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3.9k · Nov 2018
brown eyes
cassie marie Nov 2018
he once told me
"you're eyes are gorgeous"
but i didn't believe you
i thought
"how could he love my brown eyes"
how could he love something so ugly

he told me
they were captivating
he could get lost in them
he could stare at them all day and never get tired of them
he pointed out all the colors they were in the sunlight
he pointed out how my eyes weren't just brown
they were green
and blue
and yellow
and brown.
he told me that he could lose himself in my eyes

i guess he lost himself so bad
that he left me
maybe i left him
to this day
i've learned to love my eyes.
my ex actually told me this, kinda made me cry writing this but oh well
cassie marie Nov 2018
there once was a girl
she wasn't as she seemed
she was kind, sweet, superbly smart and had a massive sweet tooth

There was a boy
he was exactly as he seemed
polar opposite of the girl
rude, failing grades, hated sweets in all forms

but they came together one day
it was like the stars aligned for them
it was a sudden connection
he was sweet to her
and she was amazing to him

he wanted to know everything about her
he wanted to feel the form of her body
he wanted to be in her mind
he wanted to know how a heart,
so broken and crushed
could still love

she wanted to know how someone
as amazing, sweet, and beautiful as he,
could love a broken girl like her.
she wasn't like other girls
she learned from the pain
she learned to never let it bug you
she has only told her story once
about all the madness behind the beauty

they finally got together
oh what a pair they were

the human body has 2 ears
2 eyes
and 2 lips
and 1 heart
she believed it was because the heart was independent
he believed it was because we were meant to find the other half

she broke him
the firey eyes he once had
were now burned out.
she said it was because she lost feelings
but you see the thing is
if you truly love someone,
how do you just stop loving them?

how do you wake up one day and decide you are no longer in love?
how do you leave the person who has been there for you
he never understood why she left him
he thought she was a flame
a flame to join his flaming heart

but what he didn't know
was that she was the bucket of water
to put out his burning heart.
also plot twist lol
2.0k · Oct 2018
cassie marie Oct 2018
I can't do this
The constant reminder of you
The constant shame I walk around with
No one helped me
I cried for hours
I waited months before telling
My father blames me
My mother wants it to go away
My school made excuses
"You'll ruin his future"
"It happened in the past"
But where do I stand
Where do my values come into play
It happened to me too
I'm here to stand
Stand for all the survivors
All the ones who can't speak their truth
All the ones who are too ashamed
I stand for you.
unfortunately, this is based on an event that actually happened to me during my freshman year, so I stand for you
1.6k · Oct 2017
cassie marie Oct 2017
"If he hurt you, why are you still thinking about him?"
Because I put time and effort into that boy
I wanted to make him a husband
I didn't know he was gonna hurt me
I didn't know how it was gonna end
How I was gonna get a rude awakening
I didn't know
And can you really blame me for that?
I think about it
How do you fall out of love?
I don't know what to title this but here you go for your deep poetry needs
1.5k · Oct 2017
cassie marie Oct 2017
The way he laughs
The way he remains calm in tough situations
The way he holds me when I'm scared
The way he looks at me like I'm the only one in the room
The way he talks to me like he never wants to leave
This was a small reality.
A reality I had for a year
Then it happened
Whatever we had was gone
Like the autumn leaves
It disappeared
Our love was over
The fire we started burned out
It was gone
We didn't have the spark like the sparklers on the fourth of July
We didn't have it anymore
It was gone
It was all I could think about
This is abt a long term relationship ending oops
948 · Nov 2018
cassie marie Nov 2018
what’s worse?
loosing your love to death
loosing you love to loss of love?

