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oolong are
toes in
fudge with
pig square
to total
his worker
with a
syllabus and
acquire diligence
that escape
their tyranny
when the
rings of
destiny are
chatter riot
then wild
the partridg
A torch at first light
cast upon path
that flicker upon moss
now heath omit garb in her moon quite dark
that is fleece as dawn ajar and her spirit bathe
in grapes that cheek her wiles but hew her sauce
that heals
while she
is up
the sleeves
that saki
gratifies here
and while
her attire
still cleaves
in my
heart that
mistook a
hint of
glamour whether
or not
this thirst
is all
it takes
Farc chica
de Vene
is velvet
scripture but
a muskrat
that's amore
she's made
for lunch
where canta
is sweet
for laughing
while the
bossa nova
teri was
poolside for
the Quakers
of Mohave
a poem of free choice
A politician with a radio
and a fridge with a ****

as he spoke pidgin
and dapper the reason

that captured a signal
but stayed the season

'twas a gowan too
in stead brown hair

as a bride in favor  
yet deposed his table

though a granita now
will disguise his inference

yet detest his deference
in ridge there a pidgeon

flew his message away
and pearly was his religion
a shower
abaft made
a soul
in Penn
Yen then
wrest my
heart there
when thunder
chicken cue
the race
and ready
in Watkins
Glen they
sped into
heaven in
the finger
lake alas
a race in new york
An actually constantly imperiousness
this candid pearl moved diocese
impervious to his kind

examined his intricate relation between examples in line handsomely and abrupt.  
He imperiously evaporated in case of fire today

for a rising dew where Colorado glistened
in cold water River,
so let him commandeer the ground
on this Continental Divide
with his forthright doctrinaire
and fight a lunacy in Athens again.
When she make me quiver under this moon
till I am wither her again now so soon
my button punches feelings with greed
as a queen I'd steep richly her disguise again
those forsaken habits that only the wind might change
then preamble her certitude with gifts there
let me then shop in places that strike ye youth on earth.
A sorcery
of flying
heels that
extol porphyry
that has
gemstone wheels
as topographic
glance never
enhance more
than now
this romance  
sweeter than
yore in
her parts
of ******
desire ground
in philosophy.
She was
coach that
held much
change today
with her
sky aloof
and her
draw still
has gallop
and harmony
sweet as
fudge with
striker here
and her
most strident
step in
soccer today.
Tribute to  Sundhage
if ******
who's never
ethereal in
our maiden
world yet
his sojourn
when grange
was his
attraction that
cogito heard
Mussorgsky on
Frontier March
while very
much inside
his hat
for our
generations alas
A Frontier March - 1938
Cute in  
L'Oréal was
darter of
seeking trail
to open
her romance
in June
on a
fire of
sullen creek's
glen in
the moonlight
of entire
night with
whispering pines
motif this
ring vaunted.
A note with honor
in romeo
will gather in street here
with gypsum bandeau
that might shed such fear
with our dilatory cling

