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1.4k · Mar 2016
once every often
Pax Mar 2016
you don't have to be pretty
or be beautiful physically
or be great at
anything you love....

as long as you're there
for me to see
and lean on
once every often

and by knowing that you
care and hold me close
to your heart
once every often
i know i can
live life
1.4k · Jun 2014
Dead Poets Society
Pax Jun 2014
Damnation of the Mind
In Society’s eyes, I commit a Crime.

Freedom mistook as a Sin
“For I’m always right”, says the Red Queen.

I scattered my scrappy writes
In this forest full of lies

I am as good as dead
For I am never needed
Naked to the bone
A far away star, I am alone.

“I am your salvation”, says the Holy King
I oblige for that’s what I think is right, Lamenting
Oh, Holy king, I can’t stop wondering
The man made crisis keeps on repeating
Driven by powerful Need
They hunger for what they don’t Need

I am in a brink of exhaustion
Many hides in the facade of beautiful illusion
Creation for an easy solution

Abundance is slowly fading
Our soulful purity is slowly dying.

*© Pax
1.4k · Jun 2013
Questionable Mentality
Pax Jun 2013
To think or just blink - something click, then link
a pink fluid runs in the sink, it stink of raw ink
I did a sharp clink
And I laugh like a lunatic
The stinging click makes my brain tic
Then someone wink, I panic
Horror runs in terror deep in my fatty exterior
my heart roars its pounding beat as I roam in fast feat
I struggle for self-control calling all my self-patrol
Holding my reality intact in which for now, I lack
Insanity pulls my multiple personality
Questionable mentality
Shake, shake rapidly
now I dance stupidly
all attention now is in me, then I ran horridly
someone pinned me, I scream endlessly
something pierce my skin
a sharp quick pain
a fluid sips through my veins
rushing, calming every stiff muscles, then once more I leap
then my heart stops its bouncing beat
my craziness slips into a silent sleep!

*© Pax
1.4k · Jan 2016
Pax Jan 2016
don't have to say anything,
there is no right time

You'll know
1.3k · Dec 2014
art of being sad
Pax Dec 2014
Dear reader,

Have I mastered the art of being sad, making my everyday living slumbering in dreamland fantasy?  Then my reality is in wintry weathery moments that I feel numb from too much cold. Is isolation my best buddy for the mean time? Well those questions will remain in this journal, to immortalize the moment of my depressing situation.

I brought up the transparent duct tape in placed always for people to see the lively image I pretend. Sometimes I’m tired of the choices and expectations I created. Though I never regret all of them, I just find them depressing for often times I wonder did I really make an awful choice.  Still at the back of my mind I fantasize a positive outcome of all those.

Wisdom grows as you aged, Maturity becomes you and Changes have eaten you. Now I wonder did I totally embrace reality or my life in tune with negativity. Despite all this, I will surely survive and live up to the choices I created. Someday I will surpass this in time.

            Thank you for reading…

Your friendly neighbor,
w.Pax :(
prose-poetry(prosetry) pretending to be a journal .

written: January 5, 2013
Taken from my old journals in WC.

An old piece that I can still relate to.. Sorry for not being around much, my friends. been busy for another project (from Jubail to Riyadh), and I was not able to come home, having/earning a living is hard, so I took a chance of a little more isolation. sigh.....

Happy New Year....
1.3k · Nov 2014
The wounds of my past
Pax Nov 2014

The wounds of my past
lingering and wondering
through the days of my life
then you came along
and heal this dying soul.
This magic coated masked melted like candles.
Your resonated flames made it into liquid nitrogen.
Making it unattainable
for me to grasp and hold into.
It evaporated in the sun kissed skies.
My black salted tears evaporated
By your brightly warm glow.
I feel alive and free.
The wounds faded into scars
Leaving a mark of lamented past
Reminding me that I’ve learned.
I came back to this wondrous existence with you at my side
I bid farewell to the dying lands of grief
And promise not come back
As long as your light and wisdom shines on me
Never fading.

