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Karijinbba Jan 31
Dear ancient true love, Happy New Year Happy birthay.

How do you do blessings.
My maginary best friend indeed many lifetimes it seems we have loved each other-rddpc.
What a wonderful world
That old famed sweet sad song.
Hearing it for what it was meaning with mine inaction,
indeed it crushed my heart on Mothers Day
i still feel the awful pain of my inaction and how I missed my mark
walking away tore me into bits.
I hated misunderstanding you.
I hated being disasociated in my struggle to support myself with honors, with gangs closing each job door I oppened.

Here to wish you belated
many Marry Christmasse
and a Happy New Years belated cards
Happy belated birthdays every year of your life
I always think of you,
my ancient true love

I got a Christmas Card and are making a copy of it found on online
A chosen christmas card as in ancient times,
wishing you many Happy Birthdays too.
A rather well-wishing snowy holiday card, celebrating every blessed month and day of January 30th also.

Though yes i survived, my tragic life filled with love despite surviving and running from serial killers since childhood.
Habitual drug users who bailed themselves out of ******* dues and implicated me and my children's life
in USA-
an unprovoqued hate crime that lasted a life time.
Because where i was born annoyed them criminals, my social status.
relentless enemies stalked me for years and my children.

Ever firecer ever demonizing me trashing me to my own grown kids in places I shined best, brightest and holy good to my children.

These enemies repaid my good with undeserved malignant evil jealousies;
destroying my cherished motherhood  character and integrity to my own grown children.

from these greedy crazed scumb
I took billion blows, by means of dead silence. Had i with my kids gone public and to authorities no divisdion would exist tarred by lies..
Despite their greed and malice I feel a sacred alignment in the motherhood
department in that, I saved myself and my baby children each time it was needed.

mainly I was hated for my PHD survival skills along with my check book lacking funds I could never ballance and they could not steal.

I remain filled with love
The love you showed me woke me up with deepest understanding
of all you are.
Here with deep infinite gratitude for your pain your patience your sacrifices, your loss.

I remain indebted to you and your beloved Mom, your parents for all eternity
I did accepted her benefit, the treasure of her friensmdship she crowned me wit,h and for all eternity in every lifetime, infinite gratitude, infinite love to you and your  parents.

I shall forever grieve such loss.
I lived with stabbing regret to not have contacted your precious loving Mom again.
For all your wounds and blows my silences gave you unintentionally
for all you offered me, for missing the mark
for your offer for a happier easier life, filled with treasures in heaven and on Earth
Your genuine family made of heaven and star diamond dust, for companionship my great treasures, along with  
the joy of eternal true love i found in you for me,
I love you, NOT in a time sensitive matter but forever and chronologically without happily ever afters.

My heart sobs for my poor beloved children and because of my silence missed up on the happiness joy your beloved parents, your siblings and best friends, meant for us four.

The enemy couldn't **** me pregnant on the various ways  attempted nor could steal my children so the enemy
Waited to trash demonize me in holy places to my few nlind deaf mute -in laws and my grown kids were deeply
affected prisioners by their marriage partners.
This horror true story I hid for too long and  culprit waiting to end me, divide me, and lie about my heroic surviving mothetly gold skills.

The enemy stalked me tracked my car and slowly went for my in-laws to trash me to the eleven winds to everyone who was fund of me, who loved me treasured me cherished me, admired me along with my children.

To my undeserved enemies in Mexuco in Greece and in USA, my children the object of their evil obsession remains.

You beloved myvtrue love were my all my heaven sent, the forces of good and understanding. You I could not chase i lost too.

Such a precious family i found in all that you are, all of you that were mine all for the taking. I thank you I cherish you I adore your mind in any state of distress I honor you.

I never found such blessings in this
lifetime ever again.
I have mourned the loss of my grandkids relationship my only treasures, assimilated by intruder malignant thives

Those blue colar criminals still hunt me down in the medicaid medicare field eadly enemies wont give up their, greed malice and habitual drug use.
and t
Their hate crimes isolated me from my grandkids my sons in laws took their nedsrioys bate profit, i am worrh more to them dead then alive
"i always think of you as someone very dear and precious."

So beleted Marry Christmases and Belated Happy birthdays dearest darling.
How i love you.
Infinite gratitude my love,
All the days of my life
I am worshipping you.
likewise, my beloved children.
By: Karijinbba
Karijinbba Jan 30
Dear ancient true love, Happy New Year Happy birthay.

How do you do blessings.
My maginary best friend indeed many lifetimes it seems we have loved each other-rddpc.
What a wonderful world
That old famed sweet sad song.
Hearing it for what it was meaning with mine inaction,
indeed it crushed my heart on Mothers Day
i still feel the awful pain of my inaction and how I missed my mark
walking away tore me into bits.
I hated misunderstanding you.
I hated being disasociated in my struggle to support myself with honors, with gangs closing each job door I oppened.

Here to wish you belated
many Marry Christmasse
and a Happy New Years belated cards
Happy belated birthdays every year of your life
I always think of you,
my ancient true love

I got a Christmas Card and are making a copy of it found on online
A chosen christmas card as in ancient times,
wishing you many Happy Birthdays too.
A rather well-wishing snowy holiday card, celebrating every blessed month and day of January 30th also.

Though yes i survived, my tragic life filled with love despite surviving and running from serial killers since childhood.
Habitual drug users who bailed themselves out of ******* dues and implicated me and my children's life
in USA-
an unprovoqued hate crime that lasted a life time.
Because of where i was born annoyed them criminals, my social status.
relentless enemies stalked me for years and my children.

Ever and ever demonizing me trashing me to my own grown kids in places I shined best and brightest.

These enemies repaid my good for evil destroying the precious character integrity of my own grown children.

from these greedy crazed scumb
I took billion blows, my dead silence.

Despite their greed and malice I feel sacred in the motherhood

mainly I was hated for my PHD survival skills along with my check book lacking funds I could never ballance and they could not steal.

I remain filled with love
The love you showed me woke me up with deepest understanding
of all you are.
Here with deep infinite gratitude for your pain your patience your sacrifices, your loss.

I remain indebted to you and your beloved Mom, your parents for all eternity
I did accept her benefit the treasure friensmdship she crowned me with
for all eternity for every lifetime.

I shall forever grieve such loss.
I lived with stabbing regret to not have contacted your precious and mine Mom again.

For all your wounds and blows my silences gave you unintentionally
for all you offered me, for missing the mark
for your offer for a happier easier life, filled with treasures in heaven and on Earth
a great family made of true love for true love, for companionship my great treasures, along with  
the joy of eternal true love i gound in you for me,
I love you , not in a time sensitive matter but forever.

