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14.6k · Mar 2015
ARI Mar 2015
   Fear, uncomfortable
      Haunting, stalking, shaking
          Always following, mixing with every situation
       Laughing, dancing, loving
      Wonderful, desirable
7.2k · Aug 2014
ARI Aug 2014
My skin shivers
at the thought
of staying still

My lips quiver
in fear Im
never leaving here

My soul begs
to soar up
to the sun

My mind desires
my body to
travel all over

My ears crave
the sound of
the crashing waves

My hands reach
for the sand
beneath my feet

4.7k · Mar 2015
ARI Mar 2015
Eyes searching
Torn heart pleading
For a new family to take him home
A family with forever in mind
Another day
No one came
Please wait

4.6k · Dec 2013
Airplane Wings
ARI Dec 2013
With clouds gentle wisps of wonder,
dancing at my fingers tips.
With a gentle freedom smile,
growing on my parted lips.

With lovely little laughing dreams ,
in cotton candy colored skies.
With nervous hope were holding tight,
on airplane wings were flying high.

4.2k · Dec 2015
Herbal Tea
ARI Dec 2015
I am
The forgotten tea
Sitting on his dresser.

Too cold;
Too weak
For him to love.

Yet still
He keeps me
'Ever awaiting his lips.

3.6k · Aug 2014
Safe Haven
ARI Aug 2014
I walk peacefully
Pacing the shore

With sand scratching
Beneath my toes

Gentle waves washing
Against beaten stones

Strong boats bravely
Exploring the horizon

This is always
Where happiness happens.

3.5k · Apr 2015
100, 200..
ARI Apr 2015
..300, 4..
I don't want to count
The calories anymore.

3.1k · Mar 2015
ARI Mar 2015
My perfect lullaby
in liquid form.

2.7k · Feb 2016
Because I Am...
ARI Feb 2016
Because I am a man
Preferring men over women
I am often cursed and shunned
By the society we are lost in.

Because I am a young adult
Mere 20 years beneath my belt
The older generations claim
My fresh ideas could never help.

Because I am a woman
With no children in my arm
Others pull their kids from me
As though I'd bring them harm.

Because I am a Muslim
With a hijab on my head
Millions often blame me
For tears their brothers shed.

I would love to see what others would add to this poem.
2.6k · Apr 2015
ARI Apr 2015
No one ever listened
To the words I had to say
Maybe when Im gone
They'll feel the words
Written by my shame

2.3k · Aug 2014
Travelers Heart
ARI Aug 2014
You fell for the girl
with a travelers heart
who's eyes mimic
the worlds most vibrant art.

You loved the girl
with marks on her skin
like permanent kisses
from the places she's been.

You held the girl
with songs in her soul
which she learned from experiences
you'll never know.

You were angered by the girl
who left you alone
'cause the need for adventure
was etched in her bones.

2.1k · Jan 2016
Malicious Songbirds
ARI Jan 2016
With sweet lips spewing lies
Of life's grand perfections;
Fictitious light placed inside
My 'ever vacant wandering eyes.

Id nod my head; shake their hand
While pretending I was joyous;
Laugh about and dance around
While we listened to the band.

With a wide smile upon my face
The photographer snapped a shot;
Eternalizing "lovely" depression, of which
Seeped into my soul and stole my grace.

I'm drowning in the screaming words
Of all the truths I've never shared;
They’ve become my grim lullabies
Forever sung by my inner songbirds.

2.0k · Oct 2015
ARI Oct 2015
It took me five years
To find red lipstick wearing courage

It took you five days
To steal it

1.8k · Feb 2015
Words Won't Fix Me
ARI Feb 2015
The words
Be happy
They make me angry
For the words be happy
Do not fix me

The words
Just eat
They irritate me
For the words just eat
Wont make me hungry

1.8k · Sep 2022
ARI Sep 2022
They act like time
Is the maid that comes to sweep away
The horrors and the pains of our past
When really she is the secretive  secretary
Who takes inventory of all the trauma
Sewn into our stories throughout the years

Time doesnt heal brokenness for she is no witch.
She simply covers our gaping wounds
Made from living through nightmares until
The surface of our pain is healed enough
To leave only angry scars as life long reminders

1.8k · Nov 2014
ARI Nov 2014
I stand sadly by my window
Watching as winter once again
Claims all that surrounds me

I once loved this season
Of icy snow, wool socks,
And fires to keep me warm

But now I dread stepping outside
For I know I will never again
See your footprints next to mine
1.7k · Feb 2015
ARI Feb 2015
Blood washed away
Skin all healed
My puckered flesh
Like twisted kisses

These scars
Across my body
Like braille
For the broken hearted

Grazing my legs
As if reading the cause
For my pain

There's no need to speak
For words
Are not needed
To tell my story

1.5k · Dec 2015
I Was Never A Hero
ARI Dec 2015
I never could save her.
I tried. I swear I tried
But she was just too far gone.
I couldn’t find her
Inside the too twisted depths
Of her lifeless eyes.

