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Sep 2024 · 398
Flo Sep 2024
I often ponder and struggle
Being decisive is hard and
I tend to freeze up
In times I need to make up my mind
I tend to lose my way

The fear and anxiety
Of a future that may not be
Of dreams that may never come true
And ambitions that end up in failure
It often leaves me paralyzed

I start to regret choices
Before they are made
And I mourn
The opportunities forever lost

Things will never change
If you choose to remain stagnant
A simple fact and
A cruel truth

Moving forward requires courage
It requires a leap of faith
And the ability to believe in yourself
Thing’s I have long since forgotten

Who could have thought
Seeking change could be this hard
I cannot stop but feel burdened
By the person I’ve become
And by the person I aspire to be
Aug 2023 · 741
Flo Aug 2023
Where to store all of my dreams?
So much desire
Yet lacking the means

Many ambitions
Yet so little time
Precarious conditions
Little chance to shine

In desire to create
Shackles bind my mind
What a truly cruel fate
The constraints of everyday life on the process of pursuing ones dreams, creativity and the urge to create.
May 2023 · 1.9k
Flo May 2023
In times I feel lost
I turn to the sky
In the darkness of night
And the silence of the early morning hour
I surrender to the cold breeze
Relentlessly tousling my hair
Covered by blankets
I wish upon the stars
Mar 2023 · 840
I felt Nothing
Flo Mar 2023
That day you took your last breath
I stood in silence
Devoid of all emotion
I felt no pain
The realization of your absence
Has left me cold
I guess grief comes in many forms.
Jun 2022 · 4.0k
Flo Jun 2022
I fell for love
For every honey-dripping word
Leaving your sweet lips

Lips red like cherries
Sweet and gentle upon touch
Taking me to the gates of paradise

I fell for your intimacy
For your fingers that run down my chest
For the warmth of your body on my own

My heartbeat jumps and raises
Stunned by a beautiful smile
Pounding against the merits of my chest

I took the bate, I called you my own
Mistaking my worth and significance
As I’m just a toy, next to your beloved
One of my older works. I hope you’ll enjoy it!
Jun 2022 · 4.0k
Flo Jun 2022
If I were to go into the void
Leaving everything behind
Will I find serenity?
Will there be peace?
Stripped of all weight
Freedom awaits
Lay me down to rest
In everlasting darkness
Once I take my final steps
Into the void
A poem from my dark poetry series.
Jun 2022 · 848
The Fall
Flo Jun 2022
I am Ikarus
And you are my sun
I was ready to fly
But you burned my wings
My dream of freedom
Melted away
The carefree love I felt
Led to my downfall
Apr 2022 · 1.9k
Flo Apr 2022
You say I’m worthless.
Let’s take a look…
Grab my left arm
And scan the barcode

Some work from my dark poetry series
Sep 2021 · 1.0k
Flo Sep 2021
On a cloudy day
The autumn leafs are falling
Time to say goodbye
Here’s to new beginnings.
Jul 2021 · 2.6k
Dear Politician
Flo Jul 2021
Dear politician,
Thanks for stopping by
And for all the cameras
You brought along
This is where my house once stood
Before it was put afloat
And washed away
By what was once a mere creek

I see you came prepared!
An umbrella, a rain jacket
And some rubber boots as well!
Your whole attire
Truly you’re one of us!

So come on board!
We’ll ship down the main road
Look at the destruction together
While you make an earnest face
So everyone will see
How truly devastated you are

You assure immediate help
Promise to tackle climate change too!
Action is what is required?
We’ve stood still for too long?
It must be...
A sudden change of mind I see!
After all your warnings:
Avoid rash decisions!
Remember there is no need to panic!
What do you mean?
Let’s change the subject?

