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6.0k · Aug 2014
Take Flight
Amitav Radiance Aug 2014
Dreams within you take flight
Embraced with the wingspan
To wander the high skies
And deliver messages of love
Shower from high above
Stars that you have plucked
Glittering with your generosity
6.0k · Sep 2014
Amitav Radiance Sep 2014
As our dreams expand
We take flight to new territories
Soaring higher above the ground
Embracing the world between our wingspan
Looking down from dizzying heights
Once nurtured as a fledgling
Lest we not forget the ones who believed in us
One day we can soar higher
Flying at higher altitudes
We can be the ones to give wings to future dreams
5.9k · Apr 2015
Dew Drop
Amitav Radiance Apr 2015
Hold a dew drop
On your fingertip
Many wonders
Reflected through
Light plays through
Kissing its core
See the landscape
Through it
A new perspective
Through a dew drop
5.8k · Aug 2014
Helping Hand
Amitav Radiance Aug 2014
If you have to extend a hand
Be it a hand that helps
To pull out who’s calling for help
A sinister hand that pushed away
There is always a hand extended for help
We all have a choice to make
Which we should not abuse
Let’s make a choice to lend a helping hand
5.8k · Nov 2014
About Darkness
Amitav Radiance Nov 2014
Feel the darkness around
A distinct feeling embraces
The outside
Somber feelings everywhere
Interact with darkness
In a unique language
You become one with it
As you go deeper within
There is a different light
Where you can see
Distinctly than ever
Even daylight fails to inspire
You are on your own
The real you
Reveals itself
Not even the stars are visible
Today is special
One with the space
It’s all in the darkness
When you drown yourself
In the solemn darkness
5.7k · May 2015
Beautiful Music
Amitav Radiance May 2015
The flute yearns
for the lips to kiss
Dancing fingers
In rhythm
Nature’s tunes
Play hide n seek
Music of the soul
celestial harmony
5.6k · May 2015
Amitav Radiance May 2015
The unspoken holds the secret
Of the entire concealed world
Misquoted so often with words
So many feelings yet to be felt
Often veiled with fabrications
Leave the feelings unsaid
As silence will echo the truth
5.5k · Mar 2015
Immortal World
Amitav Radiance Mar 2015
Words become immortal
Wrapped in the poet’s feelings
Magic spell of the beautiful soul
Weaves a mesmerizing aura
Fleeting moments of brilliance
Leaves everyone enchanted
Intricate display of inner beauty
A glimpse of the immortal world
5.5k · Jul 2014
Amitav Radiance Jul 2014
Continuous change is ubiquitous
Scripting a new script for us
Without rehearsal we take the stage
5.5k · Jul 2014
Sleepless Night
Amitav Radiance Jul 2014
Sleepless eyes wide awake
During a sleepless night
Tossing and turning
The bed is so uninviting
Not allowing my soul to rest
Listening to the dark lull
Turmoil in the mind
In retrospective mode
So many incidents come alive
Darkness giving me clarity
Of my experiences
Trying to decipher the past
Imaginary solutions
For episodes from my past
Time travel, visiting in reminiscence
Not sure whether I am happy or sad
More of a neutral state of mind
Sleepless night engaging me
In a futile attempt to resolve
Only memories can visit the past
Time, has long ago taken me miles ahead
My sleepless night indulging
In hallucinating my mind
Ramblings of a sleepless soul
From the experiences of sleepless night
5.5k · May 2014
Train Journey
Amitav Radiance May 2014
Sometime you board the wrong train
And you reach a destination, not in the itinerary
Unfamiliar passenger, whom you thought you, knew
But slowly, as the journey begins, you get lost
In the language, you usually do not speak
Unable to decipher, the inner feelings, you feel alien
Sometimes the parallel tracks look familiar
Maybe, they will lead you to your preferred destination
You so wish for the parallel journey
Willing to board the train on that track
Wishing to talk to the driver, about your feelings
If he could just bring the train to a halt
The train coming to a jolting stop
You may have to get off midway and board another train
Your train of thoughts has led you to the train
This will take you to the destination you have dreamt
With the right passenger the journey will be a breeze*

© Amitav (Radiance)
5.4k · Sep 2014
Amitav Radiance Sep 2014
Open your eyes to the beauty of this planet
Nature, since ages, is a work of creation
Its creativity is beyond compare-a masterpiece
We have to wake up to see the true beauty
Open the eyes of our souls to view the vivid colors
All artifacts are work of the master craftsman
Where else can we see so much creativity?
