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Poetic T Jan 2015
He was lonely, as was his heart, carver
Of wood, he searched upon forest &
Glade till before his eyes laid sight of a masterpiece,
Home he hurried
Not noticing or ignoring the black knot
But unbeknown, this was a deeper
Problem. Rotten, decayed black festered
Within not showing on the outside,
But things are missed in joy,
Things that will haunt, but he was finished
His boy of wood stood before
His so tearful eyes, your only wood
Only inanimate, sitting before my weeping eyes.
Heard where his whispers
Upon a night were they asked back,
"You are of sound heart"
"You are of compassion"
"You will have a son of wood with life in his heart"
As he looked upward,
A sight befell his reddened eyes
Words fell forth unto his ears,
"Did you just speak??
He hugged upon wood given life,
"A boy of my own given life"
"I love you son"
"I love you father"
His nose grew,
leaves sprouted forth,
As Pinocchio snapped what grew forth,
And throw it upon the floor,
In pain he reeled,
"Son be calm"
For lies will be greeted by growth
Shall a lie be told, only good boys
And girls realise that honesty will be rewarded.
With that he cuddled his father, you know
Not love but I will show you unconditionally
Till you understand honesty also love,
Upon those words both bedded
For the night was late and father was old,
But he never slept, upon the floor
Part of him that broke off,
Now tainted black,
As it had succumb to its chosen fate,
As he fashioned upon tools
A living weapon,
"Blackest as night"
He felt connected
They were apart but one.
Into the bedroom he crept,
Startled old eyes widen, I have a gift,
As he plunges it forth,
Son whhhhy I loveeee youuu
"I am but wooden given life"
"Blackness rots inside"
"It must feed"
For without it I will cease,
When I was just cold
It was my end no difference to any one.
And now given life
That is all that matters this night,
And with that he ****** into his
"Fathers heart"
He felt relief inside no more ties
But he cried splintered tears upon his
Blood they mixed upon the floor
He had extinguished his first life.
He needed to stem the flow as
He felt the veins rooting further
Life was his not easily given up,
The town fell silent that night,
As he fed well, he charred his
Finger tips black upon once so tanned,
So to feed with both knife and hand.
He would travel the world, death in his wake
All thought
"How unique"
"How harmless"
"How sweet"
But when the hunger craved,
Life was bled,  life was ceased
All for the rot to not **** this wooden boy
"Rotten core in a boys shell"
Prey his nose does not grow just a little
Because your time in life will be up.
3.3k · Apr 2015
Two Feathers
Poetic T Apr 2015
They were of the air
Floating, clinging to
The currents, in unison
Was their movement.

Slender upon the nothingness
That held them, they danced
Upon invisible strings dancing
To natures music of the wind.

Feathers played in the heavens
light upon nothing, but flying
Higher than the winds would
Play. They would caress the
Winds and wish to never be
Apart, to let this never end.
3.2k · Jun 2016
Running To Love
Poetic T Jun 2016
I will run the distance, to be in
your arms, to spend a moment
with you running no matter how far.

I sprint to get close to you, the
distance never matters. Its the
journey to be with you that matters,
it's never a beat too far.

I could run one step at a time each
a moment in your heart, always
stepping gently never to bruise
those feeling. Stepping on air to
keep that love there.

I could run backwards but still end
up with you its not the run, which way
it is done. Its the fact I'd run anyway, a
distance is never too far to be with you
in my arms.
For my Wife Who is awesome :)
3.2k · Nov 2014
Little Captain Spoon
Poetic T Nov 2014
He was only three foot tall, but
He wanted to be like his
Famous daddy
"The pirate" long  bob
A renowned pirate or so
He told me.
So he looked around the house
to what he could find,
A hook was out of reach
As it was dangerous you know,
it could take an eye out
or if trod on cut your toes,
He would have defiantly have shed a
So he found a spoon, not
Not plated precious,
It was copper it would have to do.
So he put his hand up his sleeve,
Holding the spoon quite
I'll scoop your ice cream
From right under your nose,
One scoop,
Two scoop,
"Ill bounce the bowl upon your head"
"Then run so you never knows it was me"
"Who had eaten your desert from"
"Right under your nose you see"
He giggled and smiled a child's grin,
What next does a pirate need to be
"King of the sea"
A hat he thought,
As he looked around his fathers hats
Covered his head,
He walked in to
For it was to big over his eyes,
He was unable to see.
He bounced Off the door, the bed, the
Window sill too, with holes cut he still
Was unable to see properly,
So he got a sock with a patch on the heal
Putting it on his little head
looked in the mirror amused
By what could be seen.
I need one more thing
To be like me pa..
A ship to sail the high sea,
But he was only tiny 3 foot tall was he,
So he looked around
Finding a table in the yard,
Discarded but could be used by he.
"A sail was needed"
A table cloth tied to the back legs
To catch the gusts of wind yar see,
A crew was needed??
But there was only room for
And his parrot
He would squawk at me,
A I dry one given and a pat on the
Head from me.
I was known as a captain on
Plundering the apple tree
The raspberry bush
All the berries were now mine
That I could see,
I wanted to be like my father when I grew up
But lets be realistic I'm three foot
"I'm four and three months"
Who would be scared of little spoon pirate me.
3.2k · Mar 2014
Porn Illusion
Poetic T Mar 2014
**** the
illusion of
great ***
Poetic T Jul 2014
She was a creature of the sea
Half woman,
Half fish,
She wanted more to see, Than the fish of the deep,
She had seen the ships that sailed on by
Those that had sunken to the depths,
Tasted sailors hearts
As they sunk to the deep.
She had a Taste for those up above
But her father forbid it,
As she had tasted human flesh
She had been seen stripping it from the bone,
For the ships that sank
Where her doing to the depths they fell.
She enjoyed them warm,
Which she ripped out
With there drowning screams,
Then the let overs she feed to her
Friends of the deep.
She asked the witch, who knew her evil heart,
She said you have the hunger
I will help this once, a spell cast.
Black eels magic,
Eye of man,
Merman's gills,
Black death oil spilt,
What was once fish, make woman complete,
She woke upon a shore
A prince came upon, His heart she heard,
Then did awake, what is your name
She went to talk, but no voice did speak,
The witch had tricked her,
Curses spoke with no voice to speak.
She was taken to a castle, fed and dressed
Her clothes showed her womanly figure
Her ******* turned many a mans head,
For those that insulted,
There corpse thrown in to the deep,
But with one thing missing,
A hole where a heart did once beat.
She was of too ways she fell in love,
But the heart that beat smelled divine
Hearts beat,
A kiss would seal his fate, but the witch
Had taken the voice of the siren of the deep,
She used her womanly ways
There was more than one way to hook a man
With out speech.
So she did what she did and he was hooked
At sea they were to wed
Not one kiss had pasted there lips
But the day had come dressed in white
This sinful woman of the deep,
Vows were said
Man to woman,
Woman to man,
In life and death you are no both wed,
The kiss tasted sweet, she could taste it
She felt the heart beat against her *****
And to the bedroom they did retreat,
Lust and passion a new experience
To make love in water was wet
To be dry and wet beneath Satin sheets
He took her deep, she was in two hearts
As they came together screams heard
No worries to those outside
There vows were sown or at least you think
For the moment of ecstasy as both did explode
Under the sheets
She took his heart and devoured it whole
The look of fear left frozen on his face.
The ship did scream all through the night
As one after another, beats did stop there beat.
She went to the hull punched through with ease
Sea water filled as it sank to the deep,
Others finished what was started
But Ariel was holding her love in her arms
A tear on cheek, but not of love
Because royalty tasted better than any other
Stripped to the bone
His skeletal form lost to the deep.
She was now back in true form,
She was a princess a hunter of the deep
One last heart she did taste
Corrupt as hers
The witch had betrayed,
Now her essence is
Her power now Ariels
Beware the princess of the deep.
Poetic T Jan 2019
A job for life,
   that's what was advertised.
But I was just a penny in the slot.

