness, the hopelessness,
The helplessness, the brain in my head, the heart in my chest
I will only take my soul
And I’ll tell you the truth:
I will be the happiest I have ever been
That is how it is isn't it?
People tell the whole world their secrets, the whole world except those few that could actually save them
292 · Oct 2017
if only i wasn't a quitter
I never really told the truth
The truth of that stainful night
When the clock struck two,
and, I, overdue,
Slipped right through the light

To darkness, I laid bound
And in life, they still surround
These faintly solid figures
That only my mind configures
I wish I could be rid them

So, I always go back to that day
When I watched my brain be splayed
And I wonder what I could have done
If, instead, I used a gun
Hauntings for All Hallows' Eve
289 · Nov 2016
Fleeing #1
To the darkness I go
To rest my soul
And see no light
No end in sight
288 · Oct 2016
Former Life
For this day
I cannot say
If I was sad
Or I was glad
I had anger
And I was a stranger
To my former self
I lost myself
Who am I?
But a monster in your eye
285 · Jan 2016
The Final Spiral
I'm so at peace with what is about to happen that I might actually feel joy
Such strange emotions are brought about when the end is near
A sense of serenity even though things are about to get hectic
But it will all be over soon
285 · Dec 2016
True Loss
To know a child
Its laughter and love
To cling to it tightly
As if it were a dove
The feeling is joy
Peace, smiling, and hugs
But forced from it's life
Time erases as drugs
The story behind this is of a little boy who used to be in my life who I cared for and loved very much. But, life pushed me away from him, and when I came back he looked at me as a stranger. What pain is caused in a blank stare.
283 · Oct 2016
Isle of the Blessed
The world is dim
With these tattered limbs
And burned throat
Eyes, where tears coat
There is no sun
All life's light is done
This barren land
It lays at hand
In front of I
Elysium Field, open skies
281 · Dec 2015
I don't even know anymore.
I stopped taking the medicine because I want to return back to a place where I have the ability to take my life
Because even when I'm "doing fine"
I still would rather be dead
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