© Pax
written: September 9, 2012
1.3k · Oct 2015
Pax Oct 2015
I feel like crying
some few tears will do
to wash away the dark
cloud I harbor
At my back.

sometimes I needed this, to be able to stay strong and stay on track through life. I remember last year, how I cried out my life's worries, now seems like its field up somehow. Its good to cry you know, I cry it out, alone in my quarters. I don't mind as long as it relieves me afterwards, then I am okay.
1.3k · Apr 2019
Bound to be deep
Pax Apr 2019
I was bound to be the only ocean
too deep for you to love.
And my waves are to harsh for you to see my Beauty.
1.3k · Nov 2016
Pax Nov 2016
In my world i never been
able to say i have love.
I guess I'm just a shut-in
who never got to enjoys the
affection of someone special.
Someone who treats me better,
& cherished me - like
someone who's
to be
So in the end
I built too many walls,
too insecure to be vulnerable
and very much afraid
to be heartily

truth be told, raw feeling.
1.3k · Oct 2016
outburst of the tempest
Pax Oct 2016
I am not in pain
but I’m standing in the hard rain.
The wetness makes my feet numb
I succumb to be dumb
a foolish playfulness
hiding my crudeness
-  I roam around in happy commotion
                                 A complete illusion.
The eye of the storm will come my way, someday
I hope not too soon, but in the distant future
For I am not prepared on the messiness it harbors in its back
The harsh judgments that will pour heavily on my shoulders
Then flowing water will flood my sane world
I need my time to organize
My mental, emotional and physical stability
To stand the outburst of the tempest.

© Pax 2013
1.3k · Mar 2017
Pax Mar 2017

some words are like mirrors
i could see a reflection
of me.

1.3k · Apr 2019
Pax Apr 2019
In your darkest days
I became your light
But in mine you
Never were
I wonder.
Sometimes its tiring to be just the light. You never got to see my darkness, because you were not there.
1.3k · Feb 2017
Pax Feb 2017
I'll leave my
Heart here
crying for
1.3k · Jan 2015
State of being there
Pax Jan 2015

A prisoner of your own doing
Selfishness is a way of avoiding
Stay fair by merely existing
Pain and craving
Lock and stored in a well-guarded place
Hunger made it hollow in this well hidden base
Loving from a distance
Shielded by masquerade
Person in charade.

written way, way back last: August 30, 2011
its a old piece, this was the time I was still jobless & with many sleepless nights I had. I was in a lot of pressure, or I created too many expectations upon myself. Subconsciously I started writing, to help me sleep and not think of many things that I will begin to regret. I guess my point is, I started writing because I needed peace of mind.
1.3k · Jun 2018
first love
Pax Jun 2018
Doesn't matter who
come first in your heart
as long as I was the one
who stayed
true to my love
for you.

you were never
first love only last as long as you stayed true to your love. sometimes the heart gets tired, it weathers as you stop nourishing its root - neglect and broken trust, a heart can die.

thanks for reading.
1.3k · Dec 2015
the ghost
Pax Dec 2015
It was not me, who put you into the dark
It was not me, who put too much hate upon himself
It was not me, who made you so imperfect
          Who choose this life for us?
                   It was you,
                             I am only a shadow in every decision.
The weak link, the forgotten will
of one’s owned heart, truly remains in the corner…
*Simply the ghost, who whispers in total silence.
my road is still dark....
1.3k · Jan 2019
Pax Jan 2019
Your beauty never fails in calming me.
Me seeing the ocean
1.2k · Jun 2014
Emotion Sickness
Pax Jun 2014
Gravity, Gravity, Gravity pulls me away,
Heading, Heading, Heading towards uncertain ways.
Answers are distance apart, too weary worry.

Leave me be, emotions sickness.
You are my pure weakness.

The hologram memories,
Bleeds haunting entries,
Triggered by many entities.

Sometimes it’s just too much
   with just one touch,
Cravings comes in a rush,
   fragile heart being crush.

Knowing you, I must arise
   in the dawn of sunrise.
I raise my hope to be able to cope,
to stop the lasting loop of this urging dope.

