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12.6k · Aug 2014
Vanessa Aug 2014
I can’t seem to figure it out.
I will sit here for the rest of my life.
I’m okay with hitting my head of a wall
resilient until I figure it out.

Patience, a virtue from what I hear.
maybe the key ingredient.
But, how long can I wait?
How long until there is some salvation?

I want to see your smile one more time,
Not in a photo.
I want to see your smile right in front me,
So close that I can touch it
So I can run my fingers across every groove inside your lips.

I look at you with desperate eyes
but you see past them.
You spit in distaste and hate,
As if I am nothing,
As if I had never held any relevance to your life.
6.7k · Dec 2014
Vanessa Dec 2014
The images I see
Are nothing more than daydreams,
that keep replaying.
Sweet melodies reciting words that will never be said.
5.5k · Nov 2014
Vanessa Nov 2014
I saw a comet break through the atmosphere last night,
and you were the only person I thought of.
I thought about how you how magnificent it was to see something so rare and beautiful,
and then I thought of you again.
5.3k · Dec 2014
Vanessa Dec 2014
Tonight I stared at the moon for a little bit,
Longer than most nights.
I wondered if maybe you were looking at it too.
I reminisced about the good times,
And pictured you dancing around the universe.
Shining brighter than the stars you stood between.
5.1k · Oct 2014
train thoughts
Vanessa Oct 2014
These thoughts run on tracks
that intertwine and crash.
4.2k · Oct 2014
Vanessa Oct 2014
I knew the day would come.
My heart swelled and shattered
Like glass off of my ribcage,
It was nothing but dust now.
In an instant my heart became soluble.
Without warning,
my heart was inevitably yours once more.
I wanted you to never come back
I hoped you would make your home in Boston.
My delicate heart was not ready for you so soon
And I was not ready to give my heart away.
Especially to you.
But she ran from me,
Slipped through the cracks in my rib cage
and ran straight for you.

So here I am still sitting in silence
Still replaying impracticable situations
That will never become reality.
My heart is long gone now,
She always ran faster than my head.
With a mind of her own,
I am now heartless
4.2k · Nov 2014
Vanessa Nov 2014
If my heart was a seed
And sprouted veins
That wanted to bloom
The bud would be you.
Blue petals of a Forgetmenot
That he picked
And quietly said "she loves me, she loves me not".
I would wince with each *****
In marvelous pain.
Closing in on each moment that you held the fragile stem between strong fingers.
Every bit would float away with the wind,
Casting your wishes into the sky.
When the stem is finally bare
And you thow it to the ground
I'll be left for dead,
But just know she loved you.
And as the remaining wilts
You'll be forgetting
But I will always be remembering
Hoping all your wishes come true.
2.8k · Nov 2014
I'm here for you to use.
Vanessa Nov 2014
I am made entirely of scars and bruises that could never possibly heal or go away and the spaces between them are places I've left open for you to use as you please.
2.3k · Dec 2014
Scar Tissue
Vanessa Dec 2014
The scar tissue that covers my forearm fades more with each year, And I wonder if any of you notice.
Each disfigurement is marked with a name.
Every single line contains its own story, and holds its own pain.
I could narrate it for you but I doubt you'd understand, very few truly do.
The stinging pain can creep back with a subtle memory, and I can still feel it.
I can remember each scars meaning but I can't explain to you the feeling of how it felt,
Or what type of clarity came over me,
Or how great it felt to be flooded with relief,
Or what I was hoping the outcome would be,
Or if I made it deep enough to sleep forever.
You might think I'm crazy.
I can never make you get it.
I'd be lying if I told you these stories ended happily.
This isn't a fairy tale,
This is reality.
1.5k · Sep 2014
Roads already taken
Vanessa Sep 2014
I emptied an entire tank of gas driving on roads I've already taken.
Each time around looked different, Each time around even felt different. Like the seasons, one make you feel something unique from the other.
You'd think I learn my lesson by now,
Each new year my clock resets and I can start again.
Back in the place where I began with you.
I mean rally what else can I do?
I never understood how to live without you.
1.5k · Dec 2014
Wasting Time
Vanessa Dec 2014
I don't know why I still shake
These cigarettes don't calm my nerves
And I can't see through these lenses
But I'm thinking that's a good thing
I'm scared of what's on the other side
But I know it's time to face it
I can't live this way forever
Sleeping on couches
Hungover from wasting time
1.3k · Aug 2014
Hurricane Love
Vanessa Aug 2014
You remind me of an endless Summers.
Summers that last a lifetime.
The sky could be filled with clouds continuously spilling rain,
Our eyes meet and you are the sunshine,
maybe brighter.
Together, a rainbow seen after the storm.
Blending colors into each other,
Like us in the dead of the night under sheets and covers.
Everything is complimented so beautifully.
Friends standing and admiring the beauty of rainbows,
Similar to the ways they admired us.
How could one forget hearing how perfect something is?

