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mark soltero Jan 2021
you killed my lonely soul
lacerated its neck
with your grip
his last breath was taken
when you said i love you
mark soltero Jan 2021
respect isn’t earned
you’re born with it
you can’t change what nature’s made
can’t **** it
no matter how many pills you take
so just lay in your filth
because that’s what you deserve
mark soltero Apr 2021
tears don't dry
they drown you

when you're crying forever
they don't tell you that you may die

dehydration that comes
it comes without pleasure
just to ruin your day

why don't we appreciate
when others try harder
or when their things are better

why don't we just stop
forever and ever
voids inside the universe should overtake us
we were never truly fit to live

we were made to cycle
and to turn to dust
to rot away and die
not to wallow and cry
mark soltero Aug 2021
infatuated with me
you became my biggest enemy
something insincere about how you wanted me
i was there to take the edge off
coke binges at the bar every other night
and you wonder why your hairline is moving backwards
you caused my mood to lose all stability then
crying for your attention
you were starving for us to look past your lack of personality
you didn't need a reality show
you needed a reality check
at the time you were 23
way too old for me
you were grasping at straws to be pretty
we can see the crow's feet setting in and your liver failing
no amount of jogging can bring back your peak
you're the biggest cliché
you go to emo night unironically
you said you saw yourself in me
we are not the same
remember you were a prom king
mark soltero Sep 2020
degrade me because you love me
infect me with your cancer
befoul my integrity
because i’ll do anything for attention
disillusioned with my charming grip
you lie awake
thinking of ways to let me down easy
you won’t be getting rid of me
because it’s me
im the malignancy
mark soltero May 2021
try to pretend you’re not mine
just to feel the pain
the sweet emotions of sorrow
lingering from my old life
the feelings you guarded
me is what you need
hard to swallow
your love is what created this
somehow i don’t want you
i need you
but it’s not the same
as it was before
because with each i love you
they comes from a place of purity
you mean the world to me
how do you live your own fantasy
when it’s been with me
mark soltero Jun 2021
his actions speak louder than his mouth
it's a wonder he still lives
lacerations left on his neck lie deep in his skin
their eternal impressions were left for you to find him again
mark soltero Jan 2021
no more do i want to be cold
your warmth creates a barrier
from the world and us
nothing comes before it
our path laid out
hopeful and sweet
your kisses are true for what’s known to me  our feelings are growing
into what i once thought couldn’t be
truly clean
every time you feel my grace
come inside
you become one with me
one day we’ll meld together
til then i’d hope to stay by your side
warm and true
mark soltero Oct 2020
look at me and lie
use me till i have nothing to give
leave your scars under my skin
because when it’s over
i’ll be able to live
delusional grandeur is my peace
so just leave
get away
leave me here
i wasn’t meant to make it dear
mark soltero Dec 2020
tired does the false prophet grow
when his words continue to lose their shine
can he find his faith in his own empty tongue
will divine intervention mend his stolen soul
mark soltero Oct 2020
im trying my best to abstain
from the thoughts
that make me want to eat you alive
i used to rely on the hearts of others
nutrients of their blood to fulfill my thirst
the things we do more than satiate me
no longer do i need
to break the ribs of empty promise
in order to breathe
mark soltero Oct 2020
my skin is cold
but you’re hot within
so i don’t mind
when you’re with him
i might be lying
just please remember
the places we built
don’t take him
i can’t watch you go by tonight
mark soltero Sep 2020
i don’t want to lie
even if im embarrassed
im beginning to see the truth
it resides in your eyes

the reflection of myself
it’s beginning to lose power over me
i can’t tell you why exactly

the power you’ve given me
it seems to have rusted your soul
oh what id give
to go back and change that

my soul is drowning
grasping on to what it can to float
freezing slowly as it inches closer to the edge
to shield me from the wrongs within myself

your warmth protects me
it exposes the purity from inside
but how i wish i could protect you too
mark soltero Dec 2020
we always look for ways to save ourselves
but not to shelter the miseries of others