It is all around us, in the midst of nature
The testimony to the works of supreme creativity
5.4k · Sep 2014
Amitav Radiance Sep 2014
As I go to sleep
Dreams come knocking
My subconscious mind
In a rendezvous with me
Am I asleep?
The REM phase kicks in
What do I want to view?
I do not have a choice
I am just a spectator
For another movie
Do I know the cast or crew?
Is it a blockbuster or horror movie?
The conclusion is inconclusive
I may not be a protagonist
Maybe a figment of my imagination
Or, a vivid description of my days events
It requires psychoanalysis
My subconscious mind is in control
Why can’t I have control?
It’s not within my control
I am asleep and my mind is awake
Freud wrote extensively about it-
In the ‘Interpretation of Dreams’
But still, outside our realm of understanding
The symbols and motifs can give clue
Ancient cultures have recorded on clay tablets
But we may not be ever sure
Or maybe the soul is guided somewhere
Or it could be our inner desires
Maybe it’s an unknown world
Where we go out to venture
Let there be beautiful dreams
And dreams that inspire
5.3k · Aug 2014
Amitav Radiance Aug 2014
Claim freedom from innermost fears
Shackles, which binds the heart to tears
Mind’s boundaries keep you in confines
Courage is beyond, and your act defines
5.3k · Aug 2014
Harsh Winter
Amitav Radiance Aug 2014
The harsh winter
Could not freeze the heart
Blanketed with love
5.3k · Jul 2014
Fundamentals of Simplicity
Amitav Radiance Jul 2014
The fundamentals of simplicity is not fathomed
Entangled in the barbed wires of complexities
Simple words sing no more to the yearning ears
Heavy laden words and tedious conversations
Gnawing away at the precious moments of life
Disparity is making the divide in humanity
Thoughts no more in one’s control, all indoctrinated
Confusion and rage seems to be the new found ‘normal’
Wonder why simplicity is consigned to such a fate
Let there be a new dawn of realization, to simply live
Breathe in the fresh era of clarity, with no malice
Simplicity, I pray to thee, turn your gaze towards humanity
5.3k · Feb 2015
Serpentine Path
Amitav Radiance Feb 2015
Through the serpentine path
Concealed from prying eyes
Walks the courageous heart
Towards a destination unknown
Numerous fangs, ready to bite
To inject the venomous intent
And incapacitate the heart
Seeking the unachievable
The braveheart dodges hurdles
Stares down fear itself
Arduous journey takes its toll
Small sacrifice to reach the pinnacle
Where none have been before
Will be written in folklore
Valiant one who walked the path
None dared to tread before
5.2k · Jul 2014
Bee Happy
Amitav Radiance Jul 2014
Busy bee eyeing the flowers
Seduced by the bright colors
Probing with the proboscis
Hairy body covered with pollens
Visiting the clovers and hollyhocks
Also in love with Dahlias and roses
Returning with the days fill
Honey sac full of nectar
Returning to the honeycomb
They are ‘Bee-ing’ happy
With all the sweetness
Just Bee Happy
5.2k · Dec 2014
Soul’s Solace
Amitav Radiance Dec 2014
The soul finds solace
In the soliloquy
As sense prevails
Sonorous voice
Touches the self
Making complete sense
Simple moments
Salubrious to the soul
Mind and heart in sync
Simple seeking
Worth the search
5.2k · Jul 2014
Amitav Radiance Jul 2014
The crucible of Wants is insatiable
Expanding the chasm of greed
Hurling us into depths of obscurity
5.2k · Mar 2015
Sunshine in every Heart
Amitav Radiance Mar 2015
There’s sunshine in every heart
Sometimes cloudy and gloomy
Days may seem longer than usual
Sun is on leave for a brief period
Heart surrounded by heavy clouds
It may not hold on for much time
Before the showers overwhelm
Parched soul and heart is relieved
Drenched heart may feel melancholic
But rains shall wash away the pain
There’s sunshine in every heart
Warmth and hope will shine through
After the rains the world is clearer
Sunrays through the prism of life
Rainbows shall adorn the horizon
There’s sunshine in every heart
5.2k · Apr 2015
Solace in Solitude
Amitav Radiance Apr 2015
Seek solace in solitude
There’s a world of silence
Mirrors the inner beauty
A reflective mind ponders
Enwrapped in the echoes
The mantra of eternal truth
Soul elevated to a stage
Sweet harmony of realization
Hymns of pure ecstasy
Pours through the ears as honey
Sweetening the existence
Shimmering light is kindled
An unusual radiance enthralls
Meanings of life deciphered
Gifted with moments of bliss
5.1k · Aug 2014
Web of Deceit
Amitav Radiance Aug 2014
Too many words are spoken
Creating a web of deceit
Waiting to attract a prey
Trying to walk through it
Merely hanging by a thread
