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10.2k · May 2014
Amitav Radiance May 2014
Expectations are the baggage we carry
Getting cumbersome, with each passing day
We always get the unexpected from it
Our back seems to be crumbling under the burden
Weaving a web of expectations, and getting entangled
Unable to ameliorate the obfuscated mind
Reciprocating, with the intention of fulfilling expectations
Our steps become heavily laden, unable to walk
Even though a life beckons without the paraphernalia
We have already walked away from it, with our expectations**

© Amitav (Radiance)
10.1k · Sep 2014
Amitav Radiance Sep 2014
How many faces you wish?
For you are not true to your own
Can you bear the burden of many?
Posing as everyone, but you
Even the mirror will be flummoxed
Ashamed to show the real you
Maybe a face forgotten long ago
Waging a war against yourself
An army of many faces adopted
Will bring you to the gallows
That will be the end to your identity
When you will be unmasked
9.9k · May 2014
The Wingback Chair
Amitav Radiance May 2014
I was brought into this house
Ordered from the local furniture shop
Made to order according to specifications
I am a wingback,
Upholstered in full-grain leather  
True to my rich heritage
I was placed in the library
Amongst the illustrious works of famous writers
Half- a - century have passed, providing support
To the backbone of the family
Although tired, he finds solace in my cozy embrace
I give him my wings to fly into the world of literature
Cervantes, Bunyan, Bacon, Goehte, Dostoevsky, Chekov, Tolstoy
Some of the names from the illustrious collection
Not all were privileged to have a seat here
He was transported to each era, savoring the rich legacy
Of literature down the centuries
I was privy to the mind-boggling debates
Which he conducted with himself
Trying to reason each work of literature
A mere wingback rose to be a companion
Providing sturdy support on the mahogany legs
One fine day the reading session ended in deep slumber
Five decades of bonding and companionship came to an end
Now, I stand here, forlorn, at the corner of the library
Reminiscing the reading sessions, and siesta
The wingback does not have the wings to fly away from this bond

© Amitav (Radiance)
9.8k · Dec 2014
Amitav Radiance Dec 2014
In this journey
We walk into the unknown
The clock’s hands
Drag us towards it
A day packed with surprises
Our plans do not matter
We seem to deny the fact
Unknown is our journey
Afraid of the known
Created by our imagination
What have we created?
In the unknown we have to delve
To look for the right answers
We have to be aware
When we step into the unexplored
To be a willing learner
We have to be accepting
9.8k · Oct 2014
Amitav Radiance Oct 2014
Started walking along the path
Where life was leading me
Towards a destination chosen
Not chosen by me
But was willingly following
To a predefined destination
Then I came along a bench
Weary I was travelling
The bench gave me respite
From the grueling march
I inspected the torn soles
As the pebbles were hurting my feet
Bleeding profusely
I thanked the bench
Where I could now rest for the night
Lying on my back
I connected the dots on the night canopy
Slumber took over
Dreams of a new road, I could see
Sleeping off the weariness
I woke up to a new day
The bench which taught me to wait
Another destination chosen by me
Clouds have cleared away
I knew the path to walk along
I was a traveler with purpose
My destination, waiting for me
9.6k · Jan 2015
My Words
Amitav Radiance Jan 2015
My words
Deepest feelings
From the soul
With every drop
Of ink
Is the chasm
Between me
and blank pages
Crossing over
To dwell
Among the lines
Are the meanings
9.6k · May 2015
Train Journey
Amitav Radiance May 2015
I want to board the train to nowhere
Two parallel track never to meet
Through verdant landscapes
And long dark tunnels through mountains