Mine wasn't as shinny as the others.
     Even though I was on top of my work.
Just because I didn't shine up to those above me.

Ok, I wasn't the silver coin, I wasn't even bronze.
                 But they tainted me, because I wasn't
the right side of a flipped coin.

And just like that I was the penny in the poor box..

Why was I of less worth than those
                       that never excelled..
   I never put a word wrong.
          never gargling *****,
         sniffing the cheeks of brown refuse.

But still I'm in the food bank,
                 like Oliver,

         Can I have some more sir...

I'll never delve to the depravity of others..
         feeding glutinous egos..
They can starve, I'll find a worth among
the wasted, and show that I'm more than
what's needed.
                                                I have worth..

But for now I'll be on the bread line,
                cooking my own..
And even though now I've not risen,
         I'll show what time cooks..
I'm more than my last resamay..

I 'll never understand where quality of slavery
            means I'm less of worth...
3.1k · Apr 2016
Once She Was Purity
Poetic T Apr 2016
She never spoke but words where embellished upon
her features. Her distressed ink smudged on her white
features marking on ever word painted upon her.

Her purity was now blemished not as it was, but with
ever word discarded on her she became not once before.
voices became stains on every part of her anatomy.

Features were darkened but her visage was scared never
to be as what was before. Words can hurt even become
part of us, but others can stain our purity with just words.
3.1k · Oct 2019
The Arsonists Chior
Poetic T Oct 2019
He was the child with the magnifying glass that lingered
in the exhalation of the heavens. Always holding it on
those of weaker statue than himself. Insects were his
starting point, as they were barbecued under the influence
of what was focused between light and glass and what
lived became inanimate just a blackened smear that he
smothered words into the dirt
                           I'LL BURN THE WORLD,

His parents saw this and in jest laughed it off as the
Immaturity of a child's frustration. That all was but a
a boy finding his place within the many echoes of manhood.
A child was maturing, and they assumed that he was not
ready for the collision of what was in-between the moments
of childhood and adulthood.

One cold and sodden night where the only things that were dry.
Were submerged in the cover of roofs and foliage.
But even the penetrating raindrops gathered in haste to soak
the earth beneath the leaves protection. All drowned within
nights flourish of immersed air. Where it felt that breath was only
in-between the flurry of h20's deluge.

Within the house, within the rooms crept a silence.
            It wasn't alone, for it wept unseen streams between the  
crisp white borderlines,  were doused in clear liquids,
Draping the curtains in non received  heavy remorse,
the only things that were burdensome were the drapes as the weight of the liquid pulled at the seams holding them aloft.

Remorse was neither felt or given. just a feeling of accomplishment.  
Felt it in the moments that succeeded between this
gathering of dead lights as a flame was lit.
But not a whisper was echoed this flame was lifeless
in the eyes of its beneficiary.
But it lept upon the walls like a ballerina, gentle,
and dancing within the confides of its given dance.

He stood in the hallway the flashback was unexpected,
but he still stood there gazing and the beauty of something
given with such frailty that a breath could extinguish
its potential. His parents had no idea, they were slumbering
within the confines of blankets that entombed the warmth.
Clasping hand even in sleep love was a subconscious yearning.
The thing with these old houses some had decretive metal over
the wind bars in beauty crafted to keep things out.

But this was his plan, what cant get in cant get out.
He'd gone in there room and stole the key.
He took a last glance, and said,
             "I Love You
,Before sealing them within. The flames were silent like
a stalker watching waiting, till the inevitable conclusion.

As things started to burn more passionately, caressing every
thing it was touching. So the smoke started to thicken like
A heavy smog it got into places the fire had not reached.
Moans could be heard, then screams at the realisation of
what was happening. He Could hear them, he could see them.
For even though a teenager he was intuitively cunning,
tinkering with everything and anything.