Oh my!
What lovely rain boots you have!
I hope you did not forget
To bring a change of clothes
There is not much time. You’ll be late!
Be on your way!
To the fossil fuel committee meeting
You see,
Your lobbyist is already waiting
A cynical poem about politicians behaviour after the recent flooding in Germany
Jul 2021 · 850
Speaking Up
Flo Jul 2021
Every time you open your mouth
And those awful words
Assault my ears
Remarks about sexuality, origin and gender
The endless rambling
Endless arguments
Endless discussions
I won't take them
I won't remain silent and
I cannot refrain from pointing out
That your hate is not an opinion
Have the courage to speak up :)
Jul 2021 · 499
Emotional Art
Flo Jul 2021
If I could paint
My feelings for you
I would use blue,
For all the hardship we went through
Red, burning passion
Remember those roses I gave you in old fashion?
Green for past jealousy
The fear someone could come between you  and me
Yellow for our optimism and joy
Everything we were about to destroy
Purple for the present dread and fear
The cause of our failure ever so clear
An abstract painting it would be
All this clash of emotion don’t you agree?
Once finished I’d cover it in black
I’d destroy it and never look back
A colour symbolizing the hole
That you left within my soul
Jul 2021 · 849
Flo Jul 2021
A solitude park in the middle of the night
A time where I feel at ease
When the last people hurry their way home
I stroll about until I finally settle down
On a bench faintly illuminated
By the cold light of a distant streetlamp
The coldness of the night refreshes my mind
Comforting me, calming my nerves
I become increasingly conscious
Able to focus on my surroundings
Letting my mind and thoughts wander
As I am closing my eyes I can sense
Faded voices in the distance
The gentle breeze upon my skin
And the lingering scent of rain
Just one of those nights.
Apr 2021 · 709
Flo Apr 2021
The pursuit of individuality
Covered skin, a form of art
Special meaning hidden
Behind a colourful facade
Oct 2020 · 189
Flo Oct 2020
Such a strange construct
Determining our every life
Limited and often scarce
Yet many times wasted
Then again I contemplate
What I shall do
With all of my time
Generously handed to me
So many possibilities
All the things I could achieve
And while I overthink
I waste it all along
After months of empty pages I found the time to write again. Then again the poem gives indications of what could be the cause. I can relate well and maybe some of you can do too.
Jul 2019 · 360
First Kiss
Flo Jul 2019
She wished for me.
A subtle longing for
Emotions and proximity.
Unable to resist,
I followed her call
Throughout a mild breeze
Of a starry night.
Caught by the beauty of her eyes,
I surrendered to her presence.
Green, crossed by brown,
Like gates to another world.
I was drawn to her
By a promising glance
Of her beautiful eyes.
Lost in the very moment.
Closing in,
I felt her soft lips
Gently upon my own.
A smile on my face
And the rhythm of two beating hearts.
Held her close
For as long as I could.
A treasure meant to be kept.

But time is relentless and
calls for goodbye.
A long passionate kiss
On the doorstep
Echoes on my way home.
Engrained in my mind,
I long for more.
Aug 2018 · 672
The Mad Wall
Flo Aug 2018
I painted my wall
I covered them in parts
Until the white paint slowly disappeared
Lines of poems I wrote
Are staining my wall
Altered in their very meaning
Words that capture me
Over and over, again and again
They call it the mad wall
I call it creativity
A little describtion of the mess of words that I call my wall
Flo Jul 2018
German is a harsh language
An opinion that prevails
A strong rolled “R”
Noises, making you think
Something is stuck down your throat
Talking, in everlasting anger

Let me tell you something
Let me introduce you
To the beauty of the German language
To the words of “Wanderlust”, “Weltschmerz” or “Geborgenheit”
Many words so unique

Their meaning poetic
Using them yet so difficult
Listen to us closely and you will find out
German is not German
It comes in many forms
It varies by the region, state, country

Every form has its own character
Every accent has its own thrill
Determinable in the way it’s spoken
And sometimes hard to understand
Differences so great,
Yet compromised in a single tongue

German is not as harsh as you think
No anger lies in our tone
Nothing is stuck down our throat
And spoken by the right person
It can be quite melodic
Trying to overcome the stereotypes...
Jul 2018 · 616
Living in the Past
Flo Jul 2018
Late night thoughts
In a solitude space drenched by,
White colour; call it a room
Memories a simple solution to escape
Reality, an ordinary moment
Dreaming and wallowing in the past
Lost feelings, experienced once more
It is a troubled track to pursue
I hope you will find your way back
Everyone has moments where they are dwelling in past memories.
Jun 2018 · 681
I beg for Pardon
Flo Jun 2018
Some men make me worry
Degrading treatment towards women seems to be ok
On their behalf I would like to say sorry
This kind of bahaviour needs to stop today

As a guy it sickens me
The sheer amount of disrespect
Rating women, calling them a lousy three
Something in your head must be defect

The other day I heard a colleague say
Don't worry about their names
I'm saving them by the codes
Each letter leading me on different roads

"S" means hot, "X" is for a one time use
I was aghast, no I was shocked
In my opinion this is resembling abuse
After that further chat had to be blocked

A dark day for a believer of human dignity
No human should be reduced to an object
Fellow men, stand up when facing this immorality
This is a wrong we need to correct
I wrote this poem about half a year ago after being confronted with the above mentioned situation. I was debating whether I should publish this poem at all, as there are a lot of poems popping up especially in regard to the "me too" and "time is up" movement and I did no want to "jump on the train" so the say. However, I think it is important to stick up when facing wrongs like these no matter if this relates to women or men alike.

