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1.5k · Oct 2019
I Fall in Love with Autumn
Eloisa Oct 2019
Beauty of autumn
   As I watch the sunset fades
    Yellow, mellow, gold
1.5k · May 2022
Always a Dreamer
Eloisa May 2022
Trying to catch the hopeful winds
in my sails.
delving into the beauty
and promises of life.
Where love daily flourishes
in my heart,
growing and evolving,
chasing the horizon’s hidden colors.
And as the night rhythms pray grace,
while I help the winds
build my castle,
my faith strengthens its stairs.
The ocean waves sing love
and freedom,
echoing a beautiful lyrics of my life.
The night breeze shapes my vision
as love continues to glimmer.
I’m a hopeful believer.
And yes, I’m always a dreamer.
Missing the ocean waves.
I had a gorgeous dream last night.
1.5k · Nov 2022
My Dear Tree
Eloisa Nov 2022
I started to float
and I’m ready to fall
But I’m not frightened
I’d never cling to your branch
I’ve memorized
the happiness you gave
The nourishment we shared
I will always be a part of you
Worry not my dear
I’ll be back again
to find you

                          Another autumn leaf
1.5k · Feb 2019
Worry Not
Eloisa Feb 2019
Regrets, clouds of doubt
Random mistakes, broken vows
This uncertainty
Worry less my dear, don’t fear
I’d take your hand, please take mine
1.5k · Jun 2022
A Song of Promise
Eloisa Jun 2022
And she danced to the gorgeous melodies of the ocean waves.
Echoing grace in her courageous and forgiving heart.
Retrieving what she lost in the darkest cave of the past.
A song of promise
to her most bearing self.
All the love that she deserves.
Everything she forgot
to give herself
1.4k · Jan 2022
You Embraced Me More
Eloisa Jan 2022
And we wrapped one another in love and kindness
Slowly weaving a fine, flowered and sweet-smelling story
Even on our mundane
yet magical days
You embraced me more and more
1.4k · May 2022
Eloisa May 2022
Can you take me to a special place
where the wild
becomes my blissful sky?
Only you and me,
dreaming while gliding with glee.
Help me find my lost essence,
my disoriented strength.
And marvel at the joyous,
glossy evergreens
till the darkness sets in.
Please hold my hands until my moon glows again.
1.4k · Nov 2022
Eloisa Nov 2022
Love, my safety
Faith, my wings
A quest for light through this
sunless journey
With a remarkable strength
From hell came out an angel
Back to an enchanting flight
Ready to glide in this garden
of life
#COVID19 Kicked My B*tt

Japan braces for 8th wave right now as #covid19 spreads again.  The thousands of cases daily and the fear of having a dual coronavirus-seasonal influenza spike this winter worries many.  But since almost 80% of the population are fully vaccinated, wearing mask has already been optional for children which I think is a contributing factor for the continuing increase on cases. I teach young children and there were noted children’s infection in our area. So, I knew that #covid19 would catch me at some point due to the nature of my job. As a language teacher, I work in close contact with our clients doing small and big group English lessons to kindergartners and elementary students. I do private one on one conversation and Eiken lessons as well. I know that a number of people I came in contact with got infected by this crazy virus though they observe strict health protocols all the time. Thus, I am always telling myself that I’ve been lucky because I was exposed to covid+ individuals many times and I was never infected. Unfortunately, after our halloween party, covid kicked my b*tt really bad. But being fully vaccinated and boosted, I was not totally scared and I felt ready to take on this virus. Turns out, I was ready, but it wasn't a walk in the park. I've heard some friends say that getting the latest covid variant is like a bad case of sniffles or a mild flu. Not for me. I spent horrible days of having body aches, chills, fatigue, diarrhea, nausea, and fever. I felt miserable with no energy, had anosmia and ageusia and had the worst sore throat of my life. My throat was like being chainsawed. I dreaded swallowing, and the pain in my throat every time I sneezed was too excruciating. Age factor, maybe. And now a few weeks after, I still feel the adverse effects it brought to my body. Cough, chest tightness, and sore throat still linger.  But what scared me then during my infection was actually transmitting the virus to the members of my family. Thank God, they’re safe and healthy. 🙏
I guess, I didn’t beat covid. The vaccines did.