And small cameras were dotted around the house,
looking listening to everything that was seen and spoken.
It had come to fruition due to one such thing he had heard
being discussed by his parents.

"I saw him in the woods,

                 "Doing what darling?

"He didn't see me but the neighbours cat,
                                  "you know soot,

"What did he do, nothing bad!

                "He tied it up,
"Then threw what I thought was water on it,
                  I thought it was nasty but then!!!  

"Then what, your scaring me,

"He lit a cigarette, I didn't even know he smoked,
  "Then he discarded the match,

The cat, oh my god the cat,

But he recorded its screams, he recorded it dying,

I couldn't move I was so angry, so humiliated,
I wanted to throttle him there and then,

But ill phone the police tomorrow,
                  "He's not right, who would do that,

How dare they think that I can just be fobbed off,

                                             I was making music,
the screams were a delicate symphony,
            acoustics that's couldn't be reproduced.
It had to be from the source.

That laid, the plans for what now enveloped that house,
recording every noise, every scream. But what he needed
was for them to burn, to release the music he needed to
hear to complete his work. And they like parents gave it
there all, he had goose bumps as he heard there terror.
his eyes welled up, not in regret but the beauty that his
parent last words were given to him, so personal was this
moment that he'd never forget it.
                                                                ­          "Thank Mum & Dad,

After this he released a mix tape, that could be only
conceived from an artist, in the womb of excellence.
That's the reviews he had, it brought shudders to your
heart and mind. It was if your humanity was crying out to it.

As so forth and more were sewn in the adulation of his work.

Now he needed to make more music, but he needed more
screams to make his next piece two were not enough..

So he wandered the night, dressed in unclean wear
so not to be confused with who, or what he was..
He hung around the homeless parts of town,
plastic sheeting for roofs.. and combustible bedding.
It was as if he'd planned himself. but he had to be smart.
for this was if ill planned he would have a needle in his
arm within the year. But he took his time tiny cameras
recording visually and sound.

He had gathered the combustible elements needed to
make this a orchestra of his needing, not a duet like before.
He didn't down play his past offering, but this would make
an album of despair and monument to the flame.

It had been raining, but only lightly as he needed some
dampness in the air on there sheets cardboard mattresses.
So not to raise suspicion on the dampness of there homes.

As they moved away from the embers of barrel fires,
yes he'd thought about that. Not every home was a
crematorium a cardboard and plastic coffin of there
choosing. He waited clasping his hands together breathing
on them as it was cold night. He liked to watch, a voguer
of sort, but his wasn't the fantasy of death it was to hear the
music that was about to be sung with smoke filled lungs.

He'd set up a unique but rudimentary way to light the fire,
a small gas hob with liquid within. it needed to be a certain
temperature ignite, he had tried it before in a field out west.
Deserted he'd made a mock up of this humble place.
And he wasn't mistaken it was fascinating, the flame spread
like the wind enveloping everything but, it was a dull for even
though the flames wept of everything, its tears turning all to

It was silent, deafening, he cried for a while, there should never
be censorship of the flame, for what is a log fire without the cracking of its inner self being consumed. This was just smoke
and regret. But he now looked down at the camp, his watch
counting down the precious moments.
                                                             He whispered.

And then like a super nova the darkness was ingulfed in
the aurora of flame, gliding over the ground as if a stream
of conscious reckoning. Those near by the civilians that were
                        across the street were transfixed.
As screams embellished the flames, this was my orchestra
of light and noise. Those across the street were either screaming
or videoing the scene.
I looked at them and wondered where there humanity
had gone to, as to film this moment rather than to rush in
and save the few that they could.

I watched as the engines came, extinguishing my masterpiece
choosing the night was always preferable to the day as flames
dance better when there is less light to contaminate there beauty.

My music, I had become quite the remixer, of vocal and rhythmic
                               Within a week I had mad nine new songs.

I named them each as deserved, making them in memory of
those who perished that dreadful night.
            It was well received, a few thought it was a haunting
melody of humanity's struggle, while a few thought it was
over ambitious, and lacked the passion of my first piece.

All together it went down well, and the adulation of the
flame was kept, to honour that which gives as much as
takes the breath of life away.
A year had past and the door rang, it was an officer.

                 "Could you come to the station please,

Had I become the victim of my own success, had someone
broke down the acoustics of my music and realised what
they were?? So many thoughts went through the calm
exterior of my persona. But inside the flame dimmed,
had I lit the last candle. I was taken in to a room,
and questioned evasive not to the point but gathering
speed to the answer, where were you on the
                                                             ­       30th April 2019.

Alabi's were a fantastic thing to plan ahead, I had laced
my date with sleeping tablets to leave her in perpetual
slumber. And got back before she awoke, we made love
we were the flame and the wick.. and our sweat was the wax dripping from our form. The next week I dumped her.

They asked if I recognised a picture, blurry and ill framed
but I could make out the figure was me. No sir I don't why.
This person of interest is wearing your jacket, your logo!
I smiled and was truthful to a degree.
                                                             Planning is everything.

I threw maybe fifty into the crowd when I did a concert
in the city, when we drove past some homeless persons.
We donated what was left to them, do you realise how
cold these streets are, who am I to steal warmth away.
I don't wear my own merchandise what do you think I
am egotistical, no I wanted to help those who I could
have been if not for my music. I lost my parents I know
what its like to be alone.

I think the show went well, as I was released before
reporters even got a sniff. But I knew that my time
was a wick trying to keep the flame lit but dying out
anyway. I had made preparations for this time.

I had brought a club only for gigs, cheesy as hell but
had that 80's disco vibe the entire floor was light up.
But I had brought  the ingredients for thermite,
amazing what you learn in school and the internet.
But I never used mine different libraries in different
cities so not raise suspicion. I  invited the music critics
and others which I had personally disproved of.
its was going to be free drinks and themed 80's night.

