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343 · Jul 2017
Lost & Found
Sam Jul 2017
I was lost and wayward.

My path eaten by the fog.

Then I realized, the fog was in my eyes.

So I took some time.

So I relaxed my mind.

The trail became so clear.

And it led me straight to you.
343 · Mar 2018
Hope So Far Away
Sam Mar 2018
He had nothing but pain in his heart
Misdirected dreams left him burdened by agony
Grief wove him a sweater
Stitched with sorrows and remorse
For the dark inside of him
Each day grew worse and worse

Tears laced with silver
Fed each pillow case
The labyrinth of his mind
An unforgiving place

In solitude he wept
Unable to escape
In solitude he wept
Unable to be saved
340 · Aug 2017
Bothersome Phantom
Sam Aug 2017
I spoke to a ghost last night. He woke me from my sleep.
You'd think ghosts would have better manners than to wake a man from his night terrors. No, he just stood there at the foot of my bed. Wearing that sadistically cheesy smile like a cut-rate actor on day time television. Maybe he was hungry for my soul? Perhaps a prankster trying to get a cheap laugh? Could it be he was just lonely and misunderstood? I don't know what the hell he wanted, and honestly didn't care.
My precious three hours of sleep had been disrupted.
I stared at him a bit longer, trying to figure out what to say. Chucking a pillow, I told him to "stop letting all the **** spiders in" and turned to go back to sleep. I'm pretty sure he's picked someone new to haunt by now.
336 · Jul 2017
Hopeless Wings
Sam Jul 2017
A blackened path
A darkened soul
Reasons I fight
Lost from my sight

Slowly forgetting
What used to be
What could have been

When my light dims
The shadows come to take me
When my light dims
Will you be there to save me?

Or will I fade away?
Forever in the gray
Blessed by this deception
In need of resurrection

A bird with broken wings
This bird no longer sings

Time becoming thin
With each passing day
My heart is more constricted
Please come and cut the chain
Save me from this sorrow
And free
I will fly again
335 · Jul 2017
Would Be
Sam Jul 2017
I would be your sword, if you would be my shield.
I would fight away your sorrows, if you protect me from myself.

If you would be my rose, I would be your water.
I would keep your roots alive, and show you how to thrive.
Without you, I would dissipate.
Eaten by the soil.

I would be the clock, if you would be my hands.
I'm stuck here in the past, and need you to move forward.

If you would be my kite, I would be your wind.
I'd take you to new heights.
Embracing every ounce of your beauty.
Showing you off to the world.

I guess it's nice to dream.
334 · Feb 2018
Eternal Shelter
Sam Feb 2018
Wayward with my sorrows
I no longer search
Burdened by this fate
I no longer fight
Succumbing to this grief
I no longer dream

Caught by her kiss
I grow comatose
Blessed by her embrace
I finally feel at home
Embedded in her heart
I am whole again
332 · Nov 2017
Wayward Whispers
Sam Nov 2017
Bones hollow
Like the heart that keeps them moving

A path lacking
Lost to sands of uncertainty

The journey must go on
Until finality finds it's way

The journey must go on
Until I fade away
328 · Jun 2018
Indulgent Twilight
Sam Jun 2018
Catch me in the starlight
Whisked away by boundless night
Behold my dreamy eyes
Captive to the moon
Wind combing my hair
Kiss me if you dare
Freedom in this dreamscape
Under midnight blue
Catch me in the starlight
Forever loyal to the night
Sam Nov 2017
I remember that day like it was yesterday.
The color of your eyes flawlessly matching that of the sky.
You made me promise that we'd never change.
I remember that day like it was yesterday.
327 · Feb 2018
Forsaken Flake
Sam Feb 2018
A flake of February snow meets my upper cheek
As it melts away, it resembles a teardrop making it's escape
The lone, delicate, drop trickling it's way
However, teardrops cannot be where feelings have long ceased
The impostor fades away as my world returns to gray
325 · Sep 2017
Sam Sep 2017
I was facing death
Straight in the face
A sigh broke free
Out of apathy
I lacked the words to say
So I simple shut my eyes
Waiting for my demise
But the reaper
He walked right by me
I spit to the floor
and called to the shade
"You *******, that's right, walk away"
His laugh was stark
But hardly chilling
And with his grim, dead, voice he spoke
"Just you wait, your day will come"
324 · Feb 2018
Broken Romance
Sam Feb 2018
Eyes lost in a dreamy haze
Thinking of you puts my mind in a maze
Your blank stare catches my heart
Ensnaring my soul and binding it to yours
I'll follow you through the darkest of nights
Holding your hand when you lose your way
I could be the one who never walked away
To fill the emptiness you feel within
Like a broken alarm clock, you're singing in my head
And the tear drops in my eyes begin rolling to my bed
Hold me in your arms and claim my soul today
323 · Aug 2018
These Flames I Can't Escape
Sam Aug 2018
It's hard to get your hopes up
When you have none to begin with
They've vanished like the feelings you used to feel for me
These nights spent with the shadows,
I reflect on the wrongs I've done
Holding on to tomorrow
In the wake of things so far gone

