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Rae Apr 2018
he was looking at me now.
really looking
and he could see an adventure
i love adventures.
i want them, i love them.
... but maybe you aren't like that.

i wasn't looking back,
for fear I'd make
a happy ending less likely.
i waited
all the way until he'd
closed his eyes
for me to safely open mine.
written through blackout
Rae May 2017
Air fills my lungs but
You no longer fill my heart
I don't know what does
Rae Dec 2017
Regular people
Don’t feel this way in their minds.
They must be so bored.
people who write poetry are definitely special.
Rae Feb 2021
i'm learning to take moments
to pause and observe.
to truly live in the moment
and see the beauty around me.
to memorize the way my friends frown
and smile.
to love humans for everything we are.
when you love others with your whole heart
you begin to love yourself.
learning the importance of silence
Rae Feb 2017
When my joy is lost, I smile because life has a lost and found.
When the power goes out, I smile because it's an adventure.
When I almost crash my car, I smile because it was just an almost.
When thunder crashes and I'm petrified with childhood fears, I hold my blankets tight and I am thankful the thunder is only a natural occurrence and not bombs crashing on my house.
When I get 2 hours of sleep because nightmares kept me awake, I laugh because I can always sleep another time.
When I forget what hope is, I smile because it's woven into my being so tightly that I can always feel it, even if I've forgotten what it is.
When I can't breathe and my world is spinning, I smile because I know I haven't died yet.
When I can no longer get out of bed because I am so sore from the pain of life, I smile because being late to school isn't the worst thing that can happen.
When everything is lost, I smile because I am lost too.
Rae Mar 2018
I didn't see how
You were everything to me
Until I lost you
I feel like "didn't" is one syllable (judging by how I say it), but Google says it's two. So I'm gonna go with Google.
Rae Apr 2018
i reached
all the way until i could trust you.
i didn't have a need
to reach,
but i started to get into our story.
i got close
and then
i was
g  o  n  e
i'm finding so many old poems i never posted. and remembering all the feelings from writing them
Rae Jun 2016
I wish I could go back
To sitting in my bunk
Listening to girls talk about
All of life's junk

I wish I could sing
We are Standing on Holy Ground
Just to hear the shuffling
Of shoes all around

I want to look up at night
And not see only clouds
And city lights
But feel only joy and peace; no fright

I want to cry with girls
That I hardly know
And have them say they're there for me
After we all have to go

I wish I could have six days
without my phone
Because even though I'm disconnected
I feel the opposite of alone

I wish I could wake up
Before the crack of dawn
To listen to birds sing
While I hang my towel up and yawn

I want to be there
At eleven a.m.
Singing at the top of my lungs
And praising Him

I want to eat
Mashed potatoes made from a box
And never be able to tell time
For the extreme lack of clocks

I wish I could sleep by the river
And sweat at sports
And walk around at free time
Or go to the basketball courts

But I can't have this anywhere else
Except a little piece of land by the Medina
Where God is love and you oughta been there
A little heaven on earth: Camp Bandina
Rae May 2017
you told me of
your pain and i told
you all about mine.
we held each
other's hearts and
boldly proclaimed
to love one another.
you loved me
through my flaws
and i loved you
through yours.
but when it came
down to it; you left.
and my heart was split
into a million pieces.
i may never understand why you shattered me
like a glass bottle in an empty alley, or how you got
that power to begin with, but i will not let it ruin me.
i'm going to have to live my life and try to trust again.
i won't let this keep me from finding another soul
that will be able to walk to the same rhythm as mine.
i can pick my pieces up and put them together again.
i have spent my whole life falling and getting back up,
so that's what i will have to do again. i can live through
the side glances and small smiles and avoiding eye contact.
i can live through the 'how are you?'s that end with answers
neither of us believe. i can live with the anxiety attacks that
i get before i see you places. i can live without you.
so i am left
with only one question.
and i know this question
has been asked to you before
because you told me
of the other people you broke.
and i know how it haunts you,
but i deserve an answer.
if you loved me...
why did you leave me?
there's a lot of pain put into this. maybe some day i can look back and read it again and know the answers.
Rae Feb 2017
I didn't see the sunset that night.
That's what saved my life - a missed sunset.
Since then
I have craved the way
The sky lights on fire
Every single afternoon.

I have craved
The light and the colors.
My soul has wanted to feel
The way the light feels
As it dances
On the corners of the clouds.
I want that kind of joy.

So I set myself on fire.
I create those colors inside my mind.
My thoughts dance
On the edge of my body
Like the light in the clouds.