Who can not want free drinks, well I wasn't going to be
disappointed 90% came, how lucky the few.
Phones were confiscated, no video, but more
importantly no phone calls to the outside world.
I told them at the end of the night that I was realising
a new song, they were like vultures to flesh.
As the night progressed some wanted to leave,
but we offered them the VIP section also lit flooring.

Now was the time, I had put heating elements under the floor
to ignite the thermite. A supernova of heat even though brief
would ignite the choir of harmony needed. I asked them,
                                                           ­ "Are you ready,

And then silence, I put on my welding glasses,
                                                        ­         I wasn't stupid.
Never look into the heart of the flame unless you want
to be blinded by its beauty.
I pressed a button and it was magnificent, it was like a tide of sunlight, they tried to scramble but all exits were locked.
It was like the wizard of Oz, and the witch I'm meltinggggg..
But this wasn't a fairy tale.. The adulation I had for these
chosen few. What excitement the others had missed.

I'd made my booth flame and smoke proof, I had my own
walkway but I knew that this was the last time I could pay
homage to the flame. As the screams died down.
The wicks smouldered and the floor looked more like a battle
field of  WWII. I began I knew I didn't have a lot of time.
But this was just a single I'd already got the backing music
ready. And as I worked away, I could hear the banging on
the reinforced doors. They gave me a breather to get my
work fulfilled.

I heard the doors start to give way but no matter
I'd only needed this time to tweak the music.
Given I'd started this over an hour ago, it was good
on my part for this not to be broadcast till I saw fit.
As the police burst through, gazing at the flaming
effigies that lied before them, some threw up, gross..

While others saw me smiling I pressed the button and
my new song was word wide.. its was called the critics
tried to burn me down. The response was gratifying.
Likes reached the hundreds of thousands in mere minutes.
Well it was only three minutes twenty five seconds long.
As they shoot at the booth I wiggled my finger at them.
I do like to plan ahead but dam was that loud against the
glass. Got to be said some had wicked aim, made me flinch
a few times.

But alas all things come to an end, I uploaded my videos
of what I had done. I was proud of my contribution to
my legacy and empowering others with my music.
As I looked down at the puddle, I tap danced in it for
a moment and then lit the lighter, I looked a them
and once again waved, I was like a funeral pyre.
A crematorium of silence and then I was gone.
                                                I didn't scream,
I was in her embrace and had done her proud.
3.1k · Aug 2014
The Reflection Of Us
Poetic T Aug 2014
Through the looking glass
Was my opposite
Tears fell upon stained reflection
Fingers touched that space,
A veil between
Echoed movements near the touch
But as one wiped
The other to there mouth,
Licked and smiled at the reflection,
As tears fell, like on a still pond
The other slightly distorted
Loving the misery,
That it caused to its other self,
There were two but only one,
A soul trapped behind the glass
The other
Of Emotion, it had no pity
Remorse was never felt,
It liked the pain of others, sat back and watched,
But most of all it looked upon itself,
Torturing the shadow in the mirror
A soul trapped between light and darkness
The world and the reflection in reverse.
3.1k · Jun 2015
Never waste an erection 10W
Poetic T Jun 2015
You never know
How long the
Next one will last
A little rude :) but there is truth in the words :)
3.1k · Jun 2014
Eternities Slave
Poetic T Jun 2014
No sleep will I have, how I am haunted
Waiting for the answer of life
I hunger, but never will I drink
Never will I be a slave
I would end it
Before I became eternity's slave
The beating I miss the sound
But I will only here others
Never again mine, I wish to live
But I am now an abomination of Death
I linger in
I live in the shadows,
I will never feel the beauty of life.
I wish for an answer
I must end it,
Take those that thirst
End their existence,
They are an abomination of life
I will die before becoming eternity's slave.
Poetic T Apr 2018
I got pills I got to take,
so I'm going to take, take, take them everyday.
I have ailments that  I have to feed,
so I'm going take which everyone needs
I got pills.

All these pills piling up on my desk,
stacked like the pyramids higher than my chest.
all these kids running around,
I hear them Grrrr.. so I lock my pills up sound.
The pharmacy is open to my needs,
she just rolls her eyes to my relapses.
Says she's going to leave me, 
if I don't bring the cost down below twenty G's.

oh my, oh my, oh my, oh my
Gosh ****, gosh **** gosh, gosh ****
Oh my, oh my, oh my, oh my  

I got pills I got to take,
so I'm going to take, take, take them everyday.
I have ailments that  I have to feed,
so I'm going take which everyone needs
I got pills.

Woke up this morning aches in my neck,
gout in my foot, what the heck.
opened the cabinet, pills all gone,
crack addict snuck in,  took the lot.
Jumped on my bike, tire's flat not a good start.
no license for a car, ailments mean ill have to walk.
standing behind some old dude chugs out a ****,
pills got laxative effect, I think I better not laugh.

Oh my, oh my, oh my, oh my
Gosh ****, gosh **** gosh, gosh ****
Oh my, oh my, oh my, oh my.

I got pills I got to take,
so I'm going to take, take, take them everyday.
I have ailments that  I have to feed,
so I'm going take which everyone needs
I got!

"groans in loud noises, Aaaaaaaaaa"

And my stomach, my stomach
I said my stomach!
Pills make me want to eat food.

I got pills I got to take,
so I'm going to take, take, take them everyday.
I have ailments that  I have to feed,
so I'm going take which everyone needs.

I got pills I got to take,
so I'm going to take, take, take them everyday.
I have ailments that  I have to feed,
so I'm going take which everyone needs
I got pills.

Mama got pills, daddy got pills,
                                yo sister got pills,
      yo auntie got pills.

I got pills.