empathy is dead in this modern age
fragile labels aren’t made for people

what’s unspoken of in the darkness
keeps us from our true potential

devastated with life
we push through until we die

in the circle of life
survival is never an option
mark soltero Sep 2020
i begin to arise
looking over into your gaze
so that i can feel you
breathless and shaken
with joy in your eyes
thirst overtaking the impulse
to feel how strong this love is
rubbing your skin
exposes the warm static throughout
im left without air
asphyxiating for pleasure
head rushing
groaning your name
please keep going
you keep our skin vibrating
and purging the toxicity of the world from us
taking in only me
you can feel my pulse
radiate from your sacral place
with you gushing out
like the words it takes to tell you
that i love you
and want to fill the empty spaces within
for a moment
i feel like we’ve become one
our bodies sing
heavenly tones echo within the confines of this home
with archangels watching over
as we fulfill our celestial fate
mark soltero Dec 2020
a song in the morning
brings me somber cries of affection
each drum beat
reminds me of the pulse of my heart
when im with you
nervous i get
when i can’t see love in our eyes
help me forget the childish apprehensions
that only block our sacred intentions
to build our eternity
perfection is worth it
but it’s not worth the pain it’s laid into
mark soltero Jan 2021
who am i
and who you are
what could we be
when it’s you and me
for the things that seek silence
inside of myself
are ***** fears of what’s left in me
inside you
your pains and weakness
can only find comfort within my arms
sigh with release
that our demons now sleep
mark soltero Jun 2021
the fool
created his own woes
sorrows laid into his red nose
dirt fills his mind
nothing pure and full of sin
sadistic miseries fill him within
the fool only knows negatives
his life called for nothing but ridicule
if only the fool knew
that he could command an audience
he rather cry in silence
die and rot away to the dirt that used to fill him
mark soltero Oct 2020
why blame the devil
for the actions that were made
in the name of your creator

listening to your scriptures and parables
has only lead me astray

only those who cause harm
cause harm for those who don’t

lock away your worries
ascension is near
mark soltero Sep 2020
the touch of the midnight hour
gifts me your soul
you make me feel real
all to question what is
this seems undiscovered
the thoughts of the unequivocal reality
how can it be
am I worthy
of you for you to be
present entropy
breath out our lungs
our bodies pour
bloods bursting throughout
the world sleeps
while we barter affection with each other
spent just below the ether
will thy beloved end me
if you don’t need me
mark soltero Feb 2021
it’s what’s done
that can’t be said
stupidity you can see
it’s just me
can’t tell you all the things i see
cause i don’t really know it all
i cry and lament of whats uncanny
sensibilities for unnecessary
points of grandeur
don’t help me
all they do is keep me awake
mark soltero Apr 2021
starving to lick your wounds
clean and fresh
i really love you
special and divine
it is hard to swallow
what seems to be knives
sometimes we cry
it’s casual *******
painful close and loving relief
your heart beats with mine
the pain that comes with our current residence
unprecedented times
get stronger as we age like wine
pull me with you
all i want is you with i
mark soltero Jan 2021
i tried to die a hundred times
and im still here
why can’t i leave
mark soltero Sep 2020
it’ll subside
you think that you you’ll be fine
you’ll be happy
as long as you can see the sunrise

you won’t enjoy the view
you’ll even act surprised
like you didn’t know
you won’t be back for more

no one sees the inside of you
the only things inside me
are empty thoughts, anger and wet dreams
every time it’ll be different
but it’s not
all is the same
mark soltero Dec 2020
would you love me
if you lived inside of me
because i hate it here
you’ll never see me
i used to hide
in fragments of myself
often i want to hold back
sometimes i think it’s the only way
to keep you from leaving one day

if so,
we’ll always have may
mark soltero Dec 2020
lose myself in you
i want to lose myself in you