Dance in the rain. Watch the sunset. Run through grocery stores at 3am with your best friends by your side. Don't miss out on life.
Rae Jun 2016
A week with me and you.
No distractions, no pain.
No rumors, no liars
Just us two.

Sharing the purest feelings.
No hurt, no false love.
A pure love.
A week that makes us cry when we're leaving.

Because we know when we get back
We have to deal with the pain,
With the distractions,
And it will be love that we lack.

But this is our week
That can't be ruined.
Not by moods and drama.
This week, happiness is all that I seek.
I need this more than anything
Rae Mar 2017
buzz buzz buzz
say the bees.

studying for a test
but my mind won't cooperate
under this stress

buzz buzz buzz
say the bees.

writing a paper
but my thoughts are scattered
thanks to the little honey makers

buzz buzz buzz
say the bees.

i try to explain
that maybe it's ADD
because nobody would believe
that i have bees inside of me

buzz buzz buzz
say the bees.

i am walking around
without an excuse
with bees in my brain;
bees i can't let loose

buzz buzz buzz
say the bees.

even i have to admit
it's a little on the crazy side
to truly believe
that my mind is a beehive

but i swear if you listen
and watch me struggle
to make any small decision
you will hear the tiny, quiet, deafening

buzz   buzz   *
am i the only one?
Rae Jun 2017
she sat there
with the disk whirring
in her laptop's DVD player.
the movie wouldn't play
because of some internal flaw
and she stared blankly
at the computer screen.
her bowl full
of potato salad
on the desk next to her frozen body.
her chest rising and falling
her eyes glassy
zoned out
to another place.

the pills she's supposed to take
to keep herself healthy
sit on the desk next to her bowl
of unfinished potato salad.
6/4/2017. it's all because of you.
Rae Jan 2017
I look up
From the bottom of the ocean
For I sunk a long,
Long time ago.
I see the sparkling surface.
I can almost feel the warmth of the sun
Creating those magnificent
Waves of light above me.
Every time I kick off
From the sandy, dark bottom
I simply sink back again.
I'm tied to the seaweed;
Tangled helplessly.
So I struggle helplessly.

You shouldn't dive this
For you will sink, too.
It would be nice to have
A bit of your company,
But you still deserve to be
So it's okay.
I'll watch you float
In the waves above me.
I'll watch you be happy.
I'll watch you soon swim
Back to the bright, crowded shore.
I'll stay here and hope.
But I can't help but wonder-

What is a prisoner supposed to hope for?
It gets lonely down here
Rae Apr 2017
i used to have this skill
of writing beautiful words
it developed through my misery
it resounded in my nerves

i had rhymes in my head
and i put them together
i made people feel things
with an assortment of letters

but now my mind is too full,
too scattered, too broken
and all those words have slipped;
my thoughts have come unwoven

absolutely unraveled,
solidly unfrozen,
fantastically shattered,
an organized explosion.

those beautiful words
lost in the blast
i used to wish my mind would die
and it happened at last.
Rae Aug 2016
The importance of friendship is infinite.
So often, people use each other for memories and fun times.
But it isn't supposed to stop there, is it?
We are supposed to lean on each other when times get hard.
We can't let fights get between us, we can't let relationships distance us.
For there are bonds that can be created; bonds stronger than any you can see.
Just one talk with a real friend can set your worries free.
And friends are not followers, that is obvious to me.
They are treasures and gifts from God.
They are a shoulder to cry on when times get hard.
They are laughs when you want to cry.
And wings when you want to fly.
They are secret keepers, and dream believers.
They are motivators and personal cheerleaders.
But it is most important to realize that friendship isn't one-way.
Because we are all human, and the world doesn't revolve around you.
Friendship is about caring and loving unconditionally.
It is about giving not to receive, but giving because you believe.
Believe in love and friends and fun and laughs and crying and deep conversations past 3am.
Believe in relationships deeper than any with some cute boy.
Believe in a lifetime of care and joy.
i couldn't make it without y'all
Rae Jan 2017
shaking hands
clutch them tight
don't let your eyes
show the fright

stand still
don't be seen
clench your jaw
contain the screams

flickering eyes
shallow breaths
try to blend in
look like the rest

i give up
i'm letting it out
don't run away
listen to my shouts

i'm telling the truth
the world is my jail
there's no time to live
only to fail

so i'm done trying
to walk this rope
until the world figures out
there's no hope
when you find your reason to hope, hold on tight. there are others who didn't last through the fight.
Rae Aug 2017
She sees a reflection
in a blank wall.
She feels a memory
through the touch of her toes
to the carpet.
A blank wall of nothing
is showing
a flurry of somethings.
For not even a wall can be blank.
Every nick to the surface,
every dried paint bubble,
every scar on the wall
tells a story.
That is why she sees
herself reflected
in the wall.
Because nothing is blank.
Everything that seems like nothing
is something.
Every person who seems blank
is filled
with life.
Rae Jul 2016
I'm having these changing feelings
I don't know where I stand
That smile stops my heart;
It diminishes my steady hands

