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mark soltero Apr 2021
telling me to grow up
it feels constructive
when you insert the potassium chloride into me
gay as morbid men’s amusement
spill into my bloodstream
some children cry
but sometime ago
i let out so many tears that i died
chloride can only preserve what i’ve seen
it’s all nothing
there’s no more dreams
where do i go at night
i can’t tell you the last thing that child uttered
his final breath didn’t matter
boys don’t cry after all
they **** their minds and **** what’s left
mark soltero Sep 2021
mark soltero Dec 2020
nothing worth something is easy
but is this learned or a lie
because past my pupils
exists myself
exposed and cold
i just want to be pure and gold
longing for warmth
seeking purity through garbage
mark soltero Dec 2020
we are not the same
i am different
much comparison is needed
in order to confront the truth
that you and i are not of the same species
i am not of this world
and you are of the trenches
and the pits of this forsaken space
disregarded and frail
i leave you to die here
broke boy
mark soltero Jan 2021
i am unclean
dead torn thoughts inside
brain dead stupidity of the ****** next door
living thoughtlessly
they say perfection is a contract of demise
nothing matters it seems
i’ll sign my name away
let’s rid the world of me
mark soltero Dec 2020
today i’m ****
yesterday i was perfect
tomorrow i hopefully won’t feel worthless
mark soltero Jan 2021
tears bleed out for you
and now few days go by
where i want to be beneath
six feet below the terrain
this is my declaration of inner peace
to banish away all the pieces broken
from the hateful beings
of before our time
the lines of happiness
that i would shoot up in me
have lost their gilded shine
now they’re just fragments of my childish despair
you’re all the drug i need
mark soltero Oct 2020
what can you do when the tides begin to strengthen
and your arms begin to weaken
your lungs begin to tighten
the light within me used to shine bright
these days the flame dwindles low
i can’t get far away
you can’t escape yourself
it seems like i won’t ever get help
like the predestined choice of failure
how can i succeed
living around so much indignation
everything I lack
is my humiliation
mark soltero Oct 2020
something inside me breathes
gasping for a purpose
i suffocate the desires for better
putting out my own fire
seemingly embracing my own misery
something about self pity feels like home
the thought that no one will ever love me
like I love myself
is true
but sometimes the truth lies
mark soltero Sep 2020
u turn parts of me to stone
nothing feels better
than digging for love
from deep inside u
mark soltero Oct 2020
technology is a saving grace
but their synth
is a siren in disguise
calculated syncopations
create chemical induced inebriation
beware of their trance
cause keeping track of time
is lost inside of euphoria
the emptiness of dread you have
will only grow until you are void
mark soltero Nov 2020
im starting to realize
i don’t eat
im afraid to chew
scared to gain more than an ounce
i thought this fear died
when the hate did
but when you’re gone
i don’t want to fight these pangs
giving in to their tiresome lull
maybe one day i can be as small as i feel
but that’s not the truth
i just want to feel like a man
longed for and strong
instilling fear in those who challenge me
until then i might eat
even more so in hopes that maybe
i can tear open my insides
to become beautiful on the outside
mark soltero Sep 2020
searching for a door
to the forest
i can’t seem to find the way
the crickets echoing cry
can be heard in the halls of this sprawl
what will become of me?
is the envisioning of the murky waters
behind the woods going to give way or
will we ever overcome the weight of the greed around us?
will the pits filled with cellophane and bisphenol break hold of gravity
can the earth fall to the bottom of the universe?
will we feel the blow of the astronomical damage that we have done?
can the money you paid to wipe away your sins truly be forgotten of?
when the world begets its metamorphosis
to the hell it’s always meant to become
you won’t see me
your money will be gone
i’ve always been meant to see the inferno
but this is your doing not mine
mark soltero Dec 2020
the sensations of the astral plane
create elegant spaces in my mind
the mercurian thirst for truth
elevates my mind
in ways that can create chaos
it’s lead me to find an abundance of anxiety
but beautiful truth comes from beginnings
infernos within the galaxy gave me you
apparent it is when the fire begins within me
mark soltero Oct 2020
sins of the past
linger about
i’m sure they’ll evaporate
after we consummate
or maybe they won’t
But i need to know
mark soltero Aug 2021
rain falls on roof tops
acid desecrates energy in the air
rain falls onto us
sprinkling in your hair
we look perfect
skin soft
deflection corrupts meaning
but the acid obliterates any sign of fear
pain that we bear is nothing for vanity
gasping for a breath to see past depression
bear the burden of self awareness with me
move forward
lovely words to follow
we mean them dearly
insert our minds into perfect reality
mark soltero Apr 2021
once you’re by my side
high off of it
nothing can deny me of your heart
no more time to live in yesterday
mark soltero Mar 2021
oh tom
i can see behind your eye
your veins bled out all you had
you’re dead on this summer night
it’s not right
but you weren’t fit for the outside
to them it’s another day
if no one cries for you
i’ll be the few
i will sit and sing
because you can see now
you’re beautiful again
i ponder my desires
i want to be with you
things aren’t so great
you wouldn’t understand
i don’t either
but i know i will cry for you
my tears will seep into the soil
you’ll enrich the earth
one day you’ll be new
never forgotten
at least by few
mark soltero Sep 2021
man was the first to preform suicide
natural born martyrs
too sick to bring themselves to eat their own filth
our strongest are easiest to fall
men were not made to survive
but sequential installments are in
follow suite in order to remain on top
in order to fall farther
mark soltero Sep 2020
what id give to sell my soul
to feel hollow
i want to achieve artificial existence
deepening desires
to feel nothing
opulent and distant
mark soltero Oct 2020
sometimes i feel like a waste
a waste of space
a waste of time
a waste of breath
a waste of my own mind
a waste of any and all kinds
it feels hopeless to try
to reprogram
if it’s already so hard
to live without letting out further cries
mark soltero Dec 2020
precision to
envision what i need
my wants
are very difficult to place
ritalin though
helps me
but i can’t imagine the continuation of what feels like a sin
wording is everything
i’ve only tried it ten times
******* pornographic depictions of your ******* fixations
fuel my motivation for more
to give you and i the world
and continue to love you my little *****
i shouldn’t say these things
but the nasty ways
we profess our love
are the most raw and beautiful displays
of human nature
mark soltero Feb 2021
my propensity  
to manifest demons into people
consistently projecting
the tragedies of my own imagination
into other people
my desire to eject
leaves me like the cockroaches
hungry and filthy
but i didn’t make me
theres nothing in me that wants it
why can’t i starve
the deep hate
eat the world’s abundance
decadent and I, undeserving
i’m tired of not feeling something
only feeling nothing
drive my skin against the walls
that i built up
just to long for them to fall
but it’s not me
no accountability
it’s you and me
i need purity
to know you want me
not just me in you
you make me feel nothing close of void
sleep with me
just me
i promise i don’t see
mark soltero Apr 2021
take me
break you out tonight
roll around
your eyes are true beauty
midnight hours are to pick away your petals
you’re blooming full of the nectar
as I lick away the insecurities
let me kiss it better
i want to live in your mind
mark soltero Oct 2020
looking at you leaves me petrified
too close for comfort
invigorate me
give me your pain
like you take mine
feel this love
of all this
i now know how it feels to free fall
i just need to learn
learn how to create something worth while out of it
hours in ecstasy
burning against the pavement
just to call you mine
let’s make sure i don’t ruin it with my mind
mark soltero Jun 2021