There lies the web of deceit
5.1k · Dec 2014
Amitav Radiance Dec 2014
How easy it is to complicate situations
And how hard it is to simplify
Amidst the complexities
We lose the plot, easily
Challenges were never easy
5.1k · Jul 2014
Amitav Radiance Jul 2014
Boundaries are in our minds
The land is for us to inhabit
Peace will prevail
If we transcend our mind’s boundaries
5.1k · Dec 2014
Journey of Life
Amitav Radiance Dec 2014
Cut through the imaginary chains
Get a grip on the life’s reins
The journey maybe tough
Diamonds are polished by the rough
Journeying through the dark
Frictions may cause temporary spark
Running frantically across difficult territory
The pain and agony is just transitory
Life is there to celebrate
When you are confident and don’t speculate
5.0k · Dec 2014
Toward Oblivion
Amitav Radiance Dec 2014
Never said anyone simple was attractive
Complexity walking away with the cheers
Wearing the gorgeous nothingness
And swaggering away to oblivion
5.0k · Feb 2015
A Face
Amitav Radiance Feb 2015
The lines on the face
Traces back to the past
So many narratives
And many more emotions
Have made an impact
Deep furrows on the face
Remembrance of life’s events
Sometimes tears flowed
Parallel to the lines of happiness
Etched on the face and forehead
A sanctuary of bygone eras
The face tells it all
5.0k · Feb 2015
Some Journeys
Amitav Radiance Feb 2015
Foggy perception
Tenebrific moments
A long tunnel of
Makes journey’s askew
So near, yet, so far
Never ending maze
And a blinding haze
5.0k · Dec 2014
The Flute
Amitav Radiance Dec 2014
The flute catches the music in the air
Every note dances ecstatically
A playful duet that pleases the heart
Silence becomes more gorgeous
Listening to the flute is a realization
Entwined in the caress of the pristine air
The oneness with it, a revelation
4.9k · Jul 2015
Journey of Life
Amitav Radiance Jul 2015
Trying to reach out to life
Feel distanced from me
I have travelled a distance
Went beyond the road I planned
Life will not let me walk back
The erased road remains a memory
Now I have to move ahead
Without looking back
Life has strange ways
Where you travel without itineraries
4.8k · May 2015
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Dragons spewing fire
Incarcerating the burning soul
Hatred seeded within
Raging across the premises
Engulfing everything
Turning to ashes
Blown away by the winds
Remnants of soot
Scathed with dark stains
Fire burns one and all
4.7k · Nov 2014
With Time…
Amitav Radiance Nov 2014
We are within the precincts
Of the allotted time
How we may want to spend
As time takes away a little
Every day we move
Towards the end of time
From Time to time
We are stretched
And then weaned away
Towards another journey
Different destination
It’s all about time
4.7k · Sep 2014
Amitav Radiance Sep 2014
Duality of thoughts
Distances the heart and the mind
The soul is not at peace
4.7k · May 2015
To Night
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Night comes with dreams
Brilliance of starry events
Darkness opens the eyes
When soul sees with clarity
Night urges the mind to dream
Darkness sees soul’s proximity
Into each other’s dreams
Playful night is a celebration till dawn
4.6k · Sep 2014
Amitav Radiance Sep 2014
Upheaval of the present
Takes you back to nostalgia
Fragments of memories
Plays in your mind
Incoherent thoughts edited
A certain place in the past
Where a part of you lived
No matter how far you have come
Nostalgia takes over
It’s a romance with the past
The vintage film in black n white
Now plays, colored with imagination
4.6k · Jul 2014
Reminiscing at Night
Amitav Radiance Jul 2014
As I call upon the night
To have a conversation
Darkness gives way
And night comes alive
Conscious mind at rest
Sub-conscious takes over
Memory box is brimming
So many anecdotes
Not afraid to emerge
Confident around the dark
Shying away from the day
Night has a life of its own
Feeling antsy and inundated
Quivering hands open the box
Full of pictures in sepia
A retrospective of events
Which were long buried
Sleep has abandoned me
Old memories keep me awake
4.6k · Aug 2014
Amitav Radiance Aug 2014
So many products on display
Shopping carts stare hungrily at you
With just a click you can order
Your minds tricked with colorful display
Giving a sense of ownership
Erasing the line between ‘need’ and ‘want’
4.6k · Jul 2014
No Masks
Amitav Radiance Jul 2014
Rip off the masks
Veiled remarks are scathing
Speak from the heart
The words that do not hurt
Come with true identity
To instill faith in humanity
4.5k · Feb 2015
Your Reflection
Amitav Radiance Feb 2015
Sometimes you are caught
