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Amy Duckworth Apr 2019
It's ok to not be ok.
Yes, it's hard to follow your heart but...
Tears don't mean you are losing.
All you have to do is be true to who you are.
I just feel really sad right now and I wanted to make someone else happy. Have a nice day or night!
Amy Duckworth Dec 2018
Judge if you want,
we are all
going to

I intend
To deserve it.
This is supposed to be kind of dark but also this is a train of thought I have had and most likely will continue to have for a long time.
Amy Duckworth Sep 2018
I can laugh
Because I have
Known sadness
Oh, my goodness I didn't know it would be this popular. I look at my phone and see 34 new emails. Thanks for reading the poem!
Amy Duckworth May 2018
It's hard to let go of someone
When you loved them it hurts to let them go off on their own
I can't let it go so I fake it
They think I am ok
I am not ok
I didn't let go because I can't
I care too much to do so
I can't let go
I pains me too
But I guess I will now
I see you with them
I will let go
For your sake
Amy Duckworth Sep 2018
Lies are used to Build Walls
Lies are used to Barcade our true selves in.
Lies are used to Hide what we think is wrong
Lies are used to Build a fase world that encases us and destroys our humanity.
Amy Duckworth Apr 2018
Life can be painful
We all know
Keep moving someone needs you
Keep your eyes set forwards don't make the mistake of looking back
Only turn back to help someone you care for
I turned back to help pick someone up
That helped me and them both
Keep your eyes set on being happy and helping
Not hurting and being angry
Life can be worth living if you stop for a minute and think about those who care and love you
They will help along the way
Amy Duckworth Dec 2018
Life is short,
so make sure you
make use of it.
Amy Duckworth Aug 2018
It's a race.
We are all running in it.
But no one wins.
Unless they cheat.
Some people get lost on the way.
I am running.
Close to first.
But all I see is them laughing at me.
So I am crying out at them.
They won't stop.
They cheated.
So I am running still.
But it hurts.
I am trying so hard.
So I am running.
In the game of life.
Amy Duckworth Sep 2019
Life is like a pencil that will surely run out...
but will leave the beautiful writing of life
Amy Duckworth Dec 2018
One day life will flash before your eyes,
make sure its a good one to watch.
Amy Duckworth Apr 2019
I look up every night and see the stars.
They give me hopes and dreams.
I want to be an astronaut.
Like every little kid.
Everyone thinks I am joking.
They find it funny.
They don't support me.
But those stars give me hope,
hope that one day I can fly off into space to see them closer.
I looked up and found my dream.
Amy Duckworth Sep 2018
I Lost Myself trying to please everyone else