1.4k · Nov 2022
Autumn Leaves
Eloisa Nov 2022
The scene
Yellow, red, and orange
A million pigments in between
They fly, they smile
They do not fall
Taking time
Embracing the wind
Their only chance to soar
1.4k · Jun 2019
Under the Spell
Eloisa Jun 2019
State of enchantment
Moon dances in a ritual
Solitary me
1.4k · Apr 2019
Eloisa Apr 2019
For some it was poetry
   For me, it was bits and pieces of you
   More of you...and less of me
No, it was everything about you
~I miss bits and pieces of you.
   I miss all about you.
1.4k · Mar 2023
Serendipity Lost
Eloisa Mar 2023
And then there’s something special
in my solitary journey
Pristine sands aglow like pearls
Us, enjoying the serene, silky sea
This aching reverie, bitter-sweet memories
Our hands rowing our boat
Our dancing rituals under the moon
Chasing the sunset, enjoying the sunrise
How I long for those happier days
How I yearn for our lost serendipity
And so I pray for light and colors
For the radiance that once so bright
A whisper of prayer for our lost serendipity and splendor
And so I send my wishes through the joyous unceasing winds
Requesting the stars to keep track of us
Though our destinies may not again collide
1.4k · Apr 2022
Eloisa Apr 2022
Then the darkness
got there first again.
Slowly killing her desires.
Veiled in black,
grief did not leave her.
Blurred were the lines that separated her fear and joy.
She’s lost in the haze.
1.3k · Jun 2021
Eloisa Jun 2021
And she laid herself down on the sand of darkness
Slowly lacing each tiny grain into pearl
Loosen yet whole
Rare yet priceless
Precious and lustrous
Enchanting and valuable
1.3k · Jun 2022
On a Journey to Healing
Eloisa Jun 2022
Bravery and strength
She broke the hourglass of grief
Knotted dreams unravelled
With pretty shades of purpose
The moon, her poems as witness
1.3k · Jul 2019
Eloisa Jul 2019
I found my peace in solitude.
I found my calm in silence.
I discovered light even in darkness.
Nothing can shatter my strength.
Nothing can ruin my confidence.
I’ve already found me.
I have found everything I need within myself.
1.3k · Feb 2019
Eloisa Feb 2019
Had a gorgeous dream
Your broad arms wrapped around me
Gone are my worries
1.3k · Feb 2019
Be Strong
Eloisa Feb 2019
Nurture your strength and let it freely grow
Gather your spirit, paddle your own canoe
The  darkest storms and all the wildest waves
Spiralling winds,  the strongest gales
All these torments, disillusions and dismays
Easy and strong paddles keep you adrift and unafraid
1.3k · Sep 2021
Colors of Fall
Eloisa Sep 2021
I departed poorly
with my blackly bitter summer,
And ordered life in bright colors.
It gave me autumn
dressed in blazing orange and red.
Delivered to me in dreamful
and magical tints of gold.
I didn’t even notice the autumn rain.
Smelling the fragrance of the breeze,
I heard beautiful music from the rustling leaves.
Now, my heart began beating a familiar rhyme.
Love will gather my wistful, unspoken thoughts,
With new songs of harmony
from these autumn leaves.
I still have a lot of these colors.
I still have a lot of LOVE to give.
I’ve known love like I’ve known fall for so long.
1.2k · Mar 2022
On the Edge
Eloisa Mar 2022
I opened my eyes in darkness,
In the ravine where I met myself.
I heard my voice
in the deep silence.
In the unending crack
I began to tread again.
I tried to climb
out of dread and despair.
Nearing the death of light.
The moon has left.
1.2k · May 2021
Eloisa May 2021
In my solitary hours,
haunted by the silence
of this silvery river,
with trees scattered on its banks
I heard soft whispers
from every leaf.
A soft and peculiar chant,
mumbling sorrows and despair to
my melancholic soul.
My swift glimpse on the silent, still water revealed
a stranger,
A girl though left lucid yet
drowned and lost.
Silenced by the heavy
ripples of grief,
Dim thoughts began to steal
the river’s song.
Now I’m slipping into the water depths,
In the midst of these soundless murmurs,
all alone.
1.2k · May 2022
Eloisa May 2022
A warbler whistles
Crystals and flowers in her hair
Love the morning sun
1.2k · Aug 2019
You Are More
Eloisa Aug 2019
Your flaws and scars are part of what makes
a stronger you
Be proud to wear all of them.
They are a reminder of the battles you’ve won and the trials you’ve endured.
