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Jeremy Betts Jun 7
Feeling like half the man I used to be
I look to the sky desperately
Noticing something I don't usually see
The moon keeping the sun company
But the visual hit a little differently
Like I unknowingly unlocked some mystic mystery
Probably due to the particular mindset I'm in currently
But looking back at me was a half moon in all it's majesty
And I thought about it's cycle, it's personal journey
From full to empty then back again for all of eternity
Then my thoughts drift back to me,
Back to that feeling of illegitimacy
And this new found possibility
Based on the moon cycle imagery
Could it be something I could copy?
I guess I'll have to wait and see
But a sliver of hope, like the sliver of a crescent moon, may be all I need...maybe
Maybe I too could be whole again if I just move forward patiently

Francis Jan 3
I really don’t,
Not an ounce,
Not anymore,
Not evermore,
I don’t care.

I don’t care that I’m short,
I don’t care that I’m stout,
I don’t care that I’m poor,
I don’t care much about.

What’s to care for?
Who’s to care for?
We’re carless little bees,
Buzzing away at the lost honey,
When someone is spraying our hive.

Ask me if I give a ****,
Ask me if it is true,
You’ll come to learn and realize,
That even this poem doesn’t rhyme,
And I don’t care.
Do I care? Negative.
Johnson Oyeniran Mar 2023
Hang in there my Buddy, please remove the rope from around your neck,
Your life is just like an unfinished story, so dont go just yet.

Life can be cruel for people who play by the rules, I'll confess,
I'd be lying if I said life is not filled with hate and stress.

But despite all the evil that happens in our world you abhor,
If you stick around, I promise youll find something worth living for.
Jammit Janet Sep 2022
I’m proud of myself
I was genuine and authentic
I felt myself grow
And become
The person I wish to be
In my soul.
xavier thomas Sep 2022
Dear Hater,
Continue to take lead in the path of destruction while I’ll continue to take lead in the path of success 🤞🏾
Mystic Ink Plus Aug 2022
Solves problem

Theme: In some ways
Jammit Janet Jul 2022
Exerting true power
I bloom
Into the flower
Of the present.
Jammit Janet Jun 2022
You can control
The quality of your time
With your mood
Nothing has to truly ****
If you can open your mind
See past the 3D
And enter the present groove.
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