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953 · Mar 2016
a joke
Pax Mar 2016
why? why do you always see
me as a joke?

why does all my actions
speaks something of the other
to you?

in all your life
did you ever feel
that you're being bullied?

i on the other hand
has been,
always been
the center of
your foolish

for several months
i treat you as a friend,
and yet i feel that
you treat me as your
to feed people as
your entertainer...

have you seen what i feel?
guess not,
i hide it too well
between my laughs
as if there funny
to me,
yet deep inside i
know something
is really wrong...

i wish you knew
how far i've
grown tired
of all the repeated

if I can't take it
I'll explode
and be secluded
as far away from
Pax Mar 2015


I never knew that feeling
A word without meaning
…A stranger to what I felt…
Thought it’s strange that I knew it so well


I walk by with you as I talk about you
…Existence is a mere essence…
It’s the life underneath my roots
My whole being is defined of what I decide about you


I kept on thinking of you
A mystery in every event I stumble upon
Nonetheless your part of me that i fully submit
Facing and standing still
In all the consequences and risk
I have brought upon,
In the end
Despite all those obstacles
I know deep within me
There will come a time
I’ll be able to dance
…In rhythm of contentment…


You’re in my fantasy
…You’re in my Jar of unfulfilled wishes…
I walk in your clouds of heavenly sky
Reality slaps me too many times
Yet no matter how painful reality is
I still go to your realm
And dream an endless dream
Of my unfulfilled wonderings
Wishing & hoping


Living is as much as fading
Purpose of what I suppose
Is just another make-up prose
Of my days
Principles are timeless
Old yet golden
Though some are forgotten
throughout the pages of history
But then they're relived now
Through experiences
As life goes on and on
As you live by
In its circling Journey


I can’t be with you
as I am chained
Much controlled
Much reserved
Much more refined
…As if I’m bound to be blocked…
Locked within a nut shell
I guess being free isn’t allowed
without hard labor

© 2013 Pax

six poems in one
before i told my friends in WC, this piece is a pondering fiction, but to be honest its a pondering reflection upon how i see my life.
hope you like it, thank you for reading.
933 · Jan 2013
Pax Jan 2013
Waiting is much harder
if you think of the time
you wasted.

*© Pax
932 · Nov 2018
Pax Nov 2018
I was left hanging
in your garden heart
yet I was only a ****
who never got your
929 · Mar 2018
Pax Mar 2018
At most insecurities defines every envy.
a quote, 6w.

not sure either ill come back or not, writing seems so far away. my darkness keeps invading. life's darkness its weakening my defences..

I truly wish everyone is okay here and doing fine.
924 · Jan 2019
Near me
Pax Jan 2019
In the busiest days I still find time to look at you and just feel you near me.
a quote.
A reminder.
A love like no other.
Happy New Year.
Despite being busy,
Its a must to find time
For a love one.

924 · Nov 2018
Pax Nov 2018
you lure me like
a mosquito
craving for your
for your
But then
like any other
you fear
881 · Jan 2016
Pax Jan 2016
I'm so fond with my failures
that I tend to forget
the little good
things I
its time to
stop loving them
and let go

a reminder,
a quote
875 · Nov 2017
Pax Nov 2017
My life is not fair and square
it's round and grounded.
Hello my friends sorry for being away, for the past previous months i was busy transferring my things exiting saudi arabia... Now im back here in the Philippines finally, its good to be home and the bad thing is im jobless for the mean time which is challenging considering our country's situation as usual.. Thanks for reading...
872 · Feb 2016
in a place of nowhere
Pax Feb 2016
i am lost
i keep tumbling
on the things i can't see.

as i struggle to get up
i heard laughs
faint but i know
its there.

it hurts when i know
the joke
came from me.
i learned how to

sleep seems to be
the only medicine.
so i drench myself
in fantasies
to where i have much

i walk in pain
knowing i can't
let go of something
i have no control.

in a place #1

now you know how much i can relate to the song:
i started a joke by bee gees
862 · Dec 2015
Empty Canvas ~
Pax Dec 2015
As empty as it gets,
I stare and feel the color embrace me.
The abstract feelings that wanted to
come out yet still trapped within me.

I stare on the blank canvas,
Feeling the courage fading,
Losing my mind into vivid colors
      -   Just in thoughts…
Not being able to express them
Is just like making myself aware
that I have no talent in what so ever…

Did I lose my confidence that seeks?
Did I lose the passion that burns?
Did I lose my heart that shines?