Although today, that feels like forever ago,
It’s still etched in my brain so vivid like it was yesterday.
I watched the storm roll in,
I watched the clouds cover the sun in your eyes,
And I saw the rainbow fade
Not even Mother Nature could stop that hurricane.
1.3k · Dec 2014
Bitter Confusion
Vanessa Dec 2014
I've come so far from where I've been.
I smoked until my lung turned into tar,
Drank until my vision blurred.
And after all the running I've done,
I can't help but hate that you're still so far.
1.2k · Jul 2014
Vanessa Jul 2014
I tried to see your face yesterday
I wanted to see something familiar.
Nothing was the same,
Nothing felt like home.
It wasn't how I remembered it.
1.1k · Nov 2014
Drunk Love
Vanessa Nov 2014
Jameson from the bottle
Bedroom floors
Faded stars
I told you all the secrets
And you swore you'd keep them
Wasted words
drunken love
Promises that would be broken
I feel naked
I'm fully clothed
my heart
In his hand
As I tried to steal his soul
1.0k · Dec 2014
Vanessa Dec 2014
The pieces have been picked up
They've been put back in their places
But I still feel so scattered
997 · Dec 2014
I Think I'll Miss You
Vanessa Dec 2014
I think I'll miss you.

Possibly more in the morning.

The nights with be rough,
Like the seas during storms.

But the mornings with be tragic,
Like all the lives lost in the titanic.
952 · Jan 2015
Red Lights
Vanessa Jan 2015
The red lights stop me,
like a bullet to the heart.

It never fails that a second too long will stray my mind straight to you. I can tell you like her, you probably love her.

At 2am, my heart can't handle a thought so shilling. The radio repeats,
"I'm afraid you're going to slip away", It hits home and I take another hit, As a shed one more tear, before I smile and say, "Happy New Year."
922 · Oct 2014
Where's my head?
Vanessa Oct 2014
I wonder where my heads been,
When I wake up & forget what's my first move.
I've been pacing back and forth for days,
Since Friday all I can see is your green eyes.
When I find it, I'll ask where the **** it's been at.
833 · Nov 2014
Grey Matter
Vanessa Nov 2014
My lips are pierced shut
While my brain is scattering across the floor.
Everything is spilling out in front of you.
I'm breaking down
And loosing composure.

Struggling to collect the the pieces
In time before you make sense of it all.
Tiny fragments of grey matter
Covered in words you should have never read.
821 · Dec 2014
lost is home
Vanessa Dec 2014
Leave me again
Where you left me the last time
I’m eager to feel something familiar
This temporary high I get from you
Is bound to end
The familiar feeling of being lost
Will be more than comforting

It's far too overwhelming for me to be so open
To place my whole heart
My whole being
Inside the palms of another human
I seem to have a hard time getting into relationships and thats because I'm afraid. Putting my whole self out there is actually a little scary.
803 · Sep 2014
You're My Summer
Vanessa Sep 2014
I spent most of my mornings looking for you
Three AM was our time
I stood on the street and waited
The sun started to rise at six so I walked back home
I can only imagine where you are
But I hope it someplace where the sun lights your face
And you are free
I spent all year looking for someone like you
I did
He was the epitome of everything I wanted you to be
So I set him free
I'm only finding summer soul mates
To ruin what you left of me.
I'm still looking for you
I pray that I'll find you searching for me.
I question what difference it will make when I unfold the truth.
My answer is always the same
But I picture your smile the moment I breathe in the spring air
I'll spend my summer in dandelion fields while I try to convince you to come home.
772 · Dec 2014
thinking ahead
Vanessa Dec 2014
i wish i could love you
or i wish i could love anyone
I'm just not ready for it
not yet at least
maybe not at all
or ever

what would i do if i was alone forever?
what about i do with i wasn't alone forever?
where would i go or who would i be with?

