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Mar 2021 · 1.0k
Broken Friendships.
Passion as it waves.
Tidal breaking in and out.
Day time and it's long night.
I dread the coming drought.

If I don't speak while in tow,
If fish don't bite,
If I don't sink below,
If I don't see the blight.

Maybe in the morning,
There'd be light,
I'm drujnk
Aug 2020 · 307
Blue Flowers
Among the flowers where you were told to wait, and listen to the wind.
The sum of it's parts is always late, but what it brings,
A friend at timid pace,
A friend who knows the place,
A friend to tend the flowers,

You knew while you still wait.
Jul 2020 · 321
If gods don't bleed then I know for sure that I am man.
I know just as well how to stitch above that alleged red, so that what you think you've seen,
I will remain immortal, towering over kings.
Jul 2020 · 196
Down the Stream
To the friends we've lost to insecurity,
To the bodies buried in the cemetery,
Of company,
And their misery.
These anchors may prove more than your shores can bury.

The shipping lanes all close,
And a storm takes on the sea.
Flare guns fire only smoke,
We don't count on a morning's coming,
With cloud cover so thick,
When asked if the morning's close,
The answer is only ever,
Jun 2020 · 241
Love, Narccisus
Maybe it's enough to dance by yourself near the sea.
They say when you love someone else,
It's simply reflecting your being,
And here you dance with me.
||In solitude I find you,
And in loneliness seek,
Fewer rainy days where rocks are thrown at the sea.
Yet there are too many stones underneath,
That keep you from me.
Too many cuts on these hands,
To hold yours in the deep.
||Though I try,
To shift while you shift.
Reflect how you reflect,
Miss what you miss,
By the moon's light.
Jun 2020 · 211
Selfish and Systemic
The wound of loneliness.
Not to be talked upon now.
And isn't that exactly it,
A quiet voice distracting from bigger ideas,
And bigger people.
May 2020 · 202
Cabin Fever
He hasn't felt the warmth of another's breath in too long. Many nights are spent with only his air painting clouds beneath his lips. Bathed in the cold dark, the cabin flinches by every ask of the wind, it's floorboards creek under pressuring steps, and yet his body only shivers from it's isolation. Untentative ripples, pure in their commitment to the fall of sensibility and control; never to have those windows repaned again. See now how the guests of wind tear at the neighboring cloth on his body. Colder colder, and ever more lonesome. Here he sits with no hammer, no nail, lamenting and moaning, expecting a ship in the woods to come and set sail with the morning.
Aug 2019 · 1.8k
Your thistle bush affections,
Vibrant feathers for the bait.
Carried by my sock,
And buried miles away.
Jun 2019 · 1.5k
I feel not like I've closed a chapter, but that I've ended the book. One that may have no sequel, one where a new book, entirely separate, is yet to know it's opening moment.
May 2019 · 1.3k
Soul Searching
I feel my spirit drift to yours,
It's not exactly a good thing, is it?
Do we know,
What it was,
All my colours,
And all of yours,
A blur,
A brown,
A morose.
Been writing more on my phone and doing more songwriting, haven't posted in awhile, enjoy!
Apr 2019 · 1.0k
She's a model of imperfections,
Flaws fall on her face in ways that define grace,
She's a goddess without direction.
Her words encourage and lace dreams to a place you can reach if you just believed.
Her upper lip juts out a little too far so her teeth can clink yours in toast to good times when you kiss.
She's a little too short only so you can sweep her off her feet with a little more ease.
Older poem
Mar 2019 · 2.9k
All That Elapsed
You're somewhere between a sneeze and an ******.
A breath of fresh air, and clear nostrils after you've been sick.
The sunrise, and it's set.
You are bright mornings, and the full moon blanketed by Venus, Mars, and all their siblings.
Somewhere linking here and there, I've found you.
Between love and hate, I keep you.
Did I leave, Or had you left?
I wonder how you remain and yet, never stayed.
Among my expectations and disappointments, I'm empty and full.
Full of imaginings, empty of chances.
Full of love, and grief,
Empty of myself.
Taken by time,
And her elegant thief.
This kinda ***** and says nothing,(?) but I also ******* like it so. W.e
Mar 2019 · 511
Socially Acceptable
Sometimes I think to myself,
The World's better off without me.
And then I think to myself again,
I'm better off drunk.
Mar 2019 · 1.1k
Vocal Chords and Hickies
Despite the shape,
Despite the dent,
Despite the kiss,

A bruise from lips,

Doesn't feel-
But does have to heal-

The same,
As a bruise from fists.
I swear to god, it was shaped like a heart.