I've become disheveled
My conscience burned away
My eager mind reminds me of the time I spent with you
This hell that burns within me
Can no longer be tamed
322 · Aug 2017
Moonlit Madness
Sam Aug 2017
The crows called to me this morning
So early it was dark
They told me that they missed me
Their song met my insanity
And, together, we sung a lullaby
Under a blood red moon
The perfect ******
312 · Jul 2018
She Smiled at Tragedy
Sam Jul 2018
She was...
Malady spread
By the words she spoke
A smile built
From nightmares and dread

She walked the earth
Deriving sustenance
From the suffering
Carrying roses
But only if they were black
Her presence enough
To cause heart attack

She was catastrophic
Her kiss was corrupt
Now I'm drowning in part
Of her cancerous wake
Suffocating slowly
As her innocent smile grows
309 · Jul 2017
What Lurks Within
Sam Jul 2017
Here I am once more
Stuck in agony
All remedies are distant
If even real at all
As nothing seems to change

Darkness has much prowess
To conquer deep inside
As the fight continues
I realize I'll never win
304 · Sep 2017
Nocturnal Struggles
Sam Sep 2017
Another late night
I struggle to sleep
My cold, pale, heart
And a million broken dreams

Another late night
I'm stuck here alone
Agony chews the skin
Straight to the bone
The stitches in my chest
Have begun to divide
Blood gushes from my soul
Drowning me deep inside

Another late night
Eyes too tired to stay closed
My hopes dance away
With the shadows on the wall
I'll shut my eyes again
Try to sleep before dawn
Snag a few hours
Before they're all gone
303 · Nov 2017
Photo Finish
Sam Nov 2017
You and I were a photo finish
Crossing the line together
Neck and neck like always
And in the end
Neither of us could claim victory
But both of us managed to hoist the trophy of misery
302 · Dec 2017
Farewell Syndrome
Sam Dec 2017
Could  you embrace the darkness in me?
It's clear you underestimated my sorrow
This pain that eats away
Living comfortably within
Now I'm drowning in dismay
Will I ever swim again?
Now it's harder to pretend
That I'll ever be okay
So before you walk away, let me thank you
For being the only one to try
301 · May 2018
It Was Before it Wasn't
Sam May 2018
You were as bold as the night sky. Ideas in your mind, your heart was kind. I needed you like a blanket in December. Those nights with you I will always remember. That spot on my chest, where your head used to rest. Now a vacant space from night to night. I long for the stories you would whisper in my ear. Reaching for the ceiling, I realize my fears. Reality. A crushing blow. To know you're gone for good.
300 · Jun 2017
Time Withers
Sam Jun 2017
Even as I turn a new page,
the embers are biting at my feet.
As far as I walk away, this sorrow I will carry until my dying day.
An empty vessel, I still feel.
The show must go on, even as I fall apart.
My scars are clear to see.
I wear them in my eyes, and hide them on my heart.
I've come so far and nothing will stop me now.
I've fought so hard sending hell to it's retreat.
Hear me as I say, I'll never walk away.
298 · Nov 2017
Passing Moments
Sam Nov 2017
Her warm smile.
Now lingers somewhere in my memory.
Despite the fact that she is gone.
I know someday we'll meet again.
293 · Oct 2017
Distant Twinkle
Sam Oct 2017
I think I was born to hold her in my arms.

Watching distant city lights dance and twinkle with the night sky.

The clouds forming the perfect backdrop as we spectate from a distance.

Surely when I find her we can make that dream a reality.

Live the kind of nights that you never forget.
290 · Nov 2018
Patio Pumpkins
Sam Nov 2018
Depleted of hope, we sit like Jack'o'lanterns
Crowding the patios of local bars
Empty inside as we sip different craft
Avoiding alcoholism by indulging only in the premium
But in this niche we've  learned to shine
To smile amongst one another
Are own limelight is born
A community are own, as we travel this bittersweet path together
I haven't been writing much lately as life has been busy. Best of wishes to all my fellow poets :) Know I'll always appreciate you all, and your beautiful writing, even if I'm not on here as often.
290 · Jun 2017
Poets Bleed Black
Sam Jun 2017
She was my kind of hopeless
Eyes tired...
No, eyes exhausted
Far past the help of coffee
Exhausted from a world bitter and cold
Exhausted from the place she's forced to call home
I don't think her hair had seen a brush in a while
It was professionally done by a pillow
A pillow with years of experience
Still, when she looked my way, I couldn't help but look away
Wish I didn't
Cause she was my kind of hopeless.
290 · Aug 2017
Ending in the Ash
Sam Aug 2017
Sifting through the ash of every cigarette