Perhaps the cloud of doubt
    blurs many things…

Perhaps the road of uncertainties
    confuses many decisions…

Perhaps the water of creation
    is running dry…

I am losing myself,
     almost giving-up into death’s hands…


I won’t give up,
Mastering the strength of what’s left
To find the muse of life
To keep me going a lifetime…

I owe the inspiration of this piece to this photo:
I can't paint by aartishinde in deviantart

It is what I feel when I can't be creative, there is this urge to create within me or within us all. I think every artist knows that. It's been long, I haven't drawn or paint, I guess i really missed that.

Its a old piece, just wanted to share to you all, share the feeling when you thought your running dry on inspiration. Please don't give up your dream.
851 · Nov 2016
Pax Nov 2016
if i die,
I want to be content,
and atleast happy
A shout out wish.
847 · Jan 2016
Heavy Heart #1
Pax Jan 2016
Which is heavier, my body or this heart of mine?

The quantity of the heart is much harder to reassure.
Life is full of assumptions and depressing pressures.
Undecided but I’m riding the ocean waves.
Instinct is my driven force, wanting to be brave.

I walk in a road where the path has a dead glow.
I kiss the shadow of nothing, to endure - I stay low.
Obedient as I am, the ocean is my starting point, down below
       to where I creep and swim in slow-mo.

My feet had grown cold doing what he has been told.
The needy feeling had gone old.

I open my heart to go bold.
Just another piece of my life unfolds.

a friend of mine once said: world will forever indifferent to us, but we always have a choice : be passive to social realities or make an act and define own meaning to help create a better world.

I'm feeling depressed more, that's why i posted this, it reflected on how heavy my heart as of the moment.
834 · Mar 2017
Pax Mar 2017
I've saved you once
Yet i wouldn't say it
You may not remember
But i would
You may forget me &
I may forgot your name
Still the deed was done
& the vibrant effects
Lingering like it was yesterday
I'll always remember.

About a good deed we may forgot, but sometimes it lingers, an essential good nature you always have in your heart.
830 · Nov 2016
Pax Nov 2016

most monsters were
created either by
some force
or due to
some unfortunate

just a sudden thought.
evil doers
818 · Nov 2016
shadow lights
Pax Nov 2016
In the shadow of these city life
your shine gets dimmer
and your beauty seems duller.

In the midst of these city lights
your nothing but a shadow who
the mundane rules
neglecting you dream
to create.
shout-out to self.
810 · Mar 2017
Pax Mar 2017
Who are you to criticise my life?
Who do you think you are?
Did i ever asked your opinion?
Are we that close for you to think
How my life should be?
In the end stop commenting
And making fun of me
It isn't really funny...
810 · Mar 2019
never gone
Pax Mar 2019
I was never gone,
yet I was not even seen.
How could you ever love me
If you still never see me.
790 · Oct 2013
Being Human
Pax Oct 2013
There are many unfortunate circumstances that I felt unlucky
              There are many chances that I left behind regretfully
  There are many wrong choices I felt it wounded me intensely

Despite all that I still believed I am privilege to have this life
          To lived, experienced and learned...
          It is what makes us more human...

But I am tired of being dead
I wish someone could see that,
and see what's beyond my worth...

I believed everyone is worthy of love...

*© Pax
785 · Jun 2013
hallows of my demons
Pax Jun 2013
I buried the star so far as I assumed  it’s dead
My heart turns into shadows of dread
My mind is eating stale bread
Putrid flesh, a cold mess

Illusional thoughts perceptional disease it brought
Nothing but endless drought

A part of me has died and the other is alive
The dead and the living

I cried and I tried
the might I must master to hold-on tight
but I lost my grip and fall into a trip
deep within the hallows of my demons

*© Pax
my demons are my anxieties i am trying to overcome....
that is why i am draw to the lyrics of Florence + the machine - shake it out
it said : looking for heaven found the devil in me....
777 · Jul 2018
Pax Jul 2018
Your sincerity
becomes a
menial job.
There are too few good doctors now a days. This is just how i feel in my country.
770 · Mar 2017
it was me
Pax Mar 2017
i was careless
as more often
i am indecisive
i'm used to say
it was me -
faults of my own

i guess i
made mistakes
more than
i can count
  - often they
knew im guilty
if so i let them
misunderstood me

i see it now
it was me
Raw feeling, i wanted to cry earlier, but can't cry to my own stupidity.
768 · Jan 2016
unrequited love
Pax Jan 2016
Loving you from afar
watching you happy
are all enough for me.

a quote
765 · Jan 2017
Pax Jan 2017
every dream has a corresponding action.
Dear Reader,