Cheers to the believers of human dignity!
Mar 2018 · 506
Subtle Love
Flo Mar 2018
A hasty look, a gentle smile
Another compliment, once in a while
Your sweet touch upon my skin
I enjoy your proximity, my hidden sin
Here and there not too much
How I embrace your gentle touch
Every hug  a second too long
Hidden feelings growing strong
A keeper of secrets, a loyal soul
When will we start to lose control?
Flo Mar 2018
Article 1, Purpose

1. This act is aimend at exposing the lack of solidarity inside modern society

2. It shall give an opportunity to overthink ones own morals and values

Article 2, Definitions

1. The term people shall refer to individuals regardless of their ***, age or nationality

2. Narrow minded shall comprise all comments that are based without having any experience in the concerned field of application

3. Judging shall refer to the creation of an opinion of any kind

Article 3, Scope

1. This act shall apply to all people judging others on their narrow minded and enclosed beliefs

2. This act shall apply to all people in favor of expulsion measures of refugees in need

3. This act shall comprise all people that want to isolate themselves and are in favor of closing borders

Article 4, Application

1. All people in accordance with article 2 paragraph 1, 2 and 3 shall refrain of the action of judgement and exclusion mentioned in article 3 (1) and 3 (2) without having experienced war themselves

2. All people willing to close borders in accordance with article 3 (3) in order to protect their own interest shall imagine themselves in the same stage of helplessness before acting in such a nonsensical way

Article 5, Justifications

1. The justification of a measure enshrined in article 3 paragraph 1, 2 and 3 shall not be justified on the following grounds

(a) Hatred

(b) The fear of losing benefits

(c) The false allegation of knowing what is actually going on in Syria
I wrote this poem after reading an article of a Syrian mother, who had to flee the country to prevent getting tortured and killed. She counts every day until she can get back her children, which had to be left behind with the rest of the family as money was insufficient to smuggle them, besides the danger of the journey itself. I read the comments and saw people raging and filled with hate that she left her children behind. Saying that they were disgusted seeing her. This kind of behaviour inspired me to write this (let's call it a) poem.

The fact that I am a lawyer or soon to be lawyer explains the format of my writing. I apologize to all who have difficulties reading it. Trust me it would not be the worst kind of legislation you have ever laid your eyes upon ;)

Cheers to all believers of human dignity
Mar 2018 · 555
The River flows
Flo Mar 2018
Dear great river stream
I am longing for you inside my dream
Peacefully running towards the sea
A familiar feeling of home provided to me

Nothing seems to stand in your way
A path created over time without delay
At leisurely pace you're running by
A beautiful day beneath the blue sky

Treacherous your water can be
Though I am not afraid, as you can see
Always drawn back to you
The sound of water, the pretty view

Regardless of which time or place
A river running by I always embrace
Providing stability, a glimpse of home
Making every location a part of my own
An ode to the rivers, who remind me of my hometown...
Feb 2018 · 714
Flo Feb 2018
I am caught
By a net of promising words
Lured in by your luminous character
Convinced by your hollow smile

Your affection like venom
Numbing my senses of right and wrong
Unexpected actions
Turned my world upside down

You've done well...
I've been infected...

Now let me cure these feelings
Sometimes certain persons just catch you off guard and feelings emerge, where no feelings are wanted.
Oct 2017 · 614
Lets not lose ourselves
Flo Oct 2017
If I would have surrendered myself
To your lingering presence
We would have lost
The morals we promised to adhere
Our passion we thought to never run dry

I needed to let you down
In order to save
Whatever is left of
Bittersweet Irony...
Sep 2017 · 750
A word was enough
Flo Sep 2017
Two people,  a similar heart
Close in mind yet far apart

Many times I had my doubt
But the feelings you planted never got out

Subtle longing over time
Madness infests this body of mine

A word was enough to shake it all
How deep this time, will I have to fall?