Sifting through the ash
Frantically searching

For the broken
For the lost
For the forsaken fragments of my soul

But the ash grows thicker
And my pulse grows thin
289 · Feb 2018
Smothered By Shadows
Sam Feb 2018
I suffocate tonight
In the shadows of you and I
Slowly engulfed by darkness
As I lay alone in bed

I suffocate tonight
In the absence of your love
Alone my soul decays
Burning slowly away
287 · Jun 2018
Tomorrow Becomes Dim
Sam Jun 2018
Hope, like a steel tower we cannot climb. In sorrow we confide.
Dead, like the way I feel inside. A rift torn through my soul.

Cold, like the way you chose to say goodbye.
Cold, like the day you walked into your grave.

Empty, like the way I am without you.
Warm, like all the memories we shared.
Courage found in the will to carry on.
286 · Jun 2017
Sam Jun 2017
They always say you eventually hit the bottom.

Everyday, I just seem to fall further though. With no bottom in sight.
286 · Feb 2019
Forever in a Moment
Sam Feb 2019
It was a waiting room for the dying
A home for agony and fluorescent lights
Nurses dashing from bed to bed

I sat by your side
Wishing my soul he would instead take
I sat by your side
Wishing your eyes would finally awake

Fighting off each urge to sleep
As the clock crept deeper into the early-morning hours
I watched your face slowly come alive
For once that fateful night
I knew things would be alright
285 · Jul 2018
Through the Maze
Sam Jul 2018
You are my procaine
An escape from daily pain
The most captivating page
Written was your name
Pursuant through this maze,
I search endlessly for words to say
My precious guide, if only you could see
Forever by your side
Is the only place for me
284 · Jul 2018
Trigger Pull
Sam Jul 2018
Her finger met the trigger
Squeezing it with ease
Sorrow was the bullet
Shot straight through her heart
Shattering it to pieces
The exit wound clear to see
That same bullet punctured me
Bleeding out regrets
Giving what I have to give
So she can live once more
So she can dream again
I give her every piece of me
To show her it's worth living
But in the end, I can't pretend
My breathing ever fleeting
281 · Apr 2018
Tomorrow's Just the Same
Sam Apr 2018
I gave her all my heart
All my affections she happily accepted
When push came to shove,
I was happily rejected
Since then I've been sinking
Drowning in my anguish
Stuck in disarray
My bed becomes a coffin
The ceiling stays the same
I suffer through this pain
Each and everyday
Burdened by a future
I can never change
280 · Feb 2019
Stepping Into Tomorrow
Sam Feb 2019
I don't know why we never shared a goodbye. We just kind of ended like the stars do when the sun creeps up in the horizon. For a faint moment, I watched you drift away. Realizing the extent of my inner despair. Wishing for your hand resting softly in my hair. Dreaming of the days you were locked tight in my arms. Holding on to hope that someday you might return.
          Some time has passed since we shared a moonlit kiss. My heart would always race as your illuminated lips grew closer. The empty sidewalks came alive just to giggle at our romantic ploys. You'd always be there when I awoke. Ensnaring me with the limitless look in your eyes.
          When I think of you, I fall back in time. Clear as day, I'm taking your hand as we depart from your porch into the wide-open world. The world hasn't changed so much I suppose. It just seems a tad more lonesome now, and my boots feel a lot heavier.
280 · Jun 2017
The Truth About My Heart
Sam Jun 2017
I used to have a bleeding heart, but I'm afraid it's now bled out.
It's cold and empty, far too broken to restart.
It's a cruel world we live in and I'm afraid I have nothing left...
Nothing left but agony and remorse.
They bring the tears to my lifeless eyes.
When they planned my life, they forgot the fire-escape.
So now I'm stuck here burning.
Slowly, and painfully each day.
278 · Jan 2018
Let It Disappear
Sam Jan 2018
Take my heart away
Place it in an envelope
Mail it today
No return address
It's no longer worth the pain
Suffering each day
So take my heart away
Send it to whoever
Just let me feel numb
From now until forever
278 · Dec 2017
Made to be Broken
Sam Dec 2017
I'm fairly skilled at breaking my own heart.