My heart sobs for my poor beloved children and because of my silence missed up on the happiness joy your beloved parents, your siblings and best friends, meant for us four.

The enemy couldn't **** me pregnant on the various ways attempted nor steal my children so the enemy I did not linch waited.
This horror true story i hid fed culprit waiting to end me, divide me, and lie about my heroic surviving skills.

The enemy stalked me tracked my car and slowly went for my in-laws to trash me to the 11 winds to everyone who was fund of me, who loved me treasured me cherished me, admired me- my children

my chikdren the object of their evil obsession never ended..

You beloved were all my heaven sent the forces of good and understanding.

Such a precious family i found in all that you are, all of you that were mine all for the taking. I thank you I cherish you I adore your mind in any state of distress I honor you.

I never found such blessings in this lifetime ever again.
I have lost my children relationship  my only treasures, assimilated by my deadly enemies.
and their hate crimes isolated me from  my grandkids too.

"i always think of you as someone very dear and precious."

So beleted Marry Christmases and Belated Happy birthdays dearest darling. How i love you.
Infinite love,
All the days if my life
I am worshipping you.
likewise, I worship my belived children..
By Karijinbba
home less without you 50 years.
Nov 2024 · 530
Love song rddbba jpcasg
Karijinbba Nov 2024

koi fariyaad tere dil mein dabi ** jaise
tune aankhon se koi baat kahi ** jaise

It feels as if there is some request hidden in your heart,
as if you have said something with your eyes.

jaagte jaagte ek umr kaTi ** jaise
jaan baaki hai magar saans ruki ** jaise

It feels like a lifetime has passed, awake,
like there is life remaining, while breath isn't there.

har mulaakat pe mehsoos yehi hota hai
mujhse kuchh teri nazar poochh rahi ** jaise

everytime we meet, I get a feeling
as if your eyes are asking me something.

raah chalte hue aksar yeh Gumaan hota hai
wo nazar chhup ke mujhe dekh rahi ** jaise

while walking down a path, I often feel
like your eyes are watching me from hiding.

ek lamhe mein simaT aaya hai sadiyon ka safar
zindagi tez, bahut tez, chali ** jaise

a journey of ages has wound up in just one moment,
as if life has moved fast, very fast.

is tarah pehron tujhe sochta rehta hoon main
meri har saans tere naam likhi ** jaise

I keep thinking about you for hours in such a way,
as if every breath of mine was just yours.
Karijinbba Sep 2024
I think of you miss you JpcPjc-rdd
Greet you, hug you, love you.
Beautiful your ink is gold as it was just written from my beloved twin soul Twin Flame just for me alone.
My precious grown offspring
We can't ever be apart.
Evildoers lie divide
and murderer and
soon will meet
their merited end.
On this side my Abby's goes from the Gulf of Mexico, to further on far to Gaza where I too feel am such Mom, roaming, sinking and lonely in GA holding on to my true love's mind to mind, heart to heart, mourning our once upon a time loss.
How I wish i too could hold  
my true love's manly strong powerful distinctive go rescue the Jewels of my crown motherhood..our kids.
I think of you daily

I look around at this rented
forest lands feeling your presence darlings beloved.
Trees the carpenter bees mating on air, and other wild creatures tiny rabbits, cardinals birds and homeless, hungry cats
that I feed
I may look a the moon
but I am only looking at you
Thank you for your sweet notes
and chronological love letters
(that jealous bad people stole)
but to my good fortune
photographical memory
To my rescue.
We are together
Always my beloved Sonnet 75.
How I love thee.
By: Karijinbba
Jun 2024 · 523
My king's nose
Karijinbba Jun 2024
"I got cancer here."
My Kemah King said, pointing to his nose.

"Cancer in your nose?
Liar, I thought!
I didn't voice it!-
"I don't want you to die"
I thought, yet telepathically
my gold- heart read my mind word by word.
How I love you, adore you,
live long, healthy happy prosperous.
Hey handsome wild bird of paradise divine,
Will you cut off your long nose then hu?,
(I asked, inwardly)
Hu Handsome Pinocchio!?
It's been 50 years, how do you do?  Surely with your prosperous wealth, you are in abundant best of health care anywhere on Earth!
Beloved Kings among Sheikhs.
Perhaps joined your space ship crew towards that new found peaceful world.

Oh you rddjpc! Handsome Roddy traveler Pinocchio, of mine!

Infinite true love,

By: Karijinbba.
Karijinbba Jun 2024
Dear poet on HP, G..C; Are you familiar with Dukeoftx?  
SMc. Hu? Do you know them it's imperative
I know please.

I am just a time traveler like the love of my life...but only he or his significant other, his brother her grown daughters, son, parents might know about reading old love letters, written for me alone, not for his significant other" finding them
 distant and faint memories!,
our perils became.
As for being trapped by disillusionment
with misleading comments it
isn't happening with me.
I am, and have been open minded.

I know when comments
aren't from the love my life
writing back
but from others
who wish to inflict further
I don't dwell on such
cheap shady manners.

I am so used to this kind of cruel retoric insinuations to make me feel inadequate and late a nothing, as if I remain in the midst of such shallow concerns.
I know who loved me; how when, where he loved me.

Money wealth given earned or bought to those by his side is not happiness. Neither is deceiving an old sweet Caroline like me who remains lovely loving someone behind their masks visiting Hp.

My beloved will always be the love of my life, and deep down I his very own, sacred imaginary friend companion.

Bittersweet as Rhett Butler, to Scarlet told.
It's my misfortune, as in Gone W The Wind

but knowing I was loved truly, wished well near or far to me, this is very healing
If on the other plane it is the love of my life commenting
saying I am but
faint so and so,
like I too say it's my misfortune. I rather die feeling once upon a time loved then never loved. Until someone loved me I became somebody.
Come to me anytime
Beautiful love divine in spirit and in form young old sick healthy, poor rich.
I forever love you
I pledge my love to yourdd.
All Rights.
Jun 2024 · 393
Slippery slope detection
Karijinbba Jun 2024
If you feel sad depressed anxious breathe walk drink water, squeeze lemon in it bit honey relax. Ask the universe creating powers to show you what you cannot see and what it wants you to see to understand.

Just repeat: "This too shall pass, "rejoice true love never really leaves us it bonds with us if we let it and keep doors open.
Be thankful for what it is there's always a karmic reason for the pain a loss causes. Opportunity arises though when least you expect it.
Only make sure you know what you want for yourself, present and future.
If you fail to visualize the future and write it down,make goals, check points crossroads avert slippery ***** if it drags along.
Do not despair. If you feel threatened
You are a winner if aware if such evil lurking.
.how do I know this !? Because I didn't understand the warning signs and lost it all slippery ***** style. Don't let it happen to you..
I've never owned a house but made a home for my girls and me nothing though had permanence but one can build bonds in heart mind and spirit soul that last a lifetime.