You have me under this spell
Like no other I have seen
It confuses me like crazy
And makes me feel unclean

My brain says it is wrong,
My heart says it is fine
You have me wanting nothing more
Than for you to be mine

Your endless love is inspiring
I just want to be you
But I can only try
From such a distant view

My whole life I've been raised
To be a different way
But everytime I see you
I have no words to say

But I will have plenty
Of words from here on out
Because you're gone forever
Gone, without a doubt.
Rae Jan 2021
there's nothing attractive about a dead body
maybe that's why nobody loved her
she was a walking corpse
this one is a little sketch but that's kind of the point
Rae Nov 2020
i crave naivety.
i wish i was as oblivious as the others

i don't want to know how it feels
to crave the end.
but i do.
that's my secret-
part of me died that day,
but the rest of me lived.
still glad i'm here
Rae Oct 2018
can't think straight
a fuzzy brain
over a blacked out memory

put your hands on my heart
feel it beat

you bring me to life
Rae Aug 2017
There's something mesmerizing about watching
the flames of a fire.
Something about laying our eyes
upon destruction
Captures our attention.

Is that why some people
are drawn to destroy?
some people become addicted to watching the flames of pain. God help them and their victims.
Rae Mar 2017
My body
is scarred
and bruised
and breaking

My brain
is scattered
and lost
and buzzing

My thoughts
are deep
and painful
and groaning

My smile
the same.
i'm the same to you but inside i'm a wreck
Rae May 2018
Look... at these... spaces... between... my...
... ... ... words... ... ...
This is how my brain sounds.
A whole lot of quiet in between the mayhem
Rae May 2017
i was lost
in the night.
distance waited for me.
panic didn't just go away.
panic could come
into my head.
i wanted to escape
what was i running away from?
Rae Mar 2017

you're making things worse.
you act like you know what's happening in me.
you will never, *ever
be inside my mind.
nobody knows what's best for me.
i don't even know what's best for me.
so stop acting like you are what's best for me.
from me
Rae Sep 2018
I am a guitar string
I sing, I dance and hum, I instill ecstatic joy in others
I move people and bring them to tears
but eventually all that becomes too much

i break
this is my art
Rae Jan 2017
day by day
i lose myself more
to the other half of me
beckoning at the door

every day i step over
the threshold of my life
into curiosity
beyond fright

sadness makes us curious
fright makes us careful
the night makes us see
the different people we cannot be

forty days and forty nights of rain
that's what happened in the Bible days
but its been months of pain
how many more
the sun breaks through the haze?

i am gone
i am gone
i am gone
i am gone
i dont know how to help you from a distance. please stop killing yourself.
Rae Apr 2017
I can listen to
The sound of the snow falling
Next to the silence
Rae Apr 2018
i want to know why
love means pushing away hate.
why can't i do both?
i don't want to hate lol, i just like the way the haiku turned out
Rae Apr 2018
i was hanging
by the last string i had left.

i jumped

and you laughed.
i'm still hanging
Rae Jun 2016
I loved your green eyes.
I loved your laugh and lips.
I loved your hair and nose.
I loved your hands and your feet.
I loved what you thought were flaws.
I loved every single bit of you through and through.

But there came a point when it wasn't all love.
It was no longer butterflies.
It was lies.
It was insults that were funny at first but I began believing them.
It was insecurity.
It was mistakes and crying and peer pressure.

I became so confused.
I didn't know where to draw the line between the good and bad.
The love and hate.
I never meant to lead you on because I believed the love as much as you.

But you didn't see the pain I felt.
You didn't feel it until I walked away.
The pain you feel when I leave?
That is the pain I feel internally when I am hurt by you.

I can't trust anyone anymore.
Because I trusted you and look where I am.

But the love is not gone.
I can't forget it.
I'm not heartless or using you.
I cannot let go of the good feelings you showed me.

I can't quit loving your green eyes.
I can't quit loving your laugh and lips.
I can't quit loving your hair and nose.
I can't quit loving your hands and feet.
I can't quit loving your flaws.