Now I am losing everyone

While I'm finding myself
I'm alone in this paper world
Amy Duckworth Jul 2018
I want them
I need them
They hold my heart in her hands
I love them because they fixe my heart when it gets hurt
Even the smallest nick in my walls I have up they fix it
They picked up the million pieces of my heart that scattered when I broke
They put them back together
I want to thank them for that
So thank you my Lovley
I love them with all my being
They brought life to me when I had nothing
They saved me from suicide
From emptiness
From hate
Thank you
My Lovley
Amy Duckworth Sep 2018
We're so obsessed with
finding someone to love us
Because we need to feel like we matter to someone
When we can't
matter to ourselves
Amy Duckworth Dec 2018
I try to make people feel loved and cared about,
because I know what it is like to not be loved or cared about.
Amy Duckworth Oct 2018
People tell me to "Move On"
How can I when I hurt
Then I get told "Forget"
How can I if it hurts me
I lost my greatest love
When I was young I lost my cat, dog, and fish
They told me to move on and forget
I won't forget you
I loved you all
Don't forget anything you care for
Remember but move on from the hurt
Let it build you up
Move on
but don't forget
Amy Duckworth Sep 2018
Thank you.
I want to dedicate this to you.
I will dedicate everything I have and am to you.
I... Love you.
There I said it.
That one word that scared me and that word also had scarred me.
So many people said they loved me but I hurt them because of the word "No"
Love scared me and it scarred me because it hurt me and others I was close with.
I don't want to hurt you.
But I cant hold it in any longer.
Sorry if I hurt you saying "No"
I love you.
You helped me get over my fear of love.
Thank you.
You have dedicated your life to helping anyone but yourself.
That's why I take all the pain you would receive instead.
I balance everything out for every good action there is a opposite reaction.
I balance it out so you don't get hurt at all.
I love you.
I would die for you.
Sorry I that part hurts you in some way.
I take a lot of the pain you would feel for helping.
Don't worry.
My Fox
This is to someone I care about and I hope she reads it. She really has helped me get over my fear of love.
Amy Duckworth May 2018
My life is messy
Everything I touch falls apart
I pull away because I am afraid I will care
I don't want my love to hurt someone
Everything I do messed something up
Why can't I do something right?
I am never that lucky
I am maybe just a little more smart than most people my age
That's the only good thing about me
Everything falls apart around me
I fall apart
Why can't the clouds go away?
Amy Duckworth Sep 2018
Your writing my story My Fox.
Your writing it for me and all I can do it read it and find that...
You make my life perfect.
I am sorry that I didn't see how much you cared.
I want to say yes to everything you say.
Follow you around like a lost puppy.
Thank you for writing my story.
But I think I can take it from here now.
I never realized what you did for me.
Now I do thank you.
I am sorry if I caused you trouble.
My Fox.
Amy Duckworth Nov 2018
Life never treated me far,
I ask too many questions.
Know too much.
Loved too little.
Amy Duckworth Aug 2018
I feel it so often
Maybe too often
I have broken things
I have barley anyone left holding me down
Because if I stand up I will snap
I hate who I am
Because all I feel is anger
Why do I feel these emotons all the time
Why am I unstable...
I guess...
No one will ever know
Not even me
Because I am unstable
And filled with anger
I truly want to let out my happiness that I keep locked up like a percious stone at a museum never used
I guess I will stay this way
Because life is supposed to look up
Life never looks up
For me that is
Am I just unlucky?
Or hated that much
I am like glass
Left untouched I am clear and perfect
But thouched I am smudged and disgusting
I hate myself
This world
I should
not live in it anymore
But I deserve the pain this world puts me through
I will live only for the pain
For the pain
the first and second ... are two people but the last ... is other there subconscious talking to them their "devil"
Amy Duckworth Apr 2019
I looked out a window once and saw a good friend and waved.
They didn't wave back.
I kept waving.
They still didn't respond.
I got sad and disheartened.
But little did I know.
That was a one-sided window.
I just feel really bad and not accepted because of my sexuality and many people at my school are homophobic... Anyways have a nice day or night!
Amy Duckworth Jun 2018
I keep it all inside because I'd rather the pain destroy me, then everyone else
Amy Duckworth Sep 2018
Don't worry about people from our past

