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A bale
of water
only will
sleep for
the way
it does
dream mutually
in these
surroundings nigh
and dance
to tort
and by
chant they'll
succumb to
our trade  
in Cape
Verdean Blues.
A note of caution by Horace Silver Quintet
a rim
would whim
aloud with
hector but
the lore
made thIs
jeer there
with viscosity  
yet love
a diamond
with the
ailing spring
that spent
century then
with the
tailspin that
never won
a tiger
As subtlety
made his
thought deeply
cavorted when
his business
was his
manner justly
when his
loyalty was
but his
own that
became lever
that he
could ignite
his lover
ready aflame.
Only entrenched in love
As a waterwheel shall rise bounds
in a river where power will flow higher above stream
so mist does braze her skin which heightens stance with a kiss
where rain sought close by the rim yet wise
an owl on a branch that will sing
notes that nocturne has played here but still kept it away
from any current and rapidly churning sequence
how, cleverly those parts may bode in harmony awhile in a
canoe afloat in tranquility that programs a hydra just ashore.
A cafe along Susquehanna
He rock
climes and
his foot
is wide
as the
hill top
while the
wind is
very cold
that his
head band
fell to
to depths
that dusky
as he's
crept before
in light
a man in sunset
A brothel
struck brother
and blue
rife this
shanty with
boo catchy
slogan these
standing drabs
of ire
in his
bill hop
splendor wouldn't
mend his
heart for
this time
in Oakland
it said
A Procrustean woman's tale
in an orbit does tell that this snitch
here wasn't Montgomery whether sound must hitch
with Pythagoras
that seldom erupt in despair
now dire hands with guilty chest
yet volcanoes bleed in the air
note auther L.M Mongo,ery..
A grain
is contrast
here to
date where
symposium craft
a skinny
wholly bound
word on
alcohol as
stewards were
love their
wages but
shorten the
hour whether
their left
was most
appealing there
A meet
in hills
with locust
swam her
strain in
a frost
froze bosh
laid wish
went nil
and trail
aside her
was nothing
more than
my escape
in afternoons
of dust
bearing gravel
Autumn cross-country meet
a bill
of fire
lifted my
queen with
a submarine
arise to
their heights
near the
Bering Sea
now their
democracy in
a gilded
age of
maternity while
in Minsk
they'd sing
Magellan's hymn
A Sussian Spy
a pillage
and loot
this Saturday
night was
very cute
as me
foreboding but
outside the
coffeeshop with
a map
that haunt
madam dacha
with pouch
in debt
this resolute
capture was
Russian probe
a fallacy here
this semblance
to taste
hers was
great with
the package
of Delilah
here as
the spirit
level drawn
nigh and
caped him
again in
lew when
feet here
loose alas
to chide
an allay
Samson as Allayed here
He was
either a
Captain or
Tory to
lead river
by Alamo
where want
toiled much
and delay
soiled so
much together
unfortunately his
somber face
many that
Hasici died
and San
Antonio implored
diocese while
Serra's Chapel
also became
an acorn
for fruit
and burial
for Franciscan
outward envy
of mission
for peace.
Serra's Chapel refers to early mission by the same name in  in Orange County in California
Sauerbraten with
Spätzle now
darling dearly
has chives
connect to
love caught
cheve in
her tie
that luge
down hill
with trigger
still fear
truth in
dire need
to flout
justice again
here today
A luge
I am
one here
under the
sun and
water grass
this higher
ground with
floods of
deals with
claws by
lake sanders
made a
red dye
that 'twas
sky that
red scare
thread bare
Op-Ed be quiet
A breakfast
blend grind
will holt
his next
break and
morning again
has his
slate or
upload of
embodiment with
defiance to
penetrate now
bestow status
that restore
peace not
grief to
achieve sawtooth!
Sawtooth arisen with Christ
a tasty
reside here
and in
that hide
every time
I see
her there
in this
gym with
his gem
in my
head to
orbit the
sound of
be-bop in
quarter of
saxophonic bleed
a dancer with notes
A tricky
pet irony
of her
most influential
'twas there
Saybrook that
ruined her
of Russian
intel who
trod with
"a Jack
Russell" and
met with
final entourage  
in skull
and crossbones  
just yesterday.
and awhile
ago this
night was
tragic but
magic I
gad in
her eyes
yet the
bright corners
of my
jane have
evolved thus
afar from
the chafe
and this
schism must
die alone
luminary Sanhedrin
of California
Valley with
the mouth
of Big
Sur that
made island
their oasis
where Levites
Scholars bade
them Jerusalem
and where
Mormons would
praise Ottoman
and imperial
permitters mostly
left woebegone
a wrong of rights
When I packed a spoon with lunch
this Indian summer afternoon
and lured adventure from a catacomb
to a lagoon by a river near a park thus my walk was absorptive

As a rainbow pen with fountain mist
while my imagination found her clouds that chose a fair weather friend now found in my arms just in time again...
a sweet
young thing
now fine
young cannibal
but least
theirs feast
of image
while beast
is fair
in whether  
still foregone
in yesterdays
why there's
peace of
mind again
in wiles
of me
a Girl Scout season
a word
with a
skirt that
hotly hitch
bow ties
with the
present that
clasp in
her sleeve
and riff
in heart
ready in
just her
tip that
begun with
a grin
in seance
Hollywood joy
was good as any boy
this year with the stallion
but this precipice would enjoy
a hearty show of his miserable foe
the dire place he slept a toe in his faith
and forthcoming season began hep
with the homecoming of the wife
that he tri-tied the rope in his bed  
why a laser conspired
that would be their heart of joy
in the neighborhoods yet
she's a fashionable thing of beach
that would roll his honor such a wife
a targetable
liar lured
her church
with cunning
that it
mixed fashion
as salsa
as she
danced while
her culprit
was hers
and swayed
in the
belfry but
a  mare
of thorn
in reality
A Selma in reality
a rootin'
rowdy eye
Indian toeing
sundance in
democratic blue
muslin fires
them but
villagers nigh
Tolstoy that
defy their
chief epically
in those
Woodlands with
southerlies that
only sway
their embassy
with ambrosia
a girl with sway in Los Angeles
Kamala sunbathed
****** art
where in
heart she
fly to
virtual beach
in LA
so Leroy
fell and
took her
task there
in Philadelphia
her adherent
of folk
from downtown
here and
ole USA
Johnny come lately
A barrage of laughter together
could make the entire world forgive,
a plethora replete with enology, alas

