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11.0k · Apr 2018
I missed you.
Aaron Bee Apr 2018
I only loved you
when it was
I'm really sorry
that I  didn't think
of you
( When it really mattered.)
What's the matter with my
soul? It isn't correct
but nothing feels wrong.

I feel something , I don't know
if it's "sorry".

Looking into the void.
I think I seen you.

Reached out.
We met again.

For the first time.

It was love

Possibly maybe.

holding on to right now.

Frozen. your face perfection.

Eyes closed.

Waiting so anxiously for you
to open them.

You don't.
   My heart arrested by your beauty.
   Shatters when you chose not
   to look at me.

I don't feel any signs of growing.
Been feeling like escaping into romantic perspectives. Wrote this at 1am this morning at work, listening to "on hold" by the **
6.3k · Jul 2014
Aaron Bee Jul 2014
Grains of sugar fall to the ground.
Mutilated flesh covered in corn syrup
Wait till it dries, scrumptious.
Blood, red as cherry liquourice
Seeps from open wounds.
Body perforated at the
Ready for dis-assemblage.
Save for later
Something about being vulnerable.
5.2k · Jul 2014
Magic Man
Aaron Bee Jul 2014
Slow minds,
Hungry times.
Fire ignites a
Luscious green
kind of
Euphoria inhaled,
Stoners prevails
For we have
The upper hand
Held to our mouths
With the other
Not too far.
Lighter in hand
You are the
Magic man
One of many.
4.9k · Oct 2014
Saturday Night Illness
Aaron Bee Oct 2014
There is a
Outside of bed.
Beyond amber red
People of the night
Come out.
Awaken by the smell
Of repugnant restrooms
And *****.
Last memory of
The inside of
A toilet.
Brought alive by
the frightening
Blinding all
who hid.
There are those nights.
3.8k · Oct 2014
Aaron Bee Oct 2014
Have to listen to what
everyone says, at-least to
capture an idea. I've heard
of tedious reviewing, but
can it be raw. Can it dare
to be something other than
structured. Concise is one thing,
but is stress another. If I were
to free-flow like the rest
of the world, would it be bad?
You may say it's trash. But are children's books
the same to a certain degree. May it be long,
may it be short, may it be?
Why must there be an end, when your mind certainly
doesn't, or would you rather talk
of death.
3.3k · Sep 2014
Aaron Bee Sep 2014
Let's trade eyes.
You'll have mine
 And I'll
Have yours.
We will both
See each other 
For that guy.
3.1k · Nov 2014
Aaron Bee Nov 2014
**** that
**** dam
because I hold
in too much.
When their is
a leak
I break into
a rut
Mind to fast,
spoken to slowly.
Chances missed because
I hold in
too much.
I will break
and it will be big.
poetry exercise: writers block
3.0k · Aug 2014
Aaron Bee Aug 2014
blood in
Eyes large and
pupils dilated
like large black
images of
others acting the
wild, intoxicated, and
2.8k · Aug 2014
Be courteous
Aaron Bee Aug 2014
Before I raise
My hand,
Tell me
How rude it
For me to 
Put this same
Hand on
Another person.
In what way 
Is it 
assault, or
How would it 
Be to 
Steal something 
From the same 
Own hands.
Tell me this 
Before I 
Ask, or 
2.6k · Aug 2014
Aaron Bee Aug 2014
Sympathy threw the
Vulgarity out the
No despair for poor Girls, and
poor Boys
Ribs, skulls, and bones
Is all that's visible
Crying over
Seemingly unreal.
Their faces expressing
Shades of envy.
Is there modesty
Beneath gaudy clothes?
2.5k · Oct 2014
Aaron Bee Oct 2014
Black eyes, bruised wrists, mangled genitals.
Ribcage extruding; calling for love, lust, and cigarettes
Faces offensive; unmet eyes, and searing expressions.
Scars on arms; speaking louder than quiet voices
Staring blank; at bills yet paid
Thinking there is no way
Imaging the fall from your 3rd floor
Weighing funeral costs over living expenses
Death would put you deeper in a hole
Not able to get out, saying how
Did I get here.
Looking up seeing the opening nearly
Closed; finger lye at the only opening left.
Being crushed brutally, whilst you see it all
Blood rains on your pale face, craving
Dismemberment of fingers, brings you into total darkness.
2.3k · Aug 2014
Aaron Bee Aug 2014
Joy is a
and I
can't buy it.
More glamorous than
any amount
of *******
but more available
than a breath
of fresh air.
Smiles are
easier to break
than an
Anorexics bones.
frowning faces
begin to walk
their steady pace
birth to coffin.
2.0k · Nov 2014
Make a mess
Aaron Bee Nov 2014
Clean it up.
trash, littered
glass glitters
smash delivered
mouths quiver
blood slithers
roads killer
people stiffer
lives teetered
eyes tear
cars peered
windows cleared
bodies feared
clean it up.
Aaron Bee Aug 2014
Midnight back roads
Dark - insidious
Hungry for the intoxicated.
A monster comes out to
Prey on inebriated
Skiddings of tires,
Broken glass,
And red stains mark
Where the beast
Road ****
A snack
and drivers
The main dish
The cycle is
Weekdays - innocents
Weekends - idiots
1.7k · Nov 2014
Poetry (sensual tongues)
Aaron Bee Nov 2014
moist deep exploration
finding what
makes you smile, or understand.
near my ears the
same tongue
talks ******,
feeling around
my mind touching
my imaginations
sweet spots
1.7k · Nov 2014
Aaron Bee Nov 2014
My *** is rare
like a prissy feline riding
a horse with an attitude
that is diamond.
But, oh, when you have it
horizons become golden
Yellow stones Ol' Glory shoots.
The "O" on my mouth is
missing an X.
roughly my own gender prohibits
further exploration.
Sexuality flows like water
crashing and smashing
smooth and rough
Lemonade, **** and nasty
just how I like it.
Puckering, *******, licking
1.6k · May 2016
Aaron Bee May 2016
There's no signal
in this room
There's no signal
when i'm with you

