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5.0k · Aug 2020
Untitled Depression
Carolina Aug 2020
Depression isn’t always crying
Depression isn’t always suicidal tendencies
Depression isn’t always sad music
Depression isn’t always black clothes
Depression isn’t always sleeping
Depression isn’t always over eating

Depression is sometimes built up laundry
Depression is sometimes fake smiles
Depression is sometimes forced laughter
Depression is sometimes ***** dishes
Depression is sometimes that little extra make
Depression is sometimes the little black dress
Depression is sometimes an overflowing trash can

Depression is sometimes in places you’d never guess it to be.
1.8k · Jan 2019
Carolina Jan 2019
You are not alone.
     Or are you?

You shouldnt be.
      This is suppose to be a partnership.

But I am so alone.
     But I am so lonely.
1.5k · Sep 2015
7 Things I Miss About You
Carolina Sep 2015
I miss the way you use to look at me
     with those beautiful green eyes
the way you use to hold my hand
      while we wents for drives.
I miss the way you use to kiss my lips
      the feel of yours pressing against mine.
I miss you laugh
      and that amazing smile.
I miss your body
     and the warmth of it pressed against mine
I miss my head resting on your chest
     listening to your heart beat.
I miss your company
     and the way you called my baby girl
1.4k · Dec 2016
Christmas Wish
Carolina Dec 2016
The snow drifts from the roof tops,
Lights shine in the brisk evening.
Cheer is spread,
Joy follows behind the winter winds.

Letters are sent North to Saint Nick,
Children dream of what might come in the early morn,
Prayers are shared around the dinner table.
Memories are created to be never forgotten.
Stories being shared with those you love.

Tears fall upon my pillow,
While bellows of laughter echo,
From the other side of the bedroom door.
Life seems to be coming to a stop.

My only Christmas wish is to be by your side,
Surrounded by the most welcoming family,
The warmest love,
The family I always hoped to be apart of...
Yet it still isnt feeling like Christmas.

The joy, cheer and laughter being stolen away,
The pain hiding behind a fake smile..
The words echo "it could be worse."
If its true I dont want to know what it is.

My only prayer is that I wake up by your exciting yells.
All my letters to dear Saint Nick saying one thing.
"Please bring him home."
All go unanswered.

My only Christmas wish is to hear you say,
"Im home Mommy."
Hold you in my arms as we see what Santa has blessed you with.
1.2k · Jul 2015
Other Side
Carolina Jul 2015
I have found the trail that will lead me back to you,
The further I walk, the more hopeful I become.
The heartache I feel to find an end
To realize that it will never fully lead to the gates of your new home.
That I will have to continue,
Searching for that way to be with you.
Once again I'm left to miss you.
I thought I had found the path
To the other side.
1.0k · Feb 2016
Carolina Feb 2016
She finally did it
She had the nerve
It came as easy as 1,2,3
For you and me.

This was her breaking point
Her time to fly high
End all this pain inside
to just call it her end.

In her manic state
Impulse hit her
She wraps the rope
Around her neck

She pulls it tight
Her tears fall
Her breathing becomes
Shallow and painful
The room starts grow dark.

Time passes
uncertainty as to how long.
What is going on?
Am I still alive?
Why is it so cold?

I'm numb.
I cant feel anything.
No pain.
No love.

After all this searching
For what is missing
I have finally found it!
I've never felt better!

I start to see a light again
and breathing becomes even more painful
and the pain starts to come back..

I'm happy here!
I fight, I resist
I don't want to go back
I cry - more pain
I feel - more heartbreaking tears
I remember - more terrifying memories
The world growing heavier upon my shoulders again.

I'm back..
What I once thought for a brief minute or two was my new safe place, Inner-peace pain free zone was only an attempt.

Now the question that circles is
WHY did you save me?

Right before Christmas (2015) the stress built up and I "tried" to **** myself. Though i did succeed for a brief moment and it was an attempt cause my s.o. found me and brought me back to life. though i am still sitting here question why and wondering what my purpose is. Ive had a tad bit of writers block but i want to get this story out there too so this is all i can get hopefully at a later date there can be a better poem.

