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25.6k · Feb 2019
Still Here
Eloisa Feb 2019
If there comes a time
that you might lose me
Find me in my poetry
11.1k · Dec 2019
Final Dance
Eloisa Dec 2019
After lengthy days of torment and grief
Braving the cold, remained the last leaf
Feeling the slightest breeze
She slowly danced with grace and ease
Like a ballerina driven by the sound of her heartbeat
She made her final dance
And with her gorgeous golden autumn wings
She’s now ready for winter’s frigid embrace
8.9k · Jun 2021
Just Call Her Wildflower
Eloisa Jun 2021
And she took some tiny steps
to love herself.
Slowly whirling toward the rainbow,
a light guide to her greatest love.
With colors like no other.
Enjoying her journey,
a wildflower embracing herself.
Growing wherever she chooses,
in the stillness of the stars and the rhythm of the breeze.
Wind and pain,
sunshine and rain,
A velvety night,
a meadow in the sky.
And she took some more steps
to love herself.
She doesn’t have a name,
she’s a wildflower dancing free.
8.8k · Feb 2023
A Whisper from a Dreamer
Eloisa Feb 2023
I wonder if every dandelion I have sent through the wind
whispered how I still long
for a warm embrace.
And so I begged
my friendly, fragile friends
once more.
These  little wisps of white.
Please murmur my wishes
to the breeze.
My song of love,  my dream of peace.
5.1k · May 2022
The Brightest Sunset
Eloisa May 2022
And the day sends bursts of gold and brilliance to the coming night.
Beautifully engraving divine colors through the horizon.
The rambling of magics, mysteries, and charm has commenced.
The whispering of the leaves,
the spirit of spring.
The lighting beacon of my love
and resilience.
Nurturing my dreams,
unfurling my new-found wings.
An amorous night to soar,
an idyllic moment to fly,
While I await for the moon
to join the sun
in the same pastel sky.
Just saw the most beautiful sunset today.
4.5k · Aug 2022
Eloisa Aug 2022
The new dawn’s calling me
for a quiet escape
Setting sail to see the sunrise
The soft clouds and the blue sky
in between
4.0k · Jan 2023
Ripples and Surges
Eloisa Jan 2023
Moving with the sea
Dancing with the waves
Letting the rhythm of the water wash my melancholic soul
All the ripples and surges
I beg
Cleanse me but see me beyond my flaws
3.7k · May 2021
Unraveling the Dark
Eloisa May 2021
She watches a firefly dancing
in the pretty, sorrowful darkness.
She’s a moonflower clinging to her dream,
singing songs of love and magic.
A mystical vision in the radiance of night,
in her concluding silky, passionate glide upon the deathless sky,
in her deepest grief,
some blissful dreams arise.
3.7k · Dec 2022
He Bears it for Me
Eloisa Dec 2022
And he loves me for the beast
that I am
Just sitting with me
Loving me there
through my darkest nights
Keeping me company at my worst
Tenderly gazing while I heal
Holding my hand without looking away
3.5k · Jul 2019
A Proud Misfit
Eloisa Jul 2019
Yes, you are indeed right.
I’m weird and a bit strange
unconventional, odd, different.
But no,
I do not want to cut myself into pieces to suit
to your approval of what’s normal
and what’s needed.
I do not need to edit myself to fit in.
I do not need to apologize for what
and who I am.
I am strong enough to live my life in my own terms.
I dance to the beat of my own music.
It doesn’t matter if nobody understands me.
I am just being me.
I am real.
I am beautiful.
I am unique.
I am a proud misfit.
~ A co-worker asked me a week ago of what I usually do during my free time and I  answered that I read poetry and scribble some pieces most of the time. Shaking his head, my reply invited a chuckle and an eye roll  from the others as well.
3.5k · Jun 2021
Eloisa Jun 2021
And she adorned her evenings
with roses and rhymes,
words and thorns.
A night even with her sacred vessels,
she still got lost in a storm
3.4k · Jul 2019
I Can Save Myself
Eloisa Jul 2019
I can either spend my life fighting every single thing that doesn’t go my way, or calm down and believe that life’s challenges can be overcome and happiness can be attained.
My enormous odds, struggles, and difficulties are opportunities for me to gain wisdom and grow tolerance and resilience.
even mishaps,
they’re going to work to my advantage.
I believe that I’m already on the path to freedom from pain and confusion.
I believe that people can replace hatred with love, anger with patience and acceptance, spite with generosity and compassion, and jealousy with kindness.
I must walk the path to save myself.
3.4k · Dec 2022
Moon’s Love Letter
Eloisa Dec 2022
And the love letter sent to me
by the moon is here
Carried by the pure, white snow
Covering me with love
Her old vow
Fixing the broken promise
of healing
An inspiration to take even
little steps
While I continue to seek
real fullness
3.3k · Mar 2019
Eloisa Mar 2019
She stood there naked almost all throughout the year
Enslaved by the chilling winds, captured by the gloom of winter
Though she never got tired of waiting for the sun to rouse from a lengthy sleep
Reaching up the clouds, she raised her tiny brittle arms and began to weep