Yo uncle got pills, Everybody got pills, everybody got pills.
Well took me two hours to write but was fun to parody this piece
3.1k · Jul 2018
Ours Was Always A Failing
Poetic T Jul 2018
Incandescent virtues , yet I'm a drought within .
I read tealeaves in mouldy cups of our tainted futures.
Our wicks that never saw the light, even though burnt out.
Untenable sight that we drank deeply on, but still thirsted for.
3.1k · Apr 2014
Poetic T Apr 2014
It was  lost on
a cold night, never
to be found again.

On cold pavement
slabs, my bottom
freezing but all part of
the fun.

She used me as some
late night fun, but it
was 25th December.

I'll never forget that
present, she unwrapped
and threw me away
when done...
3.0k · Oct 2014
What Is A Truth 10W
Poetic T Oct 2014
Better lie painted white.
3.0k · Mar 2015
What Is A Wet Cat
Poetic T Mar 2015
What is a wet cat called?
That's what the fish gurgled
That's what they laughed,
There bubbles of ridicule
Burst on my submerged ****.

I'm glad none took a bite, they
Were meant as lunch, but a wash
Was all I had.For they were but a snack,
A meal to be had, but I was the
Last laugh, as cats and water don't
Mix like fish and dry land.

I'm glad there memory fades, and
Doesn't last, for how could I keep
This a secret, that a cat out played
By fish in a bowl who got the *last laugh.
3.0k · Feb 2017
Memory Is Like A Sunset
Poetic T Feb 2017
Memory is like a sunset
                    for once it fades....

You only have recollections of it elegance
but never again see it the same..
3.0k · Jul 2014
Black Feathers
Poetic T Jul 2014
The thoughts crowd me
Scratch at my mind,
A thousand crows fly around
It rains black,
Feathers float down
In slow motion like snow
Each different, unique,
They continue to fall.
My mind confused the feathers
Bloat out light of thought
Am I losing my mind
I see a mirror dive though
Like after a storm,
The thoughts that scratched
Now flown away,
All that is left is a single feather,
A reminder that thoughts
Can claw, scratch at your mind
Consume you in darkness,
But wash it away,
And all that is left is you and a clam mind.
3.0k · Nov 2014
The Dead Don`t Die
Poetic T Nov 2014
The dead see darkness only
Decomposing teeth taste stale air
Odours of parts decayed
The dead never die
They are inanimate, like a ornament
Peace forever frozen on their face
They sleep on a bed of maggots
Digesting them over time,
The screams never heard
But they reverberate through
Above saturated with their terror
Slowly dies,
The eyes closed shut,
Darkness is the keep sake,
That hides the horror in there still formed
eyes, but everything decays over time
Turns to dust, that which was there,
Still lives on in a vacant skull
The horror lives on energy
Of life, trapped in
A void,
A prison,
With no bars, never to be free
The dead don't die, the torture in death lives on inside..
2.9k · Sep 2014
Reflective Horror
Poetic T Sep 2014
For they are shrouded
All the places a face seen,
Now draped over
To hide that face,
It wants my
Surrounds it, hands held out,
Wanting the light,
To escape the darkness
Refection on a darkened day,
Like a black pool,
Wanting to drown my soul within,
"I cover the mirrors"
Windows boarded
Never to
Not wanting to be seen
For in that reflective pool
It wants to drown me
Swallow my soul, suffocate me *within..
2.9k · Aug 2014
Light Bulb
Poetic T Aug 2014
Thoughts are like light bulbs
You can have a thought
But no energy in it,
So it fades to grey,
But a thought that is bright
Can light ideas in your mind,
But beware the strain of
Cascading thoughts,
For if you think to much
That light bulb above can
Short out,
A bright thought lost
As the light fades out
And all that is left
Is a thought burnt out
Lost in black..
2.9k · Nov 2014
Love Is Blind (10w)
Poetic T Nov 2014
2.9k · Nov 2014
Dreams Upon A Raindow
Poetic T Nov 2014
"Once upon a time there was"
"Many moons ago"
"There was a dreamer"
Who wished with all her heart,
To find the gold at the rainbows end,
She would look for clouds
Her mother smiled.
"Are you still searching for that rainbows end"
"Pamela  your dreams are the clouds"
"Mummy a *** of gold I will find"
"For if you latch on to one"
"You will find yourself upon the other side""
Then one morning awoke to find a rainbow
Moving over her lawn,
On too, she had packed a case
Encase this time did come true,
She slid down the banister
Through the front door,
Just as it was fading
Hands did grab hold,
She was surrounded by colours
All were pure and bright, then with a
On her bottom she did land, surrounded
By beauty, plants the colours of the rainbow
"Blue leaves"
"Grass was orange"
Sky was all shades of the rainbow too,
A *** seen, gold did gleam,
Mouth wide open,
A violent fly flew in then out,
And she then quickly shut her mouth,
She was over the moon, the rainbow too,
She picked it up,
Lighter than she thought??
She picked one up
Put it too her mouth,
And bit,
It was squiggly in her mouth
Twice in two minutes,
She was
Did cascade from little eyes,
They came out
Colours of the rainbow
Which lightened her mood,
She wiped her tears looked once, twice
Then hands upon the rainbow,
And whoosh, she landed with a
On next doors cow,
Went the cow,
Went Pamela,
She ran with  a
As in the distance still hearing the angry
She ran to her house, opened the door,
With a fright her mum ran out,
"My baby are you all right"
"I found the rainbow"
"I found the ***"
"I found a land of colour,"
"But the treasure wasn't right"
All said with in one breathe,
Now breath my angel,
As mother did take a coin
Opened it carefully and with the tip
Of here finger tasted it,
So creamy, so light,
As she took her in the kitchen,
And the toaster minutes later
Spreading it evenly, and eaten was
The toast crust and all,
"Mummy may I try one"
Pamela said
"Magic words my honey bear"
"Please may I try one"
And with that the toast again
"My gosh mummy this tastes divine"
"You found a golden treasure that's for sure"
As they had toast each morning,
Opening a coin spreading it evenly,
"It was a taste to behold"
The treasure at the end of the rainbow,
Wasn't money, but I was something better
A taste that put a smile on faces
Every morning at *breakfast time.
2.9k · Oct 2014
Killer Rhyme No1
Poetic T Oct 2014
Your boat
Cut you so deep
To make you scream,
Your life is bleeding
Out slowly, this is not a dream.
Your throat I will
Cut  so deep, no longer will
You breathe
Your going to
And the last thing
You will see or hear is me
Singing you to sleep..
Didn't like how they worded or the structure so rewriting them
2.9k · Mar 2014
Words Disrespected
Poetic T Mar 2014
You disrespect my
words, the meanings
they shout out.