They use to be a vibrant green
With passionate oranges rings
Dancing around her pupils.
Now you'd never guess
There was ever anything vibrant
Held within that girl.

1.5k · Mar 2015
The Gift of Sight
ARI Mar 2015
The freckles across her unknown face
Were like stars kissing her cheeks
And I was envious of them.

The scars across her tired legs
Like a map showing me each place
Her mind has ever been.

Her weary chest a living urn
Holding ashes of which I have learned
Are from her love now dead.

The smile sweet upon her lips
Fake as the words on an actors script
But few will ever know that truth.

The liquid drowning her bright eyes
'Ever ignored like time passing by
Now finally I can see her.

1.5k · Jul 2015
The Homeless
ARI Jul 2015
From mothers arms and fathers feet
To shaking hands and ***** streets.

From sweet smiles and tender kisses
To a lost little child no one misses.

From overalls and teddy bears
To daytime tears and nighttime scares.

From bubble bathes and lullabies
To scarred up skin and lifeless eyes.

From parks filled with plastic slides
To a box with nails stuck in its sides.

1.5k · Nov 2015
Your Story
ARI Nov 2015






1.4k · Mar 2023
I’m Not Traumatized
ARI Mar 2023
I always swear work doesn’t affect me.

Trauma?! HA! Never.

And for the most part I am ok.

But suddenly I realized as I counted every single calorie; every single bite… scrubbed every surface and washed my hands far too many times..

The fear of gaining weight; of relying on everyone else to care for me…

Just might be coming from the living people whose bodies are actively rotting. Flesh and fluids dripping off the sides of my stretcher.

My ambulance regularly becoming a biohazard until I’ve scrubbed every inch.

Listening to the sounds of weeping patients on their way to the ER for the 5th time this month because no body cares about them.

It’s not death that scares me. Not loss of limbs or sight that worries me. It’s not having anyone who wants to love me. Not having anyone willing to speak for me when I am broken. It’s the idea my mind can be pristinely sharp but my body defeated and needing someone. But no body cares.

That possibility is petrifying.

1.4k · Apr 2015
ARI Apr 2015
Sweet girl
All alone
Holding herself
Pinching the extra fat upon her thighs
Five miles. No meals. hope one day she'll learn
Beauty cant be
weighed by a

1.4k · Dec 2013
Crippling Nightmares
ARI Dec 2013
Another sleepless night Im having
Bothered by these unfair thoughts.
Crippled by the guilt im feeling
Destroying my once lovely dreaming.

Every time I see her face
Fear rips through my tightened chest.
Gentle laughter now forgotten
Hatred for myself still blooming.

I feel as though Im always followed
Jumping at each and every noise.
Keeping to myself and crying
Learning to hide from my nightmares.

Maybe one day I'll be just fine
No longer blaming myself.
Or perhaps I will never change
Possibly only becoming worse.

Quizzical is my way of thinking
Ridiculous I have become.
Sulking in my darkened shadow
Teetering on the line of insanity.

Unwanted pain fills my soul
Vanquishing my beautiful memories.
Withering away from everybody
Xenophobe I now have become.

Zealous I will never be again.

1.3k · Feb 2018
Drunken Rambles
ARI Feb 2018
I have alcohol in my veins
Telling me I’m not ok.

I have anxiety in my brain
Slowly driving me insane.

I’ve a heart that I’ve kept caged
Even though it can’t be tamed.

I keep looking for beautiful change
Knowing life’s an unfair game.

1.3k · Nov 2014
ARI Nov 2014
I try so hard
not to hear
your quiet tortured sobs
ripping through my head

I try to sleep
but I can still feel
the weight of all your tears
weighing down my pillow

I try to ignore
searing pain gnawing
my every tender limb
from the blades you took to yours

I try to close
my bloodshot eyes to block
images of your bloodied body
laying beneath once clear water

I try to move
but its as if Im frozen standing
watching you fade away countless
times, your heart never stopping

I try to reach
hoping to touch your weary face
wanting to wipe the misery
from your beautiful eyes

I try to show
you I exist but every time
I reach for you I break the mirror
and youre gone once again

1.3k · Dec 2013
Surrounding Darkness
ARI Dec 2013
Dear darkness surrounding me,
do me a favor,
And come swallow me.
i cant take anymore of this,
Im falling into your nothingness.