*© Pax
1.2k · Nov 2023
flowers I need
Pax Nov 2023
I bleed to produce seed
for my flower bed of creed
yet the flowers I need
didn’t grow, instead unwanted weeds
flourish as it dirtied my deeds
upon deeds of neglect, I heed.
It started to be play with words, that eventually evolved into what you read.
words: Bleed, Seed, ****, Creed, Deed, Heed.
1.2k · Aug 2017
Pax Aug 2017
I was the star
who lost his
glow -

as I function
living for the
sake of living
as my heart
has stop breathing
the love he
suppose to

I burried my own
unglowing star
its hopeless.

I've been reading, reading,
watching, watching,
and working, working
same old, same old
until I lost my glow
and stop being wishful
as I know time has stop
as I drop
my dream,

I lived because
I can still pretend.
I guess this will be my last post for a while but I will not be gone just around. writing seems so away now, I guess that my life becomes dull as my heart slowly turning to a stone. this piece pretty much explain what ive been doing. I will write again when im back in my own country, it's good news to me that im exiting suadi Arabia, soon...sigh... another big challenges will come to me, another big step i'll take....
1.2k · Feb 2021
Pax Feb 2021
How overly flawed
My mistakes are,
As they flew
Under the skyline.

I exhaled those regrets
But they kept on
Back at me.
I've written to much today
Is this enough for me to live?
1.2k · Dec 2015
where were you?
Pax Dec 2015
When I was so confused on what to do,
where were you?

When I was so **** broken,
where were you?

When I was so sad,
where were you?

I guess I was so **** independent
that you didn't see
I needed someone for me
who will say,
you'll be okay,
it will be fine,
life is just built that way
for you to learn
and adapt.
Well, good news,
i learn it that way...
So I was okay.
I grow up good
and well adapted...

Now that I've think about it,
nobody has really gone deeper
to my "I'm okay, I'm good.".
No one bothers really,
they take my silences
as fine I guess...

big sigh...

I wish I could say this to my family, that I'm struggling despite my happy persona. But really I could not tell them, I don't want them to worry.
1.2k · Nov 2019
love me as you wish
Pax Nov 2019
you undress my heart
so delicately
untill I drown
in your embrace

love me as you wish
Sorry for being away...

I missed writing...
1.2k · Nov 2017
Pax Nov 2017
as much as I crave warmth
I can't when
my veiws of the world
are much so
A shoutout. A qoute. Alone.
1.2k · Jan 2017
Darkness I
Pax Jan 2017
my writings are my own darkness,
my own little room  -
its a lonesome

in here i crouch
and see the nothingness
as i drown myself
in the stillness it brings
and the numbing
i surrender...

1.2k · Nov 2016
Home in deep Blue
Pax Nov 2016
In the breeze of cold wind
Shivering in temperamental emotional pondering
I engulf in a journey of motion steering
Who are they who makes head aching problems?
People who succumb to their will, like me!
Suffers a low, unbalance gold fee
I’m widening the patience I have left
Though I’m tired of these awful mess
The aura of fine is at my will
A choice to pay the bills
Its a challenging flight of my well-being
Time is fast approaching for me to be back Home
To feel warm again is what I long for…
The hands of cold oceanic waves paints an empty wall
                                                            ­          In Deep Blue….

Poetry is self-assessment healing process for us poets…

I wrote this awhile back when I was still starting my job here in Saudi. My salary before was enough for me to eat and send money back at home. It was hard, but manageable. The culture here is a bit shocking as it is very diverse... from India to Pakistan to Egyptian to Nepali to Filipino to Bangladesh to Saudi and so on... i guess i got to mingle with each and everyone of them...
1.2k · Oct 2013
~ Candles of Shame ~
Pax Oct 2013
I cry because I needed to be
to release something in me.
Every tear brings moist to my dried lands.
For I, a mere man
seems so damage, yet so normal
or perhaps just fragile, easily breakable
and sometimes emotionally unstable.

You laugh because it’s fun,
Looking on a dreaded face
saying such a waste
then disregarded for my bitter taste.

I smiled an emptied smile
I laughed a pretend laugh
That’s my response to your jokes
As if it didn’t hurt
For I don’t want to upset you with my unpleasant retort

In time I learned to tolerate the vicious screams of my thoughts
Then mold them into candles
Hold them near, embracing it as part of my soul
And burn each shameful experienced into smokes
Now wrap with melted wax
Relax in this shell I created
a prisoner of my own doing
It’s ok, I am fine
I am strong enough to accept
enough will to intercept
the flooding negativity
with my passive cry for unity
and through my spacious heart,

the pain is bearable.