Through the morning dew
And torrential rains
Between deep woods and loneliness
Let the train travel till eternity
Filled with passengers who does not know time
Winding through the trails of nowhere
This train journey will be on tracks for eternity
Crossing breathtaking bridges
Looking at the dangerous abyss makes us dizzy
Train continues with the journey
Sitting by the window, landscapes scrape by
This train to nowhere, is the ultimate journey
We are all passengers traversing various lands
Two parallel track never to meet
9.6k · Sep 2014
Amitav Radiance Sep 2014
The distant source of light
Brings out the shadow of you-
A Reflection of you
Following you everywhere
A replica of your inner self
Brought out by the light
Which embodies the soul
9.5k · Dec 2014
The Waves
Amitav Radiance Dec 2014
At the quiet corner of the beach
Quaint waves come rushing
To embrace the shores
With desire deep within
Even the jagged rocks seem to melt
Such is the intensity
Love can persist forever
And deluge the toughest
Life is so rich
When love resides within
9.2k · Apr 2015
Amitav Radiance Apr 2015
Retrace the light’s path
Go back to the origin
Started with a flicker
Now, burns itself
Infinite and inexhaustible
From an unknown source
Only eternity
Keeps alive the core
Life’s caressed by light
Centuries of gratitude
Path of light
Is a revelation
9.2k · May 2014
Amitav Radiance May 2014
Seek freedom from the anxious mind
For, you have the freedom to choose
Break the shackles of intimidation
Claim your freedom for the sleeping madness
Wake up to a world of freedom, for it’s yours
Freedom for the prejudices and the dogmas
Claim your freedom for the untrusting world
Freedom beckons you from the deepest caverns
Thwart the advances of violence, and seize freedom
Do not pay heed to the abusive words
As your freedom to speak up is jeopardized
The weakest of hearts and minds, resort to violence
And their abode inside is wrecked by loss of freedom
You freedom will come when you walk out
Opening the gates of your heart to freedom
The weak personalities seeks to strangle freedom
To dominate the beautiful souls, as they feel threatened
Assert your freedom; this is becoming a puppet’s world
Always made to act when the strings are pulled
There is a world full of love and freedom waiting for you
You just have to cross the threshold of the murky world
Only you can win your freedom, if you choose to
Seek freedom, and slam the door on the world of captivity

© Amitav (Radiance)
9.2k · Oct 2014
Amitav Radiance Oct 2014
Dreams are yours
Color them as you like
Vibrant hues of the world
Are on your palette
Paint a rainbow
Or, rainbows over rainbows
Look up at the sky
Lots of colors
And explore what lies beyond
Over the rainbows
And head held high
9.2k · Jul 2014
Amitav Radiance Jul 2014
We are all painters
Holding a color palette
Conceiving a painting
It’s how we mix the colors
Depending on our imagination
Whether we paint happiness
Or scenes of saddened gray
Situations yield the paintings
Sometimes splashing all colors
Or else black colors gloom
Universe has mostly dark energy
Yet, we have found our colors
To paint our abode, we inhabit
No matter, colors of joy and sorrow
We celebrate all colors
We are all painters, wielding the brush
To create new colors of hope
9.1k · Mar 2015
Moonlight Saga
Amitav Radiance Mar 2015
Drenched in moonlight
shimmering silver gown
lissome steps treads the path
lonely lass, walks toward me
dreams in her eyes
to make me a part of
the lingering sensuality
night's young and glowing
nubile heart calls me near
tonight is the night
when the stark beauty shall reveal
8.9k · Mar 2015
Transient happiness
Amitav Radiance Mar 2015
Transient happiness
Drought in our heart
Love’s an oasis
We are
Weary travelers
Unaware of
The ramifications
Of unloved Earth
Nature’s revolt
Will encage us
Within our faults
Overzealous we are
Perilous future
