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Gemma Davies Jul 2020
I used to be a good boy, I was the happiest puppy around.
Then my human left me, it was a while till I was found.
I was so loved when I was little, they played with me all day.
But as I got bigger, I was always in their way.
We went for a drive one morning, we drove so long and so far.
But when we stopped, only I got out the car.
They drove away and left me, I didn’t understand.
I thought we were going to the beach, to play in the sand.
I waited and I waited... But my human didn’t return.
Realising you’ve been abandoned is such a sad fact to learn.
I don’t know what I did wrong or why I wasn’t wanted any more.
After a while struggling on my own, I was found skinny and sore.
I was taken to the Oahu SPCA, I was nervous and scared.
But the humans were so nice. They smiled and truly cared.
They helped me forget being left in the dirt and the dust.
They showed me compassion and built up my trust.
They even found me a new family to call my own.
They won’t ever leave me, I finally have my forever home.
I’ve never been so content, I was lost and now I’m found.
I am a good boy, I am the happiest dog around.

Save A Life.

Adopt. Don’t shop.
This poem was written for the Oahu SPCA.
See the video of this poem here:
Gemma Davies Jul 2023
No words can express my love for him, or describe how I feel so sad,
So instead, here are a few words about the things that made him my Dad.
That huge precious smile when you bought him his favourite apple pie,
The fancy golden clip he would use when he wore his smart shirt and tie.
The way he used a bar of soap to slick back the sides of his brown hair,
His warm wholehearted hugs that fully engulfed you in his love and care.
The pure happiness and pride on his face when I received my degree,
And I don’t think I ever heard him turn down a single cup of tea.
The way he would shout out loud to me “Gemma, what’s the Liverpool score?!”
That cute excited face he would pull when visitors came to the door,
“Don’t leave it so long next time” he would state when guests had to say goodbye,
Watching Beauty and the Beast there would always be a tear in his eye.
The way he would sing along to Elvis Presley loudly in the car,
The many different stories he would give to explain that same old scar.
His love for a gammon steak, always swap the pineapple for fried egg,
Showing me he needed the toilet by gently tapping his right leg.
A bacon sandwich every Saturday, lots of butter on his bread,
The way he’d nuzzle into his pillow when I tucked him into bed.
Our TV was so loud you could hear John Wayne at the end of the street,
The way he would dance along to music while still sitting in his seat.
Playing the lottery twice a week, convinced that one day he would win,
How his kind blue eyes would light up alongside his famous cheeky grin.
Good natured and happy, always smiling and rarely grouchy or sad,
There will never be anyone as wonderful as my dear old Dad.
I wrote this poem after my beloved Dad passed away, and read it at his funeral.
As the poem explains, I couldn't put into words how much I love him, or miss him, or just how sad I am. So instead, I wrote about the things that made him, him.
In loving memory of Reginald Davies.
I love you Dad.
Gemma Davies Dec 2018
A dog shouldn't spend it's life in a cage,
Where even a week can feel like an age.
Sad and alone, not knowing when it will end,
Wishing and hoping for a new human friend.
But thanks to every volunteer's donated time,
And every donators dollar, cent or dime,
A new life is given to each beautiful pooch,
A new family to love, cuddle and smooch.
So thank you to everyone, your kindness is rare,
We thank you so much, for your help and your care.

~ Written for the Oahu SPCA
The Oahu SPCA is the largest animal welfare organization in the state of Hawaii. On July 18, 2009, 432 animals were relinquished to the Oahu SPCA after the owner of an animal sanctuary in Waianae passed away. The Oahu SPCA rescued all 432 animals in 48 hours, which marked the largest animal rescue in the history of Hawaii.
Every day they strive to help, care and re-home beautiful animals; animals that don't ask for anything but a forever family.
Gemma Davies Feb 2020
Eyes that show you "I will love you forever"
Eyes that tell you “I am smart and clever”
Eyes that say “My love has no end”
Eyes that ask you “Will you be my friend?”
Eyes that show you "I want a lap to rest in"
Eyes that beg you "Please tickle my chin"
Eyes that want to be chosen and cared for
Eyes that stare at the shelter door  
Eyes that remain hopeful as you decide
Eyes that tell you “I will stay by your side
Eyes that say “I’d like space to roam”
Eyes that ask you “Can you give me a home?”
Eyes that beg you “Please pick me”
Eyes that show you how happy you can be!
A poem for the Oahu SPCA
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
Did you think we would just sit back,
After you have hurt us in this way?
Taking away the people we love,
We will make you pay.
We will stand up to you,
We won't go down without a fight.
We will bring an end to you,
We are trying with all our might.
We will get rid of you,
We will avenge the taken.
Did you think we would just sit back?
Cancer, you are mistaken!
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
There is no friend as loyal as a book,
Improving your mood and outlook.
I wish I could read for hours all day,
Open the cover and drift far away.
To fantasy places and distant lands,
A dream you hold right in your hands.
For reading is dreaming with open eyes,
You are the pilot as the time flies.
Travelling far, right from your chair,
Some think I'm weird, but I don't care.
Between the pages is a lovely place to be,
Nothing will come between my books and me!
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
There's sunshine in my soul today,
Happiness in my heart.
I'm going to smile all day today,
Right from the very start.