You do not want to be alone
Late at night when you come home

I ask you where this is leading to?
As you respond "I hope it's you"
Sometimes it takes just one word to turn your world upside down.
Flo May 2017
Shared words
Succumbing significance
Among thousands of lines
Was it worth the effort?
A question that arises from time to time and everyone has to answer themselves.
May 2017 · 1.8k
Broken Love
Flo May 2017
A functioning body
Sealing a hollow soul
Apathy created
Emotions she stole

Time to reveal
That memories gone lost
Bygone passion
Eluded at all cost

Lack of space
Aggrieving the heart
The condition demands
A solution apart
Signs of fading love...
Nov 2016 · 1.1k
perfection, noun
Flo Nov 2016
Life is difficult, life at times can be hard
Everyone is capable of having a rough start
Do not give up, slow your pace
Do not put your life to waste
One day will be yours to shine
Look at the puffin, taking one step at the time
Trying to write poems to encourage others and myself. If you can think of a puffin waddeling one step at the time it will definitely lighten up your day. Enjoy!
Aug 2016 · 2.6k
Flo Aug 2016
Each poem tells a story
Containing truthful experiences
Gathered over various stages of life

Happy poems, sad poems, odd poems
Reflecting the personality of a poet
Exposing flighty thoughts
Caught and trapped in lines

Poetry means diversity
There can't be wrong nor right
And ain't that the magnificence
After quite a pause I am back writing. I think the poem is selfexplaining, please enjoy!
Jul 2016 · 1.4k
Flo Jul 2016
A young man
Uncertain of his talents
Seeking glory in former poems
Scared of failing his own expectations

The hardest critics, given by himself
Afraid of lacking quality in midst spotlight
He can't meet up to his former pieces
New poems remain unpublished

Detaining him from creation
Letters remain unaligned clusters
Wasted potential all along

If only he was more confident
To search that spotlight once again
Maybe he could be an impact at last
Influencing other poets
Jun 2016 · 1.7k
Write with purpose
Flo Jun 2016
"Write with purpose"
Strong words on the cover of my notebook
Staring at me with high expectations
Great Poems, beautifully written
Yet useless without a message

"Write with purpose"
A notebook given by a friend
To encourage myself
To provide guidance
Throughout my journey of words

"Write with purpose"
What is the purpose of my work?
If we're unable to make people think
About our humble lines
What would be the significance
Does poetry need a purpose? A reason to make people think or is it purpose enough to enjoy a good poem. Just a couple thoughts
Jun 2016 · 1.4k
Flo Jun 2016
Sometimes I feel like eating some food...
But then I remember
Society doesn't want me to be fat

Sometimes I feel sad...
But then I remember
People rather see me smiling

I rather live life daringly...
But then I remember
I am expected to act responsible

I'd love to pursue my dreams...
And then I remember
Judgement should not determine my actions
Jun 2016 · 2.1k
Flo Jun 2016
Running away
An eternal struggle
Fighting against suppressed feelings
Feeling displaced
Located in a world of my own
A world so strange...
I don't belong here...

I'm just a misfit
Branded by society
Trapped by my own peculiarity
Free to imagination...
May 2016 · 1.4k
Flo May 2016
T** rying to spread the word
W hich remains to be untold
T rying to reach out
W ithout knowing a single soul
T rying to stand my ground
W hen nothing is beneath my feet
I guess you could say I'm quite ambitious...
May 2016 · 779
Moments of Poetry
Flo May 2016
She has to be in the mood for poetry
Seeking comfort in the
Soothing melody of written words
Only reading in times of solitude
Where shed tears remain invisible

He needs to be in the mood for poetry
Hidden words inside his heart
Hoping to find fulfillment in his lines
Ongoing pain that has to be told
The ink stains left on his bare hands

We have to be in the mood for poetry
When solitude threatens to crush our heart
When pain needs to be expressed in lines
Over various boundaries of life
Poetry is a way to express ourselves
Apr 2016 · 919
Sudden Tears
Flo Apr 2016
A** face of joy
A smile that makes you laugh
A nd every once in a while
A lonely tear running
Pretty self explaining. Just know that it is ok to not laugh once in a while.
Apr 2016 · 1.5k
Back to Basic
Flo Apr 2016
Thinking about the first poems I wrote
Taking my notebook, on a sunny day
A solitude park
Located in a small town Illinois

Feeling the sun on my back
As I scribble the words for a new poem
The melody of birds singing
A small breeze upon my face