Awaits us
8.8k · May 2014
Amitav Radiance May 2014
Glistening with beads of passion
The curves accentuated with every touch
Every drop of love quenching the thirst
Enraptured souls breathing life in to each other
Creating a surge of emotional waves
Drowning the lovers in the intensity
Emerging from the depths, to alpine moments
Euphoric bodies merge, to be one*

© Amitav (Radiance)
8.7k · Jun 2015
Set Sail
Amitav Radiance Jun 2015
Ships won’t be anchored forever
Rusted anchor will break free
Its weight will help sink deeper
With a loud clunk, noise will dissipate
The ship will set sail once again
No weight is heavy enough to overcome
Steered away to distant land
Searching for newer shores and destinations
Away from the land of constraint
Ship will sail safely through deeper waters
Navigating through inclement weather
Forces of nature will test its strength
For the ship shall find the happy shores again
8.3k · Sep 2014
Amitav Radiance Sep 2014
All that we know maybe distorted
Or a methodical manipulation
Where truth is obfuscated by few
Which spreads like an epidemic
Words used with vested interest
For us to play a role given to us
Memorizing the scripts, to deliver
Speeches with someone else’s ideas
Thoughts and feelings engineered
To suit the machinations of few
With sinister ideas to play with the mind
A conscious and intelligent manipulation
Bereft of the tools of our own judgment
Our perception is not even ours
For the mind has been violated
With the scheming and methodical manipulations
8.3k · Aug 2014
Alienated Beauty
Amitav Radiance Aug 2014
All the beauty around
Surrounded by the destructive minds
Beauty weeps alone
8.1k · Jan 2015
Night’s Beauty
Amitav Radiance Jan 2015
The night’s beauty
Gorgeous as silver
Dipped in dew
Misty veil
Ripped apart
Elegant beauty
Why care?
In a stupor
Immersed in beauty
Lazy elegance
You surrender
8.1k · Sep 2014
Amitav Radiance Sep 2014
The mind toiled with vengeful thoughts
Seeds of arrogance were planted in furrows
From where regressive thoughts grew
Watered by the seething flow of rage
Draining the soul of all the positive juices
Now left with a parched soul, full of cracks
Control anger before it controls you...
8.1k · Dec 2014
Amitav Radiance Dec 2014
In touch with you inner feelings
You create a beautiful world
The charisma of your touch
Will create beautiful ripples
The placid lake of love
Will come alive with the beautiful touch
Genuine touch touches the heart
Creating a lasting impression
A touch that becomes a remembrance
From heart to heart
Touch that cradles with loving hands
That touch etched in memory
Forever, a touch, that inspires
Love and beauty in your touch
8.1k · Feb 2015
The Mountain
Amitav Radiance Feb 2015
The tallest mountain
Once lay dormant
Confined between
Tectonic plates
Tremors and upheavals
Jolted it from slumber
Broke away from the shackles
Of solitary confinement
And oppression
Grazed and razed with every move
Now reaches the summit
To kiss the soft clouds
In silent meditation for ages
Mighty and tall, towers above all
Revered by many
8.0k · Aug 2014
Mind & Heart
Amitav Radiance Aug 2014
Mind cannot reason the reason of the heart
7.8k · Apr 2015
Solitary Wanderer
Amitav Radiance Apr 2015
A solitary wanderer
Guided by the winds
Through lonely valleys
Sipping from streams
Sleeping under stars
Night’s canopy as tent
Rolling on soft grass
Lay supine, dreaming
Of the sparkling stars
Holding them in the eyes
Life sparkles with glee
Solitary wanderer
Waylaid from the crowd
Greener pastures
Greets the wanderer
Solitude is bliss
Wanderer finds meaning
Finding ones purpose
Turning away from the crowd
7.8k · Jun 2014
On Creativity
Amitav Radiance Jun 2014
Creativity is like fleeting moments of brilliance, which albeit, occurs regularly
7.8k · Oct 2014
Take Root
Amitav Radiance Oct 2014
While sitting under a tree
I could touch the roots above