There's a spring in my step today,
A twinkle in my eye.
I'm filled with good cheer today,
It doesn't matter why.

There's joy in my life today,
A smile full of glee.
I'm living on cloud nine today,
Happiness is free!
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
Happiness is hard sometimes,
Being positive can be tough.
When things aren't going right,
And you think you've had enough.
In times when it seems too much,
And you've lost your hopeful insight.
Close your eyes and take a breath,
And think of everything bright.
Every positive memory you have,
All the things that make you smile.
Everything you're thankful for,
That makes your life worthwhile.
It may sound really silly at first,
But it can really make things brighter.
Life is beautiful but difficult,
And you, my friend, are a fighter!
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
We will always come together,
We will always stand and fight.
You can never take our spirit,
You do not have the right.
The more you knock us down,
The more we come back fighting.
The more you try to divide us,
The more we are uniting.

Hate Will Never Win.
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Jul 2023
If he were here today, he’d be wearing his favourite dark grey suit,
He’d probably spill something down it, but he’d still look ever so cute.

He probably would not of heard a word during your ceremony,
But would of sat their grinning, just staring at his beautiful Toni.

If he were here today, he would be smiling proudly from ear to ear,
And although he wouldn’t of admitted it, he would of shed a tear.

He would cheerfully raise a glass to you both, with *** and coke of course,
While waiting for the hog roast and looking forward to lots of apple sauce.

If he were here today, he’d be happily dancing in his wheelchair,
Waving his arms around and running people over without a care!

To Adam, he’d say “look after her” while scowling, ever so slightly,
To Toni, he’d say “Congratulations darlin” hugging her tightly.

If he were here today, he would wish you a life of love and laughter,
And hope you have the best life together; happily ever after.

I know he’d ask me to tell you, as he was your biggest supporter;
“Happy wedding day my new grandson and my favourite granddaughter”.
In loving memory of my Dad, Reginald Davies, for his grandaughters wedding day. He would of loved to have been there, but he sadly passed a year before the big day. He is greatly missed.
Poem has 17 syllables a line, 8 verses - My Dad’s Birthday, 17th August.
For Toni and Adam’s Wedding Day ~ 31st May 2023.
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
If I Could Press A Magic Button
And end all your woe and fears
Make every day of your life happy
And end any of your sad tears
I'd press that button in a second
I'd do everything that I could
To make your life wonderful
I promise you, I really would!
I want to protect you from sorrow
Making you happy is my quest
Love, laughter, health and joy
You're worthy of the very best!
But I know there's no magic button...
But at least you know I'm here.
I'm sure you knew this already...
But now I know I've made it clear!
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
If I had to do it all again...
Is there anything I'd change?
Would I climb mount Everest?
Invest in the stock exchange?

Would I work harder at school?
Avoid who broke my heart?
Is there anything I'd change...
If I could go back to the start?

I may have not always won...
Or done everything I should.
But would I do it all again...
If I had the chance or could?

My answer is a simple one...
And it's honest and true.
The answer is no I wouldn't...
Because everything led to you!
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Jul 2023
I cannot believe a year has passed since you left us so suddenly.
I miss every little thing about you and how our life used to be.
You left your mark on so many people, you’re in everybody’s heart.
But I never realised how hard it would be for us to be apart.
So loving and loveable, supportive through every endeavour.
You were a joy to care for, I would have looked after you forever.
I miss you more than words can say, more than I can even comprehend.
I would do anything to have you back; my rock, my Dad, my best friend.
In loving memory of Reginald Davies 17.08.36 - 08.10.21
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
I'm thankful for the times my heart has broken.
I'm thankful for the stresses I've been through.
I'm thankful for the times I thought I couldn't make it.
I'm thankful for the times I've had to make do.
I'm thankful for the friends I've lost.
I'm thankful for the times I've cried.
I'm thankful for the difficult moments.
I'm thankful for all the times I've tried.
All of these things made me who I am,
Without them I wouldn't be this strong.
I'm a fighter and I can face it all,
I'm thankful for all that's ever gone wrong.
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
I see a flash of lightning,
Sounds of clouds humming.
I hear a boom of thunder,
Another storm is coming.