inside my head is a strew of magnificent colors
and endless possibilities
excitement and eagerness
the idea of not knowing is scary
to most
but i find it intriguing

curiosity is a beautiful inspiration
Merry 2015 & Happy Always
757 · Jul 2014
Vanessa Jul 2014
You said, "it's all about the wordplay."
I'm sorry that you couldn't be my remedy.
674 · Nov 2014
four walls
Vanessa Nov 2014
stop talking about the girl you once knew,
how you loved her so well.
she that consumes so much of you
was only a mere fraction of myself,
a small part that could never last.
our love was endangered,
and though I saw from the start
we plunged into the darkness, head first.
now look at us,
our hearts have been splattered across these four walls.
665 · Nov 2014
Vanessa Nov 2014
We laid motionless for days,
Your fingertip touch calmed me.
The dark lingered forever.
Our clothes laid in piles on the floor,
And we held each other for the last time.
641 · Oct 2014
make believe
Vanessa Oct 2014
Eyes are empty these days,
Smiles more often forced.
Wondering if I'm only see what I want.
Is his smile genuine?
Maybe he is happy.
Maybe I refuse to believe it.
596 · Nov 2014
Little Things
Vanessa Nov 2014
It hit like a bullet through the heart,
The words he wrote so long ago,
"I won’t let these little things slip, but if I do, it's you, that was all I ever cared about ”.
A sad excuse for a spin off of "Little Things”.
It was sad but it was mine.
The memory of those lyrics lingered,
In the back of my mind for sometime,
Inevitably trying my damnedest to forget.
But this morning came with rain and regret,
As I scrolled through deleted emails.
Job declines and too many college acceptances left my head spinning,
Down to words that screamed so vibrantly.
It hurt to scan the letters, but I did,
I almost shed a tear, but I smiled instead.
My eyes wallowed with warm water,
For me breathe out a sigh of release.

My heart is clenched
and my throat full,
Still choking back tears
and hating every word
I am once again,
overcome with hope.
A boy I loved wrote a song for me, because I thought One Direction was sweet for writing the song, Little Things. I am not a fan but that song melted my heart. He used the beat but changed the words to make them about me. We by no means get along today but I found these words this morning in an old email. Although, he's an *** now the last line powered me with motivation somehow.
566 · Sep 2014
Vanessa Sep 2014
I was lying when I mentioned that I didn’t care,
That pathetic giggle I smugly used to cover it up did not fool anyone.

The truth is that it breaks my heart,
It saddens me to dream about you so often.

I do my best to remember who you are today,
I find myself falling in love with who you used to be.

The past is holding onto my heart for dear life,
Clawing at my stomach and blocking my airways,
Grinning while I beg to breathe.
495 · May 2014
slow down
Vanessa May 2014
She started to walk faster without realizing she was trying to catch up to him
At that moment she lessened her pace but didn't fall too short of his steps
She walked behind him with a safe but still dangerously close distance
He wore the limited edition Olympic head phones on
The ones she bought him for his birthday just last year
He always liked to think of himself has the next Michael Phelps
He could have been had he not doubted himself so much  
She knew he was listening to his own rap music that he wrote
He was arrogant like that
He always liked to think of himself has a musical artist
He could have had he not doubted himself so much
Mildly, she hoped the noise ringing through his ears was about her and not the disaster he's been seeing recently
This story would get more interesting if he had turned around to notice her
Ultimately she knew he wouldn't
And he didn't.
He walked out the door, and she, not too far behind, did the same
He ran through the rain to his car and she walked slowly through the rain, in the opposite direction to hers.
480 · Nov 2014
Vanessa Nov 2014
I've been living in my bed
Staring at the ceiling
Waiting for the bed room door to open
It's cold under these blankets
When are you coming home?
I lost my head somewhere along the way
Some place between "forever" and "goodbye"
This morning I heard you whisper "I love you"
So my stomach turned over
And I stopped breathing before I closed my eyes
So they could meet yours
Soft and sweet
The warmest hazel I ever bathed in
The xanex carried me to you
I told you we'd meet in our dreams
That's where I'm home
465 · Nov 2014
Vanessa Nov 2014
My mind drifts on days like this.
Endless nights spent drinking Jameson from the bottle.
Stars faded,
I told you all my secrets
And you swore to keep them.
464 · Dec 2014
One weeks notice
Vanessa Dec 2014
Baby come home with me
You're mine for a week
I'll show what love is
And what it means
When I'm done I'll toss you away
You'll be just another fish in the sea
446 · Jul 2014
Vanessa Jul 2014
I wonder what its like to be you
You make forgetting look so easy,
Is it that easy?
Its hard for me.
Its not easy to forget.
Not for me at least.