Wondering, how deep they traveled
Each one holds ground
Creating a network
With the synergy
Communications takes place, there
And passes through the trunk
Right up to the branches
When leaves whisper among them
Trying to communicate with wind
To pass on the messages
Those are rooted deep
What may be going on there
We will not know
Roots that explore beyond
Century of stories buried
This tree stands testimony
To the events
The tree stands tall
Weathering many adversities
With roots to bear all
Which have traveled deep
Enveloped by rich soil
7.7k · Jul 2015
The Conflict
Amitav Radiance Jul 2015
When the mind is in conflict
Nothing pleases the heart
Every resonance creates disharmony
Echoed from the sharpest edges
The conflict is amplified in the soul
Not aligned with the universe
Conflict of the mind takes over
7.5k · May 2014
Nature’s Way
Amitav Radiance May 2014
Nature has engulfed the Earth with Love
The roots firmly entrenched on terra firma
Sometimes nature’s fury uproots it all
Bringing with it, devastation galore
Yet, nature heals over time, lush green with life
Kissed with Life, by the eternal rays of the Sun
Water nurtures with the juice of Love
Breathing Life onto this planet
For Nature is Life, and we keep on strangling it
As Nature’s comeuppance may uproot us all
Our fate firmly bound to Nature; do we have a choice at all?*

© Amitav (Radiance)
7.5k · Jul 2014
Askew Passion
Amitav Radiance Jul 2014
Misguided fire of passion
Burns one’s own abode
Even the tears of remorse
Can’t douse the raging inferno
7.4k · Sep 2014
Amitav Radiance Sep 2014
Through the hourglass
Time flows freely every minute
Precious moments in each grain of sand
Try to hold them in your palms
And it slowly fizzles away
7.3k · Apr 2015
Amitav Radiance Apr 2015
Every action has its consequences
Bound to a fate of its own
We choose an action by choice
Informed or under compulsions
Wound in a complex circle
Once we knock the door with uncertainty
Fate is there watching over us
Given the task to execute the action
Awaiting the consequences as remuneration
7.2k · Aug 2014
Amitav Radiance Aug 2014
There is solace in being alone
Memories etched in the heart
Loneliness cannot breach
Memoirs scripted by them
Every word infused with love
7.1k · Jan 2015
Love or Lust
Amitav Radiance Jan 2015
Lure of lust
Love’s lost
Burning passion
Cinders remain
Heart’s remnants
7.1k · May 2014
Combative Mind (10W)
Amitav Radiance May 2014
When minds start warring
Reason loses its way
Chaos prevails*

© Amitav (Radiance)
7.0k · Aug 2014
Amitav Radiance Aug 2014
Dripping honey
Attracted to the honeycomb
Beware! Bee stings…
6.9k · May 2015
A Traveler
Amitav Radiance May 2015
The heart’s not homebound
Wanderlust soul seeks to travel
Through the enormous universe
Feel the harmony of cosmic energy
This heart wants to travel beyond
Like an unburdened soul, with valor
Veer away from the usual path
Prepare for the eternal travel
Multiple destinations and one purpose
To enter the wormhole of space
Traveler always and enjoy the cosmic circle
Whirlwind of a tour of the vast eternity
The heart’s not homebound
6.9k · Mar 2015
Across Night Sky
Amitav Radiance Mar 2015
Blazing stars across the sky
Night’s come alive with celebrations
Gorgeous display across the dark
So many things do fade away
But sheer brilliance gives hope
Many dark corridors will be lit up
The constellations know the secret
6.8k · May 2014
Amitav Radiance May 2014
The morning sun rays bathing the soul
Waking it up from the dreaming consciousness
Eyes soaking in the awakened beauty
Taking off the cover of night, to reveal a new day
Sun rays swathing over the valley
A watercolor painting over the Earth’s canvas
Vivid colors are splashed to create a spectacle to behold
A wave of warm embrace caresses us
As we get ready to rise up to the occasion
To usher a new day and new dreams in our heart

© Amitav (Radiance)
6.8k · Dec 2014