The dangers of possible slippery ***** for my life was once upon a time fortold in our book of my true love warnings about it.
I was just too naive and young to avert such tragedy..
I was saved by my Photographic memory chip; reading all the love bestoad to me did keep me safe.

Love feeling loved, stopped my slippery ***** even though all that's saved is my life,as  everyone else faded away.
Like a candle light are our dreams and in the vast universe we are but candles in the wind spelling Love.

Beware if you notice your life is being robbed by jealousy envy and greedy entities. Turn the tables.Do something do move, fly away, don't be a sitting duck, for those who envy you wish to destroy you. Don't wait for evildoers culprits yo change by your loving them in their wrong doings
Lead loved one but leave them to choose their path.
Awareness action correct speech and understanding with comoassion is key..
Moral lesson: For all us heartbroken,-Choose a heart of gold a forgiving heart for a lifetime mate beware of kind men many are there but are evil within. The unkind ride playing hard to be are the real ones owning a heart of gold they hide. Fight for love inside your heart & understand who left you behind and why, so you can fix it, and don't sing like me,  "Fall to pieces."
By: Karijinbba 🌲🗽👪💔🛸🗿
May 2024 · 699
2024 Janehiltonmay.75/94+95
Karijinbba May 2024
Dearest true love:

It's mother's day dearest darling: My blessed imaginary friend PJC/JPC= rddbba- well not so imaginary but a real true love.
You your blessed deeds remains like the stars above like the many constellations, distant in sight, but never far from mind and heart.

There are so many treasures gone wrong all which fell into enemies hands treasure map and all. Even my offspring went missing. Janehiltonmay
Our dream that did not breath in the face of reality. My heart is shattered glued back together together, Its a stubborn heart of gold does anyone need such a heart? Alone and destitute kept alive by grace of an old memory chip. After all the sacrifices carrying for everyone beloved-
On my own again.
I love you so much and you my precious grown treasures my children, my true love pat= rdd be well my love thank you for thinking of me loving me across the unsurmountable obstacles.
May God keep you blessed safe never ever feeling alone I am just a thought away..loving you understanding you treasuring all of you all that is a part of you.
It looks like I did read between the lines and I need it now that I am older

Much love true love Mom.
Angelinabba. AKA Janehiltonmay.
All rights reserved 41654-10:30AM Mich Mex.
Karijinbba Apr 2024
I think of you miss you JpcPjc-rdd
Greet you, hug you, love you.
Beautiful your ink is gold as it was just written from my beloved twin soul Twin Flame just for me alone.
My precious grown offspring
We can't ever be apart.
Evildoers lie divide
and murderer and
soon will meet
their merited end.
On this side my Abby's goes from the Gulf of Mexico, to further on far to Gaza where I too feel am such Mom, roaming, sinking and lonely in GA holding on to my true love's mind to mind, heart to heart, mourning our once upon a time loss.
How I wish i too could hold  
my true love's manly strong powerful distinctive go rescue the Jewels of my crown motherhood..our kids.
I think of you daily

I look around at this rented
forest lands feeling your presence darlings beloved.
Trees the carpenter bees mating on air, and other wild creatures tiny rabbits, cardinals birds and homeless, hungry cats
that I feed
I may look a the moon
but I am only looking at you
Thank you for your sweet notes
and chronological love letters
(that jealous bad people stole)
but to my good fortune
photographical memory
To my rescue.
We are together
Always my beloved Sonnet 75.
How I love thee.
Feb 2024 · 94
Gaza Mom
Karijinbba Feb 2024
Its all about greed malice jealousy
for the Oil Gas found in Gaza all belonging to Palestinians
The culprit are stealing it all
Only Iran cares for indigenous Muslim  peopñe
Palestinian fathers, sons aren't terrorist the culprit attacking them is since 1947
HAMAS TOO is defending their land their very existence.
Hamas is an idea a hero with sticks and stones fighting back against bulldozers tankers bombs brutal baby bloodshed
Shame on you Israel
Our snake in our paradise

Stiff genocidal Joe Biden has got to go can't call Israel off.
Israelites jews baby genocidal murderers  criminals run Congress I hear.

We all see you read you well it has not Iraeli soldiers wearing diapers

They know Palestinian fighters will not **** women much less **** them.

I never thought I would see the day when the whole world would shout its heartfelt agonies begging governments leaders save Palestinians.

It's so moving in the face of the horror Israel is committing.

Israelites took my grandkids and mangled my daughters mentally physically psychologically in USA and myself in Mexico as a small child.

Free palestine give them back their land

My my heart my soul for you Palestinians my voice my word my homeland love you,I
Palestinians the true chosen ones of God
My heart my soul God Bless Egypt
Arab countries unite against tyrant apartheid **** regime.
Stop the genocide the slaughter
of innocents by Israel dictatorship.

All of us the people for the people
all if us  are Gods chosen
children of the most high.
Palestinian lives matter.
All lives matter

Prosecute the narcissist
sadist Israelite apartheid
bombing children.
So help us God

Boycott Boycott Boycott
If we fail to unite
against this evil jews
hiding in plain sight
wearing their kkk
black hats next will be
all of us in our homeland
turned to concentration camps.
Fight this evil war crimes against
Israel horned Satanyahu
prime sinister of Hell on Earth
stop bombing children
in Gaza sease fire!
100 000 you have bombed
Turn your guns to your head
drop bombs to your family ET-
associates and homes!
Bomb your sinful synagogue too.

Sacrificing kidnapping
christian children
babies under synagogues!
In New York City USA.

Shame on USA England
all for allowing USA gov to
dictate war after war
trillions in dollars wasted

arming sadistic Israeli battalions
to the teeth
Murdering genocidal blood thirsty
ancient narcissists

By: Karijinbba
To honor a famed painting
Mr and Mrs Andrews.
Jan 2024 · 684
Peace on Earth blue print
Karijinbba Jan 2024
Repost; Various countries.
These Double standards.

With Gaza terror
resounding screams
of babes mothers fathers
sons grandparents all
shot by devils army
of cobras hiding
in plain sight
as the chosen ones
of their horned
adversary type God.

Constrictive pythons
Suffocating for decades
every child born where
no peace can ever exist
as long as unarmed
civilians cannot fight back;

He who burns innocent
souls by an old weapon
of his ancient genetic
deviated cruel make
up will again
die by greater deadly
weapons raising
for justice right now,
faster then the last.