I have some thing
to say, but you want
to silence my words
that I wish to write

I have regret, no I
have none, I will
write that which
must be wrote, and
I don't as the permission
of any one.

If you don't like that which
is wrote, then close your eyes
to my words and move on,
I am free my words are free
and will live on...
2.9k · Mar 2015
Haiku [Blossom Radiates]
Poetic T Mar 2015
Blossom radiates,
a fragrant utopia
natures true art form.
2.9k · Aug 2014
Sewing The Seeds
Poetic T Aug 2014
The ground was turned
We sewed the field
Toiled though,
We sewed the harvest of WAR,
Seedlings of Death
Bullets were littered to flower
Different calibres
Bearing the fruits,
Those picked ripe on the branch
Armour piercing
Rounds, best not to drop.
C4 planted watered
Like a ripe melon it grows
Till it is plucked form the stem,
A war head hangs heavy
lest it falls,
Wiping out the harvest & more,
Planting the seed of destruction
Is a hazardous Job,
One wrong step
And a spoiled mine
Can take off,
Spill out in to the field of WAR
Feeding those objects
That would spill more blood
Once harvested,
This field full of the seedlings of **WAR.
2.8k · Jun 2015
10w Taste Of Nectar
Poetic T Jun 2015
Nectar is tasted upon
Awaiting lips, fingers
greedily licked dry.
This can be taken a few ways naughty or nice :)
2.8k · Sep 2014
Paper Boy
Poetic T Sep 2014
I was paper, a cut out wanting to be more
I cried tears of ink,
I used my finger to dry
They became
Weaker than they was before.
I could fly,
If the wind caught my frame just right
I could float for eternity
But as the window is shut tight,
So do I float down.
My features are my own
Each day I take
Of who I will be that day,
I was once one of the same paper
Many of us holding hands,
But it doesn't always last,
Some separated themselves,
While others where torn
To old, too carry on,
Just Shredded paper
Eternally flying in the wind,
I am the last of a long line
We were brothers of the same paper
But now they are all gone,
Today I draw a sad face,
Will I let it all go,
Or carry on,
But I am the paper boy
Thinner than the cardboard ones
But I drew a heart,
In permanent marker,
It vibrates the paper
Is what I am,
I want to be more than this
But for now I am just the paper boy,
Crying tears of ink upon the floor.
2.8k · Aug 2014
Trapped Inbetween The walls
Poetic T Aug 2014
Trapped in this place
In place of no walls
I wish to leave,
Time is endless
For the snow always falls
In this place where
Time never moves,
Where it just snows,
I'm trapped between
the outside and the in,
I wish to break out, to be free,
Let me smash my invisible prison
So that I may roam,
Not trapped between walls I can not see..
Inspired By Lindsey Sterling awesome violin player Check out shadow on YouTube and shatter me...
2.8k · Apr 2015
Together In Unity
Poetic T Apr 2015
We are all stripes on a flag
Sewn together in unity.

Some may try to rip us apart
Fray us at the edges.

But we are of one kind Human
Kind, and our Stripes will forever
Flow in the winds of time.
2.7k · Aug 2015
Scent Of Thorned Death
Poetic T Aug 2015
I smelt the rose of death and Its aroma
Was sweet decay, I took it in each breath.

Its thorns were beautifully onyx shining
Decomposition in shaded light.

Its pollen was like cyanide on my senses,
I took a last breath, oblivion greeted me.

I was silent but in my muteness it blossomed,
Feed on the remnant of flesh and flourished.
2.7k · Nov 2014
I Spy With Your Little Eye
Poetic T Nov 2014
I spied with my little eyes
Something beginning with
I looked into your eyes
To late,
Awoken in a bed of metal
Your instinct is to scream
I join in, exhale all that terror out,
I whisper, lightly words come forth
You read my lips as if from a book
A verse spoken,
The eyes they show me the key,
"I see between the lines"
A key to the peace of mind I wish to hold,
"To consume"
I tell you not to worry,
Your tears expel from the stream of white,
I use the instrument as if a surgeon
I tell you
"Don't worry I have done this"
"Many Times"
She struggles
Your Not my
No where near my
I pluck then as if a flower
Gently the stem cut
You are with out voice
As I need silence
I wish not to harm you
"I Spy With Your Little Eye"
"The key to the soul,"
I consume the key
Then as the fear shows openly
The last thing you see,
Is the room from a view not meant
And with that final snip
"I Spy With Your Little Eye"
"The path way to your soul"
I have tasted a soul not for the first time
But many more keys,
"I will unlock"
And souls consumed,
"So I may feel mine"
I keep a promise
I let you go,
Tears of red flow from vacant eyes,
Then screaming as if a howl of terror
You expel it in a desert of night,
The moon shines upon you,
The screams of an empty vessel
Wishing to be whole,
"Eye Spy With My little eyes"
"Some thing beginning with"
All my new and old serial killers can be found under
Poetic T Feb 2016
God fearing, holding her cross close,
Three settings;
                                         I'm going to hell.
Choosing that more times than most.
2.7k · Dec 2016
The Kitten That Couldnt Meow
Poetic T Dec 2016
Yes you did read the title correctly, a little kitten that couldn't meow and this is her story:

Cotton lived on a farm and she was having a baby,
but where cats have a litter [a lot of kittens]
For her she was seen by the vet and told she had only
                       one single baby,
this was cottons happiest moment.