Waves of Fortune
Amitav Radiance Dec 2014
Waiting near the shore
Trying to find a foothold
On sands of uncertainties
Giving way to the burden
Waiting for the waves
To sweep you off your feet
Now the waves come rushing
To kiss the fortunes
Get ready to surf
The waves of ecstasy and freedom
For you shall ride with them
To the shores of beauty
The sun kissed land waits for you
With welcome hands
Sea of opportunities here
To feel the warmth of promise, again
6.7k · Jul 2015
An Enigma
Amitav Radiance Jul 2015
Obscure sounds
Flowing through
The silence
It’s an Enigma
Waking the
Beautiful sounds
Voices ethereal
Time seems to
Flow by you
You feel submerged
In the waves
Of each note
6.6k · Jan 2015
Amitav Radiance Jan 2015
Decipher the beautiful
Woven with simplicity
To create the
Most elegant taffeta
Striking hues
And softer feel
Silken moments
Souls glide merrily
Enchanting tales
Laced with yearnings
Shimmering covers
Overzealous hearts
Lustrous symphony
Of rhythmic hearts
6.6k · Jan 2015
Blue Sky
Amitav Radiance Jan 2015
A sky so blue
Beatific smile of Sun
Swathes the vastness
Welcoming with open arms
My gleeful heart
Reaches out to the sky
Oh so like the feeling
Joyous jig, to celebrate
Unleashed dreams
I release them to the wind
They fly high
Among the blue
Taste of freedom
Feels so great
My dreams have taken flight
My feet on the ground
And my dreams soaring high
A feeling of euphoria
As I kiss the wind
I feel lighter
My eyes are brighter
Hope resides in my heart
With the sky above me
A shade of blue
Oh so true
A new day and hope
I embrace the landscape
Proud I am
To feel this beauty
I am a part of it
Welcomed by bright sunrays
Feel free to express
When the sky breaks into laughter
Playfully indulge in a light banter
You are here
Welcomed by a bright new day
Regaled by the birds’ songs
Intoxicating aroma of Nature
Along with a sky so blue
6.4k · Sep 2014
Amitav Radiance Sep 2014
Destruction leaves a pile of garbage
Heinous deeds which rakes up a stink
6.3k · Nov 2014
In Serenity
Amitav Radiance Nov 2014
There’s serenity here
Words have no meaning
Everyone’s speechless
Surprised with the calmness
Clarity of inner calling
Voices never heard before
All the time there
Yet, oblivious, all this while
Narrating the inner story
From the core
What we are capable of
Living half the life
Now, the other half comes forth
6.3k · Sep 2014
Ignorant Heart
Amitav Radiance Sep 2014
The lies were silent
And the unassuming heart unaware
Accepting them as truth
That did not believe the truth anymore
6.3k · Jun 2014
Amitav Radiance Jun 2014
Rains lashing down
The thunderous clouds
Applauding every drop
The clouds have opened up
Their hearts to bring hope
To the parched souls on Earth
The seeds have been lying dormant
It’s time for them to germinate
Covering our garden with greenery
For it will find roots in the soul
Deeply entrenched with belief
That every shower does not wreak havoc
It also ushers new life and hope*

© Amitav (Radiance)
6.3k · Jun 2014
A Fight
Amitav Radiance Jun 2014
Sometimes one has to face the Chimera
Attacked from all sides with lethal intensity
Fighting an imaginary demon, a solitary war
Either, one will emerge a winner, or demonized
Tame the Chimera, before it annihilates
Here 'Chimera' is used as 'metaphor'. Chimera, according to Greek Mythology is a monstrous fire-breathing creature composed of the parts  of multiple animals.
6.1k · May 2014
Amitav Radiance May 2014
The art of being humorously disagreeable*~ Amitav
6.1k · Dec 2014
Kindness that Heals
Amitav Radiance Dec 2014
The magnanimity of your soul
And the warmth of your smile
Kindness in your actions
Willingness to help others
With the hands of love
Anoint the wounds with care
Speak the words that heal
And you gain happiness
By spreading as much kindness
Life shall have meaning
Worth something to live with
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