i like to believe it is death
the thought of knowing they won’t be giving their all to someone else
knowing that you are truly the last person that made them happy

loosing someone to loss of love could possibly be the worst thing a heart could go through
knowing someone else will get all the love you once had and quite possibly more

i know death is inevitable
death doesn’t stop because you aren’t ready
but it doesn’t settle with me
yet, i’d rather my love be dead rather than dead to me
if i had to lose you at all.
this makes no SENSE AT ALL IM SO ******* SORRY
918 · Oct 2018
cassie marie Oct 2018
your name
your existence
your spirit
your past
your present
your future
your thoughts
your dreams
your everything
its you.
so i have caught the dreadful feelings:))
684 · Oct 2017
I'm Sorry
cassie marie Oct 2017
I'm sorry I fell in love with you
I didn't ask to
I didn't ask to enjoy our random conversations at two in the morning
I didn't want to love hearing your voice at school
I want the scent of your cologne fill my nose while I sleep
I didn't want your hand to feel like a glove when it met mine
I didn't ask for this
I didn't ask to be hurt by you
I'm sorry I fell in love with you.
So I am a high school freshman and its mid terms which means I'm going to be studying for finals soon and thats means I won't be able to write as much which ***** but on the weekends ill probably write a lot and save drafts so have a good day y'all
632 · Jan 2018
cassie marie Jan 2018
we were like a sunset
we were shining bright
good in the beginning,
but all good things end in darkness
do y'all get the metaphor in there?
616 · Nov 2018
needed you
cassie marie Nov 2018
you were everything i thought i needed
you were the one person who truly made me happy
but you laughed at me
and ******* took my stability
you abused your power over me
you knew i was in love with you
you knew i needed you.
i’m here for all of y’all, you know this.
602 · Nov 2018
cassie marie Nov 2018
nine months
i cared for you
missing classes for appointments
the shame of having to tell my parents
the constant reminder that i have to do this alone

but with pain
comes beauty
knowing that i will be young
ill get to spend a long time with you
it's me and you till the end.

i had to learn to care for you and myself.
without that one word.
with four letters.
and one syllable.
would i know,
how to be a mother.
this is dedicated to my mother because why the hell not.
cassie marie Sep 2019
There are seven stages of grief
The first being denial
We deny that we are here
In this hell on Earth
We deny that some of our family members have been taken into the hands of death
We deny that we went through what we went through
In hopes that we will forget it ever happened
The second is the pain
The pain comes when it finally hits
Your family is dead
You will never be that same happy kid as you once were
The happy-go-lucky kid you were before the camps
The realization that your body will never work the same way
The next is anger
The frustration you have been holding back
Not at the Nazis or the Germans
You are frustrated at yourself
You are mad at yourself for being in that situation
You do not know why you are mad at yourself
But you refuse to place the blame anywhere else
The next stage is depression
The hole in your heart where your happiness used to lain
The realization that you are now by yourself and there is no one who will understand you anymore
No one will speak the language that us survivors speak
No matter how good of a therapist you are
It is a foreign language only select few speak
There is another stage we went through
The upward turns
The realization that you will be ok
You realize that you do not need your family to be ok
You do not need anyone who survived with you
You only need yourself
And that is all you have
There is another stage
This being particularly the hardest
It is working in an everyday life
With your new setbacks and PTSD
The new you starts to work properly
There is one more stage
It is acceptance
You finally accept what happened
You accept the fact that everything that you went through
Is not fiction
It is real life
You accept the fact that we went through inhumane treatments and tortures
And we accept all of it
We realize and accept that we were almost all killed off
Weather by sickness or ******
We accept we were the lucky ones
And never look back
I wrote this for a school assignment last year, and now it's being submitted into scholarship contests:)
540 · Nov 2018
In the A.M
cassie marie Nov 2018
it's 12 am
everything is ok
the blaring of music from the parties
all the drinkers start to head home
all the loners are out at this time
wondering what would happen if they died
thinking "who would really miss me?"

It's 1 am
things are starting to kick in
the night is starting to settle down
some people are either having the times of their lives
or wondering what purpose they truly have in life
some are crying
some are laughing
some don't know what to feel.

It's 2 am
nothing is ok anymore
all the party animals have taken it down a notch
no one is out on the streets anymore
most are watching movies with their friends
others are sitting in one place,
wondering who would really miss them?
who would actually care if the died?