The rain hits the windows,
The puddles begin to form.
Clouds are getting darker,
But it's just another storm.

The sky is painted black,
The clouds move and swarm.
Raindrops smash the ground,
But it's just another storm.

The booms of thunder fade,
The black clouds turn grey.
It's all coming to an end,
The storm is fading away.

Storms will come and go,
Some big and some small.
You're brave, you're strong,
You can face them all.
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Feb 2019
Let's talk about mental health,
Let's break down the stigma.
Depression is challenging,
Anxiety, an enigma.
Anorexia, Schizophrenia,
Bipolar or OCD.
Whichever, whatever; repeat:
″Mental health begins with me!"
Don't believe everything you think,
It's ok to not be ok.
Don't rush yourself or force a smile,
Just take it day by day.
It's progress over perfection,
And remember you're not the only one.
Your illness does not define you,
Believe in the person you want to become!
My poem was made into a "Me to You" Video soon to be posted on their YouTube channel at:
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
Your voice is music to my ears,
Your presence is my favourite song.
Making me feel so happy,
Taking away all that's wrong.
What would life be without music?
And what would I be without you?
Both would be so miserable,
Just not the same, it's true.
Your melody attracts me,
I know your lyrics by heart.
I'll dance to your tune forever,
We'll never be apart.
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
I wish it would rain in flowers just once,
I'm not a fool, silly or dunce.
But just imagine the joyful outcry,
If beautiful flowers fell from the sky.
Blooms and petals floating in the air,
Falling all around, landing everywhere.
Like bright scented confetti falling down,
Covering every city and town.
Not all the time or every day,
Nor when the sky is dull or grey.
But when it's blue and bright outside,
Think of the smiles that would provide.
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Oct 2018
Snowflakes are the butterflies of winter...
Floating around, pretty and light.
The more of them that drift around...
The more beautiful the sight.

Snowflakes are the butterflies of winter...
They make even the messiest garden, shine.
No matter if the flakes are thick and heavy...
Or just a light dusting that's small and fine.

Snowflakes are the butterflies of winter...
Gliding through the skies, uncaged and free.
Only resting when the winds conclude...
Gently resting on every roof, hill or tree.

Snowflakes are the butterflies of winter...
Only present for such a short while.
A flying visit, and then they're gone...
But they sure do leave a smile.

Snowflakes are the butterflies of winter...
Making your garden glisten and glow.
They go wherever they please...
And please wherever they go.
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
Kindness is like snow...
It beautifies everything it covers.
Art is like snow...
It's sculptures inspires others.
Happiness is like snow...
It makes everyone stop and smile.
Sadness is like snow...
It only lasts a little while.
Christmas is like snow...
It makes every child cheer.
Friendship is like snow...
It's appearance is held dear!
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
It's nice to be with friends,
And spend time with family.
But sometimes I like to be alone,
Just solely be with me.
I get to think things through,
And clear out my mind.
Take some time to be me,
And just try and unwind.
So don't feel bad or guilty,
When you want to be alone.
Everyone needs a little time,
To just be on their own.
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
Being under pressure is part of life...
We all know about strain and stress.
But becoming overwhelmed...
Can lead to mental health distress.

Promote the importance of wellbeing...
Don't bottle everything up inside.
Stand up and speak out on stress...
Don't keep it all within and hide!

Don't be scared to ask for help...
Talking is a great coping device.
Don't be afraid to talk to others...
By sharing you'll get great advice!

We all need to raise awareness...
Let us end the stigma right now!
You can't always control the wind...
But adjust the sails somehow!
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
It's fun to play inside the house,
Puzzles, building blocks and more.
But playing outside is the best,
So just open up the door!

Get some mud on your trousers,
Some grass stains on your shirt.
Play around in the rain or sun,
Don't be scared of all the dirt.

Stomp around in giant puddles,
Whether it's December or July.
The best classroom has no walls,
And is roofed only by the sky.
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
Close your eyes and listen,
Smell the aroma in the air.
Roam where there is no WiFi,
Wander without a care.

Take the scenic route,
Get outside and explore.
Stroll through the woods,
And walk along the shore.

