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Jun 2015 · 336
Sing me to sleep
Clindballe Jun 2015
At night when everything is dim and quiet an anxiety creeps in my skin
I do not know why but I always try to recall her voice when there is
Maybe she will never leave me alone again yet I still try to remember her
We screamed together till my parents bled the words in the color of pure
They could not hear her so they only had me to blame for the explosions
They locked me up at night while she tore me down till the last brick was
Sleeping does not happen at night when she is muted and I am alone
It only happens when I feel protected with the sound of a voice from
Written: June 11. - 2015
Jun 2015 · 639
Clindballe Jun 2015
Jeg lader vægten af mit hoveds overarbejde holde dig til jorden (bare lidt endnu).
Aldrig før har jeg følt noget så tomt som hullet i mit hjertet.
Aldrig før har jeg været så bange for sten.
Jeg lover dig at den dag mit hovede lader dig svæve elegant til vejrs vil jeg give slip på min frygt men indtil da ved jeg ikke hvad jeg skal gøre.
Du må forstå at jeg ikke forstår hvor du er og jeg vil lede under hver en sten i verden hvis det kan bringe dig tilbage.
Måske jeg skulle starte med den hvor dit navn er indgraveret i.
Der hvor jeg skulle slippe din hånd og give den videre til et håb om liv efter døden.
Men jeg holder stadig fast som anker der sidder fast under sten.
Skrevet: 7. Juni - 2015

I let the weight of my heads overwork hold you to the ground (just for awhile). Never have I felt something as empty as the hole in my heart.
Never have I been so afraid of stone.
I promise you that the day my head will let you soar neatly upwards, I will let go of my fear but until then I do not know what to do.
You must understand that I cannot understand where you are and I will look for you under every stone in the world if that can bring you back.
Maybe I should start with the one that has your name engraved.
Jun 2015 · 465
Evidence of a life
Clindballe Jun 2015
My heart starts to ache when I see you
the only evidence of your existence is the pictures we kept in frames and hearts
An impact greater than you'll ever know
Because dead people know nothing at all
I want to remember the sound of your voice and beautiful veins
But all I can think of is your silence therefore I speak to my heart and create answers on my own.
Written: June 7. - 2015
May 2015 · 773
Tear soaked heart
Clindballe May 2015
I hugged my pillow so tight that I could have broken a ribcage
And when I woke up with a tear soaked pillow I knew
I knew who I had imagined
who I had lost once again as I opened my eyes and saw nothing.
Written: May 17. - 2015
May 2015 · 507
A cry out for help
Clindballe May 2015
I daydream of alcohol and pills
Constantly thinking of ways to get away from here
I do not own those surviver skills
Everyone is whispering in my ear
I can no longer hear your voice on the phone
Someone please take me home
Written: May 29. - 2015
May 2015 · 810
The past
Clindballe May 2015
I have been writing for so
long that i have gotten lost in the pages of the past
A past I am digging in
to find the answers that no one will answer
The dirt under my nails
turns to thorns itching my skin sore
blood starts puring out from my veins
the past is not for beginners
it takes practice to ignore  the pain and guilt that comes with it
I wish i never dug my nails into the ground
searching for myself
I am more lost than ever
Lost in the transition between
who i was and who i want to be
I am digging my own grave right next to a clear tombstone.
written: May 26. - 2015
May 2015 · 1.0k
Open heart surgery
Clindballe May 2015
My chest is like an open heart surgery where everyone that goes by just takes a piece like it's a ******* drive-thru with free taxes. It's not on the house when there is no home. My parents didn't raise me to give to the homeless so I guess karma is a ***** after all. I am still waiting for people to return the pieces for recycling so I can stitch myself back together. But I guess I will always have holes in my chest because you died with pieces of me.
Written: May 12 - 2015
May 2015 · 1.2k
I forget
Clindballe May 2015
I forget how to hold back the tears from burning in daylight. They only know darkness where they are as free as a bird can be when it is locked in a cage filled with hunters trying to tear off every feather one by one only to leave it tortured and afraid on the floor.