I was a witness to her silent suppressed feeling and pain
But I was scared to show her that I also wallow in vain
Then I saw her yesterday with the warm breeze caressing her blushing cheeks
I just wished she felt my joy, the freedom from the frigid knot is indeed to celebrate

Her beauty now flourishes in her pink and silky gown
Her smile glitters and she glows like a princess with a gorgeous crimson crown
Again I am a witness to her glorious happiness and content
Though nervous of the ceremony that might soon begin to fade
3.2k · Aug 2022
Eloisa Aug 2022
And today my coffee
tastes like magic.
Another year older.
My journey so far has not been easy but I’m grateful.
It’s a beautiful day to celebrate!
Thank you for your birthday greetings and inspiring messages!
3.2k · Sep 2021
Soften Grief
Eloisa Sep 2021
The sunrise and the sunset,
the autumn and the spring,
Thoughts of their magnificence
pulled me up from this lengthy dormancy,
Living my life ahead,
Leaving the pain behind.
3.1k · Sep 2021
An Autumn Sunset
Eloisa Sep 2021
Waiting for me today
was a grapy sky,
a purplish dusk over titian fields.
Then a familiar autumn scent perfumed the air,
the fragrant tea olive burst in orange blooms.
I ambled and paused a bit,
and watched the little ray of sun
that lingered on the horizon.
I saw an outline of my dream,
a vision above the western isles.
I held my breath and firmly thought.
I have to find my purpose.
Embrace my lows and my highs,
my weaknesses and strengths,
even the creeping darkness and
the marvelous sunrise.
I have to love life each day.
With every sunset as my witness
to accomplish something worthwhile.
Eloisa Apr 2019
A quick change of weather brought me to stare outside the window
Standing near the porch, I was then surprised to see snow falling
Almost a month when cherry blossoms began to say hello
Here comes a chilling wind and a surprise snowfall in spring
Hearing its sound, a thread of sad memories began to flow
This pushed me back to the hour of pain, strain,  and self-blaming
Worried about the blossoms and  pretty wild flowers in the meadow,
I looked around and saw green grass and birds happily chirping
Oh! the woods smell sweet, snow becomes rains and the little stream flows
And everywhere I turn around, I see hope in everything
Plus who among us would not care, cherish and will not go
To admire a lovely tree where blossoms are hung with snow in spring
~A snowy day in spring!
2.6k · Jun 2022
Eloisa Jun 2022
Like Japanese iris,
she shines with raindrops in the sun.
A blossoming grace in silence.
A new butterfly in flight.
2.6k · Feb 2019
A Mantra of Self-Love
Eloisa Feb 2019
Don't focus on how many times you felt
and left behind.

Instead, think of how many times you              
stood up,
moved on,
took the courage to let go,
and lived again.
2.6k · Apr 2019
cherry blossom
Eloisa Apr 2019
Pink flow’rs, blushing cheeks
             A soft kiss to say goodbye
                            Just one perfect dance
2.5k · Jun 2021
Eloisa Jun 2021
She drowned herself
in the magical depths of silence.
finding her missing essence.
A much needed retreat to her sanctuary
to find herself!
2.5k · May 2022
I Need The Moon
Eloisa May 2022
I became prey again to grief’s treacherous maze.
So I dashed barefoot
in the forest last night.
Though the Japanese redwoods welcomed my rage and wild.
I’m still lost beyond
the gates of gloom.
The beautiful melodies
seemed to whisper dreadful things.
Then it started fading,
the music’s gone.
Even the stars are nowhere in sight.
The silence is deafening,
I need the moon to keep my light.
2.4k · Feb 2019
A Choice To Make
Eloisa Feb 2019
The winter fairy has again knocked on my door with a lovely gift of today
With a little sunshine hue
this morning she arrived with tiny friends
Still sulking in darkness and in my melancholic silence
I got up and tried to peek
A little smile then curved my lips
happily singing their winter songs
on a frail tree branch were birds with tiny feet