Dream with your eyes open,
Make the day all yours.
Do more than just exist,
Enjoy the great outdoors.
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
Miles may keep you apart,
But love has no range.
Someday you'll be together,
Someday things will change.
Miles cannot separate,
Two hearts that really care.
How lucky you are to have each other,
Even though this distance is not fair.
But distance means so little,
When someone means so much.
Missing them is unbearable,
Just waiting for their touch.
It certainly won't be easy,
But it will be worthwhile.
Some people will not understand,
They can't see past each mile.
As a couple you are just waiting,
For your life together to begin.
It's just the two of you vs distance,
And the distance will not win.
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Oct 2018
The magic of winter, is all around.
The magic of winter, every sight and sound.
Snowflakes and snowmen, getting cosy in bed.
Soft scarves and mittens, bobble hat on your head.
Red cheeks and noses, warm homes all around.
The magic of winter, every sight and sound.

Happy Winter.
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
There is magic up there,
In the infinite sky at night.
Such a wonder to behold,
A truly beautiful sight.
Think of all the people,
Looking at the sky right now.
Making all those wishes,
They may come true somehow.
So many twinkling stars,
Shining bright for you.
If you spot a shooting star,
Your wishes may come true.
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Feb 2019
Daddy, can you open this jar?
Daddy, don’t forget to make my bed.
Daddy, can you make my dinner now?
Daddy, I’ve hurt my head.

Daddy, I’ve fallen over!
Daddy, I wish I could come too.
Daddy, my tummy hurts today.
Daddy, what would I do without you?

Daddy, I don’t like the doctors!
Daddy, I would like a cup of tea.
Daddy, my clothes need cleaning.
Daddy, thank you for taking care of me.

Gemma, can you open this jar?
Gemma, don’t forget to make my bed.
Gemma, can you make my dinner now?
Gemma, I’ve hurt my head.

Gemma, I’ve fallen over!
Gemma, I wish I could come too.
Gemma, my tummy hurts today.
Gemma, what would I do without you?

Gemma, I don’t like the doctors!
Gemma, I would like a cup of tea.
Gemma, my clothes need cleaning.
Gemma, thank you for taking care of me.
He cared for me when I needed him,
Now I care for him now he needs me.
My Dad, my Mum, my best friend,
To me, he is all three.
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
It's funny how a sunny day,
Can put a smile on your face.
Sitting in the sunshine,
Just staring into space.

Blue skies with fluffy clouds,
Sounds of birds and bees.
The sweet smell of roses,
And the apples on the trees.

When life gets you down,
And everything seems glum.
Wait for a bright shiny day,
And spend some time in the sun.
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
Each one of us can make a difference...
We have the opportunity every day.
Together we can make a change...
It's time to lead the way!

What you do makes a difference...
Be the change you wish to see.
Volunteer, Recycle...
Help the homeless or plant a tree.

If everyone put their hands together...
For we are the human race...
Imagine what we could achieve...
We'd make the world a better place!
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
When I look into my mirror,
What is it that I see?
Just who is that face,
Looking back at me?
I see eyes that have cried,
So many tears it's true.
But not just in sadness,
But in happiness too.
I see lips that have smiled,
Complete from ear to ear.
But they have also said things,
My parents wouldn't want to hear.
I've seen things I wish I hadn't,
I've said things I wish I'd kept inside.
But I've also seen such wonders,
And said many things so dignified.
I love my reflection,
It's a map of everything 'me'.
I'm proud of that visual echo,
And all that it can be.
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Oct 2018
Why is perfect the goal right now?
Perfect hair, perfect house, perfect waistline.
Whatever happened to just being happy...
Accepting the good, the wonderful, the fine.
There is so much more to life...
Than things, appearance and stuff.
If you spend your life looking for perfect...
Nothing will ever be enough!
Do what makes you happy...
Don't think about what they will say.
Who cares what other people think?
This is your life, live it your own way!
There is no such thing as perfect...
It's untouchable, unreal, untrue.
Do your best, be your best...
Be kind, be nice, be you!
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
Some people feel down and say...
"Why does it always rain on me?"
But why does that mean something bad?
Think of all that rain can be...

Without rain, there'd be no flowers...
No snow or forests of trees.
It quenches the thirst of everyone...
Even the birds and the bees.

Plants, animals, you and me...
We are all dependent on rain.
So if sometimes it pours down on us...
Let's not think of it as a pain!

Life sometimes gets us down...
But take the good with the bad.
After all, without a little rain...
There is no rainbow to be had!
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Gemma Davies Sep 2018
I'm sure there have been times,
When you have felt so down.
You display a smile to the world,
But inside there is a frown.

People have hurt you badly,
You don't always know why.
For some reason some people,
Take pleasure when you cry.

But you are not weak or fragile,
You are not a wart or ****.
They may have tried to bury you,
They didn't know you were a seed.
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:

— The End —