*© Pax
1.2k · Apr 2018
dimlit star
Pax Apr 2018
You were the dimlit star
I am trying to reach.

You've lost much
of your glow
how I wish
my light would reach you, and
teach you
     that in life
you're ever so beautiful.

How the harsh words of the world
barricades you soft spoken heart
into stones.
thank you all in reading my lightly lit star in my so dim world.

ive secluded much of my world into the four corners of my home, hated to see how harsh can the world judge me. also hated this part of me, a coward. I needed to remind myself of this feeling to move forward even a little step will do.
1.1k · Nov 2016
~ I hate sadness
Pax Nov 2016
It makes me look weak,            
                        My tears leaks…      
                My eyes are sore          
        My heart is a bore          
  and My body repeats a painful encore.              

                  I dust away the sad memories,                                        
but it comes along like it’s my adversaries.                  

I hate sadness
It shakes my reality, a piercing faithfulness
                towards my soulful unhappiness.

I don’t need help,
    but in truth I am lying to myself.

You’ll never know, what comes and goes
    yet I am stuck between my toes.

I hunger for that light
    but all that comes is my arresting night.

Perhaps I am doom with my own gloominess.
Starvation and Weariness
                  is a consolation of my messiness
~ a choice with laziness,
         to ponder and wonder
                    to the world’s unending sadness.

*© Pax  September, 2013
~ I am musing with the world's sadness, a reflections of my own as well...

i always say this: emotions are very complex and as deep as the vast ocean. A fragment of my soul... so i am thankful to all who have read me and my journey...
1.1k · Nov 2016
Darkness iV
Pax Nov 2016
is there a hole
in this shadow
of deep darkness,
so that
i can just crawl
myself into
and get out of
this mess.
raw. my darkness series.
thank you for reading.
1.1k · Oct 2013
The False Prince
Pax Oct 2013
I am no prince
Nor I am of royal blood

There is just nothing more of a dream
I wince of meaning to be someone
That person was never me

The crown I once wore,
I thought was forever meant
Temporary was I all to be
Shame on me

I kept running from the storm
Hoping to evade what fear had brought
Now facing what I fear the most
A reality slap
     to wake up on this lovely nap

Once I was a false prince
     in a dreamy fantasy pretense

Now I thought I was a walking dead
All along I was asleep on my bed…

*© Pax
1.1k · Feb 2016
happiness is just a mask
Pax Feb 2016

I am a terrible liar,
no matter how thick
my masks are...

In this land
I feel out of place.

It's hard when
you're often misunderstood.
I just let it be
succumbing to my faults,
to my insecurities,
to my doubts & fears...

I breathe-in the toxic air
and breathe-it-out...
No matter how much
you cleanse the air
that comes,
when you're
it leaves a scar
that's hard to heal.
Then everything comes
to a choice,
**** or be ******.

I have been good
so far...
Letting the river
never got to swim back
or even fight
the rushing currents.
Pretending to swim is

In the end,
life is  been
despite happiness
is just a mask.

In this land#3

perhaps this is the last part of the stream of thoughts.
thanks for reading me.
1.1k · Nov 2016
Pax Nov 2016
upon seeing the lining of the
sky, lies the dwindle
crimson sign...

i asked why such beauty
twinkles in blood.
sometimes in the early dawn, the sky, in my eyes
seems blood orange. sometimes in my perception
lies a deep meaning.
1.1k · Nov 2019
Pax Nov 2019
I fell deep into your abyss
drowning into lust
I swim yet your torrent
drag me down under.

Beyond my last breathe
I resign to sigh my regret
I died in your arms
Loving you was my sin.
Painful love
1.1k · Jan 2016
Pax Jan 2016

how does one word
hurt much?

Do you even need help
in carrying
the load,
the burden you
and the life
you're trying to

SOMETIMES answering one question
is just asking too much...