The day came and all the animals were ready to
see a new addition brought in to there little piece
of heaven. And with the vet there to help little
cottons baby in to the world, the animals heard
the voice of the vet say its a baby girl.

With happiness all the animals gathered in celebration,
but unbeknown to them cotton was learning smudge
[yes smudge] she was a kaleidoscope of colour.
Her first words which was meant to be MEOW.
but the words were drowned out in the  celebration,
so many noises, that hers was missed out.

A few animals stayed after the celebrations to
see the new born, including Betty the cow,
Frankie the dog and Barbra the sheep.
Cotton was a little worried that Smudge hadn't
spoken her first word so she spoke to her.

"My little miracle,
"Speak to mamma, I need to hear your words.

Smudge looked in confusion but uttered what she
thought was the word her mummy needed to hear.

"Mummy, I will speak my voice,

And with that she took a breath in, and released it on
to her mothers ears.


The cow looked as its jaw dropped, "Mooooo, the other
cow said that's an udder statement.

Cotton looked and was taken aback by her daughters new words,
that wasn't expected and laughed.

"Mummy my voice why does it not sound like yours,
"Don't worry my child mummy will help you find it again,

Once again the little one listened to its mummy purr, then
with a deep breath she let out a beautiful "Meow,
it was like music to the daughters ears.

"Mummy that was beautiful, I want to sound like you,

A tear fell from her mothers eye,

"You will my darling smudge, let us give it another try,

So with nervous looks all around, smudge took a breath in
a with mighty exhale she gave out a "Mea-woof woof,
Frankie the dog just looked on in amazement.....

"That was howling amazing, I mean bark, bark..

As the vet entered the barn, surprised to see the animals all
watching this little one yawn, then slumber to sleep.
"How's mummy,
As she stroked Cottons fur she purred with delight at the
fuss that was being pampered to her.

Then as the vet left in her van, all the animals were staring
through the window to see if it was OK to talk.
All slept until the morning and as all awoke, noises were
heard first was Betty the cow "mooning, then Frankie the
dog, "I feel woof, I think I slept wrong, Barbra the sheep awoke
coughing, she said I think I have a frog in my throat.

Barbra coughed again, and out popped a frog "Ribbit,
"Sorry madam it was so warm in there,
Everyone was giggling as well as Betty.

"Now that I have cleared my throat,

Cotton smiled and gently ushered her daughter awake,
"Morning smudge,

She yawned and smiled at her mummy, rubbing her eyes
looking around to see her mummies friends eagerly waiting
to hear that needed voice to reappear..

"Mummy I was counting sheep when I went off to sleep,
Barbra smiled as her herd used the barn as a short cut to the field.

"Glad we could help Cotton,

Cotton yawned and a purr and meow came forth, a little tear
was in Smudges eye. Her mother saw and pawed it away,
Don't worry my little one once we find it you'll be using it
everyday. She smiled and jumped up and down on her tiny
paws, lapping up her milk she licked her whiskers and
looked at her mummy and said I think I can do it.

Looking proud she let out a what she hoped was her true
voice and with that she said let put in her cutest little voice

"meow, meow, meow,

Her mummy looked on proud as any mother could be,
everyone cheered that this little smudge had spoken
her true voice. "mummy, mummy was that me?

Barbra gave a sigh of relief as smudge didn't release
a Ba, Ba meow, she thought "I would have looked
rather sheepish if she had giggling she looked on.

Smudge was jumping up and down and happy as
anyone finding there voice could be. Cotton spoke
and said words of wisdom to her little one.

"If at first you don't succeed, always try again,

"And you did and now your true voice has been set free,

The farm was so happy that the new addition had now
found what was lost, and all that was heard was a very
proud kitten singing to the top of her voice.

*"Meow, "Meow, Meow,
2.7k · Mar 2023
Dark places
Poetic T Mar 2023
Only within darkness
Can our truth shine
Behold we are the candle
Poetic T Apr 2014
A touch of velvet, like angel
Feathers brushing against my
Face, I feel your fingers caress my
Features like an artist, you know the
Contours of my face.

I love you my
Darling, your love
I embrace.

Fists like barbed wire across my
Cheek, grazing my skin as a
Droplet like a tear falls from
My face.

You scratch at me like razors
On flesh, across my skin and face,
Your voice of rage distorts the
Beauty in your face, no love can
Be heard behind this rage.

I cant take this cold to hot
And in-between, I never
Know which person I'm speaking
to when I look at your face.

I love you, but I must leave, I
Cant take this Jade and heidi
Personallity, I dont know who
Is going to speak, know that
I love you, but now I must leave
This love. And you must face your
Demons before it is to late.
Poetic T Sep 2014
Heaven took you
You sit upon them
Softly looking over the
Silver lining
Staring down upon the ground
You see those left behind,
By each, missing you
Now that you have gone,
Still you sense the
Of your passing,
You were taken to early,
But you blow
Angel kisses below
That in a better place
You are in peace,
No pain, or harm,
The wind touches each face
And a feeling of love,
From you relaxes
Puts them at ease,
Still missing you now your gone,
But know
Your in a better place,
You look down smile
And in to the heavens do you soar.
Inspired by Butterfly in Heaven
2.6k · Jul 2014
Silent One (Senryu)
Poetic T Jul 2014
Discharged outlet,
Putrid vapours released,
Asphyxiating, foul scent.
2.6k · Jul 2014
Dragon Worship
Poetic T Jul 2014
Majestic creature,bathed in fire
The heavens are you playground
The orange glow of breath
Upon the clouds once white
Now they burn bright
You are destruction and beauty
Those who do not see
A monster of flame
But you are of a gentle heart
You cleanse those
Who are enveloped in your breath
Only dust is left at your proud feet,
You are the beauty of the sky,
The cleanser of those beneath your feet.
We will for ever be in your shadow
Are lord dragon,
Burn the world, so it may grow anew,
From the ashes of yesterday
The new world will grow stronger under you.
2.6k · Nov 2014
Mr Boner
Poetic T Nov 2014
Mr ***** said
"How you doing"
"Better than you get some self control"
What can I say I'm bone
As a ghost, he had nobody
He was empty inside
In need of feeling,
Not just bone
Were frayed, even though
None were felt, he just wanted to be somebody
Not just a pile of bones,
He would look around
But from his vacant sockets
A tear did
It fell from, meeting each rib
Different sounds of sadness
As each tear hit others on the way down,
He was Mr *****, a sad nobody man
He was just bone,
People would always look through him,
Never look him in the face
A smile given, but with nobody
No one knew the sorrow and sadness felt by poor *Mr Bone.
2.6k · Jan 2016
Heavens Jealousy
Poetic T Jan 2016
Where life permeated through lushest
Colours reaching high, the heavens
Jealousy of such radiance as beautiful
As any sunset ever seen was eyed.