If anyone is struggling with depression and ever is stopping to this level I am here to talk and I encourage it all I needed that night was someone to talk to and no one was there for me prior to the moment.
945 · Apr 2019
Dancing Pleasures
Carolina Apr 2019
You make my Fingertips smile.
dancing across the softness of your body.
every dip and every curve.

you make my hair stand with the brush of your lips
the tender whispers of Lust.

Temptations of want,
screaming for the need.
legs shake.
breathing heavy.
heart racing.

Drips of wetness.  Moans of pleasure. gasps for air.

I fingertips dance
over each other’s lips down our collarbones

Lips graze each other’s *******.
Tongues surf hip bones.  
Mouth pecks the inside of thighs.

Hands roam to your arched back.
Your nails glide up mine.
Moans of pleasure release once more.

You make my fingertips dance
My fingertips smile.
Our fingertips search and roam waiting to be wrapped together like Twine.
922 · Jul 2015
To late
Carolina Jul 2015
you found her
lost and insecure
her pale skin shimmering
just laying there

just a moment to late
whyd you have to wait
to find her
the clock just stopped
the tears just dried

you dont know why
you cant keep your eyes off her
you dont know where to go from here
cause it was you and her
for always and after
but just a moment to late
why did you have to wait

everything she did was beautiful
every smile glowed
every laugh warmed your soul
everything about her was perfection

whyd you have to wait
you were a moment to late
you cant keep your eyes off of her

you cant move
scared to miss the lies
hoping this is a dream
hoping to break the ties

whyd you have to wait
you were here a moment to late
starring at her body
laying on the floor
full of sorrow
why did you not listen for the screams
how could you not hear the sobs

nothings forever
except when you look at her
you cant take your eyes off her
you know once you do
it will be the last time you see her.

Just then does the pain take over.
As you fall to your knees.
842 · Jul 2016
Carolina Jul 2016
Today I woke up.
That's great right?
Then why do I feel like it was a mistake?
Today I didn't even want to get out of bed.
My 3 year old yelling at me for food,
all I could do was cry.
I woke up wanting to die.
I woke up hurting inside.
I woke up with tears in my eyes.
Today I slipped.
Its been four years
since the last time the blade sliced my skin
as easy as 1,2,3.
And today I threw it all away.
For what?
833 · Jan 2019
Sleep My Dove
Carolina Jan 2019
As you sleep peacefully next to me
I silently hold in the tears
I lightly shake my foot
And my heart painfully breaks.

To be so lonely
When only inches away
You lay.

As our souls die
In the bed we lie
Our hearts break
And no longer we can take.

Our paths separate
Our love fades
Though it didn’t last long
The pain will linger for decades

You are my first true
I thought you were the one
But now I must let you fly
Like the Dove
You are my love.

Until we meet once more.
Carolina Jul 2017
How do I mend a broken heart?
My entire world has fallen apart.
How do I find hope in a brand new day,
when the one I love has gone away?
My mind overflows with memories of you,
of all that we've shared, all that we knew.
I long for your touch and your warm embrace,
the look in your eyes, the smile on your face.
My dreams are filled with your soft gentle kiss,
I wake and cry for all that I miss.
How do I mend a broken heart,
when my one true love and I are apart?
My heart knows to love only you, it won't let go, what do I do?
Our moments together were precious and few,
but I cherished them all more than you knew.
I love you, my angel, and always will.
I loved you then and I love you still.
800 · Jul 2015
Carolina Jul 2015
I need to
I want to
I burn for the feeling
I cry to fill this void.
This hole.
The emptiness.
Where emptiness once was a heart.
To feel the steel
In my veins
to smell the rust
flow through my blood.
to watch a river of darkness.
fall to my feet
to only watch the darkness creep
following down the lighted tunnel
to step further and further away
once foot at a time
one breath less
to make this last
hear those cries
hear the screams
see the tears
feel the pain
just to feel that steel slice
just to watch the blood fall
to see my skin stain
to end all this pain
just take my misery away.
776 · Sep 2015
Like Like No Other
Carolina Sep 2015
My love for you is surreal
My heart aches at the thought of a future without you
My mind races
My pulse quickens
My blood boils
At the simple thought of your lips brushing mine
The touch of your skin brushing mine
The sound of your heart beat quickening
The look in your eyes
Make my heart melt
"Some people are worth melting for"
&& Baby you are the one person I melt for
Every minute
Every second
To look at you
Think about you
Hear your voice
Every little thing I do
Revolves around you
Every little thing you do
Drives me crazy.

