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1.8k · Apr 2015
Silent Night
Amitav Radiance Apr 2015
Rest with the night
Softness of the dark
Envelopes the soul
Faint silver rays
Glistens with pride
Away from prying eyes
Lay bare the intentions
Ever thankful for
The true meanings
Of love is revealed
1.8k · Aug 2014
Life is worthwhile…
Amitav Radiance Aug 2014
Life is worthwhile when you see the sunrise
Listening to the chirpy birds making merry
Glinting dewdrops are nature’s solitaire
Pirouetting on the edges with nimble feet
Sun rays kissing life into all the half sleepy heart
Waking up to the fresh aroma of pristine dawn
Walking on bare grass to get a strong foothold
Feeling one with nature embracing me tight
It’s a symphony of the grandest orchestra
Starting our day with a pledge in our heart
In making this day all the more worthwhile
1.8k · Apr 2015
Mind Bending
Amitav Radiance Apr 2015
The mind bends
While experiencing
The ethereal
Moving away
From the pivot
Of earlier beliefs
Mending the chasm
To create
A link between
The known and
Unable to
Distinguish between
The real and surreal
Painting the world
With alien colors
Painting silhouettes
And finally
Giving them clarity
In the world
Of ethereal
Bending away
You swerve to
A different world
1.8k · Jun 2015
Rains are here
Amitav Radiance Jun 2015
Sitting near the window
On a mellow morning
There’s a palpable eagerness
To wash away the summer heat
The nearest tree branches sway
In anticipation to welcome the rain
I can feel leaves talking to each other
Sudden gust of cool air touches me
Making me aware of my presence
May be the rains are on their way
The tree branches do an ecstatic dance
I look up at the accumulating clouds
Suddenly the sky opens up in happiness
Sound of rain is like the sweetest lyrical notes
There’s flowing elegance in the air
Rains wash away the last bit of gloominess
Here my heart wants to get drenched
I finally join the trees and birds
And get the taste of refreshing shower
Rains are here and there is hope writ all over
1.8k · Feb 2015
A Day
Amitav Radiance Feb 2015
The soft green
The cool blue
Whistling winds
Chiming leaves
Restless birds
Running streams
Welcoming valleys
Warm Sun
Golden hues
Strong trees
Enigmatic roots
Waggling bees
Aromatic flowers
Colorful canvas
Happy footprints
Meandering paths
Soft earth
Dancing hearts
Perfect Day
1.8k · Aug 2014
New Beginning
Amitav Radiance Aug 2014
My old self keep dying everyday
To keep tryst with new beginning
Young heart beating with vigor
Every vein filled with brimming hope
Charting new territories
Being better than my old persona
Inception of fresh perspective
Every cosmic particle in me enthused
After fresh lease of life
1.8k · Apr 2014
Amitav Radiance Apr 2014
The lemon, yellow and juicy
With lots of zest
Squeeze it to make lemonade
Or some extra zing to your tea
The cocktails give a kick
When lemon juices are mixed
Well ripe ones are pulpy
It has got hue named after it- lemony
Pickle it to have it throughout the year
Or use its oil for aromatherapy
A lemon drink will keep you cool when it’s sunny
So life can become more fun and tangy

© Amitav (Radiance)
Penned this poem just for fun. Don't know if it will be accepted.
