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462 · Jul 2017
A Grave Among the Trees
Sam Jul 2017
If I die in the mountains, leave me there to rot.
My boots will outlive my flesh.

So just push me from the trail, and cover me with dirt.
My soul, it will be free.

Bury me where the air is fresh and foliage is lush.
My true home, and the only one I've known.

Don't cry a single tear.
My corpse will disappear.

Far below the earth.
My heart can finally rest.
461 · Jul 2017
The Page Once Blank
Sam Jul 2017
There was a story

Written in her eyes

One that wasn't finished

So I kissed her slowly

And I whispered in her ear

"From now on we write together"

"And we will until the end"
460 · Jan 2019
Sam Jan 2019
I lurk outside the syndicate
roaming it's vast walls
I wish to be apart
yet, I remain feral at heart
I crave the attention those  who lay within
those who pick their flowers
who sing in their choirs

I yearn so deeply to belong
but found myself
running with the wolves
howling at the moon

The lost children
forsaken at the gate
we found a place our own
under the starlight

Prancing in forests
chasing mountaintops
we are together
we are whole
458 · Jul 2017
Back-Up Plan
Sam Jul 2017
I was your back-up plan.

The ***** pair of socks, still clean enough to wear.

The spare tire left to solitude in the trunk.

The only restaurant open on holidays.

I was your back-up plan.

So when your ship is sinking, remember that I was your life-raft.
And remember the way you stuck a knife in my back and threw me overboard.
I'm being sincere when I say, good luck fighting off the sharks.
455 · Aug 2017
Living In Memory
Sam Aug 2017
Take me back to days we both know when
Beautiful words you used to speak
Now a whisper in the wind

Take me back to the times we used to share
Hand in hand as we walked the city streets
Now I reach for phantom skin
Memories held within

Take me back to when forever was you and I
But I guess all good things end
The nightmares settle in
Now I'm wishing for your kiss
To fill my emptiness
To mend my brokeness
And guide me to a future
Where light shines once again
452 · Oct 2017
Just Past the Window
Sam Oct 2017
Her eyes were like a broken window
Deceptively offering a sense of security
Past the shattered glass
It was obvious to see
The broken home was still living in her
Even if she wasn't living in it
445 · Jun 2018
Once Fallen
Sam Jun 2018
Oh come fallen angel
Cure my heart of it's regret
Kiss my neck tenderly
Whisper your story so bittersweet

In lunacy, my mind dares dabble
Asleep at last, I face your gaze
The sorrowful eyes of my forsaken flower
Your wings once golden, now rest black
Envelop me within their grasp

Too much pain, my name forgotten
A relic of time fit for a coffin
Boldly did you take my hand
My rescue was your master plan

Dreams still withered
Scars last forever
Solace is your hand in mine
From now until the end of time
445 · Mar 2018
Missing Page
Sam Mar 2018
A page not meant to be written
I conceal the words never meant to be read
From the book I was torn
Left to wither on a counter-top
Eventually met with scorn, and burned to ash merely as a way to move forward
For my words could never be accepted
Only rejected
Despised by the masses for standing out so proudly
The once golden page that defined the book
Reduced to nothing more than a pile of soot
Simply for the words that couldn't be understood
444 · May 2018
Sam May 2018
Carried in his heart,
Those words spoken in the dark
Her eyes so full of wonder
Enchanted by the twilight
Daylight's come to end
Two hearts together learn to mend
Sam Jun 2017
When I caught a glimpse of you, I barely could believe.
You sat there on my porch as if to be my sign.
And when our eyes locked, you didn't fly away.
Is it injured? Is it real?
These were my first thoughts.
Even as I opened the door, and stepped towards you, beautifully you held your perch.
You're the bird they love to hate.
Your beauty they can not see.
Dark, smart, and misconstrued.
They say that you're an omen, but I can see that you're my guide.
To the crow outside my window, you're always on my mind.
To the crow outside my window, you're really just like me.
437 · Jul 2018
Shadow in the Spotlight
Sam Jul 2018
His heart never heuristic
Spilled ink blanketed the table
Everyday he fell in love with her
Never did she feel the same
His eyes had grown empty
Hollowed by reality
Even in the spotlight
He could never shine bright enough
431 · Mar 2018
Somewhere In A Cemetery
Sam Mar 2018
We danced among the tombstones
Verdant ground to kiss our feet
Her hand as cold as winter
My smile from beyond
429 · Jul 2017
Just a Ghost
Sam Jul 2017
Meet me at the gate
To the place I now call home
Meet me at the gate
And I'll take you to my stone
To the place where I now rest
I'm right between the trees
Can you see me?
I sing from top'the knoll
Can you hear me?
My pillar is made of stone
And I'm buried far below
So when you call my name
Know I'm just a ghost.
427 · Nov 2017
Lonesome Starlight
Sam Nov 2017
It's getting cold
And I really should go home
But staring at the stars
Helps me feel far less alone
425 · Oct 2017
The Last Day We Met
Sam Oct 2017
There wasn't much to really say
On that gray and fateful day
There wasn't much to really say
As I watched her walkaway
423 · Feb 2018
It Ends at the Sea
Sam Feb 2018
The skyline that I view
Ends at the sea
Kissed by mountains
Kissed by trees
Beauty is ever prominent
Standing on a peak