I wouldnt have it any other way
I guess what I am trying to say is
751 · Jul 2015
Carolina Jul 2015
You can look into her eyes and see the sky
You can look into her eyes and see yourself
Look beyond her eyes and you can see her soul
Look beyond her eyes and see her heart
Look through her eyes and see her pain
Look through her eyes and see her Joy
You can watch her story just by looking into her eyes
736 · Jul 2017
Carolina Jul 2017
You make me laugh,
When I want to cry.

You make me live,
When I want to die.

You make me smile,
When I want to frown.

You turn my world upside down,
With every kiss we share.

You believe in me,
When no one else does

When you call my name,
I begin to blush.

When I'm with you,
Time seems to fly by so fast.

I'm afraid people will notice,
I need you so much.

I need you more,
Than you believe.

I love you,
More than you conceive.

I think about you,
Every night and day.

I only hope,
My life can stay this way.

I don't want it to be any other way,
Can't see it being any other way.
700 · Feb 2019
Addicted To You
Carolina Feb 2019
Once an addict, always an addict.
Not me, but in you.

Some thing’s will never change.
You’ll have need to chase that crave.

But my love will continue to glow.
Even after you have broken my heart.

My arms will forever stretch out.
To hold you in them.

But my head won’t let you win.
Let you control it anymore.

My heart won’t let you bruise it.
My soul won’t let you devour it any longer

But I will always love you.
But I will never love the addict you.
NEVER fall in love with an addict
688 · Jan 2019
Carolina Jan 2019
Your pillow smells
like I miss you.
Cupid tells me
to kiss you.
Harmony wants me to
sing to you.
Love flutters in me
like the wind in your hair.
Cupid’s arrow has
hit me hard.
647 · Feb 2020
She is Her Own Poem
Carolina Feb 2020
A blink of words
That can't be said
Or even be written
She is her own poem of thousand words

She is fierce and gentle
All at once
She's a song
An unending, Beautiful song.  

She is a sparkle
She is a shine
She is the only thing
That i want to call mine

She is my everyday
And my every night
She is every morning
And my every twilight

She is all i know
She is all i see
She is a sweet melody
She is my unmatching rhythm

She is the firefly dancing in the moonlight
646 · Nov 2015
Carolina Nov 2015
I need some help
help beyond this keyboard
help beyond these words
im searching for help
that no one can understand
im screaming silently
im crying but only dust
im not sure where ill go
not sure where ill run
not sure where ive even been anymore
all i know is where i want to go
i need some help
judgement free
criticism aside
it wont help
only make it worse
none of this tough love *******
i need an understanding compassionate hand
to help me out of this dark hole
its lonely
the last place i want to be anymore
someone just help.
635 · Jul 2015
Carolina Jul 2015
blacked out
tears flow

          Pain in her heart
          thoughts racing
                       child screams
                       Mother weeps
                                     Pain leaks
                                     blood falls.
   ­                                             falls.

she snaps back
frozen in confusion

         cold with dread
         what just happened?

                            looking with sorrow
                            new tears begin to form.

she doesn't understand how
its been all these years.

        why would she now
        for something so small.

                          It all just built up
                          all that small ******* ****.

Until it tore her down.
                         ­   down.
566 · Jul 2015
Carolina Jul 2015
Taken to soon
Stolen from this world
Devastating tears fall
For the loss
Brought into this world
To be taken away
Not knowing the answers
No one shall ever know
You were taken away to soon
You'll never be forgotten
As to where you go
Are you standing with me now
Will you be looking over me tomorrow?
Do you see I need you?
I have to find you
Tell you I need you
Tell you all my secrets
Tell you what is missing without you
No one tells you it doesn't get easier
No one tells you the pain never fades
Please come back and haunt me
Something to show me you are still there
You were taken to soon
514 · Jul 2015
Carolina Jul 2015
I dare you to move
I dare you to show
I dare you to tell
I dare you to see

The pain you cause
The heartache you bring
The tears you make fall
The sorrow you'll never understand.