It's 3 am
everything has gone to ****.
you're staring at the bottle of pills
you set your razors out
you fill the tub with scalding hot water
you start to write the letters
tears stain the fragile paper as you sign them

It's 4 am
the sounds of birds chirping stopped you
it made you realize something
pain is just another reminder that you are alive
pain is a thing that makes you remember something,
you are human and you can get through this.
everyone goes through hurt
but everyday, people still carry on.

It's 5 am.
the sounds of cars driving helps you be happy
it reminds you to appreciate that you are alive
it helps drown out the voices
the voices telling you to ******* die.

It's 6 am.
the day breaks
and everything is ok again
it's a new day to start over.
look i am always here to talk and help out as best i can if you are going through something.i myself battle depression, anxiety, and ADD. and it ******* *****. but i am here for you.
534 · Oct 2017
Social Media
cassie marie Oct 2017
Because of social media I've learned I am not good enough

Because of social media I've learned my best isn't truly my best

Because of social media I've learned that if I don't look a certain way, I will be shamed

Because of social media I feel obligated to wear makeup

Because of social media I've learned to hate myself
No girl or boy should have to hate them selves because of the double standards we have today. Everyone should feel the way they wanna feel, and they can look how ever they want.
531 · Oct 2017
cassie marie Oct 2017
When I say his name I know what you feel
Like a kaleidoscope of butterflies just erupted in your stomach
The thought of him makes you wanna do flips all around
But you know you can't have him
You know he's not into you
You know he's into someone else
You know you'll never been good enough
But babygirl you just can't get over him can you
You're addicted to all his cologne
You're addicted to the way he talks to you
But he talks to you about the other girls
The girls you will never be
Babygirl trust me he will soon realize how great you are
But for now
You can't get over the way he bites his lip
It helps him focus
You can't get over the way he puts so much effort into his hair
It looks better than yours
You can't get over how blind he is
You almost tell him straight up you like him
But you know he'd just laugh in your face
You just want him to call you his baby girl
But dear theres a reason why they are called crushes
Because the crush your heart when they don't like you back.
I wrote this about my crush and honestly I'm proud of it. I just can't get over anything about him, and I know I'm just not good enough and I have to accept that
516 · Oct 2017
cassie marie Oct 2017
I could say I want to die
And have everyone who claims to be my friend try to help me
I could say I don't want to live anymore
And everyone would try to give me reasons not to give up
But have you thought about this
The reasons you say I should stay alive for
Are the reason why I wanna die.

They say that they would miss you too much
But after that they never hit you up
They say that they wouldn't be able to live with themselves
But little do they know, they're the reasons I don't wanna live
Ive just been feeling down lately idk
cassie marie Jan 2019
i never thought i could fall this hard. i never once in a million years ever thought someone could actually love me back. but you my dear, oh you showed me just that. you showed me that i was lovable, i was wanted and i wasn’t worthless. i remember the first time you met my parents. they had a front on, but later that night you were holding me whilst i was hysterically crying because my parents are breaking their teeth on liquor bottles and having their monsters come out and have a fight. you showed me that you weren’t ever going to leave my side. i remember when i thought about all the possibilities of you just playing a trick on me, then you pointed out every single little thing you liked. i remember all of our stupid little arguments, it painfully reminds me of my relationship with my sister. except the one big difference; you didn’t leave me on my worst days. some people don’t believe in love, but if that’s the case, than what exactly did we have? because that was all love. i believe that the human mind can thrive without feeling every emotion, including love. i think when we don’t feel love, we shut down. i remember the first time we met each other’s friends. your friends took me in as a little sister the second they met me. and my friends made sure you knew what would happen if you broke my heart. i remember our biggest fight. an old friend was getting a little touchy, and you beat the **** out of him. i remember i wouldn’t talk to you for a few days because i needed to calm down about it. but you didn’t get mad at me, in fact you still texted me good morning and good night every single day. we had our ups and our downs. but i guess some girl who you had met and been friends with for 1 month can make you feel happier than someone you’ve been with for 2 years. i remember you looking me dead in the eye and telling me there was someone else. i don’t think i ever could hate you for putting me through this pain. all i have for you is love, and i may have accepted that we are done, but my heart still aches for you to kiss me at 12 am every single day because you wanted to be the first thing that made me smile every day. i remember the aftermath of our breakup, your friends still treat me like their little sister you know? they still defend me in every way and make sure i’m not doing anything stupid. i ask them about you every once in a while. but i just want you to know; we were in love, but i hope you’re happier with her.
hey so yea it’s been a while but i’m in a new relationship ! so ig that’s cool. i made a new instagram account for all of my poems and excerpts that i write. it’s @cassiemariepoems , check it out if you want.
cassie marie Oct 2017
He loves me
How caring I am for him
He loves me not
How I'm addicted to his lips
He loves me
How I don't separate him and his friends
He loves me not
I'm not as hot as his ex
He loves me
Because I am not his ex
He loves me not
The way I get angry when he does something dumb
He loves me
Because I'm truly down for him
Jesus I have no clue what this is about but ya know I'm gonna roll wit it
454 · Oct 2017
Girl in the Corner
cassie marie Oct 2017
Dear the silenced girl in the corner
I know you're in pain watching all these pretty girls
I know you wanna look like them
Dear the silenced girl in the corner
I know you starve and strive to be like those cheerleaders
Take it from me dear it isn't worth it
Dear the silenced girl in the corner
You're fading away in the hospital, waiting to get those girls approval
Dear the silenced girl in the corner
You have my approval.
This one is from deep down in my heart. Ive had similar experiences like this and this just came out and flowed
446 · Oct 2017
Mental Disorders
cassie marie Oct 2017
My depression is like a far away friend who showed up
And you didn't want them to show up