The skyline that I view
Ends at the sea
But the beauty that I see
Stretches far beyond
423 · Jan 2018
What Can't Be Seen
Sam Jan 2018
Deep inside, he can feel it.
A deficiency of hope lives within him.
It skulks about his heart effortlessly.
He's become all too familiar with the feeling of loneliness.
It hides behind his humble smile.
Although ever present, it will never rob him of his kindness.
Deep inside, he can feel it.
That he may never be whole again.
423 · Dec 2017
Moon Tide
Sam Dec 2017
He holds his breath
Hands white as winter
Releasing it slowly with a whisper
"I love you more than you could know"

He feels the air growing crisper
Holding her hand in mid-December
Life with her brought him bliss
Hand in hand, they watch ships pass

Her hair was good at catching snow
His love for her, she already knew
In that moment, her heart was full
Together in a moonlit eternity
420 · Mar 2018
Dreams of Gray
Sam Mar 2018
She lost every reason she had to smile
Shoes worn out from walking the same sad sidewalks
That careless city holds eternally gray horizons
She dreams of a day the clouds will float away
She dreams of a day when she can feel... anything
418 · Jun 2017
Things Change
Sam Jun 2017
My life was a tragedy.
Like a train wreck with mounting causalities.

I was on a Ferris-wheel of suffering.
As soon as I hit the top, I simply found my way back to the bottom.

I was the actor, all hopes lost.
Sitting, waiting for help to save the day.
Only my help never came.

My life was a joke, just no one was laughing.
The audience wore mortified expressions, rather than those of joy.

Agony spread like cancer through my veins.
It calcified around my heart and left me broken inside.

No matter how hard I tried to swim, the cinder-blocks were chained tightly to my ankles.

But then...

Then I met you.
416 · Nov 2017
Eternal Moments
Sam Nov 2017
I've never been much for wine.
If I was, you'd be the last sip of a fine red.
A moment staring at the empty glass.
The taste lingering.
Soon, a craving fills the mind.
Followed by a void feeling in the heart.

I've never been much for wine.
I used to be much for you.
Now memories infect my head.
The last moments we spent together.
Like that last sip,
you've become unforgettable.
415 · Mar 2021
Windswept Flowers
Sam Mar 2021
I dreamt of you that summer night
Windows open ever so slight
We were together in a field of flowers
Your windswept hair dangling carelessly from the sides of your floppy, straw, hat
The warmth of the sun as radiant as your boundless smile

You took my hand, and paraded me through a pallette of petals
My clumsy boots stumbling with each step
In my stupor, I reached and plucked a flower
It was destined to be yours
The coppery-orange petals a perfect compliment to the hue of your hair
Both of us blushing as your lips met my cheek

It was a perfect dream
A testament to the time we shared
Ended by a morning sky, and a nostalgic cup of coffee
Staring vacantly at the blooming flowers in my overgrown-garden
415 · Dec 2017
Two Doves
Sam Dec 2017
You've always been the one to shine
Radiating warmth and compassion
You could incorporate anyone into a conversation
Eyes with a dashing twinkle like stars grounded to earth

I've always been lackluster
Misanthropic by nature
I hide in forests and on mountains
As much from the world as from myself

Despite all our differences
You chose me to be the one to reside inside your heart
Despite that I could never be every thing you are
I will always love you as I have from the start
397 · Mar 2018
Words Lost to Slumber
Sam Mar 2018
He wrote line after line
Filling pages with words of ink
Storms alive in his eyes
Pen grasping paper, barely breathing from letter to letter

Ideas swarm his mind
Like sharks in an ocean
Preying on anything they can find
Growing from a sea filled with life

He couldn't sleep at night
Because the same sheep he counted
Told him stories ever beautiful
Stories that needed to be shared
Captured in the fleeting moments they're spoken
Or lost to slumber for eternity

As his journal filled, he was humbled
Thirst quenched by words that didn't get away
With his words archived securely
He could finally close his eyes
395 · Jul 2017
Beautiful Bounty
Sam Jul 2017
Beautiful Bounty, that was her name
The vessel to take us to stake our new claim
Her cabins were sleek
A strong wooden frame
We set to the seas
Fortune awaits

Beautiful Bounty, now gone astray
Great blue skies
Now faded gray
weak lumber and hunger cause great dismay