They say time heals
They say wounds close
They say scars fade
They say it gets easier

I say I'm still crying
I say I'm still broken
I say I'm still waiting
I say I'm tired of trying.
485 · Jan 2019
Carolina Jan 2019
Is going to be ok.
You are going to be ok.
I love you.
483 · Oct 2017
Just Know
Carolina Oct 2017
If you're going to fall in love with me, here are some of the things you should know beforehand. I cry often, Whether its during a movie a sad song on the radio or a regular sunday morning. Even if you dont see it I am crying.. Ill cry even when i think or talk about things that have hurt me even if they no longer are painful, i am afraid of being left and i am afraid of not being good enough. I will tell you the ways in which i hate myself and not believe you and a single word you say when you disagree  with each and every reason, you can tell me countless times over and over again that you you love me, but i will still be afraid of you leaving me. I have to expect the worst in things, cause i always end up with the worst. When I fall in love with you i will love each and every crack in your skin every freckle of light in your eyes and i will fall in love with with the way you look while you sleep and the way your mouth curves when you say my name, i can be difficult to love but for me,loving you will be easy. all i ask is that you dont give up on me and in return ill never give up on you i will love you with my entire heart. and if one day you decide to leave, i will still think highly of you. I will still remember the kind heart person you are, the smell of your hair on a warm summer night, the way you bite your lip before you kiss me and i will always continue to love you....
475 · Jul 2015
Carolina Jul 2015
Baby what are we becoming
It just feels like we're always running
Rolling through the motions everyday 
I could lean in to hold you, or act like I don't even know you
seems like you could care less either way
What happened to that girl I use to know
Just want to be back to the way we were before.
The giggles the kisses and all the little things that showed.
470 · Jul 2015
Carolina Jul 2015
I drop the hints
I yell for help 
I scream your name 
but you don't see. 
I need you now
I need all of you 
you can't hear me cry. 
Why do you miss everything 
why can't you hear me 
why aren't you here
when I only need you the most?
467 · Jul 2015
Carolina Jul 2015
With the right inspiration
I can write the world
I will bring the world to you
If that is what you wish me to do.
I will give you every word and any word
You could imagine with a simple stroke of this pen
But when it comes down to telling you
What it is i feel inside
Dont get your hopes up

I have never been one
to verbally express myself.
I was taught to keep it bottled
to write it on paper
To seal away the pain the joy and the glory.
I know I may not be the best
When it comes to this relationship
but I try like hell I really do...

I couldn't imagine to see you
with anyone else
I Just can never seem to say
what i want out loud
I can have it all perfect in my head
and with this pen
but when it comes out its just all wrong.

I'm sorry I cant be perfect
I'm sorry I get so Agitated

BUT I'm mad at myself
for never saying things right
I'm angered with myself
for not being able to express
I'm furious at myself
for not being able to explain
I'm foolish for not being able
to say the things that needed to be said.

But most of all I cry,
For watching you walk out of my life.
460 · Jan 2019
Carolina Jan 2019
Nothings ever enough to satisfy another's soul,
     of how you should live your life to please them.
You will never please anyone enough,
     to fulfill their lustful hunger
     even if you conquer their dirtiest request.
You'll never earn their love bending backwards,
    at your hips,
    to give their feet butterfly kisses,
    of needing love.
Until the day you die,
    the leak in the corners of you eye will continue,
    if you chose to love those who don't deserve your heart.
Until you cherish the drum that beats,
    in the cavity of your chest,
No one will ever believe you are enough,
    to give you the respect you deserve.
434 · Sep 2020
Quick Question
Carolina Sep 2020
Can I quit this thing called
The last words I heard from my best friend before she passed away.
425 · Jul 2015
Life As We Know It
Carolina Jul 2015
Adventure out of your comfort
Live in the moment
Stop to take in
All of natures beauty
Only then will you see
There's more that waits
There's a light at the end
There is hope in every breath
There is time to spare
For life is to short
We never fully appreciate
The world where we live.
415 · Jan 2019
Today, I Am
Carolina Jan 2019
Today I stand and say enough,
Today I shine as bright as the sun,
Today I love myself mightier and stronger,
Today I shout to the skies ‘I can do it’
Today is my day!