My anxiety is like when you had to get on stage as a kid and perform
Except I never get over the nervousness

My ADD is like when you would stare out the window for a test
But I can not stop looking at the window

My Bipolar disorder is like a rollercoaster
Except I never get off of the ride

My paranoia is like when you used to think someone didn't like you
Except I think everyone I know and love doesn't like me

My insomnia is like when you would pull all nighters
But I pull them everyday

My mental disorders are not what defines me
Its what you do in my daily life that triggers them and then they take over like when an emperor takes over his empire
Or when the president takes over his country
This is about my mental disorders in hopes you understand what I go through everyday
437 · Oct 2017
Brighter Days
cassie marie Oct 2017
I've seen brighter days man and I just don't know what to do I've been left all alone with my thoughts and these days I don't even know how to talk so I'll cover my mouth and sit in silence and hope and pray that someone will finally understand I don't know how to talk to anyone and that I can't be alone anymore
430 · Dec 2017
cassie marie Dec 2017
Yes, I may be single
I may not be talking
I may not like anyone

But in all honesty,
Girls and boys like me,
We give the best relationship advice
Why? You may ask,
Because it's what we wish we could've done in previous relationships
Honestly I'm 10/10 feeling this comeback, totally neglected this account for a while and its mostly because with my life right now I'm going through many changes and finals were two weeks from yesterday and I'm stressing so sorry guys
423 · Oct 2017
Time heals
cassie marie Oct 2017
You wanna know whats bad
I can't even say your name without thinking about the fun we had
I can't say it without missing you
I can't say it without thinking of your new girl
I can't even think about how happy you were with me
I can't stop thinking about what I did wrong

But you know whats even better
I can say your name
I can think about everything we did without getting sad
I can answer questions about us now
I can say all the things we did and not get sad
I can be the girl my new boy wants

Our relationship didn't leave me depressed and upset
It gave me the time to heal
And time heals my darling
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa here we go again
414 · Nov 2018
without me
cassie marie Nov 2018
you once told me something
you told me that you were so intrigued by me
you took my intimidating personality
and turned it into a mystery to figure me out
but you see
i was always one step ahead of you
you couldn't figure me out
i made it so i was opaque

you hated that
you did everything in your power to make me trust you
but darling
you didn't reciprocate the trust
for days you left me on edge

but you told me something
you wouldn't have been able to see color without me
so if that's the case darling
do you miss the blue, red and yellow?
or was your plan to always return to black and white?
"color" is essentially the beauty within things
413 · Dec 2017
cassie marie Dec 2017
non, nous ne sommes pas parfaits
mais nous essayons
et la chose est du miel
nous continuons à chercher la définition de parfait