When i was young, i dream of many things. I guess in life our paths its never or would be as expected. It doesn't mean we or i have live full of regrets,  perhaps there's some but not entirely all. Granted we're young and foolish in choosing which way. Still me on the other hand, I waited, I choose what's safe and what's given. Perhaps I was indecisive on what i want, or i was too fearful of failure on disappointing them and also maybe myself as well. I never would have expect that I could hurt myself more than what people's darkness had brought upon me. I fear that when I reach 35, and I'm still alone, I might lose my mind. I really wanted to quit my job here and find myself. I think I've been confused and lost for quite some time now. Writing seems to brought up what's needed to be done, that's why I'm doing this. Recently I've been reading online books and watching some films/TV just to ease my restless mind, relieve me on my sadder thoughts. I tend to sleep more over the weekend, atleast there I can be whenever I have to be. But all this escape are just an excuse for me to live on. You know I've erase all my childhood memories, or its just the way it is as we grow we forget those distant past, yet one thing that remain that i still wanted, a family of my own. I dream before that I have a simple white house with my family, one or two child, and i have a stable job while my wife stays at home. A cliche isn't it? I guess since before I only want the simple things. Now I never would have guess its that hard to achieved when you know there is a rock that blocks the passage way in your heart and there's a hidden wall of fear in your mind. I guess you can tell that I know what to do, but didn't do it. Perhaps all of us needed more time, more courage to be ready. All I think about; 'Risk is never easy'. Once I step I retrack back, doubtful, fearful of what i thought are the consequences. Sorry reader if I am quite vague on this journal, this is just tib bits on what's on my mind here and there... I'm thankful, when you read this, that alone is enough, because I myself need to understand all what's written here, to understand my inner self more.... I just end my jibberish here for now...

Your friend,
747 · May 2018
Pax May 2018
My life is a stroke of luck
in order to have a good life,
Ive sacrifice the blooming
Scent of lotus
Never having
Never falling
only taking
Comfort on the
Sidelines and
Shadowy shelters,
Seems happiness
has evaded me....
I leave with this quote of mine as a reminder for me:

The thing about waiting is
it takes much longer
since from the start
you never make a move.
725 · Jan 2016
lost soul
Pax Jan 2016
In my journey
       there was you.
the unknowable item
    or the unforeseen someone.

I've always knew you were there.
watching, listening in the far corner.

You're the darkness I tried to lighten up.
No matter how much I tried to fuel up
I came out, almost dried up.

You needed help,
I needed help,
we are both, lost soul.


a little light will be okay...
Pax Mar 30
A faulty start, I lost all my stars
Personally, I became a recluse
Truly afraid to be abuse.
Envious of some solemn luck,
            In love, I am an ugly duck.
I **** in many ways,
seems no one is able to stay.
                     Its okay.
Just pretend, as you did not hear
            Do not count me, as I am not here.
   Moreover, hide as if I did not know your there.
So do not love me as if you needed me
       Just love me sincerely
       Or else better don’t
       I am better alone - anyways….
Thank you for all those who still read me. I am not as active as I used to be, to write and read, alot. Perhaps I became the star who lost all will to light up or the mandane things got me numb in many things. I am sorry for that.

this one is the continuation of the previous piece...
702 · Jan 2013
single doses
Pax Jan 2013
Everything in Excess is poisonous
addiction starts off in single doses
until completely indulging…

*© Pax
695 · Feb 2013
Pax Feb 2013
Envision my hope in the eyes of someone too far
In my soul I keep buried too deep
a lifetime isn't enough and forever might be too short
aged comes fast as the wilderness grows in bloom
yet Heart is frozen for my life is only for you

*© Pax
i made this after my friend showed me her painting
this was inspired by her painting
here : hoping..... by Tricia
654 · Nov 2015
Pax Nov 2015
There are times stillness hums
sometimes, boredom sung.
The longing it create, stung.
“Writing, at its best, is a lonely life.” by Ernest Hemingway
639 · Nov 2018
Pax Nov 2018
I scream towards emptiness
as it only echoed a numbing silence
its no used to abused
the strained voice
and struggled curses
all seems useless
so just give in
to the given
for a time
just once in a while
*Screeching in Silences*
Deprived old soul,
Poisoning my own
627 · Feb 2021
Pax Feb 2021
Death is lurking within,
have you given up on me?

Oh, sky, have mercy to
those who stop dreaming
Raw feelings
The unintentional reply to my old piece
584 · Dec 2020
Ask the world
Pax Dec 2020
I ask the people of the world
Why must we keep boxes of
each race, barricades in each
Borders, separate lives of each
Cultures, as our truth varries in
    each mirrored choices, then we
Carry the havy consequences,
The burden of these shackled
Past - we ponder to wonder
These nightmarish Regrets
So in the end, the answer is
Subjective, rules and walls
Are there for a reasonable
It maybe
good or bad
Light or dark
Day or night
An infinite battle
Running in circles
         to maintain
chaos and order
in one box.
we the inhabitants of the world
Conquerors to our own selfish deeds
Our Survival depends
to the equally cruel
jungle and our own fellow.
523 · Jan 2021
Pax Jan 2021
How fair is our judgment
when there's so
many bought votes ?