1.8k · May 2014
Bird's Song
Amitav Radiance May 2014
The bird sings, not for an audience, but to satisfy its happy soul.*~ Amitav
1.8k · Jun 2014
Love is for Real
1.8k · Apr 2015
Sheet of Paper
Amitav Radiance Apr 2015
A single sheet of paper
Crushed by the paperweight
Few lines written across
Now, forgotten and resigned
To their fate of loneliness
Poetic heart’s fleeting indulgence
Scarred the pristine canvas
Bearing the burden of poetic frenzy
Single sheet of paper to the rescue
Now, crushed by the paperweight
Forgotten and lonely
A love story between words and paper
Neglected by the poet
1.8k · Jul 2014
Pen to Paper
Amitav Radiance Jul 2014
The blank paper stared at me for long
Wishing, I wield the pen to paint with ink
As my mind is heavy with thoughts
Blank paper offers me the space to share
Myriads of thoughts and deepest emotions
How effortlessly the blank paper draws me
Out of my slumber, to pen down the words
When the pen touches the paper
It connects my soul and heart to the blank space
Waiting for me to fill the white space with emotions
Offering me an easy access to let go
And express with eloquence, over pristine canvas
Painting the most intricate designs with words
Times when spoken words become few
And the only path for me is to compose
It does not complain if the composition goes awry
Being a true companion without being judgmental
Not weary of my erratic thoughts and going wayward
After all, everyday it brings me to the table
That’s the path which I am drawn towards
Without being wary of the world, I pen down my thoughts
The blank paper always waits for me to wield the pen
And the ink flows again to chronicle my thoughts
1.8k · Jul 2014
Amitav Radiance Jul 2014
There is so much indifference
Nothing seems to hold one’s interest
Wavering from one place to another
Mental inertia has set in
Hurting the soul, from all the bitterness
Walking down the path of indifference
Only left with a shadow, as a companion
There is something ailing, with no prognosis
Unidentifiable alienation of the self from the rest
Left alone with the legacy of indifference
Soul has become unresponsive to Love’s embrace
1.7k · Jun 2014
The Concrete Story
Amitav Radiance Jun 2014
Waking among the concrete structures
Starting the day running around in earnest
For chores are plenty and time is handful
To begin a new one-hundred-meter-dash
Trying to outdo each other, in an imaginary race
Every stride we take, the concrete takes away our zeal
There is no cushion for the hectic lifestyle
Taking a toll on our mind and body
We seem to have reached somewhere
But end up at the same station, to catch the train
Inadvertently, packing every coach
Few faces we know from our daily commute
Lots of new faces add up to the crowd
We are an individual, but interspersed in the crowd
Waiting to get-off at the daily destination
The concrete pavements and the concrete buildings
Greets us gloomily, although modern architecture
Facades of glass reflecting off the chaos of life outside
Immediately, we are in a grind of the job
Lost in numerous presentations and graphical projections
The pie charts take the sweetness out of our life
Savoring only percentages, with sprinkling of peppery talks
Targets are set and client’s meet are arranged
To strike out a deal and sign-off the nuptials
It’s a marriage of client and service providers
Where brands are hogging the limelight
For us it’s the race to maintain our saneness
As it’s a daily commute through the concrete jungle
1.7k · May 2014
Amitav Radiance May 2014
The heart, full of hatred
Hardened with tarred emotions
It does not beat with rhythm of Love
Discolored beyond recognition
Pumping thick fluid of crass
Across all veins in the body
Paralyzing the mind and the limbs
Finally, hatred suffocates
Unable to breathe the fresh hope
As the body is full of vicious hatred
Asphyxiating the last breath of hope
To revive the chances of Love again
Hatred wins, and the soul, succumbs**

© Amitav (Radiance)
1.7k · Mar 2015
Fleeting presence
Amitav Radiance Mar 2015
Our fleeting presence
Across this cosmic path
Life’s enormous
We, but minuscule travelers
Running errands
One destination, many situations
Challenges and trials
New visitors, ancient places
Unknown fellow travelers
Learning and unlearning
None of us aware
About the origins
Pursuing relentlessly
For answers that elude us
Our errands shall end
Our presence will be
Wiped away by the winds
Nature’s being
Shall return to nature
This cosmic enigma is constant
1.7k · Dec 2014
Of this Universe
Amitav Radiance Dec 2014
Lose yourself in the rhythmic vibrations
Waves of tranquility will wash you away
To a far away land where there is silence
Hear your inner self speak the profound words
Here we live by the moments
In the distant land there is no concept of time
All in the eternity, whole existence becomes clear
Finally, open the eyes of your mind
Realize the existence of the universe, within
And the oneness will be your realization
Chanting the hymn of eternal mantra
You are ONE
1.7k · Jan 2015
Deepest Thoughts
Amitav Radiance Jan 2015
Extroverted efforts
To reveal the deepest thoughts
In our minds
Are not enough
Our endorsements
Are not always in their favor
Some gestures are silent
Picked up by the subliminal
1.7k · Jun 2015
Morning Beauty
Amitav Radiance Jun 2015
The first kiss of the morning light
Cannot tame the blooming bud
Waiting to flower in full glory
Opening up its world to beauty
Waiting for hands that nurtures it
Not a drop of nectar is abandoned
Before it yields to the fleeting world