And then only then
these primitive demons
Will be no more.
Neither their demonic
witchcraft invocations
Nor by any heavy
outwardly weaponry
against humanity
unarmed civilians

Never those komodo
Culprit ever will breathe
to smoother precious
innocent life again.

The tyrant regime rising
shamelessly orders to not
do nothing to aid
But only Ukrainian.

Our quest is to
unite find and stop
whoever of us all
will be targeted
for demolition next.

We all already know;
may we invoqie the main aider narcissistic culprit USA and its other puppeteer number two sadist sadist  Sinister.
"Over the top Biden" 100.000 civilians mothers children fathers. And over 10 thousand Palestinian young boys kept in prisons deplorable degrading humiliating pipe beaten, injected sterilized Gestapo headquarters number two Israel pruning human Palestinian, eating grass people!
For all if us to witness
hellish army of malice, greed, blood thirsty human genocidal lying garbage Israel.
Trashing Palestinian indigenous beautiful people to the eleven winds assassination of character Hamas' fighters  are not terrorists, Hamas is hero defender of peoples civil rights violated since fays if yore. 
The suffering three generation parents, for three decades in Gaza concentration death camps forbidden into their holy lands.
As we all boycott Nasi agenda, without end. Demonstrating worldwide, roaring for Israel, USA and England to "stop fire, to free Palestine" free civilians and allow humanitarian aid trucks in to feed children left alive to no avaid"

Now Palestinians civilians starved famined for over a month!
The only sound now israel understands is of bomb falling as if by copycat **** regime id israel brewing in waiting for decades against humanity.

Our quest now is evident, many promise to chop Israel's brutal grass cutting machine and its head snake.
Jan 2024 · 908
The Travelers wife
Karijinbba Jan 2024
The traveler's wife?
I get it! You showed
that movie in the
magazine pages
long before the movie
came out

Pt, I finally did
watch it each time it rains
and when the sun shines
i search for you still;
shoes shirt and pants on hand
 place them behind the bushes
in search of you and amidst
pine tree branches too
thinking of you dearest
How i love you.

Not a day goes by
I do not seek you.
Please don't go hunting
but if you do I shall run
to hug you beg you to stay
traveler dearest
twin soul divine.
I love you. 
By: Karijinbba
And Mrs and Mrs Andrews.
Karijinbba Dec 2023
His eyes blue green
His body Roddy
His hands distinctive
Arms strongest than pillars of marble
His hair reddish blonde
His manners unforgettable
His smile stunning
His private vessel redish too
His feet huge

His Adam leaf just right
His ancestry Irish
His heart pure gold
His soul my own
His twin soul twin flame
my very own
His voice strong masculine deep.
His passion wet a stallion perfectly shaped all rapture is  
My voice his soprano pride
My thighs his madness
His anger his silence I fall in love.
His true loving heart my own.
His physic athletic muscular HE- MAN type body
His hight 5'8
His wealth my own
His jewels my children
His diamonds my tears my tears his diamonds his Rubies his poems.

His sonnet 75 his treasures buried for me to know his love is true

His heartbreak my own
His goals my own
His first love is me
His love making supernovae

My smile his 20 million hurried loot worth fame and great fortune.
My Knight my all
My sheikh my king of hearts

My body his pleasure his desire
My hair dark ashy moon glow over cedar- brown
My eyes vitreous reflecting colors of nature, starry looking eyes

My voice his soprano pride
My thighs his madness
My DNA his own
My height 5'4
My feet 8-1/2-9
My heart of gold his own.
My talent his own
My joy and happiness
my own
My song his delight his lyric rights

My first love him patpat
My love.
Our marriage license sleeps.

Our book; We are the authors
of our own lives and destiny..

What Dreams may come
Gone with the wind
Message in a bottle.
E. T. Phone home.
Scarlett letter A
Countless written memories.
Favorite places stargazing under the stars.
Boat rides waves rocking our love away.
Lover is PatRk imaginary ancient
True love.My E T.

Knight yes one King of hearts RD-present here soon.
By: Karijinbba, all rights.
Karijinbba Dec 2023
For my babies born and stolen at birth by jealous habitual drg users in USA targeting Hispanic immigrants mothers like me.

For my few babies butchered
by liar butcher abortionist in my womb. R I. P.

For my three babies I birthed raised adored admired cherished and trusted blindly dearly I love you all my grown babies

My God protect you bless you free you from yours mates
evil treacherous gang arrangements.

For my three children's. kids that were taken by Jews in CA USA along with my daughters
and sons in law from hell.

May you my children soon be free and survive.
This mother's love is eternal.
By Karijinbba
All Rights reserved
Dec 2023 · 1.1k
Re married twin souls.
Karijinbba Dec 2023
November 1974- 2023- Sonnet 75.

The two of us re-married
RDD=BBA JPC=ASG, we became one
my first true love and I again;
one of countless times
rddbba style.

Joy and happiness
is all we know
as we lay beneath the starry sky
One promise fulfilled at a time.

Our pain is nothing
but distant
and faint memories.

Our boundaries know
not a single enemy.
Not a single foe remains
Our friends are
a legion elites.
All rights
(Thanks for reading love you all friend or foe)
Karijinbba Aug 2023
Uembekua, UEMBECUA te amo. I love you
Te quiero.

"I LOVE YOU" in Puré native Mexican Mestizo people.

the purépecha style of Michoacan, Mexico. The Purépecha, a proud people with a strong ancient culture, claim to never have been conquered by neither the Aztecs nor the Spaniards.

PatRick jpcRddbba: Lala Sassy Coco and grand- babes

BY:  karijinbba

All Rights Reserved
Karijinbba Jun 2023
Dearest jewels of my crown motherhood
Go to the nearest FBI office
Accuse all you call friends of a hate crime drugging you without you knowing to make you feel **** and think you are nuts hallucinogens and methamphetamine s do that
Do not go to psychiatrist they will trash you
your Mom and remove your parental rights forever a Susan and Arthur and Elizabeth already bought you from Haralsmbios a human trafficking psychopath sadist torturer like kiriaki and many more in Greece
Those you trust here in USA hide Crimes they are a team of murderers and thieves since 1980
They assimilated Jeff and John through drugs
Free yourselves.

They all are your deadly enemies they document all lies half truths use assassination of character and fear of your Mom to hide their crimes

They are who lie divide you and plan to ****** your Mom too for financial gain.
They made credit cards with your name in it to finance murders for hire ..
And tell you it's Mom buying thousands of dollars in clothes that's a lie from Satan
They are black mailing you.
to extort money to **** Mom.
Remove your blind folds fight for your freedom take your children run to FBI office use me as a living witness I am on your side.
I love you all my children.
~My Story poem.~
The greatest deception is calling everyone
a friend
Today I admit that from ancient times
am blessed to have had his intimate
piece of heart
thus my life was worth while.
I declare that even here
I was blessed with this
Outer Limits De-Javus;
I am forever a grateful Mom,
granted to sacrifice my
love, my life along with everyone
I ever loved the most.