why would i want to live in my own mind
when i fit perfectly inside you
i don’t mind leaving it behind
to satisfy and start new
mark soltero Feb 2021
let it wash us away
like the floods of the new age
**** all the mistakes
leave only perfection
all true honesties
that leave their residues of purity
right down the leg
of each other
your body cries
tears of merriment
mark soltero Dec 2021
it’s okay to be in love with the dying light
spending your evenings away from reality
things that make you forget about burning
and while the lasting memory haunts you
it’s cold embrace feels right
the just emotional whirlwind that feels pure
fuels your sense of being
time erodes away its value
but sometimes its strength transforms
i want to hold my former self
tell him that life is going to be painful
but he can be stronger
to make him understand isolation is chosen alienation is given
stagnation isn’t a confine to misery
virtuosity isn’t fulfilling
and sometimes the pawn’s value outweighs the king
and to live in the shadow of your own worth is a disgrace to one’s own constant growth
transformation strength feels right isolation self value  stagnation
mark soltero Sep 2020
let me inside your head
i want to know
what you think
as you cry
does it sting?
do your eyes see what i see?
like salt entering a wound
detoxifying the spirit
let me consume your anguish
mark soltero Apr 2021
real life fantasies
coming into your own vanity
let our bodies dance
whisper your sweet breathless love
give me that glance
to make me feel you
deeper than anyone
pull me closer
into your dark world
let me carry these feelings out of the void
i will forever be your boy
mark soltero Jun 2021
trust is something sharp to hold
for someone important
in a perfect world we'd never bleed over one another
chrome blades dig into each person
who lost grip with their loved one
in a perfect world trust would be dull
significance is in the blade
filled inside of the atoms
are the affections, promises and lust we carry
a perfect world is plastic
empty atoms
hollow and dead on the inside contain nothing
I rather take the blade than poison myself
mark soltero Oct 2021
bile splatters the wall
dreadful peace fills my veins at once
it’s all going to be okay
the worst of this is tooth decay
i can’t rely on others to know better

how can something so disgusting feel this pure
why does this burn in my throat bring me closer to perfection
tears feel valid only when they’re forced
it all feels so wrong
but i can’t let go of this control
peace can’t stay here anymore

but don’t leave me like everyone else has
i’ve given up on everything
i can’t face the world without you
tears shed just for you to stay
please lie in this filth next to me
don’t flee like the rest
there’s no other way i can cope today

the mirror leaves me unrecognizable
the reflection is a lie
you can’t let this happen
here to destroy me
the progress we’ve made
i can’t become an embarrassment once again
i brought you here to take on some of this grief

lonely times in the bathroom
the tile still feels so cold
warmth you gave feels like daggers in my stomach
like bugs trying to escape
i didn’t eat the food
it’s eating away at me
mark soltero Aug 2021
there's no kindness in my eyes
fleeting emotions of grandeur leave
my body always feels broken after i feel alive
who's that stranger looking back at me
the reflection in the mirror lies
mark soltero Sep 2020
hollow shells of what once was
remanentes of the truth
they lie within the rotting part of me
below the flies
I believe
they’re the closest thing to love I’ve seen
under the worms
below the maggots
you can see me
afraid of the sin
terrified of tomorrow
passive, frightening thoughts of bloodlust
i lie awake
put the bag over my head
to float like a balloon to heaven
no air, just He
where i can see tomorrow with no fear
it’s the ones that love me dear
that I can’t see
im blind but I can still feel
mark soltero Oct 2020
a prophet of new blood lives among us
one who can guide us through the night
the leader who’s equipped
he does not dwell on yesterday

he lives in the present
and traces of him remain in the form of a mark
keep us warm like the body of one you love
protect us from the unholy nature of the dark

the prophet resides inside me
in order to give him strength
he needs to feed on your body

let him drink
allow him to quench his thirst
with his yearning for power
you’ll always come first
mark soltero Dec 2020
what can i say
when the words die
inside the void of my own selfish mind

does the diction of my tongue
evoke an uneasy feeling within you
when i stare into the paint of this filthy room
mark soltero Jun 2021
waiting for you
distractions ensued
they took over the space you filled in me
but they rather squat here
than reside in such a desolate place
you created this space inside of me
that cannot be filled no matter what I do
I needed to find something new
something unknown
to fill the space between me and this world
when you didn't take my hand it didn't work
because regal thoughts of us killed my brain
they began as delightful dreams
just to fall asleep with you in my bed for once
you were my light and you were the sun
then everything went black
mark soltero Dec 2020
each doubt in my mind
feels like a break in the atmosphere
inexplicable apologies flood my already clouded mind
there’s a lot in this life i want
you’re more than each to me
sad eyes
****** walls
and overwhelming feelings that control me
when the night falls
new moon clearing the air
of what’s unsaid
telling you all the ways I want me dead
i want to know what eats you
the cardinal tragedies that keep us apart
all day i silently search for blueprints to your heart
too afraid to ask
i have to face my fears if i want you
mark soltero Aug 2021
look in my eyes
please don't mind me
i'm not unhappy
unaware of how the world works
i only patronize you sarcastically