Kinda wish this one flowed better, we'll see if it changes.
Mar 2019 · 1.1k
Modern Day, Ancient
Marble skin,
Sculpted clutch,

Solid and tender,
To the touch.

Depth of character,
Length of reason,

A modern day Greek,
In exactly his season.
Adonis says "hi".

*If I had matched lengths of acts, I'm sure it would seem better but, haven't put enough thought into it*

Edit ******** put enough thought into it*
Mar 2019 · 1.3k
I wish to learn all the curves of your lips,
How they lie,
How they taste,
How they pray,
How they take smaller creatures,
And convince them to stay.
This might go into a chorus somewhere...
Mar 2019 · 16.0k
It's three am.
You want the arms of a man you've never met,
It only takes a bit,
Nibbles on the neck,
Only takes a little lip,
To get a little wet.
Beach day soon,
Summer comes as soon as you do.
Oh hello, guess this one was done. 2/22/19

Reference to an earlier poem I wrote. "Beach Day"
Mar 2019 · 1.2k
What's My Age Again
We have our whole lives to grow up,
And only so much,
To stay young.
I'm a man with a young heart and an old soul.
Mar 2019 · 2.1k
Still Waters Run Deep
I am not only some peaceful stream of the forest,
Twinkling beneath songbirds,
Watering romancing deer.

I am also the river that cuts through the mountain,
That carves the earth to better fit my ease.

The one bears dare not cross.
The cascading ire,
Raptors are unfit to tame,
With any bellow.

Men will come to know the rocky bottom,
And winding parts,
Men will come to know their helmets and life preservers,
Won't be salvation,
When I say that they shall drown.
Mar 2019 · 3.9k
Dust bowl wind
These nowhere towns,
Mountain tops snow-capped long through march,
All else,
Enshrouded in brown.

Though people live here,
And seems they aren't broken down.

The paint peels from the motel,
The mother tends to her daze,
The attendant ponders the insects of the sill,
Tumbleweed the only things, un-willing of being still.

Life is good here,
In these hazy,
Nowhere towns.
Really hope I captured that picture I saw... I don't think I fully did but... It was almost there...
Mar 2019 · 646
Summer Day's Jealousy
I want to peel your skin as I peel your cloak,
Envelope you as any old song goes.
Curtains wail a blistering night,
Between you and I,
And the shutters ghost,
The furnace's spite is all it knows.
Mar 2019 · 586
Don't be afraid to bloom.
Don't be afraid to be a late bloomer.
Don't be afraid to be a late, late bloomer.
Don't be afraid to be the last,
Late bloomer.
All there is to know,
Is that you will bloom,
And there is nothing to fear.
I still don't have my license.
Feb 2019 · 747
Love, Jeany
I feel you in my bones,
Like leukemia.

You saw my innocence and said,
I like that,

Make a wish.
Jan 2019 · 287
pen pals
I love those who are far away,
And romanticize the distance.
Jan 2019 · 561
**** a sweetheart,
Leaving cavities,
Remember me by's,
Both warm and unkind.
All just a toothache.
Jan 2019 · 516
Broken hearts heal like spinal cord repair,
You never walk the same way again.
Jan 2019 · 843
Hour Glass- Upside Down.
This is my youth,
These are the days I am beautiful-
And only for a minute.
What do I do with it?
As most do.
How dreadfully average of me.
Jan 2019 · 2.6k
Different Diadem
If the sun is the crown of the earth,
Happily raising life,
From the comfort stillness of sleep,
Then I am a second born moon-
No heir to the throne.

I sneak by the day sky like jealousy,
To only move oceans as teardrops,
Aching for a dream.
Written July 9th, 2016. Read a
notebook of mine and fell in love with a few oldies.
Jan 2019 · 2.9k
The Fool
As this world degrades,
And we've had enough of the old ways.

I can only wonder what becomes,
After this new birth,

I know this world's rules,
And those before,

And I may know of what comes next,

But I will not know what rules,
As they call the next of next,

The fool.
Jan 2019 · 2.8k
I wish to leave this place,
If only in mind,
The same way I save my self,
The same way I decline.
Dec 2018 · 2.3k
Beach Day
I avoid the ocean,
The waves may crush these bones-
I stay safe upon the shore.