1.2k · Jan 2015
Beating Heart
ARI Jan 2015
I listened but I heard no sound
Falling from his lips.
Instead I heard my beating heart
Wanting to meet his.

I loved how his hands would follow
When his mouth would move.
For a busy mind like mine
His tender voice did soothe.

1.2k · Sep 2014
Once Upon a Time
ARI Sep 2014
There was a time
I sat alone

empty heart
broken soul

I spoke not
for words escaped me

my fingers trembled
bones all aching

I thought it better
for no one to know

I wanted to leave
but had no where to go

1.2k · Dec 2013
Beautiful World
ARI Dec 2013
Her wish for life,
A simply beautiful world.
She asked for love,
Never perfection.

To experience the world,
Slow to settle.

Her time to change,
To live as if life,
were ageless.

1.2k · Apr 2015
Beauty is The Beast
ARI Apr 2015
Beauty is the Beast
That creeps beneath my bed.
Weaving together nasty thoughts
To place inside my head.

Beauty is the beast
That wakes while Im asleep
Her red eyes 'ever beaming
Sharks teeth 'ever gleaming

Beauty is the beast
Burrowed in my bony chest
Cat claws scratching at my ribs
I swear beauty never rests

Beauty is the beast
That sings my soul to sleep
With the promise of her lullabies:
A little waist and perfect thighs

Beauty is the beast
Once creeping beneath my bed
'til beauty braided with the thoughts
Now waltzing in my head
1.2k · May 2016
I Am Still Waiting
ARI May 2016
Were broken
And I spent
Countless hours
Collecting the shards
Of your shattered soul
From the impact
Of a death.
Were sobbing
In a heap of
Bloodied tissues
And I was there silently
Destroying evidence of
Your depression
Induced self hate
As I held you closely.
Were a gnarled
Garden of lost
Beauty and I
Was there to rid you
Of the invasive weeds
Happily devouring
The life in your veins
Leaving you to die.
I was left with
Bleeding hands from
The shards of your soul
Razors sinking in my skin
From your example of
The weeds of depression
Strangling me and all I needed was

But you never came.

1.1k · Jun 2015
I'm Sorry
ARI Jun 2015
I'm sorry my sweet darling
I should have held your hand
Pulled you close to me
And asked you for a dance.

1.1k · Aug 2016
"Defective" Woman
ARI Aug 2016
I'm sorry
I cannot be
A perfect wife;
That’s just not

I'm sorry
I cannot deal
A perfect house
And delightful

I'm sorry
I cannot make
A perfect smile
For your eyes to

1.1k · Jan 2018
ARI Jan 2018
I’m stuck inside somebody else’s head
I don’t know who she’s supposed to be.
It’s like we’re one single body
With two different personalities
I swear sometimes neither one can breathe.

Her face is smiling but I feel her soul dying
She’s begging me to finally set her free.
But she’s the face meant for society
The one everybody loves to meet.
The one I really want to be.

I’m the one always hiding
Behind hallow eyes always lying

Saying “I’m ok”

1.1k · Oct 2014
Love You Forever
ARI Oct 2014
Small innocent child
so sweet and beautiful
with a heart so wild
and smile so brilliant

With soft blonde waves
caressing rosy cheeks
and enchanting blue eyes
filled with vibrant wonder

Everything about you
is everything I love
Forever and always
1.1k · Dec 2014
A Boy Called "Warrior"
ARI Dec 2014
Bald head
Brave smile
Tired limbs
Shaken soul
Hopeful heart
Aching body
Weary eyes
Quiet home

Color fading
Heat escaping
Vacant eyes
Heavy bones
Lifeless body
Broken hearts
Blue lips
Heavy stone

Another child has been taken by Cancer.
1.1k · Dec 2015
Meltdown Level: Adult
ARI Dec 2015
Don't have
Time for this.
I can not have
A meltdown. I am an adult, **** it!

1.0k · Mar 2015
Living Chest
ARI Mar 2015
No eyes can see me
Though Im always there.
Forgotten and abused
But no one seems to care.

I feel like a human heart
Caged inside a living chest.
Ever beating; never freed;
No escape until my death.

1.0k · Nov 2016
Anxious Army
ARI Nov 2016
Anxiety has an army
She's marching through my head.
She's twisting up my body
I swear she wants me dead

She's climbing down my throat;
She's wrapped around my spine.
She whispers in my ear
"Your souls forever mine"

Anxiety has a song
Of harsh and dreadful laughter.
A voice that tells your story
As unhappily ever after.

