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Jan 2020 · 86
growing up
when people asked
“what do you want to
be when you grow up?”
i never knew.
i’ve grown up a little, 17,
and all i am is
Dec 2019 · 558
could be
could be
seasonal depression
or could be
lacking any friends
i don’t know.

and please don’t try to tell me “oh you have friends- you really do” or “find new friends” because trust me- I know them- and I don’t want to associate with them and I live in too small of a town to find other friends.
Dec 2019 · 406
i have been
conditioned to
think that working
is more important than
my health.
Dec 2019 · 82
to the ones who...
to the ones who fell in love early and loved much. who kept falling in love over and over and over again.
to the ones who searched for love in all the right and wrong and could never seem to find it. not at home, not at work, not at school, nowhere.
to the ones who found love everywhere or even just once, and wanted nothing to do with it.
to the ones who've been hurt from the beginning and who've yet to be hurt.
to the hearts of glass and stone, the ones who broke and shattered over and over again, to the ones who've only been broken a few times.
to the ones who've been so broken- and yet continue to love. to the ones who love when it's hard to.
to those who cry alone at night and the ones who cry in the arms of friends.
to those who've been left gently and on good terms and for the ones who were harshly abandoned without a second thought- this is for you.
this is to tell you- you are heard and seen and loved.
Oct 2019 · 216
i'm still half a page short.
this essay is pointless
there is no fluff left to write

the cursor sits there- it
mocks me.
this isn't helping either
Sep 2019 · 158
what happened
i feel like i
can’t say what
happened to me
because what happened
to my best friend was
so much worse...
Aug 2019 · 340
early phyics
it's 5:30am.
i'm sitting at the
dining room table
with my physics notes
in front of me. a cup of
tea sits to the right of it all.
mornings like these are more
common than i'd like to admit.
homework and notes sit in front
of me, waiting for the calculations
to be completed. it's odd. i can focus
at 5:30am better than i can focus at, say,
8:30pm. i think i actually like early physics
Aug 2019 · 722
as i brush the mascara
on my eyelashes,
i notice the rain outside,
gently hitting my windows.
it’s a beautiful thing
Jun 2019 · 379
im stuck in
this never ending
loop. this cycle
of go to work,
come home, go
to bed, repeat.
i can’t live the
rest of my life
like this.
life is like a
bad song stuck
on repeat.
Apr 2019 · 479
things are changing so

life is happening so

from one thing to the next,
supporting friends, working
at the cafe and hospital...

and things will continue to
change. as long as we are alive
nothing will ever stay the same
Apr 2019 · 1.3k
the gentle rain
on the window
reminds me of
a simpler time

of a moment that
is still to happen

with you
Mar 2019 · 263
his cologne
haunts me
Mar 2019 · 264
i've spent the last
3 months of my
life on a musical

a week ago today
was opening night
and now it's all
completely over

i don't regret
Feb 2019 · 274
sometimes there are
these perfect little

i believe that these
moments are what
defines who we are
Feb 2019 · 414
i come home
around 10pm
after musical

i come home to
a silent and empty

its like im
being rejected
from my own
Feb 2019 · 218
i'm biding my time.
i'm not sure what
i'm waiting for...
all i know, is that i'm
Feb 2019 · 234
ive burned a
lot of bridges

whether it was
on purpose or
an accident-
i still don’t know
Jan 2019 · 151
wrong words
i can’t say
anything right

so why do
i even try
to speak
at all anymore
Jan 2019 · 162
time keeps wasting away
i sometimes hear the clocks

it's maddening.

i don't know how to
use time effectively while
taking care of myself.

there's too much to do
in too little time.
ticking clocks
Jan 2019 · 380
night terrors
it feels like i'm stuck in
a never ending
night terror.

it's on loop and
won't stop
going and
going and
going and
going and
going and

this is my cry for someone-
anyone to help me escape.
i can't handle it anymore...
Dec 2018 · 185
a friend once told
me “you are light.”
i’m trying to be light
to all of my friends
and everyone around me.

i think i like being light...
it’s a very good place,
mentally it isn’t draining,
it isn’t emotionally
draining either.

i think i’m happy again
Nov 2018 · 155
falling in place
it still seems like
things are falling
and i lowkey know
that they are-
but things are falling
in place too. maybe
life and the world
isn't as against us
as it may seem
Nov 2018 · 427
everything is
so peaceful on
this wintery day

except the storm
raging in my mind

someone help me
Nov 2018 · 1.4k
i accidentally
broke his heart

almost a year
and a half later
he shattered mine

“dating her
was a mistake.”
Oct 2018 · 886
is typing...
sometimes when
no one checks
the group chat
for awhile and
there’s no one
else on-
it feels like you’re
just talking in an
empty theatre- waiting.
waiting for anything.
a “read” notification,
a typing bubble-
a sign that you’re
not alone-
Oct 2018 · 467
blue eyes
i’ve been told
many times
that my eyes
are the color
of the ocean.
just like my
mom’s eyes.

the color of
the sky after
a rain storm,
young flowers,
a little lighter
than the blue
on a walmart bag,
a worn jean jacket.

i think i like
ocean the best-
i miss it the most.
Oct 2018 · 328
i'm shattering
so stressed
to the breaking

if something
isn't done soon
there won't be
any of me left
Sep 2018 · 3.1k
right whats wrong
i need to right
what i did
wrong to you.

but i'm afraid
of what might

i broke your
heart (and mine
too) on accident.
i didn't mean to.
i swear.