Back in the days
Where I was writing for myself
Where I was the only one reading
The visualization of my own thoughts

Poetry is unique
Everyone imagines words a different way
Never let anyone define your skills
Write out your heart, poetry is made for you
Meant for those, who might be to anxious to share their work. Who are self-critical. Poetry is meant for anyone. Who has the right to say what poetry is and what isn't. Take a brief moment and go back to basic and see how everything started. Be bold believe in your skills and keep on writing.
Apr 2016 · 816
Flo Apr 2016
Like the songs on the radio
My life became very drab
I am trapped, caged in stability
The unexpected went missing

How I wish the old times back
Excitement, Adventures
No responsibilities tying me down
And every day a new song on the radio
Stability is necessary, security is good
but aren't those the reason we're detaining
ourselves from living life to the fullest?
Apr 2016 · 827
Indicator of Happiness
Flo Apr 2016
I am happy, I am quite sure
But every time I want to try
Expressing my happiness
Inside a poems lines
I'm left behind with a sad poem I wrote

Poetry is an Indicator
Reaching deep inside my mind
Revealing, showing me...
I may not be as happy as I thought
Apr 2016 · 1.7k
Precious Time
Flo Apr 2016
Sometimes I wished we had stopped
And taken the time
We never thought
We even had to begin with
I guess some things can only be learned the hard way...
Mar 2016 · 3.8k
Flo Mar 2016
Short, direct, clear
Elegant in it's plainness
Modest in it's tones

I'm a simple guy
But see it's no bad thing
Because simplicity
Is a beauty of it's own
Meant for those, that feel dull or get criticized of being too simple or writing poems that are too simple. Without further explaining I think everyone gets the message. Thanks for reading have a great day!
Mar 2016 · 1.3k
Wintertime (6w)
Flo Mar 2016
Grey in grey, streaked with snow
Living in a big city there is not much nature left. Grey buildings, grey roads, grey sky...
Streaked with snow.
Mar 2016 · 1.4k
Dear Night...
Flo Mar 2016
Dear night,
my old friend
In need of your serenity
I sit here staring at my hand

I need new words
I'm out of lines
Too much emotions
Struggling times

A great companion
Standing by my side
A secure feeling
Is what you provide

We've been writing poems
Together, from the start
Please don't fail me
Help me create another piece of art
I write poems in the middle of the night, so it is my loyal and taciturn companion. But it never fails to provide the enviroment most comfortable for writing poetry.
Flo Feb 2016
Hin und her in meinem Kopf
Verworrene Gefühle überall
Emotionales Chaos trifft es sehr
Warum ist Liebe gar so schwer?

Woran erkennt man Liebe?
Was ist gar ihr Sinn?
Wenn ich bei dir bliebe
Schmelze ich dahin?

Bin ich dir verfallen?
Oder spielt mein Herz mir einen Streich?
Unzählige Stimmen schallen
Meine Knie werden weich

Unzählige Male hab ich mich verliebt
Doch erlebte ich die Liebe nur zu selten
Kann ich mir sicher sein was mich umgiebt?
Oder schwebt mein Herz in and'ren Welten?
Mein erster Versuch Gedichte in deutscher Sprache zu verfassen...
Feb 2016 · 905
Indecisiveness (10W)
Flo Feb 2016
Forcing my heart to a decision that benefits us both..
Decisions have to be made. As complicated as they may be we still try to make the best out of them...
Feb 2016 · 754
Casual Rant
Flo Feb 2016
You have so much potential
To make this world a better place
But why look at those poor faces
Them poor human beings on the news
When you can gaze at your own
Taking selfies, go on twitter and so on
Show them pictures
Of your lunch, dinner and desert
Better make a diet throw up some more food
Who cares if others are starving
As long as your make up/ hair is perfect
Why worry about important things
Yeah you got your priorities straight
Such a waste of potential...
I do not want to offend anyone. But sometimes it is the best way to gain attention to many nuisances going on around us. Everyone has the potential to do great things. Not many use it. I could go on with my rant but I think you get the message. Think big and help make this world a better place.
Feb 2016 · 451
Flo Feb 2016
Laying still
Thinking about a way to catch some sleep
And maybe that's the problem
Don't start thinking when you try to catch some sleep!
Feb 2016 · 627
Fragile Heart
Flo Feb 2016
When a heart shatters
And you glue it back together
Piece by piece
It will never be the same
No matter how hard you try
Visible cracks are left behind
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