The past two years really never happened,
It was all a series of dreams I dreamt.
I slept a whole two years,
Finally waking up to find myself in love.
I had fallen in love with someone who only existed in my dreams.

Its been sometime since I woke up from my sleep.
I’m finding you still haunt me.
I only wish to fall asleep again,
I only wish to dream those dreams again.
423 · May 2014
Isn't Life Like Traffic?
Vanessa May 2014
I would love to tell you that today was just like any other, but it wasn’t.
You were there whispering, “I’m still right here.”
I couldn’t see you but I knew it was you
Just waiting for the perfect moment to remind me of my worst days
It's funny that it rained today, the one thing I hate and the one thing that leaves me reminiscing about you
I swear any song that was ever ours, played. Some played twice.
I thought I had deleted The Counting Crows album from my phone
Remember the album I played while we made love in our hotel room last year
Was that love?
I can’t seem to tell or remember now
But I know that Anna Begins was playing while we dozed off afterwards
It played twice in my car today.
I needed black leggings for the outfit I had chosen for my date tonight
The only ones I could find were the ones you bought me.
I put them on and that song you sang me started to play on pandora
I hit next.
It played again as I was leaving to go meet my date
This time, I let it play.
I had lunch at the restaurant today and asked why the toy dinosaur was behind the bar,
they said it was yours.
I asked to see it and then threw it on the ground.
Your co workers mentioned how miserable you have been towards them
I changed the subject.
I went to the gym after and saw you there
I walked behind you all the way out to the parking lot but you didn't notice.
On the way home there was traffic, I figured it was typical for the way my day had been going
It was all due to a tractor trailer who couldn't make a turn
I was proud of his determination
I also realized he had no choice but to make the turn
I watched patiently as he backed up and pulled forward a number of times
It reminded me of myself just trying to make a turn so I could move in the right direction
He made it after approximately two minutes of me waiting in traffic
Though to me it felt like I was sitting in traffic watching a tractor trailer struggle to make a turn for four months The four miserable months I spent just trying to make a turn
405 · Sep 2014
Vanessa Sep 2014
Everything I touch turns dust
Maybe I ask for too much
Or maybe it's just that I deserve to be at loss.
In the end, it's always a lesson learned
Or a chance to gain more than I thought I could.
I might loose things
Or be blamed for letting them fade
But I have no room for regret
Or time for I wish I hads.

You can hold it against me
You can give me all your ***** looks
I promise to hold on to them
As a reminder that I'm better off.
369 · Dec 2014
Vanessa Dec 2014
i could write about cute nights and romantic times
but in the dead of this night, i can't seem to think of one.
354 · Aug 2014
Sleeping to Dream
Vanessa Aug 2014
I had that dream again.
The one that leaves me wishing I could sleep forever.
For in my dream you are mine,
In my dream you are kind.
When you say goodbye,
I don't worry when the next time your hand will be in mine.
For I know the constant of your heart will keep me sound.

In this dream.
The that keeps my eyes from drying
You look at me the way I always remembered,
Your precious face melted my heart
While your eyes softened and you whispered you missed me.
I was undoubtedly assured this young love would be forever.
The kind of love that grows old and keeps the heart young.
The kind that makes your stomach sick with hope.

What a heart wrenching feeling it is to wake up from such bliss.
Dragging this heavy heart from its bed, I smiled and let the sun dry my tears.
300 · May 2014
The Rain & You
Vanessa May 2014
I can't help but wonder what the conversation would have entailed if he had turned around
I can't help but think it would have been a sad and quick exchange of awkward faces and hellos
I can't help but create the conversation in my head that I hoped we would have had
This is when I realize it's better that he kept walking
This is when I realize I am better off without him
This is when I'm flooded with all the nightmaric memories of why I can't stand him
Now I find it ironic that the rain reminds me of you, because I hate the rain

— The End —