Now please refresh
I exist to exist, as
much as you .

Now please refrain
from saying "I love you"
Let's abstain from the
thought of loving you
1.6k · Aug 2018
Aaron Bee Aug 2018
Pain is such a genuine feeling.
what I'm feeling right now, isn't exactly pain but merely the absence of. I understand that my flesh has nerves all over and that is part of whats keeping me going . Life seems a lot foggier and I am walking into the dark. Feeling what I can understand, searching for the braille letters and hoping I find a coherent sentence
Something old
1.6k · Sep 2014
Aaron Bee Sep 2014
Mocking me, I
Stare with complete
Quiet still.
Faces diamond like
Frozen and sentient
Biting fingertips
And kissing ***
Cigarettes are your
Teeth exposed for
Eyes frail, eyelashes
Extended to heaven.
Ecstasy is natural.
Reflection becomes the
Days puddles form on
Rainy days
1.5k · Aug 2014
Aaron Bee Aug 2014
Ring your arms
Around my neck
And call me
Because that
Is what I am.
Pain is love, like a
Room full of broken
Single mirror stands
Reflecting what is
numb reflect mirrors thoughts
1.3k · Mar 2017
soapy mouths
Aaron Bee Mar 2017
elders carry stories
of themselves foaming
at the mouth
like rabid dogs

like the language they spoke
was *****.