There's still justice to be granted; triumph waived
with defeat acknowledged.
Not only have I waived and yielded to every misfortune
but was trashed to the eleven winds as my evil enemy
lied to divide me among my dearly beloved offspring
planning as in above the law to profit from my demise.
By: Karijinbba
All Rights Reserved.
Dedicated to the Jewels
of my crown motherhood-ERJ
My beloved surviving children.
And the love of my life
ratoncito blanco at Janehiltonmay.

Dedicated to my best friend best lFATHERover best husband best
Mar 2023 · 1.3k
My cheek's blessing.
Karijinbba Mar 2023
I feel you golden heart.
I see you in every tree you are mine my nature
your manly magnetic essence on my left cheek.
warms me like sun-shine.

I glow in face feeling lovely
in that paradise you chose
while you pictured us both.
thinking of happily ever after;
true love, fame and great fortune, changing Earth was all ours.
You my crown jewel,
Rich giving power to women.
in a silver platter gold and diamonds you served me
an awakening dream.

It's been keeping me alive daily
glued in heart and mind
to that Road not taken.

In love more and more,
all yours I survive on this yellow brick road's blessings land of Oz lost.
"Believe in me yee wrote,
though yee die, yet shall yee live, and be safe at home with me forevermore my love"
"Think of me and I'll be there"
and I do yes I do..
By Karijinbba.
All Rights.
Karijinbba Feb 2023
I sought you everywhere
and I could only find you inside my memory card
all of you lives within me
appeasing me
Bittersweetly ..I miss you

Sadly I see you in the company of the one who took over everything
you had lovingly cherished and saved for me alone.
You handed me the world in a gold platter.
You and your elite family and friends.
How can I lose you twin soul!
Noone who touched your  world, felt your heart,
Laid under your evergreen tree shade,
savouring marveling
your cactus pear-fruits
Ever can lose you.

I lost so much of your love
in ignorance, lost in my pain
yet without any malice
at all
Still it all seemed so ugly
I lost you wild bird of paradise mine
for one piece
of your heart
Always mine.

Thank God for your heart of gold.
I love you eternally.
By Karijinbba
All Rights
Karijinbba Sep 2022
I feel like The time travelers wife.
I feel your glory in this place
In that field and forest my souls wanders seeking thee
Your promises keep you present in spirit I see you in every tree
In every beautiful treasure found
by my enemy and unearthed
I see all your love manifested
A lifetime as many before
SE siente tu Gloria en todo Lugar.
Something amazing has been happenening
Something sad has been wiped out, erased remembered no more.

All is forgiven as if nothing bad ever happened, vacated with prejudice.
Your glory is felt in every place I go.

All the supernatural is being re-activated
2*Twin oaks Blvd master bedroom parroted stain-
-curse is wiped out

oh Addonai Jireh is manifesting truth
The dream has blessed the
tree lovers are redeemed their innocence proven
Something supernatural is manifested here today
Shaddai, Rdd/JPC Elohim, Jireh
So I adore Yawhe and He too manifest
himself to me
If I call on to you too beloved Elohim You'll manifest yourself
in my speech, in my thoughts.
I've sought Rafa he is manifesting
I up to Jireh and
he becomes present

Yahweh I am part of him, Rddjpc-BbaAsg
He's a prayer in church to God
remembered as something very dear and precious
Our names are written in the book of life
Jaweh Jireh Addonai Rafa Shaddai
Manifest yourselves here and now, I love you.
By- Karijinbba
Bible inspired repost.
Aug 2022 · 2.1k
A prayer in church.
Karijinbba Aug 2022
"Like a prayer in church to God
you are to me precious love: " "knowing you is loving you thus, Knowing me is loving me."
How sweet lies sound near or far
how bitter truth tasted as
memories arrived so awkward
It's bitterness lessened with understanding true love
maturing sweetening and
cruel Mr Ttime relentless I'm
In silence and in time
God allowed me to see
where i erred and failed
.I ask God to show me to lead me
as head not as chopped up tail.

God showed me what I couldn't see
showed those I injured unintendedly
parroting unkind words in ignorance
what you want us all to see.
Please notice my lonely waves
Predictable unchanging.
Drop your pebbles in my sand pond
that everything in me may be altered in your grace Lord
Bless a peace my every loved one.
Remove all enemies from our paths.
Bring my loved ones back to my caring selfless Godlike realms
anchored in your mercy God..

We are one soul let no tongue fire in anguish untimely.
We got God's soul so we wait patiently
Even against all odds.
Aug 2022 · 872
tree of life-kirtaphcir
Karijinbba Aug 2022
knock-knock knock
Asg=bba aa.
knack knack
who is this patpatpatpat
twin soul knocking? 
Twin soul continues knocking
true love is eternal
It has no begining no end
it's never too late
nor too soon
Patpatpat you are here
with me round the clock
nine clocks better
than three
and a half clocks
I love Kemah boat
I can't own it I wore it  
I did wear your T- shirt
Just a grandparent missing
her real tree of life.
By: Karijinbba.
Jul 2022 · 2.2k
✓\Vera Baby cruz✓\
Karijinbba Jul 2022
✓\baby baby✓\
✓\babe babe babe✓\
I do I❤️u
I miss you
✓\baby baby baby✓\✓\
By: Karijinbba