No struggles and accomplishments define
who you are.
Be proud to carry your wounds
and your stories.
You’re not broken.
You are more.
You’re a warrior.
1.1k · Aug 2019
Eloisa Aug 2019
Best conversations
While the world is fast asleep
Dawn and the sunrise
1.1k · Jul 2019
Nature Cure
Eloisa Jul 2019
It is only in my moment of silence
that I could hear my voice
I got lost in the wilderness
but I have found myself
~My Regular Nature Walk
There should be moments that you have to find time to have some solitude to review the past and do some deep thinking which is vital to your own growth. This is the time to identify your dreams that you already brought into reality and some goals and plans that you have not yet accomplished. Being with my own company at times provided me a chance to rediscover myself and my life’s purpose. It helped me reflect on my past and chart my future properly.
1.1k · Jul 2019
Love’s Assurance
Eloisa Jul 2019
He loves her even on her darkest days.
His tight embrace shows her that flowers can still bloom
even  under the rain falling from a threatening storm,
and even under the pale light of the moon.
His kisses remind her that
even wildflowers blossom on a desert floor.
His words assure her that she is not alone.
This is how he shows her that
he loves her more.
1.1k · May 2022
Eloisa May 2022
Help me forget my dark thoughts.
Even just for now.
Be my calm,
my cloak in this dimness
I’m confined in.
Calm the storm that runs
through my veins.
Be the breeze that hugs my soul.
1.1k · May 2022
Always Grateful
Eloisa May 2022
Let the buds of kindness continue to blossom in your pure heart.
I have not been receiving any notification emails from HP for a year now. The notification tab also in the site only shows a few. I do not know who has sent a sun to my newest poem
“The Brightest Sunset.”
I just would like to say thank you.
I truly appreciate it.
1.1k · Jun 2022
I’m Not Lost
Eloisa Jun 2022
I found my fate below my feet.
So I continue to tread gently.
Sobering up from the intoxication of seeking.
My light has never been lost and need not to be sought.
I’m breaking the walls I built to cover the real me.
Coated with anxiously raised endurance and strengths.
All the layers of fallacy.
My true nature has always been fragile.
Yet I’m toughened by life’s impermanence.
Holding on to the very meaning of life.
Embracing all sufferings and hardships.
Without losing sight of my creative and truer self.
"For more than 500 years, pottery in Japan has found a new lease of life through kintsugi, the traditional Japanese art form of sealing cracks with lacquer and gold powder. This technique of repair embodies the wabi-sabi aesthetic, which embraces the beauty in imperfection."
1.1k · Jul 2022
Sealing a Destiny
Eloisa Jul 2022
The beauty of her heart speaks.
As she floated freely in the water.
Like lotus, she blooms radiantly in the rain.
Catching life as it flows.
Watching the clouds blown away beyond the sky.
Letting the magic of love do
what it will.
1.1k · Feb 2019
Eloisa Feb 2019
Courage and strength in the midst of her fear
Disguises her feelings, though she woke up in tears
Uneven, rocky and rough her journey will be
Winding and long her roads are temporarily
She’s confused of the thoughts that even the toughest will tire
That the strongest will be weak and the happiest will cry

She has begun to find doubts on how far she could go
She started to get scared if she would be able to go through
There were minutes of choosing to stop and finally give up
But still she thought of how long did she hold on and how she has battled so tough
Then she thought of how God has led her way and guided her journey
Showing her unshaken smile, she stood up again and began her odyssey.
1.1k · May 2022
Eloisa May 2022
a fresh start
a day to wander
spring rain
Tsuyu- rainy season
1.0k · May 2022
She’ll Heal
Eloisa May 2022
Gorgeous souls vanished.
Amazing creatures were lost.
But light still replaces the glimmer that she lost.
Every new day brings hope.
The ocean still continues to wash away the dirt.
Fate gives us darkness as a gift.
Turning the ugly
into faith and power.
And soon humanity will find
sweet waters
to fill her.
A response to Tim’s poem

“We carry within us all the mystical power we need to transform our world.”
Anthon St. Maarten
“All of the worlds problems can be solved in the garden.”
Geoff Lawton
1.0k · Jun 2021
Eloisa Jun 2021
And she loved all the things that tore her down.
Often left empty and alone,
she said she’s not broken.
She has flown into agonizing
fire and danced in perilous storms.