I forget how to breathe so I throw my heart out the window from 6th floor trying to make it catch its breath and fly away like a bird but it always ends up where it started. I sometimes forget that I am not free.
Written: February 24. - 2015
May 2015 · 516
Clindballe May 2015
En flæbende mekanisme der hiver efter vejret imellem gråden.
Venter på at luften løfter dit bryst
Venter på at blodet gør dine kinder røde.
Drænet for tårer men græder videre i håb om at mine tåre virker som i Disneyfilm og du vågner igen.
Skrevet: 17. Marts - 2015
Apr 2015 · 816
Wake up my dear
Clindballe Apr 2015
Your mind has turned grey and fifteen years back from the reality everyone else is living in. Your mind has not passed the next milestone. Still stock at number 7. Never long enough arms to reach number 8. You lay in your bed of sorrow and despair. Afraid of being left behind with your own thoughts of childhood and imaginary friends. Only your friends have turned to black shadows of what you could have been and never will be.
Written: April 29. - 2015
Apr 2015 · 484
Navnløse køer
Clindballe Apr 2015
kaotiske køer på glat is i tågens slørende billede på landet ved siden af den røde traktor som han kørte i til den dag hvor motoren gik i stå ved de fældede træer som nu er en bænk til minde om den dag hans hjerte gav op og her vil mit hjerte opgive kærligheden til nykøbte navnløse køer på din jord som nu kun har syv røde roser og en gravsten med dit navn på
Skrevet: 19. April - 2015
Apr 2015 · 559
Dødens kvælertag
Clindballe Apr 2015
Jeg kunne sige så meget men siger intet
Jeg sidder blot i stilhed og lader tårerne hviske ordene i et sprog som alle forstår
Jeg fylder mit værelse med planter så dødens tunge gassky fortæres
Men i mine lunger spreder den kvælende fornemmelse sig til mit hjerte
hvor den ligger omklamrende i blodbanens lune rander
Skrevet: 2. april - 2015
Mar 2015 · 1.9k
Falling star
Clindballe Mar 2015
Holding back my tears from falling down
like a sunken ship in an ocean of tragedies.
Going somewhere that no one knows
like a falling star in the night-sky.
Never to see
always to be my falling
Written: March 16. - 2015
In memory of my beloved grandfather
Mar 2015 · 762
fars vuggeviser
Clindballe Mar 2015
du er lænket til din sengs ynkelige undertrykkelse
fars vuggeviser skygger for din livsglædes melodi
for dæmonerne i dine drømme er kendte skikkelser
djævelens afkom ser du i dit spejlbilledes selvportræt
knuste glas afslører kærlighedens farve på din hud
pillerne formår at trøste din angst bedre end jeg gør
jeg kan ikke forklare dig mit livs kaotiske tragedier
for først må du forstå din egen sørgmodige kamp
så jeg skriver det i digte som du aldrig vil læse højt
Skrevet: 3. marts - 2015
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
Be free
Clindballe Mar 2015
Don't be falling angels
But flying human beings
Let's collide in the sky
And never die
Just let us be
Written: March 2. - 2015
Mar 2015 · 520
ubåde og pudefyld
Clindballe Mar 2015
at hjælpe folk der er ligner
ubåde men blot er synkende
både er som at blæse med
mel i munden uden at tænke
over vindretningen udenfor

det er som at se de mange
rester af hullede mennesker
som aldrig bliver hele men
alligevel køber pudefyld
til at fylde hullerne i sindet
Skrevet: 1. Marts - 2015
Feb 2015 · 452
Clindballe Feb 2015
Save our souls from the panic attacks that build up in our minds when we get asked
What is your name
And we are afraid to say anything in fear of saying our own names wrong like we do not know ourselves. When in fact we have criticized every inch of our restless bodies and analyzed every corner of our reckless minds only to try and find out why people do not like us. So when you ask me what my name is I will not answer unless you are going to remember it like it was your own so at least one of us will know who I am.
Written: February 24. - 2015
Feb 2015 · 1.6k
Where do broken hearts go?
Clindballe Feb 2015
where do broken hearts go
to catch their breath
to rest their pulse
to heal their ache
when no one can help
and the damage is done
where do broken hearts go
Written: February 22. - 2015
Feb 2015 · 7.1k
Clindballe Feb 2015
Someday the moon will not shine at night and the sun won't rise