But the beauty and aroma will linger, forever
1.7k · Mar 2015
The Unsaid
Amitav Radiance Mar 2015
So many feelings swell up
Rising above the brink of the soul
Ready to deluge the heart
Poetry finds another medium
Flows eloquently across the impassive paper
Forever flooded with feelings
Soul within heaves a sigh of relief
For the unsaid have now found a voice
1.7k · May 2014
Amitav Radiance May 2014
The cloud and Sun are playing hide-n-seek
Sun peeking from the veils of clouds
With it linings shimmering like gold
Clouds silhouette coming to light
Responding to the warmth of the Sun
To give way to the morning sunshine
Resplendent Earth basks in the ambiance
Ushering another day*

© Amitav (Radiance)
1.7k · Jun 2015
Morning Songs
Amitav Radiance Jun 2015
Sing me a song o' morning birds
Invite your friends to join the chorus
Let the morning begin with your songs
You flew from afar to make this morning beautiful
Your songs will stay in my heart forever
You bring the distant dreams near me
Making my heart hopeful
I shall also give wings to my dreams
Please carry my dreams to distant lands
Paint an artistic pattern across the lovely blue sky
I will wait for your return o’ messenger
For now let me drown in this beautiful ambience
My heart wants to get up and dance
My feet will match the rhythm of your songs
1.7k · May 2015
Modern Spaces
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Wider roads
Reclaimed our abode
Lesser spaces
More roadways
Leads nowhere
Classy vehicles
Steering for long
Congested traffic
Life comes to
A standstill
Homes push away
Further from heart
Electronic signals
Directs our journey
Everyone back home
Waits for none
This is a journey
With a passion
Without a rear view mirror
There’s no looking back
1.7k · Jan 2015
Stellar Spectacle
Amitav Radiance Jan 2015
The night’s canvas
Sparkling with solitaire
Astral tales
Woven in the tapestry
Intricate designs
A stellar spectacle
In the eyes
Are new desires  
Blink, you miss
1.7k · Dec 2014
Amitav Radiance Dec 2014
While introspecting
I came closer, to myself
Being distanced
I forgot the language
In which scripts were written
Became myopic
And veered farther
Enjoying being away
Lost in the din
Never realizing
I was being swept away
From myself
While my soul yearned
For a rendezvous
I was oblivious
Seduced by the glib talkers
Became gullible
And yielded to the manipulations
Was a hallucinating ride
In the scariest roller coasters
Mind in a jumble
Entangled in the web of lies
Now, I have come back
From the brink of oblivion
To myself
Once more to listen
To my soul and heart
A union
After a struggle
1.7k · Feb 2015
Without the Words
Amitav Radiance Feb 2015
Words may be a hindrance
Forming hard crust over feelings
You wanted to convey
At the core of those words
The true meaning is lost forever
At times, when words don’t suffice
Pure and raw feelings are more potent
There are many miles traversed
Between the feelings and the words
Somewhere, the line is drawn inadvertently
Hurdles imaginary are the toughest ones
Endless numbers of words do not right
The wrongs meted out to the true feelings
Heart will wither away, if not revived
At the avenue where words are shunned
It’s where hearts shall meet, without prejudice
Not weighed down by the frills of words
Life is embellished with silence
When hearts do the talking, sans the words
1.7k · Apr 2015
Amitav Radiance Apr 2015
Deconstruct the established
Many ideas which supports them
Scrutinize them with precision
Dissect them to the core
Reveal the truth that they hold
In an endeavor to construct
One needs to deconstruct
To establish the relation and bonds
Nothing is permanent
Deconstruct to establish the truth
1.7k · Apr 2015
Waiting to Bloom
Amitav Radiance Apr 2015
Flower that did not bloom
Holds the secret to happiness
Waiting for an opportune moment
To display its glory to the world
With patience, honeyed potion
Aroma and beauty will mesmerize
World will be in a stupor
Drunk on the beauty and nectar
For, it will bloom for sure
1.7k · May 2015
When Night Descends
Amitav Radiance May 2015
When night descends
Darkened corners hearken
The soft pleas of soul
Waiting for some light
And explore every line
Sometimes crossing over
To forbidden territory
Opening the gates
To the earnest traveler
So many surprises wait
It’s a dream destination
When souls awaken
To the euphoric celebration
When night descends
1.7k · Jun 2015
Love this Life
Amitav Radiance Jun 2015
Love this life
Sift through the
Intricate layers
Difficult to
Look closer
Pick each layer
And find the
Hidden between
Not no visible
To the naked eye
Shades of love
Adds color
Becomes easier
To visualize
Life’s meanings
Written in
A language
Best deciphered
By the soulful one
Decipher love
Every day
Of your life
1.7k · Apr 2015
Existence and History
Amitav Radiance Apr 2015
Millions of years of existence
Earth carries layers of history
Abundant and bountiful
They thrived during their peak
Happiness and coexistence
Turned to rambunctious ambitions
Valiant hearts turned violent
Severing the ties of humanity
Colored the layers of history in red
Tyrants and traitors marred the existence
Of the beautiful fabric of mankind
Stained fate, never to recover
Sometimes nature turned foe
Obliterating life from this Earth
History is the silent custodian
Testimony to the many facets of humanity
We bring our downfall
Mired in controversies and revenge
Saga of shameful acts and own dereliction
Sifting through the layers of history
It’s not for the faint-hearted to endure