Her bond with her rhymes freed her faithful soul.
1.0k · Apr 2021
My Silent Prayer
Eloisa Apr 2021
I’ve written my prayer
upon the wings of this tiny tern
And she shall fly up there in heaven
Carrying my fervent, perpetual dream
To heal the bruise I daily wear
for the painful loss
our fate ordained
1.0k · Feb 2019
Embrace Your Truth
Eloisa Feb 2019
You tried to look in the mirror and you gazed at your own eyes
Not just a face you saw but a reflection of the past
You got lost many times, not only once, not just twice
Triumphs laced with mistakes, crowning failures that got surpassed

You stared at the reflection in front of you and saw a space
In it was a mix collection of your joys and your fears
You gazed once more at the woman’s more serene face
Another room was lit with a lot of held back tears

How many years have you forgotten and known yourself
Oh! Fret not for as long as it has taken back to you
For you  have begun to retrace each and every step
So that you could finally mutter to the woman in the mirror
“I love you!”

Congratulations! You now know your beautiful truth
That self-love truly throbs and runs deep in accepting who’s you
That giant tides will be tamed and all storms will be gone
If your soul is your truth, and your heart is your light
998 · Aug 2021
I Do Not Fear the Wind
Eloisa Aug 2021
No sun,
No moon,
No stars,
Only wind
furiously swirling up the sky.
But I do not fear the wind.
I have a pair of strong wings.
994 · Sep 2019
My Lunar Angel
Eloisa Sep 2019
She held my hands and brought me
to the moon.
As wanderer in the silver sky,  
a silent observer of the lantern of darkness,
she brought with her,
her memory of heavy past.
But the moon just watched and remained silent.
She understood the moon’s message,
“There is light and darkness within us,
just love and cherish life.”
I enjoyed the night’s magic and significance.
As I watched her hues and
smelled her fragrance.
Her smile mirrors the brightness and mystery of the moon.  
Though her eyes reflect her darkness
and imperfections.
With the luminous moon,
she shimmered beyond the clouds.
On a night journey that I won’t forget,
a magical moment with my lunar angel.
~Saw the enchanting beauty of last night’s full moon.
972 · Dec 2019
Final Dance
Eloisa Dec 2019
After lengthy days of torment and grief
Braving the cold, remained the last leaf
Feeling the slightest breeze
She slowly danced with grace and ease
Like a ballerina driven by the sound of her heartbeat
She made her final dance
And with her gorgeous golden autumn wings
She’s now ready for winter’s frigid embrace
969 · Jun 2019
I’ve Forgiven the Devil
Eloisa Jun 2019
My stronger warrior soul is confused and lost
Longing to be free from the visit of unpleasant thoughts
For five years, I was a wanderer between the glorious light and the evil of darkness
Which  seldom renders me adrift but often empty  and frightened
I would only try to dismiss the spell, the fight
Then battle to find my soul and to restore my heart
At length, amidst these giant storms and misery
Never would my tongue reveal my real unutterable agony
But the memories of the past became too haunting, more violent
And now I’m at the edge of the dark and eternal uncertainty
For sometime, I continued to believe that the nightmare was gone
That my visions were blessed with joy, and my dreams were untroubled
Suddenly, I awoke with the same frightful dream as before
The devil visited me again in my hours of sleep
Where did he get his powers and permission to torture me?
I contemplated one more time and realized
I understood why I dread my dreary destiny
I have not completely forgiven the devil for what he has done to me
So now to release myself from the chain of pain
and suffering
I’m breaking free from the sweet revenge I daily seek
As I command my wings to flee from hell and whisper my forgiveness
I heard a hymn from my  guardian angel’s melodic voice
A wonderful prayer for my deliverance
943 · Jan 2023
Eloisa Jan 2023
And my melancholic train got derailed again at the chaotic intersection of holding on and letting go.
937 · Oct 2019
Eloisa Oct 2019
Find me in the reddening
October trees of autumn.
Read the poetry I carved on their branches.
Each falling leaf will lead you closer to the most hidden parts of me.
931 · May 2022
Create Magic
Eloisa May 2022
Call someone.
Read a book.
Enjoy the sun.
Allow yourself to breathe deeply.
Take a walk.
Express gratitude and kindness.

Muse and meditate.
Add a daily entry in your journal.
Gain clarity about your passions and strengths.
Invite positivity and act in service to others.