It's been 4 decades since I could say the word baby it now is bittersweet.
since I lost you both my child and PC dad
Jul 2022 · 748
Just Pretend
Karijinbba Jul 2022
Rumi Oak tree root pcrd
roots so deep Frost can't uproot
whisper things soft and slow
bout eight babes our love grew,
"until then just pretend
I didn't go."If I knew it then
understanding you
I'd be back loving only you "
I'd come flying to you
"I'd hold you and love you am-pm
as someone very dear and precious.
much love darling heart
I love you don't die love of my life.
Jul 2022 · 800
Dear Shamanic Drum
Karijinbba Jul 2022
rddpc your word of honor lives on
our very heart beat drum is us,
God let his heart beat forever
reign peaceful my lover divine .
He left me as I guarded silence
in shock in my prime later again.
I remained decades sunstruck
in love with this King my twin
no matter what I just do.
His shamanic drum and ink is my heart beat raising and pausing as
I burn bittersweet at the sound
of his drum beating getting closer
thus my beloved materializes
in my arms again and again
whispering "baby baby"  in my ear
for hours in the same hot Atlas.
worshipping him.
{ JC felt like Rhett B in GWTHW
with Scarlet O running
to women mad for his all
instead of being true to himself and stay with me whom he truly loved
to fall in love after asking a few key questions to see me eye to eye.😂}
His foot steps ink and all I hear
as his familiar rose scent
tickles his chin and I see them there;
then slowly my candle is blown off.
my heart stops ✓}✓___
I am never alone our union warps
etched in time and space as a painting safe inside a fortress of loves sacred parameters and divine brain art.
His whispering drum drumming
remained embedded deep in my soul.
The love of my life my heart beating
he guards
His word of honor he gave to be so
and so it is
thanks Heaven for his loving ways .
√/✓\✓\/√√ √\√\√\√\√√ \√\√\√.
Mar 2022 · 1.8k
His light-house promise.
Karijinbba Mar 2022
His light house amidst
his mystic fog, signals belated
in triumphant decore,
Enamoured with ancient joy
of his blue green dreams
I chant.
“His rod and his staff
comfort me and all surrounding
gore departs.
I breathe in gasping
about my true love.
as he spots my battered
vessel into the wind sailing.
  Ecstasy twinkles his teary eye
   in the magic water dancing glare,
of our mystical full moon light.

For too long I've traveled
jeweled triumphant
yet unable to reach
his promised treasure vaults.

To the greed of legions on
treacherous paths all alone I wept,
through enemy's territories,
but all those from me have fled.

I roamed alone yester woods
I reach his safe private harbour
his peaceful shores.
As trustworthy jeweled queen
regardless of grave loss.

Willfully he reveals his home key
to come open up his door
as photographic memories
on new calming waters
get anchored deep.

At last I shall rest in love
on my bittersweet bed of roses
red, and flowers wild;
   white sad lilies on hand,
saluting my beloved glories
recaptured and retained.

Enduring rhythmic ways
with courage, heart
brain and hope and off my
survival modes into éasier dwelling
  into my grave but neither there
I shall trod alone no more.
By Karijinbba
All rights.
Jan 2022 · 582
A table for 10 plus
Karijinbba Jan 2022
Call me using  your name as my own.
did you call me today Jan 16? 2022?
I see a most magnificent table.
Plates and utensils are all in gold.
Our eight treasures siting
to be served are our children;
Our offspring our family.
Our second table sits to serve
our thirty two grandkids.
There are bouquets of red roses
along the tables.
The joy is inexplicably sweet
yet bittersweet feelings
engolf me so deep tears choke me.
All I suddenly see now
are white lilies over such mystery
tables along with red and white roses.
God help me with such regret
*** i miss you true love.
and I always truly loved you
all you had to do is not walk away
I had escaped hellenic hell
and had amnesia typical of ptsd
I adored you then and worship
you now till the end of time.
Gratitude beauty perfection
heavenly grace is your other name
at the gates of the heaven
your heart of gold showed
my only jewels are my three kids
Patricia, Josephine Rose
and Joella middle names
are rddbba last name is
Cun&ham in your world
but in our unreal world
we got unreal names!
why use real names
in an unreal world!!
need you call me

678-517-5066 I wish I must talk to you.
bless me please I am home.....less
Dec 2021 · 1.3k
It's time.
Karijinbba Dec 2021
Dear heart of Gold
let me know it's you I pleed.
What a deep blue sea and devil
to not know so I can freely point my need to you for I  know you would help and I really don't mind
your contempt at this late time.
I survived on the measure of people's contempt without provocation by means of jealousy envy and malice from every one on my path
I learned to spit it all out
to not to end up as them a hater,
without chooing all their hatred I kept all my teeth still missing wisdom molars and one other.
My last treasure is my mental and physical health which I treasure.
I don't use nor abuse bad habits
of any kind, but I am in a pit of
lack and homelessness.
Please dear abundance build me an abode as you once desired to do so.
R.D D.
By Karijinbba.
Nov 2021 · 2.4k
Shell Shock
Karijinbba Nov 2021
You in your wait,
me and in mine,
we've brought to a halt
our whole LIFE for awhile
your garden sprouted new seeds
I don't want to live nor die
without you
You've gone willow on me
I blame only me
Hear my plee and re-appear
bless me ágain babe
Pick me up from this dessert land
where only evil passes by to steal
my last portion of bread.
my last earned dime.
I am homeless near your
gold mine and frozen wind
in your power bless me.
Please fortune maker
build me an abode.
  Save me from this homeless
exiled purgatory.
I've paid for my mistakes
I am only human spare me.

need your help need you be my friend. 1678-517-5066
loving you only you eternally bless me only you can stop my slippery slide you got power to stop it help me please
Nov 2021 · 1.9k
My Kings Sword.
Karijinbba Nov 2021
Not all Married men are
inaccessible to a past true love
Especially mentally united.
Not all honorable unmarried men are accessible
for affairs in the love arenas
Some married men are a Knight to someone special
without any extra-marital stains.
My King lost his sword by me
all without my intention to do harm at all but mare duty to love my man more than I loved myself.