Beautiful Bounty, sunk deep in the sea
Eighty-eight souls nevermore to be
No fame nor riches did they ever witness

Beauty Bounty, that was her name
A watery grave
The last thing she gave
393 · Oct 2017
Messed Up
Sam Oct 2017
I was always kind of a mess, but you were always there to piece me back together. I spent days, followed by nights, with my face firmly pressed to my pillow. You would always hold me, kissing my head softly. Telling me that it'd be okay, and that you'd never let go.
                                    I never understood why you'd waste you're time on a broken bolt like me. I couldn't hold anything together, not even myself. I never really was religious, but now, now I find myself begging god every day. Begging him to bring you back, and take me instead.
392 · Jul 2017
Beautiful Sorrow
Sam Jul 2017
Spare me your remorse
For I was a tragedy long before
you walked into my life
And wish not for my happiness
For gray is just as beautiful as
Have no pity for my agony
And understand it makes the good times better
Sadness signed a signature
And she wrote it on my soul
392 · Jun 2017
Bleed For You
Sam Jun 2017
I always told you I would bleed for you. Still, I never thought that you would be the one to stick the dagger through my lung. I guess in a way, you took my breath away.
385 · Jul 2017
A Certain Demon
Sam Jul 2017
Vengeful enemy
Why must you be?
Why must you lurk?
So deep inside of me

Is there a reason?
You burn my soul
My hopes and dreams

Your grip is unletting
As you drag me back
Back to the endless void
385 · Aug 2017
Lonesome Echo
Sam Aug 2017
I tried to write a poem tonight
But I found myself...
The same three words echoing in my mind
The same three words...
I miss you.
383 · Mar 2018
Sinking Feeling
Sam Mar 2018
She went where her heart was
And it wasn't with me
Now all my dreams
Just sink in the sea
377 · Oct 2017
Sam Oct 2017
You must excuse my lifeless demeanor
You see, physically, my heart is in my chest
But emotionally, it's torn

I hope you can see past my blank stare
Maybe catch a glimpse of something other than hopelessness
A humble smile
Is my way of telling you I'm alive
376 · Apr 2018
Sam Apr 2018
In a gust of wind, he felt freedom
He felt chains fall from his wrists
Shackles shatter from his ankles
His burdened mind freed from it's cage

And with the wind, he chose to travel
To see the beauty in each tomorrow
No more drowning in his sorrow

At first daylight, he took to the road
Destination still unkown
He traveled light, and alone
His heart was open to the world
373 · Jan 2018
Tragic Heart
Sam Jan 2018
I am lost in the empty streets. Wandering further as the snow melts around me. Slowly, it loses it's form. Never to be what it once was. Tragically, it reminds me of my heart.
371 · Aug 2017
A Hero to Me
Sam Aug 2017
She doesn't wear a cape
And sure can't lift a car
But she holds me when I'm broken
And sees past all my scars
The world's burning faster
Each day a new disaster
She can't save every soul
But god she sure saved mine
368 · Jul 2017
My Friend Nostalgia
Sam Jul 2017
In a dream I felt nostalgia
And it brought me to my knees
It wouldn't let me breathe
My cold, dead, teary eyes

When I awoke it hit me hard
Cause the pain did not subside
The vice stuck on my heart
Sinking me deeper in the dark

So my dear Nostalgia
Please just leave me be
I know I'm getting older
And the past I can't relive

So my dear Nostalgia
Please give me back my wings
I am sick of falling
And struggling to sleep

Please just let go of me
Can't you see I'm suffocating?
Have you no compassion?
I'm hollow
Broken by your kiss

Nostalgia I'm running out of words to say
I've been fighting far too long
I'm tired and weary
Decimated by your fury

So my dear Nostalgia
Hear me as I cry
Grant me one last wish
Stay the hell away from me
367 · Sep 2017
Dreary Hourglass
Sam Sep 2017
Days crumbling faster, still the countless shades of hopeless linger in my eyes. Like notes written on a napkin from a diner where the doors never lock. A napkin soon to be ravaged by hands and stuffed into a pocket. The end result, shreds and pieces.
Reminiscent of the current state of my still beating heart.
                      Questioning every thought, every dream. Life falling
apart as the zipper travels down the seam. Skies become gray, and everything is grim. Love lost to the girl who stole my whole world. Now I fill the void with cigarettes left half smoked. Trying to find a way, to mend a heart left fully broke.
366 · Nov 2017
Fallen Branch
Sam Nov 2017
You lost me like a tree loses a branch in a storm.

I'm gone.

Now your story is filled with alcohol and nicotine.