Her last call of opus, starlike
where kingdom was golden, though
she waxed true, when her heart was thunder,
and said her message would only engender
seldom seen or heard rites now expedience that her wealth justly encountered autumnal equinox render such brilliance
huddled only in range and moon here tonight.
A vow to remember generation pass to world in peace today
a vanity
always hers
that squaller
revive her
nave and
her ritual
****** in
ferment that
any submissive
evasion abated
her while
social still
rewarded my
comment as
this next
virtue merely
strabilious rule.
party there
and near
to passage
they'll get
will not
to vote
but abstain
nil passion
in parliament
but save
their constitution
with cries  
of hegemony
that won't  
quake under
debate in
those sessions
a law in chambers
an early
moon made
falls shine  
and being
a kind
of archer
where he
was taught
with ingenuity
that ritual
his prowess
in hunting
would tell
arrows here
in forrest
succumbed to
their inclusion
Shahola in Pike County and one of sixty-seven in Pennsylvania..
a condition
with stygian
inhibits our
haunts with
crypts and
needs a
hoax to
ridicule their
emancipation that
entirely melts
them as
a ghost
harbors ill
in milieu
while platitude
burry death
in gratitude
a note on gratitude
Meryl Streep

'Twas was kind to me once Golden Globe
where her platitude slightly disingenuous
while her free spirit inside of me spoke
though she'd wander in spite of an Edsel
'twas driven in wake of free speech
and determined to die forthwith misery in chocolate.
a mired clan was shagreen
at such a mistrial as Ira
as jewelry admire him
that hawk a wave nearby Atlantis
but Solomon wake butterfly in Smithfield gland
that women own them with beer in-between ******
A place in Borneo
A seed
as trim
when frills
are mine
in Roanoke
shall shine
Blue Ridge
Mountain Skies
again with
appellation contrôlée
in my
appetite and
a year
away in
Virginia and
tannin taste
sure today.
Hicky has been there to bleed a knife where once it traced him
in the knees like a robot he fought his colors in a foe but his registered *** offender agreed where feelings hurt inside the belt
that flood was never analgesic again and let him gun down nights
he walked alas with cleated shoes as future most often did ****** with just his uniform search for sovereignty and dignified marksman with courageousness that ended his justiceship in Harris County.
Sheriff Hickman will survive  Houston
A model of matters
make me fill my beak
with anecdotes to lark upon breast
that capper shall nigh
and spoon fulfilled parlance
take romance through angels
with their chants that elope
in shoes of Miko with tears of joy.
yo sugar
is bust
that ****
twister walk
with legs
that spark
her in
a stint
hoy paper
is too
her wine
so thick
that shrink
this tablet
down to
white sheaf
reams tor
epicenter in
cadence hence
this joint
dissolve in
in musicals
and devour
much repertoire
with audience
now patron
as theatre
did establish
hits on
Broadway for
the season
and place
its shows
on location
a man in a wheelchair
she bathe at tea
so adamant with soil
her concerto dd glisten
and would.glide her costume
like spice in Egypt
A patty
in the
garden rose
and he
can lure
herb and
cater his
whim to
fancy those
gimbals and
freckles on
faces of
a widow
to ensconce
an offing
he drew
in wear.
The wares of vendor in a cross early today
A silver
oar in
her pant
that must
ignore her
very thought
of amphibian  
forecast in
amorphously quaint
****** yer
attire bare
crest this
ingénue while
robust if
enigmatic and
sinecure features
are superfluous
A man of economy
She was
nigh as
bosh a
lar gibbon
and the
edge of
water made
hotter season
now while
sun bakes
her bread
on Formosa
Strait and
shapes Sino-Taiwan
with her
by south.
a fire in Taipei
I hit
NDA that
❤️ me
the cast
but sight
furious as
her tat
for dark
on screen
and put
her spot
to the
bed she
caught this
action purport
law was
stage guitar
he would
   shuffle extremely
well save
that it
didn't fudge
again while
a godsend
must heed
any overdose
really insufferable
and should
let these
die in
peril if
epidemic cease
demand in
the opiates
A dealer ware
as snow
was laid
cross the
valley here
and aft-blown
streets still
mashed on
pavements as
the foothills
were now
pipes for
skiing that
just once
I'd see
her snow
angel tonight
A dream
once my
infatuation put
any fascination
adrift there
as sleep
upon me
when it
feels loquacious
while she
assuredly heart
enrapture me
decadent again
but I'll
endow a
milieu by
noon here.
sharks in
Trafalgar Square
throw hats
of Danbury
yet antebellum
in London
is a
column yet
the public
cityscape in
her democracy
yet anarchy
in a
high sea
stake of
Latin Tribe
is now
a crock behind scot
is disheveled music
thus do The Philippines
in a discordant ritual of précis
entire fabulous Manilla today
a kind of music that is different
an incorrigible
boor now
delight in
noir till
she goes
down a
hoax if
I make
jokes still
let her
sit behind
the kind  
that modern
love might
catch her
in such
a smear
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