She'll rock your broken mind
Until all you do is sleep.
She'll dig her nails into your head
For your joys she craves to reap.

1.0k · Sep 2014
ARI Sep 2014

a momma dreamt
of rocking her little girl
while she read sweet stories
of a fairy tale world

a father dreamt of smiling
while he shook his sons hand
the day that little boy
became an honorable man

a big brother dreamt
of the day that his mother
would finally bring home
his new baby brother

a momma's rocking
her precious little girl
afraid come tomorrow
she'll no longer be in this world

a father is crying
while he holds his own hand
for his perfect little boy
will never grow into a man.

our children are dying,
at least seven a day
their siblings are lying
saying they'll be okay.

tubes like little serpents
cover their beds
they’ve little to no hair
on their sweet little heads

September is here
now our voices will be heard
our words will reach
every inch of this earth.

September is Childhood Cancer awareness month. Go gold!
987 · May 2016
Not My Fairytale
ARI May 2016
They tell me
I am so adventurous
Because I moved to another

But little did
They know I was
Simply running away from

They tell me
I am so successful
In finding and creating my

But little did
They know I have failed
At the one thing I meant to do;

975 · Sep 2015
Angel Eyes
ARI Sep 2015
From the innocence
That she portrays
You'd never guess
She'd seen such days
Of drugs and *****
And easy lays

You'd never guess
Upon her cheeks
Once lived the tears
That always wreaked
With self disgust
At its highest peak

You'd never know
Upon her thighs
Is where shes written
All her lies
And in those scars
Her hatred hides

971 · Nov 2015
Dear Momma
ARI Nov 2015
Dear Momma,
The monster got me.
He dug his nails
Into my bones.
I swear every
Time I cried
He rejoiced
My tortured groans.

I fought hard,
Momma. I swear I did.
I gave up everything
Ive ever had to give.
He took my hair;
My piece of mind.
Yet still he wouldn't
Let me live.

But there's one thing
He'll never have, momma
No matter the pain
Or immeasurable weight
Of this hellish trauma.
He'll never have my soul
For your love for me
Is far too great.

They said I was special
Called me brave and strong.
Claimed me a warrior;
They've never been more wrong.
For I was but a child
Too afraid to turn around.
They'll never know that truth
For my heartbeat's 'ever gone.

964 · Oct 2014
Dance with Me
ARI Oct 2014
You held my hand
Close to your heart
You kissed my lips
And swore you'd never leave

You held my gaze
Spoke the sweetest words
You smiled brightly
While you danced with me
962 · Nov 2014
Mirror Mirror
ARI Nov 2014
Mirror mirror on the wall
Why must you make me see it all

From the bags beneath my eyes
To extra fat upon both thighs

Every scar that marks my skin
From where I start to where I end

Why must I hear your laughter
Your cruel thoughts and evil chatter

Twisted words that break my heart
Come from you; they tear me apart

958 · Nov 2014
My Firefly
ARI Nov 2014
I took the words
you wrote for me
and locked them
in my soul

Like the fireflies
caught on warm
dark summer nights
and placed inside a jar

Your words so sweet
they give me dreams
and helped guide me through
all the fears I couldnt see
951 · Jan 2015
Would You?
ARI Jan 2015
If I took your hand
And wrapped your arm around my waist,
Would you pull me close
Or push me away?

If I smiled at you
And asked for one dance,
Would you leave me alone
Or give me a chance?

938 · Aug 2016
The 3-Volley Salute
ARI Aug 2016
Dear brother
It's been a while
Since I've had the
Chance to make you smile.

And I miss
The way it used to be
When we'd go
Driving; just you and me.

Blasting hours of music
Just 'cause we could
Screaming Taylor Swifts
"Our we out of the woods!"

Dear brother
It's been many months
Since the day that
You left us.

The promise you made;
Do you remember?
Saying you would
Often send a letter.

And our sweet mother
Bless her heart,
Still checks the mail;
It always tears her apart.

Dear brother,
It's me again.
I never guessed this
Is how your life would end.

The red, white, and blue,
Folded perfectly in
Mothers arms, for her son
Who's fight was true.

And the 3-volley salute
For the twenty-two
Too young in boots.
Twenty-two gone too soon.

Oh The 3-volley salute

932 · Dec 2013
ARI Dec 2013
We're all lost in
a maze known as life,
and were just trying to find a way
around the walls on both our sides.

But every time we think
the hard parts almost over
We come across a barricade
that makes our broken hearts seem colder

The old have "been there, done that"
And the young are left to be lost.
While we're slowly left to wonder
We think not what our own actions have caused.

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