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I S A A C Apr 2023
lizard on warm rocks
an artist in their paint-speckled smock
the wind carrying fallen flowers
jade eyes meet brown
chastity belt unbound
hours upon hours
spent in between the sheets
delicate, delectable, free
I S A A C Feb 2022
put it on me like a curse
be a good man, my first
tend to my needs like a nurse
my tears are aquamarine
my heart is rose gold
my eyes are jade stones
don't think that I don't know
how the lotus unfolds
Svetoslav Feb 2021
smoke across the trees
jade leaves whisper
swinging from the wind
by Svetli
Jade Aug 2020
I've grown to love
the sound of my name

swaddled in the contour
of my cupid's bow;

rolling off the tides
of my tongue;

like earthquakes
in my vocal cords

my name--

after the precious gemstone.


A girl named Jade
beckons the moon
so that it sits
between her palms
brings it closer to earth
through her camera lens,

photographing celestial portraits,
each crater immaculately reproduced.

She grows bouquets
of bluebells in her lungs,
poetic eidos
from her mouth,

fingers pulsing
against the typewriter
like the oscillation
of a butterfly's wings.

The soft hiss of verse
dissolves on the reader's taste buds,

each stanza an exhalation of


Maybe you were the one
to walk away
there will always be
a part of you
that mourns.

Her name etched
onto the surface of your ribs
like they are tombstones

(and they are tombstones).

You lie in wait to be

(because that's the only way
you'll ever see her again.)

A girl named Jade--

ferociously loyal

but she also declares
her own worth,
recognizing those who will only
abbreviate it.

She is a melodic composition
of sunflower petals and stardust--

but that does not make her fragile;

for her bones
are cast with iron;

mind the crown of
Athenian wisdom;

heart a pounding sea

where water lilies float
and leaches drown;

And of her soul?

A girl named Jade
wears her soul
in an aurora borealis
of purple light

(just as she was always meant to).
Don't be a stranger--check out my blog!

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Sujan Aug 2020
Moon as a jade hangs serenely under the untainted sky,
A wolf nearby howls incessantly,
The cicadas cry without melody,
But the dance of leaves of a cherry blossom
Quells the anger
Today, we find it burdensome to control our stress, we take remedy classes however we often forget that the true remedy is just to immerse oneself in the beautiful nature.
Jade Apr 2020
⚠Trigger Warning; the following poem contains subject matter pertaining to graphic language, substance abuse, suicidal ideation and opinions on religion that some might find offensive⚠


I do not
the name I was given--

after the (semi) precious gemstone.

Girls named Jade
are not supposed to
give strangers the finger
more often than
they hug their mothers
say the word
f  u  c  k
more often than
they tell their fathers
that they love them--

are not supposed
to say
(or write)
the word

at all.

And here I am,
having banged out
the word


upon my typewriter.

Real charmer,
aren't I?

******* in front
of open windows
just for the ******* i n g sake of it.

(four times.)

Pounding tequila shots
as I grind against the moonlight,
Lana Del Rey's lyrics
throbbing from the speakers:

"My *******tastes like Pepsi Cola..."

Girls named Jade
are not supposed to
get plastered on school nights
(and tipsy before class)
or listen to music

(and the music is
too loud.)

about p u s s y.

They don't say
(or write)
the word

I've always had a ***** mouth--
this is what a man from church
had told me at eight years old
when I said "****" in front of him.

Girls named Jade
are supposed to go
to church every Sunday--
are supposed to believe in god.

I outgrow religion
by the time I am sixteen
(perhaps even before then),

only ever consulting the bible
when I need inspiration
for some tragic poem
narrating the pangs of betrayal.

(It was not Womankind
who betrayed god,
but god who betrayed Womankind

just like I have betrayed
my own name.)

The only thing
I have ever truly believed in is

Girls named Jade
are not supposed to
write poetry the way
I write poetry--

all *** & drugs & rock n' roll
tundras & hurricanes
infernos & molten lava
blood & violent minds
suicide & broken hearts

& broken hearts
& broken hearts
& broken hearts

& purple souls--

Girls named Jade
are supposed to
wear their souls
in the colour green.
Don't be a stranger--check out my blog!

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Moon Cherry Apr 2020
Your eyes are Moon in ****,
Making mine as the Sun,
So bright it colours our tide,
Almost like that jade of mine.

At night when you’re out of sight,
I pray the clouds to move aside,
Unveiling your pretty light,
You are my ode to abide.
Alaska Nov 2019
my baby’s ethereal
her jade crown, imperial
love me forever
my first haiku
Ma Diva veut  être meublée de parenthèses
De ïambes de jade meuble aux couleurs de toutes les toques
Et manches et casaques de l 'arc-en-ciel
Toque blanche manches vertes et casaque noire,
Toque rose manches blanches et casaque verte.

A l'intérieur des petites lunes enchantées
Entre losanges, étoiles et petits pois
Ma diva, oh la vilaine,  a mis des accolades et des crochets
De jade blanc, digressions  ponctuées périodiquement
Par d'exquises parties de ïambes en l'air.

Qui dit ïambe dit trochée
(me suis-je permis de préciser)
Et qui dit ïambe et trochée dit scansion
Alternance dans le pied, donc dans la marche
Dans le pas cadencé, l 'amble, le trot  et le galop
De la respiration longue et brève des solipèdes.

A l 'intérieur des parenthèses enchantées
Entre une espace et l 'autre de l 'écurie
J'ai vu danser ainsi une diva de forte encolure
Revendiquée modèle de Botero
Embarquer en longe un soleil pas trop chaud
Pour égayer le paddock de son haras
De vieilles pierres et de prés, de sous-bois et de beaux paysages
De musées et de concerts et de galipettes
Au bras d'un cavalier épicurien
Dragon de paille, bon à tout faire :
Lad qui la sorte à la longe
En chemise polaire de luxe
Cavalier qui la monte
Au grand steeple-chase de l'immortalité
En cajolant ses flancs de liqueur de jade blanche
Et  en même temps  groom qui la soigne
En divaguant en elle au gré de ses envies
De pierre semi-précieuse en transe.
Tu te dis enrobée, ma tigresse
J 'ai beau purger les yeux
Pour tenter de voir à travers ton sari de soie blanc céladon
Je ne décèle dans tes dessous
Que ton parfum de tigresse furtive et changeante
Chevauchant ton dragon de jade
Dans une jungle inhabitée.
C'est ainsi qu'on te décrit à chaque illumination
C 'est ainsi qu'évidemment tu te sens
Avec Tigresse
Parfum Extraordinaire ... by Fabergé

Autour de ta taille j 'ai cru voir
Une chaîne d'argent massif où pend une fiole de jade
En forme de dent de tigre .
A l 'intérieur que sais je ?
J 'imagine de l 'eau bénite
Une capsule de cyanide ?
Ou des résidus de jus de jade
Au cas où
En cas de besoin
Sur la route ?

Sur ton *****
J'ai entr'aperçu
Un tatouage :
Un porc-épic qui feule
Hérissant et jetant ses épines
Avec comme devise
Qui s'y frotte  s'y pique !

Je meurs d'envie
Que tu m'intronises dans ton ordre secret
Je meurs d'envie
D'être adoubé chevalier de  l'ordre du porc-épic
Je meurs d'envie
Que, nue, tu te présentes,
Ma tigresse quatre en une , 
Dans l'un ou l 'autre
De tes plus simples appareils :
Tigresse en nourrice,
Tigresse errante,
Tigresse dans sa tanière,
Tigresse en laisse
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