Once a married poet found his sword by me by
my virtual loving ways
and at a distance.
My old true love King of hearts thinks of me
walking, sighing love poems about our road not taken.
My avenue of the death.
I feel like a blindfolded sword gold hearted queen
who has lost her pharaoh
and can't be consoled.
I need my Knight in real life
My beloved king of hearts!
My once upon a time?
My willow tree of life.?
My ancient Pinocchio
hiding wealth name reign
and heart of gold?
Oh come to me I plead you.
I love you so.
Oct 2021 · 679
Oh E.T freedom wind.
Karijinbba Oct 2021
Freedom is power
Born in wealth, the sins
of my fingertips
silent tongue did cast me aside
your kingdom diamond crown.
Chronological genius you
for chrono disaster me Ram.
O feedom who runs free!
Mostly winds fly blowing yelling
hissing out so loud
winds destroying Mansions
strong towers and never get charged
with deadly blowing crimes.
No human has such freedom.
Wind is free to give life or death.
We all pop out giving joy and pain.
We begin in the same womb, yet live estranged from each other on this planet lucky to even share a song
or a poem, slaves to buck
that must be earned to pay for
bare necessities.
Lucky we pay not for oxigen
to breathe as of yet.
Oh that I was wind to fly and
Swirl my lover up and down the whole night through cosmophile
and blow all enemies skyhigh
and back down eighty mile an hour.
If only your freedom winds
joined mine E.T. divine for  
my hurracane dancing twisters
Tycoons or soft breeze
to sway the willows of our sins
Oh wind Tandabam tam-tam
Come be not gone tantric
with passer by greener
grassy winds.
Oct 2021 · 1.0k
Heaven knows.
Karijinbba Oct 2021
No one was there
No one is there
You were, you are,
you will remain forever
you will always be
my own angel of love
Heaven sent me an angel
with star dust in her eyes
my love the light in her stars
Heaven sent me a star
I'm staying until
my heart comes to a stand still
it's more, than'll ever know
when I first saw you my head started reeling I had the feeling the ceiling had gone and there was
nothing beneath my feet but
seven heaven.
I don't want to come down if
I am dreaming don't wake me.
let me announce
our lost love now's been found.
you are my Angel in the night
in darkness you're my light
we"ll never be alone.
Oct 2021 · 723
Instrussive gold
Karijinbba Oct 2021
One grain left my smile
identical twin of yours
didn't see it's mystery timely
my unwritable wrong
like me friend not foe.
Followers and sweetpie poets
did I ever tell you how I love you
grace, love is my other name.
In whatever bittersweet
circumstance stranger as I am
trustworthy like you I am,
giftedly understanding.
If not too intrusive of me,
find my heart of gold.
for your comfort it beats
for your eyes skips beats
any kindness is measured  
priceless I won't judge you
dear poet friend or covert enemy
take another piece of me but look me in the eye tell me why  I got no clue.
I am only human make mistakes, hardly a poetess a nobody
a mocked hero Mom
a surviving hate crimes fool
blind for love.
A lost and found sad clown
a mess in so many ways,
and all is my fault.
No I don't deserve none
of my ancient benefactors,
shameful defeat is deserved.
Poor Mr. triumph weeps
shivers shricks hides playing
hide and seek to love, to hope
to my intrusive gold
even my last dime.
By; Karijinbba
Sep 2021 · 1.0k
Heir to all.
Karijinbba Sep 2021
Breathtakingly beautiful
your ink it chills to my spine.
How lucky and fortunate
the one queen of hearts
who reigns yours presence
shares your meals, longest
sitting at your footstand lotus
watching the moon dissapear
AM and sun settings views PM
joy peace your bending blues
And will her presence suffice
to forget strenuous promises
to stars in eye glued
to your cloudy thunderous
lightening sky above
heir to all?
at Mr. and Mrs. Andrews.
Sep 2021 · 981
Golden Leaves of May
Karijinbba Sep 2021
keep me posted.
I am heartstruck.
willow gold you.
you play hide and seek
I play if love is the end..
Remember my story poems
you remind me of someone
I touched your robe poet
beyond inks facade is love
I am safe with you
you are safe with me too.
to many welcome hellos.
You reign wisest poet
how shall I pen it best?
I'm not lit red ridding
hood just a fool for love.
you know I write to ghost
I am busy living like you.
my secret garden prose.
Ts better to have loved
and lost then never dear.
I paid bitter fines
for being a fool seeking love
your sky paints me loving.
and true so I am.
Sep 2021 · 1.3k
Karijinbba Sep 2021
Twinoak beloved.

The long and winding road
That leads to your door
Will never disappear
I've seen that road before
It always leads me here
Lead me to you door
The wild and windy night
That the rain washed away
Has left a pool of tears
Crying on and on.
Why leave me standing here?
Let me know the way
Many times I've been alone
And many times I've cried
Anyway, you'll never know
The many ways I've tried
And still they lead me back
To the long winding road
You left me standing here
A long long time ago.
Don't left me standing here.
Lead me to your door.
you pledged love to me
our heart was treasure
ask and it shall be given.
knock it shall be opened..
I got it way too late dear
glad you came alone
my once upon time true love
ending sadly at crossroads
again again to revolving turned
your chosen sad lyrics
I treasure thanks for the ride
my greatest teacher you are.
By: Karijinbba
Sep 2021 · 814
Sensual Rock divinity.
Karijinbba Sep 2021
in Tom Jones rocks on stage.
You rock bestest longest,
at Taj-Mahal peoney cave
I swear I only see you;
my rocking sensually!
lover rock dancing your
fifteen pumps into
our heavenly midsts
and back or make it last
****** fifteen times four
nutty Third Rate Romance
Rock me all night long.
lay I sip your willow tea
oh tea of me make too..
I'm in love with your mind
your syllhuette ink heart
Rock me at Ginny baby inn
I grant your every wish!

Oh sweet lover mine
conceived in sacred
temple paradisical womb
ruler king God's named you.
Crafted above endowed
in gold elastic generous thread,
the measure of your pride,
bestest among all kings,
amongst mortal men.
even Angels envy you.

Women sigh with just one look!
You walk a sway unique
istoic celibate you chase me
I'm sinner in your courts
my veil of chastity falters.
come fill my buttercup.
Loving you mornings long
days long the nights long.
my breakfast in bed you
I long for you.
my Tam Tam my base drum
glued to me evermore.
By; Karijinbba
@t Mr and Mrs Andrews
Sep 2021 · 1.6k
Karijinbba Sep 2021
Spirit soaring
not just flying by
my own sky
bit shy yet bloom fully
with pride in petals few
freedom beauty
before the fall
Enter mine eye
apeacing, kind
bubbly as champagne
willow it's all right
on this mirror wall
a note by and by
yours or only mine.
La rose magnifique.
trust exults
of love's rose in bloom
Sep 2021 · 687
Crying over you.
Karijinbba Sep 2021
You offered me gold pots
even diamonds for my tears
fame, and great fortune.
Sorry I missed the mark.
My ET I need a UFO to fly by
I touch you in thought.
Lala Sassy Coco treasures
blooms of my womb
dearest of all loves
of my life, I adore you
Jeffrey A, John C
sons in law
J,Hamrin RIP 2015
Bradly D and family.
I am glad you came along
great among Kings you
I am crying over you..
I dedicate my tears.
to all who flew in n out
my sky in well being
My Jane Hilton May
To poets loyal and real.
Moi Paul P, Willow
Thanks ever more.
for your comments.
Sep 2021 · 1.2k
Killing me softly
Karijinbba Sep 2021
Mine is the name
by my lovers quickening
breaths in lips
as his lightening vessel
thunders and quiver
below our cosmic canvas,
as my eyes blink summons
his release fireworks bliss.
Our twin flame ritual paused
his contract mate,
his leather reins she pulls.
it's tug of war, my hands bleed
Killing me softly with his words.
Sep 2021 · 829
Day by day darling
Karijinbba Sep 2021
Amor abrazame
make the world go away,
make the smoldering world
of deceivers disappear.
Make cunning entities leave
my woods and forest lands.
Make the sterile fem fatales
grow heart and courage.
Make the human predators
             be my sacred Tika talcs.            
Make our vessels sparkle
beneath the starry sky,
to the God of grace in you.
Lift the world off my
Oh make the world go away!
By; Karijinbba.
Sep 2021 · 772
Karijinbba Sep 2021
We are in heaven.
almost paradise
Hell was all around and about
if one let it roam.
So we don't and as for Heaven
one must be worthy to enter
it's tiny needle eye
as fat camel enters best
then a bitter unbelieving heart
and critical closed up mind.
Only true love divinity enters.
I find happiness in simple things.
it's found lasting only within
I find heaven in my midst
the moment you enter me
mad in love with me
twinosks Knight mine
  Enter me!
I love thee true
tree of life.
Sep 2021 · 1.8k
Forever my darling
Karijinbba Sep 2021
Not in voice?
If I want to know
if he really loves me so
  in his kiss there's fire,
nowhere else I can know.
I felt this flame in one love
I find it again!
Because it's right
because I own this fire
and my lover owns same

