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Pax Jul 18
Here I am
of a farfetch reality
sometimes they call it - lucid dreams. I can't say I have those, because whenever i wake up, it will just be lost in though as you get back to reality. Before i tried writing it down but then i just lost it, and never caring anymore, maybe because some of it has some bad endings. It appears more frequent than the good ones. I like these dreams, its like i am living a different life, wearing someone else's body, and living a totally farbending reality. You can say some of it is futuristics and some reoccuring horror stuff like zombies, i don't know why, i stop watching those series long before, haha.. Now you've reach this point on the authors note,  and i thank you for lestining. and one last point, a dream is just a dream, never lose your touch to reality.
Pax Jul 13
Doesn't matter who
came first in your heart
as long as I was the one
who stayed
true to my love
for you.

you were never
.a quote.
first love only last as long as you stayed true to your love. sometimes the heart gets tired, it weathers as you stop nourishing its root - neglect and broken trust, a heart can die.

this one was on my draft since Jun 2018, i guess i was hesitant in sharing this because my one true love never came or appeared, its lonesome but it doesnt matter anymore. Like they say love will always arrive no matter how late.
  Jul 6 Pax
Douglas Balmain
How many have died
trying to protect their lives
from the terrible weight
of a lie
whose truth
they felt could never
be spoken?
  Jun 13 Pax
scared to fall,
but more scared
of never flying,
so i sit at the edge
and wait.
i need to be more okay with letting myself fail every so often.
  May 16 Pax
These words are for me,
For I'm the one who's hurting,
I'm just healing myself.
I often wonder why we can't understand other's poems sometimes, but deep down it is the one who writes it knows the value of it.
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