How can you rely on its
System when there's so
many curves
in it's backdoor ?

How long can fair play
last when your lifetime
isn't enough for your fee ?

Justice is relatively
Unfortunately to
499 · Apr 2020
Goodbye lullaby
Pax Apr 2020
i took a peek, then never again.

What's beyond that window
Lies a curse i did, a sacrifice
I took and a burden i carry.

Goodbye lullaby, as i sleep
soundly towards the end.
Promptly written while watching my window.
492 · Oct 2020
Pax Oct 2020
I've lost the will to penned
the undetach cord
between real and fantasy
where I laze and daze
the uncomfortable feeling
until I become the ultimate leech
who ***** people
Sometime I get to lost to something unimportant until I don't know art anymore and the burden seems forgettable.
464 · Jan 2013
to be learned!
Pax Jan 2013
Don’t over ponder the things you don’t have power
Sometimes you just have to let time slide by
For the chances to pass by
Making a road of much better opportunity along the way…

In life some chances are not meant to be understood
But intended to be learned as you had experienced those times

*© Pax
457 · May 2020
All these people
Pax May 2020
If all these people hated me
will you hate me as well?

If all these people laugh at me
will you laugh with them?

If all these people left me stranded
will you leave me as well?

Well, everything is left unsaid
I hope someone knew
deep inside iM hurting myself

Sorry dramatic isn't it, sometimes this feelings comes and goes, i just want to put it out there like its nothing, like crying alone is a regular thing.. Sigh..
440 · Dec 2018
to be loved
Pax Dec 2018
how broke are you,
to make you this weak?
how am I able to
fix you when
you, yourself
never allow me too...?

I am the little flicker
able to flip worst
into a brighter

please have patient
and be lenient
to thy self
it's never too
late, to believe
and hope
a light
will come,
even a fool
has a chance
to be loved.
sometimes I am thinking on giving up this life
but some flicker keeps me going, telling me
to go on as best as I can. even if its lonely
even if its tiring, I still can carry on, I hope
so, hope ill last the best I can... so i hope you
too dear readers...
432 · Apr 20
Pax Apr 20
Sins, bites on your conscience
          never to your convenience.
       No salvation, No revelations.
               Unblessed the lucky
       bottomless becomes your destiny
and darkness laments, it’s quite cloudy
     wavy timelines, weary crimes
                   Brooking our doom
                  creating thy tomb
                   as deaths looms.
this was me playing with words. Yet as always there is hidden truth and meaning behind my play. I guess this is me cursing to those who are lucky enough to have sinned and get away with it. As in every truth, sins is also subjective to survival, so we should be careful who to blame.
396 · Apr 2020
Pax Apr 2020
Why do i feel much and yet experience so little.
Perhaps its been a Curse, being to sensitive at times...
377 · Mar 17
a shallow show
Pax Mar 17
Does your love that shallow?
              Is it just for show?
     or does it hard to swallow?
                           Are you that shy
    to evade me, then why lie?
I know -  I’m old and weary
so I worry,
I don’t want
to be played sorry.
just better not to like me at all.
376 · Mar 2020
illustionary love
Pax Mar 2020
If i kiss you here.
Will that brings us together?
Will our love be an ever after?

If i touch you there
will that bridge build faster,
for us to be together?

if this illustionary love be real
I'd be a thief, a forbidden deal
Holding a broken seal
Of the unspoken truth
Of everyone i'll hurt.

I don't want that, I'd rather be alone
And hold a heart of stone.
Be at peace to the dream out of reach.
At least i know how to love.
A fictitious write, me dreaming, kissing something forbidden. Many thanks to those who read.
368 · Mar 2020
Pax Mar 2020
Your the shinning example of
Love i never got to see.
So be at ease to
The one you've found
Love grows when
U cherish it.
361 · Apr 2020
Pax Apr 2020
I Sense your
morning movement
as you wrap
your sweetest embrace
into my cold heart
bringing heat
to my uncharted
I surrender…

I rave at your arrival
as you drain
my pool of
longing then
my hunger
I remember…
An old piece.
317 · Jan 2013
our choice
Pax Jan 2013
It’s the choice we make
It’s the risk we take
And the consequence we face

*© Pax
278 · Mar 2020
Failure, I
Pax Mar 2020
A repetitive omen
that we learn to avoid
over time.
Still bad at it, but im Learning though it takes time, patience is all i have.

— The End —