The rough tales of disasters and annihilation
Millions of years and many more thereafter
At the crossroads of humanity
History is waiting to add many more layers
To the annals of its testimony
1.7k · Jul 2014
Lover's Game
Amitav Radiance Jul 2014
Amorous play
Heightened senses
Lover’s in rhythm
Thrilling chase
Entwined heart
Awakened passions
Fervent tango
Delicate moves
Love’s Aroma
Exhilarating feelings
Lover’s at play
1.7k · Apr 2015
In the Woods
Amitav Radiance Apr 2015
The woods have become denser
Where roots have gone deeper
Lost between the intricate mesh
Of the branches and that hold
Embracing each other in a synergy
Here the lost soul is looking for a way
To navigate between the labyrinth
Ideas and thoughts are not porous
Ground realities have become grim
Recoiled are the roots deep within
Looking to move away from the lacunae
As the woods come closer and grasp
This soul has no answer to the questions
Pertinent doubts are raised
No looking away from the harsh world
Feeling crushed between two realities
A hallucinatory phase feels so real
Nothing but prisoners we are
Caught between the woods of reality
Souls filtered us through travails
Here are the sediments seeping
Deep into the ground, where roots reclaim
1.7k · Aug 2014
Vagabond Heart
Amitav Radiance Aug 2014
She was unaware about the way of the world
Radiant beauty did capture the vagabond heart
Trampling along the green meandering path
Where not any traveler have set their foot
Walked across the ****** valley and yonder
The ***** came to the crystal clear stream
Aware of his thirst, from the endless wandering
He stooped to drink from the sweet stream
Unaware of the maiden’s presence, who tip-toed
Busy was he drinking to quench his thirst
For the first time was he aware of the maiden
Vagabond heart captured by the reflection’s beauty
He kissed her reflection, making the maiden blush
At the twilight the eyes meet, making the hearts flounder
Radiant beauty did capture the vagabond heart
1.7k · Jan 2015
Thoughts and Visualization
Amitav Radiance Jan 2015
From consciousness
Are birthed your thoughts
Whose rays
Strikes the mind’s mirror
To create a reflection
Of your imagination
Silhouette at first
Bordering the edges of light
Finally, becomes clearer
To those with vision
1.7k · Feb 2015
Silent Tears
Amitav Radiance Feb 2015
Drops of tears
Desolately clinging
To the eyelashes
Holds the melancholy
Befallen tragedy
Oozing from the soul
Reflecting the inner world
Waiting for those hands
To wipe them away
Before it deluges
The whole world
1.7k · May 2015
Journey through Life
Amitav Radiance May 2015
There’s nothing to hold on to
Or things which we can take with us
Fleeting moments of the surreal
We magnify the perceptions as we travel
Nothing more than a realistic mirage
Travelling through the tunnel of time
There’s nothing to accumulate
Our souls are free, without possessions
Do not hold it back with shackles
Time will wither away in an illusionary darkness
We travel with an anticipation of being immortal
Truth is we are always free
Often we have to listen to our soul
Leave possessions behind and look ahead
There’s eternity looking at you with eagerness
1.7k · May 2015
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Wake up with the morn
Inhale the fresh air
Soak in the light of dawn
Taste the dewdrops
To soothe the parched soul
Dreams are new
Waiting to take flight
Chirping birds talk to you
Listen to them closely
How dreams take flight
Nestle your dreams with care
Wide open arms of morning air
Welcomes you in her world
Wide eyed at daybreak
Capture the beauty of this world
1.6k · Jun 2015
Across the Blank Pages
Amitav Radiance Jun 2015
Across the blank pages
The poet’s heart sleeps
Stretching the soul languidly
As feelings stretch to words
Etched are the elegant lines
The soul becomes a contortionist
With amazing grace and flexibility
The lines grace the blank pages
1.6k · Apr 2015
Arduous Journey
Amitav Radiance Apr 2015
The circuitous and arduous roads
Slithers over the difficult terrains
Slimy and slipping away from reality
Through the tapestry of agony
Bruised souls pay with dripping blood
In deepest burrows hibernates the truth
Weary and defeated travelers move along
Only the one who bends but do not break
Shall redeem truth from the caverns
1.6k · Nov 2014
Cautioned Love
Amitav Radiance Nov 2014
The worst form of love
which loves with cautioned heart
building defenses against the feelings
to freely explore the depths
a machiavellian mind devises plans
sinister enough to stab love
behind the smiling façade
lies the most dangerous intent
1.6k · Mar 2015
A Maze
Amitav Radiance Mar 2015
Labyrinth of memories
Hue of different colors
Swathe the lonely corridor
It’s a sacred place, within
Now and then I tend to visit
More vivid portraits of the past
Present and future are lost pieces
Here, the puzzle is unsolved
Because of the missing pieces
Destined this soul is
To walk the lonely labyrinth
No road ahead, it’s a cul-de-sac
1.6k · Dec 2014
Festive Season
Amitav Radiance Dec 2014
Let love be in our heart
Gratitude for everyone
The finest season to reflect
And spread happiness
We are here, together
It is one world
And let’s reach out to greet
Magic is in the air
Best wishes for all
Being there for each other
Let that be a prayer
This season is a reminder
To keep love in our heart
Every day of the year
Wishing everyone here, on Hello Poetry, Merry Christmas! Thank you everyone for all the love, support and encouragement. Let's pray for a beautiful year ahead.