Nuns with sharp rulers,
sharply ruled the catholic schools

No choice, but to
submit and Americanize
with cheeseburgers and denim

lonely tears for home
   missing the
  gentle breeze of pine and juniper trees

while forgotten brothers and sisters hang with
touchy pastors whose love for Christ
told them to be quiet.
inspired by the generation before me
1.3k · Oct 2014
Aaron Bee Oct 2014
Out-worldly, and an
Introverted extrovert.
male with female taste.
No more than a nail
Inching closer to
My heart, is what
It is.
Once we talk
Pain strikes my
Voice on my
Shoulder says I
Should hurt myself.
The other talks of
Hopefuls outcomes, and
Bright futures.
1.3k · Oct 2014
Babe, honey
Aaron Bee Oct 2014
The girl with the leather jacket
And the leather high-high heels
Wearing a black tube top
And skimpy shorts.
Hair; blonde, shiny wild locks
Face painted gorgeous,
Luscious red lips
Skin sun-kissed.
Holding her flask
In the right hand
Filled to the brim
With Jack Daniel’s whiskey.
Pockets filled with cigarettes
And marijuana joints.
She takes a cigarette out,
holds it to her lips.
Leaning on a black corvette
Ignites her death.
Inhale, exhale
life of sad.
1.2k · Aug 2014
Aaron Bee Aug 2014
Your eyes are
Large, and 
Nose bleeding,
Open the floodgates.
Red flesh toned salmon
Pour out.
Struggling for air,
They coagulate.
Drying like the
Rivers, and
The beds are
Cracking into another
World, our water
Is their water.
It comes back with
Rain, tears fall
From the sky
Mother, why
Do you cry?
1.2k · Nov 2014
Heavenly Crash
Aaron Bee Nov 2014
Grinding metal lays
out the ambiance.
Shattered glass sings
songs similar to
wind chimes.
The ground of said tragedy
is a canvas for
a devastating
Lush red blood spills
for artistic
Cuts and bruises
make for great
Focal point is
the reality.
Beauty and tragedy in a car crash
1.1k · Sep 2014
Aaron Bee Sep 2014
My ribs call for justice
Strumming them like
Roars for a revolution.
Mind enthused by the
Fleeting high of 
Hunger, and loss.
Image damaged by
Thoughts of perfection
Stranded among lost islands
Of paradise
1.1k · Aug 2014
Selfish death
Aaron Bee Aug 2014
I want
To put 
Your leering
Deep in.
Make me feel
The pain,
I once felt,
You leaving
Me, shocking
My spine into 
***** ness.
Throw my breath
Onto your 
Ceiling, and
Suffocate my
With every ******.
I will
My torso,
Coil like a 
Pounce into 
What holds
 Ill intentions.
Venom oozing 
Out through 
My loving fangs,
Going for your
Laying flat, you
Feel excitement
Course all throughout 
Your being.
Curling at the toes.
Attempt at erotica
946 · Dec 2014
Aaron Bee Dec 2014
I am not an all knowing
being, but a being with that of a mind
so open as the universe around us.
I claim I think like no other,
I may be wrong.
I find that everything is beautiful with a reason,
I may say I don't care but "that",
may be a lie.
I can say I dislike "Bad" comments,
but that is "they".
I may be selfish , but that is "me"
I may seem dramatic, but that is me as "myself"
I am an observational individual.
I may be selective of what I question, But
that is "I".
I may not be a Lover, but that doesn't mean
I would not like to be "happy".
I may not be a Fighter, but that doesn't mean
I will not "pursue happiness"
excessive emotion
919 · Nov 2014
Aaron Bee Nov 2014
It has been
My tongue went
a tape recorder
of things people
already said shoved
into its place.
The blood in my being
is heated with the love of my significant,
without him my heart is
908 · Nov 2014
Aaron Bee Nov 2014
Long furry black legs
extending out from a
furry xoskeleton.
No love for the Spider
to be stepped on.
Estranged by many,
loved by few.
Majority wins, till
all open eyes to
Aaron Bee Dec 2014
There is a truth
I know,
and I feel the truth is something
no one wants to know.
Like most realities
others would most likely
want to be blissfully ignorant,
I can't say I wouldn't
Disagree. But it is worth something
unlike nothing,
nothing has no matter
something is a matter.
However dense, however hollow
There is worth in anything,
maybe in nothing
seeds of thought sprout.
Consciousness grows with each
ounce of sunlight from each
passing day.
Branches extend outward
from the origins, in the name of progression.
We grow, we understand
A thought best served cold
868 · Aug 2014
Aaron Bee Aug 2014
When wounds
Are apparent
Clean the 
Allow your open
To be picked.
Put your fingers in
Deep, wiggle
A little.
Loosen the flesh
Let it heal
854 · Mar 2015
Aaron Bee Mar 2015
Lyricism, is always fun
to play with.
Going with the natural
flow of conciousness,
And not being conscious
Of the never ending film
Of life.
Living as it is
And know how,
How to be, is. Never
Questioning what you know,
But knowing what you know
Is as much as you know
For that second.
827 · Mar 2017
Aaron Bee Mar 2017
We are of air,
made from corn.