Someday my soul will leave this body and the remains will be dust

Someday I might rise with the sun and maybe I won't
Written: February 22. - 2015
Feb 2015 · 586
Clindballe Feb 2015
mit hjerte vil altid tilhøre dine ravne klør
du så igennem min skal og fandt perlen
under vandet hvor jeg gemmer mig forladt
i et hav af glemte sager og hav-gudinder
hørte du mine lydløse skrig efter hjælp

mit hjerte vil altid tilhøre et tomrum
ingen ser igennem min skal perlen
faldt til bunds og gemmer sig under
sandet omfavner de ubrugelige rester af
hvad der engang var dit er nu mit

*dine fjer ligger trygt i min skal
Skrevet: 19. februar - 2015
Feb 2015 · 460
Du sagde
Clindballe Feb 2015
vi ville være for evigt
men intet er for evigt
derfor er vi nu intet
for evigt
Skrevet: 8. Februar - 2015
Feb 2015 · 716
No oblivion
Clindballe Feb 2015
Let me scream your name and let it echo into space where it will continue forever and fill the black holes with
your light

Let me lay inside your heart as it pumps my existence into your veins where it will stay to infinity like there is no end to love
no oblivion
Written: February 3. - 2015
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
deep blue eyes
Clindballe Feb 2015
your metal armor has rusted
fallen apart
like it had never existed
your deep blue eyes
are dried out in the distant
like they never have drowned
your palms are closed
like they have never been open
your words have vanished
like they were never spoken
Written: February 1. - 2015
Jan 2015 · 565
åben dine øjne
Clindballe Jan 2015
kig i spejlet når min mor står der
du vil se mig i hendes reflektion
men ikke genkende det ukendte
far du elsker hende jo til døden
men elsker du overhovedet mig
eller har du konstant lukket øjne
Skrevet: 26. januar - 2015

Open your eyes
look in the mirror when my mother stands before it
you will see me in her reflection
but will not recognize the unknown
father you love her till death
but do you love me at all
or do you always have closet eyes
Clindballe Jan 2015
dine summende ord flyver rundt om hovedet på mig
blander sig med støjen fra min overophedet computer
en unødvendig larm i rummet
jeg fanger dig som myggen på væggen
jeg masser dig som myggen i min hånd
du er en blodsugende myg på jagt
efter opmærksomhed
men det er også det eneste du får
for ingen har kærlighed til myg som dig
de finder dig
de slår dig ihjel
som myggen i min hånd
Skrevet: 25. Januar - 2015
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
blot en billig kopi
Clindballe Jan 2015
jeg ser min reflektion i dig
så jeg gemmer dig i min hud
tegner skitser på papir til mine
tårer løber om kap med regnen
intet er godt nok lige meget hvad
jeg ser dig
du er overalt som duerne på gaden
dine baskende vinger skræmmer mig
for du kommer ingen vegne uden dig selv
men du bliver aldrig dig selv blot en billig kopi.
Skrevet: 19. Januar - 2015
Jan 2015 · 2.2k
Ice sculpture
Clindballe Jan 2015
If my hands were ice
your fingerprints
would have been
carved into them
like an ice sculpture.

Your fingerprints
are like paintings
in my gallery of
missing people.
Only missing you.

If my hands were ice
you would be the artist
and I would have melted
Written: January 14. - 2015
Jan 2015 · 592
Bag verden
Clindballe Jan 2015
Jeg prøvede
at slås med ild
men brændte blot
mig selv

Jeg kan stadig mærke
den skoldhede

Som var det igår
jeg testede
mine forældres

Som var det i dag
jeg fik trangen
til at gøre det forbi

Med livet
foran mig
og døden bag mig
løb jeg min vej

Med grønne træer
og skumle øjne
bag glade mennesker

Der stod jeg
alene i verden
med livet kørt afsted

Her står jeg
med brandsår
Og døde øjne
bag verden.
Skrevet: 6. Januar - 2015

Behind the world

I tried to fight with fire but ended up burning myself
I can still feel the scald metal-surface
As if it was yesterday I tested my parents patience
As if it was today I got the urge to end it all
With my life in front of me and death behind me I ran away
With green trees and sinister eyes behind happy people
There I stood alone in the world and life had driven by
Here I stand with burns and dead eyes behind the world
Jan 2015 · 700
Clindballe Jan 2015
Jeg er den natteravn som du holder vågen om natten.