1.1k · Dec 2023
old flame
Pax Dec 2023
I've killed that old flame
felt so ashame, I'm to blame
i left to pursue nothing
it kept me running
please, lend me something
a little bit of hope
for me live on and to cope

i wish i never killed you
left you there
    in the darkness's hue
i wanted to write something good i hope but it becomes depressing when you dive directly into the darkside on how you killed your own dream.
1.1k · Dec 2016
Pax Dec 2016
No matter how far you've run
Doesn't even matter what you drink
Or just get ******
It will just come back to the way it were
Keep on dodging
Escape like the wind blows
But comes back as fast as the river flows
Run to the infinite puzzle if answers are not found
It's a maze that keeps us running in circles
Solutions are as taught as crystal rock
Still you know the answers are there
We just have to stop evading
And face it with courage.
"its a matter on how you handle each of the problem that comes across your life."

an old piece, stay strong everyone...
happy holidays...
1.1k · May 2017
Pax May 2017
A piece of my heart
has been sliced
to where its been crushed
to blend
something new.

I've grown to
the big sea
to where I was
afraid of being aware
this might
then, it already has
as so I let it be
for a time
that I never forgot
nor forgive
what they

I know my flaws
are evident,
it is what makes
who I am, 'not perfect'
as I improved,
honed and
proved to feel
the understanding
of the big sea
but it doesn't mean
you can freely capture
someone's heart
to tear apart,
*a sincere poet
never steals the
life of others.
Not sure where to start, as to the poem itself speaks volume, I've been away from writing because of my busy schedule when i came back i found out that one or two of my work are stolen. I was never really a great writer to begin with as to i wonder why they would steal from me. And there's also stories that uses my quotes without crediting me, sigh... Perhaps this is the reality. sad, disappointed and distraught to myself, but everything is a risk, so posting in all writing/poetry sites, your words are bound to be stolen when someone liked it without you knowing it. sigh.... "i write not!" was one of the stolen.
1.1k · Nov 2014
I'm okay.
Pax Nov 2014

A tear today,
        A smile tomorrow.

I cried today,
         and tomorrow I will be okay.

© Pax
from me to you my friends & passer by: i always remember this.. this is one of my principles.. it was based on my experience.. when my mother died of breast cancer few years back i cried almost every night... then the next morning I could do my task alright not to be too emotionally withdrawn to the world around me, it keeps me focus until it made me feel better.

Just let it out, cry it out, then the next day you'll be okay. :)
1.0k · Nov 2016
Darkness III
Pax Nov 2016
My heart fell
from the sky
down to the
it fall.

Now i got used
to not seeing
much of
the dimness
of the faint light
i still have.
part of my darkness series.
Darkness II :
1.0k · Jun 2013
Pax Jun 2013

I am stained
I am in pain

The look in her eyes
The sound of her voice
The taste of her lips
The scent of her skin
The warmth of her hug
Do not leave me

© Pax
1.0k · Feb 2017
My light died with you
Pax Feb 2017
I breathe the lonely air you brought me
I journey life's challenges alone
I did everything I could to believe
That you would come back
But I know, I will always be alone
For the fact that you've lived in my darkest shadow
How can I ever tell myself that it's already impossible?
You have done enough, you've suffered enough, endured hard enough
You have done everything possible; I've done everything ever possible
Still it was not even possible
\                Why?                 /
Why is our life this way?
The pain does not hurt anymore, it's is just a memory now
But why do I have to remember it day by day?
You're a part of me that is hard to erase
A shadow that follows me everyday
My light died with you
a sad piece base on a man who had lost his wife to cancer.
written May 29, 2012

this was one of those old work of mine that inspired how my mom died of breast cancer, and how sad my father at that time... now, both of them are gone, and hopefully peacefully have meet each other in the otherside...
1.0k · Dec 2018
Pax Dec 2018
Those times when my ocean almost reach your sky.
1.0k · Jan 2013
ashen gray
Pax Jan 2013
My day seems to be in a dark place
It’s like I’m separated and out of trace
Silence is my only answer to the choices I only ponder
My leaves has turn into weathery colors
Ashen gray
It keeps on falling as I keep on growing
My mind is at ease on the bed grass I see
Seems like it’s in tune with my fantasy
Like illusion has come out of my reality
There is beauty in solemnity
But in truth it’s lonely
when you're alone.