if i could go back
and change it-
i'd do it in a
Sep 2018 · 279
i’m standing on the
edge of the world
so much talent and

but i’m waiting.
waiting for something
to happen that will
never happen.
Sep 2018 · 715
the glowing of the
hot embers from
what was left of the
bonfire reminded
me that maybe
some good can come
out of this darkness.
Sep 2018 · 313
never chosen
one thing i've learned
is that i will never
be anyone's first choice.

he will always choose
his friends over the girl
he says he's dating.

i've finally come to
terms with the fact that
i'm just not good enough.
Sep 2018 · 818
ocean waves
what i miss
most about the
ocean is the
freedom of
standing on rocks
over the waves
without any worries
Sep 2018 · 645
if i get the job
as a dishwasher
at the cafe or
the nursing home

i might get my
tragically beautiful
cinderella story
after all
Sep 2018 · 712
in april my parents and i
went back to the
east coast, new england,
for a funeral.
my mother grew up there
and i was born there.

i hadn't seen the ocean in
11 years since we left.

i miss the waves
i miss the cool
sea breeze
the seagulls
the marinas
the houses on the water
the random shops
i miss everything
it's more of a home than
this house in the middle of
nowhere ever was.
Sep 2018 · 529
high school
my education has turned into a
competition i never agreed to enter.
i don't hate learning, but i hate
being taught by teachers who don't
care who really just work here
so they can coach.
everyone says, its preparing
you for the real world.
so the first 13 years of my education
is just a trial run?
i don't know what day of the week
or month it is, i think in test dates
and deadlines.
they say you need a good ACT/SAT
score to get into a good college.
fun fact: only 21% of people work
in the area that they majored in.
they make it seem like everything
is depending on this test.
i don't know how much
longer i can handle this weight
and pressure to perform.
i used to be gifted way back when
but now i'm not because i wan't
continually challenged.
i just need to make it through
this semester, then it'll be over for
a couple months, then the cycle
will start again...
Sep 2018 · 217
empty part II
poem cancelled
i was wrong
the emptiness is back
Sep 2018 · 1.7k
someone who
you deserve someone who
will take pictures of you and
post them

you deserve someone who
will come over for no reason
but to hang out with you

someone who
will make you laugh when
you're feeling down

someone who
can help you understand things

someone who
makes you want to be a better person
always be kind
push you to be better
help you along the way

you deserve someone
who will treat you
like a
Sep 2018 · 255
talking fast
talking fast
i have to get out my words
before someone else cuts me off

they said "slow down"
but if i slow down bad things happen.
everything catches up with me.
people cut me off
my fears catch up to me
i have to be busy
if im not busy i start to relapse
Sep 2018 · 257
my prince
isnt coming
he probably
found a better

im finally
to terms
with that
Aug 2018 · 743
in the

i often
get lost in my
own thoughts

but it’s a risk
that i
dare to take
Aug 2018 · 541
“someday my prince will come”
cinderella sung that...
i believed it to be true

my prince never came
no prince ever would want
a servant girl
Aug 2018 · 214
books for friends
my closest friends
are made of:
white paper
black ink
12pt Times New Roman font
Aug 2018 · 172
so many

i think that
i might be the
Aug 2018 · 781
i've battled demons
i've been to hell and back to get here
and you still think i'm weak?
you'll never know how strong you or i are
until we've been shattered and had to
rebuild ourselves alone.
prince charming wont come to a broken princess.
maybe he will to you, but he didn't to me.
Aug 2018 · 313
i try to feel
the emptiness
and aching
that used to
be in my heart.
sometimes there
are still traces of it
but other times
its really gone
and i cant believe
that im actually
happy again
Aug 2018 · 8.9k
my brothers apartment
mismatched furniture
a few dishes in the cupboards
a couple random blankets and lamps
a pan and a mug or two in the sink
a broken clock above the fake fireplace
a fake jackalope head on the fireplace

a couple college kids' apartment
my brother and his roommate
it isn't much but it feels like home
Aug 2018 · 405
listen up
listen here to me.
ignore what everyone else is saying if they're trying to tear you down.
don't let that happen.

you are smart
you are beautiful
you are kind
you are seen
you are loved
you're better than you think you are.
Aug 2018 · 504
don't cry
don't cry, darling
things will get better
chin up
trust me.

you know what?

let it out.
i know you've been hiding for too long.
i know you've been abandoned.
i see you.
you're beautiful.
you're perfect.
you're amazing.
if you ever wonder if you're a bad person? bad people don't worry about being better.
go ahead and cry.

let your tears water the ground.
let the seeds of despair and hurt grow
let the graves of dreams and lost friends have gardens
un-clench your hands and you'll find seeds falling out
every bad thing is now a seed
the bad things will become beautiful things,
just to spite everyone who said
"no you can't."
"it's not possible."
"you're stupid/ugly"/any other mean word

those will be the most beautiful flowers of all.

so let your tears flow.
they'll water the ground beneath your feet.
it'll be a garden of spite and inspiration.
Aug 2018 · 2.2k
shoot your shot
"I will not throw away my shot."
Do not throw away your shot.
We have one shot to make a difference.
We have one shot to show them who we are.
To make them see we aren't who they think we are.
To let them hear us.
We have one shot... Make it count.
We must leave behind a legacy.
"What is a legacy? A legacy is planting a garden that you'll never get to see."
Let the younger ones see us fighting for what we believe in-
let them see us dressing for ourselves and not to impress others constantly
let them see us being who we are
let them see us using our words for good and not for evil
let them see us changing the world
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