No it's never too soon
or too late for true love
to meet half way masked
The Kiss! Anxient fire
ages asleep awakens díer
twin flames unrequieted.
Memory ignition the key
We long to see that face,
we die to hear that voice
our beloved breaths on.

Our grail lost found
so many times before
so many lifetimes on and on
twin soul ancient divine
the cosmic law of attraction
pairs up beings knowing
what we cannot unravel
we ask to see to marvel
as life times we struggle.
May we meet to tangle.

Let's not live of trinkets
dreams and memories
alone, sharks we are
no liquor can makes us
a sharks meal.
Why become ramora!

We're rascals Rhett
and his Scarlet renewed.
This world will never
own us, let's own it
we are the authors
of our own life and destiny
We know, we intuit
we are loved cherished
in ways so deep no words
exist to describe our
joy and happiness
the battomless loss
abyss free us in courage.
what we ask to see lifetimes before
is now reveled and revered.
Oh the silky breath
my Angel once withdrawn
in sadness
my love returns priceless.
Softly as rose petals tikling
memory chip's lock snapping
the long gap banished.
Sep 2021 · 2.4k
Rebuked not.
Karijinbba Sep 2021
Sweeie pie mine
There's not a thing
I don't like about you
nothing I don't find in you
as fascinating as air sleep
food health joy utter happiness
birth city voice hips thighs oh
strutted walk talk smile lips sigh
how you wash my lingerie
parfume it and fold it dear
You are my tree of life.
my GR, Rdd love pole you!
Ram me my everything
in good in bad times
you drive me mad
in love with thee
Sep 2021 · 791
Pressed down
Karijinbba Sep 2021
body spirit mine
Jayapuriya twin flame
beloved under starry sky
constellations yours mine
This are sounds emitted
melancholically in a trance,
pressed down longing
between our Beauty Restm
and the vessel of thee.
oh how I love thee.
my rddpc-rd
I thee give.
By Angel- Karijinbba
2021 September.
Sep 2021 · 470
Quenching Lamentation
Karijinbba Sep 2021
"Ishq woh Aag Hai joh Jagaye Na Lage - Aur Buzaaye Na Buze"*
Many waters cannot,
quench love,
neither can the floods
drown it.
If a man offered for love
all the wealth of his house,
he would be utterly despised.
Many women cannot quench
a real mans heart only one,
A true love twin flame, may.
A twin flame can't be bought
nor sold or given away
his art is priceless.
Loves flame cannot be
except contained by my beloved.
flame who truly loves me.
I would lead thee, bring thee
into my mother's house, who would instruct me to cause thee
to drink of spiced wine;
of the juice of my pomegranate,
or my aged bubbly Purepecha champagne aged by my father David
under my starry skies where I was born.queen of my father's
forest lands.
Oh dearly mine beloved..GR
How I love thee.
Inspired by King Salomon.
and the love of my life.
Sep 2021 · 580
Manifesting ideas
Karijinbba Sep 2021
Our ideas are bullet proof
they can't be shot nor destroyed
our ideas eject upwards like fireworks from special volcanic places releasing pressure creating new places in nature and being magnetic with our treasures found we manifest
our true nature with lovers imaginations;
for in love and war all is valid,
if love is the means the beginning
and the end.
There's no room for shyness
maybe a bit self consciousness
and we never feel pressured..

Sometimes after the honey moon
the groom becomes shy
with the brides implossive ideas.

And who knows what the loss
if we can't decifer it nor read
its melancholic kinesis
radiance timely.
I surrender only to true love.
By An- Karijinbba.
Aug 2021 · 1.0k
Thy ROD and thy STAFF.
Karijinbba Aug 2021
Today and for a few days now
I just had to look at your photos
different ones two of them
In one you wore a tie and one other from a while back and I
felt like a billionaire everywhere.
I felt a different kind of wealth
A peacefulness about it,
in places too mystical to share.
A rush of lightening quickened
my breath and happiness never
felt so real as in looking,
at your photo more for it's inner worth though your outercore
is mostly holy for me.
I love you to tears in every look
and best that midnight criptic
shadowy one I cried all night long
with this one, and in love the most.
A verse asleep in memory chip, awakened me, you love me.
your love apeace my entrails.
Beloved of God divine.
You maketh me to lie down in green pastures:you leadeth me beside the still waters.
You restoreth my soul: You leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for your name's sake.
Alhough I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear NO evil: for thou art with me;
thy ROD and thy STAFF
they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over precioso.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
and I will dwell in
the house of you my Lord
my beloved for ever.
By: Karijinbba
Aug 2021 · 1.4k
Heart- less
Karijinbba Aug 2021
My heart flat lined today.
No ICU needed.
it's the only way to go on.
Transformer Cimi Death my other name says my Mayan zodiac
birth chart and I go flat,
in a terrible amnesic shock.
when reality hits I no longer remember nor feel pain
I am sustained by a strange
heart rhythm beat.
I did it once before
very long time ago and
it worked for years.
phychogenic amnesia
There's no feeling no love
no hate no hope no dreams
no waiting for love to be real.
No bridal chambers no gold key
exists to open this gold lock.
My cave of wonders is sealed.
In essence it's another
kind of passing on.
I need it here,
not to stay flat on line.
By: KArijinbba
Aug 2021 · 1.3k
Gold Infinity Loops
Karijinbba Aug 2021
~Shawn -vs- Rd~
I AM just
an ancient lover Rd
I AM just an infinity loop
dreaming childlike
of you and me mature and free.
Anyones Gold key who can
turn and open my heart's golden lock
to rock my world, pierce my entrails
with his Angels's longest speer,
as the Angel messanger of God
did for Teresa, igniting into her
ecstasy and bliss across time
and space a saint lover
in disguise,
owns my heart, my bridal
chambers my good fortune spin
and two gold infinity loops.
By: Karijinbba
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