Between the intersections
Of you and your reflection
Wondering, about the reality
So much happens between
Exchanges with your reflection
Mirroring what you want to see
And what reality actually is
Try to touch the portrayed image
Segregate the inner reality
And the outer façade for the world
Mirror what you really are
And your reflection will embrace you
Given the clarity, that shatters
The reflection of a reflection
Thus blossoms the image from the heart
Mirror will be glistening with pride
4.5k · Apr 2014
Amitav Radiance Apr 2014
I am like a dew drop on the edge of a leaf
Cautiously balancing on tip toes
Another dew drop appears next to me
A whiff of soft wind sways the leaf
We start pirouetting on the edge
Balancing with all the skills we have
Finally, we bond together
Different, yet unrecognizable now
A ray of light passes through us
To create a beautiful rainbow
It’s just the dewdrops

© Amitav (Radiance)
4.4k · Jun 2015
Amitav Radiance Jun 2015
It’s hard to fight wrong perceptions
For they are etched so deeply in minds
Unbecoming reasons obliterate the real sense
When nothing makes sense anymore
Brazen display of the fault lines
Weaken the social fabric
4.4k · Jul 2014
Simple yet Complicated
Amitav Radiance Jul 2014
Simple things in Life seems complicated
Brains busy mapping the branching logic
Trying out every possible options
Getting lost in the labyrinth of paths
Losing out on the options given by Life
4.4k · Jun 2014
Amitav Radiance Jun 2014
One moment can hit the core of our soul
Creating ripples, reaching out to unseen shores
Long before we realize, the ripples fade away
Leaving us with the moment which has sunk deep
For its weight we have to carry, memories do not fade
Somewhere in the bottomless pit of our life, it remains
Coastlines have long faded away, as it was only ripples
Which just touched the edge, and kissed it goodbye
Long before we realize, the ripples fade away
Leaving us, with its far-reaching effects
4.4k · Mar 2015
Amitav Radiance Mar 2015
Unleash your inner creativity
Where the mind and heart
Yearns to sketch the exuberance
Of the beauty of so many feelings
The soft inaudible utterances
Of the ink that flows through you
Becomes audible in murmurs
Louder and louder, they flow
Almost at the brink of insanity
Giving inspiration to creativity
Turmoil so revolutionary
Creativity is sometimes unsettling
Yet, so encompassing and revealing
Truth does find its way
4.3k · May 2015
Journey in Space
Amitav Radiance May 2015
We are still alien
To this paradise
Our journey
Shrouded in
This celestial
Space, in space
Through eternal
Ever expanding
And becoming
Not even a
Glimpse of answers
We seek
As we steer
Through uncertainty
Unknown origins
And Destination
4.3k · Dec 2014
Wonderful Moments
Amitav Radiance Dec 2014
The most wonderful moments
Are made up of simple things
A simple touch
A beautiful smile
A naughty wink
The playful arguments
Sharing the dessert
Or the cup of coffee
The kiss of assurance
Caressing each other’s life
Holding hands
Long walks
Enjoying the weather
Talking sweet nothings
Touching each other’s soul
To etch the memory forever
Simple moments we desire
And moments will be eternity
Not complicated
But takes love in heart
To enjoy these moments
4.2k · Jul 2014
Amitav Radiance Jul 2014
If you shut out the windows of the heart
Pall of gloom will engulf every corner
Forever searching with weakened vision
Whom shall you rely on to find a path?
You are bereft of any companion
As you allow none to enter your seclusion
Denying the soul of light, withering away
Gradually pushing you into oblivion
As all your sense are misdirected in gloom
Even your shadow will be forgotten
If you wish to live in eternal state of darkness
4.2k · Oct 2014
A Compliment
Amitav Radiance Oct 2014
Your heart’s poetry
Was written on your lips
Waiting for a compliment
4.2k · Mar 2015
Carefree Universe
Amitav Radiance Mar 2015
When the universe is carefree
And there’s happiness in the chaos
Wild and wide, cannot be tamed
Many worlds coexist throughout
Here we are on this celestial body
Trying to find answers to our origins
Many questions and confabulations
Our daily meditations yield no path
We are caught in the web of time
Going back and forth with our life
One form to another, inexplicable cycle
We can be carefree as the universe
Maybe the answers are hidden within
The path we have taken is flailing
Our unsure steps swerving us away
Time has come to be carefree
Join the chaos and find meaning
Align with the universe’s nonchalance
The answers will appear before us
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