I am beautiful!
I am strong!
I am enough!
368 · Jan 2019
Don't Tell Me
Carolina Jan 2019
I'm sorry, you feel, I dont care about your feelings,
But; how about the way you make me feel?

You make me feel so little and small.
You make me feel invisible.
When it comes to my mental health,
When it comes to my feelings.
Instead of asking how I feel,
You TELL me how I feel.

Don't tell me how I feel.
Don't tell me what I feel.
Don't tell me what I think.
Don't tell me What I see.

You are not in my head,
You do NOT know what runs through my mind,
What races I push to win,
What marathons I struggle to win;
Every day of my life.

Don't tell me when I listen, and when I don't.
Don't tell me when I love, and don't love.
Don't tell me when I try, and when I've given up.

I'm tired of people always telling me how I am and how to do it.
The last person I ever expected it from was you,
But you do it to me the most,
You are the worst,

Don't tell me when I am in pain, or when "it's in my head"
Don't tell me when I am looking for attention,
Don't tell me when I'm not depressed,
Don't tell me when I'm happy or just "manic."


You always inform me how you wish we had communication,
That doesn't consist of you telling me how I am feeling,
What I am feeling,
Or why I am feeling.
How I feel.
363 · Jul 2017
A Tale of 7 Years
Carolina Jul 2017
7 years ago I met a girl,
She was rough,
She was kind,
She was independent,
And she wasn't mine.

The moment I laid my eyes on you,
There was something in the way you move,
There was something in the way you talked,
There was something in the way you were,
There was something in the way you loved,
That made me want to be your something.

You were taken.
I was taken.
But that didn't stop the love from growing.
The heart wants what it wants.
And mine wanted you.

7 years ago all I could imagine
Is what it would be like being the girl in your bed,
Being the girl riding shotgun,
Fingers locked in with yours,
Wind blowing through our hair,
Seeing you sneak glances my direction as you drove,
Radio blasting on that sunny day.

But that was not how it was to happen.
Sometimes we can dream.
Sometimes we can hope.
Sometimes we can pray.
But not everything we want comes true.
7 years ago my heart never thought it would get what it desired.

Today I sit here in our bed writing this,
I sit in the passenger seat stealing glances at you,
that turn in to smiling stares,
I'm the one making you laugh,
I'm the one you call baby,
I'm the one you come home to at the end of a hard night at work,
I'm the one stealing kisses at red lights,
I'm the one holding your fragile heart,
Keeping it safe from pain,
I got the dream.

So let me tell you of a tale from 7 years ago,
That I NEVER thought would come true.
344 · Jul 2017
Another Love Poem
Carolina Jul 2017
When I first met you
I felt like I had known you forever,
telling you my secrets
and what I didn't want ever.

You listened to me.
I bet you thought I'd never end.
Who would have thought
we would become more than just friends.

Over a period of time
I got to know you.
A women so caring and gentle
with a heart so true.

You've survived your life
with hurt and loneliness by your side.
With pain and sorrow lurking.

I told you I'd never leave
because of the feelings I have inside.
Sometimes I wonder
what I'd do if you were gone?

So I have decided
time answers all.
If it is meant to be,
time will remove the wall.

I love the way we are together.
You can always make me smile.
Will it ever really be forever?

I guess I will have to wait awhile.
Time will reveal what lies ahead,
but always remember
what I have said.

Meeting you has changed my life,
and I loving you has been a blessing.
The feelings I feel for you
I am never letting go.

Remember me always
and I will too.
I always think of
me and you.
341 · Feb 2019
Dear Ex Love of My Life
Carolina Feb 2019
It’s scary and lonely
Its dark and twisty.
I keep looking at my phone hoping for a text,
but I’ve changed my phone number.
I keep opening my phone to look for a Snapchat
but Ive unfriended you.
I keep searching for you on Facebook
but I blocked.
Youre non existent
but I need you to be.
It’s silly.
I thought I wanted out in a way
cause you were turning into something I didn’t love
but now that I’m out....
Youre all I can think about.
And you’re all I want right now.
To hold me
tell me it’s going to be ok Baby Blue
as you grab my bottom lip and say you love my juicy lips
To kiss the pain away
That you’ve caused
332 · Sep 2020
Carolina Sep 2020
I open my eyes in a daze,
I see the world in a haze.
I think, How much I dont want to get out of bed,
But I also know, I need to escape my head.