I dream of a time I make memories
Great with victories
but then I felt it was not worth it
for achievements are savor to someone you shared with

This place has come to its highs and lows
a moment I borrow in depths of sorrow
I reach out to tranquility
For my patience is my virtue in this painted creativity
Someday I will bear the fruit of my owning glory
Continuing the roots of my existence
Somewhere in time.

*© Pax
997 · Sep 2015
Pax Sep 2015
I give wings to my words
so that it will fly
free from the chains that binds it.

Give it life and beauty
so that it will flourish
despite its darker past.

Then put it out there
somewhere along
     the sea of people
    *the imperfections
           of my life...
995 · Apr 2017
Happy quote?
Pax Apr 2017
I don't want my life to be
amazing, i just want it
to be happy...
Aren't we all want this? there are some happiness that are short, some takes longer, and some never arrive at all. There are some happiness that  are amazing or simple - big or small... I guess my happiness didn't arrive yet, as i am a late bloomer or very much reserved to the point of being afraid... im still overcoming that.. this thought/quote sprang to mind thinking i don't want an amazing life, with all the luxury or many amazing achievements, i just want to be loved and to love back in the simplest way of life, but i guess its still too much to asked. :(
986 · Sep 2014
We Learned
Pax Sep 2014
Why are you trying to be someone that you’re not?
Why are you pretending to be happy that you’re really not?
Why do you keep on lying to yourself?
Why is your life very complicated?
Or you’re just making it too complicated for us to bother?
Maybe you’re just emotionally damaged by your own selfish doing?
I get it, that you’re hard to deal with, I get that.
Still you don’t have to push us away.
You don’t have to be so alone.
You know we’re here to listen and guide you towards a better way.
We stick to you no matter what they say and what you’d become.
Because we know it’s still you, it’s a part of you.
We love you just the way you are, nothing can change that.
If you gone to a bad start, then let’s start a new better one.
Maybe for you it’s too late to start a better one, but life’s too short.
Let’s enjoy it, lived the way we want it to be.

Ha, you’re a late bloomer you say.
Nah, you’re just one of millions out there.
People learned new things every day;
it’s never too late to learn. That’s one of my principles.

You’re doing good, listen to your good side.
Listen to you pure soul. Hear its plea.
Flip every bad into an optimism to strive for the better.
You know we can, because we believe in ourselves that we can.
Come let’s do this together start a new beginning.
Free from prejudice and judgments.
Let’s thanks sorrow and pain.
Without them we can never achieved who we are today.
Life isn’t easy, we know,
but we learned.

*© Pax
whenever I get so alone, I read this, this was the voice within me that helps me keep going in life. A motivational piece to lift me up in those bad days I have. Now I am sharing this to all. Thank you so much in reading me
966 · Feb 2021
The irony of choices
Pax Feb 2021
I.stand to the consequence i took,
and I.walk to the reality i am facing.
A Shadow slaps, oh irony of choices
Im forever burn in your grace
A bit raw, written last 25/06/2020
961 · Oct 2016
Pax Oct 2016
Our humanity has nothing
To do with your ego...*

A quick shout out...
another day at the office.
954 · Jun 2015
a feeling of being alive
Pax Jun 2015

Blending in and pretending to be someone
It's been my life for years
I'm just a killing machine for hire
Running and hiding seems to be the right thing to do
It was a failed tasked yet I felt relieved
That will be my last task
To start a new life will be hard
A lot of people now are looking for me
Especially my boss that I must avoid at all cost
Why must I leave it unfinished?
Why must I feel this unknown feeling towards my target?
Why does it have to be you?
It's the first time I felt alive, that I'm not just a machine anymore
Like everything and everyone matters
To you I'm just a human being looking for someone to love and care for

My enemies have come
I'll do my best to stay alive for one day I will see you again
Hoping that you'll be well and happy in your own life

Now I just wanted to share this again as birthday celebration piece,Yup, today is my Birthday, this piece has made an impact to me because it is special to me, this came from a dream of mine, it was vague but still i manage to put it up into a piece. And somehow even in my dreams I wanted to feel alive. Another that made this so special is that it was chosen as Founder’s Choice audio readings
listen here:
"he narrates it with such emotions the way i wrote it."
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