I'm just not as good at piecing it back together.
278 · Jul 2017
The Man of the Broken Road
Sam Jul 2017
His figure daunting
A man you need not meet
Tragically, most of us do

He goes by many names
Sorrow and depression are just a couple
And when you see him
You'll wish you hadn't

He isn't shy about introductions
But once he starts talking
Pray he doesn't stay long

A face shrouded by gray
Eyes black
His stories are twisted
They all lack a hero
They all lack hope

And now I'm wishing
Wishing I closed the **** door
But he's sitting at my table
That sick, crooked, grin
Make him stop

He loves chaos and is quick to torment
I'm stuck here
Manically anticipating
The day he'll walk away

Back down his broken road
Back to his circle of hell
The man of the broken road
276 · Aug 2018
If Fate Could Be Changed
Sam Aug 2018
I thought of you today
While busy at work
The sweet words you used to say
Circling my mind
Reminding me of the note
In which you solemnly said goodbye
A teardrop growing in my eye
I know someday we'll meet again
Until then, I'll pretend
That you're right here next to me
With the smile you used to wear
274 · Sep 2017
A Restless Rant
Sam Sep 2017
I'm tired of traffic
I'm tired of sleepless nights ... literally
I'm tired of alarm clocks
I'm tired of people littering
I'm tired of homeless people asking me for money
I'm tired of feeling like I owe them compassion
I'm tired of greedy, scumbag, politicians spewing their rhetoric
I'm tired of mouthpiece figureheads inhabiting every news outlet
I'm tired of news in general. It always seems to be ****** anyway
I'm tired of people who believe the earth is flat
I'm tired of the earth not being flat, so I can't push said people from the edge of it
I'm tired of people spreading their religions like cancer
I'm tired of every coffee shop conversation ending in a failed pyramid-scheme recruitment
I'm tired of murderers, rapists, and other delusional ***** sharing my precious oxygen
I'm tired of the fact we can't just feed them to endangered sharks
I'm tired of being expected to care
I'm tired of my failure to begin smoking cigarettes. God how I idolize them
I'm tired...
So I guess I'll get some rest
271 · Jul 2018
Fading Star
Sam Jul 2018
Your eyes were timid when I told you that I loved you
I'll admit, my heart was jaded before I met you
In a swirl of it's own misery
Darkest of clouds constantly consuming every pigment of light

How could I forget the the days you'd sit there next to me
There was a warmth in the way you'd pour soul into mine
You taught me the definition of "hope" with the way you wore that broken smile

Your eyes were timid when I told you that I loved you
My heart was open, hoping to find you
Like that song we always used to play
You were the melody that marked the end
Slowly, softly, you faded away
268 · May 2018
Victory Cannot Be Claimed
Sam May 2018
Life. A metaphor for pain. Solemnly I watch as the skyline fades away. The horizon calls my name. Tempting my departure from this forsaken place. Whispering the words I so dearly need to hear. Alas, no shelter from the rain. Suffering forever. This twisted, endless, game.
268 · Dec 2017
Sam Dec 2017
You were the catalyst that started my heart.
You were the oxygen that brought me to life.
Limbs once dormant, now guide my path.
Blood once frozen, now navigates my veins.
You took my hand and led me through a world that brought me to my knees.
When I see the future, I can rest with ease.
I know you'll always be there.
Standing next to me.
265 · Sep 2017
Inherent Brokenness
Sam Sep 2017
Staples on a heart
Long ago fallen apart
Staples on a heart
The tears begin to start

Memories are truly dark
Everything is stark
In sorrow I embark
Memories are truly dark

Sadness is a gift
Although it carves a rift
A mind cursed to drift
Sadness is a gift
tears or tears ;) You pick.
265 · Jun 2017
The End
Sam Jun 2017
I told you I'd follow you until the end, but it looks like we're already there.
So watch me disappear, deep in my despair.
262 · Sep 2017
True Feels
Sam Sep 2017
I tried to tell myself I wasn't sad today.

I've never really been good at lying though.
260 · Sep 2017
Mindful Indulgence
Sam Sep 2017
Staring in your eyes
Realizing I might go blind
Your beauty is unletting
Shining brighter than the sun
As I move in closer
Your pale skin is illuminated by the moon
I kiss you subtly
In that moment
Only one thing is true
And that single thing
Is the love I feel for you
Love Romance Kiss Subtle Indulge
259 · Jul 2017
Lightning Dance
Sam Jul 2017
We used to dance with the thunder
Our stage lit by crackling lightning
The storms would always cease
and I guess our love did too
253 · Sep 2017
Sam Sep 2017
If tiredness was next to godliness, I'm sure I'd be omnipotent.
253 · Mar 2019
Last Call
Sam Mar 2019
His brittle heart kept him from sobriety
Withered bar stools
A place he wept so quietly
Indulging in the sorrow
Stuck within his soul
Living in the heartache
His time so often spent alone

She illuminated the darkness
Skulking in his skull
He felt hope with her hand held close
Tightly now he gripped the glass
Colors faded and returned to black
He wished upon his amber ale
As the bubbles rushed to top
He wished his love could have been enough
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