Im spiraling further down this black hole,
My mind is racing,
My chest heavy,
My heart aches.

I see blue, tears forming as they please.
I feel red, fists clench tight as can be.
I wish for black, Make all of this pain dissipate.

Dont cry.

Daily things I need to say to myself.

Maybe today will be the best day of your life.
Tomorrow is a new day when that day fails to bring me joy.

Separation from reality sinks in.
Disassociation begins its nasty progress.
Mania takes over.
Memories slip, as I forget minutes,
       lead by hours,
       sometimes even weeks.

I need to escape my head.
Before I can leave this bed.
330 · Jan 2019
Is This Love?
Carolina Jan 2019
You’re there for me,
Until I actually need you.
Then I’m an inconvenience,
You get so angry,
You get so short, shove it in my face and hate everything about it.
Is this what love is?
Is this what needing you is?
If so I never want to need you again.
Carolina Jan 2019
You feel like I don't give a ****
You feel like I don't care
You think I don't hurt
You think I don't feel the pain
You think I don't cry at night
You don't think my heart isn't breaking
You don't think I'm not screaming
You don't think I'm not reaching out for you at night
You don't think I'm not falling apart

What you don't see is that behind that locked, bathroom door
My eyes leak, NO pour salty water, down my rosy cheeks.
Smearing the days makeup  I put on just for you.
They swell more then the time you wrapped string around your finger in 5th grade and watched it turned purple,
They burn, turn red, yet seem bluer then you could fathom.  
My heart shatters into the smallest pieces, a single grain of sand looks giant next to it.
My screams are so loud that the deaf can hear them, I fall to my knees reaching for you every night but its to late.

I told you to be patient
I told you be we would be fine
But you couldn't hold on
You couldn't wait anymore.
Your love was not as strong as you thought.
Your love was not as powerful as you wanted.
I was not who you wanted like you'd hoped.
248 · Jan 2019
Carolina Jan 2019
How can you sleep,
next to someone who makes you feel unwanted?
210 · Feb 2020
Summertime Love
Carolina Feb 2020
As the sun hides down behind the hills
As the moon appears in the sky,
As the water becomes cooler
And as the seas become calmer.
My heart races,
my thoughts are quickening,
as our touch becomes more sensual.
The summer is only beginning
and the passion is already burning. 💋
205 · Aug 2020
Light and death
Carolina Aug 2020
There was a girl
So full of doom
So hurt by life

Tears ****** dry
Heart so shattered
Body so tired
Mind so fried.

She woke up by morning wondering why
She fell asleep every evening hoping for the last

Defeated by life

But life knew why

She walks into a room and sees a light.
The kind that lit her whole world
The darkness faded
The smiles grew
The laughs weren’t forced

The light grew brighter
As she grew closer
She knew at first sight
This was her why.

This light was why she woke up
Why she suffered
Why she cried
And why she hurt.

So when why shined
She could live
And smile

Her why became thank you in the morning
Her hopes became blessings by night
She found her why
her light  
Her reason.
196 · Feb 2020
And Forever
Carolina Feb 2020
Forever I want to spend wrapped in each other's arms
forever I want to spend kissing each other's lips
forever I wish to spend in each other's hearts.
167 · Feb 2020
To The Girl Who Cries Wolf
Carolina Feb 2020
To the girl in the crowd
We see you, but you are invisible.
We know you are there, but we don’t care.
We can hear you cry, we just don’t see why.

To the girl in the crowd
You say you’re ok, we say great!
You say things are fine, we think wonderful!
You smile at us and nod your head, we smile and say good job!

To the girl in the crowd
You stay strong, it’s what you’re told to do.
You act like nothings wrong, it’s what you have to do.
You seem to be holding your head high, as you’ve been programmed to do.

To that girl that was once in the crowd
We don’t see you anymore,
We don’t hear you anymore,
We don’t know why you aren’t there anymore.