There's always a reason

Why they didn't make it to your future
Amy Duckworth Oct 2018
I am a protector,
I protect those I hold dear.
But... I sacrifice myself for others,
I have no time for myself.
I lose who I am,
But I protect those I love.
They say that I am too
And protective.
I am like a treasure map but without the X
I am useless without who I really am,
But I am useless without the people I care for.
So I gave myself up for them.
Amy Duckworth Jun 2018
Life is like a puzzle.
Some peices you lose.
Some it takes you forever to fit them in.
Then there are the ones that fit in easily.
I am one of the lost peices.
Amy Duckworth May 2018
We would like it to be easy
We sometimes need it to be easy
It isn't easy
Accept it
Things can only get better once you hit the bottom
Try to accept it
We want it to be easy
We need it to be easy
I am done trying to stop it and slow thing down
Reality is like a raging river
Fast and chaotic
But comes to a peaceful end somewhere
Just wait but take the leap when needed
Good luck
Amy Duckworth Dec 2018
I realize I am
People give me the titles
"Evil ******"
"Insane *****"
"Violent Girl."
People have started to drift away from me...
They have done this because,
I am crazy
I am depressed
I am violent
I am not your average girl,
people tell me,
"You have to shave your legs."
"You have to act like a girl."
"You have to be weak."
I hate my life because of these people
My friends that I have left say...
That I am,
and funny.
They call me,
"A Helper"
"A Good kid."
"A Sweet child."
Some of these people have only known me for a year,
some for more than a year.
They have done this because,
I am smart,
I am helpful,
I am kind.
They tell me,
"Keep trying."
"Stop cutting."
"Laugh more"
These people shape me and I realize my pros and cons,
I have had a realization.
This is true there are some more things but I don't want to tell them since they are very personal.
Amy Duckworth Apr 2018
You cry to feel better
But it only lasts a little bit
You hide your scratches with long sleeves
You hide your dark circles with makeup
You hide and let no one it because you are to sad
This breaks people
It broke me
Let someone know the truth
It gets better some say
For me it stays the same but we are all different
I hope things get better for you
Amy Duckworth Dec 2018
The definition is:
A condition or quality of being sad.
It's more than that,
It is...
well--- how do I put this?
It's a way we express our displeasure with something sadly.
Sadness is an emotion, an expression, a state of mind.
Sadness its weakness...
but also,
Sadness is a state where we feel sad and express how sad we feel.
Some of us express sadness by, crying, hiding, and being quiet.
But sadly some of us cut, burn, mutilate, and starve ourselves.
Sadness is good and bad.
Sadness is something I give off as I write this poem.
Realizing what I have done and what I will do.
I strive though to change.
Sadness is something,
Good and bad,
Sadness is something that is seen as,
Strong and weak,
Sadness is seen,
as a state of mind and thought
What I meant by me being sad when writing this was because I recently started cutting again, and I was fixing up my arm, and poems seem to help me not cut so thank you for reading this and listening to me ramble on.
Amy Duckworth Apr 2018
I fell into a pit of sadness
I tried to keep up and pick everyone up
I did so but hurt myself
Being sad and heart broken
is like you have broken ribs
It hurts to breath
But you need to even though you don't want to
I tried
Now I am in a pit
I can't get out or escape
It was a trap
And I fell for it
Amy Duckworth Sep 2018
Sad people
Always try and make
other people happy
it is
to feel
Amy Duckworth Apr 2018
It helps you know what physically is coming
Some don't have this gift
Use it wisely
I am losing mine
Please us it knowing some don't have this gift
Please be happy you have it
Amy Duckworth Jan 2019
Silence isn't empty,
It is full of answers
Amy Duckworth Aug 2018
I have always felt
Sleep is one step away from death.
So if that is so...
We come so close to death every night.
Is that why I love sleep so much?
But sleep helps bring us life for the next day.
It brings dreams.
And lets us think.
So is sleep bad or good?
We may never know
These are my thoughts so you may have other ways of thinking what sleep is
Amy Duckworth Jan 2019
Be more like the snow,
cold and silent.
Amy Duckworth Sep 2018
The easiest solutions to our pain
Are the most frightening ones
Amy Duckworth Apr 2019
Do you feel alone?
If you do
know that someone cares for you,
if that someone isn't there know that they want you to be happy when they can't be there.
You're not alone,
you may feel alone but you're not.
Just know someone, or something is watching your back.
And that someone does care.
If someone really doesn't care shut up.
Someone does.
I want to cheer someone up because I am feeling down... Have a nice day, or night!
Amy Duckworth Oct 2018
A song has meaning.
It is a world of sound.
We drift away when it is heard.
A song has a use.
It is used to calm minds.
A song.
Amy Duckworth Sep 2018
Thats all I can say to you.
But thank you for trying.
You are writing my story and it makes things hard for you, because all I do is spell check it and sometimes I am wrong.
Take care
For me
Amy Duckworth Jan 2019
Someone once stabbed me in the back.
They asked me why I was bleeding.
Amy Duckworth May 2018
Stand up
Be brave
Fight back
Amy Duckworth Sep 2018
The most precious and valuable smiles
are from
Those who suffer the most
Amy Duckworth Oct 2018
The person always willing to fight.
Is right next to you.
That one who has been with you for forever.
Amy Duckworth Oct 2018
The other day a ******* the bus was talking to someone
She said, "If you can't see, hear or whatever, or don't have a limb, you should **** yourself." The other girl agreed with her and everyone on the bus started talking too.
Me, my brother, and one girl didn't agree with her.
Out of maybe 30 kids, only 3 of us didn't get involved.
The girl turned to me and said, "Like her, she should **** herself."
My brother didn't hear this...
"If that makes you happy, then I will. Because people like you make this world a living hell, so I would **** myself if that makes this world just a little better."
She laughed, and some other kids laughed.
The truth is that was the day that I lost my best friend to my anger.
I did try to **** myself that night and the night after that.
You shouldn't **** yourself if you are blind or deaf, or don't have an arm or leg.
This world likes to pick on people who seem weak.
We are only weak if we give up that's why we have friends,
To hold us up.
Please don't be like the girl the other day.
Lift those people up,
The people that are not "Perfect"
Don't be like that girl the other day.
This really happened... I really did say that and the girl was suspended from school
Amy Duckworth Sep 2019
The truth is to find something you can care about and live for that!
Amy Duckworth Sep 2018
Seconds pass
Minutes pass
Hours pass
Days pass
Weeks pass
Months pass
Years pass
Things haven't changed at all
Time still passes on
Not stopping
So don't stop your own clock
Or anyone else's for that matter
Amy Duckworth May 2018
It all ends
In time
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