ce qui est parfait
Hi so I know this is in French but I really love the French language I think it is a beautiful language and ugh but heres the translation
"no, we are not perfect, but we try, and the thing is darling, we keep looking for the definition of perfect, what is perfect?"
413 · Oct 2017
In this Place we call Home
cassie marie Oct 2017
In this place we call home I swear none of us have the right morals to look up to and we’re all on social media wishing for acceptance in the for of likes and followers and views and friends on snapchat. In this place we call home were banning people from their dreams and are taken away from their families and are laughed at because of their color on the outside and not by the inside on the space of their hearts and is separated by who they pray to and how they celebrate their life. In this place we call home, we all have messed up minds.
the words just kinda flowed out of me and this is what happened
390 · Oct 2017
Love Hurts
cassie marie Oct 2017
Don't get it twisted
Happily ever afters only happens in the stories
My reality is laying on the floor in aching pain after he comes home
My reality is brutal hits and kicks and screaming in agony
The reality is, love hurts.
This one is about domestic violence and how for some people, happily ever afters are just in the books
390 · Oct 2017
cassie marie Oct 2017
I sit in silence.
As the rain drizzles down my windows
I graze upon the last memories of happiness
Remembering how happy I used to be with him
I remember all the random things we would say to each other
How he would come during times like these and hold me
How he would coo that everything was alright
Now my heart is gone
He took it with him to his new girl
His new girl reminds me of him
Happy, bubbly and fun to be around
Her laughter spreads like wild fire
She has a big and gorgeous smile on that pretty little face
She's so down to earth
She's unlike me
And I guess its for the best
I may not want this
But I want you happy
But I don't make you happy
I don't even know where that came from
cassie marie Nov 2018
would you miss me?
the thought that you won't ever see me at school
except it will be permanent
not temporary

how would you feel
if you knew that your words caused a parent so much pain
finding their daughter on the floor
pills and letters in hand

how would you live
with the thought of knowing
a girl so sweet and so innocent
took her own life because of your words
she thought she was worthless
but the human life is so precious
and you made her throw it away

how would you feel
when the school finally announces it
and you see her best friend
falling on her knees
you know she was never the same after that
she never was able to gain back the light in her eyes
her face is still tear stained to this day
she still holds the letter the girl wrote to her in her back pocket
of the jeans they both loved
she still blames herself

her family still has a hole
at the dinning room table where she would always beg to sit
they couldn't even have her favorite meal for a year
they still haven't cleaned out her room
her little brother has been acting out
her mother breaks her teeth on ***** bottles
and her father is angry
angry at himself
and angry at everyone else

how could you know right
that maybe a joke to you wasn't taken so lightly to her
that the things you called her
she held on to them deeply
whilst you don't even remember them

how are your parents going to feel
when they find out there's a police investigation
on their kids
for taking an innocent life
from their words
and their actions