when you're gone
i can't land alright
nothing holding me back
gravity pushes me in agreeance
good riddance  
i was never apart of the blueprint
there wasn't a plan
space out and decide to implode
your immaturity exceeds normalcy

mark soltero Dec 2021
moving backwards farther than before
can’t look at myself anymore
they made me bruise my skin
generosity is lame
authenticity is a facade
your empty promises will buy it all
jealousy resides in my heart to this day because of them
flashbacks haunt me
green lights guide me down away from reality
save me from my former
a sad child out for revenge
cold to touch
fully detached and shaking
haunting visions of time spent in delusion
lie to feel
lie to escape
feel the power behind that
behind the bile and tears were strength
i regret the times when i had it all
nights spent with myself loathing my own
a boken mirror is like drinking alone
sometimes i think im dying
but i’m not worth saving
break the cycle
but what’s the point
mark soltero Apr 2021
sigh sinful dreams in my ear
just for me
your body vibrates in ecstasy
it needs a touch so heavenly
to come inside your skin
and see your ***** longings
i want you to bleed
hurt for me
gasping in my ear
ride out the storm here
dear beloved
gather your love here
just a taste of your love can only satisfy
make it clear
mark soltero Oct 2020
pick me apart
dissect the person who ive grown to become
i do it for everyone
in order to satisfy the thought of me
share of me with others
so that i can avert my true fears
mark soltero Sep 2020
is grieving for a stranger unfair?
it feels wrong to follow suit to causal continuation  
the moon awaits
the stars await
god awaits
the reaper sows
no glory will be to those who live without fear
blessed be to the exalted
dawning to the new age
I wrote this when the protests began here. It’s never seen the light of day because it just felt too early.
mark soltero Dec 2020
pull me up
i’m tired of living within the cusp of greatness
my visions of grandeur are getting stronger

would it be out of line
if i wish to ask you
to stay a little longer?
mark soltero Sep 2020
craving sustenance
i stumbled up on the high priestess of my desires
she has bring forth the things
that were dead inside of me
bringing to life
the parts of me i thought were lost
i can only repay her
by ripping away the strings to my heart
in order to tell her everything
i recite to her
it’s all just for you
i pray the things you’ve brought back
through your divination
don’t die
and don’t spoil
but flourish like your trance
mark soltero Jan 2021
give me your pain
let me take it all
like the man i am
my filthy hands can feel the scars
behind your breast
the healed incisions of years before
i only want to give you everything i can
in exchange for your discomfort
i want to bear your heart’s burdens
you brace for the unknown
every time you feel alive
i pray to you my god every night
so that i may keep your heavenly embrace
and never feel the malice that’s left
your eyes show what’s unsaid
it’s only fair to bring you back from the dead
mark soltero Sep 2020
waking up leaves me exhausted
i don’t even have the energy
to want to finish this
what do i have energy for