Jeg er den stille regn som kun høres hvis du tordner.

Jeg er din søvnløse datter som er bange for torden.
Skrevet: 4. Januar - 2015
Jan 2015 · 850
Clindballe Jan 2015
You fill out the empty spaces in my mind and heart with your tone-deaf

If your laughter was a place to live it would be a farm with cows, pigs and

It could **** a thousand birds but I would rather live on your farm and see a million dead birds than laugh
Written: January 4. - 2015

Dedicated to my bæbæ
Dec 2014 · 2.0k
Sukkerkolde hjerte
Clindballe Dec 2014
Da der intet var tilbage tog du
mit sukkerkolde hjerte.

Du tog det som man tager slik fra
et lille barn.

Men jeg er ikke nogen sukkerknald
blot salt i forklædning.
Skrevet: 27. December - 2014
Dec 2014 · 618
A man of no words
Clindballe Dec 2014
your silence is suffocating me.
Your silence is stronger than words.
Much stronger than any word
that will ever come out of your mouth.
Because you talk to the dog more than me and you never talk to the dog.
Shut up.
Written: December 7. - 2014
Dec 2014 · 723
Uden dig
Clindballe Dec 2014
Jeg har tusinde søvnløse nætter
med dig
i mine tanker

Jeg har tusinde vildfarende tanker
med dig
i dem alle

Jeg har tusinde forsømte dage
med dig
i ingen af dem
Skrevet: 1. December - 2014
Clindballe Nov 2014
my heart most be living under water
because I feel like I am
Written: November 29. - 2014
Nov 2014 · 3.2k
Clindballe Nov 2014
Monotone stemmer og opgave ark
i tusinde eksemplarer hjemsøger
mine drømme om ingenting.
Det hele smelter sammen
som metaller i ild
og det er der jeg ser dig.
Du hiver metalmassen ud af ilden
og kaster den ned på gulvet
hvor det ligger
som en stor rødglødende pøl
midt i det hele.
Du tænker ikke over
at jeg svøber metaller
i en skabelon
af mit hjerte.
Written: November 6. - 2014
lidt dansk igen.
Nov 2014 · 1.4k
A lack of you
Clindballe Nov 2014
A lack of concentration is all i need
or all i have
it doesn't really matter
because either way i can't focus
I need to
do my homework
clean my room
walk the dog
take a shower
and tons of other stuff
and I can't help but
think of everything
that doesn't matter like
you were all I needed
or all I had
it doesn't really matter
because either way I can't have you
Written: November 2. - 2014
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
Ashes and empty bottles
Clindballe Oct 2014
The happiness left like the smoke from her lungs and vanished in the air. The only thing she could feel was her insides burning, as if she has never burned before. But her heart had been on fire more times than she could count. Even with fire-alarms ringing she did not stop, and at night when her eyes were drowning, she would empty more bottles than she could count. She would drink until liquor started pouring from her eyes. She left a trail of ashes and empty bottles, leading to her newfound happiness, only to never be found.

*When it was too late she wanted to be a mathematician.
Written: October 26. - 2014
Oct 2014 · 5.0k
Lay, look, laugh and live
Clindballe Oct 2014
Laying on a cold road
in the middle of the night
holding a strangers hand.

Looking up in the blue sky
even though no stars appear
we keep on looking up.

Laughing over nothing
and nothing else than
us doing nothing at 1am

Living like there is a tommorrow
to lay, look, laugh and live
a day more to share with him.
Written: October 3. - 2014
Oct 2014 · 1.2k
Her voice is a demon
Clindballe Oct 2014
Her voice is a demon
I search for it in hell.

I fight the wrong demons
As she destroys my mind.

I take control of it
Before she controls me.

Her voice is in my deepest memories.
I try to forget her only to remember.