There wrath was swift as clouds of
Rage darkened and a kiss from the
Heavens graced Bark and leaf. All was
Still as ash fell earthwards in onyx tears.

Where elegant shades flowed, wisps of
Extinguished colour blossomed then faded
To oblivions nothingness. The heavens are
Beautiful but hide ominous jealous rage.
2.6k · Dec 2014
Road Of Deathly White
Poetic T Dec 2014
I walk, I am a lone,
Limp feet lift upon dead ground
I jest this failing body
Onwards towards what is the end
"I carry my weight"
"I carry my bones"
I wish to walk upon those before
This road of the dead,
Is the only sombre thought,
But I walk on, I walk over,
I walk past upon those who
"Came before"
Billboards overhead, rest here
Is what waits upon those who
I carry on never faulting.
Then that moment  before, as all have stood,
"The end of the road"
"There is just barren land"
"This road of fallen"
"It is a road upon the bodies of the fallen"*
White tiles,
White dreams,
White bones
That my knees rest upon.
Tears of anger penetrate, for nothing,
As I succumb to this Road of death,
For I am but another few cobbles
For the next one too fall upon. To further this road,
This road of white covered in dust.
This road of hope within its white gleam.
"The road of death"
Has paved another slab on its
Passage to nowhere, but **death.
Poetic T Sep 2018
She said he was to down to earth,
that she could never see the stars
                        beneath his staring.

"Am I not grounded enough?
        do you wish to gaze deeper
              than even I can look into..

Would you want to reach the heavens,
to see how many glimmers float deep
       within every blinking of my sight.

"She pondered his question,

If you can make me see the universe
entwined within every look
                                        you give me.
                              I'll be yours forever.

So days past upon his gaze, not at her!
            but the fulfilment of her wishes.
And with that, he brought out his gesture
                                 of making her see stars.

"Strap this on yourself!

But is this not just a rocket?
        will I not leave your side.

Never would I let us part,
       you will only be above my gaze.
my eyes steering you, no longer grounded.

With a twinkle in his eye he gazed at her,
   "I see the stars gleaming in your eyes.
    "You are no longer grounded to.....

And without a word the rocket shot off.
        hearing her faint words.. I was wro…

With that a shower of sparks erupted,
         in the  heavens and for a second she saw stars..
But unfortunately ungrateful of what she had.

He never saw her again after that.
         But he was a man of his word.
Now grounded to terra-firma he gazes
                  towards the stars and smiles.
Some are not grounded enough to realise what they have, and this never ends well in the long run. Always count your stars as there not always going to be visible..
Poetic T Aug 2018
Visual delusions:

Scrutinizing the acuity of
            what is visualized.
But sight is only validated
by the morality glazed over.
Until narratives are edited
to mimic a reality of self delusion.

Oral formalization

Dictation versed within syllable
            delusions, never sounding
the reflection of thought to breath.
But sour exhalation collects on
vacant windows, spelling other
          than what is breathed outwards.

Auditory silence

Auditions drummed within,
echoing on shallow walls,
           nothing wrote within
A tirade of failures woven with
three perceptions. Collective ignorance
2.5k · Aug 2014
The Child Within
Poetic T Aug 2014
To see things through child's eyes
A world seen different
Not like an adult
Everything has its place
But every now and then,
Let your hair down
(Even if your bald)
The child within needs to be free
Be like the child within,
Play with your young ones
Not as a giant,
Become their size
Jiggle your ****,
Be silly
Lie on the floor, be their bouncy castle,
Even though all the wind is out
When you arise from the floor,
See through the eyes of your child
With your tongue wigging about,
Be the
But every so often relax
Let the child within run rampant
And have some *childish fun be free...
2.5k · Dec 2014
Universe Easel (Haiku)
Poetic T Dec 2014
Heavens master piece
Strokes of imagination
Sights painted beauty
The heavens are a master piece of beauty.
2.5k · Sep 2020
Oral metaphors
Poetic T Sep 2020
I ******* words
     And *******
.     Stanzas..

And my *** face
      Is the ecstacy

Of the pleasurable
        After thought.

Is anyone else hungry...
Poetic T Nov 2014
Little firefly* guide me
Through the darkness
This foreboding night
Let your little light
Upon the darkness that wishes
To consume your little light,
I will follow you where ever you may go,
Leading me to safety
On this I wish & trust & hope,
But then consuming darkness
My guide,
Then I see stars,
Shooting upon the heavens,
Then closer I see them
Are but my friend with company,
I walk as they dance upon darkness
Illuminating my way,
My little friends in the darkness
These flickers of light,
Pictures of lights in the sky
In this veil of black
The time has pasted I am now at home
As a parting gift,
A radiant show of little flickering lights
Then into the distance they fly
My little lights in the darkness
That helped a weary traveller home on this dark night.
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