The gift of laughter that I heard suddenly gave me hope
Winter is not only a season of gloom, of tears and of despair
Its beauty is also a season for peace,  for thinking and for memories
Because of my new feathered friends
a reminder so I write today
That for any season that we have
to feel untroubled or miserable is our choice to make
2.2k · Apr 2019
Your Kisses
Eloisa Apr 2019
Your kisses felt as soft as the cherry blossoms,
as sweet as the smell of the grass and the woods,
as warm as the sunshine in April,
Yes, I truly love you and the beauty of spring!
~I miss you!
2.2k · May 2021
A Raven’s Prayer
Eloisa May 2021
A helpless mourner
Lilting in her deep sorrows
Raven in darkness
To lighten her nightly scars
Whispered her pray’rs to Selene
2.1k · Dec 2022
Life Continues
Eloisa Dec 2022
Like a red-crowned crane, she is not bothered by the cold
She chases the last tints of autumn
She hums as she hears the sound of the leaves under her feet
She has not forgotten all her dreams she has in her heart
She continues to live
2.1k · May 2021
Eloisa May 2021
While lilies are asleep
Her dream has taken its wings
A promise of spring
2.1k · Sep 2019
The Truest Love
Eloisa Sep 2019
She loved and valued others
as exactly as they are.
Then proudly watched them as they changed to the truest and best versions of themselves.
2.0k · Sep 2022
Eloisa Sep 2022
And the quiet black stillness became a familiar friend.
Slowly reaching to an spiritual abyss,
With dark moments that regularly
strengthened myself.
As the depth of this special solitude
led me to a new realm,
I whispered my prayers
to the wind,
Into the tiny hall of awakening where messenger of the gods awaits.
2.0k · Feb 2019
My Seeds of Hope
Eloisa Feb 2019
I again visited my garden of despair
Watered with tears of woes and neglect
And now that the pond of bliss is arid
I once again asked myself
What flowers can thrive on these barrens?
Then I glanced at the blossoms of withered memories
Scattered as wreckage from a landslide
The bushes of harrowing pain I found
Arranged in a line of endless thorny shrubs
Decayed trees bearing the fruit of deceit
Still cast a shadow of contorted lies
I then trod as lightly and slowly as I could
Then plucked a fruit from a rotten tree and got its seeds
And with a chalky smile I hummed a quiet tune
Even in the death of my garden
I saw the promises of healing
As I walked past the rusty trellises and tarnished fences
I welcomed my sanguine memories of perfect and scented blooms
Visions of sun-drenched leaves greeted my anguish with a sliver of silver lining
It doesn’t matter if my garden left me with nothing
What now matters most is here in my hands are seeds of hope
2.0k · Dec 2022
Eloisa Dec 2022
And the tears you cried in 2022 water the seeds of hope, love, and healing you planted for another new journey.
Raising a glass to the love, hope, faith, and strength that remained in our hearts through the entire 2022🥂Cheers to the infinite possibilities and brighter opportunities! 🔅Manifesting my goals by taking on new challenges this year.  Here's to a hopeful and better year. Happy 2023!
2.0k · May 2023
A Lovely Encounter
Eloisa May 2023
And she dances to the gorgeous melodies of the wind.
Echoing strength  in her new found wings.
She gathers grace after an almost endless stupor.
With a courageous heart, she grows her pretty wings in darkness.
And as she enjoys her freedom in the air,
she scatters glitters to every flower.
A wonderful flight in cheers.
A celebration of hope and change.
A meaningful metamorphosis.
A colorful blossom that beautifully swirls.
Seeking love, bringing life.
A sweet journey to remember.
A brief yet lovely moment to soar.
Eloisa Oct 2019
She goes to the woods
when she misses him,
She dances with the falling leaves
as the wind blows and begins to hum his name.
2.0k · Jan 2023
A Plea
Eloisa Jan 2023
Lead me away from this unfair realm
Beyond my stormy days and dark skies
Kiss me hard
Embrace me tight
Take me to the gracious place  where I found your heart
2.0k · Jun 2022
Blended Bliss
Eloisa Jun 2022
She was sewn from a stream
of significant disasters,
but she has taken charge of the tide.
Directing the course of the storm,
she became one with the fiercest gyre.
The lightning, the moment
through the raging sea,
the season of her storm is done.
The smell of the after-rain,
the calmness of the shores mended the remnants.
A rainbow of colors and vibrance, the abundance of black clouds is gone.
The beautiful sky,  
a magical release
from these painful bonds.
Courage and kindness,
gratitude and strength,
the real treasures are now found.
1.9k · Jun 2019
Sunset Memories
Eloisa Jun 2019
All the things that troubled her seem insignificant,
all that matters is
the magical sunset,
the smell of the satin green grass
and every memory she had with him.
1.9k · Sep 2019
Forgiving Queen
Eloisa Sep 2019
She made her crown out of thorns and broken things and built a castle in her ruins
and became a forgiving queen.
1.9k · Feb 2023
Eloisa Feb 2023
Bare and bruised,
she visited the woods.
Stripped of joy and comfort,
she slowly trudged through her usual path to talk to the trees.
With stretched and open arms
they listened to her
perpetual wail.
Her vision blurry.
Her voice unclear.
The tears have yet to dry.
The grief’s still there to stay.
Then rays of magical light dappled through the trees.
Scattering glitters to the tiny green buds of her favorite sakura trees.
Shining through her heart,
a tiny corner of herself
that’s still her own.
Her sanctuary of patience and strength,
An important refuge that continues to love.
Komorebi: Sunshine filtering through the trees.
The scattered light that filters through when sunlight shines through trees”. It is made up of three “Kanji”
Ki= “tree” or “trees”
Kagayaku= “shine -through” or “escape”Taiyo= “sun”.
1.9k · Jul 2019
My Quest for Solace
Eloisa Jul 2019
In my quest for solace, love truly never fails,
Your memory magically appears to calm the violent storms and adjust my sail.
1.9k · Apr 2019
My All
Eloisa Apr 2019
In my hours of bliss
Here in this world full of words
In my time of grief
You’re my poem I’ll always write
and the story of my life
1.9k · May 2020
Wings of Grace and Faith
Eloisa May 2020
Her shoulders are tired carrying heavy loads.
While crawling, she began throwing away the logs, rocks, barbs, and thorns.
She replaced them with feathers and
flower-petalled wings to reach the moon.
The reason birds can fly and we can't is simply because they have perfect faith, for to have faith is to have wings.
J.M. Barrie
1.9k · Jan 2023
Gift of Darkness
Eloisa Jan 2023
And just like that,
I lost my poetry again.
But my nighttime friend was there.
The moon who holds my desires and fear.
The one who keeps all my tangled thoughts.
Reminding me of the wishes I’ve daily written in the night sky.
All my stories of pain and love,
my sunken dreams and storms.
Yet I told the moon of what I know,
that my loss does not have
to be an end.
A realization
1.8k · Aug 2021
Eloisa Aug 2021
Watching the clouds
float across the sky.
But I know a hidden sun’s
still there watching.
The sweet scent of the morning air
in the midst of this dreary gloom,
Someday I’ll meet my fate up there,
up there among those feathery clouds.
And though I’d get rained on sometimes,
there was never any storm
I couldn’t handle.
1.8k · Jun 2022
Anchored Anew
Eloisa Jun 2022
Her distant, dormant dream
was brought back to life.
Fully awakened.
Arousing all her heart’s desires.
With no more space for doubts
and fear.
She then realized that her light
has never left at all.
Her grace has taken a lovely form.
Unique yet undefined.
Sweet though surreal.
“One who has control over the mind