please show me your skin i say
stop hiding behind silence
we will see a better day
mark soltero Sep 2020
what ***** is
the overwhelming feelings
that i cannot seem to control

chemical imbalance
i cannot seem to get a grasp on this

seeing those
the better ones
always hurts
because I’ll never see in myself
what i can in others

on occasion i may see a glimpse of careless being
never truly believing what i think

i rather show you the pain i feel
as i tear away at your veins
hollowing out your psyche
to wear your face

i can finally be beautiful
just like you
mark soltero May 2021
your skin creates peace inside me
creating wrinkles in time
i find myself constantly longing to feel you close
for us to create friction between gravity
our inertia to propel us into voids of pleasure
nothing between us is what i desire
but when you deny me
black holes devour me
crushing my guts into pulp
bleeding me with your rejection
i blend till i am nothing from what i began
mark soltero Oct 2020
the storm has passed
but the aircrafts’ echos linger
a quiet sunrise will always cleanse the weak
will your problems seep into the broken earth?
squeezing between ages of the bones
because unlike them
you were chosen
so indebted you are
and pain will sow upon your heart from now on
mark soltero Dec 2020
the world will sell you something fake
and its lies will seem real
if you want to believe

white lies are simply just the truth refracted
in order to keep us pushing
its warm embrace feels safe
but like a lying mother
its tight grip is suffocating

her warmth revealing itself
as radiation rather than devotion
activating the cancers within us
just to **** what she was meant to take care of
mark soltero Apr 2021
streamy nights here
your heart beats so fast
we sweat
it doesn't matter when it's us
so much for you
the pulse of me
life in me defined
can be felt inside from within
i can finally see clearly here together
take me when i'm with you
and come with me wherever you'll go
here we lay down in the dark
moonlight cleanses our love
what i would do for our son
mark soltero Feb 2021
easy to swallow
my shallow ego dies
at the thought of showing
the blueprints to myself
because ambiguity is my strength
alone and lonesome
he finds comfort on the cold floor
mark soltero Dec 2020
i waited for you
and it’s not fair to ask
but i’m astonished that you’ve waited too

no one seems to invest in anything
a risky bet is not for the faint of heart
years of agony have fixed that fear for me
no longer can i practice inaction
for the safe bet of sorrow
is waiting for me in bed

this morning you awoke before i did
the emptiness my bed provides me
repulsed me
and i can promise you that without you
my impulses will always have me search
for the parts of you in everything
like i did when i waited
mark soltero Apr 2021
Im in my head again
I feel sick
overtaken with tar
Time is not relative here
long and continuous
I feel ashamed
of the damage
the damage of blood spilled for wrath
misguided words
cut deep
cruelly numbing your nerves
a shock to our nervous systems
i want to cut me away for you
starve my old self
restrain his limbs
make him limp
That’s over never again
shut your eyes
please forgive
I want to see your grin
not to lose you once more
please believe the words of the *****
his honesty is Frank
But refreshing
a lashing is needed
But don’t depart again
refresh the system
mark soltero Dec 2020
second choice boys
and last choice girls
live in the realm of abandonment
they scream into the void
unrequited love and its sorrowing embrace
feel like a swan dive
the butterflies soon rot away in you
as if they regress back to caterpillars
and feast upon your insides
they grow just to consume you
to eat away at your everything
the sad truth to the friendly hugs that feel empty and cold
they will never love you
it’s best i tell you first
before you’re too old
mark soltero Sep 2020
Are you happy to be infatuated
or are you eagerly celebrating
the inevitable
decline of stability and hope?
mark soltero Nov 2020
i  am not a man
***** made at best with a lack of quality control
i cry shamefully
waiting for the day
to find that my heart has officially grown cold
like all the good boys
that receive their praise
what id give not to ask
but to only receive
just for one moment
i want to feel
what it feels like to be treated like necessity
and not a burden
i long for everything that will never be mine
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