Blown together with
wind and kept
together by water.
navajo creation
788 · Aug 2014
Aaron Bee Aug 2014
I am a sad, sad
With a smile that is
A frown owning
A crown.
Good-looking but not
Good on the
My guts are black,
Brain fried, and
Eyes always
Stature lacking
Confidence, finding it 
In the pants
Of others, and
At the bottom of
A bottle.
Seeking pleasure
With pain, hoping it'd
Make us equal.
772 · Jul 2015
Aaron Bee Jul 2015
Tiger eyes behind
Silver lines and
Nonexistent badges of authority.
Your somewhat of a
minority without a voice
nowhere to turn,
But turn fierce.
Your teeth sharp as ever
Never better!

Your coat is Fancy,
Your story isn't
You ****** with some guy
to get where you are.
Not very far from where
you started .
So you started to pout
and pour your spout on
Someone else for 200 dollars

Incums great you
roll in the bills(dollars)
Smile is fake, but you make it
because you faked
your "O" face and recited
The other vowels
on their lips.
Mad and drunk
748 · Oct 2015
Aaron Bee Oct 2015
O' ray!
O' ray!
   O' ray, O' sunshine
Bring back the hot days
where my skin shined
so bright.
It had the  sun
green with envy
for that moment - all
was surreal.
Purple becomes green.
Gold to yellow, brown to rust.
Lets go and make our
next busk
tell me of a time, where
yesterday was always today
and tomorrow never came.
The sun in an ever looping instance of "rising" or
was it "falling"?
We'll never know and
who'd want to know?
Oblivious to oblivion
Living in disproportion,
Where yelling in ears becomes
whispering prayers and crazy muttering
become insightful guides.
A place where all I Am is
confused, and I'm the
Confusion. Now bring me to madness
and (I Know the conclusion)
743 · Oct 2015
Aaron Bee Oct 2015
I need some
help with the mundane
Traffic lights are
screaming green
to let me go
Let me go
trying to live on
pennies and dimes
drunk all the
time, yelling through
thin apartment walls
Voices I don't know
tell me
what to do
they give me reason to be
Still keeping me bound
on all fours.
Burning me
with cigarettes and
poisoning me.
My breathing is forced
people smell of *****
and body odor
Nothing else to do
but get gone
lets get
from all thats wrong
everyday life
743 · Sep 2015
Aaron Bee Sep 2015
You'll never know who
closed the door-
when you were
never awake to begin
with. Laying alone, cold...
you find comfort in the heat
of Others, but
in the heat of
others you find tension
teeth clenching, tight
being exaggerated and
intensified to the
where you'd concentrate
so hard into concentration
you'd die to be falling safely
from the reel of images leading
into static Sanctuary
729 · Mar 2016
Aaron Bee Mar 2016
My mind frozen
time frozen
efforts cold
I still hold
My cellphone
in one hand
mouths chatter
eyes close .