is tranquil in heat and cold, 
in pleasure and pain,
 and in honor and dishonor.”
– Bhagavad Gita
1.8k · Feb 2023
Eloisa Feb 2023
As naive as the moon,
I often seek light
from the dark.
And as I chased love in my ruins,
I heard his whisper from the wind.
For nights I wander
through my starless, somber sky.
And while I pick up
pieces of my soul,
I felt a soft and sudden brush
to my wings.
His breath wrapped me
with stardust.
His heartbeat was singing
a promise of love.
But I’m a bird.
Still chained to this gloomy sky.
1.8k · Jun 2022
Eloisa Jun 2022
Staring at my return ticket
to the past
My sunset in a wine glass
Hazy but wondrous
Some things stay even one departs
1.8k · Jan 2022
Eloisa Jan 2022
Embraced my chaotic waves
My mess after madness and
Braved my sullen storm
Reaching out your hands to
Accept the broken me
Calming my hysteric nerves and
Eagerly sailed along  
Deep in the darker side of me

Mysterious our horizon may be
Even in these surges of uncertainty

My soul felt a different you
Only one who truly understands
Ripples of memories behind, that
Even my dimmest night will end
1.7k · Jun 2019
Eloisa Jun 2019
A portrait of love
In the realm of fantasy
Our hearts beat in sync
Rainbow paints on a canvas
Only us, in bed, naked
1.7k · Jan 2023
On the Brink
Eloisa Jan 2023
I am exhausted by strength today.
I’ve often pretended to be a mighty oak fighting the storms
Often fought the strongest winds while standing there in the open
Alone and compelled to fight
My wars, and most of the time theirs
Bewildered and forlorn
Glorifying the oak in me
Yet I have always ended up crooked, scarred, and broken
Unaccepting to the message of reality
That there will always be lulls and long despairs
And a lot of battles that you cannot choose
But will still try to find someone
Who’ll help me gather the fallen sticks, my gnarled and withered twigs
To create something beautiful
While I find again my quiet strength, my calm courage amidst any storm
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