nothing at all

let me decompose
allow me to wipe away the things
that make me want to die

i cannot allow this to eat me alive
today it may win
tomorrow i can try again
mark soltero Dec 2020
shimmering and blue
the ocean tides crash
into the steer of my mind
leaving it up to chance
too often do the odds favor the abyss
feeding me into the bedrock
to be frozen in time
breathless and hardened
mark soltero Sep 2020
i don’t care  
i might be afraid
but i don’t care
it won’t matter
when i won’t be
lemme go on record and say I was definitely listening to nirvana when I was thinking ab this
mark soltero Jul 2021
you don’t want me anymore
the touch of my skin crawls from your insides
what is it baby

you used to love laying next to me
now you stare off when you say I love you
if you’ve fallen out of love with me
please lay down by my side one last time

i know how it feels
you finally typed out that sentence with tears in your eyes
it’s more real than ever

im so sorry you’re hurt
but i still want to hold you
mark soltero Sep 2021
goal oriented affections mean nothing

do i have a problem he asked
ungripped from the idea of desire
slight misunderstandings amongst those present
watch it all unfold

beneficial mistakes led to destiny
beautiful positions fill the space between
pure vanity overtakes love not meant to be

affections without true purpose
lungs spilling the life you have
on the brink of death
all for the misuse of her humility

simply to be with the girl of your dreams
broken hearts between brought you to me he realized
the lives he's taken before was worth it
mark soltero Oct 2020
love me like tiffany loved william
mark soltero Oct 2020
it hurts when i touch you
i’ll comeback for more
because the inclination to pain
is all i know
mark soltero Sep 2020
lack of progression within your mind
all show the signs of a broken mental
create self pity to remedy
no one cares secretly
I’m just being nice

it’s just that I like you a lot
please don’t go
mark soltero Jun 2021
wisdom with age is unfathomable
thoughts escape the psyche
words become dull
what's unknown
is what triggers fear
thinking can change everything
cleaning the wounds of yesterday
but with age the jagged day no longer breaks the skin
as cells die and life escapes the lungs
one can rot away happily
forgive the urges of imbalance
thoughts become less bold
they hurt less as the minutes tick
eternal clock nears its last hour
the last breathe is always untroubled
final acts are supposed to break the struggle
mark soltero Aug 2021
exposed myself
my true form
present in a moment's time
glimpses of me
rushed sequences in your mind

we stayed in
just like i planned
my heart doesn't ache
please don't put your hands on me anymore
i know that this is only momentarily

nothing you do can amount to what i felt before
mark soltero Oct 2020
strolling the candescent street
they don’t make me feel like a creep
my scent has you saturating
with me it’s only me penetrating
that place you really wanted to show me
last week
won’t you just lie in my face
everything i do makes me weak
i find myself fighting
my others
they’re whisperings cloud me with envy
you’re too lovely
some things in this world are god given
they’re given as gifts
but your sorrowing lies pity me
mark soltero Aug 2021
excruciating disgust boiling inside
push down into my wounds
bleed myself dry
because i am but a weak man
with no spine
looking above
spit dripping down my lip
salt excreted out of my pores
gasping for the strength to melt away
i cry at night
rotting away because i’m not right
misused and disregarded
i am the rotten apple
when you picked me
you were mistaken
because you didn’t check the other side
mark soltero Oct 2020
sometimes I lay awake at night
and fixate on things I shouldn’t
whispers of my own transgressions linger

although it seems disingenuous
I am eager to fill the space
between this world and the old

please ward away the chilling breeze
make them apologize
because silence was one of my worst decrees
mark soltero Dec 2021
strobing images flash inside
your body out of sight
you’re temporary love in his arms
his body is now your throne
your home away from me
a shrine to his transgressions
in the dark you lie to them
and you love it too
pretending the shackles you don are for him
mark soltero Oct 2020
what keeps you free?
i know you very well
but what makes you feel
as if you’re in hell?

is it the trepidation
of your minds’ own creation
to fuel you further to
your true disposition
of what you want?

the concupiscence for me
beaming throughout the space where you live
inside this biosphere of my heart
where you lie barren

fermenting your own despair
i truly appreciate your time
can you continue to only be mine?

it’s selfish
but this world is too cruel for your beauty
shielding you has become my duty
god cannot take me from you
mark soltero Oct 2020
my tender heart aches
at the thought of any slight change

any and everything
within the right constraints
may cause inconceivable discomfort

blank stares and angry confusion haunt me
they live within the uninhabited parts of me
they’ve decided to take shelter within the parts i’ve closed off for good

empty rooms they fill
inching in my mind
the worms grow by feeding on my discomfort

how they wish i was dead
sometimes i make peace and side with them
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