But I can't love the pain.
And that is what is keeping us apart. And I'm sorry.
does it make me selfish for needing peace? because i end up hurting you every time i find it.
Rae Jun 2016
I don't let people see
I don't let people see inside of me
I don't let them see the anxiety
I don't let them see it killing me

It's killing me from the insides to the outsides
From the outsides to my surroundings
It's killing the people around me
Causing me to lose my grounding

I don't want to go on
I don't want to see
I don't want to see the pain it's causing the people around me

I don't want to stick around
I don't want to see
What it is causing!
This awful anxiety

And if I stay here
It will tear me apart
Torn into pieces and thrown away
Will be all that's left of my croaking heart

And so it seems
That all that's left
Is to fade away
And muffle my screams

But that's not true
That's not what this is
It's horrible I know
But this heart still has some fizz

And it refuses to lose
It will not stop
I will put on my socks
And tie my shoes

I will walk out the door
And not look back
I will keep walking
Until I pass this horrible black

Because that is what
It will take for me
To make it out
Of this anxiety
Rae May 2017
you are a prisoner
and everything beautiful
is missing.
everything is insanity
i don't believe beauty is missing. not in my life. but maybe in some people's lives it is.
Rae Sep 2017
sometimes i
think that my
brought me to
the brink of
just to
me that
i can write
really good poetry
sadness inspired me
Rae Apr 2018
i didn't intend
to forget
the inspiration
that you brought up
inside of me.

but it seems
somewhere along the road
i did.
Rae Mar 2017
you said you used to believe
that i was the same as the rest.
"And am I? Now that you know me?" i asked you.
"Not at all."
i took it as a compliment,
it made me proud that you saw
the things that set me apart from them..
my accomplishments.
but get this;
you are them.
there are things that set you apart from the rest, yes.
but you are just like them.
and your heart is chained just like theirs.
you are not who i thought you were.
you let me believe you were different
but when it came down to raw,
unfiltered sentiment,
i will always, always care
but not like this.
we are both blind. because we are both them.
Rae Apr 2018
i've been fighting for so long
i'm so tired of singing this same old song.

"i'm fine, i swear"
i say to people who don't even care.

waiting by my phone for a single friend to text
but it's fine, they usually just forget.

i've been alone before,
it was something i was always able to afford

but now?
i don't know how to live
when i have so much left to give
and the people around me
don't care whether i'm free
from my burdens because
a burden that is mine
could never hurt them
... right?

i'm empty and my friends don't care
but its fine, i swear
Rae Jul 2017
i am happy
because i have friends
who love me to the end.
i have a reason to smile
every single day.
i can laugh from my soul
and smile through my eyes.
i don't have to pretend.

i waited so long
to be in this place.
i climbed mountains of pain
just hoping i would gain
the life i'm living today.

i'm so happy to say
here i am
with happiness exuding
from every bit of my existence.
no more fear. no more bad. life is good and i am so happy.
Rae Mar 2018
Everything is falling apart and
i cant fix anything because of my broken heart, which
never stops beating even when
i'm begging it to
stop screaming.

There's parts of me that wonder if you're doing okay
or if once again your mind is fading away because
i see the cuts on your body and
you really have to find a new hobby
than killing yourself.
to be read without pauses
Rae Nov 2020
i didn't really notice
when the nightmares stopped.
after all, we were fighting too often
for my mind to conjure much worse.
reality was the nightmare.
idk i'll always love you i'm sure
Rae Feb 2017
i heard
my brain

i felt
my body

i saw
my reflection

i thought,

"it's a good thing
i'm great at acting
like i'm fine"

the thought

that's when i realized;

it's only a matter of time.
it always is.
Rae May 2019
I see jet streams in the sky and
I'm reminded of what we could have been
one sunset away
Rae Dec 2016
a grave
wide and deep


we jumped
Rae Apr 2018
i was aware
of this... light
about you

but you never shine long enough
i'll admit, shining forever would be exhausting
Rae Sep 2018
Fortunately I lived
to hear the music of rain
meeting the earth today

I love the way it sounds
as it’s soaking the ground
of which I’m not within
Fortunately I lived.
Rae Aug 2017
Darkness preys on those
who have already succumbed to
the shadows.

Darkness cannot conquer light
and light will always defeat
the dark.

So the only way out
is to
bring yourself up and just shine. willpower really works.
Rae Jul 2017
i fell apart.
i didn't get back together.
who cares if i don't recognize myself?
i dug my fingers into
my head
i squeezed on the hem
of my tshirt.
always ending on a bad note.
inspired by my own blackout poetry
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