Connect yourself meaningfully to people and things around you.
I’m currently in the process of untangling my uncertainties and finding my ikigai.
Ikigai- the state of having a deep sense of purpose, or reason for being- a raison d’être (as they say in French). It is a combination of the Japanese words iki and ***.  ‘Iki’ meaning ‘life,’ and ‘***’ meaning ‘worth’ or ‘value.’
Eloisa Jun 2019
Vivid in the green
Shades of purple, pink and blue
Sparkling hydrangeas
Queens of the rainy season
So mystical and special
914 · Jul 2019
Eloisa Jul 2019
Your words can be art
every line,
every rhyme
Every color that you paint can shine
Every picture builds life
Every verse brings magic
Every shared feeling inspires love
Every word gives breath to someone’s life
Poetry is more than words
It's about emotions and healing, your passions and feelings
Poetry is more
It’s your reflection, your power, your love, your life and inspiration
It’s about your strength, your life’s renewal and transformation
It’s about each other’s connection, purpose, and existence
Poetry is within you
Poetry is what’s there in your heart, in your soul
...and about trusting yourself
“Thank you Jim Musics for the tweak!”
906 · Apr 2020
Spring Flurries
Eloisa Apr 2020
I woke to a soft morning light
filtered through my pink curtains
and the neighbor’s heater vibrating in my ear
And through my window
saw snowflakes carefree dancing
in a radiant and romantic rapeseed field
Warmed by the scent of brewing coffee
and lovely thoughts of you
This magical sea of yellow
adorned by tiny lacy flurries
Let me forget the freezings that I’ve felt
and the dimness that I’ve seen
900 · Apr 2020
Grief in Pink
Eloisa Apr 2020
Longer sleepless evenings
Humid, dark, and bleak
Serene and sorrowful homes
Blossoming sakura trees weep
With heavyhearted lonely buds
Spring, unforgettable saddest spring
Trees not lovelier and so are fields
Nor the day more delightful than the evening
These unhappy blooms in pink
Signal a different kind of grief
Sakura  (cherry blossoms) are constantly cited as the most recognizable sign of spring in Japan. When trees all over the country burst into breathtakingly beautiful clusters of pink flowers right about the time it gets warm enough, people  yearly go outside to enjoy. Blooming of the sakura is a beautiful  gift from mother nature, hanami (sakura viewing) is done by many people in spring.  But due to COVID-19 pandemic, parks right now are being closed to avoid more transmission of SARSCoV2.
891 · Oct 2019
Sabay Tayong Sumagwan
Eloisa Oct 2019
Hawak-kamay, sabay na tinahak ang makinang na dalampasigan
Patuloy sa paghakbang at paghila sa animo'y hindi dumarampi sa buhanging mga talampakan
Mga palad na magkayakap, mga daliring magkaniig
Dalawang pares ng matang nakangiti na ayaw bumitiw sa pagtitig
Kasabay ng umaawit at mabining pagaspas ng alon
Sumakay sa bangka patungo sa paraiso'y masayang sumagwan
Subalit sa masayang paglalakbay ay may humulagpos na unos
Paligid ay nilamon ng dilim, dumaan sa langit ang kislap ng talim
Bangkang sabay na sinasagwan, tumaob at tinangay ng agos
Sa gitna ng laot, sabay ding nilamon ng dagat at sa ilalim bumulusok
Patuloy ang delubyong pilit na pinaghihiwalay ang magkahugpong na kamay
Pilit pa ring lumangoy at magkasamang sumampa sa bangkang gutay-gutay
Niyakap nang mahigpit ang kilalang bisig kahit nakapikit
Hindi man mapigil ang higanteng alon at malakas na buhos ng ulan
Nangangatal, nangangalay man ay hindi huminto sa pagsagwan
Muntik mang malunod sa sigalot na mainam na nakaungos
Kumalma ang dagat, natawid ng gabi ang umaga sa gitna ng digma at unos
Mula sa dalampasigan, sa laot at sa dulo ng mga puso
Mamamayani ang pag-ibig sa malawak at mapanghamong mundo
~ I hope to translate this piece to English.
891 · Feb 2019
Intoxicated (10w)
Eloisa Feb 2019
in my childhood memories
Oh, sorry! I’m intoxicated.
877 · Jun 2019
Eloisa Jun 2019
Luminous fireworks
Into the sea of silence
Stranger on the street
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