think about this
the next time you call someone a *******
remember you might be in this position one day
hi don't be a ******* thanks
365 · Oct 2017
Girls like me
cassie marie Oct 2017
Heres to the girls like me
Who have three different moods
Who love makeup and doing their hair for fun
Who love sports and wrestling
Who care about their grades and their future
Who also have mental breakdowns about little things
Who have anxiety about everything
Who can't get up and do a presentation to save their life
357 · Nov 2018
remember me.
cassie marie Nov 2018
i want you to remember me.
I want to be known as the girl who lit the fire in your cold, cold, cold heart.
I want to be remembered as the girl who was so care free and happy-go-lucky.
I want to be remembered as the one who showed you what it was like to truly be in love with someone.
I want to be the girl who helped you remember what it was like to enjoy and learn to love the stupid things.
Like walking in the rain, or watching the same movie over and over again just to keep feeling certain emotions, or how i helped you learn how to write strong, meaningful poetry.
I want to be the reason that you do certain things, like write your emotions out, or read certain books again, or listen to new artists and songs because i love them.
i want to be the reason you fall in love again.
so i broke up with my boyfriend lol
353 · Oct 2017
cassie marie Oct 2017
I want him
I also wanna get over him
Neither is happening and I need to accept that
I  wanna accept the fact that you've moved on
But I haven't and for some reason I think you might come back
I know you won't
Im gonna keep wishing and wishing
I don't even know
341 · Oct 2017
cassie marie Oct 2017
My depression is like when you get invited to a party, but you don't wanna go but you know you should go
My depression is like when you try to get out of bed, but you just can't
My depression is like that aching pain in your chest when you feel bad for blowing someone off, but you can't help it
My depression is like that distant old friend who showed up to the party without an invite
My depression keeps me from doing the things I love most
this is my first one so if it is not that great, I'll try and get better with feedback helping me grow
337 · Nov 2018
cassie marie Nov 2018
truth is i didn't want to accept it
you told me i was the love of your life
you planned a future with me
you told me you were never going to leave me
but i guess it got to be too much
my constant worrisome behavior
my constant need to help you and protect you
my hovering when you're upset
my parent-like actions
my stubbornness
the alluring fact that i loved you so ******* much
but you broke my heart
you knew you could hurt me
you knew you could tear my world apart piece by piece
but somehow that didn't stop you
i don't hate you,
as a matter of fact i don't think i could ever hate you
but i refuse to allow myself to love you like i once did
reality is,
we wasted 2 years on a love that wasn't meant to be
and that's ok
we're both one heartbreak closer to our soulmates now
wow i don't know where half of this comes from sometimes honestly
332 · Oct 2017
cassie marie Oct 2017
I love the way you lie
The poison that drips from your lips and keeps me wanting more
The way you lie is like a bee trying to find honey
I'm addicted to it
It's like a drug that I know messes me up every time
But I can't stop hitting it
The way you lie when you tell me you love me
Is the reason why I keep falling

Your scent keeps me from leaving you
The way I smell it as I drift away into sleep
Your scent fills my brain like the drugs of your words
It's like ***** to me
And I'm an alcoholic

You body keeps me grounded
The way your physique is next to me
All the cracks and crevasses of your face
The way you push me around with your muscles

But you are not good for me
And at some point I will leave you
But for now
Keep lying to me and saying you love me
Keep filling up my senses with your scent
Keep pushing me around and harming me
It's like poison
And I'm trying to die
But I had to get it out of me
hes not good for me
but I still love him
but I will move on soon
331 · Oct 2017
cassie marie Oct 2017
I know a place where the roses all grow
Even through winter they still survive
I know a place where the roses all grow
Even when we pick them they still come back
I know a place where the roses all grow
This poem is about how you can make it through hard times. You're not alone. You will find your rosebush one day too.
323 · Oct 2017
cassie marie Oct 2017
The madness in her eyes drew me

It told me she's been through hell and back

And survived
This one is actually about my life and how people say that in the sunlight my eyes are I guess piercing so yeaaaa
308 · Nov 2018
cassie marie Nov 2018
even after i left that hell
do i still remember everything so vividly
the ****** assault
the ****** harassment

the constant torment
the ransom texts telling me to die
the people whispering in the halls
about what your wearing, and why you're doing what you're doing

why do i still remember the faces and names
every single person that made this earth hell
i don't want to remember you