Cold lifeless hands
inching closer
to hot smooth flesh
raging with *******
Throbbing heat and
angry breath
fills the room
What you think
720 · Jun 2016
"It is hot out!"
Aaron Bee Jun 2016
The water is flavorless  when it hits my coffee stained tongue
I crave hydration. My white lined lips  argue that it's impossible
665 · Feb 2015
Aaron Bee Feb 2015
**** me, my mind
said so. Heart doesn't
like to talk anymore,
since she's been beatin' one
to many times by nervousness.
Anxiety and Depression
like to have threesomes
with me, ******* me
from all ends.
I'm so sore, they do
it raw and sometimes I bleed.
Whenever I talk Anxiety's
*** still lingers in my mouth,
it reeks. He made me swallow hard.
They told me
if I said anything
what would be
the point.
They're not
babble from the brain
641 · Jan 2017
Aaron Bee Jan 2017
I find it exciting to see things break without a human touch.

A jar I previously filled with water,

froze today.

All I heard was the crackling of glass breaking,

I knew

It was the jar.

A jar I left outside

waiting for something to happen

and it


Not at all what I wanted.

Nonetheless something that


without my touch
636 · Mar 2016
Jaded 2
Aaron Bee Mar 2016
I want to
scream so hard
that an aperture
swallows my whole
Me and my history,
my own body and conscious
To be totally
immersed into
complete nothing.
No one knowing or
ever knowing .
My eyes desire to roll back,
tongue flipping to be
623 · Feb 2015
Aaron Bee Feb 2015
I know what's good
for me but
I feel what's good
Isn't good for me.
The minutes go by
you know what you
should do but
you do not do.
enemy to yourself
Hostage held at
the highest ransom
but no one knows
your in danger.
In danger of
your self.
You want help but
you do not seek it.
Anxious, nervous... You
wait to improve  but
you do not prove that
you know what to do.
"Just do it!" you say
angrily. "I'm sorry" I say
I'm sorry to say "sorry"
a powerful word when over
used, you used to say what's
the use of being sorry
if you truly are't.
600 · Oct 2014
Aaron Bee Oct 2014
When the doors are
closed, what do you
What can you tell me?
Is what you're going to
say, the same as what
I may say?
582 · May 2016
Aaron Bee May 2016
Mind on fire
with the itch of
curiousity. the flakes
that fall are ideas.
where they lay, I simply
blow them off.
Left empty handed
and sore from
Tip toe into madness-
Waltz so slowly-
Rolling my head back
looking up into the sky,
smiling so dangerously.
Clutching my curiosity-
Fluttering my eyes so fast
I experience an overdose.
Foot tapping to the
sound of impatience.
banging - tantrically
throwing heads around
for therapy
it soothes the itch
of exorcistic compulsions.
get read to exude crazed
lyricism. The aestheticism
brings me to
bite my lip.
fun fun fun till the daddy took the t-bird away
561 · Sep 2014
Power trip
Aaron Bee Sep 2014
My head,
*****, becomes 
My friend.
I say "hello" 
Every morning.
Pills are for
Weak days
Ignore the pain,
"hit me"
Written across 
Your forehead 
Walking into
Staying in the 
Fast lane.
Hungover days
532 · Dec 2016
Ice cold
Aaron Bee Dec 2016
The frigid nights
Opens the mouth of the
World so wide you can
clearly see the stars
Shiny white and yellow teeth above
Snow covers the landscape around
Animal ***** stains
the ground around me
Dirt and rocks peek through

One lonely man
In tattered garbs
Walks in the mud
Each leg lifted (plops)
with every step.
His breath visible,
Red and blue is seen
in the distance.


Cold colorado, with sharp aggressive trees
stabbing the skies
the forest is a prison, winter.
Pillows of snow falling,
tucking the people
into their warm fired homes.
Homeless lay awake
in a frozen reality,
the snow hides everything from
people , what you forget,
Is usually always forgotten
in the snow.
Something kind of narrative like. In need of feedback
515 · Jun 2016
Aaron Bee Jun 2016
My mind is on fire
with the itch of
Like the flakes from
my scalp
Ideas fall from my head
where they lay, I simply
blow them off.
I left empty handed
And sore from
scratching for answers .
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