Maybe if you believed in me, I'd still be there to fill the void in your heart.
365 · Apr 2018
The Bird Who Couldn't Fly
Sam Apr 2018
In his hand, flowers decay
She'd broke his heart that day
Weeks had past, and nothing changed
Darkness came and swept him away
On that night, he gave his all
From the rooftop, he took a fall
In the moments before the ground
His thoughts of her were so profound
Flowers clutched in his hands
His dreams fell with him
Cutting currents through the stagnant air
His back would meet the pavement and put an end to all the pain
He smiled solemnly, as teardrops filled his eyes
For the note tucked in his pocket
Held his last goodbyes
Not suicidal :) I just write sad stuff.... There is help.
359 · Feb 2018
Sam Feb 2018
Drops of rain engulf the space around me. Burdening my jacket with their fleeting composition. I stare to the clouds with eyes so empty.
Eyes so hollow from this eternal case of melancholia.

My hearts sinks to the catacombs, and there is shall remain.
Stuck in yesterday, yet dreaming of tomorrow. I feel the growing pains as it wishes to escape. To be free of the malady of being alone. To find the one who can nurture it for eternity.

The sun pierces the clouds, reminding me to breathe. Reminding me to smile. To love. I can't deny this beckoning. This call to arms. For even in the dark you must follow your heart. Through atrophy, through apathy, I choose to carry on. Though the path is lost, and full of challenges, I will not give in to the anguish that lies within.
358 · Jan 2018
Where the Fallen Slumber
Sam Jan 2018
In the darkness of the night
I lay among the dead
Tucked between the tombstones
I gaze upon the stars
For the briefest moment
I wonder where you are
Only to remember
You really aren't that far
You're right here next to me
And embedded in my heart
As much as I pretend
I can't outrun the truth
Despite your presence with me
You still sleep beneath the grass.
352 · Jun 2017
Softly Below the Sea
Sam Jun 2017
Forget me, for I am sinking.
Forget me, like the tides that forgot to recede after they pulled me from my feet. Drowning me beautifully below the surface.
Forget me, as I've forgotten what it feels like to have a pulse. The water in my lungs, a malady I can't escape from.
Forget me, as the currents drag me further from the shore. Leaving me more empty and broken than I've ever been before, but, as the sun sets into the sea, remember me.
Remember me for who I used to be.
351 · Jul 2017
A Thirst For Hope
Sam Jul 2017
Through the chaos, I caught a glimpse of you
The nightmare unfolding couldn't rob you of that glorious, warm, smile
You sent me weaving through a labyrinth of lost souls
Extending my arms to embrace you
To shield you from this broken inhabitance
This world so far lost among the shadows
And as my palms met your back
I could feel that you were empty
The one with the strong, sturdy, smile
You were trembling
That's when I realized
We shared the same nightmare
That's when I realized
The sorrow living in your eyes
But when you hooked your arms around my back
And pressed your face into my chest
When your crystal tears bled through my shirt
That's when I realized
Nightmares can end
350 · Sep 2017
Prevailing Currents
Sam Sep 2017
I love you more than life itself
My time's been spent slowly expiring on the shelf
I've found reason to go on again
Reason to be
A place where I belong
Another verse to continue my song
No longer a solo performer
Now a duet, we take the stage
Nothing can match your beauty
Illuminated by a bold, yet setting moon
As I look at you, you look at me
And in your eyes, I see it
The boundless love you feel for me
And in your eyes, I see it
The future I've been lacking
Eternity to be spent by your side
And with you...
With you my heart will always reside
349 · Mar 2018
Sam Mar 2018
As the **** of the cigarette grows closer to my lips
I find my mind free of any thought of you
And for five, ten, maybe twenty minutes if I'm lucky
I won't have to suffocate in your memory
349 · Jun 2017
Troubled Mind
Sam Jun 2017
Ripples on the surface

Currents far below

Light they never see

Dark is all they know
348 · Jul 2017
Sam Jul 2017
You are cheery
And I am dreary

You are social
And I am a rock

You live to see the sun
I lurk among the shadows

But when I'm by your side
I actually feel alive
347 · Jul 2018
Mountain's Call
Sam Jul 2018
In the mountains, I found myself
Kissed by ferns, by boots tread deep
Further into verdant green
Songs are sung by wind through trees
Ascending higher, I breach the peak
In myself, mountains free me
343 · Jul 2017
Lost & Found
Sam Jul 2017
I was lost and wayward.

My path eaten by the fog.

Then I realized, the fog was in my eyes.

So I took some time.

So I relaxed my mind.

The trail became so clear.

And it led me straight to you.
343 · Mar 2018
Hope So Far Away
Sam Mar 2018
He had nothing but pain in his heart
Misdirected dreams left him burdened by agony
Grief wove him a sweater
Stitched with sorrows and remorse
For the dark inside of him
Each day grew worse and worse

Tears laced with silver
Fed each pillow case
The labyrinth of his mind
An unforgiving place

In solitude he wept
Unable to escape
In solitude he wept
Unable to be saved
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