1.6k · Dec 2014
Winter Wishes
Amitav Radiance Dec 2014
When winter is at its peak
And temperatures plummet
Festive fervor keeps us warm
Love and wishes for everyone
From the heart and soul
White is the symbol of peace
And red, the glow of love
It strengthens the bond
With the flames of love kindled
In every heart and home
Winter’s sweetness to savor
Shake away the cold
And keep the happiness intact
With kind words and deeds
As we wait for another year
Full of hope, beauty, and love
1.6k · May 2014
As Beauty Sleeps...
Amitav Radiance May 2014
The beauty sleeps
In to the silent night
Secret desires and dreams
And the faint smile
Next to her, the sleepless lover
Waiting to invade her dreams*

© Amitav (Radiance)
1.6k · May 2015
Nature’s Canvas
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Blue canvas
Smudged with
Patterned clouds
Streaks of light
Kisses the edges
Golden hues
Seen through
Swaying trees
Nature’s brush
Still at work
Perfecting the artwork
Evokes the beauty
Enduring masterpiece
Flights of fancy
Fly towards beauty
Millions of spectators
Stupefied by brilliance
1.6k · Apr 2015
A New Day
Amitav Radiance Apr 2015
As morning light
Swathes over
Bare skin
The private
Of stars retire
Smooth transition
From night
To day
Every pore
Breathes happiness
Slant sunrays
Caress the soul
Introducing a
New day
To the concealed
World of
Two lost souls
Night’s reminder
Does not fade away
Entwined passion
And new dreams
Welcomes a new day
1.6k · Mar 2015
Alluring Night
Amitav Radiance Mar 2015
The alluring night
Entices the lovely souls
Yearning to reciprocate
A connect at subliminal level
Waiting to embrace
Touch the deepest core
Stars shine brighter
And the moon blushes
Rhythmic dance of wild hearts
Unleashes the desire
1.6k · Jun 2015
Dream sequences
Amitav Radiance Jun 2015
Dream sequences
Made up of random patterns
So many faces
The rhythm of many heartbeats
So many minds
So many thoughts- conscious or sub-conscious
What is their origin?
Only source from within us?
Maybe thoughts are planted
While we are asleep
Played to us like a dream film
Some we remember
Others we forget
Yet, they may be residing somewhere
Where do lost dreams go?
Or, maybe it’s not meant for us
Expunged from our subconscious
Our every move has a meaning
We may not know the origins
For all we know
Or actions are mirrored
1.6k · May 2015
In a Café
Amitav Radiance May 2015
In a café
Rich aroma of
Coffee brew
Morning welcome
Happy faces
Flitting newspaper pages
Reads the world story
Over aromatic coffee
Discuss local happenings
Perfect blend of
World with the neighborhood
Over cups of coffee
Animated discussions
Some ideas may
Change the world
Microcosm will fit
Perfectly in the macrocosm
Small world
Can make a difference
1.6k · Jun 2015
For Poetry
Amitav Radiance Jun 2015
Look no further
For poetry is within you
Let the soul flow freely
Listen to the quiet murmur
Tranquil, flows feelings
Time is on an eternal journey
Mind maps the path
Life’s notebook adds a blank page
For everyday anecdotes
Let the blood flow happily
Take the nature’s course
Every journey a revelation
Look no further
For poetry is within you
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