Her voice is a demon
I still search for it in hell.
Written: October 2. - 2014
Oct 2014 · 5.2k
Graveyard of memories
Clindballe Oct 2014
In a graveyard of memories I find myself digging.
Searching for something.
For us.
Seeing your skeleton holding mine hurts.
A teardrop lands on our skeletons and they collapse.
That is why I burried us.
I got tired of cleaning up the mess.
*let us stay 6 feet under the ground
Written: October 1. - 2014
Sep 2014 · 2.0k
Running away
Clindballe Sep 2014
away from
my problems
is like
stopping a fire
with gasoline
Written: September 28. - 2014
Sep 2014 · 1.6k
Looking away
Clindballe Sep 2014
It was showing on his blushing skin and shaking hands.
His insecurity was running through his veins.
His eyes started wandering when I caught him looking.

It was showing on my blushing skin and shaking hands.
My insecurity was running through my veins.
My eyes started wandering when he caught me looking.

It was showing on our blushing skin and shaking hands.
Our insecurities was running through our veins.
Our eyes started wandering we caught each other looking.
Written: September 27. -2014
Sep 2014 · 1.4k
He is the only one I notice
Clindballe Sep 2014
The way he looked back at me
pretending he was paying attention to his friends
when we both knew he was not.
His blue eyes staring back at me
while I was trying to ignore the fact that
my heart started to beat out my chest.
It was like my hole body got filled with butterflies.
Everyone else seemed to disapear
until he looked away and I remembered
I am not the only he notice.
Written: September 26. - 2014
Sep 2014 · 993
The sun and the moon
Clindballe Sep 2014
The sun rises as the moon goes down.
Never do they meet.
They always run away
from one another.
Until that perfect moment
where they eclipse
and become as one.
Though it is only temporary
they keep chasing
till they get their infinity
where two become one.

*I hope we'll meet like an eclipse
Written: September 24. - 2014
Sep 2014 · 1.6k
His voice
Clindballe Sep 2014
It was not what he had said
that hurt the most
but that he had said it.
He broke my heart
with his voice.
But that is alright
because words will heal my heart
like his voice never existed.
*I will forget his voice
but not his words.
Written: September 18. - 2014
Sep 2014 · 1.5k
We love you
Clindballe Sep 2014
We love you* they said
I believed them as any other child would.
they had to love me.
so I left them with no other choice
than to hate me.
to leave them with eyes
drowning in an ocean of misunderstandings
trying to make sense of things.
make sense of me.
with hard times comes a hard hand.
or so it was for me.
not for them.
they did not know me.
they do not know me.
so I get a hard hand.
followed by a we love you.
Leaving my eyes
drowning in an ocean of misunderstandings.
*I love you too
Written: September 17. -2014
Sep 2014 · 5.2k
Pickle in a jar
Clindballe Sep 2014
I feel like a pickle in jar.
Drowning in salty tears.
Waiting on a shelf for
someone to want me.
To drag me out of this
lonely jar and take a bite
of my tear soaked body.
I am waiting for someone
to tell the difference between
a cucumber and a pickle.
Written: September 16. - 2014
Sep 2014 · 694
Room; for everything
Clindballe Sep 2014
Pictures; For remembering the good times.
Alcohol; For forgetting the past.
Boxes; For keeping old memorizes.
Shoes; For walking away.
Books; For getting lost.
Speakers; For expressing feelings.
Mirror; For finding flaws.
Clothing; For covering up.
Lamps; For looking for monsters.
Junk; For never letting go.
Bed; For giving up.
Flag; For fighting for my dreams.
Written: September 14. - 2014
Sep 2014 · 927
Self-destructive kid
Clindballe Sep 2014
Grew up shaking hands with the iron.

Making a thousand diamonds shine on the floor.

Screaming over the voices inside.

Bruises and marks behind locked doors.

A game of play and pretend had begun.

Teddybears and sharp knives do not match.
Written: September 8. - 2014
Clindballe Sep 2014
I told her about
me reading
She laughed.
Thought I was
Looked at
me as if she
did not know
Like I had
always been
Immune to
I was a
sister who
had become
a stranger
in a moment
of seconds.
The fake smile
had worked.
That is why
I will never
tell her about
my heartaches
and depressing
Written: September 9. - 2014
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