Although I may have loved to swim,

At the beach,
My feet,

Remain in the snow.
Dec 2018 · 664
La Novella
I will learn a love.
The kind of love?
It binds you to I,
Like the pages bound,
To a hardcover spine.
Lurid pressure in perfect hiding,

Heat rises amidst quiet timing.

Covers conceal fingers,
And skin conceals-


Only from the blinded.

Flitting breath from lungs to neck,

Begging tongue,
And baiting breast.

Tentative flesh,
Upon tentative flesh,

What comes next?

Anything I want,

If this is,

Don't judge my #'s
Dec 2018 · 5.8k
I am the candle,
You are the flames,

I give you vision,
You give me strength.

You are the reason,
That I was made,

But if you get too close,
Then I'll melt away.
Older poem
Nov 2018 · 908
Mona Lisa In Me
Tired eyes,
Half smile,
Sly confidence.

Not trickery,
But captivation.
Nov 2018 · 2.5k
I may be all in black,
But promise inside is darker,
Haven't you ever heard?
Never judge a book by it's cover.
Oct 2018 · 3.9k
Mental illness is like burning paper in the daylight.
You can hardly see the flame, but the pages disappear.
Oct 2018 · 420
I've bled them dry,
How fine how fine,

For once in their eyes,
They now hold no life.

Nor apple seed bloom,
Nor mannequin beheld.

Always too soon,
to be put on the shelf.
Sep 2018 · 12.7k
Family Business
If there were a language for walls,

It would mumble,
Per broken jaws.
The sun would shine through fragmented holes,

A windows' lone goal?
To magnify heat,
Til' all was engulfed.

With confirmed dead inside,
None knock, as they've read inscribed:

"Family tree,

"Family business,
Buy one,
One comes free,
Fire wood sale."
Sep 2018 · 4.7k
Oil Slick
About the signs,
Red flags,
Or happy notes,
Scented mail-box-pine?

Did they explain in ways that you could hear,
Spell his name in your tongue for your ear,
Draw in the lines from his mirror?
Or was it fear?

The sketch artist quit long ago,
What was the crime,
What was the trouble?

Oil spill words,
Gold that chokes out the birds.
Thought we could be deep,
But only sip from the sea.
And into the bay,
I promise to only stain the sand,
Until you look away.
Sep 2018 · 1.9k
The Storm
One part calm,
Two parts storm,
Three parts shipwreck on the shore.

Four parts home,
More parts gone,
All parts missing the calm before.
Aug 2018 · 20.1k
Warm Bed
She is so spectacular,
This girl I haven't met yet,
Not in dreams,
nor my head,
Is she something I comprehend.

I've heard,
She's out of this world,
but believes in the things that happily end,

Oh to be in love,
with an imaginary friend.
Another older poem I Just remembered from my long lost phone. May it rest in peace, and return as much content as I can muster, in time.
Aug 2018 · 691
Fire Works
I'll use the excuse,
I just like the pretty lights.
But if you're looking for truth,
I escape the day through the night.
Aug 2018 · 15.7k
Pain or pleasure?
A poison picked,
A moment missed.

Until you're sick.

Every measure,
Enticed so quick.

Brick by brick.

Hugs of concrete.
I'm drunk
Aug 2018 · 261
I have an eerie feeling that death is near.
This note is left as evidence.
Aug 2018 · 1.2k
No Pictures Please
I liked how you talked once upon a time.
But beauty and the beast is black and white.
I'm an all or nothing kind of guy.
Guess I'm not really what you like.

Burnt matches for kindling.
Ashes with embers only painted orange.
Thought we felt a similar thing.
Cigarettes in the moonlight talk a lot more.

So it's over, I know you now,
A body is all you're worth.
So it's over, I know you now.
A little piece of heaven, tasting like dirt.
So it's over, I know you now.
If there's a crowd, you'll say the words.

Found out why you sit a lot by yourself.
Two trains of thought and mine's running out.
Away from you, I hope you're burning,
I won't feel those flames by the morning.

Burnt matches for kindling.
Ashes with embers only painted orange.
Thought that we felt a similar thing.
Cigarette tips in the moonlight talk a lot more.

So it's over, I know you now.
Just a girl.
So it's over, I know you now.
A backroom museum piece.
So it's over, I know you now.
No pictures, please.
No pictures please.
Aug 2018 · 18.2k
Stone Fort
Butterflies turn to moths in the drapery of your stomach.
They spread,
And the feast begins on the fabric lining the masonry of your summit.

Your satin sheets,
The place you come to cradle dreams.
Who knew,
Were vulnerable to these wing'd beasts.
Missing an ending tbh.
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