i want to move on
i'm trying to move on
i want to forget everything

but i just can't.
304 · Oct 2017
In this age of Love
cassie marie Oct 2017
In this age of love it's no coming up to the door to meet the parents.
It's a simple text saying you are there.
In this age of love it's no real relationships.
It's we're just talking
In this age of love, cheating and betraying is a normal thing
Instead of just staying loyal.
In this age of love.
There is no hope.
I don't know why I decided to write this, but I did and it happened you are welcome. I'm supposed to be doing homework but oh well. Lol have a nice day~Silence
290 · Nov 2018
cassie marie Nov 2018
you know when you strike a match?
you have to go quickly to light it
if you go too slow, it won’t light
but once you light it,
if you wave it around to quickly
it burns out
but if you wave it slowly
it stays lit
basically this is saying you can’t move to fast or feelings will burn out.
289 · Oct 2017
cassie marie Oct 2017
I wanna tell you how I feel
How silenced I am when your physique is present
How easily the words slide out of your mouth when you speak
How your scent fills me up and brings me to life
How perfect your teeth are
How you put me in a daze when you cross my mind
How it's never a dull moment when you're with me
I feel a millions of butterflies when you're with me
You're perfection
And I am not.
I wrote this about my new crush and wows
264 · Oct 2018
cassie marie Oct 2018
this isn't how it was supposed to end
i wanted you
i wanted everything you had to offer
i wanted your lust and affection
i wanted your love and touch
i wanted it all
but you broke my ******* heart
and i'm the one saying i'm ******* sorry
that shouldn't be me in that place
that shouldn't be me in that place ever
i shouldn't ******* tell you i'm sorry
you ******* me over
for 9 ******* months
i believed it was you
we were on fire
we were a blazing storm
we made everyone else jealous
we had it all
why did you ******* leave me
i didn't ******* deserve it.
oops oops
235 · Oct 2018
cassie marie Oct 2018
the feeling consumes you
brings you into a place
its a place you can't escape easily
the monsters of your childhood
the monsters of your breathing,
talking demons
they consume your mind with bad thoughts
they don't let you off free
you pay a price
and that price
is depression.
oh boy
231 · Nov 2018
cassie marie Nov 2018
where were you?
i looked everywhere for you
when i was in the hospital
waiting for you to show me you cared
where were you?
when i was hiding away from my parents demons
you know, the ones that make them split
where were you?
when i was going through my worst days
when my depression made it impossible to even move a finger

but that was in the past
it doesn't matter where you were before you met me
weather it was with her, or your own demons
the black and white dreams we both had of just ending it all
i'm glad you're here now
i now know what it feels like for someone to care
please, don't make me wonder where you are ever again.
i have depression, it's not a lie and i am very open about it. but i just recently got into a relationship and this poem is about him and stuff so yeaaaaaaa
214 · Nov 2017
I'm Sorry
cassie marie Nov 2017
Hi so this isn't a poem, but I will have some out soon. I've been extremely busy and I just got home from vacation, but you will hear from me soon with some new content.
207 · Nov 2018
cassie marie Nov 2018
in that moment
as we were laying down on the couch
you touched my waist
you grazed my arms

in the movies they glorify feeling something
something like butterflies
or erupting fireworks
or this tingly feeling

but no matter how hard i tried
i just couldn't feel anything
i wanted to so bad

so ******* bad.
its hard telling someone you felt nothing. i had to do it recently.
205 · Nov 2018
cassie marie Nov 2018
you’re a cigarette
people use you for a temporary fix
they use you when they’re bored
a time filler
something to put between their teeth
then they step on you when they’re all done

but sweetheart
i’m a drug
i’ll make you an addict
you’ll love how i make you feel
you’ll love how i take the pain away
you’ll love how i’m dangerous
the rush i’ll make you feel
i’ll make you die for me.
hahahahahaha i’m back
199 · Nov 2018
cassie marie Nov 2018
i love you
don’t ever say i don’t
because it’s when i heard the poundings and screaming and shattering glass windows when i was 12
it’s the constant reminder that you’re the reason your parents aren’t in love anymore, that all their problems came from you. i was 13
when i was 14 i finally watched him walk out the door, i watched my mother fall to her knees. she balled for 3 days straight. now she’s killing herself with cigarettes and liquor.
at 15 i realized that i matured way faster than i was supposed to. i also realized my sister had been taking my antidepressants to shut the bullies out at school. i never knew that someone could be so hurt.
it was at 16 that you finally came into my life. showed me what love is. and that what i grew up with wasn’t normal, all the mental and physical scars that i had to tell you about, but you didn’t leave. infact, you were the reason the nightmares stopped.
flash forward to 23, we got our life planned together. we are a match, that has yet to burn out. you promised me something once, you promised me that we wouldn’t be like my parents. and you’ve held that promise for 8 years. i can’t thank you enough.
ok so i got inspired from this one thing on instagram that’s kinda like this

— The End —