To that girl that once was in the crowd.
To the one who kept saying she was fine.
To the girl who kept saying it was ok.
To the one who wore a fake smile.
The girl who would do anything to please a crowd of strangers.
To the one who stayed strong even when she was weak.
To the one who yelled so loud for help, yet her words were never                   heard.
To the one who gave up because she was tired...
of crying wolf.
I’m sorry for not seeing through the lies.
163 · Aug 2020
And Forever
Carolina Aug 2020
Forever I want to spend wrapped in each other's arms
forever I want to spend kissing each other's lips
forever I wish to spend in each other's hearts.
160 · Aug 2020
Love Is
Carolina Aug 2020
Love is dead
Love so black
Love is hateful
Love so full of hurt
Love is pain
Love so full of regrets
Love is full of tears
160 · Feb 2020
Carolina Feb 2020
I finally got to sleep,
Only to keep waking up.

Searching and feeling,
Only looking for your touch.

All I found,
Was an empty bed and a cold pillow.

Baby you've stolen my heart,
You've taken all of me.

Please don't break me,
Only help to make me.

You're all I want.
All I need.

You are the reason for my heart to beat.
158 · Feb 2020
Someone Who
Carolina Feb 2020
You deserve someone who wants to give you a text back. Someone who wants you, only you, and makes you feel wanted. Someone who can’t help but message you first thing in the morning when the sun light is slow-dancing through the curtain, and they’re barely waking. Someone who wants to spend their drunken Friday nights with you, but also their lazy lemonade Sundays. Someone who holds their one-person umbrella right above you when it’s bucketing down, so that you’re sheltered, even if it means they get soaked through. You deserve someone who thinks of you, often. Someone who calls you on the phone at the end of a long day, because they want to hear the sound of your voice before they drift off into slumber. Someone who makes plans with you on a Tuesday evening, because the weekend is just too far away, and who cares if we have to go to work the next day. Someone who says definitely, not maybe, and follows through. You deserve to hear a song on the radio that makes you melt on the inside at the mere thought of this someone. Someone who could watch you sleeping for hours at a time, and be perfectly content in the grace and stillness of that moment. Someone who steals a cheeky kiss when you’re mid-sentence and least expecting to find their lips. Someone who will happily pig out on pizza with you in bed, and not judge the sweatpants & top knot look you’re sporting. Someone who is just that into you. You deserve someone who challenges the both of you constantly; someone who makes you strive to be better each day, because they’re trying to be better too. Someone you can count on to stick around when the **** hits the fan, which it will. Someone who chooses to lift you up, always. You deserve magic, and fireworks, and confetti canons exploding in your clear blue skies. You deserve someone who will always be careful with your heart, because they know just how fragile it already was before they held it. Someone who’s heart aches whenever yours does. Someone who wakes up next to you each day feeling like they’ve hit the jackpot, over and over again, and thinking what on earth did they do in their past life to be so **** lucky. You deserve someone’s complete attention. Someone who looks at you, and I mean really sees you, and all of the beauty you hold. You deserve to be someone’s first choice. Someone’s best friend. Someone’s partner in crime. Someone’s everything. You deserve to be loved; and loved extraordinarily well. And to be told that you are loved, every single day. I can’t wait to find that someone.
153 · Aug 2020
Stay Strong
Carolina Aug 2020
Never let society know how anixious you truly are, what a wreck your soul is or what you’re truly thinking, they’ll only tear you down more. Just stand up and act as if you’re ok and pray that you actually will be. 🙏🏼
149 · Feb 2020
Sleep My Dove
Carolina Feb 2020
As you sleep peacefully next to me
I silently hold in the tears
I lightly shake my foot
And my heart painfully breaks.

To be so lonely
When only inches away
You lay.

As our souls die
In the bed we lie
Our hearts break
And no longer we can take.

Our paths separate
Our love fades
Though it didn’t last long
The pain will linger for decades

You are my first true
I thought you were the one
But now I must let you fly
Like the Dove
You are my love.

Until we meet once more.
143 · Aug 2020
Carolina Aug 2020
The ugliest moments are your strongest beauty.
The most beautiful moment can tell a thousand words.
The ugliest moments can bring pain and sorrow.
That pain and sorrow cant be covered up with lies
but only through telling your story.
A picture is worth a thousand words?
Well look into my eyes and see a whole novel of worth.
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