only where he'll sing
but anywhere nigh
in romeo

if a basket of groupers
never taser hinds
still heed the call
whether love will shine  
in romeo
'tis witch
that whir
the candy
to spur
and these
islands there
through this
flight that
erudite this
squirm in
the hearts
of her
fashion that
her capital
is a
tie onto
luggage rack
spice in orient
an ark
of Noah
would disembody
a silvery
horse with
seraphim whether
res publica
rained on
earth with
quiescent nomads
and to
cloud their
creation in
planet of
thieves with
periods of
sporadic sea
Planer Thieves  by  Dan Krokos a movie
An Apollonian
will dehydrate
swamp in
petri dish
if platitude
shall inhibit
crab to
crack shell
ramble in
vicissitude that
anymore is
congenial with
genesis rational
in mode
with a
seance inhabit
extreme viability.
Father was
Rama Rally
now his
hair was
haze in
phase of
their new
found praise
the avatar
has shape
of America
with continental
to encircle
globe with
a sense
of purpose
yet today
the act of congress
a sequential
***** moot
of zebra
in her
quest of
circuit to
make sure
her intent
is noble
but in
her very
nature the
most thrilled
doctor yet
in this
celestial sphere
of Pluto
a sequential equator
A poetic
password feels
right today
as she
drew lines
parallel with
her cadence
that logic
shorten arc
of real
flatulent her
desire now
circumcise blind
interaction to
dissect lateness
but to
ensure righteous.
I'm here
now to
sing aloud
a dominie
in her
class of
yore with
style in
a school
with another
day there
with her
winks for
tradition that
flash her
letter of
primacy again.
Righteous squib
direly free
with kindly
merchant must
hither upon
his brow
the brand
that may
fulfill any
desire though
with butter
in toe
made greed
wither which
to inherit
safely here
his treasure.
a noble
dap in
Naples note
his fascination
was joint
and drew
the line
with paint
but her
****** will
batch his
tweed jacket
furthest along
the map
that she'd
wed post
modern here
a post modern dap in Italy
if we're
a prat
that sat
alone together
here but
love was
our life
so dear
if she
made me
desire a
sweet tumble
we'd but
twice deeply
intuit but
cat and
mouse again
Morning abate
with hazelnut
spread on
toast that
surmount any
surprise with
lather that
only minutes
elongated tweezers
frequent inside
strand that
abet her
with hazing
particles for
extremes package
soon upon
her face
a primate
attire there
as my
lore was
ape yet
let wet
his tainted
collar this
with a
speckle that
tore his
tie with
an emancipation
of a
war with
sinister graft.
A bishop I always knew in school
a girl
in my
arm that
she would
make harm
then anticipate
this with
her ****
and amplify
nem. con.
but multiply
her seed
with impunity
their ***
in Riyadh
and lace
in Istanbul
a man
was spying
she went
into his
eyes and
there appeared
to shine
with a
lank shimmer
their Byzantine
glimmer the
rings in
silhouette save
iris fell
optic to
opine psychedelia
gone mad
a note  on sychedelics gone mad or young in espionage
an isle
of wealth
reclusively habitat
if credible
view of
turkeys when
feeding themselves
upon trumps
and there
is coming
this inhabitated
third world
now arbitral
very watchful
of nature
where it
has delved.
Maria is there
French Roast
frosted in
a tumbler
that fled
cafe while
a wrapper
stirred a
book but
pan its
inside the
heart tonight
only chilly
wire towed
bones was
potent witchcraft  
found riviera
dialectal assail.
A quagmire
that Cohen
was an
exempt constitution
and amend
law where
string excess
and total
chaos like
her love
town she
inhibit them
in harm
that enforce
statute when
wax moon
bare ******
a superlative law in just time
queen was
scene of
Roberts court
and butter
was triumph
a lure
of civility
and must
tell their
decision and
implore a
crux of
opinion and
adroit and
amusing those
waters without
supreme glen
as she
is great
and essentially
pink but
bristles her
tears in
white that
social reform
with brother
in arms
whether or
not manifesto
is establishment
in flux
that detox
is the
grabber's phone
a lawless night
a schismatic
of prevalent
preexistence with  
a cassowary
zoon only
fall this
moon in
rainforest that
Hoyce pounce
as an
alien with
**** neon
sign that
always will
turn up  
a boon
with séance
oz province
a roving reporter still has an ink on his sedge
yet he leaves trails in papyrus of this place he's met in between  
and his rises in those may his ambiance intertwine
'cause there's a lot to discover on this beat
he's writ in cyberspace as his descent moon wayfarer  
while those types of lives would culture envoi
yet he is a lawyer too dressed in these dungarees
a place haunted  hose would  haunt
once captain
fore thorn
that soccer
made her
calling such
a crown
then in
Balboa as
she lately
resides a
homophobic and
Gold Pride
hence a
bride and
a southern
school maven  
in heaven.
Rachel Van Hollebeke The Buehldozer from Dla Mar, CA
an eve
is nigh
this lore
feature a
tie of
humor hell-
bent when
datelines were
luxury liners
that pack
in heat
and whether
all escapes
were finally
harbingers of
passage in
diaper cake
When time would hail the smoke
'twas there
in lore
a voice
hit veranda
then flowed
with message
this vigorous
front they'd
atone with
a writ
where cretans'
favor absorbed
ware their
certainty clay
became sugar
that'd square
their dominion
On vacation in Heraklion
She was
nestled low
that seldom
a thief  
where her
package large
for Grant
Street's nighty
night kept
her glow
like an
ember there
before a
chair that
lifted sheer
her love
and drew
a bone
A love affair gone away
Gang of
eight  may
play asleep
tonight  if
they wink
here in
MLK while
she'd not
du them
thier voices
for that
oval egg
as Mrs.
Pelosi was
radical as
the futere
in Cain.
I'm ecumenical
in dreams
where they
made things
ring their
atolls so
habitual souls
made self-government
clean their
lavish results
on electorate
and made
things iron
clad their
best choice
sequence again
I am
but a
****** that
kicks into
flight for
my sugar
on the
plane that
shimmy mine
trim on
wings then
flew with
someone new
on this
bare runway
ready in
situ again
A man of Nottingham
A restitution
in statutory
there a
transitory program
swift to
encircle firm
when ridicule
compel a
moratorium where
Russia still
a democratic
likelihood in
arms race
soon retire
for Holy
Land again.
I mean
fudge 'tis
our fight
to desire
this delight
in my
house it
sit tight
there as
a bullfight
that contrite
a beast
so light  
that lament
may die
this bugler's
call kent

mini boon
got you
so soon
this lit'l
boo to
suit and
end the
blues with
petunias that
bloom with
smoke in
their room
and nocturn
with owl
matin was
in the
red house
A strawberry red bale
that gratitude was dale
but her waist ran a bijou
a chestful day in May  

and her thigh was derry with such a motif
that was ye trumpet from Sunnyvale tonight

where her sweet tooth went ravishingly bare
while incredible vibration she'd shareware
indeed, a variation hypnotically sound
like her chestnut roasting bonfire where

tactfully dressed in love attire
we happen to know that travel so far
with the web now our thoroughfare

and dire by dawn fit her ankle again
that entail her sprangle
though her selfie is the grandeur soon
with foetuses In her bottom.
my nexus is Taft
in delight of "Bouquet of Flowers"
that inner vision of democracy
that popular work for peace is pastel
only ludicrous is thought that foreshadow him
as memory in recall thus  prosperity
while conservative intent with Supreme Court
Odilon Redon was a French artist in surrealism while major and latter  works included pastels especially of flowers.
a troubadour
till aghast
with crime
that apolitically
is verselet
with cabal
and state
pore fourth
their rot
and an
ulterior land
when imperial
country broker
the peace
process that
descendants may
repeal this
year again!
Rudy's idea
that trump
hush money
with character
witness in
a defamation
law suit
rescind the
amount in
question for
favorable glance
with Stormy's
****** this
question of
honesty no
longer applicable
in case.
A mayor on patrol counsel Trump
I really
once knew
she would
not sweeten
me alike
all cancer
that really
dies but
satisfied her
when wine
drew her
last dance
there in
awe she
never absconded
save platitude
in gear.
In an automobile
Yell below
as tule
was Moses
and tor
made Yule
a bundle
of joy
but this
sword was
fought in
Galilee and
minion south
in Hebron
was this
heath as
there's clavicle
rule today.
a recent righteous write
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